Author Topic: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: My Generation (Nov 3)  (Read 97771 times)

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Wendy's Big Belly (Oct 28)
« Reply #150 on: October 28, 2018, 01:06:36 PM »
Wendy's (not very) Big Belly

Aster: Look at you!  That’s the cutest little belly I’ve ever seen.
Wendy:  Thank you, dear.  I wish we could stay here and celebrate that I’m eating for two, but we both have appointments at the adoption agency this morning.  You know we can’t adopt when there’s an infant in the house.
Aster: *sigh* Our work is never done.  Meet you in the nursery in a few hours?
Wendy:  Deal.
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Aster:  You returned from the adoption agency first which makes our son, Hypnos, the seventh child.
Wendy:  Yes, and you are holding our eighth child, Hestia.
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Aster:  Are you sure you don’t want me to take family leave?  I feel guilty leaving my pregnant wife here with two infants.
Wendy:  I’ll be fine, dear.  I’d hate for you to miss a day of work when you are so close to your next promotion.  Besides, I haven’t had any morning sickness and the butler is here if I need him.
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Wendy:  We don’t need any help, do we?  ‘Cause you’re a good wittle nooboo, yes you are!
Hypnos:  *coos*
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Mr. Datta:  My Lady doesn’t think she needs help, but she has…*counts on fingers* …six…seven…eight children.  With another on the way!  She needs a vacation, that’s what she needs. 
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Mr. Datta:  Just for m’lady I will do the dishes without being commanded to clean.
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Athena:  We all got A’s in school!  Hooray for us!
Hermes (on right):  More like hooray for the weekend.
Ares (on left): Yeah, let’s go play!
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Athena:  Did you see our new brother and sister?  Aren’t they the cutest things?
Ares:  Eh.  All nooboos look alike. 
Athena: No they don’t! 
Ares: Uh, yes they do.  And if I were you, I wouldn’t be too excited about nooboos.  Mother and Father will probably be moving you out any day now to make room for more.
Athena: You’re crazy.  No one moves out until they are at least a teen.  And Apollo didn’t move out until he was a young adult.
Ares:  If you say so…but you are the oldest kid in the house.  I wouldn’t get too comfortable, that’s all I’m sayin’.
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Ares:  Hey, Hermes.  Did you see the new babies?
Hermes:  Yeah, I saw ‘em.  Boy and a girl.
Ares:  Yep.  Reckon that means mother and father will be moving one of us out soon.
Hermes:  What are you talking about?  Nobody moves out until they are a teen.
Ares:  Are you sure?  I heard the gardener tell the butler that there were too many kids in the house.  Now, on the one hand, Athena is oldest; but she’s also a redhead and a girl and she was a top-notch toddler. 
Hermes:  And you’re a hothead.
Ares:  Yeah…so…probably our relatives don’t want me.  You’re a genius.  Bet they’d take you.
Hermes:  You don’t know what you’re talking about.
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Athena:  Hello!  Are you my Grandpapa Behr?
Andrew:  Yes.  And you must be my granddaughter Athena.  It’s very nice of you to mourn at my headstone almost every day.
Athena:  I’m a good sim.  I get this overwhelming urge to mourn sometimes.
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Andrew:  How are things with you, Athena? 
Athena:  Good…except…
Andrew:  Uh oh.  What’s wrong, sweetheart?
Athena:  Ares said some things…I don’t know.  He’s probably lying, but…
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Aster:  Hey Papa!  Good to see you!
Andrew:  Hello son!  I was hoping I’d run into you tonight.
Aster:  Yeah?  What’s up?
Andrew:  I just had a long talk with Athena.  It seems young Ares has been practicing some mischief.  *tells Aster what Athena said*  It sounds like kids just being kids, but I thought you’d want to know.
Aster:  Thanks, Papa.  I’ll nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand.
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Aster:  Ares!  Wake up!  It’s time to go.
Ares:  What?  Go where?
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Aster:  Pack your bags.  It’s time to leave.
Ares:  Leave?  Father, I don’t want to go!  I’m just kid.  I’ll be good, I promise.  Please!
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Aster:  What’s wrong, son?  Why would you not want to go to Granite Falls?
Ares: G-granite Falls?  I thought…I thought you meant…
Aster: *gives a stern look*
Ares: *mumbles* I told Athena and Hermes that you and mother were going to move someone out.  I was just joking, but then I thought…I mean…
Aster:  The problem with telling falsehoods, son, is that if you tell them often enough sometimes you start to believe them yourself.  You know that no one moves out until they are a teen and even then, it’s their choice.
Ares:  Yes Father.
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Aster: No more mischief making, okay?  And I’m serious about Granite Falls.  Want to go?
Ares:  Yes Father!

