Author Topic: Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One (Ciudad Enamorada) (29 Jul '24)  (Read 231029 times)

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Neighborhood Maps for The Sims 4

For the sake of convenience (both mine and yours), I'm combining all of the maps I've created so far into a single thread.
A single indexed thread will speed up and simplify our process of choosing a lot to place a residence or other lot type.

Note: MrsFlynn has compiled a Town and Townies Information thread.
It offers offers links to most of the Resident Info and Lot Info threads for the individual neighborhoods of Sims 4. Check it out!

Please note that:
(1)   Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
        For example, “Harvestables” listed for the Foundry Cove neighborhood excludes those available in the hidden Sylvan Glades area.
(2)    The Bdrm/Bthrm column refers to actual bedrooms, not beds; the number of bathrooms includes both full and half bathrooms.
(3)   I may have mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Town Index

Willow Creek (base game)
Oasis Springs (base game)
Windenburg (Get Together)
Newcrest (base game)
San Myshuno (City Living)
Forgotten Hollow (Vampires)
Brindleton Bay (Cats & Dogs)
Del Sol Valley (Get Famous)
StrangerVille (StrangerVille Mystery)
Sulani (Island Living)
Glimmerbrook (Realm of Magic)
Britechester (Discover University)
Evergreen Harbor (Eco Living)
Mt. Komorebi (Snowy Escape)
Henford-on-Bagley (Cottage Living)
Tartosa (My Wedding Stories)
Moonwood Mill (Werewolves)
Copperdale (High School Years)
San Sequoia (Growing Together)
Chestnut Ridge (Horse Ranch)  <-- Not holding my breath...
Tomarang (For Rent)
Ciudad Enamorada (Lovestruck)

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Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: Willow Creek
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2018, 01:03:28 AM »
Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: Willow Creek Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 16 lots and 13 premade houses in the four residential neighborhoods of Willow Creek:
Foundry Cove (5 lots), Courtyard Lane (5 lots), Pendula View (4 lots) and Sage Estates (2 lots).

Overall Map of Willow Creek

Foundry Cove

•   Community Areas: Community Garden (Planter x4) and Sylvan Glade (hidden)
•   Amenities: Bench x1, Fishing spot x3
•   Harvestables: Apple, Bluebell, Chrysanthemum, Mushroom, Potato, Snapdragon, Strawberry

Courtyard Lane

fixed courtyard lane.jpg

•   Community Areas: None
•   Amenities: Bench x10, Fishing spot x4, Grill x4, Picnic table x4, Trashcan x10
•   Harvestables: Mushroom, Onion, Rose, Snapdragon, Strawberry

Pendula View

•   Community Areas: Community Garden (Planters x7)
•   Amenities: Bench x13, Chess table x2, Fishing spot x3, Grill x2, Picnic table x2, Pirate gym x1, Public restroom x1, Trashcan x4
•   Harvestables: Apple, Bluebell, Lily, Mushroom, Pear, Rose, Snapdragon, Strawberry

Sage Estates

•   Community Areas: None
•   Amenities: Bench x5, Fishing spot x4
•   Harvestables: Apple, Basil, Lily, Onion, Pear, Snapdragon, Strawberry

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Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: Oasis Springs
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2018, 01:03:49 AM »
Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: Oasis Springs Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information on the 16 lots and 13 premade houses in the four residential neighborhoods of Oasis Springs:
Bedrock Strait (5 lots), Parched Prospect (5 lots), Skyward Palms (4 lots), and Acquisition Butte (2 lots).

Overall Map of Oasis Springs

Bedrock Strait

•   Community Areas: Community garden (Planter x3)
•   Amenities: Bench x5, Fishing spot x4, Grill x1, Picnic table x2, Trashcan x4
•   Harvestables: Carrot, Chrysanthemum, Daisy, Lemon, Onion, Sage, Strawberry, Tomato

Parched Prospect

Community Areas: Mini-playground
Amenities: Bench x4, Picnic table x1, Space gym x1, Trashcan x5
Harvestables: Carrot, Cherry, Chrysanthemum, Onion, Sage, Strawberry

Skyward Palms

•   Community Areas: None
•   Amenities: Bench x6, Fishing spot x4, Trashcan x3
•   Harvestables: Blackberry, Cherry, Lemon, Onion, Tulip

Acquisition Butte

•   Community Areas: Abandoned mine entrance (to Forgotten Grotto)
•   Amenities: None.
•   Harvestables: Carrot, Cherry, Daisy, Lemon, Sage, Tulip

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Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: Windenburg
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2018, 01:04:47 AM »
Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: Windenburg Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 14 lots and 12 premade houses in the three residential neighborhoods of Windenburg:
Old Town District (4 lots), Countryside (5 lots), and The Island (5 lots).

