Hello! Welcome to my Apocalypse Challenge! This is one of Pinstar’s challenges, and you can find the official rules
here. My Founder will be my own Wonder Child whose story you can read
here. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
A few things about the challenge and how I’ll play it:
• The background for the story (e.g. the Glassbolt nuclear meltdown during half-time of the Superbowl and the Wonder Child Challenge) are all the creative genius of Pinstar. I just took the story and ran with it.
• Pinstar has not and will not be updating the challenge for all the expansion packs, etc. that come out for the Sims 4. This is completely understandable, but it means that players have to decide for themselves how to handle certain features that have been added since the challenge was created. So here are some basic rules that I will be following for myself that may or may not be what others have done.
o I will not use clubs, even when Entertainer/Comedian is cleared. It’s just too powerful of a feature in my opinion to use with this challenge. I will, however, let my Sims form groups so they can do things like “go here together.”
o I will allow myself the use of the meditation stool, but not the yoga mat. The meditation stool lets you gain wellness skill, but doesn’t affect a Sim’s mood like the yoga routines do, so that seems fair.
o No wishing well
o I’m letting myself use lot traits, but they have to stay the same for the entire challenge. *Edited to add: I chose Ley Line, Good Schools, and Fast Internet*
o I’m only using the careers and restrictions in Pinstar’s original challenge. Some people make up rules/restrictions for the GTW and CL careers, but the original list has 25 careers which is good enough for me.
• I will do my best to follow the rules exactly, but if I mess up a little bit, I won’t kick myself. I’ll only scrap the whole thing and call it a fail if I do something major (and even then, I might finish the story).
• Pinstar doesn’t specify whether you can or cannot modify the world your Sim lives in. The rules just state that the founder must begin on an empty lot by him/herself and cannot move. So I put down four other “Apocalypse Houses” in my founder’s neighborhood just for effect. One of them is the Apocalypse Starter by Njutine and the other three are modified versions of the Springscape, Vista Quarry, and Raffia Quinta that I chopped down to be no bigger than 8x8. I’m playing in Newcrest so I’ll probably add things like a park and museum once Diamond Secret Agent is cleared. I might place other families once The Oracle is cleared, but won’t play them, obviously.
• I am using the Rippling Flats lot in Newcrest since it has access to grills, a jungle gym, monkey bars, and fishing spots. Oasis Springs might look more “Apocalyptic,” but doesn’t offer all those features in any one neighborhood that I am aware of.
Still with me? Okay! Next post will have Chapter lists and maybe stats if I feel like adding them later. Then the story starts. The story is a little light on pictures in the beginning, but not for very long.