Author Topic: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: My Generation (Nov 3)  (Read 87357 times)

Offline oshizu

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I partially read through your story last week but got caught up today.
Wow, I didn't even recognize Maja at first in her 1920s apparel!
How great that the Gen5 redhead also rolled the Loves the Outdoors trait. Hazel is simply gorgeous.

I lol'ed that you moved out Maja and Darwin, but kept Darwin's daughter! Speaking of which, how are you enjoying the Parenthood pack?
Hard-boiled Ross is the best! Can't wait to watch Holly, Ivy, and Luz grow.

P.S. Didn't one of the spares have a child with Father Winter? Did the child get the Father's Winter Child trait?
Is that trait worth doing the old chubby dude for?

Offline sdhoey

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I love the black and white story part. So with the times. I hate it that the splash and screenshots aren't working now.

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Offline oshizu

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I love the black and white story part. So with the times. I hate it that the splash and screenshots aren't working now.
What? You can't take screenshots of splash announcements anymore? Since when and why?

Offline sdhoey

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I love the black and white story part. So with the times. I hate it that the splash and screenshots aren't working now.
What? You can't take screenshots of splash announcements anymore? Since when and why?

Since the last patch, something broke.

Offline reggikko

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Shoe Bandit: Parts I & II (Aug 16/17)
« Reply #274 on: September 02, 2019, 01:48:45 PM »
You are so creative! You have a real talent for pastiche. I love Ross and I loved everything about this little interlude. :)

I haven't been commenting much, but this legacy is, as they say, the absolute bee's knees!

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Shoe Bandit: Parts I & II (Aug 16/17)
« Reply #275 on: September 12, 2019, 12:19:20 PM »
I partially read through your story last week but got caught up today.
Wow, I didn't even recognize Maja at first in her 1920s apparel!
How great that the Gen5 redhead also rolled the Loves the Outdoors trait. Hazel is simply gorgeous.

I lol'ed that you moved out Maja and Darwin, but kept Darwin's daughter! Speaking of which, how are you enjoying the Parenthood pack?
Hard-boiled Ross is the best! Can't wait to watch Holly, Ivy, and Luz grow.

P.S. Didn't one of the spares have a child with Father Winter? Did the child get the Father's Winter Child trait?
Is that trait worth doing the old chubby dude for?
I really can't believe that I'm on Gen 5 and still have a redheaded heir.  We'll see what happens with Gen 6.

I like the Parenthood pack a lot better than I thought I would.  I was afraid it would make things harder, trying to get character values and everything, but I think it actually makes some things easier.  I used the "influence" and "encourage" commands frequently. 

I did get a Father Winter's baby- it was Clara, daughter of Hess.  Hess was one of the adopted kids from Gen 3.  Clara eventually married Magnus (brother of Maja).  I don't know if the trait is really worth it for a spare.  Clara did have an easier time getting aspiration points from whims so she bought potions for other family members, but it wasn't really a game-changer.

I love the black and white story part. So with the times. I hate it that the splash and screenshots aren't working now.
Thanks!  I didn't know the screenshots weren't working.  Did they fix it?  I don't really use the in-game camera.  I tend to rely on print screen or the snipping tool.  Basically, I am probably doing things the hard way.   ;D

You are so creative! You have a real talent for pastiche. I love Ross and I loved everything about this little interlude. :)

I haven't been commenting much, but this legacy is, as they say, the absolute bee's knees!
Thank you!  I wasn't quite sure how to work Ross's career into the main story so he ended up with his own chapters.   ;)

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: A House Full of Love (Sept 12)
« Reply #276 on: September 12, 2019, 12:53:35 PM »
Where we last left off, the adorable Gen 6 heir candidates (Holly and Ivy) just had their child birthdays.  Luz took over a club.  Hazel maxed her career while Ross, Basil, and Kale were each only one or two promotions away from reaching the top of their careers. 

