Author Topic: The Yoshida Legacy - Graveyard please  (Read 39331 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.9: Wait, how many kids?! (3/9)
« Reply #30 on: March 10, 2018, 11:21:07 PM »
I already made the same comment on your blog, but I love little Mari with that bun! She's the best!

Also, thank you for sharing that painting of Bella. It's so cool!
(I've been using a butler and a nanny, because a legacy challenge permits it. Feels like such a luxury!
I love my butler--he does everything in the garden except fertilize, harvest, and evolve.)

Nana is so busy! She's doing great!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.10: These Kids Are Skilling (3/10)
« Reply #31 on: March 11, 2018, 12:03:34 AM »
Wow! Look at those kids go! Kiku and Hana are motoring right along ^^ Can't wait to see how Mari and Rei do. Nana's such a good mom!

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Offline rika1431

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.10: These Kids Are Skilling (3/10)
« Reply #32 on: March 11, 2018, 10:13:25 PM »
@oshizu hehe, I know, I love that bun, too! I was so happy it was toddler compatible. I really need to find more toddler and child cc hair, but I've been putting it off because as soon as I start looking, all of a sudden it's five hours later and I'm still downloading all the cc in the world and I haven't played at all!

Do you prefer a butler to having just a regular gardening service hired? I have a gardener, but maybe I should fire them and hire a butler instead. Oh, I wanted to ask you! How is your garden set up, if you don't mind answering? The garden is always such a big/important part in each of your games it seems, hehe, and I was super curious what plants and grafting combos you have, and how on earth you remember when to harvest? Keeping up with the whole 'harvest the ufo's on friday, dragonfruit on thursday, etc etc' thing is just very difficult for me, I'm always forgetting about it.

@Shewolf13 I was really surprised by how much I was able to whiz through with the toddlers! I'm a huge micromanager, so it actually wasn't terribly difficult to keep up with all of their skills. Probably because Nana and Katsuo didn't have skilling goals of their own, so I could just focus on what the toddlers were doing...I feel bad, though, because I totally failed at giving Mari and Rei an equal amount of screen time compared to Hana and Kiku, whoops! In fact, as you'll see in this post, we whizzed right through Mari and Rei's toddler days. They maxed all their skills just like their older sisters, though! I tried to rectify the lack of screen time equality later, but they really do get ignored here in the beginning...the trouble of playing for a while and racking up screenshots and then doing multiple posts at a time!

1.11: Four Top-Notch Toddlers
You can read this post on Wordpress here.

Rei: No, no flash cards! I don’t want them!
Katsuo: But, darling, you need to learn how to talk…
Rei: No!
So, I forgot to mention. Rei grew up Independent and Mari grew up Wild. I’m really excited about the Wild trait, because apparently it means she’ll level movement faster, and that skill is the bane of my existence. It’s like charisma for toddlers! But Independent is concerning to me–the info panel on it says that Rei should skill faster when left alone, but all the sims lore says that toddlers skill faster with adults! I don’t want to leave her to skill alone and have her fall behind.
Rei: No. Flash. Cards
Mari: These blocks are fun!

Kiku: I did it, I did it, I did it!
What’d you do, Kiku? You look very excited!
Kiku: I maxed my last skill–thinking! I’m a top notch toddler! Are you proud?
Sweetie, I am so proud of you! And just in time for your birthday too!
Kiku: It’s my birthday?!
Well, we got the second birthday notice a few hours ago, which means we have until about 3pm tomorrow before you’ll age up on your own. So yeah, it’s your birthday! You’re officially ready to cake up!

You might be wondering why Hana is running in at full speed first instead of Kiku. Well, Hana maxed her final skill–communication–just a few minutes before Kiku maxed thinking. And Hana was born first, so it makes sense for her to age up first, right?
Hana: I see you trying to rationalize your favoritism, and I’m here to tell you that I don’t appreciate it! Kiku is my bestest friend and I won’t let you be mean to her!
I’m not trying to be mean to Kiku, I swear! I’m very proud of all that she’s accomplished!

I just had to change Hana out of her night clothes and into her party wear. Look how adorable it is! And we never threw a party for you to get to see it. 
Nana: Why aren’t we throwing a birthday party right now?
Uh…because I hate the ‘have an adult give a toast’ goal and I can never seem to complete it?  Blow out the candles, Hana!

Kiku: Here I come, here I come! I’m not too late, am I?
Not at all, sweetie. You’re right on time!
Kiku: Oh, phew. I was afraid you’d forgot about me.
-the sound of a thousand hearts breaking-

Oh my god, and she even looks like she’s trying extra hard to blow out the candles. Kiku, you’re tearing my heart out!

So, here are the twins post-makeover. Kiku got to keep her custom hair, but I thought one of the maxis styled hairs looked better/matched Hana’s toddler hair more. Unfortunately, I do not have cool kids clothes yet, so…Kiku, why do you look so angry?
Kiku: I’m not, I promise. This is just a bad angle.
Ah, that’s fair. I had to take this picture three times just to get you to both be looking ‘sort of’ at the camera! Well, go on, tell them your traits! You’re old enough to do it yourselves now.
Kiku: I am now an insider and a social butterfly!
Hana: And I’m a neat rambunctious scamp!
Well, those two do not seem to go together, Hana. And Kiku, you’re really trying to kill me here. First you grow up fussy, now you roll social butterfly? That has to be my least favorite childhood aspiration.
Kiku: Oh…I’m sorry, Rika. I didn’t…
No, no, I know it isn’t your fault. It’s all random. Well, we were going to have to do social butterfly at some point anyway! I want you both to do all four childhood aspirations, which, when matched with your top notch toddler traits, means you’ll be skilling MACHINES.

Katsuo: Yes, hello? Sorry to bother you so late, boss, but I just couldn’t wait any longer. I’m resigning, effective immediately. You see, my oldest set of twins just grew up into children, and now I’m worried I’ll miss the younger twins toddlerhood entirely. I just can’t go on like this anymore!
You say that like you weren’t around all the time. You worked three days a week. But yeah, you can quit your job, we bought the extra easels.
Katsuo: Finally!

