Author Topic: Making it Work *Complete*  (Read 35222 times)

Offline TheGoat

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #60 on: May 25, 2018, 12:59:27 AM »
Well done, Ally! I love how you are building to this inevitable but sad departure. We are all going to miss him when he goes, but you've done a great job preparing us.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #61 on: May 25, 2018, 05:08:21 PM »
Aww, great updates ^^ Man, saying good bye to Simon is going to be so hard!

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #62 on: May 26, 2018, 11:06:13 PM »
This is going to be an only text chapter, I do them every once in a while =]

Khloe's POV

"So, I think I'm going to apply to be a chef." Brianna told me.

"That's great!" I said.

"Yeah, I'm nervous but excited. Maybe now isn't the right time though..." She whispered.


"Because of dad."

I looked at her and gave her a gentle smile.

"Brianna, dad would want you to do this and not hold back. I can take care of dad."

"But you do it all the time Khloe, I'm sure it's not an easy job."

"It's not, but I am happy to do it."

She looked at her hands.

"I promise you, I've got this."

"Okay, I'll apply."


I hugged her and left her to go check on dad. It was time for his afternoon medication anyway. He was pretty much strictly bed ridden at this point, it hurt too much for him to try to get up and move around and it made it hard for him to breathe. Pop thinks that the end was coming but I had other thoughts because he still seemed in good spirits. I walked in the room and smiled and grabbed the medication and a glass of water. I walked over to the bed, he was propped up on pillows and reading the book that Brianna got him. He looked up from the bed and smiled at me as he set the book down.

"Meds time." I told him.

"My favorite time." He said.

"I know, but just a little icky stuff."

I took the syringe and filled it with the right amount of liquid pain meds and pushed it into his mouth. He made a face and I giggled like I always did when he made a face. I set the meds back onto the dresser and walked over to him. I crawled into bed next to him as he picked the book back up and he started to read aloud to me. I smiled laying my head on his shoulder and followed along. I had no idea what the book was about or what was happening but it didn't matter. I would take what I could get.


"Mama!" Peyton said.

She ran through the front door and threw her backpack on the ground.

"What?!" I asked, assuming something was wrong.

"I got an A! I got an A on my test!" She screamed.

She bounced up and down a few times before shoving the paper at me. I took it and beamed with pride.

"That is great!" I shrieked.

"I know!"

"I know exactly where this is going to go."

I walked into the kitchen with her on my heels and took a magnet from the fridge before putting the test under the magnet.



"I made the fridge!"

She ran off screaming for Spencer, I laughed as I watched her leave the kitchen.

It was a week of good news for the household starting with Spencer getting a huge raise and following a good health report from the doctor. The cancer seemed to be staying where it was and not spreading which was a good thing. Brianna ended up getting the chef job and she started in a few weeks when one of the chefs would be retiring. She was so excited! They were impressed with how much knowledge she already had in the kitchen. It didn't stop there though because Carter was doing amazing with his flashcards and could almost speak full sentences. Though it was still a lot of baby talk and not being able to pronounce some words normally. He was going to be a child soon and the thought of both of my babies growing up made me a little sad. Honestly though, I wasn't sure if I wanted any more children. I understood why dad only wanted Brianna and I now because I enjoyed only having two children. But, if it were to happen again then it would happen. I would leave the decision up to fate.

"I swear, we are all going to die and you wanna know how?" Brianna asked as she walked into the room.

"How?" I giggled.

"By drowning in laundry. Literally. It's a good thing we have three washers because they are all full."

"It is insane."

She huffed and walked upstairs.

Pop walked in and he looked tired.

"You look exhausted." I told him.

"I'm fine."

That was a lie.

"You should go rest on the couch." I suggested.

"Yeah, maybe I will."

I went to check on dad while pop rested.

"Need anything dad?" I asked walking in.

"Come sit." He said, patting the bed.

I smiled and crawled into bed.

"I'm proud of you." He said.

"Thank you daddy."

"I mean it, I don't care if you never made it as a doctor because they screwed you over. You gave pops and I two beautiful grandchildren and you have a wonderful husband who takes care of you and that is all I could ever want for you."

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"Are you happy?" He asked.

I nodded, "I'm happy."

"That's good, because that is what you deserve. Promise me you will stay that way."

"I'll try."