Wendy:  This is a nice surprise!  Are you sure it’s okay to leave the nooboos at home?
Aster:  Of course it’s okay!  Mr. Datta promised to take good care of them, and Papa said he’d take the night shift.
Wendy: Oh, if Papa Behr said he’d come out, then I’m sure it’s alright.
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Aster:  Ahhh…now this is the life!  You look completely adorable in your bathing suit, by the way.
Wendy:  Thank you, dear.  There isn’t actually any place to swim in Granite Falls, but swimwear seemed appropriate none-the-less.
Aster:  Completely appropriate.  And adorable.
Wendy:  You said that already.
Aster:  It’s worth repeating.
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Aster:  I bought this tent at the ranger station.  I thought we could stay out here and let the kids have the cabin.
Wendy:  It’s very nice, dear.  But with our vampire weaknesses, neither of us can sleep in a tent.  Or in a bed, for that matter.
Aster:  Who said anything about sleeping?
Wendy:  Oh!  Oh, I see.
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In the evening…

Aster:  Gather ‘round the fire, everyone, we’re going to have a Weenie Roast.
Wendy:  What’s a Weenie Roast?
Aster:  Have you heard of Frankfurters?  They are also called hot dogs, or red hots, or weenies.
Wendy:  Who will roast them?  You and I both have withered stomachs.
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Aster:  The kids will roast them.  You and I will hang out by the fire and add another log as necessary.
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Wendy:  I’m so relieved that the fire didn’t get out of control.  I’ve heard horror stories about these fire pits.
Aster:  I think the key is to not let any uncontrolled sims near the fire.  I only invited the five of us and we easily earned a gold medal for this party.
Hermes:  Mmm…these are good!
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Aster:  Did you feel that?  Apollo and Melany must have had their fourth child.
Wendy:  How do you know?
Aster:  Because I just completed the Big Happy Family aspiration.
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Wendy: *checks relationship panel*  It’s a boy!  They named him Alexander.

In the morning, birthday notices arrive for Hypnos and Hestia so the family returns home to age them up.

Wendy:  I thought Hestia’s toddler trait was ‘silly.’  Why is she pouting?
Aster:  When I offered to read both toddlers a story, Hestia refused.  Then she immediately asked you to read to her.
Wendy:  Ahh…toddlers.   I’ll read to silly Hestia while you read to clingy Hypnos.
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Notes:  The 10-kid generation can get confusing so here’s a brief run-down of who’s in the house, just for reference:
Aster- Gen 2 heir, YA vampire
Wendy- Gen 2 spouse, YA vampire
Athena- adoption #4, child
Ares- adoption #5, child
Hermes- adoption #6, child
Hypnos- adoption #7, nooboo for most of update, toddler at the end
Hestia- adoption #8, nooboo for most of update, toddler at the end
??- Wendy is in her 3rd trimester with the 9th child and first heir candidate

Aster and Wendy's swimwear is by Lollaleeloo at TSR.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Wendy's Big Belly (Oct 28)
« Reply #151 on: October 28, 2018, 02:54:30 PM »
Aww, love Aster and Wendy. The way Aster dealt with Ares was masterful!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Wendy's Big Belly (Oct 28)
« Reply #152 on: October 28, 2018, 04:20:45 PM »
Ohhh, I absolutely love Aster and Wendy in their custom swimwear!
Wendy's a temptress, isn't she? They're such a great couple!

As for your nanny problem, after turning the nanny, she no longer comes to the Sharebear house when they phone for a nanny.
So that's one workaround if you simply want a different nanny to hire.
Regarding nannicide, I made a forum thread on that very question but received no real answers.  I guess more research is required?

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Wendy's Big Belly (Oct 28)
« Reply #153 on: November 02, 2018, 05:26:44 PM »
Aww, love Aster and Wendy. The way Aster dealt with Ares was masterful!
Thanks!  Aster and Wendy have been really good parents so I wanted to show them off a little in this update.  :)

Ohhh, I absolutely love Aster and Wendy in their custom swimwear!
Wendy's a temptress, isn't she? They're such a great couple!
As for your nanny problem, after turning the nanny, she no longer comes to the Sharebear house when they phone for a nanny.
So that's one workaround if you simply want a different nanny to hire.
Regarding nannicide, I made a forum thread on that very question but received no real answers.  I guess more research is required?
The Granite Falls trip may have been a thin excuse to use the Victorian swimwear cc.   ;)  Well, that and a way to skip a day of taking care of two nooboos.

