Author Topic: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: My Generation (Nov 3)  (Read 97787 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Daisy's Big Day (Oct 7)
« Reply #135 on: October 10, 2018, 08:31:37 PM »
About comments regarding Apollo's resemblance to Grandpa Andrew, Artemis and Apollo were adopted, weren't they?

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Daisy's Big Day (Oct 7)
« Reply #136 on: October 21, 2018, 01:23:42 PM »
Andrew has been such a wonderful sim in his many family roles and social outings.
So much has happened since Shari and Andrew first met!
Did Shari finish Big Happy Family along with Andrew?
Congrats to Daisy getting the "guaranteed promotion"--it's quite nice to know one can just coast to the next promotion.
Daisy & Daichi's wedding was lovely! She looks lovely in that wedding gown!
Loved little Nike in her red party dress, curled up asleep in the front row.
The Behrs have really grown as a family, both in size and talent!
Only Andrew was able to complete Big Happy Family because the game does not recognize Shari as Fig's mother. *sad trombone*  So Shari only has 2 kids as far as the game mechanics are concerned.  Hopefully both Aster & Wendy can do BHF soon so the gen 3 heir candidates will get maximum benefit.

I thought little toddler Nike stole the show at Daisy and Daichi's wedding.  I told her to sit along with the other wedding guests, but it took her a while to get there and she immediately went to sleep.    :)

Oh no it's gonna be sad to see Andrew go in the next few updates :/ at least Shari will still around a little bit
I love Nikes name 😂
Vampire a star commanding the butler is so true,my maids never do the dishes anymore!
Our butler has gotten 'slightly' better at doing the dishes (with lots of praise) but I've completely given up on maids!

Grim, don't take Andrew please... He still has a lot to see and do, and it's always hard to see the founder's husband die... Also I like the idea of getting rid of his beret. That career was really not up to his taste, right?
Appolo looks a lot like him.
And it's nice of Daisy and Daichi to get married so he can see his last child's wedding.
Andrew was one of my favorites.  It was hard to let him go.

--sniffle-- I'm not crying, you're crying! Man, I'm gonna bawl like a baby when Andrew goes.  He's been such a great sim.  Daisy's wedding was beautiful.  Hehehe, Loved Bluebell's commentary.'s a tissue.  I think you might need it for the next update.
Daisy's wedding went pretty well.  I usually don't get that many sims sitting for the ceremony.

oh, poor Andrew but good on Daisy for moving up her wedding. Congrats to Aster's kids for their lovely age up, have to say Artemis is so pretty and Apollo looks quite a lot like his granddad. Hopefully that'll be a comfort in the days to come.
I was lucky I could move up Daisy's wedding without causing anyone to miss work.  @oshizu is correct that Aster's kids are all adopted so far although I can see why you and @Tynynounours would say that Apollo looks like his grandpa Andrew (especially with the screenshots I chose for the last update).

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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Shoes to Fill (Oct 21)
« Reply #137 on: October 21, 2018, 01:46:21 PM »
Big Shoes to Fill

Immediately after Daisy’s gold medal wedding, Shari, Andrew, and Daisy make a few social calls.  First, they make a brief stop at the McClures.

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Then they call on Fig and Evie.

Fig:  Hey!  Long time no see.  Shouldn’t you be on your honeymoon right now, Daisy?
Daisy:  As if you didn’t know that I won’t actually move out until I max my career.
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Andrew:  We’re here because your mother couldn’t wait another minute to meet her newest grandboo and to see Kara after she aged up.

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Note: Britney (the nooboo) was conceived at Fig and Evie’s reception, and toddler Kara was born the day before their wedding.

Daisy:  Can we make one more stop before we go home?  I want to show Papa where Daichi and I will live when I move out.
Andrew:  It’s very nice, Daisy.  It’s good to know that all three of my children have done well for themselves.
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After returning home, there is still no sign of Grim so the family goes about their business as usual.

