Author Topic: The Power of Blood: The Doran Immortal Dynasty - 20: It's a Sad World (11/15)  (Read 37532 times)

Offline rika1431

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Re: The Power of Blood: The Doran Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2018, 02:00:10 AM »
Note that the entire prologue here took place in a separate save file.

Aislin: Nothing more pathetic than the outsider drinking alone at the local bar, am I right?

Nina: I mean, I’ve definitely seen some more pathetic stuff happen around here, but yeah, I guess that rates up there on the list.

Aislin: Huh. Well, good to know I’m not the worst loser in the world.

Nina: That remains to be seen. You want another?

Aislin: Nah, I don’t need to get trashed in a strange place. Just…I just needed to dull some of the pain.

Nina: I’ve heard that before.

Aislin: And no doubt you will again.

Aislin: I mean, it’s just a penny. No harm in throwing it away on the odd chances it’ll bring me a little luck, right? If I were the sort that believed in wishes, I’d probably make one right about now. Wish for all this to go away, wish for a better life, wish for something to hold onto. But I don’t, so I’m not. Totally not wishing.

Aislin: -sigh- Yeah, I didn’t think the nonchalant pretend to not wish thing would work, but it was worth a shot.

Sai: You rang?

Aislin: Whoa, huh, what? What is happening? Who are you? Oh, god, I drank too much, this isn’t happening, you aren’t real, oh god.

Sai: Bahahaha, that never gets old. Oh, gosh. -wipes a tear away- It’s been a while, so thank you for giving me that laugh.

Aislin: Uh. You’re still here. Shouldn’t the hallucination end already?

Sai: Darling, you are not hallucinating. I am very real. Your wish is about to be granted.

Aislin: But, uh…I didn’t make a wish? Not really, anyway.

Sai: Oh! Oh my, I sense…I sense power within you. It is but a flicker of the flame it once was, but it’s there all the same. Power I’ve been waiting many centuries in the hopes of ever seeing it again.

Aislin: I really have no idea what you’re talking about, lady. I should probably get going.

Sai: Wait! Don’t go just yet. You are Doran blooded, aren’t you?

Aislin: Um. That’s my last name, so I guess, yeah, I am.

Sai: Mmmm, and it all comes clear now. Do you know of your heritage?

Aislin: -sigh- More than I ever wanted to, and not enough at the same time.

Sai: Hm. You know of The Witch, then.

Aislin: Witch? What witch?

Sai: You are the descendent of a very powerful witch. She was unrivaled in pure talent and skill, and her knack for the craft was almost terrifying. You, though…your blood is diluted, you lack the power to call upon your heritage. And yet, there is something left inside of you. Your blood contains some last vestiges of her power. You will do.

Aislin: I’ll do for what?

Sai: I need you to start a dynasty, to chase the treasure of ambrosia and live far beyond your natural lifespan. And I need you to teach your children and children’s children the ways of obtaining that ambrosia, so that you can amass a dynasty of eight descendants. Eight living generations of Doran blood…yes, that would do it. That would bring together just enough power…

Aislin: Enough power for what?

Sai: Never you mind that just now. There are more important things for you to know before you can begin this quest.

Aislin: Whoa, back up there, lady. I never agreed to be a part of your crazy mission, and I don’t think I’ll be signing up for it, thank you very much. See, I’m not suited to the whole ‘eight generations’ thing. My family line was cursed a long, long time ago. We’re wanderers, unable to settle down. Something always happens to push us out of where we are, keeping us always on the move, and relationships…those don’t last for long, either. I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep a husband or live in a house or anything like that. So, you’d better keep looking.

Sai: No! This might be the only time I will ever find a Doran, for several more centuries at the very least. I cannot wait much longer. I have little power left inside of me, but what I do have I can use to break your family’s curse—or, more specifically, to lift it from you and prevent you from passing it on to your descendents. I can offer you the freedom to start a home and a family, to have one lifetime of love and to be surrounded by your family for generations. I will give you this gift.

Aislin: A family? I…Oh god. A family. Yes, I’ll do it. Anything for that. But I need to know—what are you doing this for? What do you need my family for?

Sai: All will be revealed in time.

Sai: Stand still now, dear, this will only hurt for a moment. I must reach into your soul…

Aislin: Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?

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Offline Shewolf13

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Another rika story! Yesssss! Oh my watcher! Hehehe, Doran is a popular name. One of my families is also Doran.

Offline LenaLJ

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Ohh a immortal Dynasty, and what an intro, cant wait to read more, hope that Aislin will get a loving family.

Offline rika1431

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So, I'm totally not going to do that thing where I do 100 image posts on my blog and then split it into parts for the forum. Strictly 25 image posts from here on! Which...I'm a bit of an insomniac, so I was up all night playing, and had to force myself to stop when I got 25 images, lol. I'm going to try very hard not to get too far ahead of my posts, but considering I'm an author, and set my own schedule and so have very short work hours, I kind of play a lot, so that's going to be challenging. Expect frequent updates!

@Shewolf13 Oh yay, I'm glad you're excited! That's so sweet. I'm all warm and fuzzy inside, hehe. That's funny, that one of your families is Doran! I picked it because it's an Irish Celtic last name that, according to the totally reliable, means "descendant of Deoradhán", where Deoradhán is a given name meaning "exile, wanderer". Which I thought totally fit for Aislin's backstory of having a family curse that keeps them wandering, never able to settle down.

@LenaLJ Glad you liked the intro! I'm stretching my legs at actually trying to weave in a story to keep things interesting. I'm really excited about it, actually! Aislin...Aislin is going to need a little encouragement in the whole 'family' department :P

Chapter 1: Help Wanted

Aislin: All right, nothing weird going on here, just a girl playing chess at the park. I’ve got this. What do I got? Nothing. Diddly. Squat. I don’t even know what to do next. -sigh- I wish Sai had given me a few helpful hints instead of just a list of requirements and stuff.

