Author Topic: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: My Generation (Nov 3)  (Read 97788 times)

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Home for the Holidays (July 26)
« Reply #255 on: July 26, 2019, 10:41:14 PM »
Home for Holidays

Maja:  Welcome back, Hazel!  How was your trip to the jungle?
Hazel:  It was great!  We brought back a little souvenir.
Maja:  I can see that!
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Basil:  Hey sis!  You got here just in time to see Luz age up.
Hazel:  I know.  That’s why we came home when we did.
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Basil:  Let me just get her disguise set…there!  What do you think?
Hazel:  Cute as a button!
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Hazel:  Since everyone is home right now, let’s decorate the tree for Winterfest.
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Basil:  And then Father Winter comes down the chimney and gives everyone presents!
Luz:  Whee!
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Hazel:  We’re so happy you could join us for Winterfest, Mrs. VanHart.  And by the way, I love your hair.
Avery:  Thank you, dear!  And please call me Avery.
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Avery:  This Grand Meal looks delicious, Hazel. 
Hazel:  Thank you Mrs. Van-- I mean, Avery.
Avery:  You’re welcome, dear.  I know you must have made it all by yourself.  My Ross is good at many things, but cooking is not one of them.
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After dinner…

Avery:  Now, tell me all about the birth of my first grandchild this morning.  And don’t leave out the part about how my son left you here all alone.
Hazel:  It wasn’t exactly like that.  Ross had to work.  He’s expecting a promotion and law enforcement doesn’t get holidays off, you know.
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Avery:  Mmmhmm…no need to sugar coat it, dear.
Hazel:  Well, anyway, I had just put the ham in the oven when I felt the first contraction.
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Hazel:  Everything was already set up upstairs.  We had a feeling it was going to be a girl so we picked out a pink bassinet.
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Hazel:  It was a girl.  Two of them, actually.
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Hazel:  As soon as Ross got home, he ran right upstairs in a panic.
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Hazel:  But he calmed down as soon as he saw that everyone was alright.  We named them Holly and Ivy since they were born on Winterfest.
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Avery:  They are beautiful and perfect!  And it should be easy to remember their birthdays.  You know, Ross didn’t even call when I aged up to elder?
Hazel:  I…er…hmm.  Did I mention how much I like your hair?  You look pretty.
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The next day…

Hazel:  Sadie, have you met Basil’s daughter?  This is Luz.  (to Luz) You’re my favorite niece in the whole world, aren’t you sweetie?
Sadie:  She looks like her daddy!
Hazel:  Well, I’ll leave you two to get acquainted.
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Sadie:  Um…hi there.  Are you playing peek-a-boo?
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Sadie:  My name is Sadie.  I’m your daddy’s girlfriend.
Hazel: (thinking) Me Daddy’s girl.  Not you!  Me!
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Basil walks in…

Basil:  Oh hey, Sadie!  I didn’t know you were still here.
Sadie:  I was on my way out, but Hazel wanted to introduce me to Luz…
Basil:  That’s great!  I would have introduced you earlier, but she was taking a nap. 
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Basil:  Look, I’ve gotta work tonight, but I hope we can all get together again soon.  It’s great to see my two girls getting to know each other.
Sadie:  Yeah, um, about that…
Basil:  We’ll talk later.   How about a kiss under the mistletoe before I go?
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Sadie:  So, Luz…that’s a pretty name.
Luz:  Mean lady!  Go away! *cries*
Sadie:  Um…Hazel?  A little help?
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Hazel:  Is it bedtime already, Luz?  Let me give you a bath, then I’ll tuck you in.
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Hazel:  Good night, little Luzie.
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The following day…

Hazel:  I don’t know if we’re ready for this, but it’s time!
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Hazel:  I just have to say it—we made some adorable kids.
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*Holly on the left, Ivy on the right

Hazel:  And, of course they’re tired, so I guess we’ll put them right to bed.
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Author's note:  Yes, Hazel hosted Winterfest, cooked the Grand Meal, gave birth to twins, and appeased her mother-in-law all in one day.  She's amazing. 