Andrew mentors Apollo on piano:
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Wendy shows flashcards to Nike:
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Daisy and Aster each complete a collection within minutes of each other:

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Finally, in the wee hours of the morning, the time comes…
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Before he goes, Andrew contributes 10 potions of youth to the legacy and deposits a moodlet solver in each of his household members’ inventories.

In memory of Andrew Franklin Behr: an exemplary primary spouse and father of three children. He completed five lifetime aspirations including the time-consuming Big Happy Family aspiration as well as two creative aspirations.  Andrew mastered several skills and reached the top of both the Patron of the Arts and Art Critic careers.  Shari could not have chosen a better primary spouse to start this legacy.  He will be sorely missed.
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As a new day dawns, a new life enters the Behr household.  Welcome Athena Behr, fourth adopted child of Wendy and Aster.
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Apollo:  Hey sis!  We just earned our A’s in high school.  Why aren’t you happy?
Artemis:  I miss Papa Behr!
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Daisy:  *looks up at the sky* Thank you, Papa, wherever you are.  That moodlet solver you left me really helped.  I got my guaranteed promotion today, as expected.  My final career outfit is utterly ridiculous, but it doesn’t matter because I'm moving out today.
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Wendy:  Congratulations on your promotion, Daisy.  Don’t be a stranger, okay?
Daisy:  Oh, I won’t be.  I’m still in the family club so you’ll see me all the time.
Wendy:  And thanks for taking Artemis with you.  She’s really having a hard time since Papa Behr’s death, and I think a change of scenery is just what she needs.
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Daisy:  Daichi and I are happy to have Artemis come live with us.  Are you sure Apollo wouldn’t like to come, too?
Wendy:  Apollo has found a reason to stay.  *smiles knowingly* It’s the girl-next-door.
Daisy:  Little Melany McClure?  Daughter of Betsy and granddaughter of Evelyn?
Wendy:  That’s the one, although she’s not so little anymore.  She’s a teen, just like Apollo.
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Daisy:  Melany looks so much like her mother!

Before leaving, Daisy empties her personal inventory and buys 15 potions of youth for the legacy.  She, Daichi, and Artemis move to their new home which was built for them on the Hindquarter Hideaway lot. 
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Late that night…

Shari:  Oh, Andrew!  What am I going to do without you?
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Andrew:  You aren’t without me.  I’m right here, darling.
Shari:  Andrew!  You came!
Andrew:  I promised I would.
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Points and household status update:
Living in the legacy house are Shari (elder), Aster and Wendy (YA vampires), Apollo (teen), Nike (toddler) and Athena (nooboo)
Fig lives with Evie and his two toddlers (Kara and Britney)
Daisy lives with Daichi and her niece Artemis

Family      2 points (2 heirs reached YA)
Creative   3 points (2 heirs/spouses memorialized + Andrew completed 2 creative aspirations)
Fortune   6 points ($1.2million)
Love       2 points (six unique traits)
Knowledge  7 points (77 maxed skills)
Nature   5 points (6 collections, 1 death type, all emotional paintings/aspiration rewards, 8 careers maxed)
Food       0 points (only because I haven’t paid attention, next generation for sure!)
Popularity   3 points (60 medal points)
Athletic      8 points (39 total aspirations completed, missing 15 unique ones)
Deviance   8 points (36 Potion of Youth)
Bonus      1 point   (extreme start)
Total      45 points   

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Shoes to Fill (Oct 21)
« Reply #138 on: October 21, 2018, 03:59:13 PM »
Awww!  RIP Andrew!  I love that he came back out as he promised! So sweet!

Offline oshizu

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Shoes to Fill (Oct 21)
« Reply #139 on: October 21, 2018, 06:54:31 PM »
Andrew was such a great spouse and parent! I'm happy that he returned to visit Shari so soon!

