Author Topic: A Sharebear Legacy: Please Graveyard  (Read 74539 times)

Offline reggikko

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Get a Teeny Bit Older
« Reply #45 on: March 27, 2018, 08:18:58 PM »
Spodluck:  Ythm brnd frtlr!
Rilee:  Ummm, sure.  I mean, the answer was two, but that might be what you said.

Okay, so I did actually chuckle here. Poor Spod. He really is his father's son.

Ozbeth and Nina? More please!

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Get a Teeny Bit Older
« Reply #46 on: March 27, 2018, 09:21:16 PM »
How did Ozbeth missing learning the Rilee Household's Rule #1? No killing redheads.
Nice to see Tanvi still so into her underage BFF. :D
Thank you for the collages! Pippin, you've seen more of the kids than we have. Who do you think they resemble?
Spod takes after Mom and Oz takes after Dad?

Congrats to Rilee on speeding through the Super Parent aspiration!
Yay, both heirs are teens! Looking forward to the heir vote!

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Get a Teeny Bit Older
« Reply #47 on: March 27, 2018, 10:10:30 PM »
I laughed a bit too hard at that last pun XD and then I facepalmed, giggled some more, and another facepalm XD Pippin, I love your updates, but they seem to be hazardous to my health on occasion lol  In all seriousness, I love Spodluck.  Ozbeth is fun too, though there are times that locking her in with a cowplant for a bit sounds like a great idea hehehehehe

Offline LenaLJ

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Get a Teeny Bit Older
« Reply #48 on: March 28, 2018, 05:47:03 AM »
The two children are so different, and both so nice. I love your updates.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Get a Teeny Bit Older
« Reply #49 on: March 28, 2018, 10:32:12 AM »
Spodluck:  Ythm brnd frtlr!
Rilee:  Ummm, sure.  I mean, the answer was two, but that might be what you said.

Okay, so I did actually chuckle here. Poor Spod. He really is his father's son.

Ozbeth and Nina? More please!
I also rather enjoyed little Ozbeth and Nina getting into it.  In gameplay, Nina actually started it (hot-headed), but I loved playing it off as Ozbeth's idea  :=)
Yeah, Spod is pretty delightful in his own helpless way.

How did Ozbeth missing learning the Rilee Household's Rule #1? No killing redheads.
Nice to see Tanvi still so into her underage BFF. :D
Thank you for the collages! Pippin, you've seen more of the kids than we have. Who do you think they resemble?
Spod takes after Mom and Oz takes after Dad?

Congrats to Rilee on speeding through the Super Parent aspiration!
Yay, both heirs are teens! Looking forward to the heir vote!
I think both kids are pretty decent mixtures.  Oz quite obviously got more of Rilee's coloring and figure while Spod got Advaith's, but the facial features are a bit of a toss up.  For example, Oz has Advaith's eyebrows (though randomly pink) yet Rilee's eyes while Spod has Advaith's eyes, but Rilee's facial shape.  I think they're both quite lovely!

I laughed a bit too hard at that last pun XD and then I facepalmed, giggled some more, and another facepalm XD Pippin, I love your updates, but they seem to be hazardous to my health on occasion lol  In all seriousness, I love Spodluck.  Ozbeth is fun too, though there are times that locking her in with a cowplant for a bit sounds like a great idea hehehehehe
So sorry that my updates are hazardous to your health!  I'll have to start posting them with warnings  ;=)  Seriously, though, thank you for the lovely feedback.  It's always great to hear that the updates are being enjoyed and that the silliness is suitable rather than distracting  :=)  And there may be a cowplant in the future  ;=)

The two children are so different, and both so nice. I love your updates.
So glad you're enjoying both kiddos!  I also think they're quite outstanding!  I'm enjoying them so much it's made me neglect my poor Tooks!

