Author Topic: The Yoshida Legacy - Graveyard please  (Read 39277 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Yowza!  That Dark Form is epic!  Kiku looks amazing!  --jumps up and down in glee-- She really is awesome.  I love that she feeds off her family lol And then turns random sims to get her aspiration completed.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Lol. Nana's face when Kiku asks to drink from her is cracking me up. You want to do WHAT? She's a good Mom, though, and provides for her children well.
Kiku's dark form is amazing and she's really on a roll with her aspiration! Hopefully she can impart some of her coolness to her offspring!

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Offline rika1431

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@Shewolf13 Hehehe, I'm very proud of her dark form, it's my masterpiece! Kiku is awesome.

@FrancescaFiori Nana just loves all her kids so much she'll do anything for them  ;D She's the bestest mom in the whole wide world.

1.19: Who will be the gen 2 heir? - Part 3
You can read this post on Wordpress here.

Day 3 / Wednesday

And guess who happens to call Kiku and ask to hang out!
Caleb: I know it’s late to be calling, but I figured with your recent transformation that you’d be awake. I just…I can’t keep you off my mind, and I couldn’t wait another moment.
Kiku: Oh, Caleb, I’m so happy to hear that! I would have called you sooner, but I’ve been so busy trying to level up to master vampire so that I can walk in the daylight like you.

Caleb: Oh…Kiku…I…Hngh.
Kiku: -giggles-

Kiku: I can’t help but steal a kiss. Now that I’m finally a young adult, there’s nothing standing in the way of Caleb and I being together! I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I was a child.
Little weird, you meeting Caleb as a child, and then growing up and romancing him.
Kiku: Hush! We’re soulmates, we were always meant for each other.

Kiku: Caleb had to leave, unfortunately, but I’m sure I’ll see him again soon. In the meantime, I need to keep growing my vampire powers so that I can walk in the sun–and maybe then Caleb and I can go on an actual date!

Hana: Ahhh! What’s happening to me? I’m levitating, I can’t stop!
And Hana completes her transformation into a vampire, with possibly even a worse dark form than Kiku’s. What’s with the blonde hair? Why do they keep changing their hair for their dark form?

And Hana’s dark form gets a quick makeover! I was a little torn on what to do for her–she never wanted to be a vampire, she’s not a particularly dark sim, but it didn’t seem right to give her a ‘nice’ dark form.
Hana: This feels so wrong.
Hana, they’re just clothes! I know they aren’t what you’d normally wear, but it’s a role you have to play.
Hana: No, it’s not the clothes, Rika. It’s this…every part of it is wrong, my entire body is screaming at me that this isn’t right, this isn’t how things are supposed to be.

Well, even though Hana is very much adverse to her new vampiric life, she’s sent off to start learning about vampires so that she can farm vampire points.
Hana: And with every new thing I learn, I lose a little more hope for my life.
This is just temporary, Hana. As soon as the heir vote is finished, we’ll cure you.
Hana: But will I ever be the same, after having lived like this?

Mari: So, not to be insensitive to your recent death and rebirth, but wasn’t the whole point of you becoming a vampire so that Rei and I could have more time with the readers?
Hana: I know…I guess Rika just got caught up in our transformations.
Sorry, Mari, sorry, Rei. 

And the twins are studying vampire lore side by side! Pretty cute.
Hana: What, exactly, is cute about being dead?
Kiku: Oh, Hana, don’t be like that. This really isn’t so bad.
Hana: I just don’t see it the way you do, Kiku. Every fiber of my being is screaming at me in protest. How do you live with it?
Kiku: I…I don’t know, I don’t feel that way. This…this feels right to me, like this was how I was meant to be.

Kiku: It’s dark out, so it’s time to summon my next victim–I mean, offspring.
Kiku, no, not Alexander Goth! Haven’t we done enough to the Goth family?
Kiku: Sorry, Rika, but he’s one of the few sims I actually have in my contacts list, so…he made the cut.
Oh dear.

And Hana has her first taste of human blood, feeding from her mother the same as Kiku did.
Hana: This is so wrong. I’m so sorry, mother.
But you’re a minor vampire now, on the road to becoming a master vampire and walking in the sun!
Hana: But now my soul is stained with the evil act of drinking the life force of another. I’ll never be able to wash that away, or make up for it.