Oh, big plans for Artemis and the girl next door! *waggles eyebrows
Meanwhile, I count 4 adoptees so far plus another household vacancy after Daisy moved out!
Almost halfway there!

You're doing a great job with earning points, too!
Go Behrs!

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Shoes to Fill (Oct 21)
« Reply #140 on: October 22, 2018, 11:06:35 AM »
Awww!  RIP Andrew!  I love that he came back out as he promised! So sweet!
Even as a ghost, Andrew is pretty great.

Andrew was such a great spouse and parent! I'm happy that he returned to visit Shari so soon!
Oh, big plans for Artemis and the girl next door! *waggles eyebrows
Meanwhile, I count 4 adoptees so far plus another household vacancy after Daisy moved out!
Almost halfway there!
You're doing a great job with earning points, too!
Go Behrs!
It was nice to see Andrew right away.  Everyone was mourning him so that probably helped bring him out.

Yep, we've got 4 adoptees after the last update.  Daisy took teen Artemis with her leaving two open spots.  You've probably already figured out the plan for Apollo/Melany.  For anyone who hasn't, it will be clear after this next update.  :D 

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: A Growing Family (Oct 22)
« Reply #141 on: October 22, 2018, 11:28:10 AM »
A Growing Family

Daichi:  Hello, Mama Behr.  It’s nice to see you.
Shari:  It’s nice to see you, too, Daichi.  Are you ready to help us celebrate back-to-back birthdays today?
Daichi:  I think so, but you may have to help me with names.  I have a hard time keeping all of Aster and Wendy’s kids straight.
Shari: *laughs* I’d be happy to help.
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Shari: Let’s start with the birthday girl.  That’s Athena.  She’s Aster and Wendy’s fourth child.
Daichi: Athena. Got it.
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Shari:  Oh, how nice!  Athena aged-up in an acceptable dress.  We don’t even have to make her over right away.
Daichi:  Who is the girl in the red dress sitting in front of Athena and Aster?
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Shari:  That’s Nike, Aster and Wendy’s third child.  Don’t you remember her?  She’s the toddler who fell asleep at your wedding.
Daichi:  Nike.  Okay.  Did I miss her child birthday party?
Shari:  It’s possible we didn’t hold a birthday party.  Things were a little crazy there for a while with Fig getting married, then Daisy…and obviously Andrew’s death…
Daichi:  I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring that up.
Shari:  Oh no, dear, it’s okay.  Where was I?  Oh, so when Daisy moved out and took Artemis with her, Aster and Wendy adopted two boys—Ares and Hermes. 
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Daichi:  Run that by me again…
Shari:  *smiles*  I know it’s a lot to keep track of.  Nike was adopted after Fig moved out.  Athena joined us after we lost Andrew.   Ares and Hermes were adopted when Daisy and Artemis moved out.  Like I said, it gets crazy at times. At one point, we had three toddlers in the house, but nothing seems to phase Wendy.
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Daichi:  So…are you telling me that they have adopted six kids now?  Let me see if I can name them all in order.  There’s Apollo, the oldest, who still lives with you.  Artemis, of course, lives with me and Daisy.  Then there’s Nike, a child.  Athena, who just became a child.  And finally, Ares and Hermes who are still toddlers.  Is that right?
Shari:  That’s correct!
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Daichi:  And where are Ares and Hermes?  I haven’t seen them.
Shari:  They are right here, enjoying an early dinner before we start the next party.
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Daichi:  Who is the next party for?
Shari:  Apollo.  He’s becoming a young adult.
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Daichi:  Thank you for explaining it all to me, Mama Behr.  It was very helpful.
Shari: Anytime, dear, anytime.
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Daisy:  There you are, Daichi!  Have you been talking to Mama this whole time?
Daichi:  Yes, she was helping me learn all the names of Aster and Wendy’s kids.
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Daisy:  Well, you missed all the excitement.
Daichi:  What excitement?
Daisy:  During the first party, Daniel Morton, Kellan McClure, and Fig all lined up in front of Bluebell with her cake!  It’s like they all thought they were in line for the buffet.
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Daichi:  Oh no!  Did anyone get swallowed?
Daisy:  No. Thank goodness Wendy saw them! She ran out to feed Bluebell just in time.
Daichi:  That’s good.  What else did I miss?
Daisy:  At Apollo’s party, he found out what happens when you wake the llama.  The whole game exploded in a ball of fire!
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Daichi:  Haha!  I saw the fireball, but I didn’t know who set it off.  Was everyone okay?
Daisy: Yeah, no harm done.  Apollo tried to act nonchalant about it later with Melany.  He’s got a thing for her, you know.
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Mr. Datta:  I don’t really think it was necessary for Master Behr to command me to clean.  I know what needs to be done after a party.  Still, this is an enviable position so I won’t complain.
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Two days later…

