Author Topic: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty - The Word Unsaid (9/25/20)  (Read 76201 times)

Offline Deme

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"Do I Need a Sliding Scale" (5/6/19)
« Reply #135 on: May 18, 2019, 02:28:08 PM »
Look forward to hearing more from Kacie. I'm not sure I want Kite getting in touch with his inner snark -- he's so sweet, and that's rare. And Kacie's got enough snark of her own, like when she said that Kite was a great listener when you got used to the fact that he was tuning in from outer space, lol.

Yeah, I doubt he ever would; and I doubt she'd really want that to go too far, just... Maybe a little more spine on her sweet, sweet boy. Kacie was a fun character to write from the perspective of; I'll have to see if my frankly absurd backlog has any other good sections for her.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline Deme

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"That Cat Frost" (5/18/19)
« Reply #136 on: May 18, 2019, 02:29:19 PM »
Chapter 43: That Cat Frost

Sos, Ka-san’s B-day was love-day. An, like, our schedules got kinda wild. Schoolday (Love Day’s, like, a Friday), a bunch a’ grind days, so catching a few ticks f’r the festives’re kinda a thing. But we did get a chance t’ gather up in the mornin’.

“Alright, one! Two! Three!”

“Congrats, Ka-san!” I’m shoutin’ while the confetti rained.
“Ugh, backache.” I guess it takes ‘em hard. Better get my prep on, f’r eventually. “The hair’s not bad, but I really want to get it re-dyed, heh heh.” Ka-san fiddles the sharp edga a’ her bob, but while she’s sorta just standin’ there, a python a’ the smoochin’ strikes.

“Your hair is fine,” Mom said ‘fore she stole another kiss. “You look great.”
“Yes, yes,” Ka-san said, laughing and poundin’ her fists like she’s throwin’ a hissy.  “But I still want that pink! Teal’s no good for me!”

“Of course, of course,” Mom answered. “Get your hair dyed, and I’ll be waiting outside. It’s love day, after all.”

And that meant vistin’ their fav’rit spot on a top-a-the-mornin’ date. Mom told me somethin’, later; I guess it was prob’ly on her mind then, like.

“When you’re young, you think you want someone beautiful. But things like that are temporary, right? But they’re not.Time passes, and you spend it with someone, and you get the chance to see every second you’ve spent, written on their face. That smile of conspirators that belongs only to you. And you realize: beauty is something you share with someone. It’s something you find because you want them. It can go forever.”

Those little times where, like, Mom really dig deeps, really thinks personal, I kind see someone a little diff’rent. We got stuff in common, kinda; just happenin’ in some other place, at our own sorta times.

But spring is sprungun up all over.

‘Course, Kace an’ I aint got much we can do f’r Love Day, even with Mom, like, makin’ concessions in our fam’s trads f’r those times when there aint no one in our lives, like.

“But I did wanna give this t’ ya. It aint the best flower I got, tho; that’s… That’s you.”

“Awww…” She takes it an’ leads a hand on the edge a’ the flowers. “That’s so sweet. And also corny, but mostly sweet.”

“Hey, Kite… Do you have a perfect date?”

“Tuesday, second week a’ Spring. Coupla’ days back. It aint too hot, but it aint too cold, neither,” I answer. The sky’s got that good high blue goin’ on, everythin’s gone full green… It’s got that potential, you dig? The flowers are burstin, some slow-burnin’ flames that’ll carry late inta the spin, some fireworks that fizzle out in just a day’r two. “An you got that green, you dig? ‘Nature’s first green is gold,’ an, like, I aint big on that cat Frost, but he got a clock right. Not, like, literal gold, dig? Not a gold-green, like you get in Fall, but, like… Precious an’ little an’ glossy-like. ‘S a green yer sad t’ say goodbye to, but if it stuck ‘round… You think it’d still be nice?...I guess I do.” I wanna think stuff that sticks aint bad. Like, that sorta summer green, after it, that’s not a bad green. I think it’d be kinda sad, if it was somethin’ you only liked ‘cause you couldn’t keep it. That’d mean you didn’t really like it at all, dig?

“Kiiiiite….” She chuckles an’ snuggles on up. “Not like that! I meant a date you’d go on with, say, me.”

“...Hmmm… You got anythin’ you want? Cause this’s just right f’r me. Just you an’ me an’ a cool spring air an’ all.”

“...Same. Except with more kisses.”

“I’ll deliver a heap a smooches f’r the job.”

We were actually, like, all’a us, out a’ the house then. See, Akira’d gotten a ring-up. An why not spend a love day w’ your girl, huh?

“This is nice.”

“Yeah, it is. The estate’s maybe a little stuffy, but we’ll make our own fun,” Ulrike says.

‘Cause we’d gone out to the Von Haunt’s old digs, dig?

“I’m really happy you called me out today, you know,” Akira says. It weren’t that long ago he’d just sorta snuck back inta her life an’ all. Maybe, deep down, he was a little scared she wouldn’t. “I wouldn’t want Love Day to go by, even for a second, without the person I love most.”

“...You’re in a mushy mood,” she says, but with a smile. It aint like she minds.

“It is love day, after all! What good is it if you don’t have a romantic fancy!”

There aint too much there, so they end up talkin’ an’ flirtin’ over chess.

“Do you know why I love you?” Akira asks her at one point.

“Because I’m beautiful and we have similar taste in tats?” Kinda a joke, but kinda sincere. “I do always love yours.”

