Author Topic: To Prevent a War- A One to Rule Them All Challenge Behind-the-scenes 9/4/18  (Read 89568 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC 2.5 Up! New 5/4/18
« Reply #75 on: May 07, 2018, 03:17:50 AM »
2.6: Husband and Wife

"I see you are feeling better."

Beatrice glared at Gunner as she came into the dining room and stopped.  Her shoulders were stiff, her spine ramrod straight.  "Just because I agreed to marry you doesn't mean you get to give me orders!"

Gunner's smile didn't shift at all; it was still infuriatingly smug as he told her, "If I think you are running yourself into the ground, it surely means I can."

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Her eyes widened in shock.  "You presume far too much!"

"Call it what you will.  By the Maiden, Beatrice.  You looked dead on your feet!  I didn't like seeing it, alright?"  He sat down at the table.  "Can we call a truce?  Can we talk?"

There was logic in his words.  Her brow unforrowed and Beatrice nodded slowly.  She sat across from him.

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"About the ceremony," Gunner began, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck, "my- father wants us to get married at the Estate."

Beatrice pursed her lips for a moment, then shrugged.  "It makes sense, I suppose.  You don't wish to?"

"Again, my father wants it, so I don't trust it."

"Hm, well, for one thing, there is more room at their Estate.  Here-" she spread her arms out, "-is not exactly suited for entertaining."  And she wanted it kept that way.

He frowned and sighed.  "Aye, suppose you have a point."

"Gunner," her voice was gentle, "I promise, nothing untoward will happen.  After all, King Darian will be there.  As will the King and Queen of Windenburg.  If your father wishes to remain as he seems, he wouldn't dare strike out at the wedding."

"But-"  He stopped as she held up a hand.

"Information is what I do," she reminded him.  "All information points to your father being ruthless, yes, but he's smart.  There is nothing to be gained by striking out at the wedding.  No strategic advantage.  In fact, there is much he can lose if he reveals himself."

Though it was clear he didn't want to, Gunner nodded grudingly.  "Alright. I'll take your word for it."

Beatrice arched a brow, then frowned a little.  Gunner appeared very uneasy.  It seemed he was worried.  Unfortunately, there was little she could do set his mind at ease.  She knew all too well what it was be afraid of one's own family.  Instead, she would distract him. Besides, it was important they deal with a few things.

"Excellent.  Now, we need to discuss something else.  I believe we need to establish- ground rules."

He frowned.  "Ground rules?"

She nodded.  "Yes, ground rules.  I know that this marriage is- a convenience.  But-"  She stopped.  He had slowly stood up, his face a mask of fury.

She shoved her chair back and stood up, backing up a couple steps as he came forward. 

"Just what do you mean by 'ground rules'?" he growled dangerously. 

Beatrice drew herself up, her chin firming up.  "Just that.  Let's not pretend this is anything more than what it is.  I can't expect this to be anything more than a marriage of convenience.  Because of that, I can't rightfully expect anything like a real-"  Before she could continue, he'd taken another menacing step toward her.  She braced herself, her eyes involuntarily shutting.

Imagine her surprise when she felt his lips on hers!

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She opened her eyes and found him still kissing her.  Then he pulled back, leaving her standing there, blinking like an owl.

Gunner blew out a breath.  "Every time you mention ground rules, I'm going to kiss you.  Now, let me tell you something.  Do you honestly think I wanted to marry some random woman?"

"Well, no.  Obviously you asked the King for a favor," she replied after a moment.

Gunner rolled his eyes.  "Please!  If all I needed was protection, there were other ways!  You're brilliant with data, but sometimes your instinct with people doesn't quite hit the mark."  He took her hands in his and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, then looked up at her.  "Beatrice, my favor from the King wasn't to marry someone in his kingdom.  My favor was asking him to introduce us."

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Beatrice was frozen, her mouth slightly ajar.  She couldn't seem to find any words.  Gunner grinned, though there was something else behind his eyes.  "You saved me, in more ways than one, Beatrice.  I was escorting Kellen out of Windenburg.  We were kids, 17 or so.  Kellen's family was already gone.  We'd been moving around a lot.  We were actually in someone's barn."  A faraway look came into his eyes.  "In some ways, it was an adventure.  We were laughing and joking.  We finally bedded down.  The fire- it wasn't until the barn was full of smoke that we even knew there was a fire.  I managed to get Kellen out, to get him through a weak spot in the wall.  I got trapped in there, though when a beam fell, pinned me down.  I figured I was dead.  But as I started to black out, I could hear voices.  One was Kellen.  I tried to tell him to go.  I blacked out. I woke up, which was a surprise, let me tell you.  It was the messenger.  The man you dispatched that night.  You were a kid yourself, younger than me and Kellen but you knew something, something not even your father did.  So you sent someone to come to our aid.  It was their arrival that saved me.  Together, he and Kellen pulled me from the barn before it completely collapsed."

Beatrice swallowed, moistening her lips with the tip of her tongue.  Her throat was dry.  "Y-you were trapped?"

He nodded.  "Yes.  In many ways, you saved my life that night.  But not just then.  The intel you provided kept us safe and saved us a couple other times.  It wasn't until things finally ended, that the war was finally over and Kellen could return home that I finally understood what it was you had done."  His smile became self-deprecating, an expression Beatrice was unused to seeing on his face.  "You became my obsession in a lot of ways.  During my first meeting with King Darian, I asked him to introduce me to the one that had saved my life.  He refused, mostly to keep your identity a secret, I think, to protect you.  I let it go, but I did some of my own research."  He winked at her.  "Your family's reputation for scholarly work is well deserved.  I read several of the papers you've presented.  It was then that I realized you were the one I was looking for.  I bided my time.  I had intended to engineer a meeting with you, meet you somewhere.  I heard you'd begun volunteering.  Was going to use that, but then-"  His eyes fired up.  "My father's suspicions were becoming clear.  I was running out of time, so I asked the King to introduce us, even had King Kellen put in a word for me.  He still refused, until I told him I planned on marrying you or at least trying to convince you to marry me.  I never intended for you to believe this was all going to be a marriage of convenience.  We don't know each other well and I blame myself for that.  I realize that with everything, I have no right to ask, but I am going to anyway."

