Author Topic: Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One (Ciudad Enamorada) (29 Jul '24)  (Read 232942 times)

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Britechest Edition
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2020, 12:08:30 AM »
Britechester Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 3 residential lots, 6 university housing (dorm) lots, and 3 premade houses in the three residential neighborhoods of Britechester:
Foxbury Institute (3 dorms), Gibbs Hill (3 residences), and University of Britechester (3 dorms).

Please note that:
   • Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
   • Campus-exclusive amenities are separately listed from public amenities.
   • Increasing the "Furnished" value of a university housing lot will correspondingly raise the cost of tuition for any student residing on said lot.
   • I may have mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of Britechester

Foxbury Institute

Description (from brown Foxbury icon):
Foxbury Institute may seem young compared to the historical town surrounding it, but it has quickly distinguished itself in academia.
For the students who have worked hard to attend Foxbury Institute, it's not just work, but the pursuit of personal passions that keeps this campus bustling.

Lot traits: Larry's Lagoon (Fast Internet, Natural Light)
Community lots: Larry's Lagoon (Foxbury Commons, 40x30)
Foxbury-only amenities: Classroom building x2, Foxbury Booth x2, Foxbury Institute Arena, Foxbury Institute Coffee Cart x1, Foxbury Institute Tree of Science (statue)
Amenities: Bench x4, Fishing spot x1,  Picnic table x3, River (swimmable), Trashcan x4, Water balloon bucket x2 (summer only).
Harvestables: none

Gibbs Hill

Description (from gold-ish house icon):
Gibbs Hill is nestled in the center of Britechester right between the two universities: Foxbury Institute and the University of Britechester.
It was the first center of activity in Britechester and its famous Laurel Library has stayed a key location for many students to study and learn.

Lot traits: Laurel Library (Study Spot, University Student Hangout), Pepper's Pub (University Student Hangout)
Community lots: Laurel Library (50x40), Pepper's Pub (Bar, 20x20)
Amenities: Bench x7 , Fishing spot x 1, Grill x1, Mushroom Ritual Circle, Picnic table x2, River (swimmable), Water balloon bucket x1 (summer only), Trashcan x2
Harvestables: Chrysanthemum, Daisy, Rose, Snapdragon

University of Britechester

Description (from green dragon icon):
This university is the oldest in Britechester, founded by Felix Psyded, who was well known for his enthusiasm for learning and humorously large books.
As the years have passed, the University of Britechester has established itself as an established institute of classical education.

Lot traits: Darby's Den (Convivial, Great Acoustics),
Community lots: Darby's Den (Ubrite Commons, 30x20)
UBrite-only amenities: Classroom building x2, Ubrite Arena, UBrite Booth x2, Ubrite Coffee Cart, UBrite Tome of Knowledge (statue)
Amenities: Bench x17 , Fishing spot x1, Grill x2, Picnic table x2, River (swimmable), Trashcan x5, Water balloon bucket x2 (summer only)
Harvestables: none.

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Re: Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2020, 04:15:13 AM »
Evergreen Harbor Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 4 apartments and 7 residential lots/premade houses in the three residential neighborhoods of Evergreen Harbor: Grims Quarry (2 apartments and 2 residences), Port Promise (3 residences), and Conifer Station (2 apartments and 2 residence).

Please note that:
   • Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
   • I may have mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of Evergreen Harbor

Grims Quarry

Description (from purple icon):
When prospector Arnold Grims founded his famous rock quarry in Evergreen Harbor, he could hardly have predicted the little suburb that would spring up around it decades later.
Today, a cozy set of homes, apartments, and spaces for community use sits in the shadow of the walls of striking white stone.

Lot traits: Stonestreet Apartments (Reduce & Recycle); Rockridge Springs (Eco Lot, Natural Well); The Quarry Building (Natural Well)
Community lots: The Quarry Building (Community Space, 40x30)
Amenities: Bench x1, Community Voting Board, Fishing spot x1.
Harvestables: Soy?

Port Promise

Description (from orange icon):
What was once a bustling trade port now holds a number of homes and businesses that pay homage to their industrial roots and aim to, as the local expression goes, "Keep Evergreen Kooky!"
While the actual port may no longer be running, the promise of something better remains.

