Author Topic: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge [graveyard please]  (Read 20349 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2018, 05:09:21 PM »
It's great seeing how much fun you're having with Seasons!
So many lovely winter shots! And the twin blueboos are, of course, simply adorable.
Ahhhh, Yalsa and Olivia together at last!
I'm looking forward to watching Olisa and Yavia (haha, you combined their parents' names!) grow up.
And can't wait to meet the new nooboos, hopefully blue as well!

Happy birthday to you, too, Sayann!

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #46 on: October 09, 2018, 09:31:17 AM »
Hooray for Olivia and Yalsa blueboos!  With another one on the way!  I love how you have been combining the parents names to come up with all of the kid's names. 

Sayann and Elyanny are being good aunts, too.  Such a cute family.   :)

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Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #47 on: October 14, 2018, 03:09:11 PM »
Thank you, I thought it'll be fun to combine the names. It was more or less successfull depending on generations and the number of children, so I probably won't repeat that next time. For first gen, I considered Penny as the second parent, even if she wasn't biologically related. And I really liked how well it worked for Yavia and Olisa.

So, quick family portrait, I should really put a light in the basement where it's put.

As lack of privacy even to the bathroom became her new norm, Olivia reconsidered the decision of having more little ones. Not that it could change.

Thankfully, when she needed to crash down, the twins would calmly play.

In the neighborough, it was possible to catch the founder trying to make sense of those curious white people. She wasn't convinced by her son's explanations that they were sim-made, and not another alien kind setting their sight on the poor Simworld

Meantimes, Yalsa tried to spend some time with his daughters. He multitasked, feeding their bodies and their minds at the same time.

And when it was the little girls time to pass out, the adults tried to spend time together and work on their skills. Olivia might have appreciated more the serenading if she hadn't been coming down with a headache.

But soon enough, it was again time to take care of the girls, washing the more rambuctious one :

And soon enough, little blue Yao joined the house. No, Yalsa didn't panicked at all. And he wasn't relieved to only have one baby this time. 

After all, it wasn't like twins were a lot of work, as long there were enough people to keep them buzy. They were top-notch toddlers, and could enjoy random things.

Olivia was forgetting all her doubts when she held her son. Yes, it would be a few tiring years, but she'll make it through, and they were worth the work.

Aunt Elyanny was slightly less implicated in the toddlers lives than Sayann. After all, not everyone loved or wanted children, and it was okay. She helped in the house in other ways. She was at the top of her career, and as a serial romantic, she enjoyed meeting the people who were around on her rare free days.

As for Aunt Sayann, she accepted to joind a party with her uncle Ponas, even if he had only eyes for his husband

She didn't expected it, but she met a man who didn't overlooked her because she was the non famous sister of a great musician and an even greater athlete. He even cared to look at the pictures of her nieces. She didn't teased him about his name, but he told her it was the reason he had developped such a great sense of humor.

Joachim was a comedian, and the funniest man she had ever met. She understood better her brother's love for a person who made him laugh, and laughed with her.

Back at the house, being the parent of three little ones and giving concerts late at night could sometimes be exhausting and challenging even for the strongest people. It explained the crazy things some parents may sometimes do, such as trying to mop snow. at least in the middle of the night, no one saw him.

One day, Yavia spotted someone he believed was from the same country than his grand mother. Had the authorities already decided his family had failed their task to provide sufficient data on blending among sims? Was another planet sending their own contigent? Thankfully, further research proved it was only a sim who had forgotten to wear weather appropriate clothing.

It convinced him to be even more carefull with his family, not that anyone was crazy enough to go out without proper attire, even if they were sometimes feeling the need to make snowpals at discutable time.

Olisa loved playing in the vast snow field that was their garden.

And we'll finish this update with the more famous family member coming back from work, one more fit than the other.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #48 on: October 15, 2018, 03:07:32 PM »
Congratulations on your top-notch toddlers!  The girls look so cute in their winter coats.  It's nice to see the whole family getting out and having fun.  I can see why Yalsa would be concerned about making sure his family wears appropriate clothing, though.  Since their skin is already blue, it would be hard to tell if they were getting too cold.

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #49 on: October 27, 2018, 03:49:47 PM »
For the sweetest and most horrific moment, the house was filled with toddlers. Olisa (in purple) was a clingy toddler, and so she would hug the breath out of her sister Yavia, who favored orange, or explain to her little brother Yao how great it was to eat with fingers. And yes, with his red eyes, blue skin and blue hair, Yao would be the one to carry the alien experimentation forward.

Still, it was too much to handle for Elyanny, and she gave up her search of the perfect soulemate. It had to come to an end, and she picked up the reccurent vampire Gengi Ayashi for her victim. After the initial surprise, he was enthousiasted by her boldness.

He was even more surprised a star like her would want to marry him, the goofy walking vampire. But he accepted as the sun was slowly setting.

