Author Topic: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen  (Read 62465 times)

Online Metropolis Man

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House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« on: February 12, 2018, 06:24:27 AM »
House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen

Turn on HGTV and chances are some type of home show involving moving/upgrading will be on. People clearly love these shows, so it's time for your Sims to play out the real estate fantasy. You start with a lowly furnished home and every day you are required to move into a more valuable home than before.

General Challenge Rules
The General Challenge Rules always apply.

Specific Challenge Rules
  • In CAS, create two YA Humans or Aliens. Go to Options and leave "Fill Empty Houses" unchecked.
  • Select a world to move into. At your individual World screen, mouse over your home options. Choose the Furnished option before moving in.
  • Empty lots must remain empty.
  • The new Jungle Adventures pack is banned for this event.
  • Do not talk to Jasmine Holiday -- the Triple Boost Week is banned for this event.
  • The Manage Worlds screen is off limits.
  • You are allowed to use the Buydebug cheat to purchase a satellite to prevent abductions. The satellite moves with you. Once you buy it, you own it for all your moves.
  • No adding to the household.
  • The Vampire Lore skill is banned.
  • Once you assess your Lot Value for a score, no changes can be made to the lot.
  • You remain in all homes for 24 hours. At 8 AM each day you are required to move to your next home. Click the Build button (F2) and at the top left click the Lot Info Panel to get your home’s lot value. Write that number down. Go back to Live mode, use your Phone to move Household. When moving you have to choose a home that is worth more than your current lot’s value, and evicting a family in order to open up more home options for you is fine.
    If a home is not available or you do not have the necessary funds, then you are done with the challenge and you post your score up to that point.
  • The challenge ends when your two YA Sims age up to Adult. Immediately after your Sims age up write down the Lot Value of their 13th home.


Lot Values. Write down the Lot Values of all 13 homes. Do this immediately before moving at 8 AM. Remember: each home needs to cost more than your last Lot Value. Your 13th and final Lot Value is taken after your Sims age up to Adult. Add up the Lot Values. Use Lena's Spreadsheet to make things super easy.

The team does not want to edit and make changes to the ruleset once this event goes live, but we may have to. If an exploit is brought to our attention or we discover something else we reserve the right to ask affected players to redo their effort.

Have Questions?
Please think hard before you ask in the challenge thread because it may be strategy. What you may consider an innocent question could cause another player to go — “oh, I did not think of doing that.” It’s always safer to PM everyone on the team (Metro, sdhoey, LenaLJ, and MarianT) for clarifications. Thanks.

And the Winner is...
After this event has closed everyone is encouraged to discuss how they approached the event, but the winner especially is expected to do so in detail.

This is Now Closed

Player            Lot Values
reggikko $5,643,722
cyclonenic $4,701,479
GlazeyLady                            $4,527,935
HelenP $4,455,261
LenaLJ $4,367,325
xyliajames                            $3,287,756
Nikitachi                            $3,226,808
lesleyj42                            $3,142,417
mens0067                            $3,081,092
oshizu                            $2,985,708
Metropolis Man                            $2,909,360
Eighty8Keys $2,888,677
december22 $2,777,196
kirkbysims $2,681,207
Tynynounours                            $2,536,107
Kirstie                            $2,331,753
SueDenim                            $2,244,976
workingmum8                            $2,029,674
sdhoey                            $1,935,215
MarianT                            $1,866,297
fivebyfive                            $1,763,689
BallerinaHippo                            $1,482,705
Noyo $912,238
Whimsical Peanut $607,048
oxJennxo $470,472
TheWaybad                            $436,542
rokrchik                            $419,880
SimsAholic                            $347,032
kethrydrake                            $262,629
coolsim9999999                            $160,298
JocyMc                            $108,408
CynKuy                            $99,634
kinseyam                            $96,193
jewels129                            $88,872
simemie                            $35,990

Offline cyclonenic

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2018, 07:18:04 AM »
Hi team, how is unique identified? Via the symbols in build/buy (e.g. toilet, sink, bath etc) or via the drop down menu type (e.g. decoration, lighting etc)?

Thanks, Nic

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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2018, 07:25:11 AM »
Hi team, how is unique identified? Via the symbols in build/buy (e.g. toilet, sink, bath etc) or via the drop down menu type (e.g. decoration, lighting etc)?