Offline kattiq

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Home for the Holidays (July 16)
« Reply #256 on: July 27, 2019, 10:06:11 AM »
I love the names Holly & Ivy! I also love how you color coordinated their outfits too :D
Hazel is indeed amazing, Ross should feel very lucky! But it seems as if he needs to give his own mother a little more attention too. Haha
Also seems as if sweet little Luz will give Sadie a run for her money. Too funny!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Home for the Holidays (July 26)
« Reply #257 on: July 28, 2019, 12:26:52 PM »
Hazel is so fantastic.  Loved when she saved the "mean lady" from the wrath of Luz!!!
Holly and Ivy are great names and adorable little darlings...though I'm already unfairly partial to Ivy  ;=)

Offline Joria

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Home for the Holidays (July 26)
« Reply #258 on: August 02, 2019, 03:33:32 PM »
(singing favorite carol) "The holly and the ivy,    dadadum dum dum....of all the trees within the wood, the holly bears the crown,  ddumdedum...."   I Love the names!  Loved catching up!  What a wonderful Winterfest you guys had.  And Hazel is a peach!  Cute to see little Luz getting all possessive over HER daddy.  So typical of little girls.  You really are an astonishing writer and I always enjoy your chapters.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Home for the Holidays (July 16)
« Reply #259 on: August 04, 2019, 06:07:49 PM »
I love the names Holly & Ivy! I also love how you color coordinated their outfits too :D
Hazel is indeed amazing, Ross should feel very lucky! But it seems as if he needs to give his own mother a little more attention too. Haha
Also seems as if sweet little Luz will give Sadie a run for her money. Too funny!
Thanks!  I was hoping for twins and had a few different name combos picked out.  I'm glad they were both girls so I could use Holly and Ivy. 

Luz is definitely a handful, in a fun way.   :)

Hazel is so fantastic.  Loved when she saved the "mean lady" from the wrath of Luz!!!
Holly and Ivy are great names and adorable little darlings...though I'm already unfairly partial to Ivy  ;=)
Hazel is probably the best at handling Luz.  Sadie would probably do better if she didn't try so hard, but it's fun watching her struggle.

(singing favorite carol) "The holly and the ivy,    dadadum dum dum....of all the trees within the wood, the holly bears the crown,  ddumdedum...."   I Love the names!  Loved catching up!  What a wonderful Winterfest you guys had.  And Hazel is a peach!  Cute to see little Luz getting all possessive over HER daddy.  So typical of little girls.  You really are an astonishing writer and I always enjoy your chapters.
I get that song in my head whenever I write Holly and Ivy's names.  ;)   That's not a bad thing, though, it's one of my favorites. 

Luz is definitely a daddy's girl.  I loved all the faces she made at Sadie. 

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Toddlers in the House (Aug 4)
« Reply #260 on: August 04, 2019, 06:24:01 PM »
This chapter is 20% shorter than normal and 50% toddler spam.  I did the math for you.  Enjoy.

Toddlers in the House

Sadie:  She looks all innocent sleeping there, but I don’t think the kid likes me.  What do I do, Ross?
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Ross:  Kids are like dogs.  They can smell fear.
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Sadie:  Okay…but what am I supposed to do about it?
Ross:  You’re hopeless.  As hopeless as the Llamacorns winning the World Series.
Sadie:  Well you aren’t actually giving me any advice!   And I happen to think the Llamacorns have a good chance this year.
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Another day…

Darwin:  So, do you think the butler did it?
Ross:  That’s what they want you to think.
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Darwin:  The jealous ex-girlfriend?
Ross:  Nope.
Darwin:  Then who? 
Ross:  It’s…
Darwin:  No, wait!  Don’t tell me.  I want to be surprised.

