Author Topic: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim  (Read 28712 times)

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #45 on: May 06, 2018, 03:09:17 PM »
Have you considered having a beginner's division?

Never really have. How would that even work? There's one World Ranking with everyone lumped into it. Technically after your first couple events can anyone call themselves a beginner? But, it's a valid question. A brand new player who has never entered a competition going up against the likes of the Lenas and GlazeyLadys -- wow...kind of a daunting task. :) And part of the problem is there have been plenty of brand new players who have never played an event before that end up wiping the competition. They come out guns blazing and clearly know the ins and outs and all the tricks -- they just have never done a forum challenge before.

Offline Eighty8Keys

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #46 on: May 06, 2018, 03:43:25 PM »
Whims: 72 + 101 = 173
Traits: 14 + 14 = 28 x 10 = 280
Total: 453

This one was a welcome relief after the last stressful careers challenge.

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Offline LenaLJ

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #47 on: May 06, 2018, 04:49:10 PM »
My two sims where rather successfull in their last days:

Traits 24+24 = 480
Whims 114+119 = 233

Total = 713

Offline kethrydrake

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #48 on: May 06, 2018, 04:54:17 PM »
Have you considered having a beginner's division?

Never really have. How would that even work? There's one World Ranking with everyone lumped into it. Technically after your first couple events can anyone call themselves a beginner? But, it's a valid question. A brand new player who has never entered a competition going up against the likes of the Lenas and GlazeyLadys -- wow...kind of a daunting task. :) And part of the problem is there have been plenty of brand new players who have never played an event before that end up wiping the competition. They come out guns blazing and clearly know the ins and outs and all the tricks -- they just have never done a forum challenge before.

I'm not really sure, but plenty of competitions have divisions based on skill level. After the first year of participating, the better players would be bumped into a higher division. As for the World Rankings...since they're based on Participation and Wins, I'm not sure there would be much difference unless there is a great discrepancy between the number of entrants in each division.

Offline SueDenim

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #49 on: May 06, 2018, 05:01:22 PM »
I couldn't even figure out how to figure out this one:
Traits:   14 + 16
Whims: 81 + 91

Total: 472

edited: removed commentary

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #50 on: May 06, 2018, 06:04:25 PM »
Frank and Marie Whimsy have been pretty busy in their last days.  Frank finished with 88 whims and 32 traits, while Marie completed 99 whims with 33 traits.

99+88 = 187
(32+33) * 10 = 650

Total = 837
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Offline jewels129

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #51 on: May 06, 2018, 06:10:18 PM »
This was more challenging than I expected

Whims: 75 + 73 = 148
Traits: 8 + 8 x 10 = 160

Total 308

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Offline christinal3106

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #52 on: May 06, 2018, 10:39:30 PM »
I actually finished a challenge!

Whims - 183 + 186 = 369
Traits - 21 + 21 = 42 x 10 = 420

Total - 789

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #53 on: May 07, 2018, 05:35:15 AM »
This event is now closed. Great job, everybody. This was a fun one, and as some mentioned when they posted their scores, much simpler than the last careers event. Grats to our champion, GlazeyLady. Everyone is now free to share their approach.

Offline LazyKatie

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #54 on: May 07, 2018, 07:23:45 AM »
1st thing I did was have them join the Good Timers, since it's an open invite club that has rally the troops, meaning they never had to eat, sleep, or potty, leaving more time to focus on whims. I also gave them the soulmate aspiration, as it's easy to complete in less than a week, getting them a free traits and lots of points to buy more traits. I also spent some time having them eat Pho to develop Spice Hound and Chopstick Savvy. I had them move into 930 Medina since it was the nicest apt. they could buy. When they got whims to get jobs, I had 'em join CL jobs so they could work from home. In hindsight I wish I'd given them Family Oriented since that trait's constant whims to buy toys are cheap, easy, and timeless to complete.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #55 on: May 07, 2018, 09:07:35 AM »
Frank and Marie Whimsy moved into a cheap, unfurnished apartment.  They bought a wishing well, a desk, a chair and a computer.  Both wished for skills as often as possible throughout the challenge.  Right after his first wish, Frank searched the computer for vampire information and then purchased and read the first volume of the vampire encyclopedias.  Meanwhile, Marie changed her aspiration to Leader of the Pack, joined The Good Timers, started an event at the apartment, made friends with Bjorn, and convinced him to step down as leader.  She then added socialization actions to the club activities, changed her aspiration to City Native, and introduced herself to Arun Bheeda.  She switched to Friend of the World, and introduced herself to the other neighbors who made up the Welcome Wagon. 

When Frank reached level 4 in Vampire Lore, he bought an aquarium, filled it with guppies, then moved them to his inventory, turned them into plasma packs, and sold them for a profit.  He repeated that many, many times, to complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration.  Then he continued creating plasma packs, but I transferred them to Marie so she could sell them, also completing the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration.  They continued selling plasma packs until they had over $400,000.

They both purchased the Incredibly Friendly reward, and had the Popular Club perk.  They focused on the social aspiration tasks; mostly keeping Friend of the World as the aspiration - just switching to City Native and Leader of the Pack to complete specific tasks.  This got them whims related to socialization - meeting new people and making new friends.  They traveled around as needed to meet sims in different locations and to make friends with more than 20 sims.  With Incredibly Friendly and the Popular Club perk, they were immediate friends with everyone they met.  Then they moved to Yuma Heights, upgraded as needed to complete Mansion Baron, and immediately moved to Springscape.  They were at this point by around 10 pm on Sunday.