Bella: Hello!

Aislin: Oh, um, hi. Yeah, hi.

Bella: -giggles- You look a little lost. I think you need my help. Mind if I sit down?

Aislin: Oh, well, lost is kind of my thing. I’m always lost. But yeah, sure, take a seat.

Bella: I’m going to cut right to the chase, Aislin.

Aislin: Uhhhh, how do you know my name?

Bella: Hahaha, silly me, I’m always forgetting such mundane things as introductions. I’m Bella, Bella Goth, and I know you because the spirits wanted me to know you. They know you need help in this, and I’ve always been an open channel for them, so you see, they sent me to help you.

Aislin: Wow. Help me how? I mean, not that I don’t appreciate it and all, but like, do you know what you’re talking about? Because it all sounds kind of crazy when you’re surrounded by such realistic stuff as this park and chessboard. There’s no ghost lady here to convince me.

Bella: Precisely why I’m here—so you don’t lose your nerve. The spirits can speak through me to you, and they have given me knowledge that will help you in achieving your quest. I hope you’ll accept my help, I’d hate to see you suffer through this alone.

Aislin: Well…yeah, I can definitely use some help, and I’m not about to be the kind of person that turns it away. Sure. What, um, what happens next?

Bella: Invite me to move in with you, of course, silly! And then you’re going to need to find helpers—other sims that can assist you on your quest and make the transition smoother. I know the perfect pair, in fact.

Aislin: Thank you so much, Bella, for finding me and helping me and—oh! You’re a hugger!

Bella: You’re darn right, I am! Bring it in. Everything’s going to be okay, just you wait and see. Now, go on, go meet your helpers!

Aislin: Hrngh, I really hope Bella knows what she’s talking about. This is so weird, just going up and knocking on someone’s door…oh my god…I can’t believe I’m doing this…

Aislin: So, um, hi! Nice to meet you, I’m Aislin.

Geeta: Aislin, that’s such a pretty name, and for such a pretty girl, too. You’re just adorable. In the market for a husband, by any chance? I’ve got a nice young lad that would do you very nice.

Aislin: Uhhh…no. Not right now, no, thank you. I, um…

Geeta: Ah, it was worth a shot. That useless son of mine is never going to give me grandkids.

Aislin: Ummm…

Geeta: Anywhoo, dear, you must have come knocking on my door for a reason. What is it?

Aislin: So, yeah, basically the long and short of it is I’ve been chosen to do this dynasty thing, and I’m really new to all of this and don’t know what I’m doing, so I could really use some help on this one. I know your son has really high cooking and gourmet cooking skills, and that would be really useful, and you could totally retire and just fish in your free time instead of having to work all the time, you know? Doesn’t that sound nice?

Geeta: What about grand babies?

Aislin: Um. That’s not really…you know what! I can promise you grandbabies. I mean, it kind of is up to your son on that one, but as long as he can get up the gumption to do what needs to be done, he can totally have some kids. And you could be like an honorary grandparent for mine, too, if you want.

Geeta: More babies? Sign me up! Raj, honey, we’re moving!

Aislin: And with the money that Raj and Geeta bring in, we can finally have a house! It’s really more of a shell right now, it doesn’t have a lot in it, and the roof is hideous, but it’ll do for now. Who knows, I might get antsy and just completely redo it…

Raj: Ah, a nice big kitchen, at last! I’m not cooped up in that little apartment anymore, I have the freedom to create whatever I want! And now mother has that Aislin she can hound for babies, instead of me.

Geeta: That little Aislin is such a sweetheart, letting me retire at last so that I can enjoy the rest of my days in comfort. Fishing is just the best! How did she know I would enjoy this so much? She’s such a good girl…She might not marry my Raj, but she’s my daughter now, I don’t care what anyone says! Mama Geeta is here to take care of everything.

Aislin: So yeah, I think I’m doing pretty well. I got the Rasoya’s, just like you suggested. Geeta was totally on board the second I told her Raj could have some babies, and that she could look after my kid.

Bella: Who, exactly, is he having these babies with?

Aislin: Beats me, that’s up to him.

Bella: As long as it isn’t me. And sweetie, Raj really shouldn’t be having a lot of babies. That’s actually what I was going to talk to you about next—you’re going to need to bring in, a, um…how do I put this delicately…

Aislin: Just spit it out, I’m not some innocent flower.

Bella: I believe they’re called ‘pollinator’s. You’ll need to bring in some local talent with great genes that can, well, pollinate the town so that the generations will continue on and you don’t have to worry about running out of options for your descendents.

Aislin: That’s awkward, but okay.

Bella: And, I don’t mean to be rude, but Raj…he’s not so lucky in the gene department, dear. And I just don’t think he’s suited to the task—he’s unflirty.

Aislin: Right, well, I’d agree with you on that, he definitely isn’t really the kind of guy that wants to go out and do all that. But Geeta really wants at least one grandchild, so, I think it’s only fair that if Raj is up for it, that he meet someone and you know, get to do all of that.

Bella: Of course! I just wanted to clear that up. I’ll do some sniffing around to see if we can find some good talent to bring in. Oh, and thank you for getting me out of that dress, it just isn’t very…elegant.

Aislin: No problem!

Bella: Now, don’t you have things you should be doing?

Aislin: Right!

Aislin: Gotta get that pomegranate. Ugh, cities suck. And might as well get some strawberries and carrots while I’m here. Oooh, is that a food stall I smell over there?

Aislin: Score! Food stall! I can still get me a little adventure in the city! -mutters under breath- But what on earth is that suit?

Diego: Excuse you? I will have you know that my suit is the epitome of art in fashion, not that someone as…well…as you could possibly comprehend art.

Aislin: All right, buddy, you can shove your snobbiness where the sun don’t shine, you hear me? I’m getting food over here!

Aislin: Why, exactly, are you sitting with me?