“Your taste in tats is great. And you are always beautiful. But… It’s more than that.” He laughs. “Better. Even if it’s a selfish reason… I love you because you got mad at me. And you talked to me and wanted better. And...Until then, I hadn’t thought of love as something that pushes you to be better.”

And those weren’t lines; there weren’t nothin’ insincere ‘bout that.

“It’s not a bad sort of love to have, really. It makes me sound cool.”

“Well, obviously,” he answers, with a chortle. The game don’t really mean much.

“Happy love day, Darling.” Uncle Johnny’s got a couple a’ old flames here, an’ at this point, it’s just sorta a sweet hello an’ a little festive cheer… Or… Summin. Whatever makes folks happy, right?

But let’s give it up f’r the ladies that show us all how it’s done, dig?

‘Cause of course they aint callin’ their love day done w’ just the post birthday date! They run off t’ some corner a’ the estate.Private enough I kinda missed some of it.

So, uh, ‘pologies mega for that, my dude… But I think it was prob’ly reminiscin’. A lot a time’s gone by f’r ‘em; not just sorta external-like, where time happens, but in, like the eternity you get when you feel somethin’ real strong. I did hear somethin Ka-san was saying, as they lay up in some little garden all their own:

“I think the clouds remembered their shapes from when we met, don’t you?”

“I barely remember them. I had a pretty girl to look at, so I was only kind of paying attention…Though! Hey! That one’s a cocktail glass with an oversized umbrella, though.”

“It kind of is!” Ka-san laughs. “I think it’s sort of a brain-slurping elephant demon! Or a Funyarinpa!”

That gets a laugh from Mom, too, until they’re rolled up close in the grass.

“I’m not falling for that! I’m not falling for that again!” She stops, an they’ve gone real quiet f’r a tick. “I’m real glad I’ve had you with me, every step of the way.”

“Me, too.”

An’ that felt like time f’r Kite to skeedadle cooly, dig?

Once Kacie had to split, I ended up just takin’ pictures. They got some radical gardens out there; been honed from centuries a’ folks carin for the place.

An I even caught sight a’ one of the local ghosts, paintin’ all alone up on the walk. Wonder if he’s thinkin’ a past Love Days.

Closer t’ later -- well, aint we all closer t’ later, my dude? All the time, reachin’ fer a time that’ll never really be here, it just dissolves, like, gentle as a dream into the present. But it was some flick time.

“Relying on love day only for romance will bite someone, sooner or later. I’d rather it not be me,” ‘s how Mom put it. “I’m not really into sappy movies, though.”

“You can’t fool me! You get all misty-eyed whenever an anime gets all sentimental about friendship,” Ka-san interjects.

“Impossible. I’ve never once cried at an anime friendship speech. Who needs the power of friendship when you’re not using it to power immortality?”

“Trip, Mom. All’s you need is love. ‘S a swell thing, just by itself, bigger ‘n you can pen in, small enough you’ve always got it on ya once you have some,” I point out. The flick’s kinda a big group piece, lotsa dudes havin’ their own love stories. Suprised Ka-san weren’t gonna insist on somethin; it aint like there’s no flicks romantic a’ the animovin’ kind.

“Well, later! Later! But for now, I’m not hung up on the particulars. I just want to snuggle with my boys.”

“Ohohoho,” Maggie laughs kinda like he’s been practicin’ it. A stage thing, kinda. “It’s the same! I’m overflowing with love for my dear family!”


 When the flick’s windin down, I kinda got to wonderin’. Maggie’s still a kid, sure, but he’s kinda, like, been watchin the cats around him. An I think we all sorta got an approach to love…

“There someone you sweet on, Magpie?”

“I am sweet on the world, dear brother!” He announces. Round a’ applause, good answer.

“In particular-like?” I lean up on him, grinnin’ like I gotta put the pressure on.

“...Well, I have an intended for a flower today,” he says, sorta secretive. “If she’ll take it.”

“Good luck, bro. You got this.” I give ‘m a little nudge. He does, like anyone’s gonna turn my kid bro down.

“...Kite.” He asked, after a long quiet where it was just the credits rollin’ by. “You love Kacie, right?... Do you think you’ll ever love someone else?”

“...Donno.” I don’t got a plan to, anyway; don’t think I could. An… I don’t think I’d wanna, like, when we’re a thing, dig? “She’s my main squeeze, you know. Far-out chick like that… Wouldn’t wanna hurt her or nothin. But time’s long, dig? I aint gonna say what’d happen, far away…”

I sigh. I don’t wanna think on it. That’s somethin’ I can’t stop an’ I can’t change. I just wanna make this time, in the time a’ the heart, last good an’ long as I can.

“...Do you think it’d be wrong if someone did?”

“Love, if you do it right -- an you got ‘em like your dudes, an’ everyone know’s what’s what an’ that’s cool an’ you know it’s cool, f’r real, an’ everyone can really say that… Then, I don’t think it’s gonna be wrong whatever it looks like.”

An’ Magpie smiles t’himself. All ya need’s love in a world like this.

Kacie decided t’ plant ol’ cuttin’s from that daisy I gave her… Back then, when things sorta clicked together.

“I want to be able to keep an eye on it. I want to see it grow… Something like that,” she adds, with kinda a sheepish grin.

“Sure, sure… Hey. You know… If you wanna… Whenever you wanna use my pad, you can. An… It c’n look like stuff you want, too.” I offer her, kinda nervous. When’s too soon f’r stuff like that, anyhoodle? Didn’t she, like, sorta already move in? ‘S that creepy?