I haven't decided whether I will go for the "death point" in the Nature Category, but the old nanny would be a good candidate if I did.  Assuming that he's capable of dying, that is.  I'll keep your workaround in mind if I need to hire a new nanny.

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Ten (Nov 2)
« Reply #154 on: November 02, 2018, 05:51:24 PM »
Big Ten

Wendy: C’mon, Wendy, you can do this…hoo...hee...hoo…hee…
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Wendy:  Linden Behr--  you’re our ninth child and first potential heir.  I wonder if you’ll be a vampire?
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Daisy: I hear you have a new sibling, Athena. 
Athena:  Yes.  Another brother.
Daisy:  Do you like being part of such a large family?
Athena:  Yes…most of the time.   The nooboos are cute and there’s always someone to play with, but…
Daisy: But, what?
Athena:  It gets loud sometimes…and crowded. 
Daisy:  I know just what you mean. 
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Daisy:  You have a birthday coming up, don’t you?
Athena:  *nods*  I’ll be a teen in two days.
Daisy:  If you choose to move out, would you like to come live with me and your Uncle Daichi?
Athena: *eyes light up*  Could I?  Doesn’t Artemis live with you and Uncle Daichi?
Daisy:  Artemis is still with us, but I think we could make room for another.   I’ll talk to your parents and see what we can work out.
Athena:  You’re the best, Aunt Daisy!
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Wendy:  It’s nice to finally meet my fourth grandchild.  How are you, Alexander?  *hugs*
Alexander:  No!  No hug!
Apollo:  Sorry, Mother.  He’s our fussy one.
Wendy:  Don’t mention it, dear.  One of your sisters was fussy.  I understand.
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From left to right: Gracie, Matthew, Tamara, Alexander

Hermes:  I wasn’t allowed to go to school today, Mother.  They said I was too sick.
Wendy:  I’m taking a sick day as well.  Do you have gas ‘n giggles like me?
Hermes:  No.  I believe mine is bloaty head.
Wendy:  Would you like me to order you some medicine or would you rather take a nap?
Hermes:  A nap, I think.
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Apollo (thinking):  How is it possible that I never did the Musical Genius aspiration until now?  I’ve mastered the piano, guitar, violin, and pipe organ.  All I have to do is write four songs and I’m done.
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Wendy:  It’s already time to get you out of that crib, Linden.  Oh look!  You have Daddy’s red hair, Mommy’s blue eyes, and you are a vampire!
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Wendy:  Just a quick change of clothing and hairstyle…much better.  Shall I read you a story?
Linden: Stowy!
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Aster:  Hello Mama!  What are you doing in that caterer’s outfit?
Shari:  I’m catering Athena’s birthday party, of course. 
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Aster: Yes, but why are you catering the party?  You should be a guest.
Shari:  If I cater, then you can invite more people.  And besides, I do a much better job than most hired help.  I’ve already made Athena a nice strawberry cake. 
Aster:  Okay, but next time, you are just a guest.
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Shari:  See?  I’m a great caterer!  I even made a plate of sandwiches.
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Daisy:  Oh my, Athena!  You are positively gorgeous!  Are you sure your parents will let you move out?
Athena: *giggles* They have to let me move.  Grandmama Behr says they need to have one more child.
Daisy:  Well, you can’t argue with Mama!
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Later that evening…

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Aster:  I’m feeling Very Confident that you are eating for two.
Wendy:  I never knew the observatory could be so much fun.
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Aster:  I love your new dress and hat, by the way.
Wendy:  Thank you.  I thought it was about time I updated my wardrobe a bit.