Vet:  What seems to be the problem?
Hazel:  Well, his nose is bright red for one thing.
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Maja:  You know, boys, I may not live here anymore, but I’m still your mother.  I don’t think you two should be outside without jackets on.
Kale:  Don’t worry, Mom.  Hazel got tired of us almost freezing to death and made us get cold acclimation.
Maja:  That’s my girl.
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At midnight…

Everyone:  Happy New Year!
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Kale:  You’ve got me cornered again.   How do you keep doing that?
Ross:  You’re too predictable, kid.
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Maja:  Just look at my three granddaughters all together!  How did you get them to sit still?
Hazel:  Easy.  I bribed them with candy.
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Maja:  Whatever works.  I can’t even imagine having three toddlers in the house at once.
Hazel:  Thanks, Mom, but I do have a lot of help.
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Hazel:  I remember when I became the heir, Basil was relieved.  He wasn’t even sure he wanted to have kids, and now look at him.
Maja:  Life’s funny that way.
Basil:  Well, no one told me that I could have a kid with superpowers.
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Clara:  From what I understand, Luz won’t get all her superpowers until she’s a teen.  But she’ll be one step closer today.
Maja:  Are you ready for your birthday, Luzie?
Luz:  Cake!
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Basil:  Hey Sadie!  You got here just in time.
Sadie:  Oh. Sure. Wouldn’t miss it.
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Basil:  Happy Birthday, my little angel.
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And here she is, the legacy’s first Evil child.  Muahahahaha.
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Hazel:  Welcome to the family club, Luzie.
Luz:  Thanks, Auntie Hazel.  Do you think I could take over someday?
Hazel:  Not a chance.  But you can always form your own club.
Luz:  Even better!
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Notes:  Luz continues to be quite the delightful surprise.  Also, the internet is divided on how to best spell the evil laugh (because I had no clue and had to look it up).  The most common variations seem to be mwahaha, muahaha or bwahaha.   

Offline Deklitch

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Toddlers in the House (Aug 4)
« Reply #261 on: August 05, 2019, 03:15:41 AM »
Best evil laugh? Mine goes "mwa ha ha ha ha" *cough cough cough* "mwa ha ha ha"

The picture of the three toddlers on the lounge together is priceless! And the bribing with candy - I may do something similar to that with my nephews - only I use stickers in place of candy (my sister can't blame ME if they go hyper that way). :) Mwa ha ha ha *cough cough cough* Mwa ha ha ha.

See? :D

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Offline Joria

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Toddlers in the House (Aug 4)
« Reply #262 on: August 05, 2019, 03:01:18 PM »
Adorable!!  Still, you are a better player than I to do three toddlers at once!  I think I'd call it game over at that point.
  Luz, the light, an Evil?  Well, ok, so was Lucifer, which also means light.  I've never played an evil Sim so am looking forward to her antics in future.  Makes me think of a famous, bad tempered anti-hero, (or some think he really had a soft heart deep inside), that became one of my favorite reads.  Brooks was his name.   And how are the other two doing?
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline kattiq

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Toddlers in the House (Aug 4)
« Reply #263 on: August 11, 2019, 09:18:13 PM »
Three toddlers. Kudos to you and all the fam! And I'm starting to enjoy using traits I don't normally use, I haven't used evil yet- but I think it's definitely in one of the generation requirements for my Berry Challenge! Luz grew up to be sweet looking so maybe she will get away with mostly everything, lol! Can't wait to see Holly & Ivy grow up next.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Toddlers in the House (Aug 4)
« Reply #264 on: August 14, 2019, 02:37:32 PM »
Best evil laugh? Mine goes "mwa ha ha ha ha" *cough cough cough* "mwa ha ha ha"

The picture of the three toddlers on the lounge together is priceless! And the bribing with candy - I may do something similar to that with my nephews - only I use stickers in place of candy (my sister can't blame ME if they go hyper that way). :) Mwa ha ha ha *cough cough cough* Mwa ha ha ha.

See? :D
Lol, yes, the coughing goes well with the evil laugh. 

