Author Topic: Sims Eugenics II, or, The Mouth of Persephone  (Read 64596 times)

Offline Heart Foam

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Sims Eugenics II, or, The Mouth of Persephone
« on: March 31, 2018, 04:35:29 PM »
Sims Eugenics II.

If I think of a great alternate title, or if one is suggested, I'm entirely open to adding it later. There are three main goals with this save, at which point I'll call it complete.

The Mouth of Persephone sounds foreboding and ancient and magical. Instead of a cheap attempt at humour, I'll warn you it is ALL of those things. Except magical. But it is scary. And long-lived.

1. The house. ✔️

This is a very flawed first attempt. The picture now represents the current house from the save, during the 6th generation. But I did a quick build-mode mock up before the save. I wanted to be fairly comfortable in my mind that the house would work before starting out. The size of the rooms, where the stairwells are, whether there would be a basement, where the pool might go, where the money garden might go - these are fairly big questions. A house like this isn't the easiest to navigate quickly, so the flow of the rooms and passages is important. As I write this I'm not sure whether a massive oval shaped room should be the dining room or a living room, and that'll affect the placement of the kitchen. I hope this house works out. We'll see.

EDIT: I did in fact find a better solution for the dining room later on.

--And I'd say the house is nice enough now, at gen 6, that the house goal has been achieved. I'll always be editing it, but really, it's done. I somehow wonder how I ever built such a thing. I love it.

2. To complete both Jungle Adventure collections. Selvadorada is a great location, and the archaeology skill is a lot of fun, but I think without pursuing it consistently I'll never complete the collections or get the Golden Balampalsoh Watcher Relic which gives you money for activating it, and never breaks. Adventuring takes priority, and we try to visit Selvadorada every weekend.

--This hasn't happened. With a large household, and aspirations and careers, we haven't been regularly going to the jungle. A long way short of completing the Jungle Adventure collections.

3. To have normal looking sims. The starting couple are evil and insane (one's also a glutton, the other hates children), and you're welcome to rationalize it has corrupted their appearance. Call it a prettacy if you like, but that really refers to a Legacy - this isn't a legacy. In the Vlad's Nose save, the nose worked really well on Quentin, but this time around, I'm not sure we should hope any features survive. I find this is one of the best ways to keep interest in a save. When you have genetically impossible sims, you yearn to breed out the strangeness. Or I do!   

--This hasn't happened. The Mouth of Persephone lives on and defeats us. It's lived through 6 generations here, and through as many generations in a cadet branch of the family.

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Generation 4, Sawyer (and The Interlude at Ahilac's)
Generation 5, Kaitlynn
Generation 6, Wayne (and Aili!)
Generation 7, Danica Goth
Generation 7, Norma Wildingham
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2018, 05:03:02 PM »
Loving the house!  I didn't comment on your other story, but I did read along, though got behind.  Looking forward to this one and seeing that house evolve!

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Offline Heart Foam

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Sims Eugenics II - Chapter I.
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2018, 05:11:34 PM »

I found a posh name generator! That's something to excite the heart! Meet Persephone and Cornelius Wildingham.

And they have arrived at everyone's fav plot in Brindleton Bay. I didn't make these sims, they were once found on a blog. Cornelius, apart from the name, is unchanged. I felt Persephone didn't need blue hair, and wondered if the white hair was inheritable, and as a bonus the roses in the vampire hairdo are black. It matches her clothes and isn't super attractive, but given other features that's the least of our worries.

The beginnings of the house.

I could have set the household money to 0, but at this point it's more of a nuisance than a challenge. After purchasing the land they only had about $10k to build with, and that's still not much. And we're not going to be moving any sims in to get a free 20k.

The bathroom is a future staircase.

Both founders are evil and insane, so with equal traits it hardly mattered who did what, but Cornelius went in to the painter career...

... and Persephone became a Mad Scientist.

This time the mad science was very important because nothing is better for Relic Hunting than an infinite supply of moodlet solvers thanks to a cloning machine.

For an instantly regrettable closer look at Cornelius:

I wanted to be able to go on the first visit to Selvadorada on the first weekend, which not only meant not spending all the money on the house, but that Persephone had to fall pregnant and give birth before that came around.

She's just taken a pregnancy test and I nearly missed it, but you can just about see the last of the confetti announcing she is eating for two!

Persephone is the glutton. It's not very becoming for someone with a posh name, but there it is!

Cornelius was the designated cook, as that dovetails nicely with his painting which also requires Inspiration.

And he laughs manically while he cooks, because the onions are suffering or something.

Thursday evening of week one, and it's time for the first nooboo. Persephone did get strawberries at work, so this was hopefully going to be a girl. I didn't like just buying seed packets and wanted to find all fruit and veggies in the wild, so we didn't have carrots yet.

Persephone got shot with a laser, but it all worked out in the end.

