Author Topic: Room for Opportunities - a Sunset Valley Experimental Test  (Read 2674 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Room for Opportunities - a Sunset Valley Experimental Test
« on: December 12, 2017, 03:00:35 PM »
My immortal dynasties have run into a problem in which they aren't getting opportunities for their jobs or skills, which ahem makes it rather difficult to complete. As a reminder, the members of this household, their current careers and related skills are are:
- Styles McGraw (Music Career, Guitar, Logic)
- Tamara Donner (Politics Career, Charisma)
- Emma Hatch (Culinary, Cooking)
- Cycl0n3 Sw0rd (Journalism, Writing)
- Blair Wainwright (Law Enforcement, Logic, Athletics)

I am therefore running a test and my 'volunteers' are the Roomies Household of Sunset Valley. They will (at this stage) be using skill books and skill objects to raise skills directly related to their jobs.

So, on week one, day 1
Styles - playing blues on guitar (currently level 4 guitar - only skill)
Tamara - reading charisma book (currently level 1 charisma - only skill, though has enough friends/acquaintences to get to level 2 charisma at least)
Emma - off to library to read cooking skill book 2 (currently level 4 cooking - only skill)
Cycl0n3 - writing sci fi novel (currently level 3 writing - only skill)
Blair - reading logic 1 book (currently no skills)

As I am using this to investigate opportunites related to skills and jobs, there won't be much by way of a story in this.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Roomies Skilling and Job Opportunities Test
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2017, 03:15:21 PM »
It's been so long since I have played Sims 3, but if memory serves me I think Into the Future broke a player receiving many opportunities.

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Roomies Skilling and Job Opportunities Test
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2017, 03:28:23 PM »
That's correct, Metropolis Man. Into the Future impacted skill opportunities being offered, but it didn't seem to have an impact on work based opportunities.  At the present time, I don't have Into the Future installed (a shame, because I liked their outfits, their all in one bathroom and their indoor gardening carpets, and until my current two Immortal Dynasties, opportunities were offered. I have all Expansion Packs installed other than ITF, Seasons, Pets and Island Paradise.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Room for Opportunities - a Sunset Valley Experimental Test
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2017, 07:30:28 PM »
A Bad Time To Be A Roomie in Sunset Valley

"What do you mean, the focus is on us?" Emma asked, "you mean one of us is being used in some kind of dynasty, and the rest of us will be forgotten, allowed to grow old and die without getting married or at least without woohoo?"

"No," Cycl0n3 replied, "I mean we're the focus of this game. Us, the Roomie household of Sunset Valley."

The five members of the household - Emma, Cycl0n3, Tamara, Styles and Blair found themselves outside their house one Sunday morning at 8:00am as they had countless times before, but this time, it was different. They felt a camera on them and eyes on them.

"But why," Styles demanded, "I liked being left alone, the last thing I want is to be the focus of attention."

"Shush you," Blair told him, "don't be an old grump. To advance through the ranks of my career, to see my parents, to give them grandchildren, that is what I want."

"To have children in the house is the last thing that I want," Tamara said, "where will we put them. They cry too much and require too much to be done to care for them."

"Well," Cycl0n3 said, "sadly, or happily, depending on your point of view, I don't think nooboos are on the horizon for us. I got an email from a Watcher who asked me if we'd like to be involved in an experiment. He promised me that we could go on holiday overseas or to another town individually or as a couple or a group if we do this experiment for him. I said yes!"

"We are going to be skilling and working and trying to get and fill opportunities. It seems that the opportunities haven't been working for this Watcher in the Blues Family and he wants to know what the issue is."

"Working ..." Blair said, a pained expression on her face, as she would much rather be playing with toys, even though it would mean she'd have a siren to play with once she got a high enough level.

"Skilling ..." Emma said, feeling resigned to a game of being trapped in the kitchen cooking dishes and reading cooking books and watching the cooking channel on tv.

"Opportunities ..." Styles said, thinking no, no, no, no, no, opportunities mean people, which means I can't be left alone.

"No nooboos," Tamara commented, smiling broadly at that thought.

A disembodied voice said, "good morning, Roomies of Sunset Valley, thank you for volunteering.
Emma, to the library!

Styles pull out your guitar!

Cycl0n3, the laptop awaits you!

Blair and Tamara there are logic and charisma books for you two to read. Get going!"

And so, the Roomies were clicked into action by a Watcher with an Agenda for them ... not a good time to be a Roomie, perhaps ...

Watcher Note - Pictures are on my laptop.