Fire. It is a primal force of nature and symbol of duality. It burns, it destroys. It reshapes, it creates. And sometimes...Pippin: Well, sometimes it is the victim of toddler breath and spit!
Tanvi: Wow. Nice, Pippin.
Pippin: Well, I was just being accurate.
Tanvi: Anyway, my little Cariden hits his child birthday!
Spodluck: Urm drv brnrm drfdr?
Cariden: Yeah, pretty much, except everything's kind of blurry?
Tanvi: Yeah, looks like your glasses didn't age up with you. We'll have to fix that.
Pippin: Wait, he speaks babble?
Tanvi: He takes after his mama. Well, makeover time!
Pippin: And in his post-makeover attire, he starts putting in work on the social butterfly aspiration.
Cariden: Woot! If I'm gonna be a social butterfly, it's gonna be a monarch!
Pippin: ...I'm not sure if that was witty or just weird. Anyway, if it's Cariden's birthday, that means...
Pippin: It's also Ablowitz' birthday!
Tanvi: Yes, Pippin. That would be how twins work.
Ozbeth: Hey! They both got better age-up outfits than I did!
Tanvi: Well, if it makes you feel better, they both still needed makeovers.
Ozbeth: Eh, I'll just channel my frustration into my hobby.
Tanvi: Atta girl!
Pippin: Anyway, Ablowitz gets his makeover...
Pippin: and starts into the artistic prodigy aspiration.
Ablowitz: Just doing what I can to help the fam.
Tanvi: That's my boy.
Pippin: So, you're saying they
both take after you?
Spodluck: Erv, de
brg mrfgr.
Tanvi: Thank you, sweetheart!
Pippin: What did he say?
Tanvi: He said, "Well, they
are perfect."
Ozbeth: And speaking of things being perfect...
Ozbeth: Glen thinks the sauna is the perfect spot to spend some time, right?
Glen: Yeah, it's great, but what was that you said earlier about it being in one of your, I think you said, "death boxes?"
Ozbeth: Oh, look at the time. Gotta go!
Glen: K. Umm, did you just lock the door? Hello? Ozbeth?
Cariden: "Well hey there! I'm Cariden!" No. That's no good. "Howdy, I'm Cary!" Nope. Not a winner. How about..."Wassup? I'm Card!" Yep! That's it. That's the one!
Ablowitz: Blue glitter? No, that's not flashy enough. Green and purple glitter? No, still not enough. Rainbow glitter with extra sparkles?!? Yes!! That's the one!!
Pippin: Yes, the boys are each finding their own little niche.
Ozbeth: Hmm, my orchestrator sense are tingling. To the Death Cave!
Pippin: Umm, why is there a lady in here along with Glen?
Ozbeth: She was the back-up plan!
Aahana: And I'm actually going to walk out of here alive, aren't I?
Ozbeth: Yeah, might need you for another death later. Don't leave town.
Aahana: ...k? Thanks?
Glen: Umm, I think I need help...
Ozbeth: Woot! Mistah G to the rescue!
Grim: That's right! I'll have him out of here in no time!
Aahana: Soooooo, I can leave now, right?
Ozbeth: Nope! I have more plans for you.
Aahana: ...oh...
Aahana: Oh! This is awesome! I thought you were gonna kill me!
Ozbeth: Well, if you compare our scores, pretty sure that's what I'm doing.
Grim and Card: Ooooo, burn!
Pippin: And later, Ozbeth gets in time with another gal...and it involves more burning.
Pippin: The burning of birthday candles!!
Ozbeth: Ugh! Everybody gets better age-up outfits than I got!
Eris: Sorry, mom. I'll go do my makeover now.
Eris: Wow, gaming is awesome, mom!
Ozbeth: Uh-huh.
Pippin: So, how are things, Tanvi?
Tanvi: Well, I've moved out of the house so Spod and I can have more babies and Rilee can finish her big happy family aspiration.
Pippin: Moved out? But we'll miss you!
Tanvi: Eh, I'm still in the family club, and we gather pretty much all the time.
Pippin: That's true! Tanvi, you're the best!
Tanvi: That's true!
Pippin: And we keep Tanvi around some more as we try for our first gold medal party.
Ozbeth: I thought this costume would be original.
Tanvi: Sorry, sis! If it helps, you're really rocking that look!
Rilee: You said Rilee's rocking that look? Why thank you!
Pippin: Eris and Spodluck got going on the jack o'lanterns.
Eris: Careful costume planning means mine can be a self-portrait!
Pippin: Nice! Meantime...
Pippin: uncontrolled Tanvi starts autonomously repairing the shower. Tanvi, you're the best!
Tanvi: It's true.
Pippin: And Eris finished her...self-portrait?
Eris: ...something went wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong.
Pippin: Anyway, we earn our first gold medal at a party and then there's cleaning up to be done.
Eris: Yeah, there's a down side to not being in the running for heir.
Card: True, but you're
definitely in the running for maid-of-the-year!
Eris: ...keep working on that charisma, bucko. You've obviously
not mastered it yet.
Pippin: And another thing that happened in that same bathroom...
Ozbeth: Hey look! I'm gonna be an aunt again!
Pippin: Umm, how are you seeing her through the wall?
Ozbeth: I...have strange mutant powers? Oh! Speaking of, my orchestrator sense are tingling...
Random Sim Who Might Have Been a Spouse Option If She Wasn't Already an Adult: Goodness, I haven't eaten for days and am now starving literally to death!
Ozbeth: Woot! I mean, don't worry, I'll call for help!
RSWMHBASOISWAAA: Thanks! (drops)
Grim: I have come to your rescue!!
Ozbeth: You da best, Mistah G!
Pippin: Well, that's 9 deaths down. And speaking of 9, that's what level Cassie Bheeda's at in the tech guru career which Spodluck recently quit. Maybe it's time to move a secondary spouse into that vacant household spot?
Cassie: Hey, Spod! Guess you moved out the old ball and chain so we could finally be together, eh?
Spodluck: (confused/disgusted look) Erm drb vrmdr wrv?
Cassie: (holds up a sign) "My mom's listening in on speakerphone. Just play along and I'll move in to (hopefully) max the career
and an aspiraton."
Spodluck: (changes to a flirty tone) Thul drnbr drdbr!
Cassie: Oh, Spod, you charmer! I'd
love to move in with you!
Jessminder: (on the phone) YES!! I mean...nothing...I'm not here. (click)
Pippin: And so, Cassie brought in her almost maxed career and the Leader of the Pack aspiration which instantly won her an invite into the household club, and quite conveniently, Spodluck become embarrassed while chatting with Cassie.
Ozbeth: Hey, bro! Mr. Cuddles made you some cake!!
Spodluck: Drb brmr trmd!
Pippin: And we've already completed the MySims, postcard, mood painting, and plushy collections, so now we're one essence closer to having all the mood essences! Things are going well for the Sharebears!