Author Topic: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge [graveyard please]  (Read 18859 times)

Offline Tynynounours

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Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge [graveyard please]
« on: April 30, 2018, 04:22:26 PM »
So, a while ago, I started a wonderchild file to make sure I could stick to a challenge, and it obviously lead to an apocalypse challenge.

As third gen is born and I'm about sure I'll go through, I'm going to share a bit of the story that's in my head as I'm playing. I don't have many pics, at least for the start.
Also, I'm using it to get an idea of how hard legacy scoring may be despite all the restrictions.

Newcrest Invasion.

Once upon a time, an alien world was slowly dying. The people there needed an escape, and one planet seemed to be compatible. Only, there was a problem. the planet was already inhabited, by people who often showed dangerous xenophoby and wouldn't take kindly an invasion. The only chance would be an infiltration, and for that, a program had been created, as to select the most gifted from all of the children.

nb, in the new file, she has red eyes. And she's "human" not alien or half alien.

Iasonas Piratelf was raised in the exact purpose to infiltrate the simland. She had been slightly genetically modified to be able to adapt and be compatible with the sims living on that planet, but she knew she was far from being normal, and that it would apply at least to her children, and probably the next generations.
Blending in would be hard, but her trainers had provided her with a chart. There were a lot of limitations that she could only lift by maxing careers and seeing how the normal sims were acting in thoses situations.

Her first move was to join what was called the culinary career, because she had to learn what the sims eat.

So, it was fine to have to grill some fish outside when she was hungry. It allowed her to observe the local people.
She soon met a wonderfull woman that seemed to be destined to become her life partner. Funny, sophisticated, smart and probably as skilled as she was.

Iasonas didn't lost any time in seducing her. With great success.

She then didn't lost any time to marry Penny, and have her move in with her. Her soulemate had been surprised at the mostly barren two story house, and Iasonas had explained most of it. At least, the part about why she had to hide she was a full alien from a friendly but dying world, and not a Pollinarian, the alien specie who sometimes used males sims to incubate their children. And that she needed to send specific notes on how sims used everything to the headquarter as to make sure they wouldn't make a mistake and be unveiled too soon.

She also spoke about her desire for a big and happy family. It was the moment she wanted to try to get an heir, that Iasonas realised sims did not have the gender flexibility of her own specie. And her own modifications made her as unable to change. Well, the limitations chart hadn't been the only thing Iasonas knew about the simverse. The same sources who had provided the chart mentionned there were a lot of males sims called pollinators running around, for the purpose to help women to get pregnants, whether they were already wed or not.
It wasn't hard to pick one as her and Penny's shedules conflicted a lot. Nothing in the chart nor her orders prevented Iasonas to have children from someone not married to her nor not in the house, so she picked one and quickly, she had a great new to tell her wife :

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2018, 03:53:19 PM »
With her first try, Iasonas was granted by a beautifull blue boy she named Yanny. And she enjoyed caring for him, even if she had to fight Penny about giving him bottles. Really, she didn't trusted the local formula to fill her son's needs. That needed further researches she didn't had time for. She was barely apprehending what was deemed acceptable food. Really, you eat leaves from some plants, but not from others? And not all seeds? Also, why are we eating pets? Or are they decorations? What are the bowls fish for?

As soon he grew up, she could see he had what she was looking for in a heir. Her alien genetics were apparently strong enough to bypass the sim's she had chosen as pollinator. Sure, Yanny's eyes were not exactly the same color than her's, but it was still not a sim's color.

Sadly, her sources greatly lacked in informations on how to keep toddlers clean. Iasonas couldn't access to any sonic shower in that new land, and had a hard time herself staying clean. And Yanny may be a bit of a silly toddler, he didn't lived being stinky very well:

Still, he was a self-assured child, once he was tall enough to reach the sink and frenetically wash his hands. Cautiously, Iasonnas had a bed delivered for him, making the secondfloor less empty. Yanny was creative, using drawing as way to exorcise his dirty toddlerhood. Still, he came home sick two days in a row, and it showed another lack of information. Yasonnas had not access to her planet's ressources to create home-made remedies, not to mention the lack of medecine. And really, she wouldn't try to use the local one, afraid of the result on her heir's unique metabolism. Thankfully, it was never nothing life threatening, and he was able to sleep it off. Maybe he just needed to build some immunity to the local germs? She was a bit afraid as she was expecting a second child, from a different, but maybe sturdier looking, pollinator. She needed to see how the genetics would play out, and she really had too much time to kill with Penny working hard and Yanny starting school.

