Author Topic: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: My Generation (Nov 3)  (Read 97774 times)

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Fish and Frogs (June 24)
« Reply #75 on: July 01, 2018, 08:43:27 PM »
Lovely update overall, but that house just stole the show!  It looks so like it fits into the time period and gives you so much room to stage your screenshots (which we al know is what we want most in a house).  Lovely work!
Daisy drawing the attention of all the boys was rather lovely!
Thanks!  The house is working pretty well for screenshots which, as you say, is of utmost importance.  I haven't done much on the second floor or outside so the next generation will still have something to contribute.

Poor Andrew! He's a bit of a worrywart.
Now he has not only the nanny to deal with but also "all the boys in the yard." Hahahahaha!
What a productive day the family enjoyed at Sylvan Glade!
The house looks wonderful. I especially like your choice of decor/furnishings in the dining room.
It will be fun watching the house grow with the family!
And I love the typewriter!
I think I might put the typewriter in some of my other saves, too.  It really seems like an object that should be included.
I don't know why my games generate so many boys as childhood friends.  I get a mix of male and female teens, but the kids seem to be mostly boys.
I'm glad you like the house.  It will definitely evolve along with the family.

I love your historical look! And your Sims are making good progress, too.
Thank you!  This has been a fun one to play.

Ohh so many boys. Good she has a big brother to watch out for her.
Lovely house too.
Will the time evolve too with every generation?
It is a lot of boys! 
My plan is to gradually progress forward through time with each generation.  I mapped out some basic guidelines for myself when I started.  The biggest changes will happen in the last 4 or 5 generations because that's when technology really takes off.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Friends and Neighbors (July 1)
« Reply #76 on: July 01, 2018, 10:15:15 PM »
Friends and Neighbors

Aster:  Look at me!  I reached the top of the manual labor career.
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Andrew:  That’s great son.  Maybe some day you’ll reach the top of an adult career—like your old man.
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Aster: Mama, may I throw a dinner party to celebrate my promotion?  And Papa’s, too, of course.
Shari:  I think that’s a wonderful idea.  I’d love to meet your friends. 
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Aster:  Excellent!  Only, you may want to have the closet ready. I’m afraid you might be shocked by some of their clothing.

Shari:  Welcome to our home.  The closet is in the bedroom at the top of the stairs.  You can’t miss it.  We have many long dresses to choose from.
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Shari:  Well, this is better!  A little informal, perhaps, but it will do.  What’s your name dear?
Girl in plaid:  I’m Ayaka, ma’am.  Pleased to meet you.
Girl in red:  You have a lovely home, Mrs. Behr.
Shari:  Thank you.  The closet is at the top of the stairs.  First door on the left.
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Shari:  Wendy, dear, you are simply lovely.  Are you a schoolmate of Aster’s?
Wendy:  Yes ma’am.  But we also work together in the manual labor career.
Shari:  Beautiful and hardworking?  I’m impressed!
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Aster:  What do you think, Mama?  Did you get to meet W--? Um, excuse me, Daisy.  This is a private conversation.
Daisy:  Hmmph!  I’m just getting some cake!
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Daisy:  Why do we have to eat in the kitchen?  Most of the guests have already left.
Fig:  Who cares where we eat?  There’s cake!
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A few days later…

Shari:  Welcome to the Grotto, Daisy and Fig!  I brought Aster here when he completed all his childhood skills and aspirations.  Now it’s your turn.
Fig:  This is neat! I’ve never been in a cave before.
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Daisy:  I think Sylvan Glade is prettier, but the Grotto has soooooo many fish!
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Andrew:  Would you look at that?  My little girl caught a vampire squid!
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The next day…

Andrew:  Um…Shari?  Why is our old nanny in the kitchen?
Shari:  He appeared among the list of available caterers.  I thought he might enjoy seeing the twins age up.
Andrew:  As long as he leaves when the party is over.
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Fig:  Happy Birthday Daisy!  You go first.
Daisy:  Thanks Fig.  Wanna see me cross my eyes?
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Traits: Geek, Bookworm   Aspiration: The Curator