Diego: I never pass up the opportunity to give my cruel opinions to those who clearly need it so much. Your outfit, darling, is positively atrocious. You are in dire need of a fashion consultant.

Aislin: I’m gonna pass on that, thanks. My outfit is functional, it doesn’t need to be stylish.

Diego: …You dare to disagree with me? Diego Lobo?

Aislin: Buddy, I will disagree with you until the cows come home.

Diego: This is unheard of! Such fire, and you aren’t intimidated by me in the slightest. It’s so…refreshing.

Aislin: Yeah, you clearly need someone to take you down a few notches, but I don’t think that’s a good use of my time, ugh.

Diego: I think I’m in love.

Aislin: Now, this is more like it. Out in the fresh air, getting some gardening done. I mean, gardening isn’t on my top ten list of things I enjoy, but at least it’s outdoors! And not in some smelly city.

Aislin: Oh, and the snapdragon is ready to harvest! Score! And it looks like that lily over there has bloomed, too!

Aislin: You are not going to believe the absolute rude jerk I met today while I was off getting that pomegranate. Ugh, he was so stupid.

Bella: Oh?

Aislin: Yeah, with his stupid outfit, and his stupid perfectly sculpted cheekbones, and stupid beautiful hair. Absolutely stupid.

Bella: Uh huh. That’s very convincing.

Aislin: What are you talking about?

Bella: Nothing, nothing at all. I’m going to let her figure that out for herself. Oh, not to change the topic, or anything, but have you given any thought to your spouse? You’re going to need to find someone soon, you know.

Aislin: Um…do I have to? Like, listen, I know the whole dynasty thing is important, but do I really have to have a spouse? I couldn’t just…go get some anonymous donor or anything, right? I’m kind of noncommittal, it’s in my genes.

Bella: You know very well that it’s in the rules that you have to at least live with the father of your children. I thought you wanted a family?

Aislin: A family, yes. But a husband? I just…You don’t get it. My dad left early in my life, I don’t…I have trust issues. I don’t know if I can do that.

Bella: Well, you’ve got some time, but you’re going to have to get over that.

Aislin: -sigh- I’ve got other things I can work on right now, though, right? Like, the whole garden, and one of my aspiration’s.

Bella: Oh, Aislin…Yes, all right, you can work on that right now.

Aislin: -mutters to self- Stupid beautiful hair…ugh, I can’t even concentrate on this book!

Raj: So, are you sure this was the best idea, mom? I mean, don’t get me wrong, living in this house is far better than the little apartment we were crammed in, but…

Geeta: Raj, darling, I love you, but you’re an idiot. We were never going to have anything close to a life if we stayed there. Here, we have at least a chance. Now, get with the program!

Raj: Oh, I caught one! Look, mama, I did it!

Geeta: Good job. I’ve already caught two, but good job, I guess.

Raj: -sigh-

Aislin: Is it any real surprise to find me back in Selvadorada? Out here, I can just feel my nerves settling, the anxiety easing away. This—traveling, discovering new things—is what I was made for.

Aislin: The first thing I do now that I’m back is pay homage to Madre Cosecha. I know that, under her guiding eye, nothing truly bad can happen to me.

Aislin: And of course, I just have to taste the local cuisine! I love new experiences. I…my spice palette is not up for this, though. But I’m sure I can make myself adapt to it!

Aislin: So yeah, how’s life in Selvadorada? Do you ever get out into the jungle? Nice pants, by the way!

Maria: Thank you! It’s nice living here, I have to say, but I don’t personally do a lot of exploring in the jungle. I heard there was an awful plane crash out there a long time ago, but no one ever found the plane…you don’t know what ghosts could be haunting that jungle.

Aislin: Oh, believe me, ghosts are so not a problem for me.

Aislin: Before I set off into the jungle, I can’t help myself. I toss another coin into the fountain, half hoping to see Sai again. I could use a little reassurance that I’m doing the right thing, that I’m not totally messing this up, and maybe a little advice. But, she doesn’t visit me. -sigh- At least I have Bella.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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This is so exciting! I'm so glad you've started a dynasty! It's the perfect way to be able to get back to playing while catching up with your legacy. And such an intriguing start! The backstory with the diluted blood is fantastic. I'm very intrigued and I can't wait to see how it all works out.
Plus, you've recruited three of my favorite Sims for your household. The Rasoyas are wonderful (and I love the way you're writing them), and Diego Lobo has a VERY special place in my heart from his involvement with my Immortal Dynasty (which you can read if you ever have a thousand million years on your hands. Diego comes in closer to the end.).
Best of luck to Aislin! I'm excited to see what she gets up to in the jungle!

Offline rika1431

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This is so exciting! I'm so glad you've started a dynasty! It's the perfect way to be able to get back to playing while catching up with your legacy. And such an intriguing start! The backstory with the diluted blood is fantastic. I'm very intrigued and I can't wait to see how it all works out.
Plus, you've recruited three of my favorite Sims for your household. The Rasoyas are wonderful (and I love the way you're writing them), and Diego Lobo has a VERY special place in my heart from his involvement with my Immortal Dynasty (which you can read if you ever have a thousand million years on your hands. Diego comes in closer to the end.).
Best of luck to Aislin! I'm excited to see what she gets up to in the jungle!

Yay, I'm glad you're excited! I'm pretty anxiously excited. With my legacy, I've done so many attempts that I've internalized all the rules, so I'm pretty confident about the whole sharing my story bit, but for this, I've read the rules about 10 times (lol) and I'm just going to jump in with both feet. Not having tried one before, though, makes me really anxious about potentially messing up in front of everyone. I also really love the Rasoya's, they're adorable and sweet and I can't wait to spend more time with them. Diego... :P He's beautiful, and snooty, and so cultured and civilized, which is just the complete opposite of Aislin, so it really could go either way with them--I love opposites attract stories, but I'm also going to allow things to develop and see where the story takes me. BUT OMG, YOU HAVE A COMPLETED IMMORTAL DYNASTY?! How did I not notice that before? I mean, your writing rates very highly in my top ten, so I'm just SO EXCITED to have another story of yours to read! I'm going to go devour that now hehehe.