Pushing her advantage, Elyanny instaured the ceremony right here and now, not even changing out of her outfit or grabbing anything from the house she would never set a feet in ever again. Children really weren't for her, and she even missed her nieces' birthday, merely sending gifts through the mail.

And so the household was reduced to six sims : Yalsa, second generation born on simland, his sister Sayann, his wife Olivia, and their children : the twins Olisa and Yavia, and toddler Yao.

The girls went out to enjoy the first snow of the year. Well, of their new stage life, but now they were children, everything seemed new to them

Little Yao was a bit upset that it had been so cold outside. The fluffy white thing shouldn't have been cold.

A bedtime story, and Yao was sleeping soundly, when his sisters were working on their mental skills with some help from Aunt Sayann. And yes girls, it's very usefull to learn logic, she was using it all the time in her work at the space-center, and it was helping her on her road of being an astronaut.

Isn't Yao the most angelic thing?

After helping Yavia with her aspiration, Olisa went out, and tried to recreate a famous moment. The one where one flashy girl would manage a whole pirate crew by herself, fighting sea monsters and blizzards. It might have been funnier if she had picked a time the rest of her crew was not sleeping for school the next day.

Olivia's days as captain of a pirateship might be gone, but she could still play tales of epic battle against sea monsters for the sake of her littlest one.

And Yavia would try to interest Yao to music whenever he had the chance :

Meanwhile, an officer recommanded to Sayann to learn more skills to boost her chances to get promoted, so she went in a nearby town, and got lost. It wasn't like she could see any stars to find her way, so she used the old way to ask someone. With a few jokes, he still directed her the right way.

Sayann was a bit sad to part ways, but was happy that the only witness of her lack of skill was the vampire who offered the class, and some random sim who was never seen ever or after. Was it even possible that a sim with maxed fitness could be so clumsy?

Goofy Olisa shared her mother's sense of humor, but they could have serious talk. Like was it a good or a gross idea to put frogs in the scout leader tent at meeting?

Before Olivia could find an answer, the door rang

It was great-grandma Iasonas! She didn't entered, obviously, but squeezed out of the little girl all the details she could about the integration progress the family had made in every domain.

It was a bit heavy, so Olisa ran to the park and let some steam off by playing on the bars and getting close to finish her first aspiration

Meanwhile Yavia was fishing to max her mental skill. She was more creative, but wanted to succeed in her schoolwork and needed to learn differents skills for her scoot badges

Then, the sim-year ended, and everyone came to see the tv countdown

And yes, maybe there was a lot to expect for the coming year.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #50 on: October 27, 2018, 06:53:26 PM »
Your enjoyment of the Seasons pack really shines through your story!
Congrats to Elyanny on getting married and moving out!

How great that you have found the perfect heir already! Yao is a beautiful little boy!
Happy New Year to the Piratelf household! ;D

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2018, 11:58:40 AM »
Three toddlers at once is a lot of cuteness and chaos.  Yalsa and Olivia are great parents, but I can see why it would be too much for Elyanny.  Congrats to her for maxing her career and moving out.

In the last two pictures of this update, it looks to me like Olivia might be pregnant again.   ;)

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Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #52 on: January 05, 2019, 11:34:34 AM »
Sorry for the time, I really take too long updating this. Additionnal job sucked all energy out, and I took way too many pictures.
those were already sorted out/jged, and cover the time after the last update. And yes, Olivia was pregnant again. I wanted to see how one more kid might help with the careeiers unlocks.
In the house there is Yavia, heir of the 3th gen, his sister Sayann, his wife Olivia Kim Lewis, and the 4rth gen : the twins Olisa and Yavia, and the last born for now Yao.

So, Oliviia was buzy teaching her little heir to be a top notch toddler as his sisters were.

At least great grand ma Iasonas would be proud to see Yao was already mastering the "nothing weird happened at all" expression.

Spring snow was something magical, putting a smile on everyone's faces

And baby Yao was the greatest smiler of them all :

Then something weird happened to his mom during naptime. Yao could hear the curious sounds and his father's panic even if aunt Sayannn kept telling him everything was alright

So he came to investigate. He didn't knew how to deal with the fact a monster was eating his mom.

Then he realised his mom was fine and it was just a tiny baby and she was putting it away

Just to be sure, he came and asked if he was still her little boy. No help could be expected from his exhausted father.

Olivia knew just how to reassure her son.

Once the worst of the emotion slept away, Yalsa felt finally able to held his fourth born, a little boy named Yali. And he still wasn't sure how to held him without breaking him.

Meanwhile, the last born of the previous generation had also sensationnal news to share : Sayann was finally a full fledged astronaut.

She was so happy that she kept her suit everywhere for a time, even if it wasn't the most convenient

And for the twins, childhood had arrived, and with it, so many new duties it might feel a bit overwhelming:

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge [graveyard please]
« Reply #53 on: April 04, 2019, 04:28:08 AM »
Sorry, I can't keep up with posting the story. The editing is taking the fun out of sharing the story.