Lot traits: The Shipping Views (Off-the-Grid, Reduce & Recycle); The Waterfront (Landfill Lot, Reduce & Recycle)
Community lots: The Caboose (Bar, 30x20), The Waterfront (Community Space, 40x30)
Amenities: Bench x7, Community Voting Board, Dumpster x2
Harvestables: Soy

Conifer Station

Description (from navy icon):
What happens when the trains stop running? Downtown Evergreen, affectionately known to locals as Conifer Station, may be a bit quieter nowadays, but residents will tell you that the defunct train station and unsightly storage tanks hide a hard-working community eager to imporove their little corner of the world.

Lot traits: Canal Corner (Geothermal, Reduce & Recycle)
Community lots: Sprucewood Square (Community Space, 40x30)
Amenities: Bench x3, Community Voting Board, Dumpster x2, Fishing spot x1.
Harvestables: Soy?

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Mt. Komorebi Edition
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2021, 02:58:56 AM »
Mt. Komorebi Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 6 residential lots/premade houses and three rentals in the residential and recreational neighborhoods of Mt. Komorebi: Senbamachi (3 residences), Wakaba (3 residences and one rental), and Yukimatsu (two rentals and 1 empty lot).

Please note that:
• I began gathering data for Mt. Komorebi lots in December 2020 but now see that rent and lot prices have changed, both in my game and also compared with prices listed in other websites.
   In this post, I'm going with the prices I find in the game today.
• For rental lots, I switched the lot type to Residential to obtain their Furnished, Unfurnished, and Bulldozed prices, in case folks want to move into a rental as a residence or replace the rental with another residential build.
• Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
• I have probably mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of Mt. Komorebi
Locals have enjoyed the healing hot springs of Mt. Komorebi for centuries.
Now, thanks to the modern snow sports resort in Yukimatsu, everyone else can, too!
The region has become a hotspot for tourists looking for a vacation that's equal parts relaxing and adventurous.
With so many new visitors, there have been a lot of changes to the rolling forests that surround Mt. Komorebi.
Hopefully, the area will be able to maintain the charm that drew so many Sims to it in the first place.


Description (from green "torii" icon):
Senbamachi, the town of a thousand leaves, is the oldest in the region. Many locals enjoy the town’s connection to nature,
especially with the bamboo forests surrounding the town and unique spritely creatures that make a home in their leaves.
It's said that if you walk the local trails long enough, you’re bound to meet the guardians of the trees who reward those who love and respect their dwelling.

Lot traits: None.
Community lots: Hanami Koen (park, 30x20), Izakaya Ippai (Bar, 30x20), Festival of Light plaza (non-editable)
Amenities: Bench x5, Cave, Cemetery , Fishing spot x1, Food stall x1, Garden planter x4, Garden pot x2, Hiking trails, Info board x5, Medium rock-climbing wall, Picnic table x1, Public restrooms x1, Shrine, Trash can x3, Vending machine x6, Votive (Ema) board x1.. 
Harvestables: Pear, Mushroom, Onion, Sage


Description (from orange stone lantern icon):
Like its namesake, Wakaba is young, new, and bright as the leaves of a tree in early springtime.
This small town is up-and-coming in the region, home to beautiful, sleek new homes and an attractive town center featuring Mt. Komorebi’s official mascot: Yamachan.
Tourists of all ages can enjoy the Festival of Youth, or simply take in the neighborhood’s natural beauty.

Lot traits: None.
Community lots: Hazakura Lounge (30x20), Festival of Youth plaza (non-editable), 2-4-2 Wakabamori (rental).
Amenities: Bench x1, Food stall x1, Grill x1, Info board x2, Picnic table x2, Swimming area x1, Trash can x2, Vending machine x3.
Harvestables: Parsley


Description (from blue mountain icon):
The true beauty of the countryside can be seen from Yukimatsu, named for its snow-covered pines.
Located on the slopes of Mt. Komorebi, this area offers gorgeous vacation rentals, a variety of snow sports, untamed wilderness, and a peaceful Onsen Bathhouse getaway.
Whether it's relaxation in a hot spring, seeing the sights of the Snow Festival, or an exhilarating climb to Mt. Komorebi's highest peak, this year-round snowy wonderland has something for everyone.