Daisy:  Now you, Fig!
Fig:  Here I go…
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Traits: Music Lover, Cheerful   Aspiration: Angling Ace

Evelyn:  The twins aged up well, Shari.  You have such a nice family.
Shari:  Thank you, Evelyn, but you seem quiet today.  Is something wrong?
Evelyn:  It’s just that I’m worried about my daughter’s future.  I have a huge favor to ask you, but feel free to say no.
Shari:  Evelyn, you are my oldest, dearest friend.  If I can help you, I will.
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Shari:  So you see, Andrew, as an unwatched Sim, Betsy will never have a family of her own unless we intervene.
Andrew:  I understand your desire to help Evelyn’s daughter, but what does Jamar have to do with it?
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Shari:  Evelyn thinks Betsy and Jamar fancy each other.  All we have to do is invite Jamar to live with us long enough to court Betsy. 
Andrew:  And what about the Legacy?  Is such a thing allowed?
Shari:  Technically, Jamar would be called a secondary spouse, but in name only.  I doubt he would even be with us long enough to earn any points. 
Andrew:  The McClures have been great neighbors.  I’d hate to see their house empty.
Shari:  Exactly.  So you’ll invite Jamar to move in?
Andrew: Me!?  Aren’t you going to ask him?
Shari:  At this point, you have a higher relationship with Jamar than I do.
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Andrew:  This is rather awkward, Jamar.  Basically, I’m offering you a place to stay.  That is, until you secure the affections of Miss Betsy.  Then you’ll move in with the McClures.
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Jamar:  Miss Betsy, what a pleasant surprise!
Evelyn:  You two have a nice chat.  I’m just going to take out Shari’s trash for her.
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Andrew:  Did I see Miss Betsy earlier?  How are things going between her and Jamar?
Shari:  I haven’t asked, but I expect they are getting along very well.
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Watcher’s note:  Jamar was already an adult when Shari met him during the first week.  He should be an elder by now, but he has not aged.  I expect that will change now that I’ve moved him into the house.  Betsy is a young adult.  She is the only daughter of Evelyn and John. 

The new dress on teen Daisy, Betsy, and the Girl in Plaid is by Thortis and comes in 29 color combos (which means you’ll see it a lot).

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Offline oshizu

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Friends and Neighbors (July 1)
« Reply #77 on: July 01, 2018, 11:23:34 PM »
Congrats to Andrew and Aster for maxing their careers! Yay!!!
Oh, Wendy is a very pretty girl. Crossing my finger that she gets three unique traits.
All the kids have aged up so nicely! Nice traits and good aspirations, too!
I have never used the Exemplar succession law. Does this mean you wait until both Aster and Daisy are young adults?
Then, whoever has Loves the Outdoors becomes the heir or, if neither does, Aster becomes heir?
I'm curious what percentage of your heirs will ultimately be first-born.
Among my Sharebears, both Benicio (Gen2 heir) and Hakuto (Gen4 cadet) have had the Loves the Outdoors trait.

I don't get why Andrew is so uptight about the nanny. Is he jealous?

What a brilliant move to help ensure the continuation of the McClure household!
Good-looking immortal sims can be so handy!!! I giggled that Evelyn comes over to "take out the trash" when Jamar first invites Evelyn over, hahaha.
Great update!

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Friends and Neighbors (July 1)
« Reply #78 on: July 02, 2018, 02:54:28 AM »
The twins aged up well. Congrats on Aster and Andrew achievements. I didn't thought about it before, but even the jobs are fitting to the time period.

It's fun to see you "properly" dress the young women so they may fit better in the story. And the return of the nanny! I think he'll always make me smile.