He pushed some of my hair behind my ear and looked at me.

"I love you princess."

"I love you too daddy."

A Month Later

"Another field trip?!" I asked.

Peyton nodded as she handed me the permission slip.

"The movie theater! Exciting!" I said.

"I know! It's the new cartoon called The Girl and her Dog!"

I smiled as I signed the line where I was suppose to sign.

"It's fine with me, but go clear it with daddy and have him sign as well."

She nodded as she took the pen and paper and went to find Spencer.

Brianna walked in with pop and they both had bags of groceries. They set them on the counter and Aunt Sarah walked in.

"Has anyone checked on dad?" Brianna asked.

"I did a little bit ago, he was sleeping." I told her.

"When are the next meds?" Pop asked.

"In a few more hours."

"Let him sleep til then."

I helped put away all the groceries with Sarah while Brianna and Pop went for their evening walk. It was their bonding time together, of course she's been spending time with dad but in a way she was more closer to pop and I was closer to dad. It's not like we loved the other more, but we just bonded differently. No one felt left out or had any hurt feelings towards each other though. Carter waltzed in carrying his cup.


"What kind?" I asked.

"Orange pwease."

I smiled and poured a little bit of orange juice in his cup before handing it back to him. I loved watching him walk away because he was still learning which meant he was unbalanced and would wobble to the side every once in a while. The family decided to go to the park and enjoy the nice night and I volunteered to stay home with dad who was still sleeping. He needed his rest though because it would get his strength up. It was time for his meds though, but I hated to wake him. I didn't want him to be in pain though so I decided it was best to go in there and give it him. I walked in the room like I always did and headed straight for the meds on the dresser. I got the right dosage ready so that he could just take it and go back to sleep if he wanted too.

"Okay dad, time for the icky stuff." I whispered.

He didn't wake up.

"Daddy, acting like you are still sleeping never works. Remember, you try it almost every time." I giggled.

I waited, but he held his ground.

"Dad come on."

I went to shake him.


I shook him some more.


It was only then I realized how cold he was. My heart sank into my chest and I dropped the meds as I went into shock.

"No, no. Daddy come on, wake up." I pleaded.

I shook him a few more times, but it was useless. He was gone.


I sat in the living room on the couch. I had bunched up Kleenex in my hands and I was staring at the ground. I was in the room with dad for a while saying my goodbyes. The family still was out and I was dreading having to tell them. I could hear laughter coming up the pathway, and my heart stopped. The front door opened and chatter filled the house as everyone took off their shoes and coats off. They filed into the living room with smiles on their faces.

"Hey! How is everything?" Brianna asked.

"Peyton, take your brother upstairs." I managed to get out.

I tried to hide my tears from her.


"Go baby."

She looked at me before picking Carter up.

"Khloe?" Spencer asked.

He was the first to notice something was wrong.

"I hate to be the one to crush your fun night and there isn't an easy way to say this, but dad passed away a few hours ago."

I glanced up a little and saw pop immediately run to the room. Brianna just looked at me in shock as she sat on the coffee table and Spencer rushed to my side.

"I called someone, they'll be here soon to get him." I said blankly.

"You don't have to-"

"What? I don't have to take care of him anymore?!" I snapped.

Spencer just looked at me, I felt bad for snapping at him but I had bottled it all up.

"It wasn't a burden, to take care of him it wasn't, and I am aware that I signed up for it. That didn't make it any easier though and I appreciate you all being here to support him and to help. I would do it again in a heart beat but it was hard. I saw things that I never thought I would see and did things that I never thought I would have to do. I worked day and night in hopes that it would give pops a break, that Brianna could go to culinary school and work, so that Spencer, you could go to work every day so that we would have money. On top of all that I took care of two kids. I know what I signed up for, but it was just-"

At that moment, when I finally got it all out, I just broke. I broke down in tears and just sobbed, Spencer pulled me into his arms and let me break down. After we all took the time we needed and after pops was done, Brianna and Spencer walked in the room to pay their respects and to say goodbye. He was gone, and he would never be back ever again.

I don't know how I was going to live without him.

That was a hard chapter to write.