Daisy:  Another party, Mama?  Weren’t we just here?
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Shari:  This party is for Ares and Hermes.  After this, we’ll have a break before the next birthday.
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Apollo:  Hey Artemis!  You must have aged up to a young adult since the last time I saw you.  What’s your third trait?
Artemis:  Kleptomaniac.
Evie:  Ooo…tough break.
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Artemis:  Huh?  Why?
Apollo:  Because you’ll never be invited to visit the legacy house ever again, that’s why.

After the party…

Aster:  Listen up kids!  Your mother and I need to make a quick stop at the flea market, then we’re all going to the park!
All the kids:  Yay!

Wendy:  Look at this.  A whole table full of crystals and the only one we need is that big, green plumbite.
Aster:  Eh…buy them all anyway.  We can send the rest to the geo council and maybe get some new elements.
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Shari:  Oh my goodness!  Aster and Wendy certainly have these children well-trained.
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Shari:  It does my heart good to see them all having fun.
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Wendy: This is nice.  All of our kids are here, even Artemis.  And isn’t that one of Fig’s girls on the monkey bars?
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Later that evening…

Wendy:  Congratulations Aster!  You’ve finished your second vampire aspiration!
Aster:  Thank you.  You must be getting close to completing yours, too.
Wendy:  Just two more days of ‘not drinking deeply’ for me.
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Aster:  There’s something I’d like to talk to you about, darling.  You know I’m ambitious and hate to be idle.  Now that I’ve reached the top of the political career, I’m getting a bit restless.  I think I might start a second career to challenge myself.
Wendy: What career would you choose?
Aster:  The business career.  Men are building railroads, and ocean liners, and all kinds of things!  It’s a great time for industry.
Wendy:  Sounds good to me.  Should I join the business career as well?
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Aster:  I was going to suggest that Apollo enter the business career with me.  Since he’s decided to stay in the house for a while longer, he should get a job.  Where is that boy, anyway?
Wendy:  He invited Melany over for a date.  Don’t worry, dear.  I’ll make sure he joins the business career in time to start on Monday morning.

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•   After completing his second vampire aspiration, Aster did Leader of the Pack for some quick points.  Now he’s on Big Happy Family.  I’d like for him to earn the Patriarch trait before the gen 3 heir candidates come along.
•   In order for Aster to complete Big Happy Family, Apollo needs to stay in the legacy house.  The plan is for Apollo to marry Melany and father 4(!) children with her.  Then, Apollo will move out. 
•   Aster doesn’t really need to max another career. However, I think it makes sense with his Ambitious trait and it will make things easier on future generations.  I doubt Apollo will actually max the other branch of the business career, but he might as well have a job.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: A Growing Family (Oct 22)
« Reply #142 on: October 22, 2018, 03:11:22 PM »
Congrats to Aster on completing his second vampire aspiration!
Yes, I meant Apollo and the girl next door, not Artemis. You can tell that I have only a tenuous grasp on Greek mythology!