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Offline Shewolf13

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Eeee, Diego!!! So happy! He was an amazing spouse and father in my Townie Dynasty ^^  Ha! That's exactly why I picked Doran as well! I love Celtic names.

Offline rika1431

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So, I'm starting to wonder if the aspirations I've planned out were the best ideas. Aislin has Jungle Explorer and Super Parent--I totally didn't plan these based on what would be easy to complete, and instead was all "what would match characters best?" I tried to match aspirations, careers, and museum contributions to personality/character. Aislin has a touch of wanderlust, well more than a touch, but deep down wants to be a mother, and a good one, more than anything, so those two aspirations really make sense for her. Super Parent I'm not worried about at all. But, Jungle Explorer might have been better for an heir that would have more time to work on it, if I was going to use it at all, because of teen years. I don't know, I've never attempted this aspiration because it's so new. Oh well! I can't bring myself to change things against characterization, so we'll just have to see if I totally screw it up!

Maybe I'll create a new file with a test sim to try and go through Jungle Explorer and see how long it takes, to see if I'm doomed...

@Shewolf13 Aw, yay, I'm glad people are pro-Diego! I was a little worried initially that, because of the snooty way he's kind of introduced in the games description, that the general consensus would be disapproval. I had no idea so many people like Diego, but that makes my heart happy! I'll have to check out your story to see more Diego love <3 Unfortunately, he's not terribly present in this chapter, but his time is coming... ;)

Chapter 2: No Luck, No Love

Aislin: First things first, I’ve got to check the recommended supplies list and make sure I’m covered. I grabbed some supplies at the market before I left, but just gotta be safe. Hm…what’s this about extra machetes? I’ve only got the one, and the market vendors weren’t selling extras. Ah well, I’m sure it’ll be all right.

Aislin: And, of course, it isn’t! I lose my machete attempting to clear the first gate, and end up very embarrassed when I travel through it because of my poor charisma when attempting to get through a village…maybe coming straight here without building skills at all was a bad idea?

Aislin: Without a machete, I’m pretty useless out in the jungle, so I head back to the market to see if anyone is selling one. When I get back, I’ve popped an embarrassed whim to call someone! I jump right on that—that’s a requirement I can cross off!

Bella: You have cell reception out there?

Aislin: Oh yeah, totally, in the market at least. Not out in the jungle, obviously, but I ran into a bit of a snafu trying to get through a gate, so I had to head back.

Bella: Okay…so…did you have something you needed?

Aislin: Nope! I just popped this whim, so I wanted to grab onto it, who knows when I’m going to be embarrassed again, heh.

Bella: Oh, good job! Multitasking—working on your aspiration and your whims at the same time.

Aislin: Yeah! Okay, I’ve got to go, thanks for helping!

Aislin: The vendors aren’t selling machetes in their actual stock, but I’m in luck! Someone is selling two of them on a table, so I immediately buy both. I don’t want to head out with just one and get stuck again!

Aislin: Yeah, that could have gone better.

Aislin: I’m not gunning for archaeology or anything—my heart is too adventure bound for that—but I am going to need to get some skill points there for assembling relics eventually. I found that plane! No ghosts, though. Kind of disappointing.

Aislin: -sigh- This is the life. I hate that I can’t stay here any longer, but I really only have time for a day trip. Time marches on, and as Bella keeps reminding me, I’ve got a pretty important task I’ve been neglecting…But at least I got a bit done today, and being out here—having to focus solely on survival—has taken my mind off…other things. Whoops, don’t think about that!

Bella: How was your trip?

Aislin: Fantastic! The food was so good, and being out in the jungle, breathing that fresh air…ah, my god, that was glorious. I can’t wait to go back.

Bella: Well, you’re going to be waiting a while. We can’t waste any more time. Your aspirations…are not the most ideal. One you can’t start yet, and your current one will require you spending more time in El Salvadora, which I just don’t think is wise at the moment. You need to earn enough satisfaction points to buy connections, as well as find a spouse and bring in the next generation.

Aislin: -sigh- I know. And, I don’t want you to think that I don’t want that—I want a family more than anything else in this world, I just wish I could somehow do that without having to make a commitment to someone. And, I don’t know what to do about the aspiration problem.

Bella: I have an idea that might solve both our problems, actually.

Aislin: Oh?

Bella: You need to meet some men so that you can find a husband, and you need to earn satisfaction points. Why not do serial romantic? It’ll require you to meet and date several different sims, so you can test compatibility and see if anyone sparks an interest in you. No strings attached.

Aislin: That’s…that’s not a bad idea, actually. I could do that. Maybe. I’m not the best at the whole ‘talking to people’ thing…

Bella: You can do it! Now, go get started.

Aislin: Yeah, one sec, just popped an energized whim to do push ups!

Bella: -sigh- Of course you did.

Aislin: All right, I’ve got this. I’m at The Shrieking Llama, here to meet some people. I can totally woo the pants off someone. I am not charismatic at all, but that’s okay, I can still…talk…to people…I’m the best at talking…oh god, I am so not.

Aislin: So yeah, hey, I’m Aislin. Um. What’s your name?

Aarush: I’m Aarush, and I actually have to go right now. Bye!

Aislin: Well, that had better not be an omen of how the rest of this is going to go.

Aislin: Um. Hi?

Dominic: Hey.

Aislin: You, uh…you play…that game…really well. Yeah.

Dominic. Yup.

Aisling: Um. Cool…yeah.

Aislin: Stars are pretty cool, huh?

Dominic: I guess so.

Aislin: I, um, I really love the outdoors. It’s really nice to be out in the open air, you know, experiencing nature.

Dominic: Really?

Aislin: Uh, yeah?

Dominic: I hate it. I want to move out of this country town and into the city.