A House Full of Love

Hazel:  Now that the girls are old enough for school, we can finally finish that Soulmate aspiration of yours.
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Ross:  What’s a nice lady like you doing in a place like this?
Hazel:  I’m looking at you, handsome.
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Hazel:  Don’t make any sudden moves. There is an actual bat flying over our heads.
Ross:  I won’t let it bite you.
Hazel:  I know you won’t, but all the same, let’s go somewhere else for our next date.  Okay?
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Hazel:  Now this is much more civilized.
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Hazel:  Or maybe not.  Did that woman just take your food right off our table?
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Hazel:  What did you say to make her give back your plate?
Ross:  Flashed the badge.  Threatened jail time.
Hazel:  At these prices, I’d say that’s justified.
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The next day is Love Day…

Ivy:  Mom, do I have to give someone a flower on Love Day?  All the boys in my class are icky.
Hazel:  You never have to participate in a holiday tradition, sweetheart.  But if you want to give someone a flower, it can be anyone you choose, like a friend or a family member.
Ivy:  Thanks Mom!  I know just who to pick!
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Ivy:  Grandpa Behr, may I give you this rose?
Darwin:  Oh my goodness!  You just made this old man’s day.
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Holly:  Grandma Behr, I picked a flower for you.
Maja:  Aren’t you the sweetest!
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Luz:  What do you think of all this Love Day nonsense, Uncle Kale?
Kale:  As a loner, I ignore the whole thing.
Luz: Yeah, as an evil sim, I ignore it, too.  But everyone else is all worked up about it.
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Ross:  For the classiest dame I know…
Hazel:  Thank you!  It’s beautiful!
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Hazel:  I have something for you, too.
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Luz:  I don’t really like the idea of giving flowers, Dad, but will you be my best friend?
Basil:  Of course!
Luz: (thinking) Take that, Miss Sadie.
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Hazel:  This is good timing. As long as this date gets a gold medal, you’ll complete soulmates on Love Day.
Ross:  Back where it all started.
Hazel:  That’s right!  Only now we don’t have to let Basil and Sadie tag along.
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Ross:  You still got it, Kitten.
Hazel:  Thanks!  And that’s all I needed to max the bowling skill.  I can’t believe I was just one frame away from finishing it.
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Hazel:  Why is that woman making eyes at you?
Ross:  It ain’t me, Kitten.  She’s lookin’ at you.
Hazel:  This is awkward.  Let’s go find a table for two.
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Hazel:  Much better.
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Caleb: *sitting down at the next table*  Hey Captain!  You got the night off, huh?  I just finished eight hours on patrol.  Man, my feet are beat.  Haha!  Feet beat.  Beat feet.  Get it?
Ross and Hazel: *completely ignore Caleb*
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Luz:  I changed my mind, Dad.  Here’s a flower.
Basil:  Thank you!  This means a lot.
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The next day…

Hazel:  Congratulations Basil!  I heard you got promoted!
Basil:  Thanks sis.  I’m doing a special performance at the Blue Velvet this afternoon.  Will you come?
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Hazel:  We’ll bring the whole family!
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Basil:  Thanks for coming over, Sadie.  There’s something important I have to ask you.
Sadie:  Really?  When you didn’t call me on Love Day, I thought…
Basil:  You thought what?
Sadie:  Oh, nothing.  I didn’t mean to interrupt.  Ask the question.  Please.
Basil:  Sadie, will you marry me?
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Sadie:  Yes!  Finally.  Yes! 
Basil:  I’m sorry about Love Day.  Hazel asked me to watch the kids, and then I had to work.
Sadie:  It’s okay.  I’m already over it.
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Luz:  Auntie Hazel, you gotta help me.  This is serious!
Hazel:  What’s gotten into you, Luzie?
Luz:  It’s Dad.  He’s gone completely bonkers and asked that woman to marry him!  I don’t want to leave.  Please don’t make me live with them!
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Hazel:  It’s okay, honey.  I’ve already talked to your dad, and he agrees that this is the best place for you.  He won’t get married until after your teen birthday, and even then, you can stay here.  No one is going to make you move out.
Luz:  Thank the watcher!  You’re the best Aunt Hazel.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Shoe Bandit: Parts I & II (Aug 16/17)
« Reply #277 on: September 12, 2019, 01:03:18 PM »
Hazel's date with Ross was hilarious. Ross seems to really attract all types of female attention, haha!
Luz and Kale's conversation about Love Day also made me laugh.
Poor Luz! Struggling to hold her own against Sadie the Intruder! I'm glad she's staying with Auntie Hazel, though.

I can't let Erwin read this chapter or he will see Luz and weep....

