Author Topic: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim  (Read 28908 times)

Online Metropolis Man

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The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« on: March 26, 2018, 06:38:42 AM »
The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim

Your Sims have worked hard all their lives. Now that they've reached their golden years, it's time to relax and do only what they want to. How many of their last wishes can they fulfill before the Reaper arrives?

General Challenge Rules
The General Challenge Rules always apply.

Specific Challenge Rules
  • In CAS, create two Elder Human or Alien Sims.
  • You are allowed to use the Buydebug cheat to purchase a satellite to prevent abductions.
  • No adding to the household.
  • No cancelling Whims.
  • No extending the Elder life stage via any means.
  • The challenge ends when your two Sims are close to meeting Grim on their last day. Stop the game on Friday at 7 AM.


Whims. On your Sims' last Elder day (this will be a Friday) pause the game at 7 AM. Press the Simology tab (Y) and then click the Stats button at the top right. Scroll down to Total Whims Completed -- add the numbers together for both Sims to get your score.

Traits. Go back to the Simology tab (Y) and count all traits for both Sims (including both Sims' initial 4 traits). Give yourself 10 puts for every trait.

Total. Just add your total Whims completed between your two Sims and their Traits score for your Total.

Example: On your last day at 7 AM you pause your game and look at the stats button for your first Sim and jot down 256 Total Whims completed. You also count 9 different traits for your first Sim.

For your second Sim, you note 343 Total Completed Whims and 12 different traits.

Whims = 256 + 343 = 599

Traits = (9 + 12) X 10 = 210

Total = 599 + 210 = 809

Spreadsheet: To help keep you organized find the spreadsheet Here

The team does not want to edit and make changes to the ruleset once this event goes live, but we may have to. If an exploit is brought to our attention or we discover something else we reserve the right to ask affected players to redo their effort.

Have Questions?
Please think hard before you ask in the challenge thread because it may be strategy. What you may consider an innocent question could cause another player to go — “oh, I did not think of doing that.” It’s always safer to PM everyone on the team (Metro, sdhoey, LenaLJ, and MarianT) for clarifications. Thanks.

And the Winner is...
After this event has closed everyone is encouraged to discuss how they approached the event, but the winner especially is expected to do so in detail.

This Event is Now Closed

Player            Whims          Traits          Total
GlazeyLady                            187650837
christinal3106                            369420789
Rinkils                            278440718
LenaLJ                            233480713
Nikitachi                            301410711
fivebyfive                            395290685
xyliajames                            324310634
mens0067                            345280625
Metropolis Man                            345250595
BallerinaHippo                            156420576
Rainbow Dash                            168390558
mxshining                            225320545
LazyKatie                            214330544
Tynynounours                            144420534
SarahSims                            230300530
simemie                            264210474
SueDenim                            172300472
Whimsical Peanut                            179290469
Eighty8Keys                            173280453
sdhoey                            177250427
workingmum8                            167240407
Nomac                            163240403
MarianT                            102250352
JocyMc                            142200342
jewels129                            148160308
MissSeaGal                            137150287
CynKuy                            103180283
kethrydrake                            98150248

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2018, 06:39:31 AM »
The spreadsheet is coming. :)

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Offline LenaLJ

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2018, 03:10:10 AM »
Spreadsheet added, its just a simple one to add togehter the numbers.

Offline Rainbow Dash

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2018, 10:06:49 PM »
Hey @Metropolis Man guess whose back?!  ;) I've been taking a break from Tournament Challenges and Sims in general because life is has been pretty darn full on, but I'm looking forward to participating in this challenge so I want to check a couple of little things  before I get around to practicing.  :)

No adding to the household.
No cancelling Whims.

Does no adding to the household include pets? About not canceling whims, is that just whims that have been pinned or all whims in general?