...But she don’t have to live like it aint her place, neither.

“OK. Ok. I can do that. I… might have had a few ideas.”

An we do a big ol’ overhaul from there. Furniture flies. Up goes a couch t’ sit on, an’ a new shelf, and Kacie’s makeup. Just a hint more pink.

‘S a pretty groovy pad. Just the right amount a Thing t’ it all, dig? Like, there’s a gap b’tween just, like, a house, which’s sorta made a walls and rooves an’ folks livin’ in it, and a pad, which, if you dig me, is all on the essential Thingness of it, as a cool place where you’re you an’ you can just chill.

“Maybe we’ll get a fish,” she adds, puttin’ the bowl on the table at the bedfoot. “It’ll be nice and green and homey.”

“...Yeah. Sure is.” Homey, huh? Yeah, I think whatever sorta pad we wanted, it’s pad-like cause it’s our home.
Stories In Progress:
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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"That Cat Frost" (5/18/19)
« Reply #137 on: May 25, 2019, 06:59:34 PM »
Happy elder birthday to Miko!  I'm glad she got to keep her pink hair (that gray and blue just wasn't her).

I loved Kacie's chapter and I also really like her makeover of Kite's room.  She's a nice grounding influence for the Space Prince.  They work well together.   :)

Offline Deme

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"That Cat Frost" (5/18/19)
« Reply #138 on: May 31, 2019, 03:54:12 PM »
Happy elder birthday to Miko!  I'm glad she got to keep her pink hair (that gray and blue just wasn't her).

I loved Kacie's chapter and I also really like her makeover of Kite's room.  She's a nice grounding influence for the Space Prince.  They work well together.   :)

I do enjoy them very much, and I'm *really* proud of how that room came out. There's a few more tweaks to it that happen here and there, but it's great!

(It isn't, but that hair in general is just such a cool hair for Miko. I'm very pleased with the streaky options in Get Famous.)
Stories In Progress:
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Offline Deme

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"Live from My Keyboard" (5/31/19)
« Reply #139 on: May 31, 2019, 03:57:45 PM »
Chapter 44: Live from My Keyboard


And that’s another one for the wall. You know, I’ve got enough experience with hanging pictures to know that the framing business is kind of crazy. “Hello, I’d like to get an object simply to hold a more valuable object while I hang it safely above my bed.”

“Yeah, that’ll be 5 million dollars and you’ve got to go on a treasure hunt for a spot in your wall to hang it.”

Everything about it is expensive and complicated! Half the landlords I’ve had would rather I just burn the wall down than try and put a nail into it! But then again, framing is a pretty niche part of our economy; most people have gone digital these days. I’m practically a savior to an entire industry! And that’s not too bad… When you frame it that way!

[Hold for applause and/or heckling]

Thank you! Johnny Zest, I’ll be here all night, whether you like it or not!

So, after catching up with a few ladyfriends, I end up inviting my daughter Hande, Hande Holiday -- alliterative names sure are hande-y to remember, aren’t they? -- over to spend a love day afternoon with her old man. Give her mother a break, which might be the best love day present I’ve ever given anyone.

“Ready to have fun today, sweetie?” I asked her.

“Yeah! ‘S a good love day!” She tells me. And I start worrying -- all children now look like babies, and all teenagers look like children. It happens when you’re old, the way not understanding why people like new music happens. Is she too old for me to need to shield her from any little kid valentines with the fierceness of a papa bear, whatever my instincts on the matter say?  The answer is no, but I had pause there.

“Why’s that?”

“Heeheeheee, ‘cause I love daddy!”

[Wait, expectantly, for an aww]

But I didn’t come here to brag about how cute she is. I came to gush about how cute she is. She’s like a handy cotton-candy Hande! Perfect in every way!

But if I could be sincere for a moment, that kept hitting me. See, when I look back over my life, I realize something: I’m kind of awful. Not my jokes, those are great! But I mean, as a person. I’ve woohooed with more women than I can count! But not more than I can multiply! And they’re all great, and aside from the occasional meet-up, they all mean nothing to me. Totally average. I’m just there to get sum. My math education’s kind of a mixed bag, isn’t it, folks?

So there’s that. And then there’s my parents, and my brother, for that matter. My parents are dead, and I didn’t even know when it happened exactly. Just, ‘oh yeah, those people I cut out of my life so I could be here looking at this sea of handsome but poorly-lit faces are dead now, and I’ll never see them again. Ok, what’s for dinner?’

And then there’s these kids. Each one kind of like me and each one completely different. Perfect -- even when they’re not. Pretty much just by chance and constant horndogging, I somehow stumbled onto the love of my life…

...Dad jokes.

“Alright, now, can you name something brown and sticky?” I asked her in a totally sincere effort at building a vocabulary.
“Uhhh… Uhhh… Pancake! I like pancake.” Now, that was a good guess, and good on her.
“And… A stick!”
Sometimes, teaching kids to talk is derailed by my sense of humor, but there are ways to get things rolling again. For example, I shared the best way to remember your vowels: What did one vowel say when it was saved by another? “Aye, E! I owe you!”

You guys needed a double whammy after earlier.

Speaking of things that are corny and a bit mushy -- besides creamed corn -- there’s someone in the house right about now who might just be working on the whole ‘love of his life’ thing. And not much younger than me, either.

”A rose I find too quick to fade;
A song’ll vanish once it’s played;
And I could shower you with praise
If it would keep you all my days --
If gifts are love, we soon will part;
I beg you, hold me in your heart.”

