Author Topic: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004 - (COMPLETE)  (Read 41329 times)

Offline commasplice

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The Drifter Chronicles - House 004 - (COMPLETE)
« on: March 30, 2018, 10:57:27 AM »
If you're not familiar with the Drifter Challenge, the rules are here. It's sort of a combination of a continual rags to riches and a generational challenge.

The fourth generation and house starts now!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

House 001 is here.
House 002 is here.
House 003 is here.

Offline commasplice

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2018, 11:01:47 AM »
From: Drifter Board of Directors, No Sim Left Behind
To: Lyanna Holiday
Re:  Drifter House 004

Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Drifter Project for No Sim Left Behind. Your endeavors will help advance simkind.

Your overall goals:
•   On the bulldozed lot formally known as Riverside Roost in Willow Creek, you will build a home worth a minimum of $50,000 after depreciation. Said home must have at least two bedrooms and one bathroom. A room is defined as having: at least 4 walls, a door, flooring, wall coverings.
•   Achieve level 10 of the Rocket Science Skill
•   Achieve level 10 of the Scientist Career
•   Travel to Sixam
•   Acquire at least 3 unique items from one or more of the following categories: geodes, space rocks, alien plants, alien metals, alien crystals, or alien elements
•   Befriend and move in an alien
•   Produce and raise an heir to the young adult life stage
No Sim Left Behind will provide you with the plot of land free of charge. You will need to have disposed of your money by the time you begin this project.
The specifics are here.

By signing this agreement, you are pledging to spend the entirety of your life to this project, and the lives of your heirs.*

Please return the signed agreement by the close of business today. We expect regular reports on your progress.

*While we encourage your heirs to participate, we recognize we have no legal authority to force them to sign on.

Email from Lyanna Holiday to Eddard, Valeria, Cassana, and Shireen Holiday

Hi Everyone,

They put me in Willow Creek. It’s very pretty here and while it’s not that far from where you grew up Dad, the view is really pretty. No factories at all! Instead there’s a river boat that goes by periodically.

I don’t have many pictures of my first day or so, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I took Dad’s advice and collected everything I could and I started fishing. Thanks to all the fishing you guys made me do when I was a child and then a teen, I had pretty good luck.

What I don’t get is why you guys didn’t stop and say hello. First Cassana and then you, Dad.

It’s not against the rules. I checked and double checked. You can come see me whenever you want.

My first day at work is tomorrow. I can’t wait!


From: Lyanna Holiday
To: Drifter Board of Directors, No Sim Left Behind
Re: Progress Report 001

So far the science career is everything I thought it would be and more. All my time in Oasis Springs and I never knew the FutureSims Lab was in the same town!

My first day was fantastic. I invented a momentum conserver, turned it on, and viewed it.

Back when we were in high school, the recruiter from FutureSims said the salary was great, but she never mentioned the side benefit—according to my supervisor, Dominick Marin, we can sell the inventions.

The only downside that I can see is that everyone at work already has a spouse.

As a woman in a STEM field, it seems wrong that I should be so focused on landing a partner, but I keep coming back to what my father said about not waiting too long.

I also got to work on the rocket for a while which was really exciting and is going to help me build my rocket skill very quickly.

As for my house, I have a bed, sink, and a toilet. No walls yet, but I am very goal oriented and I hope to have walls very soon.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2018, 12:12:50 PM »
Good luck, Lyanna!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2018, 01:43:21 PM »
Woo!  Go Lyanna!  She's already doing so well.  The science career suites her so well.

Online PeregrineTook

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2018, 02:36:15 PM »
She just looks so happy and at home doing her science thing!  You go, gurl!
Can't wait to see who ends up being her "Mr. Right."  Maybe it will be the alien she has to move in...?

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2018, 02:55:11 PM »
I just found your whole Drifter Challenge series and you are already on house #4!  I am definitely going back to read the first three, but just wanted to say that I like Lyanna already. 

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2018, 06:58:03 PM »
Lyanna has the best attitude! Hoping for walls soon! You'll get there, girl. I'm not worried.
I'm very excited for her to visit Sixam and meet an alien.
Bummer about the family just walking past and kind of snubbing her. I hope they get over that. I'm sure she could use some company.

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Offline commasplice

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2018, 09:03:53 AM »
Good luck, Lyanna!

Thank you! She's going to need it.

Woo!  Go Lyanna!  She's already doing so well.  The science career suites her so well.

It totally does. I lucked out with her.

She just looks so happy and at home doing her science thing!  You go, gurl!
Can't wait to see who ends up being her "Mr. Right."  Maybe it will be the alien she has to move in...?

Heh, you'll have to wait and see. Although maybe not that long.

I just found your whole Drifter Challenge series and you are already on house #4!  I am definitely going back to read the first three, but just wanted to say that I like Lyanna already. 

Oh, I am so glad. She was a natural fit for this house.