Still in her party dress from Hana and Kiku’s birthdays, Nana immediately goes back to work–I mean, taking care of her kids. Both stacking blocks to get movement done and over with!
Rei: Oh yes, this is good, stacking on my own.
O.O She actually gets a happy moodlet from being left alone. Wow.

Hana: It’s my first day of school! I’m so excited!
Yay! But where’s Kiku? We don’t want her to be late!
Hana: Oh, Rika, you didn’t see? She whizzed out of the house so fast she was a blur! I heard something about having to get a jump on things to make you proud.
Oh my god, I’m just the watcher and I’m somehow a terrible parent at the same time.

So, how was school, Hana?
Hana: It was fun! I’m a ‘B’ student now, and I just maxed rambunctious scamp!
Way to go!

Where are you going?
Katsuo: I have to jog for two hours for my bodybuilder aspiration!
Oi. You’re already looking kind of big…
Katsuo: It’ll be fine. Stop worrying so much about my body!

Katsuo: I’m really appreciative of these nice, quiet moment when we get to be with our children. I don’t have to worry about snatching up every last second between work shifts now, I can just enjoy it.
Nana: I’m so glad you get to have that now, Katsuo. These days are precious, we don’t want to lose them.

Hey, Rei, why are you staring at your dad like that?
Rei: I am analyzing his current activity. He appears to be holding an object and placing it against a flat surface over and over again…Aha! My thinking is maxed!
…okay, the ‘watch’ interaction is officially the coolest ever. It levels thinking faster than the nesting blocks or the flash cards!
Rei: I told you I’m better off skilling on my own.
You sure did, kid.

Hana: Whatcha drawing, Kiku?
Kiku: Oh, nothing, I’m just doodling whatever pops into my mind. I’m trying to level all the childhood skills as fast as I can, so that when Rika is finally ready to do social butterfly with me, I’m ready to tackle the other aspirations.
Hana: Wait, Rika hasn’t helped you with social butterfly?
Kiku: No…
Well, hang on, don’t say it like that! Social butterfly requires leaving the house to go and meet people. And the past two days have been very busy. Hana was able to complete rambunctious scamp because it’s something you can do entirely at home. And besides, I wanted Hana to finish hers first so that you two could do social butterfly at the same time.
Kiku: So once again, I’m just along for the Hana Show.
Hana: I’m sorry, Kiku, I don’t mean to make you feel that way.
Kiku: It isn’t you, Hana. I don’t blame you at all! You’re my sis, I love you.
Ohmygodohmygodohymgod, I’m so sorry Kiku. I just thought it would be easier for you to trade off befriending people.

Nana: Are you done terrorizing my children?
So, Kiku told you about that, huh?
She is not happy with you, and I’m not either. I didn’t join a legacy challenge just to have my children belittled!
I am not belittling Kiku! I think she’s a great girl, she just has a habit of rolling traits and aspirations that are slightly problematic.
And didn’t you once tell me that you were capable of overlooking a negative trait, unlike other watchers?
…You’re right. I’m sorry. How are you?
I’m well. I just maxed my aspiration, actually! So now Katsuo and I can do soulmates together!

Kiku, I thought it might be best if we had a little chat.
Kiku: Oh? I don’t really have anything to say to you, Rika.
I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel unwanted, Kiku. It really isn’t the case. 
Is that so? Then how come I overheard you telling one of your watcher friends that you have a habit of attaching to the firstborn female in a legacy family, even if the heir needs to be male? Hana was born first, even if it was just a few seconds.
I didn’t realize you were listening when I said that…Look, Kiku, it’s true that does happen sometimes. And maybe I was a little prejudiced against you with your fussy trait as a toddler, and this social butterfly thing didn’t help, but you’ve grown on me a lot and I really do like you!
Lucky me. I’m the type that has to grow on you.
Wait, that isn’t what I meant!
Rika, could you just leave me alone to draw?
Oh. All right, then.

Aaaaand, the twins max communication! Rei was very difficult for this one, because she did not want to learn from someone else, but you just can’t learn communication on your own!
Rei: I bet if you’d given me a teddy bear, I probably could.
I’m pretty sure that’s imagination.[EDIT: I now have found out that it is not, in fact, imagination, and that it is communication, and that it levels communication faster than learning via flash cards or even talking to other sims! I wish I’d known that here.]
Well, I hear there are some spiffy tablets where you can learn all the toddler skills on your own!
…Yes, those do exist. Is it so bad to learn with your dad?
I do things better on my own, that’s all.
Well! Regardless, you are now a top notch toddler! We just have to wait for that birthday notification, and then you can cake up!
Finally, and then I can learn more things on my own!

Kiku: Thanks for helping me with my school project, dad! I want to get an ‘A’ really, really badly.
Katsuo: I’m just happy you still want me around! Your little sister, Rei, doesn’t want my help ever. It’s nice to be appreciated.
Kiku: I’ll always want your help, dad.
Katsuo: -grins- Thanks, sweetie. You always were my little girl.

And this is a break from your regularly scheduled skilling programming to show Mari being an absolute adorable little goofball. Nope, nothing else to add here, she’s just super cute.

Rei: I heard the ping, Rika! It’s cake time!
Dang, you really are independent.

Well, aren’t you going to blow out the candles? 
Rei: I’m sizing them up first.

Mari: Oh goodness, oh golly gee, a cake for me!
Should I tell her she doesn’t get to eat it? I’m not going to tell her. That would be cruel.
Mari: Chocolate!!!

Mari: Choooocoooolaaaaaaate!

And here we are, the twins in all their top notch toddler glory! That’s Mari on the left, with her hair up in a bun, and Rei on the right in purple. Go on, tell the readers about yourselves!
Rei: Well, I grew up as a Neat Artistic Prodigy. Which is great, more stuff I can do on my own!
Mari: And I grew up as a Hot-Headed Rambunctious Scamp.
Ah geez, that hot-headed trait. Nana, this is all your doing. (I use the trait randomizer on the legacy challenge website, and it adds in a genetic twist, so you have a chance of getting a parents trait).
Mari: Don’t worry, Rika. Mama has done a good job keeping her trait under wraps, and she told me she can teach me how to handle it, too.
Yup, you’re right, she’s only gotten very angry a few times. One negative trait isn’t the end of the world!

