Author Topic: Vampire Rivalry: Knowledge vs. Nature vs. Popularity (Einstein week 1 Final)  (Read 17320 times)

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Vampire Rivalry: Knowledge vs. Nature vs. Popularity
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2018, 01:48:09 AM »
Looking good! Saya is so adorable. They make a wonderful couple.
Sunlight is so stressful to a baby vampire, especially one with a passion for gardening! Here's hoping she can develop a tolerance for it soon!
There's something so charming about the steps leading down into the ground. Nice to keep it simple in the beginning.
I find each of your other founders equally fascinating in her own way, so I'll be happy no matter which one comes next.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Vampire Rivalry: Knowledge vs. Nature vs. Popularity
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2018, 05:11:05 AM »
Saya is lovely! Can't wait to see the nooboos!

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Offline LazyKatie

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Re: Vampire Rivalry: Knowledge vs. Nature vs. Popularity
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2018, 07:51:22 AM »
Looking good! Saya is so adorable. They make a wonderful couple.
Sunlight is so stressful to a baby vampire, especially one with a passion for gardening! Here's hoping she can develop a tolerance for it soon!
There's something so charming about the steps leading down into the ground. Nice to keep it simple in the beginning.
I find each of your other founders equally fascinating in her own way, so I'll be happy no matter which one comes next.
Yeah Saya is p good looking for a townie. And her party outfit is much better than the one she wore when they 1st met.
Yeah I'm hoping she'll get to master vamp relatively quickly.
I like having large basements, and I figure having big empty basements to start with is fitting for vamps.
Thanks, I don't really have a favorite of them either. My gf wants to see Gina next, so at the moment that's probably who's going 2nd.

Saya is lovely! Can't wait to see the nooboos!

Offline LazyKatie

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Re: Vampire Rivalry: Knowledge vs. Nature vs. Popularity
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2018, 11:18:45 AM »
Moonshine - Week 1 Pt. 3

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Nap time!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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I love Saya's makeover! She's even cuter than she was before. Congrats to the lovely couple on the marriage and the incoming baby! The nightclub is so convenient with multiple try-for-baby locations. :)

Loved the hip bump with Moira. It's so nice to have a friend at work. Also love the super-expensive computer on the tiny, tiny kiddo desk. Adorable!

Offline LazyKatie

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I love Saya's makeover! She's even cuter than she was before. Congrats to the lovely couple on the marriage and the incoming baby! The nightclub is so convenient with multiple try-for-baby locations. :)

Loved the hip bump with Moira. It's so nice to have a friend at work. Also love the super-expensive computer on the tiny, tiny kiddo desk. Adorable!

Thanks. Gotta love GT and its woohoo closets and bushes. And yeah, I've def decided Moira is gonna be the go-to work buddy for Lily. I like the 1 square desks from CL and MFPS because they save space. And I figured I might as well buy that computer since I could afford it. Should I end up adding a 2nd PC I'll probably pick a cheaper but still decent one, such as the CL one.

I've now updated to the latest patch btw. Hopefully it doesn't have any major bugs, but I think if it did someone would have noticed by now. Being able to properly hire known sims for party roles like mixologist and stuff should be nice for when parties get thrown.

Offline LazyKatie

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Moonshine - Week 1 Pt. 4

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You too Geeta?! Did the game make you and Jacques retire or something?

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Offline dontmindme

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Wow, good luck with doing three vampire lines, one is almost too much for me, lol. :) Um, I know you said that you wanted your lines to have an additional aspiration complete, is that the teen requirement aspiration? I'm just asking because founders don't have to complete the additional aspiration, only heirs do. Founders are just responsible for the Vampire aspiration, and having the founders complete an additional one means three unique aspirations the heirs can't complete.

Anywho, Saya is super gorgeous and I hope she passes on a lot of herself into Gen 2. And yes, single men home alone make the best snacks. Good luck and can't wait to meet the next two founders!