Ah, I see you aren’t having as hard a time with this as Hana is. Turning another sim?
Kiku: Yep. I don’t know what’s wrong with Hana, but nothing has ever felt as right as this for me.

Kiku: Booyah, guess who just turned their fifth and final sim? Now I just have to wait for them to complete their transformations, and then I need to train three of them, and I’ll move on to the next tier of my aspiration!

Kiku: I’m lucky to have a family with four human sims in it that I can drink from–it means not having to wait until dark and going out to find strangers to feed on, or drinking plasma packs. This way, I can level up my vampire powers even faster.

Aw, poor Mari. You had to drink deep from her instead of asking for a drink?
Kiku: Sorry, but yeah. My thirst was really low, so asking for a drink wouldn’t have filled me up–and a deep drink gives me more vampire power, anyway. Now I’m doing a dark meditation for even more power. Mari won’t be down for long, and she won’t have any lasting effects.

Hana: What are we doing now?
Kiku: Sparring! This will help raise both of our power levels at once!
Hana: But I don’t want to fight.
Kiku: It’s better than drinking, isn’t it?

And Kiku defeats Hana very easily. Several times, in fact. It’s too bad she isn’t doing the master vampire aspiration–she’s kicking ass, and defeating other vampires in combat is one of the goals.
Kiku: Sorry, Hana. You okay?
Hana: Fine, I’m fine. -sigh- I’m just not cut out for this like you are, Kiku.

Offline Shewolf13

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Aww, poor Hana.  She's really not enjoying herself is she?  Kiku, however, she's a born vampire! (well, not literally hehehe).  I love it ^^

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Oh, gosh. The tables have really turned. Now it's Kiku who's really in her element and Hana who's struggling. Kiku's complete lack of regret at drinking deeply from her sisters cracks me up. Meh. They'll be fine. :)
But the first kiss between Kiku and Caleb! YES! They're so perfect together. I can't wait for more of those two!

Offline rika1431

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@Shewolf13 Yeahhh...Hana gets really low as a vampire. Looking back, with all the effort I put in two giving Mari and Rei more screen time and pumping up Kiku after her depressive state after rolling Evil, I really let Hana fall down a bit. Kiku is totally shining as a vampire, though!

@FrancescaFiori Indeed, they have! Yeah, Kiku is very much a 'let's get this business done' kind of person. Very logical, very matter of fact. If it won't actually hurt them, than what's the harm, in her mind, lol. Also, yaaaaay, I'm glad you like Kiku and Caleb. I honestly wasn't planning on them at all, but Kiku just kept pushing for him, so I let it happen :P

1.19: Who will be the gen 2 heir? - Part 4
You can read this post on Wordpress here.

Day 4 / Thursday

Rei: So, Mari, guess what I just realized?
Mari: What’s that?
Rei: Our age bars say we have four days left in our teen years, and we aged up around three in the morning last time, so Monday at 3 am will be our birthdays. Which means this really is the final week for Rika to put off the voting. But we also have three vacation days available for school, and it’s Thursday, and we already have A’s, so…we don’t really need to go to school ever again.
Mari: Oh, wow, I didn’t even think about that! That’s so cool!
Rei: Yeah! Want to take today and tomorrow off and enjoy what’s left of teen hood?
Mari: Did you even have to ask?
Hmmm, we should do something special. A little later in the day, though, it’s only six am.

Hana: I’m a prime vampire now, and I did it without feeding again! That feels pretty good, actually. If I can keep leveling without having to feed, maybe this won’t be so bad…well, if I can figure out how to block out the way my body feels about this.
I’m sorry, Hana, but at the same time I’m proud of you for leveling up! You’re moving along at a decent rate, although a little slower than Kiku, for some reason.
Hana: That’s actually pretty easy to explain. Kiku feeds often, and I don’t. I just can’t bring myself to do it, even though mom, dad, Rei, and Mari have all said they’re okay with it.
But…you… :/

Guess what I just figured out!
Mari: That taking mud baths will clear out the uncomfortable moodlet we get from being fed on?
Yeah! Which is nice, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable all day when you get to go out.
Mari: Oh, so we’re going somewhere again?