Once in Springscape, they started a group event with just watching TV as the club activity.  Marie switched to the Master Chef Aspiration, got inspired, and cooked 2 group servings of grilled cheese, while Frank worked on the Leader of the Pack aspiration. When they had enough points, they added the 7th and 8th club members.  When they got to 1000 points earned, Marie completed Leader of the Pack, and then removed everyone from the club, including herself, leaving Frank as the leader.  Frank added Marie and 6 others to the club, completing Leader of the Pack himself. They both had a whim to add a pool, so they built one, and made swimming a club activity.  As soon as a club member jumped in to swim, they build a wall around the pool, removed the swimmer from the club (to prevent needs from filling from Rally the Troops), and made watching TV the only activity again. Then they locked themselves in the bedroom and ate 3 grilled cheese each to open that aspiration.  They continued eating grilled cheese to fulfill that aspiration, coming out only when they needed to talk to others about grilled cheese in order to continue the aspiration.  When the only tasks left for that aspiration were eat a grilled cheese in space and talk to Grim about grilled cheese, they bought a spaceship, added Rocket Science to club activities, and chose to “Build together”.  They let the club members build the spaceship while they went on dates (Soulmate Aspiration).  They both got the Great Kisser reward, and easily maxed Charisma while completing Soulmate and fulfilling wishes to Kiss Marie, Kiss Frank and Kiss Someone.  Maxing Charisma finished out Friend of the World.  When the spaceship was complete, they each ate a grilled cheese in space.  When Grim came for the swimmer, they both talked to him about grilled cheese.

With both Fortune aspirations, Grilled Cheese, Soulmate, Leader of the Pack, and Friend of the World complete, they both worked on Chief of Mischief.  They both completed that early on Thursday, and then moved to Sandtrap Flat, which they bulldozed as they moved in.  I chose that lot because a lot of people walk by, and I was hoping for a lot of social whims.  I bulldozed it to try to get whims to buy things. 

Frank got a whim right away to buy a stove, and then started getting cooking whims, so I switched his aspiration to Master Chef to get some points from that and to hopefully spawn more cooking whims. I don’t know if that was the best choice because he was only 1 whim behind Marie when they moved in, but finished with 11 whims less - the cooking whims take longer to complete than the “buy this” and social whims.  He also got a whim to buy a cooking station, and then one to eat and learn an experimental dish.  So he hired Mila Munch as a chef, ordered an experimental dish from her, and ate it to meet that whim.  Marie got a whim to buy a bar, so I changed her aspiration to Master Mixologist and got some points through that aspiration and some whims related to it.  She got three whims in a row to make a drink, and filled all three pouring water into a glass.  The last day was about fulfilling as many whims as possible. 

They used club points to boost Charisma, Mischief, and Cooking, and they used lot traits of Convivial, Romantic, and Homey.

Starting traits for both sims were Cheerful, Good, Insider and Quick Learner.  Aspiration traits for both were Beloved, Companion, Melt Master, Natural Leader, Shrewd, Thrifty, and Tormentor.  Purchased rewards for both were Always Welcome, Creative Visionary, Entrepreneurial, Free Services, Frugal, Great Kisser, Great Storyteller, Gym Rat, Incredibly Friendly, Independent, Marketable, Mentor, Morning Sim, Night Owl, Observant, Savant, Shameless, Speed Cleaner, Speed Reader, Steel Bladder, and Stoves and Grills Master. In addition, Marie also purchased Beguiling.
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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #56 on: May 07, 2018, 09:19:35 AM »
...They both completed that early on Thursday, and then moved to Sandtrap Flat, which they bulldozed as they moved in.  I chose that lot because a lot of people walk by, and I was hoping for a lot of social whims.  I bulldozed it to try to get whims to buy things.

Brilliant. I remember another event where I intentionally did the "bear in the woods" living situation for my Sim just for this reason -- whims to buy stuff. Then, you do the sneaky trick of selling what you just bought to force the game to fire the whim again.

Offline LazyKatie

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #57 on: May 07, 2018, 10:15:11 AM »
Oh man, I didn't know about that guppy plasma pack exploit. Sounds super OP, I'll have to try it some time.

Offline christinal3106

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #58 on: May 07, 2018, 10:27:21 AM »
Good job @GlazeyLady  I really didn't have much of a strategy.  Until early Wednesday morning, I was just rotating between my two sims completing whim after whim.  They just had their own club between the two of them.  When I looked at the scores, I realized that I should focus on aspirations more, so they both completed soulmate and friend of the world.  The whole time I was switching out aspirations to get as many points as they could get with the stuff they were doing anyway.  So, yeah, was happy I got this done though yesterday.  It was only a 5 day challenge, but was a long 5 days because of all of the pausing and micromanagement. 

Offline Rinkils

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #59 on: May 07, 2018, 11:03:42 AM »
...They both completed that early on Thursday, and then moved to Sandtrap Flat, which they bulldozed as they moved in.  I chose that lot because a lot of people walk by, and I was hoping for a lot of social whims.  I bulldozed it to try to get whims to buy things.

Brilliant. I remember another event where I intentionally did the "bear in the woods" living situation for my Sim just for this reason -- whims to buy stuff. Then, you do the sneaky trick of selling what you just bought to force the game to fire the whim again.

Exactly. :) Or you keep rebuilding and bulldozing the coveted 1x1 swimming pool (otherwise an annoying whim, but sort of golden for this challenge).