Also, it's very kind of Evelyn to be helping out with the trash to give privacy to her daughter. She'll makes a great grand mother, and I'm interested to see how her family will evolve.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Friends and Neighbors (July 1)
« Reply #79 on: July 07, 2018, 12:22:07 PM »
Congrats to Andrew and Aster for maxing their careers! Yay!!!
Oh, Wendy is a very pretty girl. Crossing my finger that she gets three unique traits.
All the kids have aged up so nicely! Nice traits and good aspirations, too!
I have never used the Exemplar succession law. Does this mean you wait until both Aster and Daisy are young adults?
Then, whoever has Loves the Outdoors becomes the heir or, if neither does, Aster becomes heir?
I'm curious what percentage of your heirs will ultimately be first-born.
Among my Sharebears, both Benicio (Gen2 heir) and Hakuto (Gen4 cadet) have had the Loves the Outdoors trait.
I don't get why Andrew is so uptight about the nanny. Is he jealous?
What a brilliant move to help ensure the continuation of the McClure household!
Good-looking immortal sims can be so handy!!! I giggled that Evelyn comes over to "take out the trash" when Jamar first invites Evelyn over, hahaha.
Great update!
It's funny that you should mention wanting Wendy to get three unique traits because Shari is hoping for the same thing.  Since we're still early in the legacy, the odds are good!
Yes, you've got it right on the Exemplar law.  Most of the time, we'll probably have to wait for all heir candidates to become YA before we know (which is why I'll probably keep the numbers small).  The only way we would know sooner is if the oldest child gets the Exemplar trait early on.  For example, if the oldest child got Loves the Outdoors as a their child trait, then they would automatically be the heir because even if a younger sibling also got the trait, it would default to the oldest.  I used the Exemplar law for a legacy I did on my own when I first got the Sims 4 and all of my heirs ended up having the trait, but I doubt I'll be that lucky this time.
I'm not sure why Andrew doesn't like the nanny either, but he doesn't, and the game won't generate a new one.  Maybe it's because the nanny is always flirty and Andrew is unflirty?  I think I might try hiring a butler, but I'll wait until the next generation because they don't really need help right now.

The twins aged up well. Congrats on Aster and Andrew achievements. I didn't thought about it before, but even the jobs are fitting to the time period.
It's fun to see you "properly" dress the young women so they may fit better in the story. And the return of the nanny! I think he'll always make me smile.
Also, it's very kind of Evelyn to be helping out with the trash to give privacy to her daughter. She'll makes a great grand mother, and I'm interested to see how her family will evolve.
I'm glad you noticed that the careers fit the time period.  It just wouldn't feel right to have an astronaut or a tech guru or an internet personality in the 1800s!  It means I have to be more careful about planning the careers, but I think I can get them all in.
You'll get to see more of Evelyn's family in this update.  I hope you like them!

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Work and Play (July 7)
« Reply #80 on: July 07, 2018, 12:45:02 PM »
Work and Play

Andrew:  Will Jamar and Betsy be joining us in Granite Falls?
Shari:  I don’t think so, dear.  Betsy is in no condition to travel, and Jamar will stay here in case she needs him.
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Shari:  This is such a nice place you rented, Andrew.  It’s a shame we can only stay a short while.
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Andrew: I hope we can come back again someday.  Did you see the best part?  The house has not one, but two indoor water closets.
Shari:  Indoor water closets?  Like they have in the White House?
Andrew:  Yes, and fancy hotels have them, too.
Shari: How does that work?
Andrew:  I intend to find out.
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Aster:  Thanks for mentoring me, Papa.  I hope I can learn to carve camping mascots before we leave.
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Fig:  Have you seen Mama, Daisy?
Daisy:  She was over there by that bramble patch the last time I saw her.
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Fig: How do you always find the secret places, Mama?
Andrew:  I’ve learned not to question your mother’s instincts, son.
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Daisy:  I remember this game, Papa.  Didn’t you promise to get one for the backyard?
Andrew:  This time I won’t forget, princess.
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Shari:  Aster, did you study the camping mascot?
Aster:  Yes Mama, we can leave whenever you are ready.
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After a very short trip to Granite Falls, the family returns home so that Shari can go to work, Aster can have his Young Adult birthday, and Jamar can move in with Betsy.

Daisy:  Did you miss us while we were gone, Bluebell?  Were you a good girl for Uncle Jamar?
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Shari:  I’m glad we got home in time for me to go to work.  I received my last promotion today!
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Andrew:  Congratulations!  And the royalties you earned today completed your Fabulously Wealthy aspiration.
Shari:  Thank you, dear.  I think I’ll do Friend of the World next.  It should be an easy one.
Andrew:  I’ll have Aster make the arrangements for his own birthday party tonight.  Maybe he can invite some people you haven’t met yet.