The first nooboo in the small empty house is Scarlet! It was in fact the first random name, and I think that sounds grand enough so she kept it. Not that she's red or pink, she's blue. Takes after her papa. Cornelius seems to be painting in every screenshot.

My favourite mini-game of staying in the hospital pregnancy dress for as long as possible! I was surprised Persephone didn't change out of it for work.

That completed the first week in the house, and it was time for the relic hunting to begin.

Apart from her beauty inside and out, another of Persephone's qualities that'll make you swoon is her slouch walk!


Next episode: at least the poison doesn't show so much on green skin, cute and alarming toddler pics, and house progress.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2018, 05:14:35 PM »
Oh my!  Welcome little Scarlet ^^ Can't wait to see how their adventure goes!

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2018, 05:20:16 PM »
@Shewolf13 Thanks! I saw you earlier post while I was in the midst of uploading and editing. She's rather remarkable looking even as a toddler...

I've had the first few weeks of the save sitting around for yonks and I've been impatient to start sharing it. I feel I've overwhelmed this part of the story boards today, but it'll be less overwhelming from here.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2018, 05:32:06 PM »
Oh, I just love them! I've never done one of these types of challenges because I was always afraid I couldn't cope with playing hideous Sims, but Cornelius and Persephone are just so charming in their evil awfulness that I want to spend as much time with them as possible. The cackling at the pain of the onions was to die for.
It's so wonderful to see the epic end product house next to the humble beginning. I'm so excited to see it grow!
Looking forward to Selvadoradan adventures!

Offline Tynynounours

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2018, 05:33:38 PM »
Oh another genetic experiment/house building.

I loved reading the first one and am very happy to see how this one will turn out. Your starting sims are really.... something.

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Offline Heart Foam

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Sims Eugenics II - Chapter II.
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2018, 04:22:29 PM »
@FrancescaFiori I remember feeling that way myself. But this happy couple have become a stable of my neighborhoods, because even if I'm not playing them directly it's fun to breed out the strangeness. I can already say that on the real house I'll go over the details better. The need for a real dining room, and living room, and somewhere to paint, and bedrooms for the kids, and somewhere for the plants, has forced the house to develop quite rapidly. Though I think when it's about halfway built, it'll be plenty big enough for a while.

@Tynynounours Thank you. :) I hope the readers of this one are as excited to see some genetic improvements as I am.


Chapter II.

On a housekeeping note, I misspelled the dear child's name. Scarlett, double t. Regardless, she ain't gonna be conventionally beautiful. Much like her mother.

So, being a fresh sim with few traits, adventuring proved rather difficult. When she doesn't have the requisite skill, there's always that thought that maybe it'll work out fine! It didn't. She got poisoned very early on. As you can imagine, Funds are pretty limited in the household what with the mad building and holidays, and yet $1000 had to be spent on an antidote or Persephone would have expired from this poison. But at least it's not very noticeable.

Some familiar faces were on holiday too. I couldn't help taking this one.

Persephone, however, was here to learn archaeology.

And even though she was needing fun, and human company, and food, and a shower, and wasn't going to get further into the temple for these reasons, examining traps helps towards an aspiration. I felt she hadn't achieved an awful lot on her first Tomb Raid. Needing to cure her took of precious time that could've been better spent.

Back home, Scarlett hatches from the bassinet.

Yes. Well. Okay then. And that's as a toddler. There are closeups in CAS later on! But we wanted another child, and photos could wait until then. The obligatory dad using flash cards photo. Which is still sweet with pink hair and blue skin.

Scarlett's arrival meant we needed more space, so that forced an early extension of the house.

And that room soon became the first to have the luxury of a wall covering. Now Scarlett wouldn't think she was growing up in a prison.

Despite having a toddler to raise, I was following Persephone to the mad science lab every day.

She had to chat with Eliza Pancakes who managed to be in the most frustrating place. Persephone is pregnant again, on the same schedule as week one. We want the kid born before the weekend trip to the jungle. Other sims at the lab include Don Lothario and one of the Caliente girls.

The need to be able to easily feed a toddler also prompted a redesign of the kitchen. There was a brief experimentation with red. (This picture was originally out of sequence - the fact that there are no floors and wall covering with the red couch is a dead giveaway. My apologies!)

There's a sofa and a coffee table, and food is put there which a toddler can reach. And all is well. The high chair thing is too much hassle. I quite like the layout of the kitchen, and it does work very well for toddlers, but this room may or may not become a lounge in the future. Or possibly the dining room. What's nagging at me is that the current room allocated for the dining room is too small. It's not grand enough. Relative to other rooms it feels cramped. There are some building dilemmas.

What I could do was plan out the front of the lot. Because that's essentially free.

The kitchen got walls and floors. And here's another look at Scarlett, who certainly is something...

In the background, there's yet another room! Such luxury.