He pulled in a breath and then got down on one knee.

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"Lady Beatrice Campbell, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Her mouth opened and closed a couple times before she could make a sound.  "But-but I-I already am..." she murmured weakly, horrified as tears welled in her eyes. 

Gunner laughed.  "Leave it to you," he murmured.  Then he shook his head.  "Beatrice, I'm asking you to be my wife, not just in name.  I know it's a lot to ask, so how about this: will you give us a chance?  A chance at a real marriage?"

She swallowed, worrying at her bottom lip.  It was an eternity for Gunner before she finally nodded once.  "Yes."  It was whisper soft, but he certainly heard it. He jumped up, then swooped her up in his arms with a whoop.

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She was stiff, unused to being handled like this.  He smiled at her gently and set her down.  "I hope one day you'll be easy with me, Triss."

She blinked.  "Tr-triss?"

"What?  Don't like it?"

She frowned.  "I-I don't know.  No one's every called me that before.  I-I've never had a nickname."

"Well, now you do, if you don't object."

Her brow furrowed.  "I don't object-"  She mulled it over.  "No, I don't object."  A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"That's a start."

Beatrice stood there for a moment, looking down.  "Gunner?"


She picked her gaze up and looked at him.  There was a hint of fear in her eyes.  "W-would you- kiss me, again?"

It was Gunner's turn to blink.  Then he grabbed her waist and pulled her close.  "All you had to do was ask," he murmured as he dipped her backwards and pressed his lips to hers once more.  This was no gentle pressing of his lips to hers, not by a long shot.

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When he righted her again, she was breathless.  "G-gunner?  I-I want to try.  To-to have a real marriage with you.  My parents- they-"

"Triss, I understand."  His voice was gentle as he brushed the backs of his fingers over her cheek.  "Look who you're talking to.  Grew up in a house where my mother only saw me as a way to change her status, with a father that only cared about his own image and a step-mother that was always reminded of her husband's infidelity when she looked at me.  I know from talking to King Darian that your own father was a piece of work.  We have that in common.  I can't promise things will be perfect, but I can promise that I will do everything in my power to be a good husband."

Beatrice looked down.  How could she forget where he had come from?  Was she so blinded by her own past, her own fears that she hadn't thought of it?  Yes, she had been.  When she raised her head again, her mouth was a thin line.  "I promise that I will do everything in my own power to be a good wife.  I want us to be- partners.  Is that possible?"

Gunner wore a wide smile.  "I think it's more than possible.  Triss, I don't see you taking a backseat to anyone.  You're too stubborn-"

"Stubborn!? Excuse me!"

He snorted.  "Oh c'mon, don't even pretend you aren't."

She frowned, annoyed.  "I am not stubborn."

"I never said it was a bad thing," he pointed out.

She pursed her lips, then shook her head.  "If I'm stubborn, what does that make you?"

He threw back his head and laughed.  Things would never be dull with the two of them.


Dianna stood near the bar in the backyard.  Her mother and Nina were both there.  She was there to play mediator, though they both seemed to be behaving.  She couldn't blame her mother, really.  But she wouldn't let the two of them ruin her brother's big day.  Despite the fact that her father was pleased with the match, he thought it simply that.  But Dianna knew differently.  Her brother was in love.  She'd seen it on his face the night they had dinner.  Lady Campbell was a bit of a cool one, though Dianna had seen the look in her eyes when she thought no one was watching.  Dianna suspected that she was afraid of people.  She hid it well, for the most part.  But it was there.  Dianna sipped her drink. 

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Her father had made good on his promise to have the wedding at the Estate.  It played well for his image, she knew.

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There was no love lost between her father and her.  She only played nice because of her brother.  Her reverie was interrupted as other guests arrived.  Guests including the King of Windenburg and his Queen, as well as King Darian Bulwark.  She had to hide her smile.  She imagined this was Beatrice's doing.  She knew her brother didn't want Kellen here with their father.  It was a nice bit of thumbing their nose.  Perhaps Beatrice was a good match for her brother after all.

Speaking of, the bride and groom had taken their place beneath the arch. It was time!

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Dianna quickly took her place in the front.

She smiled and sighed softly as she watched the two.

Gunner took Beatrice's hand.  "You look beautiful, Triss.  Truly."

A faint bit of color stained her cheeks.  "Really?"


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He leaned forward to kiss her cheek.  As the music began, he smiled.  "Ready?"

She nodded, though he frowned at the look in her eyes.  "Triss, you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"Triss, are you afraid?"

She swallowed, then nodded slowly.  "I-I suppose you can call it a- phobia."

"Why didn't you tell me!?"

"Because it wouldn't matter.  This has to happen, Gunner.  I-I can handle it, alright?"

He ran his tonuge over his teeth, then just nodded.  "Stubborn," he murmured to her, one corner of his mouth twitching into a lop-sided grin.

"If you like."

"I do."

Raising his voice, he pulled the ring from his pocket.  "Lady Beatrice Campbell, with this ring, I thee wed.  I promise to remain by your side, forever faithful, and forever yours.  I will love you, honor you, and cherish you in sickness and in health, all the time that I draw breathe."  He slid the ring on her finger.