Lot traits: None.
Community lots: Festival of Snow plaza (non-editable), Sutefani Onsen Bathhouse (onsen bathhouse, 30x20; lot type cannot be changed).
Amenities: Bunny Slope (skiing, sledding, and snowboarding), Easy, Intermediate, Expert, and Ludicrous slopes (skiing and snowboarding) x1 each, Hiking, Rock-climbing excursion trail x1, Rock-climbing practice walls (Easy, Intermediate, Expert) x1 each, Ski Lift, Vending machine x3
Harvestables: Blackberry

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« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2021, 05:40:40 PM »
Henford-on-Bagley Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 12 lots and 9 premade residential/rental builds in the three neighborhoods of Henford-on-Bagley:  Finchwick (3 residences), Old New Henford (4 residences), and The Bramblewood (2 residences and a rental)).

Please note that:
• For 13 Nettle Lane (rental) and Isle of Volpe (national park), I switched each lot type to Residential to obtain their Furnished, Unfurnished, and Bulldozed prices, in case folks want to move into either lot or replace it with another residential build.
• Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood, except in the case of Isle of Volpe.
• I have probably mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of Henford-on-Bagley

From the natural beauty of Cordelia Falls to the clear, brisk currents of the River Bagley,
the mingling of earth and water makes Henford-on-Bagley a lovely place to visit,
but perhaps and even lovelier place to live.
Villagers here connect with the history of the land while finding friendship in the furry and feathery creatures that inhabit the woods.
So what if the average neighbor is a little more gossipy?
You couldn't ask for a better place to grow, tend, and nurture a more natural life.


Description from green "gnome" icon:
Nestled along the River Bagley, the old mill village of Finchwick prides itself on its bustling and close-knit community.
Its historic square features a pub and quaint stalls amid a flowering garden, perfect for a little window shopping.
Tourists and locals alike flock to the weekly village fair, where Finchwick’s Mayor makes a special appearance to judge entries and gossip about the latest happenings.

Lot traits/Lot Challenges:
   • 1 Cobblestone Street: Homey; Wild Foxes
   • 3 Cobblestone Street: Wild Foxes
   • 5 Cobblestone Street: Homey; Wild foxes, Simple Living
   • The Gnome's Arms: Convivial; Wild Foxes
Community lots: The Gnome's Arms (bar, 30x20), Finchwick Fair plaza (non-editable).
Amenities: Bench x3, Fishing spot x1, Garden patch x2, Garden Shop x1, Grill x1, Grocery Shop x1, Info board x1, Picnic table x3, Public restrooms x1, Swimming access x1, Trash can x2, Umbrella table (with 2 chairs) x2.
Harvestables: Tomato, Fruit tree (?), Blueberry, Raspberry (will add later)

Old New Henford

Description from brownish "hen" icon:
An area that boasts rolling hills, lush estates, and a small community garden, Old New Henford is perhaps best known for its historical naming woes.
Initially known as Little Henford, the neighborhood renamed itself New Henford in an attempt to escape its diminutive origins.
However, in neglecting to inform national mapmakers, they ceased to officially exist for a two-week period.
When told that to be reinstated would require yet another name change, residents chose Old New Henford, which beat out the other choice – New New Henford – by a single vote.

Lot traits/Lot Challenges:
   • 2 Olde Mill Lane: Wild Foxes, Off-the-Grid
   • 3 Olde Mill Lane: Homey, Natural Light; Wild Foxes
   • 4 Olde Mill Lane: Fast Internet, Natural Light; Wild Foxes
   • Olde Mill Hill: Bracing Breezes, Homey; Wild Foxes
Community lots: .Community garden (non-editable)
Amenities: Benches x2, Fishing spot x1, Garden patch x2, Garden planters x2, Garden pot x2,  Grill x2,
Info board x1, Monkey bars x1, Picnic tables x4, Public restrooms x1, Swimming access x4 (to the same river), Trash bin x2
Harvestables: Raspberry (will add later)

The Bramblewood

Description from green "forest" icon:
The natural beauty of these woods have long provided a picturesque place for many wild birds, rabbits, and foxes to call home.
Whether secreting a small surprise under Sophie the Snail, bringing an easel to paint the serene Cordelia Falls, foraging for wild mushrooms, or finding romance among the ruins of the Isle of Volpe, any Sim would be transformed by a day in the Bramblewood.

