Author Topic: Took on Parenthood, The Nose She Blue  (Read 17058 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, Stats
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2017, 03:08:33 PM »

Traits:  Art Lover, cheerful, gregarious
Aspiration:  Artistic Prodigy
Messes made-1
Monsters under the bed-4
YA With-Responsible and Manners traits earned


Traits:  Outgoing, Cheerful, Animal Affection
Aspiration:  Social Butterfly
Monsters under the bed-3
YA with:  All 5 positive traits aquired


Traits:  Self-Assured, Happy Toddler
Aspiration:  Whiz-Kid
Responsibility-95% green
Manners-70% green
Conflict Resolution-slightly red
Empathy-70% green
Emotional Control-50% green
Tantrums thrown-2
Messes made-4
Fires started-1


Traits:  Clingy
Responsibility-slightly red
Manners-slightly green
Conflict Resolution-slightly red
Empathy-slightly red
Emotional Control-slightly red
Tantrums thrown-
Messes made-
Fires started-

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, Three Little "Angels"
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2017, 03:09:52 PM »
Pippin:  Chantons...

Pippin:  Psst!  Chantons!
Chantons:  I can hear it
                 coming in the air tonight
                 hold on

Pippin:  No!  No holding on.  I need your help with something.  And Anabelle and the girls too, actually.
Anabelle:  Umm, help with what?
Pippin:  Well, I just bought the Parenthood expansion and I'm horribly afraid of messing up Blurange's leg of the dynasty journey, so I wanted to have a practice run.
Anabelle:  So you wanted to hijack my family and risk having the girls develop badly just so you can explore a new expansion?
Pippin:  Yes, exactly!   I mean...I'll make Chantons a young adult and you two will get to have a happy life together for a while before we return to the actual dynasty file...and I'll even squeeze in a date or two for you two.
Anabelle:  Done!
Pippin:  Excellent!  We'll move you into the house down the street from the dynasty house.
Anabelle:  Street?
Pippin:  Well, river.

Pippin:  This house has a really nice open flow...which means it will be easier to take good screenshots!
Anabelle:  Nice family-focused viewpoint there, Pippin.
Pippin:  I mean, it's right next to a child-friendly playground and has a really good local school and...
Anabelle:  Nice try.

Pippin:  Anabelle lifts young Ciara while Chantons picks up Raven and they head into their new home.
Anabelle: Potty training time, little one.

Pippin:  And after potty training, why not teach her to say please and thank you because those totally go together!
Anabelle:  Say please...
Ciara:  Pease!
Pippin:  Close enough!  Now let's put her in her chair and feed her.
Anabelle:  On it!

Pippin:  ...I meant the high chair, but okay...
Chantons:  You say it's your birthday!
Pippin:  Oh, crud!  He's right!  I just tried to check the character values and realized that I'd imported both Raven and Alyssa on their birthday.  Oops!
Anabelle:  I'm on it!

Pippin:  And while Anabelle was hurriedly baking a birthday cake for young Raven, Raven made a mess and then aged up.
Raven:  Look!  I'm so much more mature now!  Oh.   I'll just clean that up.  Sorry.
Pippin:  Awww, she's precious.  And we avoid a sad moodlet from early age up with Alyssa.

Anabelle:  Everything the light touches is our kingdom, Simba.
Alyssa:  (babble babble babble?)
Anabelle:  That is...something about hyenas...and stuff...and you must never go there.
Pippin:  Nice.  She ages up and gets the angelic trait...and then proves that traits do not make the Sim.

Anabelle:  Nice makeover, Raven!
Raven:  Thanks (sobs) I'll just be doing my homework if anyone needs me (sobs).
Pippin:  Darn sad moodlet from the forgotten birthday. 

Pippin:  And she finishes her homework in the morning while sitting on Alyssa's bed?
Raven:  The light's better in here.
Pippin:  ...that makes sense, I guess.  And before she heads off to school...