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Beatrice had to draw in a shaky breathe, tears shimmering in her eyes for a moment.  She had to block out the other people or risk a panic attack.  It was something she had experienced too often as a child.  Blocking helped.  What helped more was staring into Gunner's eyes. Her voice started out shaky as she slid the ring on on his finger.  "Lord Gunner Villareal, with this ring, I thee wed.  I promise that I-I will stay by your side, be your shield, a companion, a friend.  I will love you, honor you, and cherish you through whatever life will bring until death do us part."

Gunner lowered his head and they wrapped their arms around each other while sharing a kiss.  Gunner looked into her eyes.  "I love you, Triss."

"I-I love you, too, Gunner."

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The guests looked on as the two became husband and wife.  King Darian let out a whistle and then clapped politely.

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After some congratulations, everyone trooped inside.  The cake was cut.  Gunner brought it over to his new bride, smiling.  They each took a forkful and gently fed it to the other.

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"Hey little man!  C'mere!"  Gunner picked up little Anthony as the toddler made a break for the door. 

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Beatrice watched Gunner with his younger brother for a moment as he tossed him up in the air.  Something clutched in her chest.  He'd make a good father.  "Lady Beatrice?"

She turned.  Her eyes had gone icy.  "Lord Villareal."  She bowed.  "I have to thank you for allowing us to use your home for the ceremony."

"Of course.  He is my son after all."

She nodded.  "Yes, of course.  He's my husband now."  She smiled, though it wasn't a nice gesture.  It was far too predatory to be nice. 

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"Quite."  Something flashed in his eyes.  It was there and gone, but Beatrice saw it.

She inclined her head to him, her expression a polite mask.  "Family is important, don't you agree, Lord Villareal?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"Gunner is my family now.  I protect my family.  I should fetch my husband.  It is getting late."  Bowing once more with perfect decorum, she turned and walked away.  She could feel his eyes on her.

Gunner saw her coming and grinned.  Then he saw his father behind her and his eyes clouded for a moment.  "Everything ok?"

She smiled for him.  It was a geniune one.  "Of course.  I do believe we should go back home, though."

He grinned.  "As my bride wishes."


The car dropped them off in front of their home.  "Well, Lady Campbell.  The deed is done," Gunner murmured to her as they stepped inside."

"That it is, Lord Campbell."

Gunner pulled her close so they could kiss again.  Beatrice could definitely get used to this kissing thing. 

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Gunner took her hand and the two went upstairs.  He looked at her.  "Nervous?"

He swore her grin was almost cocky.  "Not at all.  I have some wonderful books on the subject.  I am well prepared."


Gunner sighed as he snuggled close to his wife.  "I wanna see those books," he murmured sleepily.

"Someday," Beatrice promised softly.

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They lay together for a little while, then Beatrice sat up.  "I'm hungry," she announced.  "C'mon, let's eat some of the leftovers.  We can sit on the deck and watch the moon and stars."

Gunner opened one eye.  Then he nodded.  The two climbed out of bed and raided the kitchen, then brought their plates out onto the back deck and sat at the table.  Neither seemed to care they hadn't dressed at all.

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They joked and laughed a bit, Gunner stealing a bit of food off her plate and then her retaliating.  Beatrice dropped her fork.  "I don't want to be Queen," she told him softly.  "I-I can best serve the Kingdom as I am, as I do now.  I know the other two.  Either would be a better ruler than I and of the two, Blakely makes the most sense."

Gunner took her hand in his.  "If you don't wish to be Queen, that's your decision, Triss.  Whatever that decision is, I will be there for you."

"Thank you."  There was a wealth of emotion in those two simple words. Their hands were still joined as they fell silent and looked up at the moon.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC 2.6 Up! New 5/7/18
« Reply #76 on: May 07, 2018, 11:48:28 AM »
Ooooh, even the difficult Beatrice is already married! Noooooo!!!!
Just kidding. I hadn't realized she has the loner trait and yes, just as you mentioned, that does come out in spades at her wedding.

I love Gunner's revelation of how he's had Beatrice on his mind for so long.
Kudos to King Darian for supporting Gunner's wish by also recommending the marriage.
I also enjoyed Beatrice very politely telling her father-in-law to keep his dirty paws off her husband, lol.

Beatrice is adorable with Gunner as she begins to trust him. Her stubbornly insisting that she's not stubborn cracked me up.
Also, Beatrice lives in Scholarly Sway---of course, she would "research" her wedding night, lol.
That was a cute touch...also about Gunner wanting to see her books. I guess that means their wedding night went well....
Another great update!

Blakely, get off your buns this minute! Everyone's going to have a nooboo except you and Adisa!!!!

P.S. Why was Gunner so nervous about the wedding? What did he fear his father would do? Harm King Darian, King Kellen, or Beatrice?

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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC 2.5 Up! New 5/4/18
« Reply #77 on: May 08, 2018, 05:01:38 PM »
That's quite alright!  I know it can be hard to keep up.  My updates are pretty wordy XD sorry about that!  I'm just glad you're enjoying it ^^

Next update incoming!
Wordy is not how I would describe your style-- good reading is more like it!  :D  I'm now caught up, and I love the recent plot twists.  I think Beatrice made the right decision because being a monarch isn't really compatible with a career as a doctor/researcher.  I'm glad she and Gunner worked it out though.  Does he get along with her cat? 

So now I'm kinda pulling for Adrian since he really should have been King all along if I've got the family history correct.  I can see why he'd want to prove himself worthy, though.  Although I do really like Blakely, too.

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC 2.6 Up! New 5/7/18
« Reply #78 on: May 10, 2018, 11:12:50 PM »
Ooooh, even the difficult Beatrice is already married! Noooooo!!!!
Just kidding. I hadn't realized she has the loner trait and yes, just as you mentioned, that does come out in spades at her wedding.