I used some of what I went through with my grandma as inspiration and hopefully it wasn't too much. I tried to keep it as family friendly as possible. I took care of my grandma when her cancer went downhill, it was the longest three days and the toughest I've ever went through. But I would do all over again for her. I hope you guys enjoyed in, but RIP Simon </3

My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline TheGoat

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #63 on: May 26, 2018, 11:46:33 PM »
Wow. Excellent writing. We didn't need the pictures. I'm really, really impressed (and moved) right now.

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #64 on: May 27, 2018, 09:29:52 AM »
I just... Don't have the rights words for this.
It all rang very true, and I'm sorry for your grand mother.
I don't comment much because I don't have much to say, but you made a great job with that story.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #65 on: May 27, 2018, 02:16:31 PM »
Oh-oh... such a beautiful, sad chapter. Poor Khloe.You did wonderfully, Ally

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #66 on: May 29, 2018, 01:38:32 AM »
Khloe's POV

It's been a few months since dad passed away. It's been hard on all of us and especially pops and Brianna. I don't know if it was because I was bottling everything up or the fact that I came to terms that the end was near but I was kind of in a weird state of being generally okay. It did help though focusing on the children and taking care of them. Brianna also seemed to dive into her niece and nephew which they loved. Especially Carter and his favorite thing right now was when Brianna would throw him on her back and act like they were flying.

"How are you doing dear?" Sarah asked.

I walked into her room and sat on the bed.

"I'm fine, just checking up on you." I said.

"I'm fine, no need to worry about me."

She smiled.

I was worried about her though, not only did she lose her brother but she also lost her twin. That had to make it extra hard to deal with knowing that he was gone. But she said she was fine so I had to believe her.

"I put a new list up for the store if you think of something." I told her.

"I will add something if I think of it."

I nodded.

"I'm going to jump in the shower, I'll be out in a little bit."

I left her to clean up and walked into the kitchen. I did a lot of cleaning, but the thing was that nothing needed to be cleaned and I didn't know what to do with myself. I could plan the party for Spencer and I, we would be adults soon, but then again maybe we should just do a nice dinner at home. I would have to talk to him about it later tonight when he got home from work. I did however want to do a cake for Carter's birthday that was coming up before our birthdays.

"Peyton, after you finish your food will you take your brother upstairs and get him ready for his bath?" I asked.

"Sure mama." She said.

"Thank you."

Before we knew it Carter's birthday arrived. Brianna needed some extra practice with baking and decided to make a Zombie cake. She messed up a few times and had to start over but the third time was the charm and it turned out wonderful! Sadly though no one got a picture of it, but it looked amazing. I knew that she would take cooking to the next level and impress her bosses easily. We opened up a few small gifts we got for Carter and then it was time to blow out the candles and welcome childhood.

He was a handsome little boy. It would be nice to have two children who could almost take care of themselves fully. I would still have to manage them and make sure that they were fed and had their homework done. Now I had double the cute handmade gifts from my kids and it was honestly exciting. Sad I know, but I live for cheesy handmade gifts. I was sitting on the porch when Spencer walked up the walkway. He smiled at me and sat down next to me on the bench.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm okay." I told him.

"That's good."

I laid my head on his shoulder and took a deep breath.

"How are you really?"

"Everything is changing."

"What do you mean?"

"Dad's gone, Sarah and pop will be going soon, Carter grew up, we have birthdays coming up, and then after that Peyton will be a teenager. Life is changing so fast and I can barely keep up it seems."

"I know honey, but I'm right here with you through it all I promise you that."

"Thank you."

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

I walked back inside to check on the kids. Peyton was using her hour of television and Carter was eating dinner with Sarah and grandpa. I ruffled Carter's hair as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey!" He giggled.

"Enjoying dinner?" I asked.

"It's really good, grandpa made it!"

I smiled.

"Leftovers are in the fridge." Pop told me.


I went to grab a plate for Spencer and I and reheated it.

"Carter, after that you need to get ready for bed." I told him.

"I know." He groaned.

"School tomorrow bud."

He sighed.

"Peyton! Hour is almost up! Ten minutes!" I called.

"Okay!" She called back.

"You're a good parent Khloe, I'm proud of you." Pop said out of no where.

"Thanks." I smiled.


"We're officially old." I sighed.

"We're only adults." Spencer giggled.


"Are you okay with not having any more children?" I asked.

"That came out of no where." He said.

"Seriously though."

"I'm fine with the two wonderful children that we have. Plus, Peyton will be a teenager soon. I have a feeling we're going to need all the energy we can get with her." He laughed.