With apologies to Salim Benali, of course. I’m a roses-red violets-blue guy, but really, I’m more of a ‘he makes me laugh’ guy. If it’s good enough for Roger Rabbit, it’s good enough for me.

But Justine Ellsworth -- man, I remember when she was a teenager. Isn’t that a scary thought? Time needs to cool its jets; we’re not going anywhere if it wants to hang out, have a beer, stop causing people to go to college while you blink. She found it sweet.

“Ohhh, that was good!” She claps. They’re doing flirting lessons. That’s what they’re calling it these days, I guess.

“Thanks, I worked on that one for a little bit. I think it could be longer. Maybe a sonnet.”

“That would be nice, I’d love to hear it,” she told him. “You’ve really improved. You’re not making Pride and Prejudice into a pickup line anymore.”

“I panicked!” He laughed, though. “...But it sort of turns out there’s not very much flirting in this whole affair.”

“It’s all business, rather than pleasure.”

“Correct, essentially.”

She turned and just looked at him.

“What would this be?”

“...It’s always pleasurable to speak with you,” he answered. I mean, if someone likes my comedy, I’d like that, too. That’s why I keep coming back here to talk with all of you. That and the money. So I can see why he’d like a girl who likes his poetry, age gap or no. So, time to muster his courage! “...I really do like to spend time with you.”

“ as well.”

“I might go a little further, maybe. I might say...that I love you,” he offered, nervously.

“...I’d like that.” she edged a little closer, shyly.

“I might go a little further.” But once you’ve gotten past love poetry, you’ve gone as far as you can go in a relationship, really. Like, you give a woman who isn’t sure about you love poetry, that is frightening. He was basically walking backwards!

But sometimes, that’s a step in the right direction.

You know, I heard that in bed, she’s lighter than air; he’s having a hard time keeping up with her!

So, while most of the love day shenanigans died down, there’s still a couple of things worth saying something about.

Kacie had decided to do something I’ve got to say I’ve never really considered: put in an extra mile for her boyfriend.

“The flower was good, but I want… I want to make something special.” It’s a flowery sentiment after all.

“It’s a first bouquet, so it’s not that fancy,” she told him. “And it’ll wear out pretty quickly. But… I wanted to do something nice for you, so you can just acknowledge I’m great already!”

“Yer great already!” Perfect, beautiful, stepping on my line.  “These’re some groovy blooms, Pook.” He looked them over, a sappy grin spread across that boy’s face. He looked at them with real happiness -- she’d arranged the flowers, but I don’t think she arranged that.”They got a lotta heart in ‘em, I dig that.”

“Ah! Well, you know… I thought I’d stretch out a little. It was pretty fun.” She was beaming. And then again, “It’ll be sad when they wilt, though.”

Now, Kite’s a kid who can go pretty quiet sometimes. And this was one of them. He looked at them for a moment longer, and then reached over.

“Don’t get yer wig flipped ‘bout that, you dig? They’re wonderful. Flowers wilt, an’ wonderful don’t, dig?”

“Ha! You’re taking this so seriously…” She laughed, but nicely. “But I’ll make some more, maybe. A lot more! I’ll bury you!”

“You’ll plant me, even!”

“It’s a lovely blossom I’ll want to spend some time with.”

Now, see, I had to tell you about that: that’s some good material! Oh, well. Speaking of stepping on my lines…

“My darling Reiko, please, accept this flower as a token!” Magpie delivered that line with such aplomb. I’m a little worried the kid’s picked up some lessons from me. But, hey, might as well learn from the master!

“A token?... I don’t think the Bowl-o-Rama would trade this for a prize.” That was another good one. Kids these days… Grow up so fast!

“...Are you being serious?” Magpie asked, pouting a little.

“Sorry, you can say it again.”

“My precious Reiko, rose of roses, treasure this flower as I treasure you!”

She looked shyly down at the flower, and, without adding more sass, took it.

“Thank you. It’s really sweet.”

Kids these days…And, frankly, not kids these days.The house is full of people sorting things out, which leads to odd little vignettes like this one.

“I’m trying to figure out… I don’t know. I think Kite would call it an aesthetic or something. You’ve lived alone, right?” Kacie asked Salim. It was an abrupt question for an abrupt meeting.

“It’d be a little odd if I hadn’t… Well, thinking about that, it’s not really fair. But yeah, I have for a long time now.” If I had to compare the two, personally -- Salim did not weigh in, so you’re stuck hearing my thoughts -- living with others has a lot more going on! Companionship, frequent loud groans of exasperation, a captive audience if you’re willing to lock a few doors... Of course, a kid like Kite’s pretty much never going to live alone. And Kacie neither, for that matter.

“How did you decide what you wanted things to look like?”

“...Eh. I mostly just put things I found wherever I dropped them. I think while craft is something you build, aesthetic is something like a stew, and develops over time. You’ve got a very retro look already.”

“...Huh,” she said, looking down at her dress.

“Now, can I ask you something?” Salim asked.

“Go ahead!”

“What do young people these days like? What do girls like? What impresses them.” That’s a big q   uestion, isn’t it folks? I’d guess a press! For a writer type, that’d be a printing press!

But then the door opened.

“...Why is everybody having this chit-chat in my room?” Poor Akira, coming back to a home invasion! It’s his fault for having a home, really. And a room with a computer, no less. Those things really have changed the game. I mean, now people can go online and just find bad puns! In my day, you had to work for them!

To close out the day, I was having my older kids over. It’s really been something, watching them all grow up. Mostly, it’s been long!