I love Gunner's revelation of how he's had Beatrice on his mind for so long.
Kudos to King Darian for supporting Gunner's wish by also recommending the marriage.
I also enjoyed Beatrice very politely telling her father-in-law to keep his dirty paws off her husband, lol.

Beatrice is adorable with Gunner as she begins to trust him. Her stubbornly insisting that she's not stubborn cracked me up.
Also, Beatrice lives in Scholarly Sway---of course, she would "research" her wedding night, lol.
That was a cute touch...also about Gunner wanting to see her books. I guess that means their wedding night went well....
Another great update!

Blakely, get off your buns this minute! Everyone's going to have a nooboo except you and Adisa!!!!

P.S. Why was Gunner so nervous about the wedding? What did he fear his father would do? Harm King Darian, King Kellen, or Beatrice?


lol, such a die-hard #TeamBlakely fan!  I was hoping to use the loner trait as the explanation for her aloofness, I suppose hehe.  Yes, Gunner has had his mind on Beatrice for a while. King Darian looks after his people.  Yeah, Beatrice may not have a good way with people, but she understands Ezekiel's mindset.  And she wants him to know he'd have a fight on his hands if he were to try anything.

She doesn't know what he's talking about, really hehehe. And of course she'd research it all.  It's what she does best hehehe. That and she has a bit of a secret love of all things romantic.  She may share with him later lol.  Actually, no pregnancy yet, which I was disappointed, especially since there wasn't enough time to try again before it was time to switch.

Gunner just- he doesn't trust his father and is afraid of him, though he defies him a lot.  When you grow up in a house where his father talked about "accidents happening" a lot, it can affect you.

Wordy is not how I would describe your style-- good reading is more like it!  :D  I'm now caught up, and I love the recent plot twists.  I think Beatrice made the right decision because being a monarch isn't really compatible with a career as a doctor/researcher.  I'm glad she and Gunner worked it out though.  Does he get along with her cat? 

So now I'm kinda pulling for Adrian since he really should have been King all along if I've got the family history correct.  I can see why he'd want to prove himself worthy, though.  Although I do really like Blakely, too.


Aww, thank you so much!  I do appreciate it immensely.  And yeah, Beatrice would be Queen if it were her duty, but she believes either of the others would be more fitting.  hehe, you'll have to wait and see until the next update, but I will say that Mira has taken a liken to him.

Technically, if you go by the rules of the RKC, heirs have to be legitimate children of the previous heirs.  And yes, he is Marcus's son and Darian's nephew.  But he was not a legitimate child since Ferina and Marcus were not married at the time and he died before they could be.  But we'll see ^^

Update incoming!

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC 2.6 Up! New 5/7/18
« Reply #79 on: May 10, 2018, 11:17:44 PM »
3.1: One Step Closer

"Congratulations, my boy."  King Darian shook Blakely's hand and clapped him on the back.

"Thank you, sir."  Blakely laughed, tugging at the collar of his suit. 

Darian grinned.  "Not used to seeing you so sharply dressed.  Looks good on you."

Blakely grimaced.  "Get a good look, sir.  Probably won't see it again."

Darian threw his head back in laughter.  "Aye, I might have guessed."

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Prima Dominus was filled with guests for the wedding ceremony. Adisa's nieces and nephew were running around.  Meredith was keeping an eye on things even as she prepared food. Blakely felt very out of place.  While he was no stranger to balls and gatherings, they were not his forte. He wandered into the kitchen after narrowly being run over by young Prince Xavier and his younger sister, Princess Moria.

There, he found King Dallen and King Darian.  King Dallen stopped what he was saying as he arched a brow. "Looking a bit out of sorts, Lord Blakely."  He extended his hand and the two clasped arms.

"Does it show?" Blakely grimaced once more. 

King Dallen chuckled.  "A bit, though I think it only shows to those of us who have been there."

Darian nodded his agreement.  "Aye.  There's a specific look to a man in this situation."

Blakely looked at them both sideways.  "What situation is that?"

Darian's eyes sparkled with mischief.  "Why, walking to the gallows, of course!"  Both monarchs burst out into laughter at the look on Blakely's face.  He raised his hand, opened his mouth to say something, stopped and then just began to chuckle.

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King Darian slapped him on the back.  "Buck up.  Ceremony will be done before you know it."

Dallen nodded.  "I hear there are some drinks outside.  Shall we?"  He and Blakely went out together.  King Darian smiled after them and headed into the dining area.

"Princess Adisa."  He bowed to the bride.  "You look lovely.  Young Blakely is a lucky man."

"Your highness."  She curtsied.  "Thank you for coming."

"Wouldn't miss it.  You and the lad look good together.  You match well." 

He was delighted to see the slight flash in her eyes and even more impressed when she simply inclined her head. "Thank you."

His grin grew.  "Aye, well matched.  And I don't mean because of your royal blood.  I can see the way you look at one another.  Does this old man's heart good to see it.  Bit envious as well.  Makes me miss my Amelia more than ever."

Her face softened into a geniune smile.  "Thank you, your highness, truly."  She sighed.  "I knew I would have to marry one day. And Blakely is better than I probably deserve, but I can't help but feel a bit of- resentment at times."

"Being in the public eye isn't easy, my dear," King Darian reminded her gently.  "Everyone will have opinions.  The only ones that truly matter, however, are yours and his.  You know how you feel.  When it feel overwhelming, just remember that."

"Thank you."  She opened her mouth to speak, then looked sideways.  "Xavier?  Aren't you supposed to be looking after Moria?"

The young boy looked up at his aunt and grinned.  "I am.  We're playing hide and seek!  I'm going to hide!"

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Darian chuckled.  "Bright boy, huh?"