Shari:  How were things while we were gone, Evelyn?  I’m sorry that I missed your birthday.
Evelyn:  Oh, I hardly noticed my birthday, myself.  I’m a Grandmother now!  That’s all I can think about.
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Andrew:  To my eldest son on his young adult birthday!  And let it be known that I have once again made a successful toast, even if it took me five tries to do it.
Aster:  Stop it, Papa.  You’re embarrassing me.
John:  I still think it’s funny.
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Shari: (thinking) My baby boy is becoming a man.  I wonder if he’ll be the heir.
Wendy (thinking) He’s so cute.  I wonder what his mother meant when she said she hopes I get a unique third trait?
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Andrew:  I realize you just became a young adult, son, but have you decided on a career?
Aster:  Well, my third trait is Ambitious.  What do you think of the Political career?
Andrew:  Hmm…President Behr.  That has a nice ring to it.
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Daisy:  Uncle Jamar!  Where did you go?  Aster already blew out his candles…oh!
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A few days later…

Andrew:  Well this is a new experience-- having my son mentor me.   When did you max logic?
Aster:  Ages ago.  Now pay attention because Mama is trouncing you.
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Andrew:  Wait!  You’ve already maxed painting, too?
Aster:  Yeah… you can’t mentor me anymore, but you can help me with this political mural if you’d like.  I need to finish quickly.  Mama wants to visit Ms. Evelyn tonight.   
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Shari: It’s nice to finally meet your grandson, Evelyn.  He’s a handsome little fellow!
Evelyn:  Kellen is handsome and a handful.  He got the fussy trait.
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Evelyn: Come upstairs.  There is someone else I want you to meet.
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Shari:  A baby girl!  Congratulations!  And Andrew was the first to make it upstairs to meet her.

Evelyn:  I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for my family.  You are such wonderful neighbors!
Shari:  The feeling is mutual.  I hope the Behrs and the McClures will always be neighbors.
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Shari:  I know it’s getting late, but I hope we have time to let Daisy and Fig work on their aspirations.
Andrew:  Don’t worry.  We have Rally the Troops; we can stay out all night if we have to.
Shari:  How is the collecting going, Daisy?
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Daisy:  Okay, but my crystals aren’t registering for some reason.  I think I’ll help Fig with his fishing for a while.

Shari:  It took all night, but at least Fig got his aspiration completed.
Andrew:  It’s a good thing Daisy decided to help him.  She caught the red-tailed shark that counted as the 20th fish.
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Shari:  Now we can finally go home.
Andrew:  Who are these extra people we brought with us?
Shari: (whispers) They are the potential love interests for each of our children.  I think it’s about time we got to know them.
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Andrew:  That’s not really something I want to think about.
Shari:  Just smile and say hello.

Notes:  Betsy gave birth to a boy (Kellen) while the Behrs were in Granite Falls.  She and Jamar tried for a baby again when the Behrs returned.  I moved Jamar out without knowing if Betsy was pregnant again or not.  It was a pleasant surprise to find they had a daughter (Melany).

Also, we are adding indoor plumbing to the house (but still keeping the outhouse for a while).  Only the most ‘rustic’ looking toilet and sinks will be used, and only bathtubs (no showers).  The White House got indoor plumbing in 1833, and fancy hotels had it even earlier.  Since Aster is a YA now, I figure that we are somewhere in the early 1840s with the Behrs.

And finally, since Aster did not get the Loves Outdoors trait, we will have to wait until Daisy is a young adult to find out who will be the heir.  If Daisy gets Loves Outdoors, she will be the heir.  If not, then the title goes to the firstborn which is Aster.

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Work and Play (July 7)
« Reply #81 on: July 07, 2018, 04:30:38 PM »
Such a great legacy still. I don't know whether to root for Daisy to get that Loves the Outdoors trait or not, Aster's friend Wendy is so pretty. I loved Sheri changing out everyone's outfits, that was so funny. Oh, good, Evelyn's line will continue, I hope Betsy gets to befriend our Gen 2 kids, I love the idea of working to keep beloved neighbors' families alive through a dynasty/legacy. Thanks again!