You ever wonder what people did before they invented dartboards? ‘Hey, Ogg, stand there so I can throw sticks at you! It’ll be a good thing to do while we’re drinking!’

But there we were, playing darts in the bar. My score was pretty good, gotta say -- until Hob comes along and gets bulls-eye after bulls-eye! And then that’s it, because bulls only have so many eyes!

But I’d been sitting on something all day, really. Something maybe not so nice. Something I’d been meaning to tell them. So then I made the teensy, tinsy, critical error of bursting out right in the middle of the match:

“Oh, my heart! How can you do that to a dying old man, just upstage him in a bar game!”

And all three went pretty still. I think Ulises made a noise only audible to dogs, so of course I heard it perfectly. Bonnie ended up being the first one to say anything.

“What? You’re joking, right?”

“Aaahh. I meant to tell you earlier. Should not have said it like that.” This is going to be rough, I thought.

“...Dad,” I think Hob figured out I was being a bit serious first. “I think you should say it now, while we’re together.”

“...I heard the news today. It’s my first notice, so, time to get affairs in order. Better make times like this count!”

“You should. What do you want to do?” He asked.

“Exactly what I’ve been doing. Just thoughtfully,” I told him. Because, really. My affairs? I've always been fine with those being out-of-order. But stuff like this is what really matters to me, right now.

This probably isn’t going to be a routine, is it? Maybe parts… This might just be me sorting things out the best way I know how. Well, thanks for listening. Live from my keyboard, I’ve been Johnny Zest. You’ve been a beautiful and imaginary audience, goodnight!
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline Deme

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"Live From My Keyboard" (5/31/19)
« Reply #140 on: June 03, 2019, 05:23:10 PM »
So, I'd like to ask a question. Someone posed to me that shorter updates I could push out more frequently might be easier for you to comment and faster for me to produce. Is that something ya'll'd be interested in?
Stories In Progress:
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Offline kattiq

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"Live From My Keyboard" (5/31/19)
« Reply #141 on: June 04, 2019, 11:12:55 AM »
Hey! Just got finished reading the dynasty story and I love it! I also love the way you write each character with their own personality. (Also love the dad jokes so keep them coming!)
I can tell you spend a lot of dedicated time and add so many details to your stories & it's lovely!

As a new reader to your story and a fellow story writer, I hope its okay I add my input- I would say it might be easier for you to do the shorter updates and to keep track of which part of the story you have told (I sometimes forget  where I'm at if I'm busy with RL, lol!)
I personally like to ride the line right in between and keep things at a medium consistency. But I've had to shorten my story telling for my own personal sanity because sometimes I find myself spending more time trying to write a story rather than playing (maybe I'm the only one?)

But regardless, you do what you enjoy doing/writing and I will enjoy reading either way!

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"Live From My Keyboard" (5/31/19)
« Reply #142 on: June 04, 2019, 06:52:51 PM »
Hey! Just got finished reading the dynasty story and I love it! I also love the way you write each character with their own personality. (Also love the dad jokes so keep them coming!)
I can tell you spend a lot of dedicated time and add so many details to your stories & it's lovely!

As a new reader to your story and a fellow story writer, I hope its okay I add my input- I would say it might be easier for you to do the shorter updates and to keep track of which part of the story you have told (I sometimes forget  where I'm at if I'm busy with RL, lol!)
I personally like to ride the line right in between and keep things at a medium consistency. But I've had to shorten my story telling for my own personal sanity because sometimes I find myself spending more time trying to write a story rather than playing (maybe I'm the only one?)

But regardless, you do what you enjoy doing/writing and I will enjoy reading either way!

Thank you very much for the feedback, and for enjoying the story so far! It's a lot of labor, but it's a labor of love! (As for spending more time writing than playing... There are phases. But I also have, like, several hundred screenshots worth of buffer. I'm in no danger of overtaking myself. Present-me's currently worried; Gen 3's about to be a teen, and the kid I liked most for them might be gone due to elder relatives dying. Boo.)

Anyway, I think smaller updates will be fun; I doubt they'll get *too* much smaller. I'm still wordy, and I don't intend to sacrifice detail. To show off what I'm thinking, here's an example!
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Offline Deme

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"Solar Punk's In" (6/4/19)
« Reply #143 on: June 04, 2019, 06:54:14 PM »
Chapter 45: Solar Punk's In

Once ya, like, boil out all those sweet love day happenin’s, things settle to their usual groove. Usual as it gets, anyhow, y’dig me? Like, it aint real normal, probly, but it’s what we got, an’ mostly, I dig it.

An, super mondo dig how cool Magpie’s gettin! He’s finished up Whiz Kid, just, like, on the lark! Well, like, Mom wanted him to, like, which kinda lifts the spririts, dig? It aint somethin’ she asked only a’ me f’r the work… ‘Course, then I had to wonder, hey, y’think Maggie’s OK? Sometimes you gotta check up, even if y’ve asked before.

“Ah, don’t worry! I’m excellent, as always! I like hearing Mom say I’ve done well, and it’s nice to have everything squared away. My birthday’s really soon!”

Now, he’s got himself a point; it’s no time at all ‘till then.

“Besides, who doesn’t enjoy ominously bubbling liquids with our free time?”

“Sorta like a mad-sci kinda vibe? I dig, I dig… Your club doin’ somethin’ with that?” I ask him.

“Ah! What a genius bit of inspiration! I should recommend it! Even if the teacher never likes my improvisations!” He pumps his fist in, like, the purest of ‘citement. The evil scientist laugh was just burstin’ out, too.

