Author Topic: The Muppets Take Twinbrook - When a Pig loves a Frog ...  (Read 3889 times)

Offline Deklitch

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The Muppets Take Twinbrook - When a Pig loves a Frog ...
« on: December 10, 2017, 04:27:54 PM »
When a Pig loves a Frog
Moi is not amused!

Moi is not amused AT ALL!

Look at moi!

Moi beautiful nose! Gone!

And it looks like Moi has put on weight!

And this colour Moi is. does not suit Moi at all!

Moi dress doesn't match my shoes!

Look ... look at Moi
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Moi hair, Moi does like.

From the distance Moi hears a voice Moi recognises, "Piggy?"

"Kermie?" Moi heart skips a beat as I run in the direction of the voice, "Moi Kermie!"
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Moi hopes that Kermie has all his looks, as well as muscles, lots and lots of muscles. What, a pig can't be shallow?

Moi sees someone green and stops running.

"Kermie? Is that you?"

"Yes, Piggy, it is me."

"Oh Kermie! You are so ... bald."

"I'm a frog, of course I'm bald."

Moi pulls Kermie towards moi and *SMOOCH*
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"Can we go to bed, Piggy?" Kermie asks moi.

"Yes please Kermie," moi replies, but looks around and can't find the accommodation moi is accustomed to.

"We are staying in a hotel, Kermie" Moi asks, he is so thoughtful ... so loving ... so ...

"No, a tent," Kermie replies.

"A what," Moi loses all friendliness out of my voice. Kermie begins to look concerned.

"A tent my Piggy, there it is." Kermie gamely says.
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Moi goes to sim fu chop him, but realises Moi don't have that skill.

"You expect moi to sleep in a tent?"

"It won't be a tent always, we will call it Happiness Hotel and once we get it started the whole gang will join us ... Sweetums, the Electric Mayhem, the Swedish Chef, Scooter and the rest. And we will sleep at the top of it in the penthouse."

"Even Gonzo?" moi asks.

Kermit sighs, "even Gonzo and his chickens," he confirms, "so, what do you say?"

"Moi will sleep in the tent ... just this one night."
King - Kermit (the frog) Muppet
Queen - (Miss) Piggy Muppet

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Muppets Take Twinbrook - When a Pig loves a Frog ...
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2017, 12:44:32 AM »
Muppets?!  I'm in!!!  Bookmarked.
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Muppets Take Twinbrook - When a Pig loves a Frog ...
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2017, 11:46:31 AM »
Kermit and Miss Piggy taking over the world? :D  Sounds like fun!

Offline Sarabi

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Re: The Muppets Take Twinbrook - When a Pig loves a Frog ...
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2017, 01:53:38 PM »
Very cute, @Deklitch.

I see you also have not one, but two Immortal Dynasties in progress.  I certainly couldn't juggle all of that, but look forward to enjoying more of your creativity.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Muppets Take Twinbrook - When a Pig loves a Frog ...
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2017, 05:03:42 PM »
Mid season break.
Due to the watcher going on holidays, The Muppets take Twinbrook will return in the New Year.

Offline Sarabi

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Re: The Muppets Take Twinbrook - When a Pig loves a Frog ...
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2018, 05:36:15 PM »
I'm so sorry to hear that, @Deklitch.  It ends several games for you.

The laptop problems are very familiar to me.  My initial Immortal Dynasty attempt was thwarted by a fully cooked laptop, and I'd like to share what I learned from that experience in case it might be helpful to anyone else looking on.  I typically played with my laptop directly on my lap, and TS3 is pretty demanding on the graphics hardware typically installed in laptops.  It got really, really hot - and I probably could have prevented some of that had I used the laptop a little differently.

Laptops typically need bottom clearance for proper heat ventilation.  Setting them directly on one's lap can interfere with the airflow and cause them to overheat.  They need to sit on a solid flat surface so their little legs can provide the airflow clearance they need.  There are quite a few different types of laptop stands, trays, etc., available, some even  have fans built-in.  I've tried a few different types, and also bought a pre-finished shelf (intended for building cabinets or bookshelves) at a local building supply outlet on the cheap.  I set it across the arms on my favorite recliner, and it makes a dandy little desk for my laptop.

In any case, best of luck with it all.

And I hope your holiday was a great one.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Muppets Take Twinbrook - When a Pig loves a Frog ...
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2018, 08:56:30 PM »
Thank you Sarabi.

New Zealand was every bit as good as I hooped it would be. Especially seeing Hobbiton, drinking in the Green Dragon Inn, standing outside of Bag End (I wasn't there on party business, so couldn't enter it). I also enjoyed Lamach Castle, The Milford Sound, Rotorua, Queenstown and Arrowtown.

Great news, my laptop, now officially called 'Sir Fred' by me, seems to have not passed on at all, it was just pining for the New Zealand fjorrds. I thought today, I'd try to start it all up once again, and this time it worked! So I'm no longer cancelling these stories, but am continuing on with them all.

I think it was two laptops ago when I stopped keeping them on when I went from room to room with them. Then last laptop, I got my first cooling mat. Something nasty happened to it, and then a 'helpful' family member decided the thing to do was to unscrew it himself, which made it worse.

Sir Fred was accidentally dropped on tiles at home and the monitor on it stopped working, so an external monitor has been called into action. I will still get a new laptop, but use it for work purposes, and keep this one for the important Sims 3 purposes until Sir Fred finally does die.

Thanks for all your advice, @Sarabi

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Muppets Take Twinbrook - The Frog Gets Cold Feet err Flippers
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2018, 06:17:36 AM »
The Frog Gets Cold Feet err Flippers

Heigh Ho Everybody, Kermit Muppet here.
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The Pig and I have been busy getting things ready.