Lot traits/Lot Challenges:
   • Cordelia's Secret Cottage: Natural Light; Wild Foxes, Simple Living
   • 14 Nettle Lane: Convivial, Homey; Wild Foxes
   • 13 Nettle Lane: Wild Foxes
Community lots:  Isle of Volpe (national park, 50x40)
Amenities: Bench x4, Fishing pond x1, Fishing spot x2, Garden pot x2, Grill x2, Picnic table x4, Public restrooms x1, Sophie the Snail (statue) x1, Swimming access x1, Trash bin x3
Harvestables: Blueberry, Raspberry, Chocoberry, Strange Mushroom (Nightly mushroom and others)

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Tartosa Lot Info (My Wedding Stories)
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2022, 08:11:33 PM »
Tartosa Lot Info

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 9 lots and 6 premade residential/rental builds in the two neighborhoods of Tartosa: Porto Luminoso (2 residences and one rental) and Terra Amorosa (3 residences).

Please note that:
   • For Villa Vigna, I switched its lot type to Residential to obtain their Furnished, Unfurnished, and Bulldozed prices, in case your sims want to move in or replace it with another residential build.
   • Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood, except in the case of Isle of Volpe.
   • I have probably mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of Tartosa

Romantic sites and scenery have long graced the seaside region of Tartosa, creating the perfect setting for love and matrimonial pursuits.
It isn't uncommon for vacationers and honeymooners alike to return year after year, seeking to re-experience the intimacy of visits past.
They say there's a love story in the making for everyone.
Just ask Tartosa's residents, and they'll excitedly gossip about local Wedding Industry shenanigans or the area's love-laced, historical past.
But even if a Sim doesn't find their soulmate here, one thing is for certain... they're fated to fall in love with the land.

Porto Luminoso

Description from blue "fountain" icon:
Historians say Porto Luminoso’s name originated when pirates arrived at shore, attracted by the glowing tides, the promise of trade, and the invention of the fruit tart.
Over time, the village flourished, and while still famous for its fruit tarts, Porto Luminoso’s real claim to fame is its self-proclaimed-title as the wedding industry’s premiere destination for romance and matrimonial services.

Community lots: Celebrazioni d'Amore (lounge, 50x40), Plaza (non-editable, Villa Vigna (rental, 30x20)
Amenities:  BBQ grill x1, Beach x2 (swimming), Beach umbrella x1, Bench x1, Cake shop x1, City Hall, Fishing spot x1, Flower stall x1,
Food stall x2, Fountain x1, Lounge chair x2, Monkey bars x1, Picnic table x2, Pirate jungle gym x1, Public restrooms x1, Trash bin x1, Wedding boutique x1
Harvestables: not checking this info for now.


Terra Amorosa

Description from green "bridge" icon:
A short trip up the coastline from Porto Luminosos is the loving land known as Terra Amorosa to the locals.
Whether fishing off the boardwalk, swimming at the bottom of the secluded Hideaway Falls, or hiking up the hillside to visit the area’s famous Lover’s Tree,
any Sim is bound to fall madly in love with the various charming sights and historic landmarks this lover’s paradise has to offer.

Community lots: La Coppia Serena (wedding venue, 50x40)
Amenities:  BBQ grill x1, Beach umbrella x2, Bench x1, Fishing spot x2, Lagoon x1 (swimming), Lounge chair x4, Picnic table x2,
Public restrooms x 1, Trash bin x2
Harvestables:  not checking this info for now.

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Moonwood Mill Edition
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2024, 03:38:48 PM »
Moonwood Mill Edition

This map and chart provide information about the 3 residential lots/premade houses and two community lots in Moonwood Mill.