“Maaaan, what a drag. Fight the power, Maggie.”

Mom’s really pickin’ up her fishin’, too. But what kinda catches me is, even though she’s, like, got the skill for it, an’ the time for it, She doesn’t wanna finish off that fishin’ aspiration.

“Why not?” I asked her.

“Efficiency. Sure, there are free-for-all aspirations, but I want to consider: what if someone down the line is attached to fishing? Why should I limit them? As our options close, I can wrap it up or not,” she said, shruggin’.

“Yeah. Maybe onna these days, I’ll swing on up. I’m down to fish.” It’s somethin’ to think on. I got, like, a lot I wanna learn, but it aint like I need t’ worry on how t’ get there now, you dig? I like stuff best when I can just move where the groove takes me, you dig? Just take it cool.

Uncle Johnny had Nicholas an’ his baby sister Leanne Walsh over; kid’s a child arready -- trip, man, kids are startin’ to grow up faster already, man. Time’s sorta trippy like that. He got his pic updated an’ everything, too… That only left one more, so that kid got an invite over later. He just got old enough t’ come. Hold up, dude, though. ‘Fore I show off the kid an’ all, there was somethin’ funny I gotta spin f’r ya.

“Alright, I’m going to try some material for a child-oriented routine, and you tell me how it sounds, alright, Nicholas?”

“...How is that different from just talking to you, Dad?” Nicholas asks, adjustin’ his glasses.

“That’s what makes it a routine!... Oh, man. That’s good.” Johnny chuckles.

“If you’re doing that, why can’t you judge this?”

“Man, you could really go into a two-man routine, one of those *Man*-zais, even. I get where the man comes from, but where’s the zai?” He grins, but Nicholas aint bitin’.”Wordplay based on misunderstanding languages is out, huh?”

“Yeah, I didn’t get it.”

“OK, then! Alright, so, here is the secret all adults keep from you: We have no clue the answer to at least half the things you ask. My kids come and they ask ‘why is the sky blue?’ And I could look it up, but I remember my dad, and how he always pretended he knew the answer. And I want to do that for my kids! So I look into their eyes, and I come up with the best answer: Because it’s in a bad mood!”

“Hee hee. That’s bad, Dad.”

“You’re laughing! You’re laughing!” He teases, as the sound a japes an’ chuckles fill the house.

So then, he had Dario over. Cute kid -- cute, cute kid.

It was a long afternoon where he watched over the kid. It’d be hard t’say if he’d get a chance f’r a better pic, an’ older pic, but this one’ll do pretty nice.

He only leaves t’ go to work...An’ he comes back havin’ completed a life-long ambition, here where it’s cuttin’ it close. Where it counts, you dig? It’s somethin’ I’m really prouda him for. My man! Uncle Johnny Zest! Top-a-the-line comedian!

An’ we got the other big thing down, too.

The wall a’ pics. All 19 kids, photos taken, toddlers an’ adults alike. It’s a big thing, aint it?

“Be sure to hold onto them somewhere, alright?” He asks me an’ Mom, as we all sort of look at ‘em together.

“Of course!” Mom waves a hand. “They’re a proud accomplishment! Maybe a spot in the basement… It’s a museum of sorts, too.”

So, that night, the Christian an’ Gulliver invited some folks over f’r a bit. Kace an’ I came, ‘course, ‘cuz she’s always tryin’ to make better friends w’ folks. Carla came with, just to hang at their pad.

“Living in the city must be nice,” Carla says. “You have some really nice stuff.”

“Ummm… You’re not planning on walking away with some of it, are you?” Christian looks worriedly. His folks are gettin’ up there, but they’d definitely notice, like, a whole missin’ vase or somethin.


“Yeah, but that means you gotta, like, put back whatcha took fr’m the mail slot.” I was just gonna get it back an’ return it quiet-like, so it weren’t a drag on no one, but…

“Carla!” Kacie laughs. “Wow, brazen. That’s a federal crime, you know!”
The dog magazine gets put back in-place, an’ we just spend a while, like, chillin’ out. I think Kacie made, like, better friends, and it aint like they aint my pals, neither.

It kinda bums me I couldn’t get an invite f’r Magpie. But they both got hung up on a kid runnin’ around with the city at night.

“I’ll have to practice for next time!” He insists.

“It aint like we went dancin, though.” Not that his moves aint killer, dig? Like, that’s some work’n all.

“Next time, maybe we will! Or sports! We could play basketball!”

“...Arright. How ‘bout on the light side, my dude?”

“After my birthday, then! Perfect! In the meanwhile, I’ll have to dazzle the household!”

Give ‘em the ol’ razzin’ dazzin’, my bro. His birthday’s got one other thing goin’ on, a real, like, secondary buzz, you dig? It’s prank day. Which, like, not really my jam, but I’m down, f’r, uh, maybe some kinda little mischief. Nothin’ much. Specially not compared to some folks…

Uncle Akira came down in a mood. Sorry, dude.

“Why was there grass on my keyboard?” He asks, more t’, like, the open universe. Anyone who got an answer.

Mom starts. “The rise of green tech is on the upswing.”

“You want to be eco-friendly,” asks some brother, puttin’ up all them actin’ skillls. “Right, Uncle Akira?”

“...Not if it’s on my computer!” He wails.

