Author Topic: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household  (Read 87849 times)

Online Metropolis Man

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Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« on: January 22, 2018, 05:56:49 AM »
Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household

Anyone with any experience of toddlers knows that they're the ones who rule the roost. In this challenge, that's what they do, actually. Toddlers are pretty resourceful when it comes to making their needs known, and they don't mind waking up adults, so you shouldn't have to worry about a visit from the social worker. This will be quite difficult because you're only allowed to control the adults in a handful of situations.

General Challenge Rules
The General Challenge Rules always apply.

Specific Challenge Rules
  • In CAS, create a married Human or Alien YA couple and a toddler.
  • You are allowed to use the Buydebug cheat to purchase a satellite to prevent abductions.
  • No moving.
  • Your house needs to contain a bed, potty chair, high chair, and playthings for a toddler, and enough beds for every member of the family.
  • No Try for Baby allowed. Household additions only come via adoption.
  • Parents may be controlled at the following times:
    1. One parent may get a job at the beginning.
    2. A parent may adopt a toddler any time. (If there are no toddlers available, then a baby may be adopted and aged up.)
    3. A parent may pay bills as needed.
    4. A parent may right-click on a satellite to "prevent abductions" once a day.
    5. Your parents and school-aged children may respond to chance cards, phone calls from school, and teaching moments. If your working parent has to choose a career branch, you can make that choice.
  • Important: Aside from the above parent situations, only toddlers may be controlled.
  • When a toddler becomes a teen, you may move him or her out. After that, you may move subsequent toddlers into those households when they become children.
  • No services are allowed.
  • An adult has to be on the lot at all times -- no toddler daycare.
  • Do not talk to Jasmine Holiday -- the Triple Boost Week is banned for this event.
  • The challenge ends when your two YA Sims age up to Elder.


TS (Toddler Satisfaction). Since Toddlers are the stars of this show, scoring is based on acquiring Toddler Satisfaction. You cannot see how much Satisfaction your toddler has until they age up to a Child, but fulfilling whims will accumulate Satisfaction. As soon as they do age up, Press G and do not complete any whims as a Child until you write down the Satisfaction total.

SM (Skills Multiplier). As soon as your Toddler ages up to a Child you're shown how many Child skills they have acquired (Motor, Creative, etc). You add 1% per skill point to the multiplier. A maximum of 2 points are possible in the four different skills, so 8% max can be added to your multiplier per Toddler.

Total. Add up all your separate Toddler Satisfaction totals and then multiply by your Skills Multiplier for your final score.

Example: Ma and Pa Kettle had one toddler (at the beginning in CAS) and adopted three. Toddler A acquired 450 Satisfaction and 5 child skills. Toddler B acquired 600 Satisfaction and 8 child skills. Toddler C acquired 375 Satisfaction and 4 child skills. Toddler D acquired 800 Satisfaction and 7 child skills.

TS = 450 + 600 + 375 + 800 = 2225

SM = 1.00 + .05 + .08 + .04 + .07 = 1.24

Total = 2225 X 1.24 = 2759

Spreadsheet: To help keep you organized find the spreadsheet Here

The team does not want to edit and make changes to the ruleset once this event goes live, but we may have to. If an exploit is brought to our attention or we discover something else we reserve the right to ask affected players to redo their effort.

Have Questions?
Please think hard before you ask in the challenge thread because it may be strategy. What you may consider an innocent question could cause another player to go — “oh, I did not think of doing that.” It’s always safer to PM everyone on the team (Metro, sdhoey, LenaLJ, and MarianT) for clarifications. Thanks.

And the Winner is...
After this event has closed everyone is encouraged to discuss how they approached the event, but the winner especially is expected to do so in detail.

This Event is Now Closed

Player            TS          SM          Total
GlazeyLady                            47,1252.63123,939
LenaLJ                            46,0252.1297,573
reggikko                            35,7502.5892,235
ibbygidge                            35,5752.0271,861
christinal3106                            29,8002.3870,924
Whimsical Peanut                            30,4001.9158,064
Kirstie                            28,4001.9856,232
Rainbow Dash                            21,5002.4252,030
Minnie Mouse                            22,5252.2650,906
BallerinaHippo                            19,6252.3245,530
simemie                            19,3251.8134,978
Metropolis Man                            18,1751.8132,896
oshizu                            13,8502.2330,885
Eighty8Keys                            19,0752.6829,681
december22                            14,8001.8126,788
MomOfMany                            11,1752.2224,808
sdhoey                            17,8751.3524,131
MarianT                            13,9501.6823,436
HelenP                            11,9501.6419,598
Snoochenpurner                            9,9001.7817,622
SueDenim                            8,5751.9716,893
lesleyj42                            11,0501.4816,354
mens0067                            10,3251.5816,313
jaycravn                            9,4751.5414,591
oxJennxo                            7,3251.8113,258
mammabec                            80001.6012,800
JocyMc                            5,8501.0712,109
Nikitachi                            6,0501.9511,797
workingmum8                            6,9501.5210,564
fluffyj00                            6,5501.6110,546
kethrydrake                            6,7601.5210,275
kinseyam                            4,5251.496,742
coolsim9999999                            3,6751.646,027
junegem                            4,1251.405,775
Tynynounours                            4,5251.235,565
Ronnie8437                            3,9251.355,298
CynKuy                            3,8251.325,049
xyliajames                            3,6001.214,356
jewels129                            3,1251.394,343
h4r13y                            3,1501.263,969

Offline Whimsical Peanut

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2018, 12:33:28 PM »
How about when Toddlers age up to Children & Teen? Can you control them in any of those life stages?