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Drawing Sketches and Taking Photographs
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Going on rides together (sadly we couldn't find a bicycle built for two, so we had to comprise).
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But every time I turned around, Piggy was there,
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hugging me
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jumping (and I use that word in its broadest possible meaning) into my arms
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kissing me
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Doesn't she know all that we have to do?
We have to
- Get a career (Self Employed Photographer) to level 10 for both of us (we're currently both at level 5);
- Complete 2 skill challenges (We both are Master Planters and have an Architectural Eye);
- Have a unique Lifetime Reward each (I got Complimentary Food; Piggy got Complimentary Entertainment). in addition, so that our fellow muppets can join us as quickly as possible, we both got Fertility Treatment;
- Each contribute to a collection of five objects (I contributed 3 photos, Piggy contributed 2). Don't you love the colour coding of wall to contributor?
Then the first of our fellow Muppets ... our 'Muppet Babies'(1) so to speak, can start to join us.
Excuse me, Piggy is here again.
Kermit - Yes, Piggy? What are you doing?
Piggy - *SMOOCH*
Kermit - Was that necessary, my dear Piggy? We are in a professional relationship - I think we are both professionals and you think we're in a relationship(2).
What are you doing? Piggy, can't your legs stand the weight any more?
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Piggy - Frog, it may have just been our characters that got married in the Great Muppet Caper(3), and you may have cold feet ...
Kermit - Flippers, I'm meant to be a Frog ...
Piggy - Flippers then ... but this time, we will get married. Kermit (the frog) Muppet, will you marry me?
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Kermit - Yes, I think I will, Miss Piggy
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Piggy - Good *Into phone* Watcher, you can offload the wedding arch right there.

A Wedding Arch Appears, so that photos by each can be taken of it.

Piggy - Kermie, you are not getting away this time, cold/slippery flippers or not. I, (Miss) Piggy Muppet will take Kermit (The Frog) Muppet to be my wedded Salientia until we complete this challenge or until Sir Fred dies for real.
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Kermit - I, Kermit (the frog) Muppet will take (Miss) Piggy Muppet to be weeded Porcine until we complete this challenge or until Sir Fred dies for real.
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Watcher - I now pronounce you Pig and Frog ... May your Bouncing Nooboo Figs or Progs or Pigpoles or Froglets quickly grow up and have masterpiece portraits painted first time, master their skill quickly and raise to level two in their careers without too much difficulty. Miss Piggy ... you may now kiss your Frog.

Piggy *SMOOCH* - Oh Kermie, isn't this romantic?

Piggy - Watcher, here I was thinking the Frog was unromantic, you are worse than him.

Watcher - I am sending the two of you to France ...

Piggy - A Honeymoon? In France? Oh Watchie - you are romantic after all

Watcher - Well actually you need photos of the Nectary, the French market, and you also need to pick up some magic gnomes. You must be back before the end of day 1

Piggy - I take that back, Kermie has more romance in his little flipper than you have in your whole body

Kermit - This is Kermit the Frog signing off before Piggy does any permanent damage to the Watcher, France? isn't that where they sell frog legs? WATCHER?!?

(1) Muppet Babies cartoon opening theme:- (turn volume down)

(2) Said by Kermit at one of the many interviews he gave while on the media circuit regarding the release of one or more of their many movies. That is according to Jim Henson, who had a 'hand' to play in Kermit's rise to stardom.

(3) The Muppets take Manhattan was one of their early movies. In it, they are trying to get a musical to be shown on Broadway called Manhattan Melodies. The end of the movie sees Miss Piggy tricking Kermit into marrying her, but after the movie in an interview that it was only their characters that got married, not the two of them.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Muppets Take Twinbrook - France and Egypt and China - oh Moi
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2018, 04:35:17 PM »
France and Egypt and China - oh my

Kermit - Heigh Ho Everybody, Kermit Muppet here.
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I am pleased to advise we went to France and we returned with lots of photographs and more importantly, I still have all my legs and flippers.
Piggy wanted to sit down and sip nectar and become F A T,
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Miss Piggy - FROG, I'm big boned.

Kermit - but me, I wanted to get our needed photographs taken so we could return home and sell them. We also bought some recipe books. As the Watcher said, we needed to get to level 10 of a career, for some reason, he chose Photography as that career.So, we returned home, and then he sent us to China, where we took more photographs and bought martial arts stuff and more recipe books and a fortune cookie machine for Piggy to eat the cookies
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Miss Piggy - I have to keep my strength, Pigs can not live on produce alone.

Kermit - then we went to China. I loved the Sphinx, Piggy complained about the tents and the sand and the heat and the bikes and the ...

Miss Piggy - FROG, I don't go on holidays to sleep in a tent. My home being a tent is one thing ...

Kermit - so we took more photographs, bought more recipe books, a fancy camera and went home.
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Miss Piggy - then the Spa in town wanted a photograph of some old ruins in Egypt for their wall, so Kermie went and took it for Moi, while Moi tried out their products.

Kermit - I returned to Egypt and took a photo of the sights of Egypt including the ruins wanted by the Spa, and spent some time exploring some ruins. I came across big rocks that were too big for me to move. I also found a dive well and went for a swim, it was good to get into practice once more. I returned home and gave the photo to Piggy

Miss Piggy - Moi took the photo to the spa and they paid moi a lot of money for it.

Kermit - and that was our trips to France and Egypt and China.
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Miss Piggy - Oh Moi
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