Stickers are a good choice for bribing a niece or nephew.  Let the grandparents get in trouble for giving the kids candy.   ;)

Adorable!!  Still, you are a better player than I to do three toddlers at once!  I think I'd call it game over at that point.
  Luz, the light, an Evil?  Well, ok, so was Lucifer, which also means light.  I've never played an evil Sim so am looking forward to her antics in future.  Makes me think of a famous, bad tempered anti-hero, (or some think he really had a soft heart deep inside), that became one of my favorite reads.  Brooks was his name.   And how are the other two doing?
These three toddlers were fun together.  Luz was wild, but Holly and Ivy were charmer and angelic.  It really wasn't bad.  I had a pair of twins in a game once who were fussy and independent, and I'll take these three over those two any day!

I was surprised that Luz rolled the evil trait, but it might turn out to be useful.  I think she'll be loyal to her family, though, like the anti-hero you mentioned.

Three toddlers. Kudos to you and all the fam! And I'm starting to enjoy using traits I don't normally use, I haven't used evil yet- but I think it's definitely in one of the generation requirements for my Berry Challenge! Luz grew up to be sweet looking so maybe she will get away with mostly everything, lol! Can't wait to see Holly & Ivy grow up next.
I don't often play evil sims, either, but it's been fun.  I like it when she does the evil laugh.  So far, I think evil is a lot easier to manage than the mean trait.   I had a mean sim once who had the hardest time maintaining relationships with his family.   

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Home Front (Aug 14)
« Reply #265 on: August 14, 2019, 03:01:58 PM »
The Home Front

Luz: (thinking) I may look calm, but I am not okay with this.
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Maja:  Meckchate already!  Where did you learn that strategy?
Kale:  A true chess master never reveals his secrets, Mother.
Maja:  I bet Ross has been mentoring you.  You never would have thought of that on your own.
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Ross:  And so, Goldilocks weaseled her way out of the trespassing charge, but was found guilty of stealing Baby Bear’s porridge and breaking his chair.  The end.
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Luz:  They call this hunk of metal a spaceship?  It would never fly!
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A few days later…

Hazel:  It’s good to see you, Mom.  I wish you would have let me throw you a birthday party.
Maja:  Normally I like a good party, but I don’t need people cheering while my hair turns gray.
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Darwin:  If you don’t mind, could you give us a status report?  I hear you got another promotion at work.
Hazel:  Yes, I earned my last promotion yesterday.  It’s been an easy career, I must say.
Maja:  No need to be modest, dear, you’ve worked hard.
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Hazel:  We’ve all been working hard.  Basil just needs one more promotion to reach the top of his career.  Oh, and the aliens came for him again.
Darwin:  Well, the house is full.  At least there won’t be any more surprises.
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Maja:  Speaking of which, how is our favorite surprise?  Is she doing well in school?
Hazel:  Luz is great!  I don’t always agree with some of Basil’s parenting decisions, but it’s not my place to interfere.
Maja:  Oh?
Hazel:  For example, the other day, Luz woke up with a stomachache.  I think she was probably just hungry, but Basil had an excuse note typed up for school before I could even offer her breakfast.
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Maja:  Are you sure she wasn’t really sick?
Hazel:  I’m sure.  But it’s okay, I guess.  Basil spent the whole day with her, playing chess and reading and such.  She’s doing great with her skills, so who am I to judge Basil’s methods?
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Maja:  And how is Kale doing?
Hazel:  I know he’s at level 8 of his career, but he doesn’t talk about it much.  He says I’m not allowed to ask questions.  He did come home in a new suit.
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Hazel:  Ross isn’t allowed to discuss his work much, either, at least not until the cases go to trial.  He was promoted to Captain, which is great, and I think he’s got a good shot at being Chief someday.  When the current Chief retires, that is.
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Darwin:  It sounds like you’ve got everything under control on the home front.
Maja:  I hope you all get out every now and then for a little fun.
Hazel:  Oh, we do!  When the Spice Festival was in town last weekend, we all went.  Basil had to leave early for work, but the rest of us stayed.   
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Hazel:  We even brought the girls with us.  Of course, we didn’t let them have the curry, but Ivy enjoyed her bowl of ramen. 
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Hazel:  We did let Luz try the Curry Challenge.  Basil said it was okay.
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Hazel:  Needless to say, Luz and I didn’t do so well. 
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Hazel:  The biggest surprise of the night was Kale.  He passed the Curry Challenge and got the t-shirt and everything!
Maja:  Good for him!
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The next evening…

