Author Topic: The Magical Sharebears Legacy- 2.4: Sisterly Matters  (Read 21438 times)

Offline dontmindme

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The Magical Sharebears Legacy- 2.4: Sisterly Matters
« on: April 28, 2018, 12:55:56 PM »
I've been watching various people play with this legacy and decided it would be a fun thing to jump into when I get too frustrated with my RDC (glaring at you, Vampire family).

So, here we go!

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Ah, there you are!

"Who are you and why are you looking for me?"

I am a Watcher, though I prefer our other term, Watchette. As for why...well, you, the whole being, not simply this one small version ("Hey!"), are destined to begin a legacy. I would liken it to an experiment with the same base conditions in order to explore all the possible permutations of the universe and its future but I know how rude it is to call sims experiments.

"Do you ever stop talking?"


"All right. Suppose I agree to this, what do I get out of it? Besides this whole legacy thing?"

What do you want?

"Umm...." she thought for a long moment.

Why don't I explain what I bring to the table while you decide? I am a planner by nature. I run numbers and crunch sequences to determine the best course of action before acting. I rather adore spreadsheets and can adapt to a wide variety of stimuli and wishes, within reason.

"I want the largest property possible. I also want to veto potential housemates, my heirs and spares as well."

Very well. However, compromise must be reached if it jeopardizes the Primary Spouse category.

"Done. Also, I want to be a painter. I know other legacies start with, like, frogs and metals and stuff but-"

Once you have enough money to purchase your Legacy Title, you will be a painter. We have nine generations to complete collections.

"I thought it was ten?"

The challenge ends with the birth of the 10th generation.

"Ah. And the vampire stuff?"

Someone in the future will take care of it. Chances are you will be long gone by then.

The two pause in silence for a few moments. "So, how do I accept this thing?"

Introduce yourself and take the oath.

"My name is Elle Sharebear, I go by Ellie, and I promise to work with the Watchette and do my best to complete this legacy."

I am the Watchette, servant of the Blue Dragons of Dragon Valley, and I solemnly swear to assist the Sharebears in completing their legacy.

"So, now what-"

Ellie screams as the world melts away and reforms around her.

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Now we begin.

Offline dontmindme

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- Prologue and Setup, please do not reply
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2018, 12:56:54 PM »
A Sharebears Legacy: Ellie Sharebear

Story Index

Generation 1: Ellie Sharebear

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Offline dontmindme

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- Prologue and Setup, please do not reply
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2018, 12:57:32 PM »
Legacy Score

Succession Laws
Gender: Equality (any gender may be the heir)
Bloodline: Strict Traditional (only children born to the bloodline are eligible)
Heir: Democracy (Readers' choice, Random if no votes)
Species: Brood (Heirs must be carried in a pregnancy by the previous heir, regardless of gender)


10 points can be earned in each category, except for the Extreme Start point which is merely a handicap rather than a scoring category.
2 optional points can be earned if you own the Parenthood pack. To be updated as I play, not as I update chapters.

Family            :   2/10   2/9 heirs have aged up to YAs
Creative         :   3/10   
Fortune          :   5/10   Family worth: 556,000
Love              :   2/10   2/9 primary spouses with 6/27 unique traits;
Knowledge     :   7/10   
Athletic          :   7/10   
Nature           :   3/10 
Food              :   5/10   
Popularity       :   3/10   
Deviance        :   8/10   
Bonuses        :   3/5 (Extreme Start, 5 Upbringing Traits- Bodhi, Have all Active members reach Gold Status on a Legacy Holiday)
Penalties        :         0
       TOTAL    :   48/105

Offline dontmindme

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- Prologue and Setup, please do not reply
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2018, 12:58:22 PM »
Sharebear Family Tree
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Generation Information

Generation 1
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Generation 2
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Generation 3
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Offline oshizu

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- Prologue and Setup
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2018, 02:25:48 PM »
Yay! Welcome to the Sharebears!
I'm beyond excited that you've started a legacy!
You describe yourself as a watcher who enjoys planning, running numbers, and crunching sequences, and I loved your various suggestions while playing my RDC.
I'm sure you'll love the challenge of playing your legacy on Short Lifespan.

By the way, I highly recommend the scoresheet by HillieE, which has been updated to include Jungle Adventures. (You're probably using it already, hehe.)
It's a little busy visually and I've added a few pages of my own, but it's probably the most comprehensive!