Offline LazyKatie

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Wow, good luck with doing three vampire lines, one is almost too much for me, lol. :) Um, I know you said that you wanted your lines to have an additional aspiration complete, is that the teen requirement aspiration? I'm just asking because founders don't have to complete the additional aspiration, only heirs do. Founders are just responsible for the Vampire aspiration, and having the founders complete an additional one means three unique aspirations the heirs can't complete.

Anywho, Saya is super gorgeous and I hope she passes on a lot of herself into Gen 2. And yes, single men home alone make the best snacks. Good luck and can't wait to meet the next two founders!
Yeah, I mean the teen requirement one. I don't think having the founder complete an additional aspiration bars future heirs from doing so though, does it?

I'm excited to begin playing the next 2 myself.

Offline dontmindme

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Any aspiration completed beyond the Vampire aspirations has to be unique. So if a Founder completes Freelance Botanist, for example, no heir can complete it as a unique aspiration in any of the three bloodlines. If a Founder maxes a particular skill, no one in their bloodline can claim it as a unique skill. So if a Founder maxes Gardening, none of her heirs can max Gardening for their teen requirements. Hope that helps!

Offline LazyKatie

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Any aspiration completed beyond the Vampire aspirations has to be unique. So if a Founder completes Freelance Botanist, for example, no heir can complete it as a unique aspiration in any of the three bloodlines. If a Founder maxes a particular skill, no one in their bloodline can claim it as a unique skill. So if a Founder maxes Gardening, none of her heirs can max Gardening for their teen requirements. Hope that helps!

I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. I just checked over the rules again and from what I understand only aspirations an heir completes as part of their moving out requirements are unable to be completed by any other heirs. Likewise with skills, only the ones an heir maxes as part of moving out reqs can't be maxed by later heirs, and the player themselves decides which skills are the ones maxed for the moving out reqs. So I could have an heir max gardening, then cooking, then painting, but if I designate cooking and painting as the skills maxed for moving out then gardening is still fair game for later heirs.

@MarianT Do I have it right?

Offline dontmindme

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The rules state: The heir must achieve a unique aspiration other than Mansion Baron or Animal Lover. He or she may not switch aspirations until that aspiration has been achieved. No heir in any other bloodline may achieve this aspiration.

The second sentence says that no other heir may use this aspiration for their requirements. So, you can designate 'open' aspirations, that is, aspirations anyone can complete at any time, but unique aspirations have to remain as such. For example, I am playing with the Alien line. I designated that the aspiration Nerd Brain would be open for any heir to complete as it involves rockets and Aliens have to build rockets anyway. That means that no heir period can use Nerd Brain as their unique aspiration. Nerd Brain has been removed from the pool of potential moving out requirements. Another example: Gen 2 completes Computer Whiz, now that aspiration has been removed from the move out pool because someone has already completed it. The aspiration can still be used for farming points but it cannot be completed by anyone else because that removes its uniqueness.

The heir must max two skills (excluding photography and dancing) unique in that bloodline. For example, you may have one sim in each bloodline max painting, cooking, etc. Heirs may work on other skills but not max ones that have already been claimed.

Again, you can designate 'open' skills that anyone can learn but the maxes must be unique. For example, I have a Founder max Charisma. Charisma cannot now be claimed by any of the founder's heirs for the unique skill requirement. If your heir maxes skills that are not part of their moving out requirements, those skills become 'open' and cannot count for future heirs down the bloodline. So for your example, if you max those three skills but count only two, the remaining skill cannot be used by a future heir of that bloodline because it is not a unique max. That's why you see people keeping track of which other skills their sims have maxed.

I am all for waiting for MarianT's call, though. It is a needed clarification.

Offline LazyKatie

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I'm aware, but do note that it specifically says heirs. Lily completing freelance botanist shouldn't stop heirs from using it as their aspiration.

Offline LazyKatie

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Moonshine - Week 1 Pt. 5

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After watering the garden, Lily immediately gets to making an 8 serving plasma fruit salad. She'll be eating this whenever she gets thirsty at home. Maybe make some at work too really.
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Offline LazyKatie

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Since we've hit 2 pages, I've added a chapter index to the OP so you guys can quickly jump to a given update.