Adisa rolled her eyes.  "Oh, most definitely, and a handful, but a good boy, for all that."

"Much like his aunt, I imagine."  He gave her a friendly nudge and laughed. She joined in.  He offered her an arm.  "Come, m'lady.  Let an old man enjoy a beautiful and smart woman on his arm.  Think we both could use a drink, hm?"

With a grin, she slid her arm through his and the two walked outside.


Blakely stood at the arch, his palms actually damp.  He'd faced battle with more decorum.  Put him in a suit and throw a party and he was out of his baliwick.  It wasn't a comfortable feeling at all.  Of course, he was about to tie his life together with anothers.  He loved Adisa and was sure she felt the same. But as aristocrats, they were tying more than their own lives together.  They were uniting families and forming alliances. He knew his parents had done the same and their marriage had been a strong one.  He could only hope their marriage was as strong.  He was trying hard not to think about the fact that there was still the question of heir to the throne to be decided.

Even as the thoughts swirled through his mind a mile a minute, the music began to play.  All the thoughts in his head emptied in a rush as he caught his first glimpse of Adisa.  King Darian was walking her to the arch.  Darian stood to the side as the other guests gathered around.

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Blakely had to swallow twice before he could manage to get the words out.  "You-you look beautiful, Princess."

Adisa arched a brow.  She wasn't used to seeing Blakely almost tonuge-tied.  But he looked so serious, even more than normal.  "You don't look so bad yourself," she murmured.  "I didn't even realize you owned a suit."

It was just the right thing to say.  He laughed.  "I was forced to.  Meredith made me.  She told me it was only proper."

Adisa grinned.  There was something about the way he talked about Meredith that never quite failed to melt her. "If anyone would know, she would."

The two joined hands.  "I'm sweating bullets," Blakely confessed with a light laugh.

"You and me both," Adisa confirmed.

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Blakely felt all eyes on them as he pulled the ring from his pocket.  "Princess Adisa Azurite, I stand before you today to make a promise: I swear to you I will honor you, love you, cherish you, and respect you as long as I will live.  I will be your rock, your shield, your foundation. My life is now yours until the day the Matriarch calls me home."

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Adisa had to dash a tear from her eyes and clear her throat before she could speak.  She took a moment as she put the ring on his finger.  "Lord Blakely Doran, my promise to you here and now, and for the rest of our lives is that I will stand by your side whatever comes; I will support you in all things, and give you a good smack upside the head when you need it."

A wave of laughter ran through the crowd.  Even her groom chuckled.  He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. 

To finish her vows without her voice breaking, Adisa didn't quite let the laughter fade before continuing, "I promise to love you, honor you, cherish and respect you until the day we must be separated."

Their vows spoken, the two leaned toward each other, their arms encircling the other as they kissed.

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As the confetti rained down around them, Adisa pulled away enough to look up at her new husband.  "Here we go," she murmured, her eyes misting.

"For better or worse," he agreed, a lopsided smile stretching one corner of his mouth upward.  "Regrets?"

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"Just now?  No."  Her eyes sparkled with fun.  "You?"

"Not at all."  He pulled her close, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

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Applause and cheers rang out from their friends and family as the married couple presented themselves to their guests, their arms around each others' waists.  A sharp whistle sounded a couple times.  It came from Queen Eve who had a small flame dancing in her hand.  She shot it up into the air and it exploded into bright sparks over the newlyweds' heads.  There were more applause and then it died down as Meredith brought out the cake.  She set it up on the table.  It was a simple white cake, but it suited the couple.

Blakely smiled at her and inclined his head in a thank-you.  He cut the first piece and slid it onto a plate and took it to his new bride.  They each took a fork and delicately fed each other the first bite of cake.

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In celebration with his owners, Maxim let out a happy bark.  It made everyone laugh.

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Adisa knelt down and gave him a good ruffle and scratch behind his ears.  "Good boy, Maxim."  He reared back and put his paws on her shoulders, giving her a quick lick.  She hugged him, pressing her face into his fur.

Guests began to mill around as bride and groom mingled.  The adults, especially their royal guests, were content to sit outside and chat.  While the younger guests preferred the couch and the TV.

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Eventually, the guests did leave.  Queen Eve pulled her sister aside for a little while and the two shared a whispered conversation before they hugged.  Eve went to Blakely and hugged him tightly.  "Look after one another," she murmured to him.  King Dallen clasped arms with him again.  Little Moria, in her mother's arms, wanted a good bye hug and when Blakely took her, she didn't want to let go for a bit, giving her aunt a flutter of her eye lashes. 

"Little tart," Adisa said with a laugh as she took the toddler from Blakely and gave her a big hug.  Xavier, feeling a bit old for hugs, settled for a handshake and extracted a promise for Blakely to help train him.  Princess Rosin, the heir to the throne of Oasis Springs, gave Blakely a curtsy then a big hug.  She just hugged her aunt.

King Darian hugged the bride and then clapped the groom on the back.  "Thank you both.  It was lovely. Congratulations, truly."

Meredith congratulated them both with a hug and a kiss to the cheek before she retired, leaving the two of them alone.

Blakely turned to his bride and took her hand.  "Shall we retire as well?"

"That sounds like a lovely idea."

The two went upstairs to the master suite where they gladly changed from their formal attire.  Neither of them was particularly comfortable in that sort of clothing.  Adisa sighed softly, glad to be out of her dress and into something more comfortable.

Blakely grinned at her, leaning against the bedpost, watching her. "Well Princess, it's done."

Adisa looked over at him.  He looked both smug and serious.  For some reason, the combination was irresistable to her.  She cocked a hip and tilted her head to the side.  "So, I thought the groom was supposed to carry the bride over the threshold."

