Under the watchful eye, Sims do as they are bid, but if no one was watching...Lisee: Woot! Lookin' good, Jax!
Jaxlyn: Yeah, this is my formal wear. For some reason, Pippin never lets me wear it.
Lisee: Weird.
Lisee: Shouldn't Pippin be defending himself right about now?
Jaxlyn: ...that does seem like what should be happening. What if something's happened to him...ah well! Time for work!
Lisee: Yeah, the strange lack of a Watcher should be fine. I mean, Eris is here to keep an eye on things.
Eris: Yeah, I can keep an eye on everything near the mixology bar.
Eris: Umm, what are you doing, Rilan?
Rilan: Just watching you.
Eris: ...so creepy.
Magnus: Hey, sis! My beloved Rileen is learning to play violin, so I'm learning to dance! We'll be the perfect duo!
Maja: You know she thinks you're a ridiculous moron, right?
Magnus: Yep!
Maja: ...okay...
screech screech screeeeeeeeeechRileen: Ugh. Weww, I'm getting way cwosew to things that sound wike notes.
And eventually, all good things must come to an end...which in this case, means the Jensens and Raina head home, but the next day...Rilan: Growed with the upping more you did! Liking the find you my eyes are!
Maja: Ummm, yeah? I aged up?
Raina: Pretty sure he complimented you too.
Maja: ...thanks?
Rilan: I are having like looking find you!
Raina: And maybe she's about due for a makeover?
Rilan: Oh, finding the look I am for liking but have you want yes.
Magnus: So, Rileen, notice anything
different about me?
Rileen: Youw pants awe too showt now?
Magnus: I...
Rileen: Oh, hang on, Magnet, I'm about to beat this wevew of Angwy Biwds!
Magnus: ...Magnus. It's Magnus.
Helga: Alright, you young'uns! No funny business on my watch!
Maja: Ugh, my mom's so embarrassing!
Raina: I go this.
Raina: Mrs. Jensen! You're even lovelier than Maja had said!
Helga: Oh, you're so sweet! You must be that Raina girl that my little Majie-pie is always going on about.
Raina: Yep, that's me! So, ma'am, would you mind terribly if I took your little Majie-pie somewhere to give her a makeover to more effectively show off that beauty that she obviously inherited from you?
Helga: Oh, aren't you just the sweetest thing? Of course you may!
Raina: Thanks!
And so, our intrepid troupe traverses to the faraway fashion foundry known as...
the Sharebear homestead.Magnus: You're so lovely, Rileen!
Rileen: Ewww, you'we gwoss!! I'm gonna go pwactice viowin.
Magnus: You amaze me, my muse!
Rileen: No, mowon, a Muse inspiwes the awtist, I
am the awtist.
Magnus: (facepalm) Dang it! She
will be mine. She
will love me.
Rileen: ...you know I can stiww hear you, wight?
Magnus: ...no...
Rilan: Stepping the closet in for changing you be!
Maja: Promise you won't peek?
Rilan: Heart my crossing be!
Maja: Okay...
Maja: So...whatdya think?
Rilan: Heart my beating faster is! Lovely you be!
Maja: Aww, thanks!
Eris: Umm, kids? It should be about heir vote time, but Pippin is missing.
Rileen: So, how do we handwe that?
Eris: (sigh) Lisee had his address. Just follow these directions.
Rileen: Shouldn't thewe be a Counciw?
Rilan: Shouldn't we be magically summoned?
Eris: Apparently not. Off you go. No missed heir votes on my watch!
Rilan and Rileen: (leave in confusion)
Rileen: This just wooks wike a weguwaw house.
Rilan: Right? I mean, dad told us those stories about the Council and the raised dais and how formal it felt. This is just...normal. Disappointingly normal.
Rileen: Weww, wet's go knock.
Izumi: Oh, hi kids! Is it heir vote time already? Hang on, I'll go get Pippin.
Rileen: Who's that?
Rilan: So pretty she be!
Rileen: (facepawm)
Pippin: (from the next room) Sweetie? Was that the pizza?
Izumi: No, loverkins. It's the Sharebear twins.
Pippin: Wha...OH!! Heir vote time!! Sorry, I was...distracted.
Pippin: So, welcome to my home!
Jimin: Daddy? We wead stowy now?
Pippin: Just let Daddy have a little chat with his friends first, then we'll read.
Jimin: K.
Pippin: Would you be a big helper and go make sure Perdita's okay?
Jimin: K! Me good hewpew!
Rileen: I wike hew. She makes a wot of sense.
Izumi: Sweetie? You're still in your jammies...?
Pippin: Wha...OH!! (changes)
Pippin: So, let's all sit and chat by the fireplace and you can tell the readers why you'd be the best choice for heir.
Rilan: I don't mean any disrespect, sir, but isn't there supposed to be a Council and a formal setting and such?
Pippin: Oh, yeah, we used to do that, but we decided to let the Council thing go on hiatus. Besides, I needed more time with Izzy and the girls.
Izumi: Oh, sweetie!
Rileen: That's womantic.
Pippin: Thanks!
Rileen: It wasn't a compwiment, just an obsewvation.
Pippin: ...okay, we'll start with Rilan.
Izumi: So, Rilan, why should you be chosen as heir?
Rilan: Heh, girl be pretty and speak to me from her face that are pretty.
Pippin: I'll take this one, dear. Rilan, why should you be chosen as heir?
Rilan: Well, Pippin, I'm going for the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration and you haven't bought the Seasons expansion yet, so it's probably a good idea to do that before seasonal issues make it harder. Additionally, I'm a lazy, goofball, foodie. Lazy isn't the greatest, but foodie is ideal since we still haven't done the pictures of experimental food collection. And goofball. I'm a delight!
Pippin: So, you seem torn between Maja and Raina. Who are you thinking would be the next Mrs. Sharebear?
Rilan: Both of them!! I mean, primary and secondary spouses is totally a thing in legacies and they're both beautiful and they like me and they get along really well.
Pippin: I...that's not how...
Izumi: Well, sweetie, we still need a single Sim to get both the Soulmate and Serial Romantic aspirations, so maybe Rilan's our guy?
Rilan: She say I be her guy.
Pippin: No.
I'm her guy.
Izumi: Okay, let's chat with Rileen. Why should the voters pick you?
Rileen: Weww, I pway music, so I pwan to max the viowin, guitaw, piano, and pipe owgan. That's fouw skills wight thewe and they'ww awe go awong with my caweew as an entewtainew. My wosew bwothew wiww onwy be maxing two skiwws with his Outdoow Enthusiast aspiwation and neithew of those go with a caweew. In fact, he hasn't even
chosen a caweew yet!
Pippin: Fair enough, but now we turn our focus to romance.
Rileen: Ewww...
Pippin: Your current traits are dog lover and foodie, but you'll be adding jealous at your young adult birthday. Assuming you marry Magnus, how do you see that impacting the legacy household?
Rileen: Magnus? Who's Magnus?
Izumi: Magnet.
Rileen: Oh, that wosew. Yeah, I guess he'ww do. Wait, awe you asking because somebody ewse wikes him? Who's muscwing in? That wosew wikes
Pippin: And I think that answers that. And so we turn to you, dear readers. Who will be our next heir?
Rilan Sharebear Rileen SharebearAspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration: Musical Genius
Traits: Lazy, Foodie, Goofball Traits: Dog Lover, Foodie, Jealous
Post your vote in the comments. The official announcement will be made on Tuesday, July 31st.