Rei: Oh my god, she did it again!
Mari: Right? She got things just for us!
Rei: And this time it isn’t just one new place–she got Nipponia for us!
Mari: This is so cool–a Japanese town for us to visit, to stay in touch with our roots!

Mari: Our first stop is Osaka Mall, which has some cool things for sale–I checked out the potions first, but none of them are emotion potions.
Rei: Too bad. It would have been nice to get a focused potion, so that one of us could do Scientist and get a cloning machine, and then we wouldn’t have to feed people to a cowplant.
Mari: I know, right? But if one of us completes the mixology aspiration and another does Scientist, than the mixologist can make emotion potions for the Scientist to clone.
Rei: Oooo, that’s smart.
Mari: But enough about that! We’re supposed to be enjoying our day off!

Mari: Eeeee, this outfit is so cute! Look at me!
Rei: You should buy it!
Mari: Maybe…Maybe not, though. I might only be around for the rest of this week, so what’s the point in getting a new outfit if I’m not staying?
Rei: Oh, Mari, we can’t think about things like that. Besides, even if we get voted out, we’ll still get to visit!

Mari: I can’t believe Osaka Mall has an arcade room, too! This is so cool!
Rei: Right? I’m totally beating you at this, by the way.
Mari: Not even in your dreams!

Mari: And virtual reality machines? I want to come here all the time!
Rei: Oh snap, fireball coming my way! I better get my shields up!

Mari: Now that we’ve seen all of Osaka Mall, it’s time to go to the Kawaii Center!
Rei: This place is so awesome. I really feel at home here!

Rei: And how could we resist checking out the bubble blower again?
Mari: I’m telling you, we need one of these for our home!
Rei: I totally agree, but I don’t know if mom would let us have one…

Mari: Oh my gosh, there’s a night club at the top of the Kawaii Center!
Rei: Unf, gotta get down with my bad self.

Rei: Final stop is the Anshin Temple, which has a sauna for us to relax in! I’m getting a selfie of this.
Mari: Haha, and you made fun of me for being on my phone!
Rei: What? This has been a cool day, I want to commemorate it.

Aaaaand, Rei and Mari go home just in time for Hana and Kiku to be extra thirsty…at least they had a good day before getting drained?

Day 5 / Friday

Whatcha up to, Kiku?
Kiku: I’m mixing up some daylight reversal cocktails for Hana and me. I figured we could go out and detect personality on a bunch of people to level up our vampire powers–I think Hana would like that; it’s faster than reading vampire lore, but she doesn’t have to feed on anyone.
That’s really nice of you!

Kiku: And down the hatchet! This will do the trick.
Hana: Gah, this tastes terrible…what’s in it?
Kiku: Umm…plasma…

Kiku: This is pretty easy, and useful! Whoever gets heir, we should at least keep Hana or me around long enough to pick a spouse–we can figure out all three traits at once, without having to chat at all.

Uh oh, Alexander is turning into a vampire in the middle of the day! Quick, Kiku, get him out of there so he doesn’t burn to death in the sun!
Kiku: Whoops, I’m on it!

Mari: Back at the house, I’m working on my aspiration today and throwing three parties. I need to throw three and get at least silver medals on three–should be easy to get gold on all three, right? But this party goal stinks–playing music for one hour!

Katsuo: Darling, you look positively ravishing in your party dress.
Nana: -giggles- You act as if you haven’t seen it before!
Katsuo: Every day with you, I feel is brand new.

Mari: Thanks for chatting with me to help my party goals, and subsequently my aspiration! I know you can’t work on yours until you’re an adult, so I really appreciate you helping out.
Rei: Of course! What kind of sister would I be if I sabotaged your aspiration?

Katsuo: Eating cake for a party goal is rather silly, don’t you think?
Well…yeah, but what can you do? At least it’s a low calorie cake!

Mari: I did it, I threw a gold party! But why didn’t it count for my ‘three parties’ goal, but did count for my ‘three silver medals’ goal?
Nana: I don’t know, but it’s good to get at least part of the aspiration complete!

Rei: One of the party goals was to get three of us in a playful mood, but I had so many happy moodlets stacking with the one playful moodlet that I became hysterical, so I rushed over to the mirror to try and calm down!
And then I remembered that teens can’t die from hysteria, so it didn’t matter…but better safe than sorry!