Offline Joria

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: A House Full of Love (Sept 12)
« Reply #278 on: September 12, 2019, 01:56:42 PM »
Ahhh, poor Luzie so much anxiety.  But Auntie Hazel made it all right!  Loved the date.  So true, you try to go have a night together and the entire world interferes or shows up!  Hope Erwin doesn't catch this one.  He'd never forgive Pollinator #3 for allowing someone else to have her.  Lolz.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Hazel's date with Ross was hilarious. Ross seems to really attract all types of female attention, haha!
Luz and Kale's conversation about Love Day also made me laugh.
Poor Luz! Struggling to hold her own against Sadie the Intruder! I'm glad she's staying with Auntie Hazel, though.

I can't let Erwin read this chapter or he will see Luz and weep....
Yikes!  Look how long it's been since I updated this story.  Erwin had his alienboo and you just started Gen 5! 

Ahhh, poor Luzie so much anxiety.  But Auntie Hazel made it all right!  Loved the date.  So true, you try to go have a night together and the entire world interferes or shows up!  Hope Erwin doesn't catch this one.  He'd never forgive Pollinator #3 for allowing someone else to have her.  Lolz.
I like the bond between Luzie and Hazel.  They are such good friends, in spite of the fact that Luz has the evil trait.  I like to think that Hazel knows how to handle her.
The bowling date was fun.  Usually, my couples have dates at home to prevent the whole world interfering, but this time I let them actually go out.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy:Getting Out of the House (Oct 30)
« Reply #280 on: October 30, 2019, 04:03:17 PM »
Where we last left off (it's been awhile), Hazel and Ross had just completed soulmates, Basil earned his level 10 promotion in the comedian career and asked Sadie to marry him, and Hazel promised Luz that she could stay in the house when Luz's dad (Basil) moves out. 

Since the family has been stuck in limbo so long, I think they all deserve a day out.

Getting Out of the House

Ivy:  How’s this Mommy?  Am I doing it right?
Hazel:  Sure, honey.  But let’s try something besides chopsticks.  We have to do this for five hours.
Ivy:  But chopsticks is fun!
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Darwin:  Why so glum, Holly?  Is something wrong?
Holly:  There was a food fight at school today.  I got in trouble because the teacher said I started it.
Darwin:  Did you start it?
Holly:  I might have suggested organizing a protest against corned beef hash.
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Darwin:  Well, it sounds to me like you’re a natural leader.
Holly:  Yes!  Finally, an adult who gets it!  Will you talk to Mom and Dad for me?
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Basil:  Do you think we should offer to help with the kids or something?
Kale:  Nah…I’m sure Hazel has everything under control.
Basil:  You’re probably right.
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On a Saturday…

Holly:  Ugh.  Why does it always rain on scout days?
Ivy:  Grandpa calls it Murphy’s Law.
Holly:  Who is Murphy?  And what’s he got against scouts? 
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Ivy:  I don’t know, but let’s get inside before the lightning starts.
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The next day…

Maja:  Hello dear!  I’m glad the weather cleared up so we could meet at the park today.
Hazel:  Me, too!  We all needed to get out of the house.
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Maja:  How is everything at home?
Hazel:  Good, for the most part.  We’ve been having a little trouble with Luz, though.  She went through a bear-phase, which wasn’t a big deal, but before that we caught her making messes and sending chain letters.
Maja:  Oh dear!
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Maja:  Luz looks perfectly happy talking to her grandpa over there.  Maybe she just needed some fresh air, like you said.
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Ivy:  Hey Dad!  She opened with the giuoco piano, just like you said she would.
Ross:  You got her right where you want her, princess.
Aunt Clara:  You know I can hear you, right?  And we’ve only played three moves each.
Ross:  Doesn’t matter.  My girl’s got this in the bag.
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Another day…

Ivy:  What’s that horrible smell?
Holly: *whispers* I think it’s Patchy.
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Hazel:  Finally, some nice weather at home!  Let’s enjoy it while it lasts, girls.
Holly and Ivy:  Yeah!
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On Monday…

Ivy:  Mom!  I thought you were reading me a story.
Hazel:  Just a sec, Ivy.  Your Dad has something important to tell me.
Ivy:  My parents are so weird.
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Holly:  You gotta admit, it’s pretty cool that Dad is the Chief of Police.
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Hazel:  It’s Monday night.  Time for school projects.  Thanks for the help, everyone.
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Holly:  We have to do school projects and extra credit!?
Hazel:  It builds character, dear.
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Later in the week…