Offline PeregrineTook

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A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Meet the Council (Heir Vote Time)
« Reply #50 on: March 28, 2018, 10:32:59 AM »
Near a coffee shop in a quaint corner of Windenberg, two white-robed figures venture forth, their wills determined, their eyes focused, and their energy honed in on a single purpose.  An heir vote.

oshizu:  Do you feel like we're in a movie preview?
Francesca:  Yeah, but I've read his updates, so I'm not surprised.
osihzu:  So why did he call us to meet here?
Francesca:  And more importantly, why is Bjorn Bergsen digging in the trash?  I mean, that family's loaded!
oshizu:  (rounding the corner) Oh.  Well, he's right here, but...

Pippin:  Oh, Izumi, you're so charming!
Izumi:  And you're so much more handsome when you're not just a disembodied voice.
Pippin:  (blushes)  Awww, thanks!
Francesca:  Umm, that's not really much of a compliment.
oshizu:  And aren't we supposed to be doing something important here?
Pippin:  Oh.  Hey, guys!

Pippin:  Ummm, what's up with the outfits?
Francesca:  What?  You specifically said in your invite that "we'll have our Star Wars for supremacy."
Pippin:  Huh?  Oh!  No.  I said "we'll have our stars war for supremacy."
oshizu:  (facepalm)
Pippin:  Yeah.  That is a pretty easy mistake.  That was my bad.  Anyway, here they come!  First, let's chat with Spodluck...and therefore also Tanvi.

oshizu:  So, Spodluck, can you remind everyone of your traits and aspiration?
Spodluck:  Ervmy denfrb grt, ibn, ahf rftyun.  Yh ghernfu ed welberm ermdr.
Tanvi:  So, he said his traits are goofball and good and his aspiration is Renaissance Sim.  Once he hits adulthood, he'll be adding art lover to his traits.
Pippin:  (moves over to sit with Izumi)
Francesca:  And what is the main reason people should vote for you?

Spodluck:  (blushes) Tryhm verd weg brvrt.
Tanvi:  Aww, he said because of his lovely interpreter.  (blushes)
(Lingering moment of awkward silence)
oshizu:  Umm, Pippin?  It's your turn to ask them a question.  (gets up to look for him) Pippin?

Pippin: when the Tooks finish their dynasty, I'll totally need a new founder.  Just sayin'.
oshizu:  (facepalm)
Francesca:  I'll do it.  So, Spodluck, final question.  How do you feel about secondary spouses?

Spodluck:  (blushes harder) Uphn nry wern sif dernm.
Tanvi:  Well, he says there's only one woman for him, so any "secondary spouse" would be nothing but a helper.
Francesca:  And the one woman is...?
Spodluck:  (blushes)
Tanvi:  (smiles)
oshizu:  Okay, guess we'll wait to find out.  Next!

Spodluck:  Vrn, drftu!
Ozbeth:   Hey, loser!
oshizu:  That was harsh.
Ozbeth:  Eh, he knows I'm just messin'.
Francesca:  So, can you remind everyone of your traits and aspiration?

Ozbeth:  Oh, well, I got genius from mom, but got stuck with squeamish from dad.  As an adult, I'll be picking up the neat trait, but no, I will not become the maid.  My aspiration is freelance botanist.  It's not bad, I guess.  I mean, I'll get to grow a cowplant, so...
oshizu:  Okay!  What are your biggest plans if you take over as heir?
Ozbeth:  Oh, let me show you the flow chart! (stands and pulls out her phone)

Ozbeth:  See?  I've got every type of death mapped out and plans of how to make them into realities!
oshizu:  Ooo, I love the planning.  Maybe not the subject area, but the list is spectacular!

Pippin:  So, you wanna go someplace more private?
Izumi:  I'd love to!
Francesca:  Umm, that's fine, Pippin.  We'll take it from here.
Pippin:  Huh?  What?  Oh!  Great!  Thanks!  (leaves)
oshizu:  (facepalm)

Francesca:  And final question.  What are your feelings on secondary spouses?
Ozbeth:  More minions under my control.  More victims for my schemes.  I'm a fan!  By the way, did you notice my eyebrows are pink?  Because they totally are!  I'm not even sure how that's genetically possible.  It'd be a shame not to pass that trait along.  Just sayin'.
oshizu:  Yep.  She's a genius.
Francesca:  Well, that brings us down to voting time.  Who will carry this legacy forward?
oshizu:  Will it be the soft-hearted, but tongue twisted Spodluck?
Francesca:  Or will it be the evil beauty Ozbeth?  Vote in the comments section now!
oshizu:  But voting ends on April 2nd.
Francesca: let's go get out of these ridiculous outfits.
oshizu:  Hey, you're the one who made him be a Hobbit!
Francesca:  Grrrr....