And that’s where we leave things this time!
Can I just say–WOW! I have never had a top notch toddler before, and now I have four, no cheats required! That was absolutely exhausting, but I am so dang proud of myself!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.11: Four Top-Notch Toddlers (3/11)
« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2018, 01:55:55 AM »
Wow!  Congrats on four Top Notch toddlers!  I've gotten top notch before, but it's always so hard!  Major kudos to you for that ^^  Also, you're breaking my heart with poor Kiku!  I want to cuddle her right up!

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.11: Four Top-Notch Toddlers (3/11)
« Reply #34 on: March 12, 2018, 10:56:08 AM »
#TeamMari :D

Do you prefer a butler to having just a regular gardening service hired? I have a gardener, but maybe I should fire them and hire a butler instead. Oh, I wanted to ask you! How is your garden set up, if you don't mind answering? The garden is always such a big/important part in each of your games it seems, hehe, and I was super curious what plants and grafting combos you have, and how on earth you remember when to harvest? Keeping up with the whole 'harvest the ufo's on friday, dragonfruit on thursday, etc etc' thing is just very difficult for me, I'm always forgetting about it.
In answer to your questions:
1) Butler or gardener?
I like having a butler (when a challenge allows it) because a butler does a little bit of everything: gardening, cleaning, cooking, and childcare.
If I need a household member to learn gardening, I just fence in the garden and lock everyone out except that sim.

2) Garden setup
I grow one of every plant type once, especially when sims are learning to garden.
Later, I'll keep only the cash crops plus any plants I need for serums, herbalism, points in the legacy's Food category, and so forth.
I never worry about optimum harvesting times. I only graft onto plants with 18-hour or 24-hour growth cycles. (You can check Carl's Guide on Gardening for growth periods.)
My sims whenever I see "enough" harvestables, lol.

I love gardening irl. :) Later when the household's filthy rich, the entire garden goes into family storage except ones a sim needs for crafting.

Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.11: Four Top-Notch Toddlers (3/11)
« Reply #35 on: March 12, 2018, 11:41:34 AM »
I'm SO impressed with your top-notch toddlers. I've had a few now, but only one at a time, and I'm always completely wiped by the time they age up. The girls are all so adorable; I can't pick a favorite!

I applaud you for trying to mend fences with Kiku. I hope she cuts you a break soon!

Offline rika1431

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.11: Four Top-Notch Toddlers (3/11)
« Reply #36 on: March 13, 2018, 07:50:10 PM »
@Shewolf13 I knooooow, Kiku is just so sympathetic, it's hard to do anything other than fall for her! Surprisingly, top notch isn't as hard for me as it used to be. Thinking and Communication are super easy skills to level what with the 'watch' interaction and talking to the giant stuffed bear, and movement and imagination aren't that hard if you just have them play with a toy nonstop and constantly send them to play in a ball pit. But I micromanage my sims to the extreme, so, there's that, hehe.

@oshizu I'm glad someone's on team Mari! I felt so bad for not giving her and Rei as much screen time...I'm terrible at balancing. Thanks for giving me your garden breakdown! I don't know why, but I hadn't thought of grafting the money makers onto the faster growing plants. D'oh! I'm definitely going to consider getting a butler, though!

@FrancescaFiori Aw, yay, I did something impressive, hehehe. Toddlers are definitely an attention grabber--you kind of have to have one stay at home sim, be it a parent or a cadet or a butler I guess, to feed them, potty train them, and read to them every time they sit down to eat and whenever it's time for bed. I only wish they slept faster, so that I could skill them faster!

1.12: How many friends? A million!
You can read this post on Wordpress here.

Hana: Hello, readers! I feel like I don’t get to talk to you very much, and that I haven’t been in very many pictures lately. I think Rika is overcompensating.
I am not! 
Hana: Sure. We’ll see about that. Let’s get this installment on the road!

We’re kicking social butterfly off with a bang! Kiku and I both already marked off ‘make a friend’ by chatting with each other–so cool the game recognizes our friendship! Now we have to meet five new sims. That’s why we’re heading off lot today.

Nana: Now, Kiku, I want you to be very careful with who you talk to. Just because you’re doing social butterfly doesn’t mean you need to approach every stranger! Not everyone is nice, you know.
Kiku: I know, mama. It’ll be okay! That’s why we have you here with us.
Actually, Nana’s here so that you don’t get in trouble for breaking curfew.
Nana: No. I’m here to supervise. You think I’d let you just take my children to a bar on their own?
Well…I mean…for some reason, sims take forever to show up at the park, but they show up at The Shrieking Llama really fast! And plus, The Shrieking Llama is right across the street from your house. It’s perfect.

Getting a drink already, Nana?
Nana: Why not? I think I deserve one! Things have been so hectic lately, and you won’t let us get a bar, and Katsuo and I never get to go out anymore, so this is my only chance.
Aww. I promise, you and Katsuo will have a date soon.
Nana: Thanks, Rika. And maybe we can get married soon?
Oooo…yeah, we need to do that!

This shot is pretty crowded, but you’ll never guess who the fifth sim Kiku meets is!
Kiku: Hi, Grimmy! Nice to meet you!
Grim: Hello, little Kiku! I hope I don’t have to see you for a very long time!
Kiku: Oh. Well, that’s pretty nice in it’s own kind of creepy way.
Hana: Kiku! Stop talking to Grim, it’s bad luck!

Hana: I love you so much, Kiku. I’ve been wanting to be bff’s ever since we grew up! You’re not just my sister, you’re my twin, and that’s a connection deeper than anything else in this world.
Kiku: Oh, Hana, I love you so much, too! It was only Rika holding us back from being bff’s so that we could save it for this milestone. You’re the best sister a girl could ask for.
Hana: Thank you. You mean so much to me.
Kiku: You mean so much to me, too. I hope you know that no matter what happens with this legacy, I’ll never let it change our friendship.