"Very true."

I gave him a kiss.


We both snapped our heads towards pop screaming.

"What was that?!"

We took off running towards Sarah's room and I gasped.

"NO!" Pop screamed again.

"Oh no!" I cried.

Spencer laid a hand on my back and rubbed it gently.

"Sarah.." I whispered.

I knew it would happen sooner or later, but I was hoping for a little more time.

"I don't feel so well..."

I looked around at who said that and before we knew it Pop fell to the ground.

"POP!" I screamed.

Carter screamed.

"NO! Please! NO! You cannot leave me!" I cried.

Spencer grabbed me.

I sat in the living room in pure shock. Brianna was saying her goodbyes since she was at work while it happened. She beat herself up pretty badly when she got home. We called her as soon as we could but by the time we could call her it was already too late. Life goes on I suppose and we would get through this as a family. Suddenly this huge house that was once filled laughter was now completely empty and quiet. It almost felt too big of a house now.

RIP Sarah and Jasper </3

Literally seconds after Sarah passed Jasper collapsed. Thanks game... It feels weird only having five people in the house now. Also, a quick thank you to those who view the story. Another thank you to those who reviewed the last chapter! I am so glad that you enjoyed it! I worked hard on it and it was a tough chapter to write but I was blown away at the reactions that everyone had <3
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #67 on: May 29, 2018, 11:48:18 AM »
I hate when the game does that!  Double whammy :( Can't let ya grieve for one before another is already going.  RIP Sarah and Jasper.  Writing is lovely, as always.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #68 on: June 01, 2018, 01:24:54 AM »
Khloe's POV

It's been a few months since Pop and Sarah passed away. It took a bit to get over the double deaths but at this point we were used to death. It was more difficult to get Peyton and Carter to understand why they all were just gone, but they eventually understood it. I asked the school counselor to help with understanding death as well hoping that the outside help would make it easier. They both were doing well in school and seemed to be enjoying it. Peyton had a few friends and Carter seemed to have a lot. There were some days the house was full of kids but luckily for us Brianna needed test subjects all the time.

Spencer was doing excellent at work and was constantly getting raises and bonuses. We weren't hurting on money at all and made payments on the bills easily. I was thankful for that and thankful for all the hard work the three of them did. It was their hard work that made it possible for us to continue to live in the house comfortably. I didn't want to have to move again and move the children if I didn't have too. We did have two empty rooms now, we had dad and pop's room and then Brianna moved into Aunt Sarah's room so her old room was empty. I didn't see children in the near future so we would have to think of what to fill the rooms with.

"We're home!" Peyton said.

Carter and Peyton dropped their bags on the floor.

"What kind of homework do you have?" I asked from the kitchen.

"We have projects."

"Work on them now please, I will make you guys a snack."

The walked into the living room and set up their projects.

Brianna was excelling at being a chef. Her dreams were coming true right in front of her and I was so proud of her. Spencer walked through the door from work, he threw his keys down and went to take a shower. I set the kids' snacks on the counter and went to sit in the living room. The house felt empty at times and a lot less hectic now that the kids could handle themselves. I missed the old days where I felt like I was needed. There was always something going on or a small child that needed help with something. Now, now the kids did their own things with their friends and barley came to us for help. I know I should be happy about that, but I could feel them branching away.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I jumped as Spencer sat down next to me.

"It's nothing." I told him.

"What is it?"

"I just feel like I'm not needed anymore."

He sat there and he listened to me ramble on about everything and how I was feeling. That was one of the things I loved about Spencer, he would just sit there and listen to anyone who needed an ear. He wouldn't hold judgment or tell you how to do things, but he would just listen and offer advice when wanted.

"You are needed. The kids are just exploring and now they have friends to play with and experience life with. This is perfectly normal baby, but I promise you that they love you and they will always need us." He said softly.

"Thank you."

He really was my rock through all of this. There were times he would claim not to know what to say or what the right thing to do was yet he would turn around and do the exact opposite. There were times where I didn't even know what I needed and he knew right away. It was like he could see things coming a mile away and know right away how to help me with it. I was lucky to have found him when I did. With him, everything was fine and peaceful. If you had told my teenage self that my life would be like it was right now, she probably would've rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Where are the kids?" I asked.