Please note that:
(1) Information on amenities and harvestables only refer the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
      For example, the The Island's bonfire count does not include the bonfire at The Bluffs.
(2)  I may have mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of Windenburg

The Old Town District

Community Lots: Ancient Ruins (20x15), The Narwhal Arms (30x20), Old Quarter Inn (20x20), Quad Manor (30x20), South Square Coffee (30x20)
Amenities: Bench x4, Chess table x3, Easel x1, Fishing spot x4, Public restroom x1, Trash can x3
Harvestables: None.


Community Lots: Von Haunt Estate (40x30), The Shrieking Lllama (30x20)
Amenities: Bench x3, Bonfire x1, Easel x1, Fishing spot x4, Grill x 2, Party bush x4, Picnic table x3, Trash can x1
Harvestables: Apple, Blackberry, Bluebell, Cherry, Lemon, Onion (growfuit, in some games)

The Island

Community Lots: The Bluffs (30x30)
Amenities: Bonfire x2, Fishing spot x4, Party bush x3, Trash can x1
Harvestables: Blackberry, Bluebell, Mushroom, Pear, Snapdragon, Strawberry

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Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: Newcrest
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2018, 01:05:23 AM »
Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: Newcrest Edition

In 2016, while looking at the Rival Dynasties Challenge, I began planning out which bloodline/heir would live where and ended up writing down specs for all the Newcrest lots.
I’m posting this with map images in case other players might find the info useful.

As you can see, the assigned hood numbers are keyed to the images and data that follow.

Bridgeview (Northern Newcrest)

Harvestables: Lily, Mushroom, Onion, Rose, Snapdragon, Strawberry
Fishing: 1 spot
Picnic area: One (3 grills with 3 picnic benches)
Playground equipment: 3 monkey bars
Public restroom: None

Ridgeline Drive (Eastern Newcrest)

Harvestables: Apple, Bluebell, Lily, Onion, Pear, Potato, Snapdragon, Strawberry
Fishing: None
Picnic area: Three (1 grill with 1 bench, 2 grills with 2 benches, and 2 grills with 2 benches)
Playground equipment: None
Public restroom: None

Llama Lagoon (Southern Newcrest)

Harvestables: Apple, Basil, Bluebell, Lily, Mushroom, Snapdragon, Strawberry
Fishing: 2 spots
Picnic area: Two (1 grill with 2 picnic benches; 2 grills with 2 picnic benches)
Playground equipment: Pirate gym and 2 monkey bars
Public restroom: Two

Lot Stats

Lots are listed in descending order, based on the lot price/size.

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Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: San Myshuno
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2018, 01:05:40 AM »
Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: San Myshuno Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 24 lots in the four residential neighborhoods of San Myshuno:
Spice Market (7 lots), Fashion District (6 lots), Arts Quarter (6 lots) and Uptown (5 lots).
For info about San Myshuno townies, go to the separate San Myshuno Resident Info thread.

Spice Market

Community venues: Waterside Warble (Party Place)
Amenities: Basketball court & hoop x1, Bench x1, Fishing spot x2, Fountain x1, Monkey bars x1, Picnic table x2, Public restroom x1, Trashcan x4
Festivals: Spice Festival, Flea Market

Culpepper House Apartments

Lot traits:
   • 17 Culpepper: Gremlins
   • 18 Culpepper: Historical, Haunted
   • 19 Culpepper: Needs TLC
   • 20 Culpepper: Chef's Kitchen

Jasmine Suites Apartments

Lot traits:
   • 2A Jasmine Suites: Good Schools, Romantic Aura
   • 2B Jasmine Suites: Good Schools, On Ley Line

Residential Lot

Lot traits: Convivial

Fashion District

Community venues: Planet Honey Pop! (Great Acoustics)
Amenities: Bench x6, Picnic table x2, Public restroom x2, Trashcan x4
Festivals: Romance Festival, GeekCon