Lyanna has the best attitude! Hoping for walls soon! You'll get there, girl. I'm not worried.
I'm very excited for her to visit Sixam and meet an alien.
Bummer about the family just walking past and kind of snubbing her. I hope they get over that. I'm sure she could use some company.

It was so annoying. I kept on trying to click on them and they would just run off the lot. So I decided they were just trying to give her some space.

Offline commasplice

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2018, 09:07:31 AM »
Email from Tobias Lentz to Valeria Holiday

Hi Val,

I stopped by Lyanna’s uh place. She had just come home from work and while I think she was genuinely excited about the job, she was so dirty there was practically a green cloud wafting off of her. While I talked to her, Lyanna washed her hands no less than 8 times.

Not sure how much she’s told you, but she has a twin bed, a toilet and a sink. That’s it. She kept snacking on raw mushrooms.

I tried to give her some extra simoleons, but she refused up and down and said it could get her kicked out of the Project. She’s stubborn as Father, your eldest girl.

Maybe come by and start grilling? If other people make food, I guess she’s allowed to eat it.


P.S. Does Lyanna know about Uriah Fyres being our half-brother? You might want to clue her in about Nathan not being acceptable boyfriend material.

Journal entry, Cassana Holiday

I got home from work to find Mom frantically packing up a picnic hamper. She threw my workout clothes at me. “Change now.”

“What? I wanted to take a—”

“Clothes. Change. Now. We’re leaving in 5 minutes.”

Shireen was already at work so the three of us got in the car and drove in our workout clothes to the edge of Willow Creek so we could “run into” Lyanna.

Next thing I know we’re in this little picnic area where Mom started grilling all this food.  We ended up eating with Lyanna and a couple of other people, but from the way Lyanna was tearing into the grilled chicken, I got why Mom was so insistent we go.

Mom was so upset when she was how Lyanna was living. She kept it in until we were in the car driving home.

I don’t think I could live in a field with a toilet and a bed, but Lyanna seems really happy. Like she’s doing what she’s been meant to do all her life.

From: Lyanna Holiday
To: Drifter Board of Directors, No Sim Left Behind
Re: Progress Report 002

Work is really taking up most of my time. I was promoted again and Dominick said if I keep doing so well I should reach the top of my profession in no time.

My hunt for a life partner is not going so well. Everyone I meet seems to be married, has terrible traits, or there’s just no chemistry.

I went out for dinner with Nathan Fyres to the Grill Grille. The food isn’t much, but it’s pretty much the best option. I’ve known Nathan since we were at school. We get along well and I feel he would be an excellent father. Every time I try to flirt, though, it’s like it’s just not an option and I don’t understand it at all.

In other news, I have made enough to purchase a shower.

Journal Entry, Lyanna Holiday

I was eating a cheeseburger from a platter left behind in the little parkette near my lot. Lately it seems like a lot of people are leaving food, which has been great as I still don’t have a cooler or refrigerator when I got the idea to invite Nathan to Hare Square Park. We get along great. We always do.

But I just can’t seem to flirt with him.

It got weird and he took off somewhere.  I ran into Kelvin Holquin, who is new at work and not yet dating anyone. Without even thinking, which is something I never do, I tried to flirt and I couldn’t.

I spotted Mom playing chess by herself. I wonder if she was looking out for me because she had this concerned look on her face. I joined her and to my horror started to cry. I told her all about Nathan and Kelvin and she made a sad half laugh.

“Honey, it’s not you. It’s my fault.”


“They’re your cousins, Lyanna. You can’t flirt with them and they can’t flirt with you because you’re too closely related.”

She shared this whole long story about her father and his relationships and the upshot is I don’t think I’m going to be able to finish the Project.

I’m related to nearly every eligible person from Willow Creek to San Myshuno.

What the heck am I going to do?

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004 - updated 4/2
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2018, 04:30:36 PM »
Oh my... Wow, that's quite the dilemma!  I hope she finds someone not related soon!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004 - updated 4/2
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2018, 06:10:26 PM »
I'm really holding out hope that Lyanna can find a handsome alien to marry (and also fulfill the house requirement), but it takes a really long time to advance high enough in the scientist career to make the upgraded wormhole generator or completely upgrade the rocketship, and I know she's wanting to start early. Dilemmas, dilemmas! Still, if her prospective spouse is from Sixam, there's no way she can be related!

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004 - updated 4/2
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2018, 11:32:39 PM »
Haha, I had difficult distinguishing between story set-up and challenge rules in this chapter.
I'm assuming you wrote as if "you" were present at the parents' house, overhearing their convo though you can only control Lyanna?

Also, I hope that Lyanna's relatedness to all the available bachelors is unrelated to the workings of MCCC.
Poor Lyanna! I can't wait to find out what happens!