Aislin: Okay, so this guy is not baby daddy material then. Breathe. You’ve got this. Just need to kiss some dudes for the aspiration, don’t have to like him.

Aislin: Right, so, you’re um…you’re…good looking?

Dominic: Oh, god, no! Do not even think about it!

Aislin: …I’m going to go hide forever now. Yup.

Aislin: Can’t hide. Gotta finish what I started. Wooo…here we go again! Hey! You’re um, you’re cute.

J: I know, right? Thanks for noticing.

Aislin: Uh…oh, um…yeah, no problem, dude. So, like, you want to go on a date?

J: Yeah, sure, why not.

Aislin: So, this place is pretty cool. Really nice building, great landscaping…

J: Is this your idea of flirting?

Aislin: Is it working?

J: You’re lucky you’re cute.

Aislin: So, right, this date is going pretty well. You’re cute, I’m cute, it’s working, right?

J: Yeah, totally. I’m having fun, but I’ve got to tell you before you get any ideas—I’m majorly non-committal, I don’t want to be anyone’s boyfriend, and I definitely don’t want to get married.

Aislin: Oh, thank god.

J: What?

Aislin: I’m sorry! That was totally the wrong thing to say. I didn’t mean…it’s not that you aren’t attractive, you totally are, but like. We don’t really have anything in common—you talk about yourself a lot, and you aren’t very adventurous, and I’m going to take a wild guess on your whole shtick that you don’t want a family, right? I’m super non-committal, too, but even if I wasn’t, that wouldn’t jive with me, but also I’m just not ready to take that step. I mean, I do need to have like, a couple boyfriends for this whole aspiration thing, but the whole settling down thing is not for me at all. Don’t worry, though! You don’t need to be my boyfriend, you can just be one of my kisses.

J: That totally works for me. Yeah, I don’t want to have a family in the traditional sense—I just want to have fun. But you are super kissable.

Aislin: Sweet!

Raj: So…you need to stop being flirty all the time. It’s weird. And gross.

Bella: You need to stop being so uptight. Trust me, I’m not going to come on to you.

Raj: Oh, good, that’s a huge relief. Sorry, I just get really antsy around women, because my mom is so on the whole—have babies and a family thing, and I just…I don’t really have any of those urges, you know? But my mom is really persuasive, and she does this thing where she somehow talks women into flirting with me, and it’s just really stressful. I’d be so happy if I could just live my life without ever being romantically involved with anyone, and just…cook. Just cook delicious food, forever.

Bella: That…that was actually really sweet, Raj. You know, I think we could probably get your mom to come around to that idea, since there’ll be a baby in the house for her to dote on anyway.

Raj: Yeah, that’s what I’m hoping. I mean, mom already seems to have kind of, sort of, adopted Aislin, you know? She just instantly loved her. I’m actually starting to think she likes Aislin more than me. But, that’s really okay, because the more she thinks of Aislin as family, the more likely she is to be happy with being an adoptive grandma instead of a real one.

Bella: I doubt that—her liking Aislin more than you. You’re her son, Raj. That’ll always matter to her. But, the whole, blood family thing…She’ll still be a real grandma, even if she isn’t blood related to the baby. Family, it’s about who shows up, who loves you, not about who you’re related to.

Raj: I can see that.

Raj: Ah, yes. I’ve maxed gourmet cooking. That is a delicious looking sandwich. And soon, I will attain the ultimate goal of any chef that’s ever lived—I will cook ambrosia. I’m so lucky to be here.

Aislin: So, that was exhausting. A whole 36 hours of non-stop dating and kissing. I just want to lie down and not talk to a single other person for like, five weeks.

Bella: No can do, girl! We need to talk. I can’t believe you marathoned that so fast, that was incredible! You bought connections, right?

Aislin: Um…don’t be mad.

Bella: Don’t be mad about what?

Aislin: I may have goofed a little bit.

Bella: …What did you do?

Aislin: So, I know it sounds ridiculous. But. Um. I may have not been paying the most attention, and accidentally bought fertile instead?

Bella: Oh, dear god. We agreed that was going to be a unique reward for gen 7! No risk of twins for them!

Aislin: Right, yeah, I hear you, I know. But, it’s not that big a deal, right? I mean, I can just swap one of my unique rewards with them. It’s not like I’ve bought any of them anyway, so no harm done.

Bella: Except now you can’t buy connections. -rubs temples- Okay. All right. We’ll just have to deal with you starting at level 1 in your career. Tell me the whole thing wasn’t a waste of time, though—you met someone you like, didn’t you?

Aislin: You are going to be so mad at me…

Bella: Aislin. You met someone, right? Tell me you met someone.

Aislin: Uhh…see…I don’t want to lie to you…so I can’t tell you that.

Bella: You dated 10 people, and you didn’t like a single one of them?

Aislin: It does sound a little ridiculous when you put it like that. I mean—okay, so, I didn’t like him in the sense that I want to be with him, but I did meet someone that I like as a friend, that could totally fill the pollinator role? He’s a nice guy, a little too into himself, and we didn’t really have that kind of chemistry, so, he’s definitely not for me. But I think he’d be cool with the idea of moving in and just having a good time for the rest of his life. So, not a total waste of time?

Bella: …

Aislin: You’re mad. I can tell, you’re really mad, aren’t you?

Bella: I’m not mad, I promise. But this just means that you’re going to have to go back out there and meet someone.

Aislin: Right. Okay. I can, maybe, possibly, try to do that.

Bella: Now!

Aislin: All right, going back out into the world to meet someone, and—wait, I got a text. I should check that. What in the world? How did he get my phone number?! BELLA!

Bella: Hm?

Aislin: Would you like to explain to me how Mr. Perfect Cheekbones has my phone number?

Bella: I have no idea what you’re talking about. Shouldn’t you be leaving?

Aislin: Yeah. I guess I’ll just…where should I go?