Blakely arched a brow at her.  As his grin widened, he unfolded himself and took a step toward her.  Before she could evade, he lifted her up into his arms.

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She let out a squeal and hung on for dear life for a moment while Blakely laughed.  "Think you're funny, huh?"

"I only did as my wife commanded."

She snorted.  "Hmph, I think you're full of it."  There was something about being in his arms that made her feel- not just safe.  Safe was relative. She didn't necessarily need safety.  But there was such a feeling of love there, of belonging.  She looked up at him with eyes full brimming over with it.

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She rested her head on his shoulder for a little while and nuzzled her cheek against his.  He kissed her softly and walked her over to the bed, lay her on the cover and climbed in beside her.  He pulled her close.  "Love you, Lady Doran."

"And I love you, too, Lord Doran."

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC 3.1 Up! New 5/10/18
« Reply #80 on: May 11, 2018, 12:40:16 AM »
Thank you for a lovely wedding!
I assume King Dallen is Adisa's brother-in-law?
The bride and groom looked gorgeous, of course! Did you dress them both in black or was that a game decision?
(I've read simmers talking about choosing wedding outfits but I wouldn't know how to do that without simply adding a new formal outfit and making the couple "change outfit.")

Very happy that Blakely and Adisa got past their differences and have begun trusting each other.
And Maxim! I was surprised he didn't get a bit of the wedding cake, too, lol!
Awww, Adisa in her wedding dress let Maxim place his paws on her shoulders--that must have made Blakely's heart melt. hehe
Your mini-challenge is moving into the nooboo stage--I can't wait to see everyone's children!

I'm also obviously eager for the Ruler to be chosen to start reading your Royal Kingdom Challenge story. :D

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC 3.1 Up! New 5/10/18
« Reply #81 on: May 12, 2018, 12:19:41 AM »
Thank you for a lovely wedding!
I assume King Dallen is Adisa's brother-in-law?
The bride and groom looked gorgeous, of course! Did you dress them both in black or was that a game decision?
(I've read simmers talking about choosing wedding outfits but I wouldn't know how to do that without simply adding a new formal outfit and making the couple "change outfit.")

Very happy that Blakely and Adisa got past their differences and have begun trusting each other.
And Maxim! I was surprised he didn't get a bit of the wedding cake, too, lol!
Awww, Adisa in her wedding dress let Maxim place his paws on her shoulders--that must have made Blakely's heart melt. hehe
Your mini-challenge is moving into the nooboo stage--I can't wait to see everyone's children!

I'm also obviously eager for the Ruler to be chosen to start reading your Royal Kingdom Challenge story. :D


^^ I enjoyed their wedding.  And yes, King Dallen is Eve's husband so he's Adisa's brother in law.  I did it actually.  I always add a second formal outfit and then I do "Change outfit" on the day.  Sometimes, the outfits the game chooses are eh.  So I preempt it hehe

It just took a bit of time hehe.  And I think it was more the circumstances they weren't fond of.

Who says Maxim didn't get some cake later on?  Of course they'd slip him some lol  Oh Blakely already knows he's been replaced lol!  Not really hehehe, but obviously, Maxim has a soft spot for Adisa.

I know!  I can't wait for toddlers!  hehehe, I'm a glutton for punishment lol, but can't wait.  And it should be wrapping up this week or so.

Update incoming!

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC 3.1 Up! New 5/10/18
« Reply #82 on: May 12, 2018, 12:24:49 AM »
3.2: Proving Worthy

"C'mon, push it!  Left, right, left, right!"  If looks could kill, Blakely would have been dead where he stood.

"Why-" Adisa panted, "did I marry you again?"

"Because I'm irresistable?"  Blakely smirked at her.  "Besides, you can't complain, remember?  That was the deal.  You asked me to train you.  Begged me, even.  You wanted to make sure you could defend yourself if necessary.  I'm all for it, though I don't like the idea of you having to defend yourself-"


He continued on, "-But I agreed, on the condition that you do what I say, without complaint."

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She stopped for a moment and sighed.  "Yeah, yeah."  Still grumbling, she rolled her shoulders and then squared up against the bag again.  Pretending the bag was her husband's head was helping with concentration at least.  It brought a smirk to her face even as Blakely kept up his commentary and orders.  He sure could bark them when he wanted to!

"Harder!  C'mon from the shoulder!  Go for it!"

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With a growl, she attacked the bag in a flurry of blows.  She overbalanced and ended up falling backwards onto her rearend.  There was silence for a moment and then she heard the snort before Blakely could hide it.  She whipped her head around to glare daggers up at him.  His big body shook with the laughter he was trying to contain.  Slowly, she stood up, refusing to look at him.  "I am going to take a shower," she said through clenched teeth.

"Princess," his voice still his laughter in it, "c'mon.  Don't be angry."

"Oh, whatever gave you the idea I was angry?" She still hadn't turned around yet.

Blakely grabbed the hand she had fisted on her hip and spun her around, kissing her deeply. At first, she resisted, but it wasn't long before she melted against him.  He pulled back to look at her.

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"Maybe I should have put a clause in there about you using my own training against me."

It was the right thing to say.  Her irritation dissolved and she threw back her head in laughter.  "Oh no," she told him.  "That was never part of the deal and now, knowing what a brute you are, I certainly wouldn't make that deal now."

Blakely grinned.  "Suppose it's only fair."  His grin became a smirk.  "You still have a ways to go yet before you could take me."

Adisa arched a brow at him.  The hand that had been resting on his waist snuck up and then dug into his side, right where she knew he was ticklish.  He yelped and tried to escape, but she was slippery and quick, backing him up against the wall, trapping him between the equipment so she could continue her assault.

"Surrender!  Surrender!"  He could barely get the breath between laughing to get the words out.