Wendy: *looks up* Umm…you know, this isn’t a great time for this.  It is quite possible that I am with child.
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The following day…

Aster:  How was your day, Wendy?
Wendy:  Exhausting.  I spent the whole morning chasing after our potential heir.
Aster:  Well, he is a wild one.  What did he get into?
Wendy:  Everything.  First, he explored the kitchen cabinets.  Then, we went out to the garden.  Next, he got into the bookcase.  And finally, I had to reprimand him for playing in the wash tub.  He made such a cute expression, though, that I could hardly keep a straight face.
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Wendy:  After the older kids came home from school, I gave up trying to chase after him and let him run free.
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Aster:  Sounds like you’ve had a long day.  You relax and put your feet up, and I’ll take care of Ares and Hermes’s birthday.
Wendy: Oh, that’s right.  It’s their teen birthday tonight!
Aster:  We don’t need to have a big party.  I’ll just make a cake and invite the family.
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Note: Two cakes are needed because Ares takes a piece of his immediately after blowing out his candles.
Ares (left) is a hot-headed dance machine.  Hermes (right) is a genius dog-lover.

Shari:  I’m so sleepy all of a sudden.  I think I’ll just lie down here behind the piano.
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Grim:  Such a big crowd tonight for…let’s see…Shari Behr.  Oh, a legacy founder.  That explains it.
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Hermes (in front):  Worst birthday ever.
Ares (in back): You can say that again.
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Rest in peace Shari.  After being created in a lab, you were thrown back in time and asked to start a legacy before you were even given a proper name.  You leave behind three children, nine grandchildren (with a 10th due any minute), and four great-grandchildren.  You completed eight aspirations, maxed ten skills, and reached the top of the author career.  This legacy could not have asked for a better founder.
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Wendy:  I’ll take good care of them all, Mama Behr.  I promise.
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A few hours later…

Wendy:  Welcome to the world, Laurel.  You’re our number 10.
Aster:  A perfect 10.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Ten (Nov 2)
« Reply #155 on: November 02, 2018, 06:01:37 PM »
Rest in peace, Shari!
I'm glad you crossed to the other shore while surrounded by your beloved family. *sniffle, sniffle

Athena, Ares, and Hermes are all such handsome teens!
Haha, Linden is such an adorable little whirlwind!
Love Wendy's new dress and hat. Wow!
Welcome to the Behrdom, Lauren, and congrats to Aster & Wendy on their tenth child! Hip-hip-hooray!

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Ten (Nov 2)
« Reply #156 on: November 07, 2018, 10:56:20 AM »
Rest in peace, Shari!
I'm glad you crossed to the other shore while surrounded by your beloved family. *sniffle, sniffle

Athena, Ares, and Hermes are all such handsome teens!
Haha, Linden is such an adorable little whirlwind!
Love Wendy's new dress and hat. Wow!
Welcome to the Behrdom, Lauren, and congrats to Aster & Wendy on their tenth child! Hip-hip-hooray!
It's always hard to lose the founder, but I've got her saved forever in my gallery which helps.

I'm so glad to have the 10th child finally!  Part of me wants to move out all the adopted teens to decrease the household size, but then I'm afraid the aliens would abduct Aster and I'd have more heir candidates!  I don't want that to happen so the house must stay full.

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: That's Big of You (Nov 7)
« Reply #157 on: November 07, 2018, 11:26:48 AM »
That’s Big of You

Mr. Datta:  Our whole house is mourning the loss of the Behr’s founder.  I’m so distracted, I reach for Bluebell’s cake and get a nasty surprise.  Anyone need an Essence of Sadness?  Of course not.  We’re sad enough already.
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Ares:  Father said I could buy myself a moodlet solver, but I don’t want to.  I’m so upset about Grandmama Behr’s passing that I’m just going to sadly punch this bag.
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Aster:  Sleep tight my three little sad toddlers.  In another day, this mood will finally pass.
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From top to bottom: Hypnos, Hestia, Linden

The next afternoon…

Aster:  Are you ready for another round of birthdays?  We’ve got four to celebrate this week.
Wendy:  With ten children, it seems like it’s always someone’s birthday.  I made a cake for Hypnos and Hestia earlier today.  As soon as I finish giving Hestia a bath, we can start their party.
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Aster:  Sounds good.  I’ll just be out here playing with the birthday boy.
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Wendy:  Okay, we’re ready to party.  Hypnos is a few minutes older so he should go first, followed by Hestia.
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Hestia:  Oh no!  Mother, what happened to my hair?

Wendy:  Don’t worry, sweetheart.  We can fix it.  *whisks Hestia off to a closet*
Hestia:  Thank you, Mother.  That’s better.
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Hypnos got the lazy trait while Hestia is neat.