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Work and Play (July 7)
« Reply #82 on: July 07, 2018, 11:34:25 PM »
I'm happy to find your story while it's still early in your legacy.  I'm really enjoying it.  The historical aspect is intriguing and unique. I love the friendship with the McClures - knowing and really being friends with the neighbors is really in keeping with the historical element - not like these days when neighbors sometimes go years without ever getting to know each other.  And that ever-returning nanny!  So funny!  Looking forward to watching your clan grow!

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Work and Play (July 7)
« Reply #83 on: July 08, 2018, 12:50:40 PM »
Time for some proper love interest inspections! Everyone, line up! Show your teeth!

I'm enjoying this lovely period piece.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: Work and Play (July 7)
« Reply #84 on: July 15, 2018, 06:17:16 PM »
Such a great legacy still. I don't know whether to root for Daisy to get that Loves the Outdoors trait or not, Aster's friend Wendy is so pretty. I loved Sheri changing out everyone's outfits, that was so funny. Oh, good, Evelyn's line will continue, I hope Betsy gets to befriend our Gen 2 kids, I love the idea of working to keep beloved neighbors' families alive through a dynasty/legacy. Thanks again!
I'm glad you liked Betsy's little side story.  Jamar seemed like the obvious choice for her.  I'm really happy that he was still around.
I don't think I could pick between Aster or Daisy for heir, either.  Luckily, I've left it up to chance so I don't have to.

I'm happy to find your story while it's still early in your legacy.  I'm really enjoying it.  The historical aspect is intriguing and unique. I love the friendship with the McClures - knowing and really being friends with the neighbors is really in keeping with the historical element - not like these days when neighbors sometimes go years without ever getting to know each other.  And that ever-returning nanny!  So funny!  Looking forward to watching your clan grow!
Thanks!  I'm really happy that you found all of the Sharebears! When I started this, I really didn't have any big plans for the McClures, but the friendship just seemed to make sense as I went along.  I'm glad that it comes across as authentic.

Time for some proper love interest inspections! Everyone, line up! Show your teeth!
I'm enjoying this lovely period piece.
So true!  A legacy family has to properly inspect the love interests, you know.  We don't want any bad traits or narrow shoulders in the next generation!

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Heir and the Spare (July 15)
« Reply #85 on: July 15, 2018, 06:46:05 PM »
The Heir and the Spare

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Andrew:  Happy Birthday Shari!
Shari:  And Happy Birthday to you, too, dear!
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Andrew:  I have to admit that it’s nice to be an adult.  It felt strange to be the same age as Aster.
Shari: I agree. The potion of youth creates some strange age differences sometimes.

Fig:  Have you been outside talking to Bluebell, Mr. John?
John:  How did you know?
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Fig:  Just a hunch.

Andrew:  He really should know better, but it’s not polite to swallow party guests, Bluebell.
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The next morning:

Daisy:  Fig, are you eating a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast?
Fig: Mmmhmm.  It’s my new aspiration. 
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Fig:  What did you choose after you finished the Curator, sis?
Daisy:  I chose Freelance Botanist.  It’s been done before, but Mama says it will be good for points. 
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Andrew:  I thought Fig completed Angling Ace, Shari.  Why are we still fishing?
Shari:  Because we still need two more fish to complete our collection.
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Aster:  I caught an Anglerfish!  Is that one of the ones we need, Mama?
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Shari:  Yes!  Good job son!  I have to go to work now.  Could you and your father keep fishing at another location?

Aster:  I got a Piranha on the first try!  That’s the last one we needed.
Andrew:  Apparently I’m just here for moral support. 
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Aster:  Thanks for coming over, Wendy.  Not that I’ve been obsessively checking my relationship panel or anything, but I can’t help but notice that you are a young adult now.  A very beautiful young adult, if I may say so.
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Wendy: Oh Aster!  You’re so sweet!  *spontaneously flirts*
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Aster: (to himself) Wow! That was surprisingly easy.  *clears throat*   May I have the pleasure of your company on a date this afternoon?