21 Chic Street Apartments

Lot traits:
   • 1310 21 Chic Street: Lively Neighbors
   • 1312 21 Chic Street: Lively Neighbors
   • 1313 21 Chic Street: Needs TLC

ZenView Apartments

Lot traits:
   • 701 ZenView: Quake Zone, Party Place
   • 702 ZenView: Quake Zone


Lot traits: Party Place, Sunny Aspect

Arts Quarters

Community venues: Casbah Gallery (Great Acoustics, Natural Light)
Amenities: Come & Get It Street Store x1, Easel x2, Fishing spot x1, Picnic table x2, Public restroom x1, Trashcan x1
Festivals: Humor and Hijinks Festival

Medina Studios Apartments

Lot traits:
   • 910 Medina Studios: Needs TLC
   • 920 Medina Studios: Quiet, Haunted
   • 930 Medina Studios: Gnomes, Penny Pixies

Hakim House Apartments

Lot traits:
   • 121 Hakim House: Home Studio
   • 122 Hakim House: Historical


Lot traits: Great Soil, Natural Light


Community venues: Skye Fitness (Bracing Breezes), Stargazer Lounge (Romantic Aura)
Amenities: Bench x1, Bubble blower x1, Loveseat x4, Picnic table x2, Public restroom x2, Public speaking area x1 (Podium + 10 chairs)
Festivals: none

Alto Apartments

Lot traits:
   • 1010 Alto: Chef's Kitchen
   • 1020 Alto: Romantic Fireplace

Landgraab Apartments

Lot traits:
   • VIII Landgraab: Great View, Serviced Apartment
   • IX Landgraab: Great View

Spire Apartments

Lot traits: Great View

Dream big! Happy simming!

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Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: Forgotten Hollow
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2018, 01:07:14 AM »
Forgotten Hollow Edition

For info about this world's residents, go to the separate Residents of Forgotten Hollow thread.

Overall View of Forgotten Hollow
The small town of Forgotten Hollow has remained virtually unchanged for the four generations it has existed.
All of its original town founders disappeared shortly after the town was founded. All except for Vladislaus Straud.
His great grandson, Vladislaus Straud the IV, still watches over the town to this day.

Lot Info

   • Lot Traits:
           Widowshild Townhome: Registered Vampire Lair
           Garliclauter Place: Vampire Nexus
           Fledermaus Bend, Wolfsbane Mansion, Straud Manor: None
   • Community Areas: Plaza
   • Amenities: Bench x4, Chess tables x2, Fishing spot x2, Public restroom x1
   • Harvestables: Garlic, Plasmafruit, Sixam Mosquito Trap, Wolfsbane

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Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: Brindleton Bay
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2018, 01:07:49 AM »
Brindleton Bay Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 11 residential lots and 7 premade houses in the three residential neighborhoods of Brindleton Bay:
Cavalier Cove (5 lots), Sable Square (3 lots), and Whiskerman's Wharf (3 lots).
For info about the this world's premade townies, go to the separate Residents of Brindleton Bay thread.

Overall Map of Brindleton Bay

Cavalier Cove

Description (from brown Shell icon):
Known for its hiking trails and sprawling coastal properties, Cavalier Cove is the perfect place to go exploring or chase seagulls with an adventurous pup!

   • Community Lots: None.
   • Amenities: Bench x5 Fishing spot x4; Grill x1; Picnic table x2; Public restroom x1; Trashcan x1
   • Harvestables: Catnip, Cherry, Chrysanthemum, Madnip, Napnip, Pear, Tulip.

Sable Square

Description (from orange Monument icon):
The cultural center of the city, Sable Square is ideal for both cats and dogs.
These people love their pets so much, they've built a monument to them right in the middle of town.

   • Community Lots: Pupperstone Park (30x20, editable area), Brindleton Pawspital (40x30 vet clinic)
   • Amenities: Bench x12; Fishing spot x2; Food stall (Foodies Munch and Go) x1; Picnic table x3; Public restrooms x1; Sable Square; Trashcans x5.
   • Harvestables: Apple, Catnip, Chrysanthemum, Daisy, Madnip, Snapdragon, Strawberry

Edited to add: The values for Sporting Space are incorrect. They should be Unfurnished/$2,410 (for the trees) and Bulldozed/$2,000.