Early the next morning…

Wendy:  This is a bittersweet day, Laurel.  You are my last baby and it’s time to age you up.
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Wendy:  Oh my!  You have red hair, green eyes, and you are a vampire.  You are going to have your father wrapped around your little finger for sure.
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Aster:  Yeah…and she’s a charmer, too.  There’s no hope for me.
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Shari:  You aren’t the only one who is smitten.  She’s such a precious girl!
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Wendy:  It’s nice to see you so soon, Mama Behr.
Shari:  Thank you, Wendy!  I like to come watch my grandchildren play.  Don’t let me interrupt.  You go back to what you were doing.
Wendy:  We were just about to read a story.
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A few days later…

Wendy:  Today is a very important day.
Aster:  Yes, it’s Linden’s birthday!  Today is the first chance for one of our heir candidates to roll the Exemplar trait.  As the older of the two, if Linden gets Loves Outdoors; he will lock-in the title of heir.  If he gets any other trait, then it’s still up for grabs.
Wendy:  Make a wish, big boy!
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Wendy:  I see a lot of sparkles, but what is his trait?
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Aster:  He’s creative.  That’s a good, solid trait that will serve him well.
Wendy:  I agree.  And it’s kind of exciting to think that the heirship is still undecided.

Aster:  He got Rambunctious Scamp as his first aspiration.  That’s an easy one.
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Wendy:  Speaking of aspirations, Hermes finished Freelance Botanist.
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Aster:  Good for him!  That aspiration has been done many times, but now Hermes is free to pick something else. 
Wendy:  That’s true.  And Ares actually has a good suggestion.
Aster:  Ares has a suggestion for Hermes?
Wendy:  For all of us, really.  Ares?
Ares:  Well, father, Hermes is a dog-lover.  So I thought, if it’s okay, that I could move and let Hermes get a dog.  He could do Friend of the Animals which would help the legacy.  Right?
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Aster:  Hmm…you make a good point, son.  Friend of the Animals still needs to be done.  That’s very generous of you—offering to move out so your brother can get a dog.
Ares:  Well, Hermes is my best-friend since we were adopted at the same time and all.  I’d like to do this for him.
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Hermes:  Hello Link!  Would you like to live with us?
Link: *sniffs hand*
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Hermes:(thinking) I can’t believe they let me get a dog!
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Laurel:  Good doggie!
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Note:  Link is a Basenji with the Troublemaker, Friendly, and Vocal traits.  I don’t know how a Basenji can be vocal, but whatever.  Hermes picked the cutest dog from the list of available pets and adopted him as soon as Link’s Troublemaker trait was discovered. 
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The household right now:
Aster and Wendy- YA vampires
Hermes- adopted teen
Hypnos- adopted child
Hestia- adopted child
Linden- naturally born child
Laurel- naturally born toddler
Link- adult dog

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: That's Big of You (Nov 7)
« Reply #158 on: November 07, 2018, 11:41:13 AM »
--sniffle-- Goodbye Shari.  You will be missed!  But look at all those adorable toddlers!  Eeee!

Offline oshizu

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: That's Big of You (Nov 7)
« Reply #159 on: November 07, 2018, 12:50:24 PM »
Ares---what a handsome boy! And how thoughtful of you to move out for your brother!
Good gracious, both Linden and Lauren have green eyes and red hair!
Haha, every time one of your kids has a birthday, I start feeling impatient for the next birthday!
(Well, not after the YA birthday, obviously)

Congratulations to the parents on two beautiful children!
Yay to Hermes on finding a troublemaker pet, lol.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: That's Big of You (Nov 7)
« Reply #160 on: November 12, 2018, 12:25:47 PM »
--sniffle-- Goodbye Shari.  You will be missed!  But look at all those adorable toddlers!  Eeee!
It's always hard to lose the founder, but we've got to move on.   :'(   Adorable toddlers definitely help!

Ares---what a handsome boy! And how thoughtful of you to move out for your brother!
Good gracious, both Linden and Lauren have green eyes and red hair!
Haha, every time one of your kids has a birthday, I start feeling impatient for the next birthday!
(Well, not after the YA birthday, obviously)
Congratulations to the parents on two beautiful children!
Yay to Hermes on finding a troublemaker pet, lol.
Actually Linden has blue eyes (like Wendy) and Laurel's are green (like Aster).  They probably both look the same in screenshots, though.
I'm glad you like the birthdays because there seem to be a lot of them with this generation.  Laurel's child birthday coming up!

