One of the scoring changes is in the Love section. The previous rules said you got 1 point for each unique trait the Primary Spouse brought in, and with 9 Primary Spouses, that would be 9 points if all traits were unique. The 10th point was achieved by having one sim complete both the Serial Romantic aspiration and the Soulmate aspiration.
The new rule says: For every 3 unique traits that the Primary spouse brings into the family you gain 1 point for a total of 10 points by the end of the challenge.
On the Home Page, where there's a blog-like entry about the rules overhaul, it says,
Love: The 10th point is no longer earned by completing both love aspirations in one lifetime. You will earn the 10th point by earning a set number of unique traits.
I don't see anything that explains how we get 10 points (30 unique traits) from 9 Primary Spouses now.
Does anyone know how this works?
The only thing I could think of was if we were supposed to count the trait that the sim gets based on the first aspiration. I actually like this solution, but Hillee's spreadsheet doesn't support it, so I don't think that's really the answer.
I asked this question on the Legacy site, but there haven't been any answers posted to questions on that page for a few months, so I don't know if there will be an answer.
Anyone see something I missed or have any ideas about this?