You haven't mentioned if you've done anything to fix the issue, please forgive any repeat tips you may have already tried.
1. Move the mods folder to desktop (for testing purposes) - This is to fully make sure it's not outdated mods/cc or some hidden files in the Mods folder. - Read more in the post linked below:
How to Fix Problems with Mods/CC recently received a new game patch that has made some game mods and custom content become outdated. You need to go through your mods folder to see what needs to be updated.
2. Create a new game save to see if you can recreate the issue.
3. Deactivate Origin In-Game - Open Origin, Go up to the Origin Menu, Click Origin and select Application Settings. Select the Origin In-Game tab. Make sure it is turned Off. - This deactivates Origin In-Game, as it has been known to cause problems with games.
4. Delete Game Cache Files (What and How-To) localthumbcache.package can be found in the main Sims 4 folder
C:\Users\Username\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4
5. Repair Game - In Origin, right-click on Sims 4 and select Repair. - Do note this repairs the game's install files, it does not make any changes to the saved game files. - Saved games are safe - won't be deleted.
6. Try a Sims 4 factory reset and a new game save without mods/cc.
Try a Sims 4 Factory Reset - (What & Howto)