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: What's the Big Deal? (Nov 12)
« Reply #161 on: November 12, 2018, 12:56:53 PM »
What’s the Big Deal?

Hypnos:  Why do I have to learn chess, Father?  I’m not even an heir candidate.
Aster:  Mental skill isn’t just for heirs, son.  Don’t you want to finish your Whiz Kid aspiration?
Hypnos:  Well, it’s my third aspiration so…
Aster:  So?  If chess isn’t your thing, I’ll take you and Linden fishing after the party.
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Hypnos:  Party?  Whose birthday is it today?
Aster:  It’s Laurel’s birthday.  You’d better go change into your party clothes before the guests arrive.

Wendy:  Happy Birthday, baby-girl!
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Linden:  Welcome to the big kid table, sis.
Laurel:  Thank you.  *whispers*  Who are all these people?  And why are they here?
Linden:  They’re all of our relatives.   They’re here for the party ‘cause you’re a potential heir, like me.
Hypnos: Mmm…chocolate cake!
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Laurel: All these people are related to us?
Linden:  Yep.  Older siblings and cousins, mostly.  Some are our nieces and nephews.  It’s kind of complicated.  Maybe you’d better ask Mother and Father to explain it.
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Top left- Aster and granddaughter Tamara; Top right- Hypnos naps; Bottom left- Wendy with Hess, grandson Matthew, and Fig's girls Kara and Britney; Bottom right- Aster toasts Laurel

Later that evening…

Aster:  Well, boys, how do you like fishing?
Hypnos:  I suppose it’s better than chess.
Linden:  I like it!  I’ve never seen the lighthouse from this side before.
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Aster:  We came across the bay so that Hermes could meet more dogs and cats.  Apparently, a lot of strays hang out by the lighthouse.
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Back at the house…

Hestia:  I’m so glad you aged-up, Laurel.  It’s fun having a sister to play with.
Laurel:  Don’t we have older sisters?
Hestia: Yeah, but they all moved out before you were even born.
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Laurel:  Are you my Grandpapa Behr?
Andrew:  Yes.  And you must be my youngest granddaughter.  How was your birthday?
Laurel:  It was fun.
Andrew:  May I ask what your childhood trait is?
Laurel:  I’m an art lover, just like Mother and Father.  Is that good?
Andrew:  Yes, that’s a very nice trait.  I was an artist, you know.
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Wendy:  You are doing a great job on that drawing, Laurel!  Your creativity is already at level 8 after only two pictures.
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Laurel:  Hey, Linden.  Are you doing Artistic Prodigy, too?
Linden:  Yeah, it’s my third aspiration.  Just one more drawing and then I get to practice a musical instrument for five hours.
Laurel:  When do we sleep?
Linden:  We don’t.  We just rally the troops.
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Shari:  Ahh…this brings back memories of when your father used to mentor you, Aster.
Aster:  Yeah.  Linden is even playing the same violin I used to practice on.
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The next morning…

Wendy:  This is the Oasis Springs park, kids.  What do you think of it?
Laurel:  It’s so big!
Linden: Do we really get to play here all day?
Wendy:  Yes.  Play and have fun.  Just remember to make friends with three other kids and two adults while we’re here.
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Aster:  Did everyone remember to make a best friend forever?
Laurel:  Hess and I are already best friends!
Hypnos:  *shyly* Uh…I forgot. Linden?
Linden:  No problem, Hypnos!  Now let’s go play!
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Aster:  How is it possible that our four youngest children are all working on Social Butterfly at the same time?
Wendy:  We’re efficient, darling.
Aster: And lucky!
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Wendy:  I was worried that there might not be many children here today, but there are more than enough.
Aster:  Three of our four grandchildren are here—Alex, Gracie, and Tamara.
Wendy:  Yes, and there are also three new boys—Sai, Tetsu, and Ali.
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Top left- Hypnos and Sai; Top Right- Tamara and Laurel; Bottom left- Grace, Linden, Alex; Bottom right- Hypnos, Tetsu, Ali, Hess

Wendy: Linden was the first to finish Social Butterfly.  Since he’s done with all the childhood skills and aspirations, I suggested that he fish in the pond.
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Aster:  Laurel is done, too, so I’m mentoring her while she plays chess with Gracie.  She's gaining both social and mental skills.
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Wendy:  That was a fun day at the park, but it’s good to be home.
Aster:  Why are there so many dogs at our house?
Wendy:  Hermes needs to meet more pets for his Friend of the Animals aspiration.  We turned on the Dog Hangout lot trait to make it easier.
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Aster:  Is it working?
Hermes:  It seems to help.  And don’t worry, Father, I’ll clean up after them.
Aster: I hope so!
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Monday morning…