Kiku: The stars are really something tonight, aren’t they?
Caleb: I suppose. Sometimes I tire of looking at them, I spend so much time with them.
Kiku: Why is that?
Caleb: Oh, little one, there are things you shouldn’t know about the world yet. I will not be the one to take that innocence from you.
Kiku…first Grim, now Caleb? You sure know how to pick ’em.
Kiku: -internally- What? What does this have to do with Grim? Caleb’s nice! And cute…
Kiku you’re a child and he’s a young adult! He is way too old for you!
Kiku: -internally- A girl can fantasize, can’t she?

The twins taking a page out of their old man’s playbook, stargazing to farm friendship points so they can mark off the ‘befriend two adults’ milestone. Hey, Hana, who are you stargazing with?
Hana: This is Alexander Goth! Isn’t his hair super cool?
Oh dear…you might not want to mention your last name to him, Hana. 
Hana: Why’s that?
No reason. Certainly nothing to do with his mother!

And Kiku makes her second adult friend! Way to go, Kiku! Now you just need to make three child friends and you’re done with social butterfly! I’m really impressed with how fast you’ve punched this out, this aspiration is usually much harder for me.
Kiku: Oh, yay! I’m so glad, I’m working really hard to make you proud!
Oh, Kiku.

Nana: And this is how we boogie! Oooh, ooh, ooh!
Uh, Nana, your daughters are hanging out on the lawn with two strange adults, and you’re in here dancing. I thought you were her to supervise?
Nana: I am! I keep opening the door, much to the other patrons complaint, so that I can look out and check on them periodically. Everything’s under control, Rika.
If you say so. You’re the mom, not me!

Woohoo, first day of school for Rei and Mari! 
Rei: Yeah! I’m going to study extra hard!
Mari: -deep breath in, deep breath out- I’m just working hard on keeping my hot-headed trait under control! Papa offered me mental relaxation techniques so that if my hot-headed trait kicks in at school, it’ll be overpowered by my +2 happy moodlet!
Smart thinking, Mari! I’m very proud of you for being proactive.

Kiku: Yeah, sorry for keeping you here so late, but I really appreciate you hanging out with me.
Eliza: No problem! I’m sure my mom will understand. It’s nice to get to hang out with other kids for once.
Kiku: Oh? You don’t have any siblings to hang out with?
Eliza: Nah, it’s just me and my mom. Us out of world sims have odd households.
Kiku: I’m sorry to hear that! I don’t know what I’d do without my sisters, especially my twin.
Eliza: You’re so lucky to have a twin! A built in best friend, basically.
Kiku: Yeah, she is, but she’s so much more than that, too.
And Kiku maxes social butterfly! Way to go, Kiku! Oh, Hana does too, at the same time, but I forgot to take her picture…
Hana: I’m starting to see a theme with that…

Hana: I feel like things have just been go, go, go since the second we were born. We’ve never even played a game that wasn’t specifically geared toward leveling a skill!
Kiku: I know what you mean. Anytime my fun dips low, Rika has me play chess or play the violin–no video games for us!
Hana: I got to play a video game once! But that was just to get the high score on the typing game for Rambunctious Scamp.
Kiku: I’m looking forward to doing Rambunctious Scamp–it should be more fun!
Hana: Yeah, it was pretty fun! Too bad we’re both doing Whiz Kid right now. I mean, obviously–that’s why we’re playing chess together! We can knock out ‘three games of chess’ for both of us at the same time.
Kiku: But it’s nice that we’re doing these aspirations at the same time now; it means more time for us to spend together. I don’t want you to forget about me when you become heir.
Hana: I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Kiku. I think Rika has taken a real liking to you–you’re definitely in the most pictures lately!
I do not have favorites! But Hana is right about one thing–Kiku has grown a lot in my heart.

Rei: I love Artistic Prodigy so much! I get to draw all on my own all the time to level my creativity–no more toddler skills where Rika keeps forcing people to help me! But why are you drawing, Hana? I thought you were doing Whiz Kid.
Hana: I am, but I can’t progress in it until tomorrow afternoon. I have to finish my homework two times while focused. So, I’m leveling creativity in preparation for doing Artistic Prodigy.
Rei: Oooo, that makes sense. I’m not looking forward to Whiz Kid–you have to be read to by an adult. Blech.
Actually, Rei, you’ve already completed that requirement. Your parents read to all four of you practically nonstop throughout your toddlerhood, and thankfully the Whiz Kid aspiration takes that into an account.
Rei: Oh, awesome! More skilling alone then!
Rei…You do realize that at some point you are going to have to allow others to mentor you in skills, right? You’ll level very slowly if you don’t.
Rei: Hmph. I can do as much on my own before then, though.

Nana: Mmmph, hrngh, ugh! Almost there!
How’s it going, Nana? You maxed the rocket science skill, that’s so awesome! Did you know you’ve maxed more skills than Katsuo? You’re a really stellar spouse!
Nana: Thanks, Rika! I did promise to work as hard as possible for your legacy, just trying to live up to it. Right now I’m almost finished installing this wormhole generator so that we can go to Sixam!
Yessssss, booyah! UFO plant, here we come!

Mari: Woohoo, I did it, I maxed Rambunctious Scamp! Now, I’ll level adult physical skills faster!
Too bad that only counts for fitness. But bodybuilder is a really fast and easy aspiration to knock out once you complete your primary one, so we’ll be able to get those ‘times aspirations completed’ points faster! But now you can move on to the rest of the childhood aspirations!
Mari: Yay! I want to complete all four, so that I can skill my heart out! I’ve got a lot of ground to make up for, since you and the readers have already spent so much time with Hana and Kiku. The readers barely know who Rei and I are! And plus also–you know how Hana’s been complaining that she’s in fewer shots lately compared to Kiku? Well, I’m in last place for screenshots altogether! No one knows who I am or what my personality is like!
That’s not entirely true. Katsuo is barely in any screenshots anymore either, but that’s because he’s always painting. I don’t think the readers want to see shot after shot of him painting and selling those paintings.
Mari: Yeah, well, what’s your excuse for me? I’m doing all the same things my sisters are! Why do they get screenshots and not me?
I…I don’t know. I’m sorry. I’ll try to change that.
Mari: Oh, please. I know for a fact you’re farther ahead in the gameplay than this blog post–it’s almost my teen birthday! How are you going to make up for my lack of pictures at that point, when it’s practically time to vote for the heir?!
I’ll fix it, I promise!