I'm so excited! When will you have your first update finished? *jumps up and down excitedly
P.S. Thumbs up to your founder's choice of hair and clothing

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- Prologue and Setup
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2018, 02:32:11 PM »
Oooo, another Sharebear!  So looking forward to this ^^  I have a soft spot for that particular hair style ^^

Offline cerulle

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- Prologue and Setup
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2018, 02:37:29 PM »
Another Sharebear Legacy to add to my reading list! Whelp, not complaining! Looking forward to it!

Also, I second oshizu's recommendation on using HillieE's spreadsheet. I'm using it for my legacy and it's a great help with organising things. It looks complicated at first glance but it's really very simple to operate.

P/S: Loving the hair. Curls are a weakness of mine. ><

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Offline LenaLJ

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- Prologue and Setup
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2018, 04:37:16 AM »
Welcome to the Sharebear family.
And also another strategist, thats nice, cant wait to see how you tackle this.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- Prologue and Setup
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2018, 04:15:53 PM »
Yay!  Another Sharebear!  Looking forward to seeing how things shape up for Ellie  :=)

Offline dontmindme

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A New Sharebears Legacy- 1x1 Avengers Assemble
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2018, 09:13:50 PM »
"Wow, this is...actually way better than what I was picturing," Ellie said as she took in the view of her lot. It was bare and surrounded by scrubby grasses but the path led towards a secluded beach where the waves gently rolled and seagulls cawed.

Good. I'm glad. Are you ready to get started?

"Yeah, yeah, give me a minute."

Ellie jogged towards the beach then cast her line.

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"I could definitely get used to this. Not the fishing but the beach, the quiet, that sort of thing," she said thoughtfully. "I can't wait to paint it all. It'll be fantastic."

I'm sure you will be great. But, we do need to discuss your spousal options.

"Wait, already?"

The optimal strategy requires Club access as early as possible and they are easier to maintain when the members are part of the household. I have compiled a list of candidates ranging from best to acceptable, calculated by traits, aspirations, known skills, and career levels.

"You've already made a list?" Ellie yelped as she caught her first fish, a large, juicy trout.

....I did say I was a planner. I am confused by your continued surprise.

"Not surprise, just, you know, wow, you really do have all of this planned out, huh?"

I do not. I am merely working with your talents and goals. That said, yes, I do have a wide range of plans based upon those things.

"Let me see that spouse list thing."

Ellie looked over the list and tried not to giggle. Or groan. The Wizard had clearly done exactly as she said, which rendered the excitement of meeting new friends and building a new life rather sterile.

"Okay, no more than three, all right? I'd rather not have an entirely full house yet."

Three is a perfect number. It relieves some of the pressure on the individuals of your generation.

"I'm almost afraid to ask."

Are you sure you want the complete breakdown?

"Might as well, this last fish is taking forever, I might as well go digging."

Very well. 144 skills across 9 generations comes to an average of 15 maxed skills per generation or 5 skills per sim for a 3 sim generation or 4 skills in a generation of 4. 55 aspirations across 9 generations comes to 6 aspirations per generation or 2 per sim, provided, of course, that the random aspiration is not time sensitive. Combine that with 29 adult career branches and the fact that you're going to want move members out and in, you're looking at 4 careers per generation. Unless, of course, the Vampire generation agrees to carry the 10 children burden and those children live in the house until they max a career. Any number over 4 would be hugely beneficial for the legacy. As for parties, you'll need 14 gold medal events per generation on average to complete those points.

"Yeah, we're not doing that last one."

It is a bit excessive, I admit. Have you made a decision?

"Yep, and just found this last crystal. Follow me, Wizard."

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"Hey, Salim," Ellie shouted.

"I'm in the middle of- oh. Ellie, nice to see you again. How are you doing?"

"Not bad. You?"

"Taking a break from my next bestseller. You?"

"Nothing much, just founding a legacy."

"Run that by me again?"

"You know, a legacy? Watchers and Wizards and Immortality and Points and stuff?"

"I thought that stuff wasn't real."

"It is. Really real. So, um, would you like to join my household? I wouldn't ask you to give up your job or anything, in fact, the Wizard says you should definitely keep it, but um, yeah? Please?"

"Well, I've always heard that Watchers are wells of inspiration and lord knows I could use that right now. So, um, that'll work. Yeah."

Welcome, Salim Benali.

"Holy crow, you weren't kidding!"

"Why would anyone joke about something like this, least of all me? I thought we were friends."

If you both are quite finished, dusk approaches and you have no furniture, no skilling equipment, and almost no money.