“Solar punk’s in, Akira. Besides, I need the planet to live on until we colonize space.”
“You want me to have a future, right, Uncle Akira?” They both, like, turn on him with the biggest eyes. Trip, man, I’d be weak to this move. So weak, you dig? How’d you do, dude?

“Fine, fine… I’ll go green. How do you even use a green keyboard?”

He wanders off an’ Mom and Magpie high-five. Like, sorry, dude. Maybe I’ll help him. Take care a’ the keyboard. It’s kinda cute.
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Offline kattiq

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"Solar Punk's In" (6/4/19)
« Reply #144 on: June 04, 2019, 09:39:16 PM »
@Deme  I like it! That episode was a perfect length :D
Funny thing, Akira is probably one of my favorite townies. In one of my families he married my sim, they were the perfect couple and he was just so chill. Sadly I lost that save due to a technical error, but every time I see him in the city I almost get him married again to my current sim. haha
I also really hope that the Gen 3 plan works out for you! Nothing worse than losing/can no longer find the sim you needed!

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"Solar Punk's In" (6/4/19)
« Reply #145 on: June 05, 2019, 03:00:11 PM »
Longer or shorter, I'll keep reading either way.  Whatever works best for you.

I love all the pictures of Johnny's kids.  That was a nice little side project.

Offline Deme

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"Solar Punk's In" (6/4/19)
« Reply #146 on: June 06, 2019, 04:23:39 PM »
@Deme  I like it! That episode was a perfect length :D
Funny thing, Akira is probably one of my favorite townies. In one of my families he married my sim, they were the perfect couple and he was just so chill. Sadly I lost that save due to a technical error, but every time I see him in the city I almost get him married again to my current sim. haha
I also really hope that the Gen 3 plan works out for you! Nothing worse than losing/can no longer find the sim you needed!

I was not initially planning something like this -- it's not the first reading I had of his traits. But after going down this character read out of spite, I found myself really enjoying it. I love this dumpster fire of a man The Sims 4 and I have made together. Maybe one day, I'll do another game and I'll try and do something nice for him, he's a good sim, ha ha.

Longer or shorter, I'll keep reading either way.  Whatever works best for you.

I love all the pictures of Johnny's kids.  That was a nice little side project.

Thank you very much! And yeah, it really was a fun project.
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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"Not Merely a Serial Philanderer" (6/6/19)
« Reply #147 on: June 06, 2019, 04:26:37 PM »
Chapter 46: Not Merely a Serial Philanderer

Aaaah, Summertime! The cold has gasped its last and died under the onslaught of the radiant sun! The richly verdant fields sway long in the wind, and the water sparkles with that luxuriant diamond chill! Such a season of delights is perfect for Magpie Avyan’s grand reveal, is it not?

We set our scene by Windenburg’s public pool -- an unusual outing for a family already in possession of a swimming pool, but a charming venue for a birthday party indeed!

Of course, it was my request.We had to move in a few tables for the purposes of cake -- surprisingly, that someone might intend to have a snack by the waters never occured to the venue’s illustrious-but-absentee owners. In these situations, it pays to be adaptable.

“Alright, birthday boy!” My okasan called out over the clarion call of the vuvuzula. … Is clarion the right word? It sounds kind of like clear, but… Oh, no matter! “We’ve got everything set up. Including the song!”

Oh, no. Not the song. Okasan is, of course, a divine singer. Mom… Not so much.She only sings when they might sing together. And then the crowd.

““For he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good feee-lllow, which nobody can deny!”””

And then this photo they took at the key moment! That face! I must not allow this to be seen by anyone but you and I, you understand? Otherwise, I would have no choice; I could not live among men any longer. I would have to… Perhaps die. Hemlock, maybe? Or! I could away to an opera house and hide forever more!

I think that favors more my dramatic soul. And I could get the most exquisite seats! ...Of course, I could do that without the humiliation, but then it would just be bizarre.

Of course, that sad, but ultimately fond farewell to the idylls of childhood aside...

It was time for everyone to feast their eyes on the premiere this dazzling beauty now before you!  It is with utter sincerity I pray for my Creative spirit can now be laid bare! For how could my adoring public expect anything less?

Of course, in fashion, I must flash a certain individual style, colorful but also elegant, as I am! As much as can be mastered; the mundane tailors of our unfortunate locale stand against silk in exercise wear, as if luxury ought be contained only to the clean and tidy realms of life! Upon reflection, mayhaps I could have taken to transcend mere categories in the name of splendor, but I fear the moment has passed. I will hope to recall this another time.

As for aspirations, I must admit, I find myself turning to love most of all. Who doesn’t desire a flight of passion, the heartfelt embrace of a lover? What sort of artiste can live without the truest devotion of his public? -- And who cannot weep at the thought of a lover such as I, a jewel among men who recognizes the inherent beauty of all, containing his ardor for only one person? Well, weep no more, for a serial romantic I shall be!

It’s not, however, as if I wish to be indiscriminate. I am, after all, aiming to be a serial romantic, and not merely a serial philanderer. I’m not entirely sure how to distinguish the two, but in this, experience will show the way as I acquire it!

“I like your suit, though,” says my fellow artiste, Fiona Rosa. I am witholding a shudder at her hat with that dress. However, I will respect she has her own vision and perhaps eventually, I will have my makeovers.  “It’s bright around all the black! And the hair’s cute.”
“Of course it is! Stylists speak of a splash of color, but one must be daring to offer up a garment to the random fortunes of a splash of color.”

My darling elder brother and our somewhat, but I think ultimately innocently, devilish neighbor Carla come to praise me!