Aster:  Since we’re both art lovers, I thought you might enjoy the museum.  But we can go somewhere else, if you’d rather.
Wendy:  The museum is perfect!  And my third trait is perfectionist, by the way, so I don’t use that term lightly.
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Aster:  So Wendy…you’ve met my family, but I don’t know much about yours.  I don’t even know where you live.
Wendy:  There isn’t much to tell.  My younger brother Daniel and I are Not-In-World sims.  I think you already know Daniel.  He was in Daisy and Fig’s club when they were kids.
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Aster:  It makes me nervous that you don’t have a home.  I’m going to ask Mama to add you to the family club so I know you’ll be safe.
Wendy:  I would love to join your family…club.
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Back at the house:

Daisy:  Daichi, will you do me a favor?
Daichi: Of course, Daisy.  We’re best friends.  What can I do for you?
Daisy:  You know I think you’re perfect, but my parents are really strict about things like collared shirts and…um…shoes.  Would you consider changing your wardrobe…just a little?
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Daichi:  Sure Daisy!  I could wear shoes.  As long as I don’t have to change my hair.
Daisy:  I didn’t realize you were so attached to your hairstyle.
Daichi:  I admit it’s unusual, but it’s part of what makes me unique, you know.  How’s this?  Do I look good in blue?
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Daisy:  Thanks for agreeing to do a makeover, Daichi.  I’ll see you tomorrow at my birthday party.
Daichi:  Anything for you Daisy.
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The next day:

Andrew:  Today is the big day!  We’ll finally find out who will be your heir, Shari.
Shari:  Yes, it’s exciting! Although it really doesn’t matter to me which one gets the title.  It will just be nice to know.
Andrew:  I agree.  Shall we change our clothes and get this party started?
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Andrew:  Well, what’s the verdict?  Did Daisy get the Loves the Outdoors trait?
Shari:  No, quite the opposite.  Her third trait is Squeamish.  That makes Aster the heir.
Andrew:  Squeamish!  How is that possible?  Daisy has been fishing since she was a child!  How can she be squeamish?
Shari:  That’s the nature of the Random Trait Generator.  Are you upset that Daisy isn’t the heir?
Andrew:  No, it’s not that.  Aster will be a great heir.  I just think the Random Trait Generator is stupid, that’s all. 
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Suddenly, in the music room…

Shari:  Noooooo!  Not Evelyn!  *sobs uncontrollably*
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Shari:  I don’t know what to say, Betsy.  I can’t believe she’s really gone.
Betsy: Thank you for coming.  It means a lot.
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Shari: Of course, dear.  Would you like me to place her headstone next to your father’s?
Betsy:  Would you?  I don’t think I could do it.
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Watcher's note:  I hate to end this on such a sad note, but that's really the way it happened.  Poor Evelyn died just after Daisy and Fig's party ended.  Next time, there will be a festival, a wedding, and no death.  Promise.

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Heir and the Spare (July 15)
« Reply #86 on: July 16, 2018, 02:21:22 AM »
Oh no, Evelyn! She felt so much part of the family. :'(

And I agree that the random trait generator shouldn't have picked squeamish for a fisher. Is it the legacy generator?

Congrats on Aster for the heir title! Now, Wendy third trait is unique, right?

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Heir and the Spare (July 15)
« Reply #87 on: July 16, 2018, 09:57:54 AM »
Evelyn has been such a great character.  It's sad to see her go.  Glad that her house will still be occupied for another generation or two at least.
I was sad that Daisy didn't end up as the heir, but I do rather think Aster and Wendy are adorable together more than I thought Daisy and Aster were, so it was a win either way  ;=)
Looking forward to more of your delightful tale!

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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Heir and the Spare (July 15)
« Reply #88 on: July 16, 2018, 12:08:47 PM »
Oof, that's a sad loss... And a very odd spin around of the random trait generator. Good thing so much fishing already got done, I guess?
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Re: BallerinaHippo's Sharebear Legacy: The Heir and the Spare (July 15)
« Reply #89 on: July 16, 2018, 12:50:28 PM »
Oh, so sad about Evelyn.  She will be missed.  That random trait generator certainly makes choices we'd never make otherwise, doesn't it?