Author Topic: Lot wont rotate with rotate lot function  (Read 10617 times)

Offline AudreyKitty

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Lot wont rotate with rotate lot function
« on: May 19, 2018, 09:37:44 PM »
A lot I downloaded won't rotate when I click on the rotate lot function. I click on the lot, and it selects the lot as normal, showing it in a house plan look - like just a drawing of the lot, and I click the arrow to rotate it in the direction I want, and click the check mark to confirm, and the drawing moves in that direction, and I hear the noise that usually goes when I rotate lots in other games, but for this particular lot, it doesn't rotate it even though it seems like the game thinks it rotated it. I have tried repairing the game, but that didn't work. I think it must be an issue with this particular lot but I can't figure out what the problem is exactly. When I try rotating just the "house", it won't do it, and a pop up in red says that the roof line can't be out of bounds of the lot. But When I delete all roofs to see if it will rotate the lot like that, it still says the same thing. Anyone else have any issue similar to this and knows how to fix it?

Offline AudreyKitty

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Re: Lot wont rotate with rotate lot function
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2018, 09:41:05 PM »
Ugh, I feel so stupid, tried deleting all roofs again and realized I missed one that was under another roof, when they were deleted, the lot would rotate. I still do not know why it works now, and wouldn't work before, since the roofs did not seem to be doing anything crazy. Weird.

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