Whiskerman's Wharf

Description (from navy-blue Fish icon):
A favorite hangout for the Bay's feline citizens, who can often be found climbing around down at the docks.
Whiskerman's Wharf is also enjoyed by fishermen and tourists alike.

   • Community Lots:  Club Calico (40x30 lounge), Salty Paws Saloon (20x15 bar, Cat Hangout).
   • Amenities: Bench x2; Boat (to/from Deadgrass Isle) x1; Chess set x1; Docks (cat playground) x1, Fishing spot x2, Pirate gym x1, Picnic table x5;
     Public restrooms x2; Trash can x3; Vendor Stalls (Catch of the Day; Foodies Seafood Sampler) x2; Wedding arch x1.
   • Harvestables: Apple, Catnip, Madnip, Napnip, Nuzzlenip, Pear, Rose, Tulip.

Deadgrass Isle

Description (from blue ship's wheel icon):
Once the site of a mysterious shipwreck, Deadgrass Isle is now home to the world-famous Brindleton Light and the city's largest population of indigenous strays.
Lately, however, there have been some rumors about strange visitors after sundown…

* Community Lots:  Deadgrass Discoveries (30x30 museum, editable lot)
* Amenities: Bench x1; Boat (to/from Whiskerman's Wharf) x1; Brindleton Light (lighthouse); Pet cemetery; Fishing spot x4,  Grill x1; Picnic table x1;
   Public restrooms x1; Trash can x1.
* Harvestables: Apple, Bluebell, Catnip, Lily, Madnip, Napnip, Nuzzlenip, Rose.

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Re: Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One (New, kinda!)
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2018, 03:25:46 AM »
Thank you so much @oshizu  I was a bit reluctant to mess up your thread with my thanks but I can always remove my post if you need  :)
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Re: Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One (New, kinda!)
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2018, 03:36:37 AM »
No worries, since I've already added all the neighborhoods. Your thanks is much appreciated, @Playalot   :)

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Del Sol Valley Edition
« Reply #10 on: February 29, 2020, 03:24:11 PM »
Del Sol Valley Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 6 residential lots and 5 premade houses in the two residential neighborhoods of Del Sol Valley:
Mirage Park (3 lots) and The Pinnacles (3 lots).
You'll also find lot info for the community lots on Starlight Boulevard.
For info about Del Sol Valley townies, go to the separate The Denizens of Del Sol Valley thread.

Please note that:
   • Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
   • Commercial lots will be included under "Amenities"
   • There are probably more harvestables than I've noted. I tired of waiting for them to grow. Sorry!
   • I may have mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of Del Sol Valley

Mirage Park

Description (from orange Palm icon): With reasonably priced homes and so close to downtown,
Mirage Park is the perfect place for an up and coming star to start their rise to fame.

Community lots: none
Amenities: Bench x3, Grill x3, Monkey bars x1, Picnic table x3, Public restrooms x1, Starcruiser X Jungle Gym x1, Trashcan x3
Harvestables: Chrysanthemum, Daisy, Lemon (maybe more)

The Pinnacles

Description (from turquoise Mansion icon): Fit for the rich and famous,
The Pinnacles boast the most expensive homes of all of Del Sol Valley.
If you want to live here you need to make it big!

Community lots: none
Amenities: Benches x4
Harvestables: Lily, Pear, and Rose (A big thank you to @Granny Lawlor for this info!)

Starlight Boulevard

Description (from purple Stars icon): When it comes to night life Starlight Boulevard cannot be beat.
 Where only the most famous sims have access to the most exclusive night club in town.
It is where the who's who of the industry come to show off.

Community lots: See table above.
Amenities: Benches x6, Trashcan x6
Harvestables: Bluebell, Cherry (maybe more)

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Strangerville Edition
« Reply #11 on: February 29, 2020, 03:25:53 PM »
StrangerVille Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 9 residential lots and 7 premade houses in the two residential neighborhoods of StrangerVille:
Strangerville Plaza (4 lots) and Shady Acres ( 5 lots).
For info about StrangerVille townies, go to the separate The Residents of StrangerVille thread.

Please note that:
   • Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
   • Commercial lots will be included under "Amenities"
   • There are probably more harvestables than I've noted. I tired of waiting for them to grow. Sorry!
   • I may have mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of StrangerVille

StrangerVille Plaza

Description (from brown Bull icon): StrangerVille Plaze is where the locals like to hang out.
You can find Scientists at the Library, Military Personnel at the Bar, and The Curio Shop near the trailer park.
You can buy some strange odds and ends here and you will find all the information you need.