Pippin:  Raven the angel-child washes the dishes.
Anabelle:  I'm sure encouraging that good behavior you just did which oddly counts as disciplining for my Super Parent observation.
Pippin:  Wow, you just kicked in the fourth wall, Anabelle.  Anyway, the angel-child left and then...

Pippin:  the one with the angelic trait took over.  She made a mess, Anabelle scolded her calmly, then Alyssa made another mess immediately.  Angelic trait, eh?

Pippin:  Anabelle, didn't we discuss how the high chair works?
Anabelle:  It wasn't me!  She refuses to go into the high chair!
Pippin:  Again, the "angelic" one.

Pippin: But while Alyssa was proving a handful, young Ciara was proving to be the perfect compliment to her mama.
Anabelle:  You get me, Ciara.  You really get me.
Ciara:  Ge'me!
Pippin:  Fortunately, Anabelle is not going it alone.

Chantons:  You've got a friend in me
Pippin:  Chantons still has his entertainer job, but happens to have the day off.
Anabelle:  Yes, but tomorrow I'm flying solo.  Can we have Raven take a vacation day from school to help me?
Pippin:  And after a hard day of Alyssa care with brief breaks for Ciara delight, the parents welcome home their first-born.

Raven:  Alright, school project time!  Let's see...gotta slip tab A into slot 7 with the keynose of tab 4B...keynose?  I wonder if they print these instructions in Simlish?
Chantons:  Here I come
                 to save the day!

Pippin:  And with some help from daddy...

Pippin:  Awww!  It's so cute how she mimics his thinking pose!
Raven:  Actually, I had this pose first.
Pippin:  Awww!  It's so cute how he mimics her thinking pose!
Raven:  Better.  Well, time to be encouraged by mom so I can do dishes so mom can encourage me so we can move this aspiration along.
Pippin:  Goal-oriented.  I appreciate that!  Meantime, Raven's responsible trait is growing wonderfully.

So, as we embark into this little side story, I'm largely just chronicling my experience of the Parenthood expansion, but also enjoying what has been one of my favorite little families.  The parenting skill levels extremely quickly and the aspiration is seeming quite easily doable.
Doing homework and washing dishes seem like super quick ways to boost the responsibility character value.  Teaching please and thank you works wonders for manners, and teaching to say sorry hit conflict resolution nicely.  For some reason, Raven got a boost to emotional control while watching a movie, but Ciara (who will be a child by the time this happens) got no boost at all from it.  Odd.
Anyway, hope you're enjoying the fam with me  :=)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Took on Parenthood, Three Little "Angels"
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2017, 12:06:36 AM »
The little girls are so precious!
Since you have a "Stats" section, would you mind sharing their traits as well? It would help me keep them apart in my mind. :D

Also, would you explain how the girls are related? Are they all single births or are any of them twins?
Haha, that angelic toddler is a devious one, isn't she?

Looks like you're enjoying the Parenthood pack. Have you gone volunteering yet?

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Took on Parenthood, Three Little "Angels"
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2017, 12:52:54 AM »
The little girls are so precious!
Since you have a "Stats" section, would you mind sharing their traits as well? It would help me keep them apart in my mind. :D

Also, would you explain how the girls are related? Are they all single births or are any of them twins?
Haha, that angelic toddler is a devious one, isn't she?

Looks like you're enjoying the Parenthood pack. Have you gone volunteering yet?
Updated with traits and aspirations and a more accurate reporting of all five character value areas.
The girls are each single births.  Age-wise, Raven was born first, then Ciarra came along 3 days later.  Alyssa is 6 days younger than Ciarra (so 9 days younger than Raven).  So, it's a 9 day spread for the trio meaning that they'll overlap for a while at least in childhood and teen years.
I adore them all!!  I can't wait to show off Ciara in childhood and to get Alyssa to childhood  :=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, The Little Princess
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2017, 12:09:28 PM »
Pippin:  We return to find Chantons getting in some play time with Ciara.