I realized that they weren't working on their projects.

"Kids?!" Spencer said.

They walked in.

"Yes dad?" Carter asked.

"Are you finished with your project and homework?" I asked.

"Yes mama." Peyton said.

"We just took a picture for it as well." Carter told us.

"Let me see."



"You're home early." I said.

I walked into the kitchen to see Brianna making lunch.

"Yeah, it was a slow day." She told me.

I sat at the island and sighed.

"So, do you think dad would have lived longer if he had gotten the treatment?" I asked.

"I don't know, it's really hard to tell. He could have gotten the treatment, gotten sick, but the result could have been the same."

"I suppose."

"It is weird without him."

I nodded.

She finished lunch and set a plate in front of me before placing the rest in the fridge. She constantly kept it stocked with food so we had something for each meal if we wanted it. With our work schedules it was hard to sit down as a family so it was easier to have grab and go things. She sat down next to me with her plate of food and we started to eat in silence. I looked at her as she ate her food and stared off into space without a clue I was looking at her. She really had grown up to be a beautiful person and not just on the outside but on the inside as well. It was crazy to think that we weren't blood sisters, I thought about that on and off but I knew that blood doesn't always mean family. I like the thought of being able to pick your family at times and I would pick her over and over again.

Carter's POV

"Do you think you'll get a bigger room?!" I asked.

"I don't know." Peyton said.

"Dude, that would be so cool!"

"Carter." She groaned.

She may or may not have been trying to sleep, but I didn't care. I was sitting at her desk working on my homework for the day. Peyton and I were super close, partners in crime we liked to call ourselves. Even at school it was hard to separate us because we had a lot of the same classes and our lockers were right next to each other. It was nice having someone to go through life with, but it would soon all change because tomorrow she would become a teenager. I wouldn't admit it to anyone but I was afraid of her growing up and abandoning me. Our school was separated by different grades and that meant she would be on the other side of the school and we would barely see each other.

"Hey Peyton?" I asked.

"I swear to god." She groaned.

"Promise me that we will still be close? When you move up to the junior class?"

"Of course we will Carter."

I smiled, but I was still afraid that I would be the dorky little brother who she claimed wasn't her brother. Time would tell though.


I looked at the door.

"You better go." Peyton said.

I groaned and closed my notebook and headed downstairs.

"Yes mom?" I asked.

"Let your sister sleep bud." She smiled.


I shuffled my feet all the way into the living room. I turned on the TV and leaned against the pillow as I brainlessly watched the cartoon on the TV. Mom walked into the living room and sat down on the opposite couch, I looked at her for a minute before sitting up and turning off the TV.

"Carter? You barely used up your hour." Mom stated.

"I know." I said sadly.

"What's wrong bud?"

"Were you and Aunt Bri always close?" I asked.

"Well, we had our fights at times but we made up. We've been close for a lot of our lives together though."


"Are you worried that Peyton will forget about you?"

I shrugged, but I knew that should would understand what that really meant.

"Carter you may not see her very much at school, but you live with her and she will always be your sister. She may get some friends her own age and hang out with them, but I promise you that she will always make time for you and you won't lose your closeness." Mom told me.

I looked at her and decided to trust her.

"Thanks mom."

I got off the couch and gave her a hug.

Over 900 views! Thank you!

I think I am going to end the story soon. It feels like the right time and I don't want to drag it on past the point of it being dead. I'll wait until Carter is a teenager though, but I don't think I'll wait until Khloe, Spencer, or Brianna are elders. I would hate to see them grow old and die! We shall see though, but it won't happen for a little bit! It was just a thought.

Also, I'm a blonde and forgot to add the picture of Peyton as a teenager in! Whoops! Here she is =]

My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #69 on: June 01, 2018, 08:26:44 AM »
Excellent place to end. Peyton is gorgeous. Your stories are fantastic.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #70 on: June 02, 2018, 05:06:16 PM »
Khloe's POV

"He's always following me!" Peyton groaned.

"He's your brother Peyton and he loves you." I told her.

"I know, but I do need my privacy."

I looked at her and gave her a small smile.

"He's worried you won't want to spend time with him. Maybe take some time out of the week to hang out with him and if that doesn't help then I will talk to him about giving you some space."

"Thank you mom."

She hugged me.

"He's waiting for me in the room to help with homework, so I better go."