Luz:  *sings* Happy birthday to me.  Happy birthday to me.
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Basil:  Here’s a little something from your old man.
Luz:  A voodoo doll!  Thanks Dad!
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Basil:  Just promise me you won’t bind it to Sadie, okay?
Luz:  Darn!  Can I at least test out my alien powers on her?
Basil:  If you want to analyze her personality and get to know her better, I think that’s a good idea. 
Luz: (to herself) Just as I suspected.  There’s nothing there.
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Luz:  Uncle Kale, I’ve just realized that, except for me, you are by far the coolest member of this family.
Kale:  It’s about time somebody noticed!
Luz:  Is it true you are a double agent?
Kale:  Better than that, but don’t ask me to say more.
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After the party, everyone heads to the park so the twins can work on Social Butterfly…

Ivy:  Hi, I’m Ivy.  Would you like to be instant friends?
Boy:  With you?  Sure!
Ivy:  Thanks!
Boy:  Who is that lady behind you, and why is she clapping?
Ivy:  That’s my mom.  She’s encouraging my good manners.
Boy: Weird.
Ivy:  You don’t know the half of it.
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Luz:  Good news, girls.  I’ve decided that I’m not kicking you out of my club.  Even though I am obviously way cooler than you right now.
Holly:  Oh, obviously.
Luz:  But you are family and it’s not your fault that you are younger than me.  So we just won’t hold any more club meetings until you become teens, okay?
Holly:  That’s completely fair.
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The family returns home from the park, with Darwin, Maja, and Clara in tow.

Maja:  All that traveling really wore me out.  I think I’ll just lie down right here…
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Hazel:  Mom, nooooooo!  I’m not ready for this!
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Notes:  Rest in peace, Maja Jensen Behr.  You truly were the life of the party.  Sorry to end on a sad note (after more than a month's hiatus!) but I’m out of room.  Plus, I’m a wimp and I really hate writing about the deaths. 

Next time, Basil and Sadie get hitched and the twins celebrate their teen birthday.

Offline oshizu

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Getting Out of the House (Oct 30)
« Reply #281 on: October 30, 2019, 07:52:45 PM »
Losing sims is so hard.The larger one's household is, the harder losing a sim is for everyone. :(
Rest in peace, Maja! You mark the end of the Behr's third generation!

Changing the topic, Hazel and Ross are so great together, plus Hazel has the best hair.
Gratz to Ross on becoming Police Chief!

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Getting Out of the House (Oct 30)
« Reply #282 on: October 30, 2019, 09:16:18 PM »
Oh Luz XD She's quite the character.

RIP Maja. Always so hard to lose them.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Getting Out of the House (Oct 30)
« Reply #283 on: November 01, 2019, 04:15:34 PM »
Losing sims is so hard.The larger one's household is, the harder losing a sim is for everyone. :(
Rest in peace, Maja! You mark the end of the Behr's third generation!

Changing the topic, Hazel and Ross are so great together, plus Hazel has the best hair.
Gratz to Ross on becoming Police Chief!
Hazel is definitely one of my all-time favorite sims.  I initially had someone else in mind to be her spouse, but then my game presented me with Ross. 

Oh Luz XD She's quite the character.

RIP Maja. Always so hard to lose them.
Luz is so much fun.  I don't often play Evil sims.  I can't bring myself to let her be Evil towards her family, though, so she saves it for everyone else.

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Home Stretch (Nov 1)
« Reply #284 on: November 01, 2019, 04:57:33 PM »
The Home Stretch

Luz: So, Dad, today is the big day, huh?
Basil:  Yeah, it is.  And I know you and Sadie don’t always see eye to eye, but I hope you’ll be happy for us.
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Luz:  I’m happy for you, at least.  Look, I’m even glowing bright green.  That’s how happy I am.
Basil:  That’s good enough for me.
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The weather in Brindleton Bay is looking iffy, so the Behrs and company travel to San Myshuno for the ceremony.  The bride somehow manages to choose Hazel’s wedding dress for the occasion, but fortunately Sadie opts for the red version (Hazel wore it in white).