Luz:  *sweetly* Hello, Miss Sadie, are you here for the party?
Sadie: (surprised by the sweetness) Yes.  I’m not late, am I?
Luz:  You are right on time.  But you might want to clean that spot off your dress before you go in.
Sadie:  What spot?
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Luz:  Hahaha!  I can’t believe you fell for that!
Sadie:  *embarrassed*  I should have seen that coming
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Everyone: *singing* Happy birthday Holly and Ivy, happy birthday to youuuuuu.
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Ivy:  Are they going to line us all up every time we have a birthday?
Luz:  I’d say the odds are good.
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The next morning…

Luz:  Auntie Hazel, I need your help.
Hazel:  What is it, Luzie dear?
Luz:  I joined the Behr Cubs and I’m trying to add my cousins to the club, so we can do our homework together, but I can’t because this woman is apparently the leader of the club.
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Zoe:  Hey!  I earned the leadership of that club.  Why don’t you just start your own?
Luz:  Because the Behr Cubs already has perks.  Why don’t you start your own club?  You’re not even a Behr.
Zoe:  I’m related to the Behrs.  And by the way, I’m your aunt, too.  So how about a little respect?
Luz:  You are Holly and Ivy’s aunt, but you are not my aunt.  You are my Uncle Ross’s sister.  The one who’s name no one remembers.
Zoe:  *thinks about it* Well, when your dad marries my sister, then I will be your aunt.  Or at least your step-aunt.  You can’t argue with that.
Hazel:  Ladies, let’s not get off subject.  I’m sure we can work this out.
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Hazel:  Zoe, I don’t know how you didn’t age out of the homework club like the rest of us, but do you really want to lead a club full of kids?  And Luz, do you think you could just ask Zoe nicely to transfer the club to you?
Luz:  I guess I can be nice.  At least she’s the better of Uncle Ross’s two sisters.
Zoe:  Aww…it’s okay.  Hazel is right, I don’t really need to lead a kid’s club.
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Luz:  Great news, girls!  I took over a club, and I’m going to let you be in it.
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Holly:  What should we do first?
Luz:  Get my dad to take us to the park, of course.
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Offline Joria

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Home Front (Aug 14)
« Reply #266 on: August 15, 2019, 06:32:06 AM »
"I may look calm, but I'm not ok with this.", totally cracked me up.  Dear Luzie is ever adorable!  And her taking over the clubs!  I guess it's ok if they belong in two clubs, huh?  Mine is in her mom's club but she has one of her own with just kids in it.
I loved the story telling with Goldilocks finally getting her come uppance!  Always wondered about that as a kid.  Figured she got away with it because she was a cute blonde, (my rl nemesis as a child!).  I could go on but let's just say a wonderful update as usual!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Home Front (Aug 14)
« Reply #267 on: August 16, 2019, 10:18:52 PM »
"I may look calm, but I'm not ok with this.", totally cracked me up.  Dear Luzie is ever adorable!  And her taking over the clubs!  I guess it's ok if they belong in two clubs, huh?  Mine is in her mom's club but she has one of her own with just kids in it.
I loved the story telling with Goldilocks finally getting her come uppance!  Always wondered about that as a kid.  Figured she got away with it because she was a cute blonde, (my rl nemesis as a child!).  I could go on but let's just say a wonderful update as usual!
I'm glad you like Luz's antics.  She's a lot of fun.  All the girls belong to both the family club and the kid's club.  I just activate whichever one I need at the time.