Rei: There, all done! Artistic Prodigy is completed! And I did it all on my own, too. No help required.
Well done, Rei! You and Mari both finished your first aspirations really quickly, which is great. If you mark off all four aspirations early in your childhood, you can take it easy in the last few days.
Rei: Pfft. I don’t believe you. As soon as we finish these aspirations, you’re going to start us on all the adult skills kids can learn!
-looks sheepish- I mean…I can’t deny that.

Rei: I get to play a video game for the first time in my life, woohoo!
And…and wow, you just maxed Rambunctious Scamp. That was fast!
Rei: Not entirely. You just got tired of taking repetitive screenshots.

Nana: The wormhole generator is done! I’m off to Sixam! The first Yoshida to travel to Sixam!
Way to go, Nana! Let’s get that UFO plant!

Nana: Whoa, this place is crazy. It’s so dark, but the plants grow! I can’t believe I’m the first sim in this file to set foot on the planet Sixam–what an honor! I thought that would be reserved for a bloodline Yoshida, not a spouse like me!
Aw, Nana. You’re so much more than ‘a spouse.’ You’ve worked so hard for this legacy, you deserve to be the first one on Sixam! Now find me that UFO!

Nana: It is my great disappointment to report that Rika made a fatal researching error when trying to find out how to get a UFO. There are no UFO’s to harvest on Sixam–they are the only alien plant that you cannot get on Sixam. So, we’re back to trying to fish one up. We’re headed to another secret lot, though!
Katsuo: I really don’t see why we’re fishing for UFO plants instead of going on the space missions.
Nana: To be honest, darling, I don’t either. But Rika said she caught one fishing faster than she got one in space in her other legacy, so she’s hoping to replicate that. And honestly, I’m just happy to leave the house! We’ve been cooped up there for weeks!
Katsuo: You are so right. I haven’t left the house since I quit my job!

And guess what we don’t find? A UFO plant. Dang flabbit. I guess I need to stop trying to take shortcuts on this and just go on as many space missions as possible. -le sigh- Those things get really tiresome after the fifth mission. I just hate having to select the story options.
So hey, how are you feeling about the kids? I’m thinking we’ll wait until Hana and Kiku are close to their young adult birthday’s before we do the voting, so that you have more time to get to know Rei and Mari. In retrospect, I kind of wish I’d aged those two up to toddlers once I got the birthday notice instead of waiting for them to auto age up to give Hana and Kiku an extra day alone with their parents. Then all four would be much closer in age. With the current age gap, I’m really worried about heir voting…

Note that the heir vote has already taken place at this point.

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.12: How many friends? A million! (3/13)
« Reply #37 on: March 13, 2018, 08:08:58 PM »
Every once in awhile a UFO plant will grow at the Romance Festival, so that's worth trying, too, but man do I feel your pain! That plant is a toughie!

The girls are so competitive about screenshot time! I feel for their Watcher! And their mother. Nana definitely deserved that drink! And the peace and quiet of Sixam. I'm sure that was a nice break from the chaos.
Everyone's doing fabulously, though. I'm sure picking an heir was incredibly tough!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.12: How many friends? A million! (3/13)
« Reply #38 on: March 13, 2018, 09:08:53 PM »
I can't help but giggle at all the girls and how they are annoyed with how much screen time they all get XD  It really is hard not to have favorite Sims sometimes.  I love all the girls though!  Picking one is going to be so tough!  And Nana is amazing.  She's gotten so much accomplished!

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.12: How many friends? A million! (3/13)
« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2018, 06:41:26 PM »
@FrancescaFiori It took me forever to find a UFO this time! I have no idea what happened, since I got it almost straight away in my last legacy--and I started playing a 'test' rival dynasty, to learn it, while I'm waiting to get caught up on this legacy's posts, and what do you know? One of my alien heirs got a UFO on their very first space mission. I feel like the game was laughing at me. And hehe, yeah, they really are--but it's hard to balance giving four girls enough screen time!

@Shewolf13 Favorites? What favorites? >> I certainly don't have favorites. Kiku didn't worm her way to the number one position in my heart at all, what would make you think that? Also yes, Nana is just the most fabulous legacy spouse EVER. I'm going to cry when it's her time...

1.13: Growing On Up
You can read this post on Wordpress here.

Kiku: Crafting potions is really cool! I think I’d like to be a Master Mixologist, so that I can create mood potions for everyone.
Ooh, that’s a really useful aspiration, Kiku! It’d be great if you grew up with that! Fingers crossed.
Kiku: I can always take it after completing my first aspiration, can’t I?
You can! Assuming your first aspiration isn’t horribly difficult. I just hope you don’t get the animal friend one–I had that once and it took me all the way up to almost the end of elder to complete. 
Kiku: Yikes! It’ll be just my luck that I roll that…

You’re looking awfully proud, Mari!
Mari: I just maxed Artistic Prodigy and started learning the violin skill, just like mama!

Kiku: Woooo, an actual video game! Oh no, I maxed Rambunctious Scamp!
Why is that an ‘oh no’? That’s your final aspiration! You did it, you got all four! 
Kiku: But now I’ll never get to play video games again…
I don’t think that’s true. You need to fill up your fun somehow, right?
Kiku: But there’s only one computer. I wish we had more.
I’ve got a really nice house with multiple computers that I built–yes, I built it, all by myself!–waiting for you all to buy as soon as you can afford it. It’s going to be great. Just a little bit longer.
Kiku: Oh, how exciting! I hope I actually get to live in it.
Why wouldn’t you?
Kiku: Well, you’re only going to keep an heir and a cadet, right? There are four of us kids, so two of us won’t get to stay. I probably won’t make cadet, and I definitely won’t be heir.
Kiku, that’s no way to talk! You’ve got to stay positive for the readers!