Such solid planning for this generation, Watcher!
Brilliant idea to use vampire parents for the 10-kids-in-one-gen project!
6 out 10 children already. I'm excited to meet the next wave of heir candidates!!!!

Oh the flea market! I keep forgetting to go to that!
Great update!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: A Growing Family (Oct 22)
« Reply #143 on: October 22, 2018, 04:13:13 PM »
Wow, congrats Aster on your second vampire aspiration.  Love the recap of all the kids.  It definitely helps me out lol

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: A Growing Family (Oct 22)
« Reply #144 on: October 26, 2018, 05:05:34 PM »
Congrats to Aster on completing his second vampire aspiration!
Yes, I meant Apollo and the girl next door, not Artemis. You can tell that I have only a tenuous grasp on Greek mythology!

Such solid planning for this generation, Watcher!
Brilliant idea to use vampire parents for the 10-kids-in-one-gen project!
6 out 10 children already. I'm excited to meet the next wave of heir candidates!!!!

Oh the flea market! I keep forgetting to go to that!
Great update!
Thanks for the compliment on my planning although sometimes I feel like I'm winging it.  :)  I didn't really know what I wanted to do with this generation until Aster got the ambitious trait and I knew for sure that he was the heir.  I decided the theme for Aster and Wendy would be "big" so having 10 kids and being vampires seemed to fit.  I've been having a lot of fun with the vampires because this is the first time I've played them (I got the pack just before starting my Sharebears). 

The flea market is hit or miss (usually miss).  I try to have my sims pop in just to see if anything good is there.  They also pop in to the spice festival sometimes to look for the UFO plant (the only one they are missing) but so far no luck on that.

Wow, congrats Aster on your second vampire aspiration.  Love the recap of all the kids.  It definitely helps me out lol
I know the 10 kids generation can get confusing.  It's hard enough for me to keep up with them so I try to make it as easy as possible to follow.  I'm glad it helped!

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Moves (Oct 26)
« Reply #145 on: October 26, 2018, 05:41:07 PM »
Big Moves
Shari:  Are you three ready for your first day of school? 
Hermes and Athena: Yes, ma’am.
Ares (on the right): Where’s Nike?  And why is it Athena's first day?  She’s two days older than Hermes and me.
Shari:  Athena’s birthday was Friday afternoon so today is her first chance to go to school.  And your sister Nike already left for class.  You’d better finish your breakfast and get going, too.
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Apollo:  Monday morning, time for my first day at work.  I don’t mind joining the business career, but why do I have to wear one of Dad’s old suits from his days as a politician?
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Wendy:  It’s nice of you to drop by for a visit Melany.  May I feel the baby?
Melany:  Of course, Mrs. Behr! 
Wendy:  I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandmother already!  And please just call me Wendy.
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Melany:  Is Apollo still at work?
Wendy:  Yes, dear.  He should be home soon if you’d like to wait for him.
Melany:  Thank you.  I’ll just do some laundry to pass the time.
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Wendy: (to herself) She’s a keeper! 

Apollo:  Hmmph!  I worked hard all day and barely missed getting a promotion.
Aster (thinking):  I guess I probably shouldn’t mention that I got promoted. 
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Aster: It’s exciting to be working on a new career!  If only these business reports weren’t so boring.
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Wendy:  Keep up the good work, dear.  And by the way, I just finished my Good Vampire aspiration.
Aster:  Well done, Wendy!
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The next day:

Fig: Hey Aster.  Want to come to my birthday party?
Aster:  Sure thing, bro!  I’ll bring the whole household over.
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Aster: Oh, good!  Daisy came to your party, too.  And is that our old nanny?
Fig:  Yeah.  I thought it would be nice to invite him, but I’ve had nothing but awkward conversations with him since he arrived.
Daisy: (whispers) Just between us, I’m starting to understand why Papa always thought the nanny was strange.
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After a rather uneventful party, Apollo notices a change in his relationship panel so he, Wendy, and Aster rush off to Melany’s house.