I figured Ross might want to add his own commentary to the end of Goldilocks.  I always kind of wondered what happened to her, myself.   ;)

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Shoe Bandit: Part I (Aug 16)
« Reply #268 on: August 16, 2019, 10:47:10 PM »
The next two updates will take a slight detour from the main story to cover Ross’s adventures in the detective career.   Part One begins shortly after Ross and Hazel’s wedding.

The Shoe Bandit: Part One

It’s my first day on the job and I’m greener than the grass on the other side of the fence.  Except the ground is covered with snow because it’s Winter.  Grass or no grass, I am an Eager Beaver, ready and willing to start fighting crime.
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Of course, even a smart guy like me has to pay his dues.  Finger prints, mugshots, confiscating contraband.  The usual.
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This goon tries to get fresh with me.  I don’t think so, punk.  I’m a married man and Papa don’t mess around.  Come to think of it, my wife could easily knock you from here to next Tuesday so you’re lucky you're already behind bars.
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Finally, I catch a break.  There’s a crime scene in Newcrest and they need an extra man.  It’s warmer in Newcrest.  No snow, just rain.  Rain that might be washing away evidence, but my colleagues just stand around like it’s a Sunday school picnic.  Good thing I’m on the job.
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I interview a few witnesses because that’s what I’m supposed to do.  Their reports are about as useful as a violin in a marching band, but at least I’ve got something to turn in to my superiors.
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Before heading back to the station, I snap a picture of a shoe that none of the other officers seem to have noticed.
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The next day, I get sent out to make my first arrest.  It’s an open and shut case, nothing complicated.  I’m just supposed to haul in the suspect.  Still, I’m eager to prove myself.

There have been several incidents at the gym in Windenberg.  Some joker keeps clogging up the pool filter with llama fur and management has asked the police to get involved.  Sounds like kid stuff.

I arrive on the scene to find-- not kids, but three elderly women using the pool.  I immediately know which one of them is the culprit, but I make small talk and engage in some friendly banter first.
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When everyone is feeling nice and relaxed, I make my move.

“You!  With the fur-lined boots.  Your inappropriate footwear is clogging up the filter in the pool!”  It’s hard to sound menacing saying something so absurd, but I do my best.

She starts offering up excuses.  I didn’t know.  No one told me not to wear boots in the pool.  I only went swimming once (a day for the last two weeks).  I'm just an old woman.
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I haul her back to the station for questioning because the chief wants results.  She’ll probably get off with a warning for a first offense.  If stupidity was an actual crime, she’d get a life sentence.

The chief calls me into his office for a chat.  Chief Bacon is a big man.  Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, but don’t make that pig joke.  I’ve seen others try it, and it ain’t pretty.  Because, you know, cops are called pigs and bacon comes from pigs and...never mind.
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If I’m expecting praise for a job well done, I don’t get it.  Instead, the chief chews me out for breaking protocol.  Apparently, it is not okay to make an arrest in your swimwear even if you are at the pool and basically have no choice.

I want to point out that undercover agents make arrests in street clothes every day, but I know what he’ll say.  I’m no undercover agent.  Yet.  I bite my tongue and keep my trap shut.

When he’s done berating me, the chief tosses a thin manila folder at me and says, “see what you can do with this.” 