"That's what I get for not reading the fine print," Salim muttered.

Ahem. I have a plan. Off to the museum for both of you.

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"Huh, a computer for writing and an easel for painting. Nice move, Wizard," Ellie complimented as she cracked her fingers and got to work.

"That's...huh. So, what, you want us to write and paint all night? I have to work tomorrow," Salim pointed out.

I have begun your legacy club. Writing and Painting count towards points. How tired, hungry, and in need of a toilet you two are come morning is up to you.

"Got it."

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And so, they worked. Ellie's initial paintings only barely made a profit, little more than enough to begin the next. But steadily as the night wore, they increased in value. Salim, on the other hand, wrote bestseller after bestseller. His books would pay off in the long but in the short term? Ellie's dedication made all the money. By Monday morning, they went from about 80 simoleons to a modest 930. By Monday evening, they had more than 2000 in the bank and, again, Ellie made most of it.

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Well, that's one way to show appreciation.

"Wizard!" Ellie shrieked.

I am required to document this legacy. Would you prefer I document instead your awkward attempts at courtship?

"Awkward-" Salim started.

Like a pair of awkward turtleducks. I would be more than happy-

"Yeah, no thanks, Wizard. That's just...blargh."


"Yes, sweetheart, we talked past each other for hours. Even the bushes were getting embarrassed."

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"Don't tell me it's not worth the effort," Salim said.

"Oh, it's definitely worth it."

First child of the second generation already. I thought you didn't want to move too quickly.

"Meh, life's too short."

Another night in the museum passed in short order. After Salim left for work, Ellie headed out to round out her household. After a lot of thinking, she decided on a pair of sims she hoped could live with a Watcher's weirdness.

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"Um, hi, I know you don't know me-" she began.

"Hi. Salim called and said you might be by. I'm Penny, by the way."

"Ellie. Nice to meet you."

They talked for a while, Ellie lightly treading towards her goal while Penny...

"You should see the things going on on the internet. Some of the Aliens are acting weird, and I mean even for them, they just stop and vanish into thin air. There's that new vampire that, like, even the Vatores won't get into, which is weird because they're top of the vamp heap, right? Know anything about that, hmm?" she finished teasingly.

Ellie laughed. "You can't believe everything you read on the internet."

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Penny turned serious. " I don't. I teach people how to fact-check online, remember? These things are happening."

"So, about moving in?"

"You should've asked that from the beginning. I just lost my roomie and the rent's too high on my own. I'd be happy to join, though I'd like one of those makeovers you hear about in the near future."

"Done. Once we've made a few points, I'm sure the Wizard would be happy to help you out there."

Indeed. Once the first aspiration is complete, I will grant you the access.

"Awesome. Well, I'll head back. Gotta few livestreams to host today. You're going after your last roommate, right?"

"Hopefully it'll go quickly."

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"Come on, Raj, we've been at this for hours and you haven't even given me a single opening."

"Because I don't want to go, Ellie. Who'll look after my mother? Hmm? I'm a high powered chef around here, I don't want anything to jeopardize that."

"I understand about your mother but you can visit her every day. And being part of a legacy wouldn't stymie your career. I'd appreciate you staying in it, actually."

Family. He wants a family.

"Raj, I know you're having a hard time finding someone to have a family with," Ellie slowly started.

"It's not that, I just want to adopt but it's kinda hard to do when it's just one parent, you know? Don't think I have the stamina for that. My mother won't be here forever."

"Well, you could co-parent my kids? I mean, it's a legacy and things are gonna get crazy. Quite frankly, Salim and I need all the help we can get. We'd love to add you as an equal parent."

"I still don't know, Ellie."

"Just take the gig," Geeta shouted from the next room. "You need to get out of my house and I want some grandchildren."

"We'll even throw in helping you start your own family, if you want," Ellie finished a little desperately.

Raj rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine, you convinced me. I'll help you with your food stuff and whatever and you let me be a parent to your kids until I can adopt one of my own, which you and the others will help me with. Deal?"

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Watcher's notes
I don't know how we got so lucky with the San Myshuno sims because seriously. It's like the devs knew we'd need some high achieving YA sims and stuffed the place. Penny and Raj are both at level 7 in their careers and their skills actually match that. Livestreaming Video Games allows her to get to the follower count she needs and increases her already high Video Gaming skill. As Penny had the City Native Aspiration, we rerolled it to Chief of Mischief. Salim comes with high level Writing and the aspiration to match. And yes, he and Ellie were such a pair of awkward turtleducks, I have never seen two sims, neither of whom is Unflirty, stick their feet in their mouths so much. They got it resolved, thankfully.