“Trip, them glad rags are the bee’s knees.” Since my brother’s spoken to you before, I doubt I need to translate. “Anyhoodle, happy b-day, bro. Got a candle-blower I can spot a hand with?”

“Hmmm… I think it is the duty of  man to endeavor to satisfy his own wishes, even if it means he struggles against the world!” I declared, with proper fervor.

“Nah, I wouldn’t letcha kick up a fight on the world by yerself,” he said with a lazy smile. “‘M on your side all th’ way.”

“Oh! How touching!” He’ll bring me to tears one of these days -- I know it with certainty. I’m just too sensitive~

“A family’s got to stick together,” Carla agreed. “I’m not the most tender-hearted girl, but I’m really glad my siblings and I have all stuck together.”

“It’s a moving family story, is it not?”

Our little chit-chat is cruelly interrupted by the sound of a brutally loud splash, the noise best described of a body hitting water as though it were concrete.

“Ow,” winced Salim, fresh from a dreadful attempt at a bellyflop.

“Well, that certainly was a flop alright!” Uncle Johnny laughed the vain effort off, while the woman on the other corner grumbled over the tragedy of her drenched hair.

“Ugh… I think that’s done a number on my back. I should have just paddled.”

“There’s your problem; you’re supposed to put your belly into it, not your back!”

While the invitations amid my party skewed my own age or young adult, I couldn’t help but notice an older crowd was in attendance as well. Wonder you the cause of this? Well, wonder no more! Besides my own household...

It appears Akira’s long-dormant society, The Renegades, had collected to hold a meeting! For Prank Day, what else would suffice? Besides, at this rate, I doubt the original membership shall be together on this side of the veil of tears much longer -- all things are fleeting, so break your coffee machines and gather your rosebuds while ye may, renegades!

The rest of us enjoyed the splendors of the pool and of the first day of summer.

I could hear the peels of ringing laughter from my brother and his dear Kacie. She’d jumped in, party dress and all, to splash him.

“Sometimes, you’ve just got to live a little! Woo-hoo!” She shouted.

“Hahaha, y’sure?” He barely tried to dodge out, just ducking under the spray for a moment.

“...I was before I had to swim in a pencil skirt,” she admitted. I, for one, approve. Was I not just expressing a similar sentiment?

“‘Scute, though.”

Speaking of cute…

“Oh, my. Matching swimsuits -- that’s quite the fashionable look these days!” While hardly twins, I don’t think it’s such a thing as one needs to go change… Well, saying that, I believe were I matched without being imitated, I would, in fact, change immediately!

“You can’t go wrong with black, right?” she shrugged. I rather wish I’d gotten more of her name, but this carefully coiffed redhead seems to have avoided an acquaintance.

“Absolutely not!” I agreed.

“Maybe we could try and brainstorm something a little more fun sometime, huh, Magpie?” Alyson Caliente, however, I already knew somewhat, as a friend of the family -- or, perhaps, the family of a friend.

“I wouldn’t refuse an opportunity, should one arise. Whoever clamors for my forethought, I shall endeavor my utmost to oblige!”

“That’s a great way to put it.” She followed her answer with a chuckle. “You’re going to take up an art, right. You do drama, but are you going to paint, like your brother?”

“I think it’s likely, but I don’t intend to be bound by a career plan so simply! I must consider which field would best allow my artistry to soar.”

“Oh, yeah, totally. I just meant as a hobby.”


It was, dear friend, a most splendid party that only the Avyan family could have thrown with such ferocity! Dusk fell, whisking the summer sun from us, encaging it once more until tomorrow.

We did, however, have an appointment to keep -- while a man must endeavor to fulfill his own wishes, true, an agreement with one’s older sibling and his friends is not quite the same! It demands their participation, either.

And so we all ended up spending some time in the city that evening.

“Alright, then! Who’s got the ball?” Gulliver asked, awaiting the start of our little game.

“I thought you had it.”

“Trip, we don’t even got a court.” It seemed for a brief moment like all might be lost…

“I’ve recovered it! Now, ready yourself for a splendid display!”

...You want to know how the game went? Well, ahahaha, some things are better left secret. Consider it a mystery designed to confound, a catbox in which a million futures may flurry!

Our compact of the night before kept, we returned to the second most important matter of my birthday: a remodel! While I kept a certain childish whimsy -- how could I part with the gnome flamingo so soon, I ask you? What heartless monster would dare! -- I also sought to upscale certain elements of my quarters.

If I could ply your ears an hour longer, I’d spin whatever tales I must, but you simply must still your demands for today. Do not weep that we now part, and all so soon -- celebrate, instead, this tale we’ve shared. Adieu, my dear friend, Adieu!
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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"Not Merely a Serial Philanderer" (6/6/19)
« Reply #148 on: June 07, 2019, 06:28:21 PM »
Well done!  Took awhile to catch up but worth it.  You really write very well.  Do you nanowrimo?
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline Deme

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Re: The Avyan Immortal Dynasty -"Not Merely a Serial Philanderer" (6/6/19)
« Reply #149 on: June 09, 2019, 10:58:57 AM »
Well done!  Took awhile to catch up but worth it.  You really write very well.  Do you nanowrimo?

Thank you very much!

While I am working on a novel, I don't do nanowrimo, for a few reasons. #1, I have Seasonal Affective Disorder, and that really starts to rear its head in November, and taking care of myself has to come first. #2, I'm stressed enough about my writing pace already, #3, I can't keep track of time well enough to actually remember around the start of the month oops.
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