 • Community Lots: StrangerVille Information Center (Library, 20x20), 8 Bells (Bar, 20x20)
 • Amenities: Bench x6, Curio Shop, Grill x1; Picnic table x3; Trashcan x1
 • Harvestables: none

Shady Acres

Description (from brown Mesa icon): Pristine, secluded, and nestled high atop a plateau, Shady Acres is home to the more wealthy locals of StrangerVille.
Curious how some of them came into their wealth?

• Community Lots: none
• Amenities: Bench x2, Fishing spot x1
• Harvestables: none

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Sulani Edition
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2020, 09:36:08 PM »
Sulani Edition

This set of maps and charts provides information about the 11 residential lots and 9 premade houses in the three residential neighborhoods of Sulani:
Ohan'ali Town (4 lots), Mua Pel'am (3 lots), and Lani St. Taz (4 lots).
For info about Sulani townies, go to the separate The Residents of Sulani thread.

Please note that:
   • Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
   • Commercial lots will be included under "Amenities"
   • There are probably more harvestables than I've noted. I tired of waiting for them to grow. Sorry!
   • I may have mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Overall Map of Sulani

Ohan'ali Town

Description (from blue sailboat icon):
Once a tiny fishing village that was nestled between tropic jungles and calm lagoon waters,
Ohan'ali Town has become one of the most bustling areas of Sulani.
Developing into the main town of the region has not changed the deeply rooted sense of community and their strong connection to the island traditions.

Lot traits: Chieftain's Villa (Island Spirits)
Community lots: The Sand Bar (30x20), Ohan'ali Beach (30x30)
Amenities: Bait Shop (special occasion), Bench x1, Community Center, Fish trap x1, fishing spot x1, Food stall, Grand Pit BBQ x1, Kiosk, Picnic table x1, Outrigger canoe x1, Public restrooms x1, Trashcan x1
Harvestables: Coconut, Kava Root, Pineapple, Taro

Mua Pel'am

Description (from the orange Waterfall icon):
Nature rules this island, from the active volcano to the flowing waterfall and down into the depths of the secluded cave.
This remote destination in the Sulani island chain is the place for exploring the beauty of nature.

Lot traits: Caldera Camp (Volcanic Activity), Key Point (Oceanic Paradise, Off-the-Grid), Admiral's Wreckage (Off-the-Grid)
Community lots: none
Amenities: Cave, Fishing spot x2, Picnic table x1, Public restrooms x1, Trashcan x3, Waterfall
Harvestables: Coconut, Kava Root, Pineapple, Taro

Lani St. Taz

Description (from purple Palm icon):
An idyllic tropical paradise where the beaches are filled with white sand, and the waters are warm and vibrant.
The lush jungle environment here is the perfect place for getting lost in the jungle spirit.

Lot traits: Sapphire Shores (Oceanic Paradise), Sand Simoleon Beach (Oceanic Paradise)
Community lots: Sand Simoleon Beach (40x30)
Amenities: Aqua Zip x1, Beach towel x2, Bench x1, Easel x4, Fish trap x1, Fishing spot x2, Food stall x2, Lounge chair x2, Picnic table x1, Public restrooms x1, Swing set x1, Trashcan x1
Harvestables: Coconut, Kava Root, Pineapple, Taro

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Re: Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2020, 10:47:22 AM »
After talking with oshizu, we decided to " lock" this thread until it is ready for an update. Thank you for all your hard work and research on this. You did a great job.
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Re: Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: All in One
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2020, 04:21:25 AM »
Glimmerbrook Edition

This post provides information about the 4 residential lots and 2 premade houses in Glimmerbrook.
For info about Glimmerbrook's premade ttonies, go to the separate Sim 4 Resident Info thread.

Please note that:
   • Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.
   • There are probably more harvestables than I've noted. I tired of waiting for them to grow. Sorry!
   • I may have mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error. If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it.

Lot traits: none
Community lots: Elixirs & Brews (bar, 30x20)
Amenities: Bench x2, Fishing spots x 2, Portal to Magic Realm, Trashcan x2
Harvestables: Lemon, Parsley, Sage