Spodluck                                                                               Ozbeth
Aspiration:  Renaissance Sim                                                    Aspiration:  Freelance Botanist
Traits:  Goofball, Good,                                                            Traits:  Genius, Squeamish,
            and Art Lover                                                                          and Neat

Voting ends Monday, April 2nd!

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Meet the Council (Heir Vote Time)
« Reply #51 on: March 28, 2018, 11:11:39 AM »
Wheeeee, first vote!
My vote is for Spodluck.
Why? Because where there is Spodluck, we shall find Tanvi (whose traits I don't remember).
Spodluck, make Tanvi both your spouse and a bonafide member of your legacy household!
Yep, Spodluck is twofer.  #TeamSpodluck

So...Councillor Pippin is canoodling with his favorite sim? Should we be concerned? Hmmm? *waggles eyebrows
(He is a real chameleon, that guy! lol)

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Offline LenaLJ

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Meet the Council (Heir Vote Time)
« Reply #52 on: March 28, 2018, 11:15:42 AM »
My vote will be for Ozbeth.
And lovely voting chapter!

Offline reggikko

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Meet the Council (Heir Vote Time)
« Reply #53 on: March 28, 2018, 11:47:49 AM »
Hmm. Both candidates offer great comedic potential.

Spodluck, because Spodluck.

However, a neat and squeamish Sim who can't wait to get the deaths rolling in? She'll both love and be repulsed by cleaning AND will be squicked out by every death she witnesses.

Ultimately, though, Spod has Tanvi so count me as #TeamSpodluck.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Meet the Council (Heir Vote Time)
« Reply #54 on: March 28, 2018, 11:50:55 AM »
#TeamSpodluck/Tanvi!  It's all about Tanvi, well, that and her relationship with Spodluck XD

Offline FrancescaFiori

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A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Meet the Council (Heir Vote Time)
« Reply #55 on: March 28, 2018, 11:52:16 AM »
*Much hemming and hawing* This is a really tough call. I adore them both. Ozbeth has the best lines, and making a death spreadsheet cements her as a girl after my own heart, but Spodluck is frankly dreamy and he’s got Tanvi going for him so . . . I vote Spodluck. My loyalty to Team Tanvi stands.
Amazing chapter, by the way! I’m totally pulling off that Leia dress. I’m going to start wearing it every day. It’s the ultimate in comfort, style, and function!

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Offline wa-wa-world

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Meet the Council (Heir Vote Time)
« Reply #56 on: March 28, 2018, 02:31:31 PM »
I'm not 100% caught up but I think my vote is going to Spodluck
Gallery Id: Soda_Stealer

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Meet the Council (Heir Vote Time)
« Reply #57 on: March 28, 2018, 06:28:12 PM »
This was really tough because Ozbeth has so much going for her, but I'm voting for Spodluck/Tanvi.  Hopefully Ozbeth can stay in the house and carry out her plans even if she isn't the heir.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: A Sharebear Legacy: Her Kids Meet the Council (Heir Vote Time)
« Reply #58 on: March 30, 2018, 11:22:53 AM »
Wheeeee, first vote!
My vote is for Spodluck.
Why? Because where there is Spodluck, we shall find Tanvi (whose traits I don't remember).
Spodluck, make Tanvi both your spouse and a bonafide member of your legacy household!
Yep, Spodluck is twofer.  #TeamSpodluck

So...Councillor Pippin is canoodling with his favorite sim? Should we be concerned? Hmmm? *waggles eyebrows
(He is a real chameleon, that guy! lol)
Yeah, I couldn't resist bringing Izumi back for an encore  :=)  Canoodling indeed  ;=)
I wondered if Tanvi would end up getting more votes than Spodluck would have gotten on his own.