Pippin:  She'll be aging up pretty soon, so flinging her around like this will no longer be an option.
Anabelle:  "Flinging around" a child.  Excellent choice of words, Pippin.
Pippin:  I...he was...look!  Meantime, the household continues to enjoy Raven's positive contributions.

Raven:  I'll just get these dishes for you.
Anabelle:  That's good!  I encourage that!
Pippin:  Are you seriously binge watching Game of Thorns while throwing out parenting praise?
Anabelle:  I'm just that talented.
Pippin:  But Raven proved to be even more helpful to the household by bringing young Pierce Delgato home and basically ignoring him.

Pippin:  Pierce, are you really emptying all the trash cans in the house for us?
Pierce:  No, I'm doing it for Raven.  She's so wonderful!
Pippin:  You know she hasn't even acknowledged that you're here, right?
Pierce:  She's playing hard to get.  I like that in a woman.
Pippin:  Ummm, okay, cool.  You know those potty chairs need to be cleaned out too, right?
Pierce:   I'm on it!
Pippin:  Awesome.  Meantime, Anabelle tries to clean up the monster girl.

Anabelle:  You know, Alyssa, if you didn't make messes, you wouldn't get so messy.
Alyssa:  Ge' messy!!!
Anabelle:  (sigh)
Pippin:  And that same night, tragedy strikes our household as a monster tries to capture poor, defenseless Raven.

Raven:  MOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!!!!!!!
Pippin:  I mean, why wouldn't the monster want to capture her?  She's delightful!
Raven:  Not helping!

Anabelle:  No worries, sweetie.  I just happen to have this bottle of "Monster B Gone" (patent pending) spray from the people who brought you Cup o' Chocolate.
Pippin:  Isn't that a bottle of air freshener?
Anabelle:  No Pippin, they just look like very similar bottles (meaningful glare).
Pippin:  Oh.  Yes.  Yes they do.  My mistake.  Hey look, the monster is gone.
Raven:  Thanks, mom!  You're the best!

Anabelle:  Good night, little bird.
Raven:  G'night, mom.
Pippin:  So sweet.  And speaking of sweet little girl children, after Raven leaves for school the next day...

Pippin:  Ummm, is that a mud cake?
Anabelle:  It's a white cake, thank you.  I made it myself.
Pippin:  Made, no doubt, with that extra special ingredient:  love...and mud.
Anabelle:  (glares)
Chantons:  Happy birthday
                 dear Ciara
                 happy birthday to you

Ciara:  It's magic!  Like a fairy tale!  And that makes me the princess!  I must go get my princess makeover!
Anabelle: don't want to eat some cake?
Pippin:  And after her makeover...

Ciara:  Look, daddy!  I'm queen of the castle, I'm queen of the castle
Pippin:  Did she just drop a reference to RWBY?
Ciara:  Well, a proper young princess must tend to her education.

Anabelle:  I encourage that behavior!  I would tell you in person, but I just started season three!
Pippin:  And the princess did not settle for a wardrobe makeover...
Ciara:  Nope!  Full room makeover!
Pippin:  So it went from looking like this...

Pippin:  to this.

Ciara:  Squeeeeeeeeee!!!  The unicorn is so CUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!!!
Pippin:  What did you name her?
Ciara:  His name is Mister Narwhal!
Pippin:  ...

Chantons:  I say potato
                 and you say...

Alyssa:  Tah toe!
Chantons:  I say tomato
                 and you say...

Alyssa:  Mah toe!
Pippin:  Not sure if that's technically teaching her to talk, but I'm willing to work with it.