I smiled as she walked away. I could not believe that she was in high school already.

Spencer's POV

I sat on the bed and looked through picture on my phone. Khloe and I never got married, but I didn't need a piece of paper to tell me that I loved her. I asked her if she wanted to get married several times and she insisted that she was happy with how things were. I didn't take offense to that, because I felt the same way as she did. A piece of paper and a ring weren't going to make me love her more and it wasn't going to make me more faithful to her because truthfully I couldn't imagine ever wanting to cheat on her. I smiled at a picture of Khloe, it was a picture of when she was pregnant with Peyton. She looked so happy and she was absolutely glowing. My heart skipped a beat every time she smiled and I hoped that it would never stop.

The doorbell rang and I almost forgot that I was the only one home. Everyone went out to the park and I decided to hang back and get some work done. I walked to the front door and opened it. There was some guy and woman standing in front of me. He looked like the typical drunk and she looked so small and fragile.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Does Khloe live here?" The man asked.

I was taken back for a moment.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"We just want to know if Khloe lives here."

"I understand that, but I don't recognize you." I told him.

"May we come in?" The woman asked.

I thought about it for a moment before stepping aside and letting them into the house. We went into the living room and sat down.

"So she does live here." The woman said, noticing a picture of her on the table.


"I'll ask again, who are you?"

"We were her foster parents, before she ran away." The guy said.

The blood started boiling under my skin and it took every ounce of me not to rip him into pieces.


"Excuse me?"

"Why are you here after all these years?"

The man took the picture and looked at her. That picture was a picture of her after we went on our first date. She looked absolutely wonderful and that day was a blast, if I recalled we went to a dance club. I was so nervous that night that I couldn't stop shaking and hoping that she didn't notice.

"She is beautiful." He said.

"Yes." I said with hate dripping from my tongue.

"We just want to know she is alright." The woman said.

I looked at her.

"You want to know if she's alright? Where was that compassion when your husband beat her?!"

No answer.

"Funny, it's funny that after all these years you come looking for her now. Where were you when she was scared? Huh? Or when she finally decided that enough was enough? She ran away and she lived under a bridge! During winter! Where the heck were you then?! HUH?!"

The door opened before they had a chance to answer me. I was standing up at this point as I screamed at them. I looked over to see Khloe, she froze in her tracks when she recognized them. I could feel the fear coming from her and that was not okay with me.

"Peyton get you-your brother. Take him upstairs." Khloe said.

"Mom?" She questioned.

"Now." I yelled.

Peyton grabbed Carter's hand and they went upstairs.

Khloe's POV

"Khloe." Mark, my ex-foster dad, said.

Anne stood up with him and I took a step back.

"Don't be afraid." Anne said.

"We just wanted to see how you were." Mark said, smiling.

I knew that smile. It was the one he wore to fake that everything was fine and then hours later I was laying on my bedroom floor crying in pain. My mind went blank and I could barely register what was going on or that Spencer was next to me now. I could feel my lungs giving up and my chest tightening and I felt the urge to throw up. The room was spinning as my past was standing in the living room, in my safe place. They came back for me.

"You came back- back for me." I muttered.

"Yes dear, to see how you were doing." Anne said.

"I-I need to- I need-"

I couldn't speak. My body went into shut down mode, something it hasn't done in years.

"I think it's time to leave." Brianna said.

"We didn't mean any harm." Mark said.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I screamed out of no where.

I was on the floor at this point, and I scared everyone by my sudden outburst. I sobbed and rocked myself back and forth.

"Get out." Spencer said.

Mark and Anne looked at him, but nodded.

"Never come back." Brianna scolded before slamming the door.

The slamming of the door reminded me of the sound of him hitting me and I screamed out.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Baby, it's okay." Spencer said.

"I'm sorry."

All I remember from that night was repeating the word sorry a million times.


"Dad?" Khloe said.

Spencer was walking up to her on the balcony.

"I just wanted to see what my high schooler was up too." He said.

She smiled.

"You know, I'm proud of you. You're growing up to be an amazing young woman."

"Thank you dad."

"I mean it. I love you."

They broke the hug a few moments later. I was watching from the doorway.

"Is mom going to be okay?" She asked.

"She'll be fine. Those people were very bad people who didn't treat your mother very well."

"Her foster parents?"

