Wow…that happened fast! Well, yes. It did. Since it took a couple of tries for Joe and Jenna to conceive the first time, they decided to try again right away after Liam was born. They aren’t getting any younger, after all. But this time around they got pregnant on the first try, and Jenna took the pregnancy test immediately (just in case) so she started showing early.
Why would Jenna and Joe choose to have another baby when the Wonder Child is supposed to be the primary focus of their lives from now on? Several reasons. First, a sibling can actually provide a lot of support to a Wonder Child. The sibling is another person to talk to, play with, and skill with. Also, not to get too Cinderella about it, but a sibling is another Sim in the house that can mop the floor or pick up dirty dishes. Furthermore, another pregnancy will delay Jenna’s aging again, giving her more time to raise the Wonder Child.
Most importantly, siblings are fun! Nooboos are cute! Let’s stop talking strategy and enjoy the fact that another baby is on the way!
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Now seems like a good time to pause and show a picture of the Murray’s house so far.
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Clockwise from the top right we have: Liam’s room, the main bathroom, Joe and Jenna’s room, and the office. All of Joe’s “focusing” career rewards go in the office and it’s over-sized for future growth. Continuing clockwise is the entryway where the musical instruments seem to have landed, a half bathroom, the kitchen, breakfast nook, Jenna’s painting area, and the beginnings of a home gym (top middle). Finally, in the center is a living room. It’s not the prettiest house ever, but it is very functional and works great for this family.
Now back to Liam, our Wonder Child. His parents have earned enough money at this point to buy him everything he needs: a toddler bed, toys, blocks, dollhouse, giant stuff animal, even the toddler tablet. They skip the high chair, however, because it seems to just induce toddler tantrums. Besides, there’s nothing more adorable than a toddler sitting on the couch eating spaghetti with his hands.
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Jenna and Joe spend lots of time playing with their son and attending to his needs, but they also let Liam explore on his own, too. This is where Liam’s inquisitive nature serves him well. Here he is enjoying one of his favorite books, Dog on a Log. Apparently, the story involves a Sea Monster. Who knew? Titles can be so misleading.
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Another unexpected benefit to Jenna getting pregnant again right away is that Jenna and Joe are able to stack their family leave time. Right when their time-off from Liam’s birth runs out, they become eligible to take family leave for the second pregnancy. The result is that both parents enjoy about a week’s worth of pay without ever having to leave for work. Sweet!
Whenever Jenna and Joe are not directly taking care of Liam or cleaning the house, they use their extra time wisely to gain skills. Jenna is still focusing on painting, cooking, and gardening; but she has also taken up playing the violin.
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As you can maybe tell from the glimpse of Joe in the background above, he has started working out. It may or may not help him live a longer life, but it can’t hurt. Thus, in addition to working on his programming, video gaming, and handiness skills, Joe has started using the treadmill as much as possible.
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Before long it’s time to meet Jenna and Joe’s second bundle of joy. This time Jenna opts to have the baby at home because she doesn’t want to send Liam to daycare, even for just a few hours. She gives birth in the breakfast nook because that’s where the bassinet appeared.
Note: Money is still a little tight so I didn’t buy the bassinet ahead of time, but just let Social Services provide it.
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It’s another boy—a baby brother for the Wonder Child! His name is Leo which makes this “Lion King” type picture below oddly appropriate. Honestly, though, I did not pick the name ahead of time. Leo just seemed to go well with Liam, and it’s the first thing that popped into my head.
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Jenna is pretty tired after giving birth so after a few cuddles with the new baby, she heads to bed for some well-deserved rest. Joe steps up and handles Leo’s first feeding.
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After feeding the baby and rocking him to sleep, it’s time for Joe to put big brother Liam to bed. At this point, Liam is not sure what to think of this whole sibling thing. The look on his face is precious.
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Leo does not get aged-up to a toddler early because it seems far easier for the parents to take care of one toddler and an infant rather than two toddlers at the same time.
While Leo is still confined to the bassinet, Joe and Jenna do everything in their power to make sure that the Wonder Child maxes all of his toddler skills.
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One result of this concentrated focus on Liam is that no one is there to greet poor Leo when he pops out of the bassinet. Sorry, buddy. Such is the life of the second child.
Don’t feel too bad for young Leo, though. The Watcher is looking out for him and gives him the Independent trait as a toddler. He’s going to need it.
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The way the timing works out, Liam and Leo have one day in which they are both toddlers. By now, big brother Liam has decided that he loves his sibling. He is excited to finally be able to give his little brother a hug. Awwww!
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Jenna, realizing that her firstborn will be aging-up to a child soon, is inspired to paint Liam’s portrait. As luck would have it, the painting turns out to be the masterpiece that Jenna needs to complete the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration. Great job, Jenna!
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Liam’s last day as a toddler is spent frantically trying to achieve Top Notch Toddler. He mastered the Potty skill early on, and his Thinking and Imagination are in good shape. However, his Communication and Movement skills still need work even after the birthday notice arrives.
Somehow, Liam does it. He maxes all the Toddler skills. It’s close, though. Liam achieves level 5 in his Movement skill with just a few hours to spare. Joe quickly throws together a birthday party, and Jenna helps Liam blow out the candles right away.
I’ve since learned a lot about toddler skilling, but at the time, this was a first for me.
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Liam’s energy level is in the red when the party starts; but as soon as he ages up to a child, he is able to drink a sleep replacement potion. Feeling refreshed, Liam enjoys the remainder of his birthday party. The party even earns a gold medal. Luckily, all the tasks are really easy ones such as “listen to music,” “eat food,” and “eat cake.”
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Don’t worry. Liam will never wear this sweater ever again.