And suddenly, an ange appeared

More realistically, it was a sim's girl. But when Yanny saw her from the second floor window, he had to run all the way through the neighborough and introduce himself. She was a genius, but must have been a bit shy, because she never came around the monkey bars or the jungle gym. She only stay long enough to do her homework and had to get home.

Still, Yanny couldn't keep her from his mind. Thank to his step-mother having documented the use of electronics items in her esprot gamer career, he called her often. Sadly he also had to refuse her invites as his mother was too afraid he'll do something "alienish" when away from the house. It didn't helped that his first brother, Sonny, was a bit overactive, and anxious to leave the nest himself. Or that Iasonnas was pregnant again, to see if it was a lack of chance that Sonny looked so much more like his father than Yanny had. Or maybe she was ashamed to show up that her third toddler would be as stinky as the first two, despite the house being more and more furnished :

It took time, enough that Iasonnas realised she had taught her three sons (was that normal to always have the same gender?) to behave as real sims and hide their aliens habilities, enough that she could trust to welcome another stranger into their house. Also, Yanny was  growing, and Iasonas realised her house seemed to be impermeable to the time stasis most others sims experimented. The blonde angel who had stolen her heir's heart would forever stay a little girl if she didn't acted, so a masterplan was devised.

After a serious discussion with the girl's father, who kept jogging through the neighborough, Iasonas was able to welcome Little Elsa into the household, much to Yanny's delight. And despite their new age difference, their deep friendship stayed the same, and it wasn't rare to find them side by side, chatting, working on their skills or really, just basking in each other's presence.

Elsa was also a leading exemple for Yanny's two youngers and actives brothers, Sonny and Ponas, and everyone was soon at the top of their respective classes. She grew up loving Yanny's and Iasonas paintings who decorated the house. And when told about the list of restrictions, she knew she would help by tackling one herself, and so she studied as hard as her best friend, with plans of her own in her genius heart.

really, they were always with each other, even when Elsa had the same level of friendship with the others boys, she favored Yanny.

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2018, 10:39:42 PM »
Just wanted to pop in to say that I'm reading avidly!  Didn't get a chance to comment on your first update, but wanted you to know that i'm really enjoying it!  Love Yanny and Elsa ^^

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2018, 11:30:51 PM »
Another Apocalypse Challenge, awesome!  It will be interesting to see your take on it with aliens. 

Offline oshizu

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2018, 01:06:09 PM »
I love the idea of an alien infiltration! Your apocalypse founder Iasonnas is stunning as a young adult! Qu'elle est belle!
Reading your nota bene, I'm curious why you changed her life state to Human.
Was there something she couldn't accomplish as an alien/hybrid?

Good luck to you with your household, Tynynounours!
Always fascinating to see how everyone prioritizes career unlocks!

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2018, 02:45:33 PM »
Thank you all.

@BallerinaHippo I wanted another reason for the restrictions, and thought an alien adaptation to sim world would work. You did a wonderfull work to include them in your story, though. Also, I want to thank you as it's Liam's story that finally convinced me to share this one.

@oshizu Iasonas was never a real alien, as I simply didn't had Get to work when I started the Wonderchild file. So, blue skinned, red-eyed sims were the closest I could have then. And I get to play with genetics and have some surprises, because I miss the rainbow slider from Sims3. I wish the green/blue/red would sometimes be generated.