"Yes. They won't be coming around anymore."

"They messed her up pretty bad, I heard the screaming."

"Sometimes when someone's past is brought up again it can cause them to have a panic attack and their body shuts down."

"That's what happened to mom?"

"Yes, but she will be fine."

She smiled.

It took a couple days but things finally got back to normal. I wasn't proud that I let them have enough control over me to get that reaction, but I didn't know how to handle it. They kept their word though and haven't been back since. I was focused on forgetting about it and moving on with my life and my children. I was thankful that neither of them would know how I felt and they would never experience any kind of physical or emotional abuse. It was a crazy feeling, but I looked at Peyton one day and realized that she looked a lot like me. It was the first time I really thought about it or even noticed it.

Carter would be a teenager soon. I was torn between being thankful that both my kids were around the same age and being sad that I was watching them both grow up so quickly. Life was forever changing, but one thing stayed the same.

The dryer would forever try to take out our family line, one clothes load at a time.

Okay, the next chapter may be the last. I didn't realize that Carter was a teenager already. I already have the next story in mind though and I am preparing the house as well.
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #71 on: June 03, 2018, 05:10:03 PM »
I wonder why the fosters parents came to see Khloe. But at least she realises that even if they can still hurt her, she didn't let them define her and she did so much better with her own children.
And the dryer has really something against them.

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #72 on: June 03, 2018, 05:41:31 PM »
All I can say is wow,  :'(

You handled all three deaths beautifully.
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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #73 on: June 06, 2018, 01:19:10 AM »
Khloe's POV

Tomorrow was Carter's birthday. I was having mixed feelings about him growing up to be honest. He was our surprise baby but I was so thankful that we had him. He was the most patient and kind child and he always put others in front of himself. I did worry about him though, it was a good thing to be nice but I didn't want people to walk all over him. Spencer went out to get the supplies for Brianna for his cake. He requested that he get a ice cream cake which would be a challenge for Brianna, so much that she called in one of her coworkers to help when she was ready. She was willing to do anything though because she loved to be challenged to be better and to learn things.

"So mama, are you ready for your second child to be a teenager?" Bri asked.

"Not in a million years will I ever be ready for this." I told her.

"Soon they'll move out and leave us all."

"Well that was dramatic." I giggled.

"What in the heck happened to you?!" I asked.

Peyton walked downstairs covered in dirt.

"I fell getting off the bus." She groaned.

"Did everyone see?" Bri asked.

"Yep, and I'm sure that I will hear about it tomorrow."

"They'll forget about in a few days." I said.

She groaned and made her way to the shower.

Spencer walked in the door with a dozen roses, he slipped his shoes off and walked over to me giving me a kiss on the cheek before handing me the flowers.

"What are these for?" I smiled.

"To my beautiful wife and mother of my children. One of which is going to be a teenager soon."

"Let's just hope he's as tame as Peyton is."

"What? You don't want to deal with a moody teenager?"

I shook my head.

I walked into the kitchen and got a vase down and filled it with water. I placed the roses in the vase and put them on the counter where I could see them every morning. Carter walked in and plopped onto the stool.

"When is dinner?" He asked.

"Soon, it's in the oven." I told him.

He nodded.

"Everything okay little man?"

"Moooom, I'm not little." He groaned.

I smiled, "Don't remind me."

"Will I like high school?" He asked.

"I think you will. It might be a little scary at first but I'm sure you will get the hang of it."

"Will I see Peyton?"

"I'm sure you will."

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

"Go work on homework and I will let you know when dinner is ready."

He hopped off the stool and walked to his room.

Dinner went by faster then I wanted it too. We had roast with carrots and potatoes and it was delicious. Normally we would eat and watch a movies on Friday nights but since it was the last night of Carter being a child we ate at the table. We talked about him going to high school and by the end of the night he felt better about going. I was sitting in his room that night watching him sleep and just thinking about when we brought him home. We were more prepared in a way even though he was a surprise baby but at least we knew what to expect that time around. With Peyton it was completely new and we had to learn while we went. So Carter was a lot easier because we knew we would be sleep deprived and had more poop on us then we ever wanted.

"He's peaceful when he sleeps." Spencer said, making me jump.

"He is." I smiled.

"I come in here some nights when I can't sleep or if I'm stressed about something. Just knowing that he is sleeping soundly helps me calm down." He said.