Bah, and now the dreaded Social Butterfly aspiration. Mari and Rei are doing it at the same time just like Hana and Kiku did–so that they can mark off bff’s at the same time, and trade off befriending sims, and so I can get it out of the way at once instead of having to do it over and over again.
Mari: Why do you make our becoming bff’s sound so cold and calculating? Rei is my twin, my other half! I’d be nothing without her!
Rei: Mari’s right. I prefer to do things on my own, except with Mari! I love spending time with Mari.
Aww! I didn’t know Mari was the exception to your rule. You know, for a sim that didn’t roll loner, you’re rather isolatory, Rei.
Rei: I guess it’s residual influence from my Independent trait as a toddler. I just like doing things on my own.
Mari: Except with me! We’re the best of friends. Nothing will separate us!
Ack. Unless one of you is heir/cadet and the other isn’t…but let’s keep that to ourselves, readers. I don’t want to have to tell either of the twin sets that they might be broken up.

Rei: -internally- Gah, more socializing. I hate this part. I really hope I don’t roll a popularity aspiration.
Mari: What’s it like being an adult? I feel like that’s an eternity away?
Victor: It’s rather boring, actually. Or at least, it is for an out of world sim. You’re a watched sim, so I bet your life will be extraordinary.

Whatcha doing, Kiku? You already maxed Artistic Prodigy.
Kiku: I’m learning the violin! It’s a mentorable skill, so it’ll be useful to have when the third generation comes around, if I’m still here.

And Mari completes Social Butterfly, a whole five hours before Rei does! They both started cloud gazing at the same time, so I’m not sure what happened there, but Mari definitely built her friendship faster.
Mari: It’s probably because I actually like talking to other kids, while Rei doesn’t. This wasn’t a bad aspiration at all!
Says you. I hate, hate, hate it!

And yup, in the darkness of the night, Rei completes Social Butterfly!
Rei: Finally! No more socializing!
A girl after my own heart.

Mari: On to Whiz Kid we go!
Rei: I’m so glad I’m back to just doing things with you, Mari. It’s so nice when it’s just the two of us.
Mari: I’m happy to be doing things with you too, Rei! But I think you need to work on your loner status–it might endear you to Rika, but I don’t know how readers will feel about a sim that doesn’t like socializing, and I want us to get heir and cadet!
Rei: You’re right about that, but I’d like to reassure the readers about that–I don’t like socializing, but I’m sure that a husband and kids would be different! They’d be my family just like Mari, after all.

Kiku: It’s really nice to be done with aspirations, isn’t it, Hana?
Hana: It sure is! Now we get to do what we want, sort of.
Kiku: Yeah! It’s really nice of Rika to let us draw, considering it doesn’t build any adult skills. I love drawing.

Nana: Out in the garden again! You really need to stop forgetting about it, Rika, and have me harvest it on a regular basis. You said this was going to be our cash crop, but I don’t think you’re harvesting it at the right times to earn the max money.
I think you’re right. This is my first time trying for a money based garden. I’ll have to look up the growth period and try to calculate things.

Nana: I’m so excited, Kiku and Hana are growing up today!
That’s right! We got their ‘almost birthday’ notices yesterday–although I forget what time–but they were born at 3 pm, and it’s 2:30, so it should be coming any minute. We better get that cake ready!
Mari: Um, Rika, don’t you think it’d be better to wait until tomorrow, so that there isn’t another big age gap between all of us?
Oh. Yeah, I guess that’d be smart. Too bad I didn’t think of that during gameplay.

Mari: Hey, papa, I thought we were about to celebrate Hana and Kiku’s birthdays? Why are we working on my school project?
Katsuo: Well, apparently Rika doesn’t know what she’s doing, because we still haven’t gotten the final birthday notices for them. She had us stand around in the kitchen waiting for about an hour, but now she’s given up and sent us back to work until we get the notices.
Mari: Oh well. At least we get to spend time together, instead of you painting all the time!
Katsuo: I know! I feel like that’s all I do…that, and work out for my aspiration. I miss you guys.

Kiku: What do you think you’re going to get for your teen trait and aspiration? I’m so nervous!
Hana: I’m sure it’ll be fine. There’s nothing we can do about it anyway. It’ll all work out!

Nana: Look at us, sitting down for a family meal! We never get to do this.
Katsuo: I know! It’s so nice to have quality family time. I’m glad Rika let us eat for once, instead of rallying the troops.
I really do need to stop doing that. But six sims are really hard to manage!

Hana: Oh my gosh, it’s time for my birthday! Oh man, I’m so nervous! What if I get a bad trait?
Just blow out the candles and find out, Hana! It’s going to be great!

O.O I usually don’t like sharing pre-makeover pictures of my sims after aging up, but I just couldn’t resist showing how Hana grew up! I love that dress, and that hair, it’s so elegant! But she’ll be getting a makeover anyway. I just wanted to share!

Kiku: My turn! -crosses fingers- Please let me get a good aspiration!

Kiku, no…no, no, no, what have you done? Why, Kiku? 
Kiku: What Rika isn’t telling you is the final pin in my being an eternal disappointment. To Insider, I added Evil, and I rolled the Vampire Family aspiration. Yeah, so, Rika hates me now.
I do not hate you, Kiku. I’m just really sad. I feel like the cards have been stacked against you from day one, but I just don’t see how you can be heir with that Evil trait, and I was really hoping to avoid vampires for as long as possible…but, we’ll have to see what the readers want. 
Kiku: Whatever. This whole thing was rigged.
Hana: Don’t talk like that, Kiku! Things could still work out for you. One negative trait doesn’t break your chances, that’s what Rika’s said all along, isn’t it? You just need to work hard to overcome your evil trait!
Kiku: Easy for you to say! Go on, tell them what you rolled. You’re the perfect little heir, always have been.
Hana: -sighs- To Neat, I add Outgoing, and I rolled the Angling Ace aspiration. I know, I have good traits, and Angling Ace is a pretty easy aspiration to complete. I can’t help what I roll anymore than you can, though!
Kiku: Yeah, sure. I’m just…I’m going to bed. Forget this day. Forget this challenge.
-weeps- I’m so sorry, Kiku.