And right in the middle of Mari’s second party, after training Alexander, Kiku feeds on Rei and becomes a master vampire! Now she can get sun resistance!

Mari: Oh yeah, another gold medal, and this one counted for both goals! I guess house parties don’t count, but dinner parties do?

Offline Shewolf13

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Lol, all the feedings XD I almost feel sorry for them.  Almost.

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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What weird party bugs! Well, Mari's killing it anyway. It's a good thing to knock that aspiration out early on when you've still got the energy. Party Animal wears me out!
Nice to know about the mud baths getting rid of the uncomfortable moodlet. I'm definitely going to remember that.
Loved Rei and Mari's outing. What fun places you took them to, and they're such a great team! They really seem to enjoy each other's company. They're so inseparable, they even pass out together! :)

Offline rika1431

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@Shewolf13 Yuuuuuup, heh, so many feedings. Normally I just do plasma packs, but...vampire points :P

@FrancescaFiori Imo, Party Animal is about as bad as Serial Romantic. If you're willing to settle in and focus on it, you can actually get it done in two or three days--dates count for 'social events', so you only have to throw 8 actual parties, and if there's no 'silver' or 'gold' requirement listed in the aspiration, you can throw and cancel the date immediately, and it'll tick off.

1.19: Who will be the gen 2 heir? - Part 5
You can read this post on Wordpress here.

Day 6 / Saturday

I’m all for the health benefits of yoga, but uh, why exactly are you doing it?
Kiku: You don’t remember? You were so eager to get sunlight resistance for me, that you went and grabbed it while I was in the middle of drinking from Rei, and then you had to take a weakness to balance it out, and you gave me guilty drinker! So now I have a +50 tense moodlet that I’m trying to get rid of.
Oh. Right. My bad. But on the plus side, becoming a master vampire is the highest rank you need for your aspiration! Now all you have to do is train 2 more offspring and become good friends with all 5 of them. But hold off on the friendship until you finish training the other 2; I’m always nervous that it won’t count them unless you do them while they’re active goals.
Kiku: Gotcha. This aspiration really isn’t so bad, you know, I don’t know why you were dreading it so much.
You’re right.

Rei: Ugh, mud baths, seriously?!
What? They get rid of the ‘drained’ moodlet.
Rei: I’m a neat sim, Rika. I hate mud baths.
Well, isn’t that just ridiculous.

Mari: Yup, that’s right, I’m throwing another party. Gotta work on that aspiration and catch up to Kiku!

Kiku: I can help out, too! I have the highest mixology skill, so I’m better suited for the ‘make an excellent’ drink party goal.

Katsuo: What were you thinking, throwing a black and white bash? You know the ‘bake a black and white cake’ goal will mark off, but ‘back an excellent quality black and white dish’ never marks off. It’s not even our game, everyone has reported this problem.
:( I forgot.

Kiku: Aw yes, Grady becomes a vampire! That’s another offspring I can train. If only he wasn’t tense from his recent transformation.

Mari: And we got another gold medal! Well, technically it was silver, but we completed every single party goal, including cooking an excellent quality black and white dish, and the party meter was literally a tiny sliver away from gold–so we’re counting it as a gold medal, since this is a known bug. And it counted for my aspiration!

Kiku: I gave Grady a Swedish massage to give him a happy moodlet, but then he became playful? Whatever, it got him out of the tense mood, so I can train him now.
Sweet! Only one more offspring to train.

Day 7 / Sunday

Hana: I’m working really hard to become a master vampire so I can walk in the sun, but it’s taking forever…
You know, Hana, feeding will level you up faster.
Hana: But I don’t want to do that!

Hana: Oh! Adrien is turning into a vampire! I’ll have to tell Kiku when I get home so she can train him.

And in the dark of the club, with no one watching because they were all so distracted by the music, Hana finally feeds once more. But still doesn’t attain master vampire status.

I was really hoping to get Hana up to master vampire so she could take sunlight resistance for this trip, but instead we just packed a ton of sunlight resistance cocktails. Anyway, as a nice little treat, we’ve taken the family to Granite Falls! I figured it would be a nice note to end on before the heir vote–since two of the girls will be moving out next week, I thought they should get to have a vacation.