Please note that:
• The "Bdrm/Bthrm" column counts the number of bedrooms, not beds. The number of bathrooms doesn't distinguish between full and half bathrooms.
• For community lots, I switched the lot type to Residential to obtain their Furnished, Unfurnished, and Bulldozed prices, in case folks want to replace it with another residential build to play their sims there.
• Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
• I have probably mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of Moonwood Mill
Once upon a time, Moonwood Mill was filled with the bustle and sound of the nearby lumber mill. Today, the town is transformed.
The rusted shells of its former industry provide cover for a handful of mysterious denizens who've sought out this wilderness-shrouded community, basking in its remote and anonymous nature.
It's a place with a hidden history, and those who live here know that if you dig deep enough, you're bound to discover some fascinating secrets.

Lot Info

Lot traits: None
Community Lots: Grimtooth Bar & Bunker, The Moonwood Mill Library
Amenities: Bench x1, Community board x1, Fishing spot x2, Garden planter x2, Greg's Trailer,
Moonwood Collective Hangout (with picnic table, grill, trashcan), Monkey bars x1, Peak (entrance), Public toilets x1,
Underground Tunnel system (Old Bunker, Portal Potties, Sewer Grate), Wildfangs Hangout (with bonfire, chair, and weightlifting equipment).
Harvestables: Moonpetal (full moon only), Wolfsbane

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Re: Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2024, 06:01:24 PM »
Copperdale Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 7 residential/rental lots and 5 community lots in Copperale's three neighborhoods of Plumbite Cove (2 premade residences, 1 empty lot, 1 rental, 1 park), Prescott Square (2 premade residences, 2 community lots), and Rockridge Heights (2 community lots).

Please note that:
• The "Bdrm/Bthrm" column counts the number of bedrooms, not beds. The number of bathrooms doesn't distinguish between full and half bathrooms.
• For community lots, I switched the lot type to Residential to obtain their Furnished, Unfurnished, and Bulldozed prices, in case folks want to replace it with another residential build to play their sims there.
• Information on amenities only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
• I have probably mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of Copperdale
Once renowned for its booming mining industry, the town of Copperdale, quaint and historic, lay nestled on the banks of Lake LaSuli. Founder Jasper Prescott had foraged this land for its treasured crystals, hoping Copperdale would one day blossom into a prosperous community for families and travelers alike. And though the mine carts reached an eternal halt, the townspeople continued to flourish. With academics and adventures abound,
Copperdale is now home to many families seeking a small-town life with big-city dreams for themselves and their teens. Together they've unearthed a gem far more precious than before - beloved high school memories.

Plumbite Cove

Settled on Lake LaSuli sits Plumbite Cove, a once-popular location for its mining of rare gems. After the mines shut down, the town turned this picturesque outlook into a waterfront fairground. With thrills, chills, and a breathtaking view, Plumbite Pier is the ideal spot for all ages to make some memories. Travel to Totter Park to see the majestic Teeter Rock before heading to the pier to snag a selfie with the Frank the Flying Womp Womp tribute. Whether settling down or just stopping by, Plumbite Cove is a must-see Copperdale gem.

Community Lots: Hillside Haven (rental), Totter Park
Amenities: Fishing spots x2, Plumbite Pier (Bench x2, Bubble tea counter, Cafe table x3, Chairs x6, Chess set x1, Cuddle Carts, Ferris Wheel, Food/cupcake stand x1,  Guitar x1, Haunted House, Ice cream stand, Mic x1, Photo booth x1, Picnic table x2, Trashcan x2), Public toilets x1

Prescott Square

Once renowned for its booming mining industry, the town of Copperdale, quaint and historic, lay nestled on the banks of Lake LaSuli. Founder Jasper Prescott had foraged this land for its treasured crystals, hoping Copperdale would one day blossom into a prosperous community for families and travellers alike. And though the mine carts reached an eternal halt, the townspeople continued to flourish. With academics and adventures abound, Copperdale is now home to many families seeking a small-town life with big-city dreams for themselves and their teens. Together they've unearthed a gem far more precious than before - beloved high school memories.