And that’s a pretty depressing note to end on. I can’t believe Kiku rolled Evil :( I don’t know what to do with her now. To make matters worse, teens cannot be turned into vampires(EDIT: I found out later that they can, but I didn’t know this at the time), which means Kiku cannot advance in her aspiration until she’s a young adult, unlike Hana. This means the only way she can become heir is if she’s voted in. I don’t think her chances are very good.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.13: Growing On Up [3/15]
« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2018, 07:13:42 PM »
I'm with you there, rika! That Friend to the Animals aspiration takes forever! Ugh!
It's slightly easier to complete with pets at home and running a vet clinic would probably speed up the "Be friends with 20 animals," but still...major pain.

Graft your 18-hr Granite Falls herbs to your highest quality plant, then harvest and plant them.
Next, graft your Sixam plants, UFO, and dragon fruit plants to those 18-hr Granite Falls herbs. Now you can harvest them once a day. (well every 18 hrs to be exact, but that's a hassle.)

Poor Katsuo, always too busy to chill with his girls! They're growing up really fast!
Well, Kiku didn't age up with the easiest traits and aspiration, but she got her watcher's best custom content, hehe. She's stunning!
I'm just glad Kiku didn't get that Evil trait because that would mean..... you know what it means, rika. :)

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.13: Growing On Up [3/15]
« Reply #41 on: March 16, 2018, 01:47:23 AM »
Awww!  I actually love the evil trait lol.  I have fun playing Evil sims.  As long as it isn't combined with mean, it's not too bad and their relationships stay decent.  Evil vampire could be fun!

Offline rika1431

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.13: Growing On Up [3/15]
« Reply #42 on: March 16, 2018, 08:21:19 PM »
@oshizu What killed me with friend to the animals, was the 2 ghost pets goal. I hadn't looked ahead in the aspiration, so I didn't realize I'd need 2, and I only ever owned 1 pet. So when I got to the final tier of the aspiration, I had to adopt a new pet and wait for it to die 8/ Morbid, right?

Omg, thank you so much! I'm gonna do that as soon as I'm caught up on posts and can start playing again  ;D I miss my legacy family!

And oh, did she? You noticed that? -whistles innocently- Getting the best cc certainly isn't an indication of favoritism.

@Shewolf13 Her evil trait isn't actually as horrible as I'd thought it would be, lol. I wouldn't have made such a big deal about it if I'd realized how manageable it is, I'd never played an evil sim before, but live and learn.

1.14: Don’t Forget the Dates!
You can read this post on Wordpress here.

Mari: Woohoo, I get to open this chapter! I’ve just maxed Whiz Kid. It feels so good to haven an A in school, and to be getting these aspirations done. Being a legacy kid means working nonstop, from dawn to dusk, and it can be very tiring. I wonder if I’ll ever get to relax.

Hana, you know you don’t have to do your homework right away, don’t you? You aged up after midnight, so you don’t have school today.
Hana: I know, but I don’t want to forget about it! I need to get an A in high school if I want to start my adult career a few levels ahead.

Nana: And I’m over here, in the garden, again. I feel like this is all I do these days. Every time I finish tending the garden, I have to start all over again, and the plants are almost always ready for evolving.
On the bright side, by the time we get UFO plants, maybe the rest of the garden will be evolved up to perfect, and you won’t have to hunt through which plants to evolve anymore!
Nana: True. And the UFO plants need less tending, so those will be nice. It’s taking forever to find one, though.
Yes, yes it is. But, I’ve got a special surprise for you, Nana! A reward for all your hard work!
Nana: Oh really? What is it?!

A date!
Katsuo: Nana, did you know, this is the same table we sat at on our first date? That feels like an eternity ago. I’m so glad you agreed to move in with me and become my wife. I know things have been hard lately, and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you.
Nana: Oh, Katsuo, I know. I don’t regret my decision even a little bit. Every moment of work is worth spending my life with you and having kids of my own! I’m so glad we get to spend a little time together, just the two of us. We haven’t had a lot of quality time lately.
Katsuo: That’s so true. Hopefully with Kiku and Hana teens now, and Mari and Rei close to aging up, we’ll be able to spend more time together now.
Nana: I hope so. I miss you so much.

Katsuo: Nana, are you taking a picture of your food?
Nana: I have to simstagram this dish! It’s so intriguing looking–I wonder what it will taste like!

Nana: Another date? That’s odd…
Katsuo: Wait a minute! Rika, this wasn’t a reward for us, you’re trying to farm gold medal points for the popularity category!
Drat, caught! See, Katsuo, I did the math–we need 334 gold medals total to get all 10 points in the popularity category, plus having one sim get a gold medal on every type of party plus a date. That comes down to 38 gold medals per generation! And you’ve only got 6!

Hana: Okay…let’s see…I’ve got to google how to make this dish…I have no idea how to cook!
Hana, it’s a salad. This has to be the easiest meal to make!
Hana: Hey! It’s not like Mom and Dad have been cooking my whole childhood for me to watch and learn how to cook–I’m starting from scratch here!

Mari: How are you feeling, Kiku? You’ve been hiding in your room for days.
Kiku: -sigh- I’m not doing good, Mari. You’re lucky, you haven’t got your teen trait yet, so the world is still wide open for you. But for me, it’s basically over.
Mari: Kiku, that’s a horrible thing to say! I’m sure the readers love you, they’ve spent so much time with you already!
Kiku: No one loves an evil sim, Mari. This is the way it has to be. Rika is always cancelling my mean interactions now, trying to curb my evil trait, but I think it’s a losing battle.
Don’t give up, Kiku! We can still make this work!

Nana: You uprooted five of my plants, Rika! I worked hard on those!
Sorry, Nana, but you just harvested more dragon fruit, so we need to plant those to complete that line. Those spliced plants aren’t necessary anymore.
Nana: Ugh, what was the point in even keeping them around?
Well, we were evolving them to grow better dragonfruit so that we wouldn’t be starting with normal dragonfruit. And they were helping you level gardening!