Nana: So this is what a sauna is like! You girls have been going on and on about them, but we haven’t ever been in one!
Katsuo: This is amazing. I want one!
Rei: Right?
I’m thinking about it!

Hana: It’s still dark out, so I’m working on my aspiration while I can without having to take a sunlight reversal cocktail. I need to fish for five more hours to get to the next tier…
Kiku: And I’m helping! Hana will eventually need to have caught 20 types of fish, but it counts fish caught by anyone in the family, so we’re trying to boost that up.

Hana: And with the help of one of those cocktails, I complete the second tier of my aspiration! I’m officially caught up with Mari and Kiku!

Rei: I thought I’d head out into the woods and check out the rest of Granite Falls while everyone else relaxes at the lodge. This is a perfect place for me–wide open, few people around…
You have neither the loves outdoors trait, nor the loner trait. What is with you?
Rei: I like what I like!

Rei: Ooo, what’s this? Creepy cave? I am totally down for that.
I’m pretty sure this is how horror movies start.

Rei: Rika…this is the deep woods. I’ve never seen anywhere as beautiful as this, I’m just in awe here.

Rei: Woohoo, and I can catch butterflies! I am loving this vacation so much!

Rei: And guess who I met out here in the woods? He’s a hermit! Now, that my kind of sim. I mean, he might be an insane loner who loves the outdoors, but we have a lot of common ground, and he becomes my friend pretty quickly.

Rei: For a hermit, his house is actually pretty nice, and he has some herbs out back that I can harvest. I don’t have a high enough herbology skill to be able to identify them, but might as well collect them now for the future!

Mari: Meanwhile, I’m roasting marshmallows. At my heart, I’m a city girl, unlike Rei. For twins, we’re pretty different, but that doesn’t stop us from loving each other with all our hearts. Still, this is a pretty nice vacation, and I’m enjoying myself.

Mari: I even found a horseshoe rack to play with!

Mari: And some insects! These things are so cute.
And now, it’s time…

Vote for the heir! Here are there stats:
– Top-notch toddler
– Completed all childhood skills & aspirations
– Adult Aspiration: Angling Ace – Currently at level 2/4
– Adult skills maxed:
   •   Charisma
   •   Logic
   •   Painting
   •   Vampire Lore
   •   Violin
– Top-notch toddler
– Completed all childhood skills & aspirations
– Adult Aspiration: Vampire Family – Currently at level 2/4
– Adult skills maxed:
   •   Charisma
   •   Logic
   •   Painting
   •   Vampire Lore
   •   Violin
– Top-notch toddler
– Completed all childhood skills & aspirations
– Adult Aspiration: Super Parent – Currently at level 0/4
– Adult skills maxed:
   •   Charisma
   •   Logic
   •   Painting
   •   Violin
– Top-notch toddler
– Completed all childhood skills & aspirations
– Adult Aspiration: Party Animal – Currently at level 2/4
– Adult skills maxed:
   •   Charisma
   •   Logic
   •   Painting
   •   Violin

So, the vote has already closed at this point, but what I wanted to keep their stats in this post for consistencies sake. But if you want to let me know who you would have voted for, that would be cool! I’d love to know who everyone’s favorites are :P Also, we're closing in on getting caught up to my blog! Just a teeny bit more.

Offline Shewolf13

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I don't think it comes as any surprise here, but... KIKU!  i love me an evil vampire hehehe. That and I love her and Caleb.  Which, btw... Caleb is stalking my game now XD lol He is everywhere when I take my sims places.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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I love Kiku, too, so she'd definitely have been my first vote, but something about Rei really charmed me in this last chapter. She really came into her own out in nature, and I loved that she insists on loving the outdoors and being alone even though her traits have nothing to do with either of those things. She likes what she likes! Plus, I just really love her outfit. So those would have been my two votes. I'm so jazzed to finally find out what the actual results are!

Offline rika1431

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@Shewolf13 Heeeee, yay for Kiku <3 That's so funny that Caleb is stalking you! It's always Lilith that stalks my games, for some reason.

@FrancescaFiori Rei has my heart, too^-^ I don't know why she came out so outdoors loving loner like, but she just did. Do you ever have characters that just insist they are a certain way, despite any and all evidence? That was Rei. She was really, incredibly stubborn.