Bella: Oh, the city’s always got a lot of people milling around. Why don’t you head there?

Aislin: Oh, sure, okay.

Bella: -discreetly pulls out her phone to send a quick text- She needs my help on this one.

Aislin: -deep breaths- Okay, I’m just going to get some tea, calm my nerves a bit, before I start looking around.

Lady: Are you talking to yourself?

Aislin: …no?

Aislin: This is pretty cool, I guess, I don’t really get it, but—ohmygod, no, no, this isn’t happening. He is not here. What do I do? What do I do? RUN!

Aislin: ohgodohgodohgod

Diego: Now, what are you doing all the way in the city, at a museum of all places? We both know your heart doesn’t lie with art. And did I just see you sprinting out here?

Aislin: -gulp- I…I…um…

Diego: -smirks- You’re adorable when you’re tongue tied.

Offline Shewolf13

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Eeeee!  Is it bad that I can't help but squee whenever Diego comes in?  I think the two of them make such good foils for each other lol.  I also loved the whole "whoops, accidentally picked Fertile instead of Connections" bit.  And Bella's interference makes me happy.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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I do love the "opposites attract" angle going on here. I think Aislin and Diego could definitely keep each other on their toes.
Bella is such a wonderful counselor. I like the dynamic between her and Aislin as well. She's doing a great job of keeping things on track as Aislin runs off in different directions. For all her hesitance, though, she really did get through serial romantic in record time! Good going, girl!
And J as pollinator is a marvelous choice. I have a soft spot for him, too. :)

Offline rika1431

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@Shewolf13 Not bad at all! I love Diego  ;D And the fertile thing, totally my bad, I was watching a show while I was playing and not paying attention, gah! Bella, I thought, deserved to play a good role in one of my stories after paying her penance in my legacy for destroying my heart in oshizu's rival dynasty, hehe. She's actually doing a good job at it, too!

@FrancescaFiori Eeee, I'm loving the dynamic between Diego and Aislin. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 3: What The Heart Wants

Aislin: Listen here, I don’t appreciate you just…constantly…showing up all the time. I’ve got important business to take care of, and I don’t need to be distracted.

Diego: So, you admit that you find me distracting?

Aislin: Er. Um. Crap. Anyone would find that suit distracting!

Diego: -chuckles- I think we both know that isn’t what you meant.

Aislin: It is entirely what I meant! I…I don’t have to sit here and listen to this. I don’t. I’m. I’m going!

Diego: Now, just wait a moment there. What are you so afraid of? I’ve heard about you, and—

Aislin: Um, I’m sorry, what? You’ve heard about me?

Diego: -smirks- Did you really think you could break a dozen hearts and no one would talk about it?

Aislin: Oh, crap. That’s not mortifying at all.

Diego: Never fear, I like what it says about you—you won’t settle for just anyone, you need to be challenged, you have high standards, and you’re not afraid to seek that out. But you are afraid to take it when it’s right in front of you. Why is that?

Aislin: Oh, what, you think you’re my perfect match? Hah! I can’t stand you.

Diego: Liar.

Aislin: Okay, I’m going now. There’s nothing you can say that’s going to change my mind about this—you are insufferable, conceited, and there’s no way you could ever possibly enjoy the things I do. You need to let this go.

Diego: The things you enjoy? One look at you and I can take a guess. You’re right, I’m a city man. I like the finer things in life—and I suspect you would, too, if you would just believe that you’re deserving of them—but, dear, I would gladly trek through a jungle to spend a moment by your side.

Aislin: I…Those are pretty words, but they won’t sway me. Goodbye.

Diego: Now, wait—

Aislin: No! I said goodbye, and I meant it!

Aislin: All right, Bella, enough is enough. I trusted you, and you set me up. You gave Diego my number, didn’t you? And then you told me to go to the city, and Diego just happens to show up? Fess up. You’re behind all of this.

Bella: Well, someone had to do something. You can’t possibly be blind to how attracted you are to him. Have you even given him a chance?

Aislin: No, and I’m not going to. I know his type, he’s not…he wouldn’t be happy with someone like me, not for long. No one ever sticks around, everyone always leaves, anyway.

Bella: Oh, Aislin, I know what you’re afraid of, but that shouldn’t scare you anymore. Sai took that away. He’s not going to break your heart.

Aislin: What would you even know about that? You left your family.

Bella: …

Aislin: I’m sorry, that wasn’t fair…

Bella: Do not presume to know why I did what I did. I have my reasons, just as much as you have yours for undertaking this task. I love my children, and I loved Mortimer, and I did what I did for them, even if they’ll never understand that, even if…even if I’m not allowed to see them ever again…I know what it is to love someone more than your next breath—and I know that you have a chance of knowing what that’s like. Don’t let it pass you by.

Aislin: Bella, I’m sorry, I—

Bella: I’m sorry, I need to be alone right now. Do whatever you want, Aislin, I know you will at the end of the day. I just hope you take my advice to heart.

Aislin: Wow, I really put my foot in my mouth there. All right. Bella thinks I’m being a chicken. Well, I’ll just prove her wrong. I’ll prove both of them wrong. Neither of them are going to stop until I ‘give him a chance,’ so I’ll do that and then they can leave me alone. Ha!

Diego: So, this is where Aislin lives. How charming.

Diego: I knew you wouldn’t be able to keep away for long.

Aislin: Oh my god, get over yourself. I just invited you over to talk—so that you can say your piece and we can both go our separate ways, and everyone can stop telling me I’m running away from something. I’m not afraid of anything.

Diego: From the sound of that, I’d say you’re still running. You aren’t giving me a chance at all if you’ve already made up your mind that it won’t work.

Aislin: Listen, I know you, buddy. I know your type, and that’s how I know it won’t work. We’re from two entirely different worlds, and on just a basic level, we’re too different from one another. You’re going to get bored, and you’re going to hate not living in the city, and you’re going to hate me, and I’m just…I’m not interested in living with that for eternity. So, what on earth do you think you can say that will change any of that?