Kiku: This is all such pointless crap. What is even the point of doing my homework? It’s not like I’m going to be around to have an adult job!
Kiku, if you keep acting like this, you’re going to drive the readers away! Get out of your funk already!
Kiku: Oh, stop acting like I ever stood a chance! This is just the nail in the coffin.
Mari: Please, Kiku, don’t give up. I don’t like seeing you this way.
Kiku: I’m sorry, Mari, but it’s time you learned–the world is a cruel, unforgiving place, and there’s no trying to control your destiny. No matter how hard you work, it can all be taken away from you with a roll of the dice.

Katsuo, no! You’re getting so buff! Please, you have to stop this!
Katsuo: I’m sorry, Rika, but I’ve committed to this aspiration. I have to see it through.
-weeps silently for Katsuo’s slender form-

Nana: Farewell, earth! I’m off to space again to hunt for UFO’s!
This is starting to feel like an exercise in futility. No matter how many times we go, we never get the right opportunity!
Nana: Chin up, Rika. We’ll find it eventually.

Katsuo: No UFO’s this time?
Nana: No, unfortunately I did not find one again. I feel so bad, letting Rika down like this.
Katsuo: Oh, Nana, you haven’t let Rika down at all. She’s so impressed with what a good spouse you’ve been–you’ve maxed so many skills, and raised four beautiful children!
Nana: I only wish there was something I could do about Kiku. I don’t know how she got the evil trait, but nothing I can say will bring her around.
Katsuo: I think she just needs some time to adjust. She’ll come back to us eventually.

Mari: Kiku, how could you say something like that!
Kiku: What? It’s true, your shirt is stupid, and you’re just a kid that no one’s paying attention to. The world sucks.
Mari: Ugh! I hate what you’ve become!
Kiku: -internally- So do I. But what can I do? I can only play with the cards I’m dealt. I don’t want to be like this, I don’t want to be an evil sim, but it’s over and done with now.

Hana: Do you remember when we were kids, drawing on the creativity table?
Kiku: Yeah! Those were the good old days!
Hana: Do you remember when you said I was your best friend forever, and that nothing would come between us?
Kiku: …I do, Hana. I remember.
Hana: I won’t let this come between us now. You’re my twin, Kiku. I will fight for you no matter what.

Whatcha doing, Hana?
Hana: Meditating. I’m trying to think of a way to help Kiku. There has to be something I can do to bring her back into the light.
You’re such a good sister, Hana. But I think it’s best to put Kiku behind you now. She doesn’t want to fight for herself.
Hana: What kind of sister would I be if I gave up on her? No. I’d do anything for Kiku. I’d forfeit my heir eligibility for her. She’s my twin–she means the world to me.

Katsuo: You’re looking mighty fine tonight, my love.
Nana: -giggles- Katsuo, you’re so silly! I know we’re just on a home date for the medal points, but I love getting to spend one on one time with you!

Nana: What’s that?
Katsuo: What’s what?
Nana: Over there! I think I see something!
Katsuo: Huh? -whirls around-
Nana: -quickly moves chess pieces- Huh, must have been my imagination. Oh well.
Silly Nana!

Argh, I’m sorry for the downer post. Kiku is just feeling awful about her trait, and I am too. I just wish I could reroll her trait for her, but rules are the rules.[EDIT: Or you know, you could check the aspiration trait randomizer’s website, and find the really not obvious section where it says you don’t have to play with vampires if you don’t want to, and you can preroll vampire aspirations. UGH. If only I’d known!! I don’t have anything against vampires, and actually love playing them, but I didn’t want to in this legacy because in the last legacy when I played vampires, I ended up playing gen 2 forever to farm all the points possible, and I didn’t want to do that again, because I actually want to finish this one, heh.]

Bit of an update on where we are with updates, hehe. This is chapter 14, obvs, and there are currently 21 posts on my blog. And, well, posts 18-21 are entire weeks in a post, so they're like 3 or 4 forum posts worth of content each. And then I have another 4 and a half posts/weeks of pictures on my computer that I haven't posted to my blog yet. I got partway through the week of post 26 before I realized I was waaaaaay too far ahead of my blog and needed to stop playing until I caught up. So, doing the math, I need to get up to post 21 here, and post 25 on my blog, and then post 25 here before I'm allowed to play again. :( With the 25 image per post limit here on the forum, that's about...3 more normal posts, to get to chapter 17, then chapter 18 is going to be 4 posts, probably, depends on how I split the week up...-continues doing math-

I have a total of 35 posts to do before I'm allowed to play again 8/ So, more than a month from now. I take way too many pictures...

The good news, is that gen 3 are all still kids! So you'll all get to participate in the heir vote for gen 3, if you don't find me obnoxious by then :P

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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.14: Don't Forget the Dates! [3/16]
« Reply #43 on: March 16, 2018, 09:19:27 PM »
Loving this, Katsuo and Nana are just the best founders ever, so gorgeous and so gorgeous together! I like Kiku the best tbh, the evil trait doesn't bother me at all and I quite like the mean trait too as least they actually make a difference to the sims. I guess the trick is to roll with it and play the trait to its full potential - which, admittedly can be difficult to do if you don't like letting your sim be a meanie! It's also a good opportunity to get those 'negative' deviance aspirations completed.

I feel your pain of being further ahead in-game than you are with posts but there's nothing stopping you spamming the forum with chapters to catch up. Just gives us fans more to read.  :)
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Re: The Yoshida Legacy - Chapter 1.14: Don't Forget the Dates! [3/16]
« Reply #44 on: March 16, 2018, 11:54:16 PM »
Oh wow!  Poor  Kiku!  Evil is a fun trait, Kiku!  Really!  Well, if you keep the mean interactions reserved for those you don't like hehehe (Me thinks I have the evil trait XD since I enjoy playing evil sims and *ahem*, I've been known to deal harshly with sims that displease me XD).  --snorts-- Love that they "caught" you with the dates and points.  That was great.  Rika, I'm trying to remember, but did you mention that you use MCCC?