2.20: Kiku Takes The Throne - Part 1
You can read this post on Wordpress here.

Well! It’s been a hot minute, but the voting is over and now we’re back for another week with the Yoshida’s. Kiku won the heir vote! I have to admit, when I first started playing and she was born and I rolled her traits and aspiration, I never thought she would be heir.  But I’m happy she won. Here’s how the voting broke down: 
Heir: Hana (0), Kiku (4), Mari (1), Rei (1)
Cadet: Hana (2), Kiku (1), Mari (2), Rei (1)
The cadet vote tied between Hana and Mari, so I rolled a randomizer ten times, assigning Hana evens and Mari odds, and Mari came out the victor for cadet. Now, let’s get started!

Day 1 / Monday

Katsuo: Ah, this is nice.
Rei: Yeah! We just got back from vacation, and we get to go out to eat.
Hana: Well, we are celebrating–I think this occasion calls for it! Kiku’s the heir now, and that’s really exciting.
Nana: It is. I know Rika is very excited for the legacy to move forward now that the heir vote is done, and we’re all so proud of you, Kiku, and you, Mari.
Kiku: Thanks, mom, I really appreciate that. I promise I’m going to do everything I can to make this legacy a success.
Katsuo: Just don’t forget your gold medals, eh? Heh…we did.
Mari: Oh please, I’ve got that in the bag with Party Animal.

Kiku: So, what do you all want to eat? It’s a rare occasion that we get to eat these days, what with how addicted Rika is to rally the troops!
Mari: I want something delicious, that’s for sure!
You’re all going to get those exotic foods, because we need pictures for the collection.
Nana: Well…that should be interesting.

Katsuo: That’s it, everyone, take your pictures! Kiku, get your phone out!
Kiku: Uh, did we all forget I have a withered stomach?
Hana: Whoops, me too! Better not eat, but we can still take pictures.

Kiku: Mmmm, tasty plasma.
Nana: Darling, did you have to stand to drink that? It’s not very polite.
Kiku: Sorry. For some reason I can only randomly sit down to drink these.

Kiku: I love you so much, Hana. I’m going to miss you every day after you move out.
Hana: I’m going to miss you, too! I can’t believe we’re going to be separated, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. We can still visit each other all the time.
Kiku: And you’re still going to have a family, so don’t worry about that. I heard Rika say she has plans for you and Rei to both meet a husband before you move out.
Hana: That’ll be nice, for sure.

Kiku: -squeal!- Look who texted me? I just ate, but I’m not turning him down.
Connor: Didn’t you just invite me over?
Kiku: Sorry, I’ve got to go!

Kiku: I’m so glad you texted me, Caleb!
Caleb: -stares- …
Kiku: Um, Caleb?
Caleb: Oh, sorry! That’s just. That’s very…distracting…but in a nice way!

Kiku: -internally- I’ve dreamt of being with Caleb almost my entire life, it seems. Nothing is more right than being in his arms. I’m so lucky that my primary spouse gets to be the love of my life! He has three unique traits–Bella was romantic, family-oriented, and good, and Caleb is materialistic, ambitious, and a foodie, which means I don’t have to worry about bringing in someone I don’t love first.

Kiku: Um, gosh, this is so nervous making, but would you be my boyfriend?
Caleb: Oh, Kiku, I’ve been waiting for this moment! Of course I will. Nothing would make me happier–nothing has in the centuries I’ve lived in the shadows.

Vampire kisses, hehe! It bugs me that vampires can’t drink from each other–almost all the mythological vampire lore in the world has vampires drinking from one another as one of the ultimate intimate acts, but sim vampires can’t do it! So I like to imagine ‘kiss neck’ as vampires as being a substitute. 

Katuso: Blarghadaskdfjo;! I have food poisoning from that darn restaurant!
What?! That can happen?!

Katsuo: Hello? I need to report a food poisoning incident! This is ridiculous. I’m throwing up everywhere, it’s absolutely disgusting. I can’t even give myself food poisoning by making poor quality dishes–you’re a restaurant, you should make better food than me!
Restaurant Owner: I’m so sorry! Please accept this $200 as compensation for your discomfort.
Katsuo: Oh…well, that was unnecessary, but thank you. I’m sorry for yelling.