And what happens if you do not buy the satellite and you get an alien pregnancy? Do you get permission to start over or you just got yourself a null game? I meant to ask a couple of times but I only got abducted once and that time no pregnancy (phew) so I forgot  ::)


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Offline MarianT

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2018, 12:52:43 PM »
How about when Toddlers age up to Children & Teen? Can you control them in any of those life stages?

And what happens if you do not buy the satellite and you get an alien pregnancy? Do you get permission to start over or you just got yourself a null game? I meant to ask a couple of times but I only got abducted once and that time no pregnancy (phew) so I forgot  ::)


You can control only toddlers. You'll use Manage Households to move out a teen and children if you need to.
You're allowed to get a satellite dish to prevent alien pregnancies.
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Offline SeraNita

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2018, 01:20:45 PM »
My game already hates toddlers (the amount of times I’ve had them taken away because Mommy and Daddy were standing still drooling on themselves made me ragequit my last two Immortal Dynasties.) So this will serve as an excellent reminder why I won’t be having any REAL toddlers. Or maybe the issue will vanish because I said something. Who knows?

Online oshizu

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2018, 01:23:53 PM »
Do we randomize all the traits for toddlers, children, and teens?

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2018, 01:27:11 PM »
Do we randomize all the traits for toddlers, children, and teens?

No. Trait choice is up to you.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2018, 02:20:45 PM »
--eye twitches-- O-oh my.  I don't know whether I'm excited for this one or terrified XD As much as I love toddlers, my game hasn't been cooperative with them...

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Offline cyclonenic

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2018, 04:13:33 PM »
@Shewolf13  I'm definitely in the terrified camp  :o

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2018, 04:37:40 PM »

Lol, yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think I may join you in that camp XD

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2018, 07:05:01 PM »
My game already hates toddlers (the amount of times I’ve had them taken away because Mommy and Daddy were standing still drooling on themselves made me ragequit my last two Immortal Dynasties.) So this will serve as an excellent reminder why I won’t be having any REAL toddlers. Or maybe the issue will vanish because I said something. Who knows?

Do you have any mods - even ones that shouldn't matter?  I have some hair and clothing mods, along with a mod to give me 4 columns in CAS, that I play with outside of challenges.  After an update, my sims started just standing around not doing anything for hours.  I removed the mods folder and problem solved.
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Offline kethrydrake

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2018, 08:35:08 PM »
Can we create toddlers in CAS instead of adopting them?

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2018, 09:13:06 PM »
Can we create toddlers in CAS instead of adopting them?

You create one toddler in CAS in the beginning, but that is the only CAS one allowed.

Offline Rainbow Dash

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2018, 01:47:06 AM »
If a bad event happens that might the Toddlers lives in danger, say Mum or Dad setting the house on fire while trying to cook dinner, in that case are we allowed to control the parents briefly to deal with it?

2. A parent may adopt a toddler any time but has to adopt one when the current toddler ages up. (If there are no toddlers available, then a baby may be adopted and aged up.)

When a parent is ready to adopt a toddler, can they only adopt one at a time or as many as they want?

Also, I'm assuming we are following the 2018 Challenge Rules and not the 2016 ones that are linked here?  :-\

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2018, 05:44:53 AM »
If a bad event happens that might the Toddlers lives in danger, say Mum or Dad setting the house on fire while trying to cook dinner, in that case are we allowed to control the parents briefly to deal with it?

2. A parent may adopt a toddler any time but has to adopt one when the current toddler ages up. (If there are no toddlers available, then a baby may be adopted and aged up.)

When a parent is ready to adopt a toddler, can they only adopt one at a time or as many as they want?

Also, I'm assuming we are following the 2018 Challenge Rules and not the 2016 ones that are linked here?  :-\

Oops. Thanks for catching that.

EDIT: Oh, and as to your fire question. Unless another team member feels differently, I feel it's better to take a hard stance and say no. We laid out when you can control a parent and let's leave it at that. Bad things do happen, but thankfully as players, we can avoid those for the most part.

Offline MarianT

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Re: Rug Rats: Surviving a Toddler Run Household
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2018, 08:14:21 AM »

No services are allowed.

This was originally "No Nannies or Butlers," but the team realized that even if other services were allowed, there would be no way to hire them because toddlers don't have phones.
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