My vote will be for Ozbeth.
And lovely voting chapter!
I simply adore Ozbeth!  Glad you enjoyed the silliness of my voting chapter :=)

Hmm. Both candidates offer great comedic potential.

Spodluck, because Spodluck.

However, a neat and squeamish Sim who can't wait to get the deaths rolling in? She'll both love and be repulsed by cleaning AND will be squicked out by every death she witnesses.

Ultimately, though, Spod has Tanvi so count me as #TeamSpodluck.
Hahaha.  I loved how you counted the values of each individual, but the voted based on Tanvi.  She's pretty great!

#TeamSpodluck/Tanvi!  It's all about Tanvi, well, that and her relationship with Spodluck XD
I think I should have just posted it as Ozbeth vs. Tanvi instead  ;=)

*Much hemming and hawing* This is a really tough call. I adore them both. Ozbeth has the best lines, and making a death spreadsheet cements her as a girl after my own heart, but Spodluck is frankly dreamy and he’s got Tanvi going for him so . . . I vote Spodluck. My loyalty to Team Tanvi stands.
Amazing chapter, by the way! I’m totally pulling off that Leia dress. I’m going to start wearing it every day. It’s the ultimate in comfort, style, and function!
Yeah you're pulling off that Leia dress!!  Work it, gurl!  Glad you enjoyed the update  :=)
Team Tanvi.  So cracking me up that she was such a determining factor!  I must avoid having blatantly awesome romantic interests for all future generations  ;=)

I'm not 100% caught up but I think my vote is going to Spodluck
I'm counting the vote as Spodluck for now, but you've still got time to change it if you'd like.

This was really tough because Ozbeth has so much going for her, but I'm voting for Spodluck/Tanvi.  Hopefully Ozbeth can stay in the house and carry out her plans even if she isn't the heir.
I was planning to keep the "spare" around regardless of which way the voting went, so no worries  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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A Sharebear Legacy: Her Final Moment in the Spotlight (Heir Vote Time)
« Reply #59 on: March 30, 2018, 11:24:17 AM »
Two siblings.  Each desires the title of heir.  Only one can wear the crown.  Who will rise triumphantly, and who will be trampled underfoot?

Spodluck:  Mrm frm dbuntrn!
Ozbeth:  Psh, whatever, loser!  I'll totally stomp you!
Tanvi:  Umm, he said may the best Sharebear win?
Ozbeth:  I plan to!
Tanvi:  And I checked the posts and he's winning.
Ozbeth:  ...well, you're about to become too old to date my brother!
Tanvi:  (blushing) We're not dating.

Pippin:  And sure enough, despite the slight pink relationship bar...
Tanvi:  (blushes)
Pippin:  they are inappropriately aged to date.
Tanvi:  We're not dating!
Pippin:  Whatever.  Anyway, just as Tanvi is growing up, so is the Sharebear home.

Pippin:  I had to leave an open walkway back to the garden or else it tried to make the garden area an enclosed room and it deleted Ozbeth's plants.
Ozbeth:  NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Pippin:  So we left the walkway and saved the plants.
Ozbeth:  Oh.  Okay then.

Pippin:  Anyway, it's quite the glorious center for skill-building, but the family can't stay there all the time.
Rilee:  To the park!

Rilee:  So Evie my dear, Tanvi and my son keep saying they aren't dating and you have wonderfully unique genetics and three unique traits.  Just sayin'.
Evie:  ...pretty sure he's crazy about Tanvi?
Rilee:  Well, cheat yourself.
Pippin:  But we didn't actually go park-hopping to search for unnecessary spouse options for the obviously-smitten Spodluck...
Tanvi and Spodluck:  (blush)

Pippin:  rather, it was to help young Ozbeth flesh out her garden some more.
Ozbeth:  Yeah, the rest of this is just filler.  The cowplant will be the greatest feature of my garden.  Can't wait to feed him!
Pippin:  What do you feed a cowplant?
Ozbeth:  No, Pippin.  The question is not "what," it's "who?"
Pippin:  ...anyway, when she's not plotting the deaths of other Sims, young Ozbeth is helping Rilee with her super parent aspiration.