She released him, stepping back.  "I feel better now."  With a smug grin, she climbed up the stairs to go take a shower.

Blakely starred off after his wife, needing to catch his breath.  He let out a breath, then chuckled.  He checked his watch.  He had to get going to work. 


Blakely arrived at the station with only moments to spare.

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He got in, calling out to some of his coworkers as he sat at his computer.  He gave a surreptitious look around as he booted it up.  He had been told by his chief that Adisa's case had to be handed over to one of the others.  Dominick was a good detective, but he didn't have a stake in the case.  Blakely did.  So Blakely did a bit of snooping every now and again, checking on things.  Dominick looked the other way.  He understood.

Blakely sighed.  Still nothing new on the case.  No new information. 

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Realistically, with Adisa out of Oasis Springs and permanently in Newcrest, the danger to her should be minimal.  With Maxim around, it was non-existent.  Still, not knowing where it could come from nagged at Blakely.  His lovely wife didn't seem worried.  Oh, she wanted to learn from him, but he thought it was as much about her having something to do as anything else.  That and she was quite independent.  She didn't like his talk of protecting her.  She had made a good argument; he couldn't always be around. Still, didn't sit right with them.  He ran a hand through his hair.  He had other cases to deal with.  He knew if Dominick found out anything, he'd let him know.


Adisa stared at the little stick.  A wide smile split her face.  The last few weeks, she'd noticed a few changes.  She hadn't thought much of them, until the nausea had started.  Her suspicions were confirmed.  A part of her wanted to call Blakely and tell him to come home right that moment.  But she had a feeling he would assume something was wrong.  So she'd wait until he got home.  She couldn't stop grinning.  To keep Meredith from guessing, Adisa whistled for Maxim.

She'd take the dog for a walk. 

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She must have been going too fast, even for Maxim because by the time they got back, the big dog collapsed onto the floor and was asleep.  Still restless, Adisa went downstairs to do some working out.  It occured to her that when she told Blakely, he might feel the need to curtail some of her activities.

They'd deal with that when they got there, though.

As soon as she heard the door open, she raced up the stairs.  Blakely was distracted.  So when she ran to him and threw her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, he almost toppled backwards.  "Whoa!  What-  Just this morning, you were threatening bodily harm."  His eyes narrowed.  "What's wrong?"

Adisa laughed.  "Nothing.  Nothing at all."  As Meredith entered the living room, drawn by the commotion, Adisa pulled Blakely to the sofa.  "I have something to tell the both of you."  Still suspicious, Blakely sat down next to Meredith and Adisa sat on the other end.  She was fit to bursting.  "I'm pregnant!"

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Meredith's smile burst out.  Blakely sat there, stunned for a moment.  Then he leapt up, pulled her close, picked her up, and swung her around, whooping and cheering.  Adisa laughed, holding on for dear life.  He put her down, still not able to speak as he kissed her cheek gently.

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Then he rested his forehead against hers.  "A baby." 

Adisa smiled gently.  "That's right. You're going to be a daddy."

Blakely nodded.  The poor man seemed struck dumb a bit.  Adisa figured he'd get there, eventually.


"A father.  I'm going to be a father."  Blakely had to let out a deep breath as he tried to concentrate.  He was ecstatic, really.  He had always known there would be children.  After all, there needed to be an heir.  Still, it had always been something that was in the future.  He hadn't been prepared for the future to be well- now.

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It was slowly starting to set in, though Meredith had told him he'd better get used to it quicker.  The baby would be there before he knew it.


"Hello little one.  Are you being nice to your mommy?"  Meredith cooed at Adisa's belly.

Adisa chuckled.  "So far.  Kept waking me up last night, but was able to get a bit of a nap in this morning.  They're going to worse than their father.  I swear, the man only sleeps for a few hours at a time.  Seems his child is going to take after their father."

Meredith laughed.  "Oh dear."

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Time was passing quickly.  For the most part, Adisa's pregnancy wasn't terrible.  There was a bit of nausea every so often and sleeping was problematic here and there.  But mostly, Adisa was enjoying the experience.  Even Blakely hadn't been as overbearingly protective as she had feared.  He had asked her to not overdo working out or training and if she wanted to go out, she took Maxim with her.  Since that wasn't a hardship, it had been fine so far.  And Blakely finally seemed to come out of the haze he'd been in.

In fact, he couldn't get enough of feeling her belly, of talking to it.

"Little one, daddy's home!  Were you good for your mama today?  Did you behave?"

"What are you going to do if they answer you now?" Adisa wondered with a light laugh.

Blakely looked up at her with wide eyes for a moment, freezing.

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"You're too easy," Adisa snickered.

He glowered up at her, but it didn't last long as he shook his head ruefully.  "I'm- nervous, Princess."

She frowned.  "Nervous?"

He nodded.  "I-I can't help but wonder what kind of father I'll be."

Her frown faded to be replaced by a gentle smile.  "Blakely, you'll be a great father.  There's no manual for being a parent, despite the amount of books that have been written on it."  She kissed his cheek.  "You'll be fine."


Maxim was just as excited, or maybe he was excited to have so much attention.  Technically, he wasn't allowed up on the couch.  But Adisa had a hard time bending down, so he got to spend time with her on the sofa.

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"Who's a good boy?  You're a good boy!"  Maxim's tail thumped back and forth in pleasure.


Eventually, though, the routine they had developed came to an end.  Adisa had been pretty uncomfortable all that morning.  She had just sat down to try to eat something when the first contraction hit.  She held her breath, letting the pain subside.  When it hit again, she gasped.

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"Blakely!!!!"  Her voice echoed through the house.  It was go time!


"You're a soldier and a police officer," Adisa grumbled, more to herself than anyone else, especially since her cool and collected husband was quite literally losing his head.