Community Lots: ThrifTea (Thrift and bubble tea store), Lakeview Library
Amenities: Bench x3, Café table x2, Food/cupcake stand x1, Gazebo (no seating), Monkey bars x1, Picnic area (Grill x2, Picnic table x2, Public toilets x1, Trashcan x1)

Rockridge Heights

Home to Copperdale High, Rockridge Heights is the town’s standard-bearer for academia across generations. It’s a beloved school ground for quintessential teen moments and college preparation. With classrooms full of learning, and an Auditorium full of Prom possibilities, Rockridge Heights is the perfect environment for every teen to discover who and what they want to be.

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San Sequoia Edition
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2024, 06:06:59 PM »
San Sequoia Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 9 residential lots (with 5 premade homes) and 3 community venues.
The town has three neighborhoods with 4 lots each: Anchorpoint Wharf, Gilbert Gardens, and Hopewell Hills.
Note that Anchorpoint Abode's lot info was obtained by switching its lot type from Vacation Rental to Residential.

Overall Map of San Sequoia

San Sequoia began as a small fishing town, then became a hub of the fishing and canning industry due to the influence of local fisherman-turned-entrepreneur, Bayani Robles. The Robles family is still very much entrenched in the area even as it has expanded over time thanks to Gilbert Gilberts. Today, San Sequoia is home to cozy streets, a beautiful park with gardens, and quiet suburban neighborhoods. It's the perfect place to raise a family!

Anchorpoint Wharf

Description (from orange Anchor icon):
Once the center of a bustling fishing and canning industry, Anchorpoint Wharf is known now as a vibrant area downtown featuring a movie theater, parklets, and more.
There’s plenty to keep all ages entertained.

*Community Lots: Anchorpoint Library, Anchorpoint Abode (rental)
*Lot Traits: Robles Point (Convivial, Homey), Anchorpoint Library (Fast Internet, Natural Light), Anchorpoint Abode (Bracing Breezes, Natural Light)
*Amenities: Bench x1, Food stall x1, Movie Theater (rabbithole), Patio table + 2 chairs x10 sets, Public restrooms x1, Upright piano,

Gilbert Gardens

Description (from blue Whale icon):
Gilbert Gardens’ gorgeous park was once owned by Gilbert Gilberts, a land developer who helped establish the area.
Now, it’s the perfect locale for family trips to the gardens where, amongst other activities, Sims can take a walk on one of the three scenic lake walking paths or visit the community’s Splash Pad play area.
Whalebert is hoping to see you soon!

*Community  Lot: Celebration Center (rec center)
*Lot traits: 13 Acacia Ave (Convivial Romantic Aura, Bracing Breezes), 18 Celebration Way (Natural Light), Celebration Center (Fast Internet, Great Acoustics), Parkside Place (Homey, Quake Zone)
*Amenities: Bench x4, Fishing spot x2, Grill x1, Loungers x3, Monkey bars x1, Patio table + 2 chairs x1 set, Picnic table x4, Public restrooms x1, Splash pads x5, Trashcan x1

Hopewell Hills

Description (from green Frog icon):
Hopewell Hills is a cozy spot away from the hustle and bustle of town.
The perfect place for anyone who wants, well, space!
If the suburbs are your idea of paradise, you’ve found it here in this quiet neighborhood.

*Community Lots: none
*Lot traits: 7 Eucalyptus Lane (Homey, Convivial), 23 Eucalyptus Lane (Great Acoustics, Natural Light), 36 Bayani Place (Fast Internet, Bracing Breezes), Sequoia Cottage (
*Amentieis: Bench x6, Fishing spot x1, Monkey bars x1, Pirate jungle gym x1

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Re: Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2024, 06:07:18 PM »
Chestnut Ridge Edition

Sorry! This will appear when it appears.

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Re: Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2024, 09:30:34 PM »
Tomarang Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 7 residential/rental lots and 2 community lots in Tomarang's two neighborhoods of Morensong and Koh Sahpa.
Moensong includes 1 premade residence, 1 empty lot, 1 residential rental, and 1 National Park).
Koh Sahpa includes one premade residence, two empty lots, 1 residential rental, and a lounge.