Wendy:  Triplets! 
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From left to right:  Tamara, Gracie, and Matthew

Wendy:  Congratulations Melany!  I had no idea that you were carrying triplets!
Melany:  Thank you.  They surprised me, too.
Wendy:  I’m sure I could not have asked for a better daughter-in-law.
Melany:  Oh!  Well, actually, Apollo and I aren’t officially engaged…
Wendy:  What?  Not engaged!  I’ll just leave you two alone, then.  *gives Apollo a look*
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Apollo:  *sheepishly* I’m sorry about that, Mel.  Mother means well, but sometimes she can be a little…
Melany:  Intense?  It’s okay, Apollo.  I like your mother.  And I know you must feel a lot of pressure growing up in a legacy family.
Apollo:  There’s some pressure, but it’s not that bad.  I’ve never been asked to do anything I didn’t want to do. 
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Apollo:  I really do love you, Mel.  Will you marry me?
Melany: *fakes surprise*  Oh yes!
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Melany:  You know, if you were to send your parents home, we could try for baby number four.
Apollo:  I truly don’t deserve you.
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Back at the Legacy house:

Shari: Do you have a moment, Wendy?  There’s something I’d like to discuss with you.
Wendy:  Sure, Mama Behr.  What’s on your mind?
Shari:  Well…I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s time for me to move out.
Wendy:  But Mama Behr…!
Shari: Now, I know what you are going to say, but hear me out.  Apollo only needs to father one more child and then he can move into the McClure house.  Nike will be a teen soon and will most likely move out.  If I move out, too, that would give you and Aster three spaces in the house to fill.  I know you’d like to have ten children and this would help you get there quicker.
Wendy:  But we have six children now.  Even with three spaces, we’d still need one more.  I just don’t think you need to be in any hurry to move out on our account.
Shari:  Yes, but Athena’s birthday won’t be far behind Nike’s and then you’ll have room for the tenth child.  As much as I love all of my grandchildren, I’m anxious to see you and Aster produce an heir.  Forgive me for being so blunt, but if I move out would you consider having a naturally born child?
Wendy:  I appreciate your honesty, Mama Behr.  And certainly we know we need to have at least one naturally born child, possibly two.  I just don’t think that Aster will like the idea of our founder moving out.
Shari:  That’s why I came to you first, dear.  Talk to him and help him see the logic. 
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The following day:
Nike:  Today is my birthday and I still had to go to school!
Athena:  Don’t be crabby, Nike.  If you move out after your party you’ll never have to go to school again!  I heard Uncle Fig and Aunt Evie aren’t strict about making their teens go.  Mother has seen them around town during school hours.
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Nike:  Good point!  Let’s have cake!
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Nike ages up into an active childish teen.

Since everyone is already home, Apollo plans his wedding as soon as the birthday party ends…

Melany:  Apollo!  You look amazing!
Apollo:  I used some aspiration points to buy a slimify potion.  You don’t think it’s too much, do you?
Melany: Not at all.  I’d say it’s just right. *flirts*
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Nike: (thinking) Ugh!  Why do they have to be so cute?  Just get married already!

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Datta:  I’ve always liked master Apollo, but I’m glad he’s moving out.  He’s making me look bad by doing the dishes at his own wedding!
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Shari:  Well, old girl, it’s time for me to move out.  Keep an eye on the kids for me, okay?  I’ll visit as often as I can.
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Aster:  I really wish you would reconsider, Mama.
Shari:  I know, dear, but this is for the best.  I’ve emptied my inventory, left you several more potions of youth, and transferred the family club to you.  Nike and I will be living with Fig’s family .  If you need us, just use that new telephone and give us a call. 
Aster: As soon as you go, I’m starting a club meeting so you have to come right back here.
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Shari:  I would prefer that you spend your time trying for an heir first. 
Aster: *blushes*

Notes:  After the wedding, Apollo moved into the McClure house to be with Melany and their triplets.  Melany is not showing a baby bump yet, but she has been acting nauseous and having baby-related thought bubbles so I’m confident that she’s pregnant with a fourth child.  Also, the slimify potion Apollo drank was surprisingly effective.