Ciara:  Look, sis!  I'm a princess!
Raven:  Cute costume.  What did you actually go with for your makeover?
Ciara:  I.  Am.  A.  Princess.
Raven:  ...right.  Good.  That's a good look for you.
Ciara:  Thanks, bestie!
Raven:  Umm, I'm your sister, sure, but we're not actually besties.
Ciara:  We are, you just don't know it yet.
Raven:  ...
Pippin:  And the girls weren't the only ones who got in some time together.

Chantons:  I've finally found the love
                 of a lifetime
                 A love to last
                 my whole life through

Anabelle:  Awww, you're so sweet!!
Pippin:  It's possible that I just adore them together.  Anyway, the next day, we're back to working on raising wonderful young ladies.

Raven:  Ummm, shouldn't the princess be doing homework too?
Ciara:  I'm sure some Prince Charming will show up to take care of me, so no worries.
Anabelle:  No!  Not that!  We're actually staggering who's doing homework when so Daddy can get in his 4 hours of helping with homework finished today.
Ciara:  Oh.  That's less fun.
Pippin:  And Chantons also gets in time with the only toddler left in the house.

Pippin:  Oh, they're playing with the doll house.  Wait, Chantons, why is that doll on the roof?  And is it holding a fiddle?
Chantons:  If I were a rich man,
                 Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
                 All day long I'd biddy biddy bum.
                 If I were a wealthy man.
                 I wouldn't have to work hard.
                 Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
                 If I were a biddy biddy rich,
                 Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man.

Pippin:  Okay, my fault for asking.  Meantime, we've had Ciara ask about her future career choice of ninja and Anabelle told her, of course, to get an outfit.  This did nothing to help her emotional control.  Raven, on the other hand, asked about struggles she was having with homework, and when she was told to spend more time working on it, she got into range to develop a responsibility trait!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, The Rockstar Superhero
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2017, 10:52:51 AM »
Pippin:  We rejoin the Tooks to find that the monster has turned his attention to the princess.

Ciara:  AAHHH!!  Mr. Narwhal, get him!
Pippin:  But it was actually her daddy who rushed to the rescue with a bottle of Monster B Gone (patent pending) spray and then tucked her safely back into bed.

Chantons:  Sleep my little one
                 Sleep my dear
                 Night is falling
                 Darkness is near

Ciara:  K.  Good night, Dad.
Pippin:  And the next day, the princess was more prepared for scary monsters.

Ciara:  See?  It's a battle dress!
Anabelle:  Ummm, that's your formal wear...
Raven:  Nice, sis!  You're just like Ruby and Weiss now.  No need for you to fear that mean old monster any more.
Ciara:  Thanks, bestie!
Raven:  Still not besties.
Pippin:  Raven humors her so well...ish.  Anyway, after the girls left for school, Anabelle started trying to teach the monster girl how to say "I'm sorry," which we all know she'll need throughout life.

Pippin:  And strangely, all three of the Sims at home got frozen...

Pippin:  but I didn't want to have them travel or anything to unfreeze them as Raven was set to move up a letter grade.  However, the pleasant surprise was that the game still registered Alyssa as being taught to say "I'm sorry" and her Conflict Resolution score kept increasing all day!  Quite the nice happy accident (Bob Ross would be proud).
Anabelle:  I'm claiming credit for that!
Pippin:  As well you should.  Anyway, the girls had a movie night watching The Lost Dog's Long Journey Home or whatever it's called.

Ciara:  Don't go in the cave, Fido!
Raven:  I can't look!
Alyssa:  Cereal!
Pippin:  And since the next day was Saturday, the family set off for the library to use the computer to volunteer to help out at the local soup kitchen.

Pippin:  While they were there, the electricity went out and young Ciara called the electric company to get help. 
Electric company worker: I'm afraid there's not much we can do at the moment and you'll just have to wait.
Ciara:  Wait?  Wait?!?!?  I am a princess, sir...
Electric company worker:  Ma'am, actually...
Ciara:  and I am trying to help these peasants eat inadequate food because I'm wonderfully kind and humble.  Now you'd better get this fixed so everyone can see me being generous!
Pippin:  Long story short, the electricity stayed off and she lost some ground on emotional control.  I have a sneaking suspicion this one may have teen mood swings.  A lot.  Anyway, Chantons had to go immediately from the soup kitchen to work, but he soldiered through nicely.