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After a moment, Blakely pulled in a deep breath.  He looked at his wife sheepishly.  "S-sorry.  I'm ok now.  How are you?  Are you ok?"

"I'm just in labor," she commented dryly.  When his eyes widened, she laughed.  "I'm alright.  They're finding me a bed now.  Are you ok?"

He kissed her cheek gently.  "I'm ok.  Just- lost my head for a moment.  Sorry."

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"Lady Doran?  We have a bed ready.  Follow me please."  The doctor led Adisa down the hallway to labor and delivery.  Adisa waddled after her as quickly as she could, but with contractions coming pretty close together, she wasn't moving very fast.

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But eventually she made it.  "Try to relax, Lady Doran.  Everything will be fine.  Lord Doran?  Why don't you come over there, in the corner?"

Blakely could only nod dumbly.  Adisa couldn't help laughing at her husband.  "Put the man in the middle of battle and he's cool as can be.  Have a baby and he becomes a blithering idiot," she confided to the doctor. 

The doctor chuckled.  "He's not the only one, m'lady.  Now, just relax."  It was harder said than done.  But after some extreme discomfort and pain, there was the sharp cry that split the air.

"You have a son!  Congratulations!"

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Blakely looked down into his son's crib.  "Sshhh, little one," he murmured as he lifted the small shape up into his arms.  "I've got a bottle for you.  Your mama needs a bit of a rest, ok?  Hey little Zachary.  Papa's got this for you."

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Blakely couldn't over it.  His boy, his son.  It was hard to believe.  But it was finally sinking in.  He was a father.  The little bundle in his arms was his son.  The pride and love swelled.  Blakely wasn't sure how he could contain it all.  Little Zachary had made quite an impression on the household already.  Meredith was in love with him as well.  His parents were still a bit of a mess, but Blakely figured he and Adisa would get the hang of it, eventually.


"How are you feeling dear?" Meredith asked Adisa.

"I got some sleep, so I'm feeling much better," Adisa told her as they sat down for a late dinner.  She and Blakely were holding hands as they each grabbed a bite to eat.

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Meredith smiled.  "Good to hear.  If you'd both like to get some sleep, I'll keep an eye on the little one."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, dear.  Of course."

But even with Meredith's kind offer, as soon as Zachary's cries reached her, Adisa was up and out of bed, padding across the hall to the nursery.  "Aw, poor little boy.  Mama's here," she murmured as she lifted him up out of his cradle and held him to her chest.

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She hummed softly to him as she fed him.  "You are very loved, Zach," she murmured.  "Your mommy and daddy and nana Meredith love you very much."  As she talked and sang to him, the infant fell back to sleep, safe and loved.

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC 3.2 Up! New 5/12/18
« Reply #83 on: May 12, 2018, 01:56:19 AM »
Ooooh, Week 3 will be nooboo week in Newcrest!
I'm an impatient reader who tries hard to be patient. But....I can't wait to see Zachary as a toddler first of all!
I will be clamoring about the next life stage at each birthday, hehe.

Maxim needs some strength training, too. He got stabbed the last time Adisa was attacked, didn't he?

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC 3.2 Up! New 5/12/18
« Reply #84 on: May 21, 2018, 02:17:14 PM »
Ooooh, Week 3 will be nooboo week in Newcrest!
I'm an impatient reader who tries hard to be patient. But....I can't wait to see Zachary as a toddler first of all!
I will be clamoring about the next life stage at each birthday, hehe.

Maxim needs some strength training, too. He got stabbed the last time Adisa was attacked, didn't he?


Oh tell me about it!  I can't wait to see all the kids.  So far, Gunner and Beatrice are the only two without kiddos. 

Yes, yes he did.  They've been a bit crazy, but hopefully he'll get to play around a bit more now and they can put him through the obstacle course.

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC 3.2 Up! New 5/12/18
« Reply #85 on: May 21, 2018, 02:18:46 PM »
Quick Announcement

Haven't forgotten this.  Hope to get back to playing soon.  Took a break to get more editing done on my manuscript that I'm working on.  My goal is to start querying agents by June, but we'll see!  Just wanted to let everyone know that Adrian and Marisa, Gunner and Beatrice, Blakely and Adisa will return in the next week ^^

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC Quick Announcement 5/21/18
« Reply #86 on: May 21, 2018, 03:32:41 PM »
Good luck with the manuscript, and yay for more RKC.

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC Quick Announcement 5/21/18
« Reply #87 on: May 21, 2018, 04:18:44 PM »
No worries.  Take your time, and good luck!

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC Quick Announcement 5/21/18
« Reply #88 on: August 09, 2018, 05:46:32 PM »
Announcement and apology

Soooo sorry for how long I've been gone.  Real life exploded, some in good ways, some not so much.  I have only just gotten back to playing Sims.  So profuse apologies.  I haven't forgotten my RKC or Carls, but I do need to catch up on so much...  At the moment, I'm doing some testing because Seasons does affect how I might need to play my RKC from now on and I think it opens up a fun story line, but things are still chaotic so my simming time is still pretty low, but I will be returning to this, I promise.  Again, so sorry.  Thank you all for your patience!

Good luck with the manuscript, and yay for more RKC.


Thanks so much!  The manuscript is in beta-reading right now, so awaiting feedback right now.

No worries.  Take your time, and good luck!


Thanks!  ^^ Manuscript is now in beta-reading, so waiting on feedback.  Thanks for sticking around ^^

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Re: Lasting Legacies- a modified RKC Announcement 8/9/18
« Reply #89 on: August 09, 2018, 07:22:27 PM »
I'm happy to hear that you will be returning to this prologue to your RKC!
Enjoy playing around with Seasons!