Cornelius, who stands in yet another new room (!), was painting furiously (no, he really was - he's evil and insane) all the time.

The imminent arrival the next nooboo raises deep questions about who will sleep on the floor, and how cold it will be. So that was a big motivator to get more of the house built. All bathroom and kitchen fittings are obviously the cheapest (which is a good thing because you want them to break), but never beds. Always get the best sim bed you can. That's like rule #1. The next headache was having all these sims, but only 1 bathroom.

Back at the lab, Persephone goes fishing because she had to. It's not a picture I've taken very often! Sometimes screenshots are no more profound than that!

The mad science was in fact not going well, and in fact is still not going well. The problem is finding metals and crystals to make the stuff. Co-workers refuse to give Persephone anything every single time - I think her evil trait makes them uncooperative. To illustrate the dire situation: although she's unlocked the ability to make a cloning machine, simply doesn't have the means to do so. She hasn't even made the Sim Ray. I've bought her the Super Friendly trait, so if a new person joins the lab she can make nice with them, and hope that person will be more accommodating, but it's such a chore. And it's the best place to find metals and crystals, so it's worth going to the lab every day. But sometimes every single rock is a My Sims trophy. It's beyond silly. And Scarlett has not had as much parenting as a result of me not being on the home lot. Yet she still came perilously close to Top Notch Toddler. My heart goes out to that collection of pixels.

There's no red couch right before this any more to immediately compare the two, but blue was easier to match with a carpet... and with sims. But that's not really the point. No one designed blue furniture thinking "blue people are going to love this!".

You might have noticed Cornelius lost his rather more extrovert hairstyle in the painting / reading scene earlier on, but here he is face-on.

And finally, a heavily pregnant and not very wonderfully proportioned Persephone clips through the kitchen counter.


Next episode! Cornelius stands on a dresser! Persephone takes photos of dirt! CAS toddlers! Plural!
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2018, 04:35:55 PM »
Oh my!  Not sure it's healthy for the baby, all that clipping lol.  Loving the layout of the kitchen like that ^^  Very cool

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2018, 06:08:00 PM »
The kitchen layout is very clever! And cozy! I like it a lot. Scarlett's cheeks are terrifying, even as a toddler. She really seems to be enjoying herself, particularly in the mess-making scene.
The house is looking quite nice, but I love that it's sitting on this giant piece of ominously painted terrain. It's a sweet house, but it's destined for much greater things!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2018, 12:10:10 AM »
Sorry to hear that all the dig sites at The Lab are spawning capsules. Absolutely hate when that happens.
Looking to hear if/how buying Incredibly Friendly changes Perspephone's fortunes at work for the better.

I giggled at their humble dwelling, sitting at the edge of that immense floor layout.
Persephone's bikini shot was truly cringe-inducing but I'm glad that hospital gowns in Sims 4 are modestly closed in the back, lol.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2018, 12:21:36 AM »
Wow!  That house is definitely something to aspire to.  Can't wait to see how it evolves from your original concept. 
Oh, and thank you for sparing us screenshots of Cornelius and Persephone's courtship.  Good call. 
I don't often play Evil sims.  But when I do, I find the maniacal laughter to be strangely addicting.

Offline Heart Foam

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Sims Eugenics II - Chapter III.
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2018, 06:08:23 PM »
@Shewolf13 As with many things, the kitchen idea comes from some other house I saw who-knows-when. It helps fill out the room. I think the kitchen will stay there, but over time it'll get decorated with overhead cupboards and different counters.

@FrancescaFiori Absolutely. The vast house will magically spring up behind the vast painted terrain. I wanted to better organise Persephone's garden. The only place I could find for it was alongside the path. And I wanted to see how many plants it would hold and start planning what plants I'll use there. The "tree of emotions" seems to grow and produce fruit fairly quickly. I'm thinking of some of those lining the path, obviously grafted with something alien. But I'll have to check how fast it grows. Those were the thoughts behind the need to plan the front.

@oshizu Her bikini shot doesn't bother me in the slightest! It's not an outfit I chose. I did give her some adventuresome clothes, but didn't even think to look at her swimwear in CAS because I hardly expected to be swimming in a temple. I didn't know it was a thing. I like how she's studiously taking notes. I ordered co-workers to analyse metals, and that got me the common metal I needed to make the cloning machine. So from here it'll be plainer sailing. But she's had to go to the expense of buying the $3k invention constructor, which would be better spent on anything else, but the sooner they can clone moodlet solvers the better.   

@BallerinaHippo I agree on all counts! My own created and beautifully nurtured sims are usually beacons of hope and kindness. It's really awful that they get happiness boosts around their own toddlers when said toddler is unhappy - and this happens tolerably often given how they're constantly tired, or hungry, or upset with their toy after a while. So the parents are loving it. They're always happy.