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2018, 05:36:21 AM »
Hey @Metropolis Man guess whose back?!  ;) I've been taking a break from Tournament Challenges and Sims in general because life is has been pretty darn full on, but I'm looking forward to participating in this challenge so I want to check a couple of little things  before I get around to practicing.  :)

No adding to the household.
No cancelling Whims.

Does no adding to the household include pets? About not canceling whims, is that just whims that have been pinned or all whims in general?

Hey, Rainbow Dash! :) Pets occupy a slot, so yes, no pets too. On the whims canceling any whims in general.

Offline Rainbow Dash

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2018, 05:55:04 AM »
I'm actually looking forward to this one, it reminds of the Elder Scrolls challenge and that was a lot of fun. :) I don't what it is exactly, but somehow using Elders in these challenges is quite entertaining, I wonder if anyone else finds that is the case for them too?  :-\

(Now I think about it might be the whole racing against the clock thing, those challenges always seem more exciting to me).

Offline Nomac

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2018, 07:11:16 AM »
Hi everyone,

err... about not cancelling whims - has anyone ever noticed how the Sims 4 whims system is faulty, as in showing whims that cannot be fulfilled?
For instance: while at home, your sim might have the whim to paint on an easle, but when at someone else's house or a community lot, the easle there is not recognized as such, so the only whim coming up is "buy an easle" - which you can't do at someone else's home, and doesn't fulfill the whim at a community lot.
Especially messed up are the whims popping up when energized, as while at home sims will wish to buy a, let's say punching bag, and the minute they got it, they want to use a punching bag at the gym. Naturally, once you arrive at the gym, they want to buy a punchig bag again. It's driving me nuts.
(If you have any contact in EA; PLEASE do something about that.) :D

So, I guess my question concerning the challenge is this: what about whims that truly (by default) cannot be fulfilled, not because of the player, but because of the game - are we allowed to cancel those? And it is ok to pin whims, right?

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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2018, 07:28:31 AM »
@Nomac -- yeah, I agree. Some Whims are kind of botched. But, we all have to deal with it, so it's not like anyone has an unfair advantage. And yes, pinning Whims is fine.

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2018, 07:35:45 AM »
I think the team felt the following was obvious, so we did not originally did not make it a rule, but we have gotten several questions, so it's now a rule...

  • No extending the Elder life stage via any means.

Offline SueDenim

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2018, 02:09:12 PM »
BTW, thanks for making this a short (5 days! 2 Sims!) challenge after the last one.

Offline Nikitachi

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2018, 01:28:32 PM »
Whims = 145 + 156 = 301

Traits = (20 + 21) X 10 = 410

Total = 711

I think there's a mistake in the spreadsheet... it doesn't multiply the traits by 10... unless I'm missing something.

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2018, 03:23:11 PM »
Whims = 145 + 156 = 301

Traits = (20 + 21) X 10 = 410

Total = 711

I think there's a mistake in the spreadsheet... it doesn't multiply the traits by 10... unless I'm missing something.

Oh, thank goodness the two components seem balanced with each other. I was guessing when I gave traits a value of 10. Grats on finishing up quickly. Hopefully, Lena will look into the spreadsheet soon.

Offline LenaLJ

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2018, 02:08:37 AM »
Whims = 145 + 156 = 301

Traits = (20 + 21) X 10 = 410

Total = 711

I think there's a mistake in the spreadsheet... it doesn't multiply the traits by 10... unless I'm missing something.

Thanks @Nikitachi mistake fixed.

Offline workingmum8

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2018, 10:43:36 AM »
 I finished this one nice and quickly, although I haven't really done all that well.  It was a lovely change of pace to the last one.  The most difficult thing was reminding myself not to cancel the whims, I'm so used to do doing that.

Ian had 93 whims and 12 traits, Pearl had 74 whims and 12 traits.  That's 176 =240 for a score of 407.

Offline mens0067

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Re: The Bucket List Challenge: Whims before Grim
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2018, 11:22:50 AM »
Whims 170 + 175 = 345
Traits (14+14) x 10 = 280

Total = 625