Connor: Ahhh, something’s wrong with me! I’m glowing!
Caleb: Ah, so, Kiku’s doing that aspiration. I’m so proud of her.
Connor: What? What’s happening?!

Connor: Oh god, oh god, oh god! I’m possessed!
Caleb: Definitely not. You are technically dead, though. Kiku should really be here to explain this…

Kiku: Congratulations on joining the legion of the undead, Connor!
Connor: Legion of the undead? What’s happened to me?
Kiku: You don’t remember? I fed from you…you fed from me…You drank my blood, Connor. What did you think was going to happen?
Connor: Honestly? I thought you were just kind of kinky.
Kiku: -facepalm- I do not feel that way about you, Connor. You are my offspring, I am your master, and I will do what I can to help you master your skills. You really do need to be careful now, though, to stay out of the sunlight. I don’t want you to die.
Connor: Oh god, this is so intense.
Kiku: Here, watch, I’ll demonstrate using your vampire powers–an easy spell–and you just try to mimic what I do.
And Connor is the last offspring she has to train!

Hana: It’s time. Thank the heavens, it’s time.

The power of the sun burns through her veins, torching every nerve ending. The pain is excruciating, but…

Hana: But worth it. I’m human again! For the first time in a long time, I feel at home in my own skin. I can feel my heart beating once more. I’m so happy, at last!
Aww, I’m glad you’re happy again, Hana.

Kiku: So, uh, Connor, now that I’ve trained you, and we’re good friends…I kind of need you to leave.
Connor: Oh, it’s like that?
Kiku: Sorry, but…yeah.

Kiku: Will you move in with me, Caleb? We haven’t really talked about it, but I’m the heir to this legacy now. It won’t be the easiest life, and you’ll have to give up your immortality soon, but…I want to spend my life with you. An eternity with you wouldn’t ever be enough, but I’d be happy with just spending one lifetime, as long as it’s with you.
Caleb: I love you, Kiku. Living an eternity without you in my life, or trading immortality for one lifetime with you…there’s no contest, no real choice to be made.

Offline Shewolf13

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Awwww!  I'm a puddle here!  i love Kiku and Caleb!

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - 2.20: Kiku Takes The Throne - Part 1 (4/1)
« Reply #88 on: April 01, 2018, 11:28:48 PM »
Hooray for Kiku! She was a shoe-in, even though she had a lot to overcome to get to heir status. I'm surprised about Mari, and a little bummed about splitting up the two pairs of twins, but I'm looking forward to getting to know Mari better.
Hana does look very happy to be de-vamped. I'm happy for her.
So delighted that Kiku and Caleb are together at last, and very excited to see who the other girls end up with!

Offline rika1431

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - 2.20: Kiku Takes The Throne - Part 1 (4/1)
« Reply #89 on: April 06, 2018, 03:05:00 PM »
Sorry for the time between posts! I just got a new computer, so I didn't have access to my folder of copied blog posts for a few days, but now we're back in business!

@Shewolf13 I'm glad you like them together :D It's rather serendipitous that they found each other.

@FrancescaFiori Being able to look back on it like this, it does seem rather obvious that she'd win, doesn't it?  ;D At the time, I was really nervous for her, though! I, too, felt really bad about splitting up the twins, but I also felt like it was probably good that we had a rep from each set. The randomizer knows all! I kind of wish I'd kept Hana and Rei around a little longer--they didn't have to move out immediately, in retrospect--so that they could enjoy having the pressure off them and still be with family. But what's done is done.

2.20: Kiku Takes The Throne - Part 2
You can read this post on Wordpress here.

Day 2 / Tuesday

Hana: Well, it’s time, Rei! We have to move out. Are you ready?
Rei: As I’ll ever be! I’m all aged up, so there’s nothing holding us back now. I’m so glad you and I are going to live together–I know we’re both going to have families of our own, but having those families and staying with one another is so much better than going it alone.
Hana: I know. It’s a big comfort to me, too. Well…let’s do this!
I’m tearing up. I can’t believe they’re moving out! My babies! 

Mari: It’s time for me to leave teen hood behind and become a young adult! Here goes nothing!
Mari adds outgoing to her previous traits of hot-headed and music lover.

