Spoilers for those who want to find the fish and the fishing locations for themselves.Three new fish: the Tambaqui common, the Armored Cat Fish uncommon and the Electric Eel rare.
Tambaqui: The Tambaqui is already pretty big. This one is bigger
Price/weight from around $150/34kg to around $300/70kg
Armored Cat Fish
This fish is ready to go to war.
Price/weight from around $30/2.5kg to around $40/4kg
Electric Eel
The Electric Eel is shockingly large but sparks great interest from those who catch one.
Price/weight from around $80/6kg to around $200/30kg
These prices/weights were just what my sims was able to catch if you have more information post below.
Your sim can find the Tambaqui anywhere in the jungle as it is a common fish type. The Electric Eel my sim could only catch in the fishing hole underneath the Royal Baths and mostly at night which would make sense but may not always be the case.
The Armored cat Fish my sim caught on the island - the other croc spot.
To find these places run across the swing bridge and go through the gateway by the waterfalls.
Then the Fishing Spot under the Royal Baths is found by going through the gateway on the left of the temple gateway. Left gate in this picture.
The island is found by going through the gateway to the right of the Temple gateway. Right gate in this picture.
Also worthy to note the Omiscan rare Treasure can be caught on the Island too. So fishing there is a very lucrative hobby! Angelfish can also be caught on the croc Island so a good place for ID fishers, catch the fish you need and a $7-10K golden plate!