Shari and Nike moved in with Fig, Evie, and their girls.   

Offline oshizu

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Moves (Oct 26)
« Reply #146 on: October 26, 2018, 07:02:49 PM »
Big moves, indeed!
It's really hard not to feel impatient once seeing the end of the ten-kids-in-one-gen tunnel, eh?
Poor Melany, giving birth to triplets out of wedlock! I'm sure Apollo was busy trying to max his career so that he could move out!
He looks great after the Insta-Lean potion! Congrats on their wedding!
Haha, he and Melany want more than three kids?!

Great job completing all the vampire aspirations!
Btw, is that awkward thing with the nanny because the nanny's often flirty?

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Moves (Oct 26)
« Reply #147 on: October 27, 2018, 12:38:28 PM »
Oh wow!  Triplets!  And now a fourth one huh?  Their wedding was delightful ^^

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Moves (Oct 26)
« Reply #148 on: October 27, 2018, 02:40:06 PM »
The return of the creepy nanny! Sorry.

I agree on Melany being a keeper. Anyone who would spontaneously do my laundry would be.

And woaw, Apollo had triplets on the first try. I understand his mother urging him to ask for Melany's hand asap. I wonder how many the second pregnancy will bring them. And I like the slightly scared look of Apollo when holding his daughter.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Big Moves (Oct 26)
« Reply #149 on: October 28, 2018, 12:36:37 PM »
Big moves, indeed!
It's really hard not to feel impatient once seeing the end of the ten-kids-in-one-gen tunnel, eh?
Poor Melany, giving birth to triplets out of wedlock! I'm sure Apollo was busy trying to max his career so that he could move out!
He looks great after the Insta-Lean potion! Congrats on their wedding!
Haha, he and Melany want more than three kids?!
Great job completing all the vampire aspirations!
Btw, is that awkward thing with the nanny because the nanny's often flirty?
With the 10 kid generation, I feel like Aster and Wendy have raised the equivalent of three separate families (older kids, middle kids, younger kids).  So yeah, I'm definitely feeling impatient to meet my potential heirs.   :)  Apollo actually didn't max his career before moving out because...impatience. 
I'm kinda bummed that I won't be able to play Melany and Apollo's triplets because I so rarely get them in my games.  But it was really helpful because I know Melany's second pregnancy will complete the "4 grandchildren" requirement for Aster's Big Happy Family aspiration.  That's really the only reason I'm making Apollo and Melany have so many kids. 

I don't know what's up with the nanny.  At Fig's party, the conversation got instantly awkward when he joined the group.  I only had control of Aster, but Fig and Daisy were clearly showing signs of being embarrassed.  Do you happen to know if a former nanny an accidental death?  Or does being a nanny once grant them immortality?  I'm asking purely for research purposes. *whistles innocently*

Oh wow!  Triplets!  And now a fourth one huh?  Their wedding was delightful ^^
Thanks!  I think this is only the 2nd time any of my sims have ever had triplets.  The 4th child is so Aster will have 4 grandchildren for Big Happy Family.  Apollo and Melany have been real troopers!

The return of the creepy nanny! Sorry.
I agree on Melany being a keeper. Anyone who would spontaneously do my laundry would be.
And woaw, Apollo had triplets on the first try. I understand his mother urging him to ask for Melany's hand asap. I wonder how many the second pregnancy will bring them. And I like the slightly scared look of Apollo when holding his daughter.
I went back and looked at the picture of Aster, Wendy, and Apollo with the triplets and you are right.  Apollo looks a little nervous whereas Aster and Wendy are completely at ease.  Apollo will get more comfortable with experience, right?