Diego: Cherie, you are adorable when you’re all worked up. You’re right that we’re very different people, but you’re so wrong if you think I could ever be bored of you. You have a fire in your heart that will keep me on my toes for the rest of my life, and I have an inkling that you will drag me on many a fine adventure. The moment you spoke to me, you laid a brand on my soul that ruined me for any other woman—I will never hate you, I will never leave you.

Aislin: -teeny tiny squeal-

Aislin: No, uh uh, no way, I’m not…I’ve got to…

Diego: Running away again, are you?

Aislin: I can’t think around you! This, whatever’s happening here, it’s dangerous.

Diego: Oh, the best things in life are. Is life truly worth living if we aren’t risking something?

Aislin: I…I don’t…Diego, I can’t, not with this, not with my heart.

Diego: How can you not believe me when I say I will not hurt you?

Diego: How can you deny the fire that burns between us?

Aislin: You can’t just do that, Diego!

Diego: And why not? You can be afraid if you want to, but I won’t. I’m willing to put it all on the line for you, I will chase you with every last breath in my body, and I will not give up.

Aislin: I am afraid. You’re scaring me. This is scary to me—I live for adventure, I love the idea of plunging into the wilderness and not knowing if I’ll make it back out. But I watched my father walk away, and I saw what it did to my mother, and death has to be kinder than that. Being in love, that’s scarier than a mountain lion right on top of you.

Diego: Then be afraid, but do it with me. Let me be here every moment to ease your fears, to sooth you when those memories come for you, to comfort you when you cry. Let me be the one that holds you in the night, and know that I will always be here for you.

Aislin: You can’t promise those things. You can’t promise you won’t hurt me, because you can’t know what will happen.

Diego: I do know. I am more certain of this than I’ve ever been of anything before.

Aislin: Well…I…you…I hate you, so how about that? You should go.

Diego: You’re running again, cherie. I won’t let you push me away.

Aislin: I’m not running anywhere. I said I would give you a chance to speak your peace, and I’ve given you my reasons, and you haven’t convinced me of anything, so if you don’t mind—

Diego: Actually, I mind quite a bit.

Aislin: You’re a jerk.

Diego: Shut up, you love me.

Aislin: I hate you.

Diego: No, you don’t.

Aislin: This will never work.

Diego: Nothing will ever work as beautifully as this.

Aislin: I’m super afraid of commitment, and I’m probably never going to want to get married, and I get really freaked out if I have to stay in one place for long, and I’m always wanting to go and find new things, and see new places, and I—

Diego: Aislin, I would love nothing more than to pledge myself to you, but if it will ease you, than I can promise you I will not consider our relationship any less important just because we have not signed a legal document about it. We don’t have to get married. We can go on as many trips as you want.

Aislin: I want a family.

Diego: Nothing would make me happier, except of course, you finally admitting you want me.

Aislin: I hate your suit.

Diego: You love it, and you love me.

Aislin: Ugh. Do you want to move in?

Diego: That, and something else.

Aislin: What?

Aislin: Yeah, all right, I can get on board with that.

Diego: I thought so.

Aislin: Okay, don’t freak out.

Diego: Freak out about what?

Aislin: So, I know we weren’t exactly trying, and that we still have a lot to figure out, and I still kind of hate you—

Diego: I’m starting to think that’s your special way of saying ‘I love you’.

Aislin: —but um, I may have felt a little nauseous this morning, and so I may have taken a test, and it turns out that well, um, I’m not sure how to say this, but—

Diego: Oh, please, do not play with my heart. Are you saying what I think you’re saying?

Aislin: I’m pregnant.

Diego: Yes!

Aislin: Oh good, you’re happy. I was a little scared. Because we didn’t really decide anything last night, and I know you haven’t made any promises, and—

Diego: I believe, actually, that I vowed to never leave you last night.

Aislin: Yeah, but, see, I’m pretending I didn’t hear that so that when you do leave, it’ll hurt less.

Diego: You’re a silly woman. I’m very happy to be starting a family with you.

Aislin: So, guess what!

Bella: What?

Aislin: I’m—hey, you don’t look so good. I mean, you always look fabulous, but you look kind of sad. Are you okay?

Bella: I…I think you should share your news first.

Aislin: Okay…I’m pregnant!

Bella: Oh, Aislin, that’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you.

Aislin: Thank you! I’m really happy, and so is Diego, so that’s good. I guess I should thank you for that, huh?

Bella: You don’t have to, I only gave you the nudge you needed.

Aislin: So, what are you looking so glum about?

Bella: I really shouldn’t be. It’s a happy thing, it is, but it brings memories to the surface that I’d rather not dwell on. I don’t…I shouldn’t burden you with this, but it impacts you as well, so I can’t see how to keep it from you.

Aislin: Well, don’t! Just tell me what it is.

Bella: As it turns out, I am expecting as well.

Aislin: Oh my god! But, I thought you said you couldn’t see Mortimer ever again…?

Bella: I can’t. It’s not his baby. It’s not anyone’s baby, actually.

Aislin: What do you mean?

Bella: -sigh- The spirits, in all their wisdom, saw fit to bestow a child unto me.

Aislin: I don’t understand.

Bella: Can you bear the thought of your child losing a sibling?

Aislin: Oh. No, I can’t. I never thought about that.

Bella: You have the fertile trait. It was bound to happen, so…this is their solution. I want to make it clear, though—I’m not unhappy about having another child. I already love this child very much, I’m just a little sad, because it’s made me think about the children I had to walk away from.

Aislin: Of course it does. Oh, Bella, I’m so sorry. But at least you have a chance to raise another child and keep them close to you. And our children can be best friends! Isn’t that wonderful?

Bella: It certainly is. That does warm my heart.

Aislin: Good! Now, I need to go do something. Are you going to be okay here?

Bella: Yes. I’m actually feeling a lot better already.