Please note that:
• The "Bdrm/Bthrm" column counts the number of bedrooms, not beds. The number of bathrooms doesn't distinguish between full and half bathrooms.
• For community lots, I switched the lot type to Residential to obtain their Furnished, Unfurnished, and Bulldozed prices, in case folks want to replace it with another residential build to play their sims there.
• Information on amenities only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
• I have probably mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of Tomarang
Grown from humble roots off the coast of Shih Sea, Tomarang is lively with local fare, community chaos, and legends of lore.
Known for its tight-knit communities and sun-filled shared spaces, Tomarang is a lush landscape of possibilities.
Come cozy up with nature or fish around for neighborly niceties and whim-simsical secrets. Whether you're flying solo or raising generations, this region offers a warm welcome to any multi-living lifestyle! Sul Sul De-Kah!


A bustling neighborhood with pockets of idyllic peace and nooks of neighborly nuance!
Morensong is the spot for vibrant communities to thrive, day or night.
Stroll through the botanical garden or throw down in a game of playground hopscotch.
Even join the Night Market buzz for some sunset shopping and moonlight munchies. The possibilities are endless!

Located at Taka Soi 15, this two-story residential rental is owned by Cahyaputri who rents out the first floor while living on the second floor.
The "Furnishing" column lists each unit's "Optional Furnishings."

Lot traits & unit ratings:
08 Taka Soi 15: Bracing Breezes, Great Soil; 2-star rating
09 Taka Soi 15 (2nd floor): Sunny Aspect, Natural Light; 4-star rating

In the table above, Taka Soi's values assume that your sim is able to purchase the property.
If bulldozed, the empty Taka Soi 15 lot will cost §1,500.

Lot traits: Fast Internet, Mold (Chee-Wii Chee-Wa Kanto)
Community lots: Royal Tama Botani (national park)
Amenities: Bait & Switch Fish Market, Bench x2, Botanic Garden (Bench x2, Grill x1, Picnic table x1), Fishing spot x1,
Gazebo + bench, Easel x1, Night market , Playground (Bench x1, Hopscotch x1, Marble game x1, Monkey bars x2,
Pirate jungle gym x1), Tinsu Temple, Two-seat café table x3, Public toilet x1

Koh Sahpa

.Neighbors with nature or other tenants, Koh Sahpa offers a more relaxed lifestyle along the river.
After a dip in the sea or some much needed beach time, gather round at the Screaming Gecko for a drink or two.
Feeling warm-hearted from all the sun? Visit the Sulea Tiger Sanctuary to support local conservation.
No matter the choice, Koh Sahpa is the ideal spot for a go-with-the-flow attitude

The two-story Sungai Point rental residence consists of three rental units, two of which are initially occupied.
At the start of a new game, this property is unowned.
Lot traits & ratings
Apt 11A: Homey; 4 stars
Apt 11B: Great Acoustics, Gnomes; 4 stars
Apt 11C:  Mold, Spooky; 4 stars

The prices for Sungai Point refer to two different situations:
(1) Buy it as an unoccupied 3-unit rental resaidence (§142,097); or
(2) Switching to lot type to Residential and bulldozing it (§1,500).
Lot traits: Child's Play, Reduce & Recycle (Hothotok Shore); Bracing Breezes, Off the Grid (Tam Nang Sands)
Community Lots: The Screaming Gecko (lounge, Convivial)
Amenities: Cave, Fishing spot x2, Sulea Tiger Sanctuary, Public toilets x1

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Ciudad Enamorada (Lovestruck)
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2024, 04:40:46 PM »
Ciudad Enamorada (Lovestruck)

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 8 residential lots (with 6 premade homes) and 5 community venues in Ciudad Enamorad's three neighborhoods:
Vista Hermosa (5 lots), Plaza Mariposa (4 lots), and Nuevo Corazon (4 lots).

Overall Map of Ciudad Enamorada

A city for the romantics, Ciudad Enamorada is well known for its ample opportunities for romantic getaways and scandalous trysts.
Whether head over heels or still looking for love, this city provides passionate moments for each.
An aspiring romantic can explore Vista Hermosa for the warm and welcoming suburban life, the lush and picturesque Plaza Mariposa
for walking hand in hand at sunset, or the traditional meets modern Nuevo Corazón for those seeking the alluring temptation of the nightlife.