"We did a pretty good job, don't you think?"

"We did a wonderful job."

I smiled.

"Come on, we should go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day."

I stood up and walked over to his bed. I pulled the blanket up a little and kissed him on the forehead.

"Goodnight baby boy."

The next day we traded in our sweet little child for this handsome teenager.

"I cannot believe you are a teenager!" I told him.

"No mushy stuff mom." He groaned.

"So much for not getting a moody teenager." Spencer said.

I rolled my eyes and groaned a little.

A Few Years Later

Believe it or not, a few years had passed and life was sure different then the days we were worried about Carter going to high school or if Peyton would forever be harassed because she fell. Spencer and I were elders now, but we were healthy and enjoying as much time as we have left. We were also filled with energy which was a good thing because life was just getting interesting.

Brianna was now an adult and owned her own restaurant down town! It was one of the hot spots in town especially on the weekends. We got special treatment of course being family and all, perks of having a chef and owner as a sister. She woke up every single morning with a new idea or concept that she wanted to do and it filled me with pride seeing her doing something she loved to do. I often though though about if she was happy being single or if she wished that she had someone or maybe even children. Every time I asked though she claimed that she was too busy to even think about boys and that she was happy just being an aunt. I accepted that and didn't push the issue any further. If she was happy with how things were then that's all I could ask for. As long as I still got my free chocolate cake on Sunday evenings.

As for Peyton, well she went off to be a veterinarian. Her dream was to own her own vet clinic one day and she was working with Bri on how to go about starting it. Brianna was very smart with business operations now that she was comfortable with her own business. I enjoyed watching the two of them late at night going over numbers and ideas on where to possibly put the vet clinic when she was ready. That wasn't the only exciting thing going on in her life though. She got married last year to a man named Nicholas, he was very handsome and attentive to her. You could tell that they were deeply in love with each other and they were each others rocks. It was good that they had each other for support because they were expecting their first baby! We were going to be grandparents! This is how dad and pop must have felt when we were expecting Peyton. She was about five months along and expecting a little girl, but they were keeping the name a secret until the birth. It would give us something to look forward too just that much more. Nicholas was a police officer, and I knew that worried Peyton with it being a dangerous job. Nicholas offered to step down from the dangerous part though once the baby arrived and do another part of being a policeman. They would be just fine, I knew it.

Carter took a different route. He went on to be a lawyer and was succeeding in putting criminals behind bars. He had a girlfriend, Kara, and they were getting serious. I wouldn't be surprised in the next year if he asked her to marry him. Kara was very kind and quiet, but the more she got to know us the more she opened up. She worked as a waitress at Brianna's restaurant actually and that is how her and Carter met. She spilled his coffee all over his lap and tried to help him clean it up but then ended up knocking his food all over him as well. It was actually an adorable story that they loved telling. Kara and Carter decided that when the time came for children, if they got to that point, that they would adopt. Carter wanted to give back and to help other people who might not have it as well off as they did. I think I influenced him a little on that decision when he had me tell him my adoption story. He didn't want anyone to have to go through what I went through. He had the biggest heart and I was proud to have raised him to be the man he was today.

Thinking back on my life I am thankful for how far I had come. From being put into the foster care system early on, then being bounced between every abusive house in the world, to finally settling down and meeting dad and pop. Even then I remember thinking about running away because at first I thought that it was just going to end up like the same old story and I was sick of that. I decided to give them a try though and I'm thankful for that, because if I hadn't done that I wouldn't have the beautiful family that I had today. Sure, it was lonely in the house at times with just Spencer, Brianna, and I but every once in a while the kids would come home. We would have a huge sleepover and Brianna would make pancakes in the morning. Even though we were alone things stayed the same for the most part, and we went day to day trying to make it work.

I think we did a pretty good job.

The End.

Welp. I want to say thank you to all my viewers, talkative and silent, it means a lot to me and I am glad that you are enjoying my stories. I have an idea for the next one and already have the house and sims made, just have to get the pictures and such. So keep an eye out for that! I also won't mark this as complete for a few days like normal so that everyone has a chance to see it! Hope to see you at the new story! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Making it Work
« Reply #74 on: June 06, 2018, 04:13:47 PM »
So beautiful!  What a lovely end to a wonderful story ^^