Hi, Caleb! We haven’t been formally introduced. I’m Rika, your watcher. 
Caleb: Oh, a pleasure to meet you!
And you! We need to get to work on your vampire aspiration. Kiku’s completing one, you’re completing one, and then I’m going to have Kiku complete the third and final vampire aspiration–after that, no more vampires in this legacy! As soon as all three are completed, I’m going to cure you and Kiku, and then we can get started on gen 3 and moving the legacy forward.
Caleb: Wait, why are we waiting to be cured?
If you have babies while you’re both vampires, you’re basically guaranteed to have vampire babies. I don’t want more vampires.[EDIT: I totally forgot that I could just cure their kids when they reach teenhod. D’oh. At this point, I’ve already played through to completing their aspirations and curing them and starting gen 3, so, bah.]
Caleb: Ah, that makes sense. I’ll get right to work on researching vampire lore, then! I need to level up my skill for my aspiration, plus I need to reach Grand Master rank.

Nana: Darling, I love you more and more every day.
Katsuo: And I you, beautiful.
You may notice there’s a wall to the left but not the right. Welp…I was unsatisfied with the new house I just built for them, so I redid their house again. I think I’m happy with this one. That room to the right is the inspired room–it’s got the easels, musical instruments, and kitchen in it, and I decided to build it as an ‘open’ room without an outside wall, in the event of having outdoor loving sims, so they won’t get ‘cooped up.’

Katsuo: Oh lord, that was really something!
Nana: Hehehe, it certainly was.
Our lovebirds are getting to work on their soulmate aspirations, plus they’ve been really lax about getting gold medal events! They’ve got like 12, and they need 38! So, we’re going on a marathon dating session.

More dates…

Kiku: While my parents are dating up a storm–kinda weird to think about–I’m working on achieving grand master level! I’m so close! I don’t actually need it for my current vampire aspiration–I only need master, since I’m doing Vampire Family–but I’m going to do Master Vampire next, so I’ll need it then.

Mari: Meanwhile, it’s time for me to get a job! We’ve got a lot of careers to complete, and we only have dad’s down so far.

Day 3 / Wednesday

Kiku: I’m joining a career, too!
Mari: I joined the mixologist career–I’m lucky that I mastered charisma as a child, so I only need to work on cooking and mixology. I’m going to try and complete both food aspirations after I finish party animal.
Kiku: I joined the secret agent career–I’m going for Double Diamond Agent. Not for any particular reason except for Rika really loves one of the dresses that comes with it.
I dooooo. Not the final dress, but the grey one shoulder strap one.

Kiku: Here, darling, let me give you your pre-work massage. We’re lucky you came in at level 6 of the author career! You should be able to complete that rather quickly, so long as we keep you inspired.
Caleb: Fantastic! I’m glad to be helping.

And guess what our lovebirds are still doing? Non-stop dating!
Nana: Oh yes, this is such a pain…spending all this time with the love of my life…a real challenge…
Katsuo: Right? The things we do for this legacy, heh.

And Caleb is off to work! You’ve got this!
Caleb: You realize this isn’t my first day of work, right? I’ve been working for some time now.
Yeah, but it’s your first day leaving from this house.

Kiku: Hello, Grady! How’s the undead life treating you?
Grady: Oh, it’s rather nice, actually. I’ve adjusted very well.
Kiku: I’m glad to hear it! And you’re staying out of the sun?
Grady: Just like you told me!
And yup, that’s Hana playing on the gaming rig in the background. She’s still in the family club, so she’s always over.

Kiku: And one more offspring completes their transformation! Now, to become good friends…

Nana: Mmmph!
Katsuo: That’s right, sweetheart, I’ve got you!

And after 8 back to back dates, Katsuo and Nana both complete soulmate! But they’re not done dating yet. They’ve still got a lot of gold medals to complete!

Kiku: Thanks for hanging out with me and becoming my good friend, Caroline! Just remember to stay out of the sun, and work on mastering your vampire skills so that you can advance in rank and eventually walk in the sun like me.
Caroline: That’d be nice!
Yeah, well, that’s not going to happen. Non-played just-turned vampire sims don’t seem to actually advance and get sunlight resistance.

And another offspring good friend! We’re powering through this!

Yessss, Kiku completes Vampire Family! Now, switch over to Master Vampire and let’s finish what we’ve started!