Offline dontmindme

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- 1.1 Avengers Assemble
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2018, 09:19:23 PM »
Yay! Welcome to the Sharebears!
I'm beyond excited that you've started a legacy!
You describe yourself as a watcher who enjoys planning, running numbers, and crunching sequences, and I loved your various suggestions while playing my RDC.
I'm sure you'll love the challenge of playing your legacy on Short Lifespan.

By the way, I highly recommend the scoresheet by HillieE, which has been updated to include Jungle Adventures. (You're probably using it already, hehe.)
It's a little busy visually and I've added a few pages of my own, but it's probably the most comprehensive!

I'm so excited! When will you have your first update finished? *jumps up and down excitedly
P.S. Thumbs up to your founder's choice of hair and clothing

Thanks for the recs! I'd already found that spreadsheet, it is a lifesaver. Thanks for the compliments and here's the first update.

Oooo, another Sharebear!  So looking forward to this ^^  I have a soft spot for that particular hair style ^^

Thanks for replying. And yes, this hairstyle is sooooo great, it looks good on everyone, I love it.

Another Sharebear Legacy to add to my reading list! Whelp, not complaining! Looking forward to it!

Also, I second oshizu's recommendation on using HillieE's spreadsheet. I'm using it for my legacy and it's a great help with organising things. It looks complicated at first glance but it's really very simple to operate.

P/S: Loving the hair. Curls are a weakness of mine. ><

Thanks for the welcome! It is a great little spreadsheet, so much fun to tinker with. Lol, the curls seem to be a winner with everyone ;)

Welcome to the Sharebear family.
And also another strategist, thats nice, cant wait to see how you tackle this.

Thank you for the welcome. Yeah, I'm definitely a competitive point-grubber so we'll see how quickly I can get a handle on things. Running the numbers just puts everything into perspective.

Yay!  Another Sharebear!  Looking forward to seeing how things shape up for Ellie  :=)

Thanks for starting this whole thing! Wish us luck, I think we'll need some.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- 1.1 Avengers Assemble
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2018, 11:05:11 PM »
Hahaha, Turtleducks.  Love it!  The San Myshuno sims are great!

Offline LenaLJ

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- 1.1 Avengers Assemble
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2018, 06:26:44 AM »
Lovely couple, nice roomates, and an amazing setup, good start you have going here.
And i could not stop laughing at this, its like taken out of my head. Only thing is that I always calculate that the first generation wont reach the average, and I do not want helpers.

"Very well. 144 skills across 9 generations comes to an average of 15 maxed skills per generation or 5 skills per sim for a 3 sim generation or 4 skills in a generation of 4. 55 aspirations across 9 generations comes to 6 aspirations per generation or 2 per sim, provided, of course, that the random aspiration is not time sensitive. Combine that with 29 adult career branches and the fact that you're going to want move members out and in, you're looking at 4 careers per generation. Unless, of course, the Vampire generation agrees to carry the 10 children burden and those children live in the house until they max a career. Any number over 4 would be hugely beneficial for the legacy. As for parties, you'll need 14 gold medal events per generation on average to complete those points."

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- 1.1 Avengers Assemble
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2018, 07:58:11 AM »
Avengers Assemble indeed.  Must say, you gave me Infinity Wars flashbacks, so this reply almost started with movie spoilers  ;=)
Seriously, though, looks like you're shaping up into having a lovely little household.  Raj is awesome.  I had him as a helper in my RDC and he was great at everything...well, not great at pollinating, but otherwise.
The continual references to you as "Wizard" reminded me of "Oz the Great and Powerful."  Just kept hearing Little China Girl's voice  :=)

Offline oshizu

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Re: A New Sharebears Legacy- 1.1 Avengers Assemble
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2018, 11:46:22 AM »
Great start! I was surprised that you used those well-known City Living sims as most everyone avoids premades unless they are part of their storytelling.
A little revision of your Popularity category math, hee.
1000 points divided by 3 (1 point = 3 gold medals) = 334 social events.
That's roughly either 34 social events/generation (for 10 generations), or 38 social events/generation (for 9 generations).
I have never managed to earn all 10 points in the Popularity category---all those social events (even dates, which are the fastest/easiest) are too much of a grind.

Best wishes. I know you'll do fabulously and can't wait to see your plans unfold!