Laurel:  It’s finally my first day of school.  Do you think I can earn an A today?
Hestia:  Probably, ‘cause you’re really smart.  You’ve already finished two aspirations.
Hypnos:  What’s the big deal with grades and skills and aspirations?
Hestia:  We’re Behrs.  We are supposed to do all that stuff.
Hypnos:  Well, I’m lazy and I’m getting tired of all that stuff.
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Hestia:  Hypnos might be lazy, but I am not.  I’m going to do my extra credit.  Maybe if I work hard enough, I can stay here forever!
Mr. Datta:  Well done, young Hess.
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In the afternoon…

Aster:  Business is booming!  I’ve reached the top of another career.
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Hermes:  I know I shouldn’t do this, but the cake looks sooooo good.
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Wendy:  Hermes!  When I asked you to feed Bluebell, that is not what I meant!
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Hermes:  Sorry, Mother.  My mistake.  I’ll milk the essence. 
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Offline dontmindme

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: What's the Big Deal? (Nov 12)
« Reply #162 on: November 12, 2018, 01:40:41 PM »
Oh my goodness, I am so glad I finally caught up with this story. The Behrs are still so precious, I love it. So sorry about Sheri but hey, she can still hang out with the grandchildren when the mood strikes. Wow, Laurel and Linden are cute. I'm glad that the heirship hasn't been settled yet, just means that I have time to enjoy everyone working together and being all lovely for a while longer without worrying about that. Just curious, if Laurel rolls Loves the Outdoors before Linden, she gets to be heir, correct? Even if he then rolls it (ie, she rolls the trait at Teen, he rolls it at YA)? Either one of them looks like they'll be carrying on the family's artistic legacy just fine. Congrats on Aster's second career!

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: What's the Big Deal? (Nov 12)
« Reply #163 on: November 19, 2018, 07:08:08 PM »
Oh my goodness, I am so glad I finally caught up with this story. The Behrs are still so precious, I love it. So sorry about Sheri but hey, she can still hang out with the grandchildren when the mood strikes. Wow, Laurel and Linden are cute. I'm glad that the heirship hasn't been settled yet, just means that I have time to enjoy everyone working together and being all lovely for a while longer without worrying about that. Just curious, if Laurel rolls Loves the Outdoors before Linden, she gets to be heir, correct? Even if he then rolls it (ie, she rolls the trait at Teen, he rolls it at YA)? Either one of them looks like they'll be carrying on the family's artistic legacy just fine. Congrats on Aster's second career!
I'm glad you are still enjoying the Behrs.  That's a good question about the heirship.  The way I interpret the rule, Laurel could only be heir if she rolls Loves the Outdoors and Linden doesn't roll it at all.  Basically, if one potential heir gets the Exemplar trait, then that one is the heir.  If none or both of the potential heirs get the trait, then it goes to the eldest.  It kind of gives an advantage to the older child, I guess.  Although I have used the Exemplar Law before in another legacy, and I had several younger siblings as heirs.

Like many others, I've been reluctant to play my Legacy file since the latest patch.  Fortunately, I was a little ahead so I've got three, maybe even four updates that I can post.  Hopefully the worst of the bugs will be fixed by the time I get caught up.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Dog, Little Dog (Nov 19)
« Reply #164 on: November 19, 2018, 07:27:32 PM »
Big Dog, Little Dog

Seagulls:  You know we’re bigger than you, right?
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Aster:  How are you doing with your Friend of the Animals aspiration, Hermes?
Hermes:  Okay, I guess.  Link is supposed to be a troublemaker, but he isn’t misbehaving much.  In the meantime, I’ve maxed the pet training skill and I’m working on the veterinary skill.
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Later that day...

