Author Topic: Lot saved to gallery, but old version when placed on new lot?!  (Read 2558 times)

Offline bonniegayle

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I am trying to move a family over from one save game to another, and I saved them and moved them into a new house, in the new save just fine, but they also owned a retail shop.

I saved the shop in build mode to my gallery, named it, and everything looked just great. I then went to the new save, but when I placed it on the lot there, it's not the most recent version of the shop.

The pictures in my gallery of the shop are up to date, but when I place the lot, and I've tried it now 3 times, it builds it as it looked awhile ago (before my family had their daughter, who is now a child, so quite awhile back). I even tried resaving it a second time, but it's always the same problem.

I've never seen this problem before, and I'm not sure quite what steps to take.

Can anyone help?


Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Lot saved to gallery, but old version when placed on new lot?!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2018, 11:42:24 PM »
Hello ^^ I am not the greatest when it comes to the gallery but I'll see if I can help.  Are you saving it to your library or uploading it to the gallery?  The difference between the two is that when saving it to your library, you can have multiple copies of it or just resave  over one, I believe.  But if you upload multiple to the gallery, there will be distinct ones.  It doesn't overwrite them as far as I know.  So if you are trying to redownload from the gallery, you may be downloading an earlier version.

That's at least the only possibility I can think of, though there may be others.

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Offline bonniegayle

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Re: Lot saved to gallery, but old version when placed on new lot?!
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2018, 12:51:27 AM »
Thank you! I had my terminology incorrect. I was in fact using the library, not uploading to the gallery. While testing that process out, I finally realized that during the building process, when the screen changes and you hear hammering sounds, insufficient funds would flash in red for a second right as that ended. Even though I had given the family motherloads enough to afford it, I think it wasn’t actually fully rebuilding the lot? That’s my guess, at least.

To fix it, I had the family sell the store, bulldoze it, to make absolutely certain, and then rebuild. This was finally the correct lot! Final step was to repurchase the new store.

Phew! Luckily there’s usually a way to get it done, it’s just super frustrating getting there, sometimes!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Lot saved to gallery, but old version when placed on new lot?!
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2018, 02:28:21 AM »
Oh good, so glad you figured it out!  Yeah, sometimes the differences between gallery and library can be confusing.  And then there's when you build when controlling a family as opposed to using manage worlds, etc.  Glad it all worked out ^^