Ozbeth:  Hey, mom, I'm taking out some trash.  Don't you want to encourage that?
Rilee:  I sure do!!
Pippin:  And speaking of working on aspirations, we finally put some time towards Advaith's...nature dude...person...aspiration.
Tanvi:  Outdoor enthusiast?
Pippin:  That's the one!

Advaith:  Look!  I found bugs!  (catches them)  Eww!!  They're so gross!!

Advaith:  Catching fish.  That are gross.  Ewww!
Rilee:  Hmmm, potential secondary spouse in the background?  Park rangers should have maxed herbalism, right?
Pippin:  Back to fishing, Sharebears!

Pippin:  Oh.  And regular bears too, I guess.

Rilee:  How's the aspiration going, honey?
Advaith:  My aspiration's dumb.  Can we go home?
Ozbeth:  That may be the first smart thing dad's ever said!
Pippin:  And they head home and Ozbeth returns to her garden.

Ozbeth:  Awww, look at Mr. Cuddles!!  He's so cute!  Get the scent, boy!  This is who you'll be eating!
Pippin:  Wait, did you steal laundry from...
Ozbeth:  Hang on, I'm going to invite a friend over!

Ozbeth: you'll be right over?  Great!  (hangs up).  Good news, Mr. Cuddles, I just ordered you some take out!

Ozbeth:  So, Eric, this is Mr. Cuddles.
Eric:  Umm, did you just hear a clicking noise?
Ozbeth:  That was just all the doors locking for everyone but my household.  Don't worry, though.  You can always get out through the walkway.
Eric:  Oh.  Well.  Okay then.

Ozbeth:  Oh.  Did I leave that pumpkin carving station in the walkway?  My bad.  Don't worry.  Mr. Cuddles will take care of you.  (wrings hands wickedly) Mwahahahahaha!
Pippin:  Meantime, Tanvi continues working on her painting skill.

Daichi:  No, no, it's good!  I mean, it's really clear that you've got Advaith right next to me at the bottom.  Very good work!
Pippin:  Excellent mentoring, Daichi.  We'll have stick figures to memorialize generation 2.
Tanvi:  Nice, Pippin.  Anyway, have you even mentioned what my dad's done?

Ashaya:  Whoa, dudeman!  There was, like, fire and stuff! 
Pippin:  Yes.  He has maxed mixology, yet still almost burns himself making fancy drinks.
Ozbeth:  Death by fire counts!
Tanvi:  You may not burn my dad!
Ozbeth:  (mutters) Never let me have any fun.
Pippin:  But a super fun moment is coming up for young Spodluck...

Pippin:  and for Tanvi.
Tanvi:  Hush, Pippin.

Tanvi:  Spodluck, and I have always been...well, I guess I'm trying to say...
Spodluck:  Gry tho mrtn?
Tanvi:  Yes!

Pippin:  Now can I say you're dating?
Tanvi:  Well, Spodluck?  Can he say that?
Spodluck:  Ern vrn!
Pippin:  ...?
Tanvi:  He said yes.
Pippin:  Oh!  Okay then!  But they weren't the only two connecting...

Ashaya:  Hey, little ginger dudegirl!  Whatcha doin'?
Ozbeth:  Eh, just waiting for my cowplant to eat a guy.
Ashaya:  Sweeeeet!
Ozbeth:  Yep!
Pippin:  Not the duo I meant.

Rilee:  I still like her genetics!
Pippin:  Noted.  And so, we have 1 out of two potential heirs already at young adult, another collection completed...

Pippin:  more maxed skills including DJ mixing and mixology...

Pippin:  and only a couple more days left on the voting.  The next update will hold the announcement and be the first official update of the new heir.  Things are going well for the Sharebears!

Current Voting Tallies

Spodluck and Tanvi                                                               Ozbeth
Aspiration:  Renaissance Sim                                                    Aspiration:  Freelance Botanist
Traits:  Goofball, Good,                                                            Traits:  Genius, Squeamish,
            and Art Lover                                                                          and Neat
6 votes                                                                                   1 vote

Voting ends Monday, April 2nd!