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2018, 06:56:09 PM »
As she had promised Iasonas when told about the restrictions the family faced to hide their origins, Elsa choose to study one of the fields Iasonas needed more informations about. As soon she was a teen, Elsa elected to make a complete report on retail and fashion. As it was, Iasonas only did weeklys trips to the mall for the most basic things, on sundays only, and with the whole family. They could never pick new clothes or haircuts, in case they made a terrible choice that would reveal them as aliens. As if aliens were the only being fashion-impaired.
Some of this choice was purely egoistic. She wanted to be done as soon as possible to have more free time as an adult, and not many careers offered such an early start. And maybe she wanted to have her own money and to be able to select a few things for herself without the whole family knowing about. Impressed with her motivation, her boss promoted her in only a few days of works :

And one night, exhausted by her shift, she followed her daydream and walked into the bed Yanny used to share with his youngest brother. The weird thing was that Yanny barely opened an eye, recognised her, and went back to sleep instead of throwing her out. They both knew that they were mean for each other, but never mentionned it since Elsa had turned to teen, because Yanny had already been a young adult at that time, working hard as writer and writting hilarious or depressing books about his and his brothers stinky toddlerhood. It was a small victory and a proof her choice to leave her family for this strange one was the right one.
Yes, she really jumped into his bed. I thought a teen and young adult not related couldn't do that, so it surprised me.

Yanny rise quickly through the ranks as writer, and choose to follow the journalist path. His creative mind may have favored another path, but in hope to spare his futures children the filth no diaper change could ever erase, he pick the one with a journalist card so he had a legit reason to ask about people's hygienics habits. There had to be something easier than washing hands to stay clean.

Not long after graduating from hight school, Sonny met Elsa's sister on her young adult birthday. After offering to bake a cake and light some candles for her, they became very close. Must have been his romantic trait...

And maybe they became a bit too close. But when asked about this, Sonny simply replied he wanted to help his mother, as Iasonas complained about her lack of grand children, and it wasn't like Yanny would ever look at someone else than Elsa who was still in hightschool with Ponas. It might have been the reason Sonny also invited Jesminder, or Mila who desesperately wanted a girl after raising three sons... And managing multiples relationships was good for his secret agent carreer.
I only recently realised when planning for gen3 that I wasn't supposed to invite people in unless the Comedian restriction was lifted... Also, the eared-hair was Sonny's randomly given hair as teen, but no others seemed to fit when Elsa finally lifted the carreer restriction.

Iasonas asked her heir to model for a portrait in his journalist clothings, but they both agreed it didn't felt right. Something was missing, even if the young man ignored what exactly. Maybe because his career was so time demanding, and days were too short to run around interviewing the few people in the neighborough, then writting about it, and trying to get a good night sleep on the uncomfortable mattress before the next shift came.

But a few days later, the house lost Penny. Iasonnas was heartbroken, and everyone in the house was unconsolable. She had been a mother for the three boys, helping them with skilling and homework, and had helped Elsa a lot when confronted to some of the little weirdness to live with aliens. It was in her honour that Elsa had refused they threw a party or did anything special for her birthday. But Yanny wouldn't allow it, and surpised her with a beautiful cake.

It was enough to give her some hope that despite their perfectly platonic bed sharing, there was still that destiny thing between them.
And so, she asked him to walk around the neighborough, until they reached a spot and she'll be able to tell him one of those thousands speeches she had reharsed so often since she had blown her teen's candles.

But no words left her lips. It was the first time a silence between them ever became heavy and tense. So, with nothing to loose, she decided to kiss him.

She was ready to run away, not even expecting his reaction, but he caught her. He was serious, but no hint of anger, or embarrassement, on his face. But Elsa felt embarrassed enough for the two of them. What was she thinking, acting like one of those hightschool kids, when she needed him to stop considering her as too young.

"Don't run away, Elsa. It's just... I was very far from expecting that when you asked me to talk. I thought you had changed your mind and wanted to go back to your parent's house, and that's why I could not say a word. As long you didn't said it, it wouldn't have been true. But I suppose you had the same reservations on my part. I thought I had been clear years ago, when we were still children plotting a way to be together forever. But you were apparently planning to seduce me. As usuals, we must have thought alike, because I had brought this for you. I planned it to be one of your birthday gifts." And with those words, Yanny produced a red rose, using a magic trick he had learned during one of his interviews. The look in Elsa's eyes was worth every difficulty to hide the gifts from her in their small house.

Elsa didn't believed it. He had been so thoughtfull. And now, she couldn't help jumping, overjoyed about being sure her choice was right, her sacrifices were worth it, and the future she hoped for was right at hand.