Hestia:  I saw Mother baking a cake.  Do you think it’s for us?
Hypnos:  Who else would it be for?  I wish Mother would hurry up and start our birthday party.
Hestia:  She’s probably waiting for Father to get home from work.
Hypnos:  I don’t know why Father keeps working.  He doesn’t have to.
Hestia: Not everyone is as lazy as you.
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Aster:  I’m home!  Who is ready for a birthday party?
Hestia:  I am!
Hypnos: Let’s have cake!
Aster:  Okay, normally we would let ladies go first, but Hypnos is older.
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Hestia: I don’t mind going second.  *makes a wish* 
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Aster:  Now that you two have had a chance to change your clothes and fix your hair, let’s sit down and talk.  What are your traits and aspirations?
Hestia:  I added foodie to my neat trait, and I want to be a Master Mixologist.
Wendy:  That’s very nice, Hess.  What about you, Hypnos?
Hypnos:  I’m gloomy and lazy, and I want a Successful Lineage.
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Wendy:  Well, Hypnos…those traits…with that aspiration…
Aster:  If you wanted to leave, son, you could have just said so.
Hypnos:  I just don’t think I’m cut out for legacy life.
Wendy:  We’ll miss you, honey, but I understand that this life isn’t for everyone.
Hypnos:  Thank you, Mother.
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Aster (quietly to Wendy): I’m glad that Hess wants to stay, but I don’t know if I like the idea of her being a bartender.
Wendy:  Why not?  Mixology is a skill, aspiration, and career.
Aster:  That’s true, but I’d still rather not have her working in a bar.
Wendy:  Well, she won’t get a job until she’s a young adult so you have time to get used to the idea.
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Hermes:  Father said I could adopt another dog to help me finish my aspiration sooner, and I know just the dog.  Would you like to live with us Belle?
Belle:  Woof!
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Belle is an Afghan Hound who is friendly, vocal, and a hunter.

Hermes:  Let’s take you to the vet to cure your red nose.  Oh, and it looks like you need to be spayed, too.
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Link (thinking):  It was kind of Master to adopt a friend for me, but why is she so big and funny looking?
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Aster:  How is the new dog working out, Hermes?
Hermes:  She’s great!  Both Belle and Link are friendly so they get along well.
Aster:  And your aspiration?
Hermes:  I’m making progress.  I trained out three more misbehaviors in Link and one in Belle.
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Hermes:  The part I’m stuck on now is “Feel the Love with 8 different pets.”  Many of the animals in our neighborhood are sick, and I cannot Feel the Love unless they are happy.  I’ve tried inviting strays to visit our home, but many of them have arrived sick.
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Aster:  Can you cure them with wellness treats?
Hermes:  I’ll try.

The next morning:

Laurel:  Do you know which one of us Mother is mentoring right now?
Linden:  Hmm…it’s probably you, but we both gain skills faster whenever Mother or Father is around.
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Laurel:  Shouldn’t we be getting ready for school?
Linden:  We’re not going to school today.  Father said we are taking the day off.
Aster:  That’s right.  Today we are visiting all of our extended family.  As the potential heirs, it is important for you two to meet everyone.  First, we will visit your Aunt Daisy.  Your older sisters, Athena and Artemis live with her.
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Aster:  Next, we will visit your Uncle Fig.  You may not have met your cousins, Kara and Britney, even though they have been to your birthday parties.  It looks like Ares is home, too.   
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Linden:  Where are we going now, Mother?
Wendy:  Now we’re going to a special place called Sylvan Glade.  Your grandmother showed your father the secret entrance when he was a boy.  Now, your father is going to teach you how to get in.
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Laurel:  Oh, it’s beautiful! 
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Aster:  This is a great place to fish.  Why don’t you try it?
Laurel:  I want to fish by the waterfall.
Linden:  I want to try fishing in the pond.

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Back at home:

Shari:  Did you two enjoy your day off?
Linden and Laurel:  Yes!
Shari:  Good!  And let me be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday, Linden.
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Laurel:  She wasn’t eating your birthday cake, was she?
Linden:  I hope not.

Later that day:

Everyone:  Happy Birthday Linden!
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Hestia:  Oh yeah!  This is what I was born to do!
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Wendy:  Well…don’t keep me in suspense.  What is your new trait, Linden?
Linden:  I’m a perfectionist, like you. 
Wendy:  That’s wonderful!
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Note:  Linden is a creative perfectionist with the Leader of the Pack aspiration. 

Aster: How was your first day as a vampire, son?
Linden:  The vampire powers are nice, but I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t eat any of my own birthday cake.
Aster:  It’s unfortunate the way that happens.  You know, you don’t have to remain a vampire if you decide the lifestyle isn’t for you.
Linden:  I know.  I’ll think about it.
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