Vista Hermosa

Description (from blue Buildings icon):
The serene embrace of Vista Hermosa sets the stage for a wide array of romantic experiences.
Locals often visit Laguna del Abrazo, a bustling hot spot just a short walk from the renowned Wall of Love, where sweethearts can declare their love for each other.
For those seeking a different type of connection, visit Beso Rápido, a conveniently located motel open 24/7.

*Community Lot: Laguna del Abrazo (lounge)
*Lot Traits: Calle de la Promesa (Great Acoustics, Bracing Breezes), Caminito del Deseo (Bracing Breezes),
  Casita del Amor (Natural Light), Laguna del Abrazo (Up-and-Coming Hotspot), Mansión de la Pasión (Homey, Great Acoustics)
*Built by: shikiuv (Laguna del Abrazo, Calle de la Promeza), Fritosaurio (Mansión de la Pasión)
*Amenities: Bench x4, Beso Rápido love motel (rabbithole), Bus stop (travel), Fishing Spot x1, Market stand, Patio table + 4 chairs x2 sets,
  Picnic table x4, Pond (swimming), Trail board, Wall of Love, Water balloon bucket x2 (seasonal)

Plaza Mariposa

Description (from purple Fountain icon):
Plaza Mariposa, the central square of Ciudad Enamorada, is the spot for scenic views and fun date night activities.
Visit Media Naranja, the perfect park to stop at for a quick refreshment, or book a captivating getaway at the Villa Cálida rental.
Excite your date with a romantic gift from Isabela's Flower Shop, or make a wish at the Fountain of Dreams.

*Community Lots: Media Naranja (park), Villa Cálida (vacation rental)
*Lot Traits: Avenida de la Eternidad (Convivial), Calle de Ensueño (Natural Light), Media Naranja (Bracing Breezes),
  Villa Cálida (Romantic Aura, Peace and Quiet)
*Built by: RusticSims - Villa Cálida; Fritosaurio - Media Naranja; shikiuv - Avenida de la Eternidad.
*Amenities: Bench x2, Bus stop (travel) x2, Fishing spot x1, Fountain of Dreams, Gift shop, Market stand, Picnic table x2,
  Public restrooms x1, Trail board, Trashcan x5, Water balloon bucket x1 (seasonal)

Nuevo Corazon

Description (from orange Highrise icon):
The pulsing nightlife of Ciudad Enamorada is the most exciting within Nuevo Corazón.
This revitalized city area is where trendy partygoers head for a night on the town, scoping the room for the next potential love interest.
Brave into the alluring and mysterious Mirador del Amor, the nightclub known as the hotspot for torrid affairs and passionate practitioners of the romantic arts.
Not everyone enjoys the nightlife, though, so for you daytime daters, break a sweat and flex some muscles at the gym SUDOR.

*Community Lots: Mirador del Amor (nightclub), SUDOR (gym)
*Lot Traits: La Suite del Flechazo (Natural Light), Mirador del Amor (Singles Hangout, Romantic Aura),
  SUDOR (Singles Hangout), Torres Amanecer (Fast Internet)
*Built by: Fritosaurio (SUDOR)
*Amenities: Bench x2, Chess set x1, Gift shop, Market stand, Picnic table x1, Public restrooms x1,
  Water balloon bucket x1 (seasonal)

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Re: Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One (San Sequoia) (28 Jul '24)
« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2024, 04:42:55 PM »
Hello, friends!
I just wanted to let you know that I finally got around to doing the maps & lot info San Sequoia, the town that came with the Growing Together Expansion Pack.
Obviously, I wanted to work on Lovestruck's Ciudad Enamorada stuff first, but I'm using the neww Lovestruck town as a reward for having finally completed San Squoia!

I hope you continue to find these maps and lot information for your gameplay! :D

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One (Ciudad Enamorada) (29 Jul '24)
« Reply #27 on: July 29, 2024, 05:30:13 PM »
I've just finished posting the map and lot information for the Lovestruck pack's Ciudad Enamorada.
This thread is now fully updated with the exception of Chestnut Ridge (Horse Ranch).

I was in a rush to get back to my legacy challenge, so I might be missing some amenities.
It's easy to miss a bench, trashcan, etc. when looking around a neighborhood without a sim actually living there.
If you notice any mistakes, please don't hesitate to post here or shoot me a DM. Thanks!