Chapter III.

So I had thought that starting off with a girl and a boy would be grand. Balance. Symmetry. Perhaps, he could be Horace Wildringham. Something pompous. However, we had no carrots to make sure of it and the second pregnancy was left up to chance.

Twins! Girls!

Alexis and Rosalind. I can't tell which is which, and luckily nor can you, so that's fine.

The house is not in a fit state to receive many children. This room, temporarily the bedroom of Persephone and Cornelius is earmarked for the eventual dining room. Which makes sense, it's adjacent to the kitchen, but it doesn't get a whole lot of light, and mayhap some reader will say "it might do well to put the dining room where the kitchen is, and make it grandiose like it fell out of Versailles". Quite. That's a thought I've had. Because the Dine Out cooking station might fit along the separating wall... yeah. There's a lot of building questions floating about. But this isn't going to be a bedroom. That's for sure.

I guess that bug has been fixed since, but one straightforward way to solve it was to travel to another lot. As it happened, Cornelius needed to view paintings.

Persephone trudging back from the garden is not remarkable, but behold, she spent some points on a Insta-Lean potion because I couldn't wait any longer. Unlocking and producing Slimify was taking too long. An additional note is that I'm tempted to allow a strange looking sim a visit to a plastic surgeon once they max a career. Because really, they'd want that.

Persephone and Scarlett play dolls.

We needed a room to... do stuff. Somewhere to do archaeology, somewhere to play dolls, somewhere to put a sofa, etc. And for now, at least while the girls were babies and toddlers, this would be that room. Twins does complicate matters because the room where Scarlett was making a mess can accommodate two little beds without looking silly, but not three. So when Alexis and Rosalind needed little beds, mama and papa wold have to adjust the house. Not even I would simply wedge 'em into the kitchen somewhere.

Second visit to the jungle went smoother than the first:

Persephone - fully clothed - takes pictures of the dirt at the site of the plane crash.

And Katrina looks enviously at Persephone gluttonously consuming the local cuisine, regretting how her psychological and social conditioning makes it hard for her to enjoy food in such an Enthusiastic manner, disregarding the opinions of others.

Back home, and we Rally the Troops and get back to raising Scarlett.

She probably wouldn't have hit Top Notch toddler anyway if Persephone didn't go on the holiday, but the jungle adventuring is a priority and we can't start breaking that routine so soon. I was amazed by how close she got though. Dear odd Scarlett.

So this is the current house.

The bedroom for the moment has Cornelius' painting stuff. The big room with the red carpet is destined to be the master bedroom. And en suite bathroom will be carved out of that space... and it'll still be huge. Things changed fairly rapidly. It was frustrating to not have a real dining room, and more places for children to sit and do homework. And only 1 bathroom will become an issue with 5 sims. For now it's okay, but when Alexis and Rosalind are children it'll be a problem. When it's a complete house, it'll hopefully be fine. It's all the transition phases that are a bit of a mess. The children's room at the bottom of the picture is a future drafty stairwell, and possibly laundry. 

They have fun and social meters too... just saying. I'm hoping for some nice scenic shots when it's all built. Persephone has put her foot through the spinach.

The green twins age up!

And this prompted a visit to CAS, and memorable toddler photos. My confession is that I don't remember which twin is which (but they're identical in their genetics) and after I post, I'll load this up and find out and edit accordingly. The blue one is Scarlett.

EDIT: Okay, so Rosalind is the blonde one. Hope this helps!

And after their makeovers, they cluster around Persephone like... toddlers. While in CAS, Persephone also got a makeover and changed her hair colour. It's interesting that the none of the kids inherited the hair or eye colour of their parents.

The toddlerhood of the twins was less closely supervised than with Scarlett. Mother still went to the lab, and father still painted. The goal for them was simply Happy Toddler. The lab got a quick jungle restyle. Why not?

And finally, here's the kitchen design working as intended. Scarlett was close to aging up, so I had to take the photos I could!


Next time: the house goes through a phase, Scarlett sparkles, and Cornelius cooks with onions.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2018, 06:17:25 PM »
Green twins!  Yay!  Wow, Scarlett's eyebrows are... interesting XD Oh, as far as I know, toddlers and children can't inherit the odd colored hairs, so no pink, white, blue, turquoise, etc.

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Re: Sims Eugenics II
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2018, 06:46:43 PM »
I like the idea of the parents being allowed to opt for cosmetic surgery only after they're done with procreation!
It rewards them for their hard work without depriving us spectators the privilege of observing "real genetics." ;-)

I can't tell, Heart Foam, but what do you think? At this point, does Scarlett favor her father's features while the twins favor their mother's?
I admire how you can start small and gradually expand according to plan.
Can't do that for the life of me! My sims just rough it until there's enough cash, then plop! They have a big house, lol.
Looking forward to meeting Scarlett as child!