Aislin: So, hey, thanks for meeting me here, J.

J: No problem at all.

Aislin: I’m afraid it’s not that kind of meeting, though. In fact, would it be okay if we were just friends?

J: Oh, sure, that’s fine. What did you call me out here for, then?

Aislin: Well, for one, I needed to get carrots. For two, I have a job proposition for you!

J: A job? Eh, I mean, I am getting bored at my current one…

Aislin: Right, so, this is going to sound really awkward, and I can’t think of any other way to phrase it. Do you want to move in with me, quit your job, and sleep with a bunch of women for the rest of your life?

J: …What’s the catch?

Aislin: Uhhh, no catch? See, I’m kind of doing this dynasty thing, and so I and my family are going to be around for just about eternity, and so the rest of the town is probably going to die off eventually unless we do something about it, and you’re the solution! If you go have a bunch of babies, then the town keeps spinning, see?

J: Oh, children. You want me to have children.

Aislin: Yeah, that’s kind of a requirement to the sleeping around bit. You don’t have to raise them, but you do need to have them.

J: I’ll feel kind of bad, though. I mean, I’ll be fathering children whose lives I won’t be involved in.

Aislin: You can be exactly as involved as you want to be!

J: Yeah, all right, sounds good enough.

Aislin: Oh yeah, I’ve totally got this dynasty thing. I am not panicking at all. The idea of spending my life with a man who could totally break my heart does not terrify me even a little bit. I am growing a child in my body that I could totally screw up if I do or say the wrong thing, but that’s not scary at all. Woooo, breathe, it’s all okay…I’ve got this. Just gonna water some plants. That, I can do.

Diego: Hmph, mathematical diagrams are so unworthy of my talent, but ma coeur needs them to keep her focused while she gardens, so this I will do for her. This, and anything else under the sun. She is the light in my life.

J: Aw yes, quit my job. That is awesome. I am so awesome.

Aislin: You’d be a little more awesome with a makeover, though!

J: Rude. Very rude.

J: Hey, Zoe! Thanks for coming over.

Zoe: No problem! Nice place you’ve moved into. How are you?

J: Oh, pretty good. Want to see the upstairs?

Zoe: Sure!

J: Best. Job. Ever. I mean, I could do without the woodworking, but someone’s got to earn the real money in this house if we’re ever going to have nice things, and I need nice things to impress those ladies.

J: Did you just walk right up to the bedroom door, stare at it, and then walk back down the stairs?

Lilith: Vampire break in! Rawr!

J: But you didn’t even try to bite anyone. We’re all standing out here. You just stared at the door.

Lilith: Vampire. Break. In.

Aislin: Still not freaking out. Definitely not. The reality of all this responsibility is not just now hitting me.

Geeta: Darling, are you all right?

Aislin: Totally! I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be fine? It’s not like there’s this man around that has professed his undying love for me but doesn’t know that I’m going to live forever and he isn’t and so is totally going to abandon me and his unborn child the second he finds out about it and I really should have had that talk with him before the baby thing happened, but the baby thing was unplanned, so now it’s too late and the whole world is going to be ruined? Everything’s fine. I’m fine.

Geeta: Oh, you poor thing. Just tell him. It’ll all work out.

Aislin: He’s going to leave me.

Geeta: He is not going to leave you. You are a treasure, and that man knows it.

Aislin: I’m pretty sure he hates me.

Geeta: Maybe you think that because you’re afraid to love yourself, hm?

Aislin: What? Who would ever…I certainly do not…I mean…Come on…What?

Geeta: I love you, but sometimes, you’re not very bright. Just trust Mama Geeta and go tell him the truth, and then come tell me how right I was when he doesn’t leave you.

Aislin: So, um, thanks for coming here right after work. I wanted to talk to you in private.

Diego: Oh? How’s my little boy doing? He’s going to be so strong and amazing, just like his mother.

Aislin: Diego, I need to tell you something important.

Diego: Yes, sorry, darling. What is it?

Aislin: So, something I didn’t tell you. Whoops. Sorry. I kind of got roped into doing this dynasty thing that may involve me, um, living forever, and it may be against the rules for anyone other than my heirs to join in on the immortality thing, and so, you know…this isn’t a normal life we’re going to have together. You didn’t sign on for this, and I’m sorry, and if you want to leave now, I’ll totally understand, I won’t blame you, I—

Diego: Aislin. Breathe.

Aislin: What?

Diego: You’re panicking again.

Aislin: Oh, was I? Heh. No…Definitely not.

Diego: What did I promise you?

Aislin: Um. That you wouldn’t leave me.

Diego: And I’m not going to. Not now, not ever.

Aislin: Oh. Well. That’s good, then. Good talk.

Diego: I love you.

Aislin: Shut up.

Diego: Haha, you love me, too.

Aislin: Maybe.

Diego: I’ll take it.

Offline Shewolf13

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Awwww!  Omg, I love Diego so much!  Now, more than ever lol.  That was such a lovely chapter.  And the way you write Aislin's panic is masterful, truly masterful ^^  Bella tugs on my heartstrings, btw.

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I am so glad that Bella is guiding her though, even though Aislin does not always listen. And Diego and Aislin are a lovely couple

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Diego: Cherie, you are adorable when you’re all worked up. You’re right that we’re very different people, but you’re so wrong if you think I could ever be bored of you. You have a fire in your heart that will keep me on my toes for the rest of my life, and I have an inkling that you will drag me on many a fine adventure. The moment you spoke to me, you laid a brand on my soul that ruined me for any other woman—I will never hate you, I will never leave you.

Aislin: -teeny tiny squeal-

I melted. :)
It's a good thing Diego is so confident and determined; Aislyn sure puts up a fight! I'm so glad she's (slowly, slightly) giving in to the idea of love, and I'm super excited about the baby!
Bella's pregnancy is an interesting twist, too. She's becoming quite the fascinating, tragic character!