My first case.  And not just any case.  As it stands, there are no clues, no evidence has been collected, and no witness reports have been taken.  Staring at the blank board in front of me, I can’t help but grin like a Cheshire cat.  Starting with nothing.  My kind of job.
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Step one is travel to the scene of the crime.  I’m surprised to find my sister there, but not surprised when she provides no useful information.
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The case itself is a typical one—petty theft, damage to property, graffiti.  This time, the thief has left a calling card, a spray-painted drawing of a gnome.
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And a familiar looking shoe.
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Back at the station, I start putting it all together.
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Long story short, the trail leads me back to Windenberg, this time to the library.  I find my suspect upstairs.  His shoes give him away.
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I don’t like to brag, but my first interrogation is as smooth as silk.  I don’t have a script, I just follow my gut.  I lead with a little good cop…
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Followed by a sprinkling of bad cop…
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And when I’ve got him right where I want him, I present some cold, hard evidence.
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One confession later, and I’ve officially cracked my first case.
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This time, when the chief calls me into his office, I take a seat behind the desk.  I get the impression he doesn’t like this which is exactly why I do it. 
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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Shoe Bandit: Part II (Aug 17)
« Reply #269 on: August 17, 2019, 09:09:26 PM »
The Shoe Bandit: Part Two

Solving my first case leads to a promotion complete with new uniform, longer hours, harder cases, more responsibility, and not much increase in pay.
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The names and faces may be different, but the cases are basically the same.  I travel to the scene of the crime, bringing four or five junior officers with me.
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Everyone else stands around and pretends to be busy while I do all the work.  I interview witnesses who like to waive their arms around and point, and who hardly ever say anything worthwhile.  Except for the ghost lady.  She's worth talking to.
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I gather evidence and take photos at the crime scene while my coworkers continue to mill around. 
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At the station, I put together the pieces of the puzzle until I know what kind of suspect I’m looking for.  Then, it’s just a matter of time until I can issue an all points bulletin and make an arrest. 

Even though I have a good description of the suspect at this point, I still like to ask the public if they’ve seen him.  It makes the concerned citizens feel useful and the arm waving and pointing amuse me.  Especially when they get confused and point at me.
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People think there’s some magic to it, but criminals always reveal themselves.  Take a look at these two broads.  Which would you say is the guilty party?
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It’s not a trick question.  It’s the one who’s sweating bullets.  I owe much of my success as a detective to being more observant than the average joe. 
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After the arrest comes the fun part: interrogating the suspect. 
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Good cop.  Bad cop.  Show evidence.  Repeat.  It never gets old.
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Sometimes I even throw in a little crazy cop.
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These days, the chief doesn’t care what methods I use, as long as I get results.   
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I put criminal after criminal behind bars, and yet, I have a hunch the real mastermind behind it all remains elusive.  The crime scenes- they all look the same.  The graffiti, the trash, the shoes.  It’s the shoes that bother me.  My very first case, I arrested a crook who wore those shoes.  I know that punk is locked up, so why am I still seeing the shoes?  It doesn’t add up.

What I need is an informant.  Someone who will rat out the boss.  I find that guy at the dog park.
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He’s a pleasant enough guy.  Not the brightest.  Probably fell in with the wrong crowd at a young age.  I’ve got a warrant out for his arrest, but rather than slapping cuffs on him right away, I play a game of chess with him.  A little cat and mouse, if you will.  You can tell a lot about a sim by how they play chess.  What I learn about this guy is that he’s just the stool pigeon I’m looking for.
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When I get him into the interrogation room, he cracks faster than an egg on concrete.
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Five minutes in, he’s crying for his mama.
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Two minutes after that, he’s naming names.
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Turns out, it’s a husband and wife team—sort of like Bonnie and Clyde, only not as young, not as good looking and significantly less dangerous.  I nabbed the husband early in my career, but the wife has carried on with her life of crime by recruiting others. 

It takes time to set up the sting operation, but eventually we nab our man, or rather, woman.  Of course, she denies everything.
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Not that it matters.  I’ve got so much evidence at this point-- along with half a dozen of her shoes-- that I don’t even need a confession.  I get it anyway, but I don’t need it.
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I haven’t seen a tennis shoe at a crime scene since I put her ugly mug behind bars.
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It’s the biggest bust of my career and nets me another promotion.  I don’t like to count my chickens before they’re hatched; but when the chief packs his bags for Sulani in a few months, the job is probably mine.
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When the desk belongs to me and not him, I’ll probably never sit at it again.  It won’t feel right.
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