Chantons:  (musical snoring)
Raven:  Oh, poor daddy!

Raven:  So, MonsterUnderTheBed, would you be willing to give me a hand moving Daddy into his bed?  Hello?  I see, there when you want to play, but gone when there's work to do.  Typical.
Pippin:  But Chantons did manage to make it to bed and we awoke the next day ready to enjoy the second day of the weekend with some time at the park.

Ciara:  Yarr!  I be princess of the pirates!  Come man the foreguns, scurvy sister!
Raven:  I'm not sure I'm okay with being called that.

Ciara:  Yarr, bring me that horizon!
Raven:  Okay, this is actually pretty fun!

Raven:  Isn't this super-fun, random boy?
Random Boy:  (thinking)  Okay, she just talked to me.  Play cool.  Play cool.  I something...maybe...
Raven:  K, guess we'll talk later.  Bye!
Random Boy:  ...(thinking) I blew it.
Pippin:  And the girls set off with their mama to hit the flea market.

Pippin:  And Ciara got exactly what she wanted.
Raven:  Alright, I guess you're right, we are besties.
Ciara:  Bring it in!

Ciara:  Oooo, I want those!
Raven:  Hmm, I'd somehow pictured this moment lasting longer or being more glorious.

Ciara:  I.  Must.  Have.  Them!
Anabelle:  So, dolls-seller-person, maybe I could pay less than what you're asking?
Dolls-Seller-Person:  What an outrage!  I'll have you know I'm already losing money selling them this cheaply!
Pippin:  Well, that went well.  Anyway, Anabelle paid full price and Ciara got exactly the dolls she wanted and continued her room makeover.

Ciara:  Sqqueeeeeeee!  It looks so AWESOME!!!
Pippin:  Raven, are you sure you don't want a room makeover?
Raven:  No thanks, Pippin. 

Raven:  My room's fine and it has the dollhouse and is nicely centrally  located so we can all share doll time.
Pippin:   Raven, your sister may be the princess, but you're the rockstar superhero.
Raven:  Aww, thanks!
Pippin:  And the princess and rockstar superhero both learn the benefit of writing in their journals.

Raven:  Wait, what's that sound coming from the kitchen?

Ciara:  EEwwwwww!!  Get a room, you two!
Anabelle:  Good idea!
Pippin:  And so, they head off to bed.  The next day, the girls are set to return to school, but something else very significant was set to happen.

Anabelle:  Aww, our little monster girl is becoming a monster child.
Pippin:  How sweet.  Much better cake this time, Anabelle.  Did you use less mud?
Anabelle:  (glares)

Alyssa:  Okay, it's makeover time.

Alyssa:  Much better!
Pippin:  And so, we have all three girls at child age.  Some big things I've learned in this session include the value of the journal, the general lack of benefit of playtime, how awesome it is to have the parenting skill high enough to give a second wind, and the value of good timing in Sims getting frozen!

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Offline commasplice

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Rockstar Superhero
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2017, 11:41:14 AM »
"Ciara:  Look, sis!  I'm a princess!
Raven:  Cute costume.  What did you actually go with for your makeover?
Ciara:  I.  Am.  A.  Princess."

This is so much fun!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Rockstar Superhero
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2017, 06:48:42 PM »
And don't forget the little doctor/nurse kits!

What little cuties they are! I rather liked Random Boy with his wavy blond hair as well.
Also, you can volunteer using your sim's phone. No need to travel to the library. :D

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Rockstar Superhero
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2017, 11:56:20 AM »
"Ciara:  Look, sis!  I'm a princess!
Raven:  Cute costume.  What did you actually go with for your makeover?
Ciara:  I.  Am.  A.  Princess."