Offline commasplice

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004 - updated 4/2
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2018, 09:31:06 AM »
Oh my... Wow, that's quite the dilemma!  I hope she finds someone not related soon!

Luckily for her, the Watcher figured out a loophole :)

I'm really holding out hope that Lyanna can find a handsome alien to marry (and also fulfill the house requirement), but it takes a really long time to advance high enough in the scientist career to make the upgraded wormhole generator or completely upgrade the rocketship, and I know she's wanting to start early. Dilemmas, dilemmas! Still, if her prospective spouse is from Sixam, there's no way she can be related!

This is what happens when I don't know how to use MCCC. Fortunately, there are a number of people who have Drifter videos on YouTube and there's a nice thread on the official forums for each of the houses and I figured out a solution after reading the rules.

Haha, I had difficult distinguishing between story set-up and challenge rules in this chapter.
I'm assuming you wrote as if "you" were present at the parents' house, overhearing their convo though you can only control Lyanna?

Also, I hope that Lyanna's relatedness to all the available bachelors is unrelated to the workings of MCCC.
Poor Lyanna! I can't wait to find out what happens!

Oh, sorry. I should have made that all clearer. Yeah, for this house (and so far for all the previous ones) I can only control the Founder/Heirs. For my story, I've been basically writing around that though which is why we've had journal entries and telephone conversations and stuff. In this case, Valeria and co showed up in the little park near the lot and I had Lyanna go over there and eat the food. When I wrote it up, I pretended that it was all deliberate on her family's part.

And no, the dearth of bachelors did happen because I had no idea what I was doing with MCCC.

Offline commasplice

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004 - updated 4/2
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2018, 09:39:52 AM »
Journal Entry, Willem Flint*

I think I’m in love.

This is insane. In less than a single day I have met someone who I think I could spend the rest of my life with.

And she’s gorgeous and smart and funny and she likes me. In fact, I didn’t even do anything. She just started talking to me as I was walking by and the next thing I know we’re cloud gazing and flirting and bam.

Her name is Lyanna Holiday and she’s a scientist.

“Wow, family oriented and self-assured!”  She was less excited about my tendency toward being childish, but muttered to herself that she could work around it.

“Lyanna, there’s something I have to tell you before—”

“—Look, I know this is fast. I do,” she said, handing me a rose.

I have no idea where the rose came from let alone the double bed that popped up seconds later.

“Lyanna, there’s something you need to know—”

“Oh my gods, tell me you’re not related to Lucas Crowe. This can’t be happening to me. I like you way better than Nathan and it turns out you’re related to me too.”

“Not that I know of. See that’s the thing.”

Lyanna kissed me right then and there.

“Hold up.”

Finally she stopped. “I keep interrupting. Sorry, it’s just that I’m so excited.”

I took a deep breath and told her how I had no memory before today. How one moment it was like I didn’t exist and then the next it was like I had just sprung into being along with three other guys who were in the same boat. I showed her what the authorities had been able to share with me, which was next to nothing. It seriously was like up until that day I had never existed before.

“Wait, one sec.” Lyanna pulled out her phone and called her mother. I couldn’t hear most of it, but at the end of the conversation, Lyanna hung up the phone and turned to me with a huge smile on her face. “We’re good. You are not related to me. Can you move in right now?”

From: Lyanna Holiday
To: Drifter Board of Directors, No Sim Left Behind
Re: Progress Report 003

Partner has been secured. His name is Willem Flint. He is unemployed, but wants to stay at home with the children he’d like to have anyhow, so that’s handy. My sisters have some doubts about how fast I’m moving, but I don’t think they quite get the situation yet. I offered to introduce them to Willem’s old roommates and explained how the dating pool here is super limited, but both of them acted like I was nuts.

Dad stopped by and sussed Willem out and Mom is just happy I’m marrying outside the gene pool.

As you will see from the attached pictures, I’m beginning construction on what will be the house.

I did some phoning and it looks like we can get an opening in San Myshuno for the wedding tomorrow, which will work out well as I have the next two days off. I was hoping we could just elope, but Mom said I would regret not having a proper wedding.

Frankly, between me and the Board, I’d rather be spending the time working on conceiving my heir.

From: Emma Bjergsen-Lynx, Drifter Board of Directors, No Sim Left Behind
To: Lyanna Holiday
cc: Evangeline Hecking
Re: Re: Progress Report 003

We appreciate your enthusiasm, but please keep in mind that you have several other goals you will need to complete and those all have to be done before your heir ages up to young adulthood.

Emma and Evangeline

*Watcher's note: there was nothing precluding me from creating a bunch of eligible sims and dumping them into San Myshuno so that's what I did. Willem showed up and I took it from there.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Drifter Chronicles - House 004 - updated 4/4
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2018, 11:25:36 AM »
Ahahahaha, love it!  He's so cute ^^  I think childish sims can be fun lol  Also love how you wove him being a newly created Sim into the story.  That's awesome ^^