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Darwin:  Do you think you’d like to get married someday, Holly?
Holly:  Isn’t marriage just society’s way of limiting our choices and perpetuating inequality under the guise of an unobtainable fairy tale that women are force-fed from infancy?
Darwin: Um…I’m just going to eat my cake now.
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Hazel:  Thanks for tending the bar, Kale.  I don’t know where our mixologist and caterer got to.
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Kale:  The mixologist never showed, but I saw the caterer earlier.  Luz was giving him a piece of her mind after she had to make the wedding cake herself.
Hazel:  It’s so sweet that Luz wants this day to be special for her dad.
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A few days later…

Darwin:  Are the girls excited for their birthday?
Hazel:  I think so.  I know I’m ready.
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Hazel:  It’s been such a whirlwind the last few days, trying to help both girls finish up all the scouting activities and making sure they completed all of the aspirations.
Darwin:  You and Ross have done a wonderful job with them.
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Hazel:  It’s time to make a wish, girls!  Holly first, then Ivy.
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Darwin:  Well, girls, everyone wants to know—what are your traits and aspirations?
Ivy:  I’m a genius who loves cats.  I got Renaissance Sim, but that’s just the start.
Holly:  I also love cats and the outdoors, and I—
Darwin:  Pardon the interruption, but did you say you love the outdoors?
Holly:  Of course, Grandpa!  You know…hugging trees and all that.
Darwin:  Do you know what that means?  You’re the new heir!
Holly:  Wait…I’m what?
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Hazel:  I guess it’s time for us to have the heir talk, Holly.
Holly:  With all due respect, Mom, I just don’t know if the legacy rules jive with my philosophy of free love and my anti-capitalist perspective.
Hazel:  There’s no need to be so dramatic, dear.  There are only two rules you have to follow.  One, your primary spouse has to have three unique traits.  And two, you have to have at least one child.  That’s it.  A unique career and aspiration would be helpful, but those are not essential.
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After the adults go upstairs…

Holly:  I’m still not sure about this.  Monogamy is fine for people like Mom and Dad, but…
Luz:  Weren’t you listening?  Your mother said your primary spouse has to have three unique traits. 
Holly:  Yeah…so?
Luz:  You’re allowed to have as many secondary spouses as you like, as long as there’s room in the house.
Holly:  Oh!  I hadn’t thought of that!
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Late that night…

Ivy:  I can’t believe we’re actually building a rocket!
Luz:  I’m glad you finally aged up so you can help me.
Ivy:  Do you really think we can make it fly?
Luz:  Who do you think you’re talking to?  I came from up there, remember? 
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Maja:  Kale!  What are you doing out so late?
Kale:  Hi Mom!  I just got home from work.
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Maja: And how is work going, dear?
Kale:  Great!  I just got promoted to level 11.
Maja:  11?  Don’t you mean 10?
Kale:  Nope.  My career has an extra level.
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A few days later…

Ivy:  Thanks for giving me guitar lessons, Holly.  I know you’re just mentoring me for your aspiration, but I still appreciate it.
Holly:  No problem, sis.   The sooner I finish Musical Genius, the sooner I can start the aspiration I really want.
Ivy:  Okay, well, when we’re done, Mom wants to take us to the flea market.
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Holly: I’m totally into the flea market vibe, Mom, but why did you want to come here?
Hazel:  Because the flea market is a great place to find collectables.  The selection today is odd, but those guzmania flowers are hard to find.  We should get some.
Holly:  Flowers are cool.
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Luz:  Dad?  Are you busking for tips?  If you’re short on money, I’m sure Aunt Hazel would—
Basil:  Relax, Luzie.  Everything’s fine.  I’m just doing this for fun.
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Another day…

Ivy:  Woo!  We’re done!  I can’t wait to test it.
Luz:  The weather is perfect.  Let’s launch it today.
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Ivy:  Why do you get to fly it first?
Luz:  Because I’m older.  And Aunt Hazel would have a fit if I let you step onto an untested rocket.
Ivy:  Hmm…good point.
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Ivy:  Maybe *coughs* I shouldn’t stand so close *coughs* next time.
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Kale:  Hey, sis.  What’s that contraption you’ve got there?
Hazel:  It’s some old veterinary equipment I found in the basement.  I think our Great Uncle Hermes used it when he had two dogs.
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Kale:  Are you thinking of switching careers and becoming a vet?
Hazel:  No, I just want to learn to craft age-down treats for Rusty.  I know we can’t let Rusty live forever, but Ross and I aren’t ready for him to be an elder cat just yet.
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Notes:  We have an heir!  Since Holly is the older twin and she got the Loves Outdoors trait, she will be the heir.  Her randomly generated aspiration is Musical Genius (the same one Hazel got, which is a weird coincidence). 

Holly’s picture has been added to the front page.  She looks a lot like Hazel, but with Ross’s dark hair.  Ivy, on the other hand, looks like a female clone of Ross, but with Hazel’s red hair.

This *might* be the last update for Gen 5, but not to worry.  Hazel and Ross aren't going anywhere.