Thanks, Nic

Well, I suppose sort of like the handiness challenge -- do the items you want to buy for your homes have different names?

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2018, 08:50:37 AM »
Really good job on the picture for this challenge.  That totally looks like a Property Brother. *thumbs up*

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2018, 08:58:46 AM »
Really good job on the picture for this challenge.  That totally looks like a Property Brother. *thumbs up*

I know, right? Lena did a great job. I am actually off to the gym for my morning workout right after I post this and I love watching the Property Brothers at the gym. They're always on when I am there. And Fixer Uppers too. I love Chip's sense of humor -- reminds me of how I'll do anything to make my wife and daughters laugh.

Offline LenaLJ

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2018, 09:01:55 AM »
Thanks @BallerinaHippo I do my best to have the pictures i take resemble both the challenge but also something that people can realate to in real life, its a blast making them :)

Offline christinal3106

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2018, 09:27:42 AM »
Did you guys consider letting us uncheck fill empty houses?  Or can we just evict the household that currently resides in any house?  Also, can you use apartments?

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Offline simemie

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2018, 09:35:55 AM »
Did you guys consider letting us uncheck fill empty houses?  Also, can you use apartments?

Is the fill empty houses being checked a rule? I'm pretty sure I had it unchecked for both the last challenges :S

Offline christinal3106

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2018, 09:49:10 AM »
Did you guys consider letting us uncheck fill empty houses?  Also, can you use apartments?

Is the fill empty houses being checked a rule? I'm pretty sure I had it unchecked for both the last challenges :S

I would say so, in the general rules it says to use default settings, but I am not a team member, so.

Offline simemie

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2018, 09:55:40 AM »
Did you guys consider letting us uncheck fill empty houses?  Also, can you use apartments?

Is the fill empty houses being checked a rule? I'm pretty sure I had it unchecked for both the last challenges :S

I would say so, in the general rules it says to use default settings, but I am not a team member, so.

Welp... I didn't really think about that, I just changed the settings it specified about autonomy, aging and lifespan but I didn't think about default settings (I guess I just assumed the specified settings were the default settings). If I did it wrong, I guess a team member can void my scores? I don't suppose not filling empty homes made any difference on the previous challenges. Idk. Not like I did very well anyway haha.

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2018, 12:44:35 PM »
Did you guys consider letting us uncheck fill empty houses?  Also, can you use apartments?

Is the fill empty houses being checked a rule? I'm pretty sure I had it unchecked for both the last challenges :S

No worries. You're fine.

@christinal3106 --the team will discuss your question.

Offline reggikko

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2018, 03:06:05 PM »
Before you move from each lot you are only allowed to leave one item behind.
All items purchased for your homes must be unique and each item purchased must be worth more than the last.

Just clarifying that the items we leave must be purchased as opposed to crafted, found, or reward objects.

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2018, 03:30:50 PM »
Before you move from each lot you are only allowed to leave one item behind.
All items purchased for your homes must be unique and each item purchased must be worth more than the last.

Just clarifying that the items we leave must be purchased as opposed to crafted, found, or reward objects.

Hmmm...a good question. The team will discuss.

Offline Rainbow Dash

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2018, 06:55:05 PM »
As strange as it might sound to some, this challenge actually terrifies me more than the Rugrats one, lol.  :o I hate moving in the Sims 4 and it takes me two days in real time to furnish a house, as I try to get everything perfect and I get stressed out as a result. For this reason, I am going to sit this challenge out as it will drive me crazy, lol.

I will be watching however, maybe I can learn something. XD Good luck to everyone participating. :)

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: House Hunters Challenge: The Baker's Dozen
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2018, 07:12:37 PM »
Before you move from each lot you are only allowed to leave one item behind.
All items purchased for your homes must be unique and each item purchased must be worth more than the last.

Just clarifying that the items we leave must be purchased as opposed to crafted, found, or reward objects.

Okay, so the team just decided to drop the word "purchased" from the following rule. That opens it up to player discretion as to lots of different types of objects. But, each object will still need to be worth more than the last.

  • All items for your homes must be unique and each item must be worth more than the last.