But as she thought she couldn't be more happy, her breath was stolen as Yanny put a knee on the grass, and opened what was apparently her second birthday gift. She could clearly see all his love floating to her as the box slowly opened and revealed a diamond ring.

This time, she jumped again, right into his arms. Good thing he was so strong. But there had never been any need to ask. From that fateful day Elsa had left her house to do her homework in the neighborough her father liked to jog in, and met a strange blue boy with violet eyes, she had knew they were meant to be together and have their own family.

When Iasonas asked her eldest son to model again for his portrait the next day, she could see the changes in him. Suddenly, everything had fallen in place in Yanny's life, and she had never seen him more happy. It was like the house itself had brightened, and despite her own loss, she was able to transfer all of his bliss into the canvas, creating her first masterpiece in years.

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2018, 12:05:55 AM »
Ooo, lovely date and proposal! I think that was a bug, at least it was. Or it was part of a patch.  The whole getting in bed with other sims things, that is.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2018, 09:52:34 AM »
I am so glad you decided to share your story here.  I really like the alien adaptation of the challenge.

Elsa and Yanny look good together.  Penny will surely be missed, she's such a talented Sim.

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2018, 01:18:49 PM »
Congrats on Yanny and Elsa's engagement!

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2018, 12:39:43 PM »
After getting exactly what she wanted, in being engaged to her dear childhood love, Elsa kept trying to be the most usefull possible by skilling, and her music lover trait helped a lot as she learned the only instrument she hadn't mastered yet. She may never be as skilled as Iasonas, but tried her best. Not that it was easy to reach the guitar with her current size and constant bouts of nauseas. She didn't dared to mention it to Yanny, who was already busy trying to inquire about personnal hygiene tips without looking it.

And as Yanny was guetting ready for work, she walked to him in a beautifull dress she had found when she was still working, and decided it was the right time for eloping. Even if he was barely awake. The surprise wedding had the desired effect to help Yanny get promoted, improving grandly his focus as he hadn't yet believed she didn't cared for a grand wedding ceremony.

Everyone was working hard on their objectives, and Ponas was infiltrating the athletic career. The house layout could be improved, but as always, Iasonas didn't dared to move the heaviest things around in case they weren't supposed to be that strong. So Ponas would work on finding exactly what they'll were supposed to be able to lift.

Very soon, a very hungry little blue boy was born. Even if it was way too soon to tell it, it seemed Yalsa may have inherited of his father's eyes.

Iasonas was a very proud grandmother, loving the little boy, and completing her aspiration of a big happy family.

And as he grew up, she took easily on her to help the wild little heir even on the most ungratefuls tasks.

Elsa kept skilling in the basement during the naps of her son. She wanted to been able to help him with skills learning. Well, Yalsa and any other children, as for the last few days, she often felt a bit unwell...

With his son being a toddler, Yanny felt even more pression to find out how the other people could always seem so fresh and clean, and how they did with their own children. His file was getting bigger and bigger, but still not enough that Iasonas would give him the go ahead to buy a tub.

Sonny was working on his secret agent career, and he must be good, because honnestly, who would suspect a guy like him to have a hidden agenda? Or like, four children with 3 different women?

Romantic Ponas worked hard as well, and picked the bodybuilder track despite his dreams of being a pro athete, as being a personnal trainer would make it easier to keep track of the sims abilities. maybe one day, he'll know exactly how quick he's be able to run without attracting unappropriate attention.

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2018, 02:12:41 PM »
Yay! Yanny and Elsa have a little blueboo!
Congrats to your founder on earning the Matriarch trait!
You're making great progress on all the careers!

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2018, 03:02:04 AM »
You wrote:
Also, I'm using it to get an idea of how hard legacy scoring may be despite all the restrictions.

Does your interest in legacy scoring mean that you will be starting a Sharebear legacy soon?  ;D

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2018, 01:11:39 PM »
Blueboo!  Can't wait to see him as he gets older.  The potty shot is cute lol

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Alien Invasion Apocalypse Challenge
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2018, 11:08:36 AM »
Such a cute family!  You have accomplished a lot in just two generations.   :)