This is so much fun!
Aww, thanks, commasplice!  I'm so glad you're enjoying it.  I find this little family so delightful, but it's great to hear that others are also enjoying them.

And don't forget the little doctor/nurse kits!

What little cuties they are! I rather liked Random Boy with his wavy blond hair as well.
Also, you can volunteer using your sim's phone. No need to travel to the library. :D
Oh yeah, I bought the doctor thing as soon as they moved in and it's been laying in the corner being largely ignored.
I didn't know you could use the phone for volunteer work.  That is a big help.  Of course, taking the children to the library did simply seem like a good bit of parenting by Chantons and Anabelle  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, The Litte Witch
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2017, 11:57:01 AM »
Pippin:  We rejoin the Tooks to find a very angry teen stomping by the house.

Sigrid:  Stupid dynasty family not having any sons for me to marry!
Pippin:  Umm, it's not a dynasty house.  Just a nice, happy family.
Sigrid:  A nice, happy family with a Watcher.  Thanks for proving my point.  (stomps off)
Pippin:  Anyway, she is one of the local teens Chantons has met to help ensure that the girls will have an instant teen peer group as they age up.  Speaking of aging up, last time we'd checked in on the household, young Alyssa had just aged up.
Alyssa:  Think I'll experiment with creating a witch's brew on my flat cauldron.
Pippin:  Well, it is the "Junior Wizard Starter Set," so I guess "flat cauldron" makes sense.

Pippin:  Anyway, within an hour of hitting childhood...

Pippin:  she's started a house fire.
Alyssa:  Mom!  Dad!  I think Raven started something on fire in here!
Pippin:  Really?
Alyssa:  I am a professional witch, sir.  I only start things on fire when it's intentional.
Pippin:  Umm, there aren't witches in Sims 4 yet, so...
Alyssa:  Lies!
Pippin:  Anyway, Alyssa began following Ciara's example in trying to make friends.

Alyssa:  Hello!  You've imitated my hairstyle.
Young Sigrid:  Umm, I'm older, so I had it first...?
Alyssa:  That's fine.  You're obviously imitating me because you want to be like me.  I know!  I'll make you my apprentice!
Young Sigrid:  Apprentice?
Alyssa:  I'll even give you a cute nickname:  minion!
Young Sigrid Minion:  Uh, yeah, I think my mom's calling.  I should go home now.
Alyssa:  See you later Minion!
Pippin:  That went well.  And the next day...

Pippin:  Alyssa had her first day of school.
Alyssa:  Hogwarts, here I come!
Pippin:  Wrong school.  Anyway, Ciara missed school as she was feeling ill.

Pippin:  Poor baby.
Anabelle:  I know what would make her feel better!

Anabelle:  Mr. Narwhal and I are going to teach her to say please and thank you.  Isn't that right Mr. Narwhal?
Mr. Narwhal:  ...
Ciara:  Well sounds like he's on board!
Pippin:  So, a sick child shows no real symptoms other than a red moodlet and basically just gives you a free day to build up character values.  Is it wrong that I'm hoping they need more sick days?
Anabelle:  Yes.  Pretty sure wishing illness upon my children is objectionable.
Pippin:  Darn it!  But eventually the school day ends and Alyssa and Raven are ready to get back to being ideal little ladies.

Pippin:  Umm, what are you doing, Alyssa?
Alyssa:  Making a friend, of course!
Pippin:  Ooooooookay.  Well, we kind of need you back inside.  Your minion is getting out of hand.

Minion:  (maniacal cackling)
Alyssa:  Minion!  That is not how we brew potions!  You are supposed to use a flat cauldron!
Minion:  Sorry.  I'll just be cleaning that up now.

Pippin:  And it looks like Alyssa's other new friend found a place in her room.

Alyssa:  He's not just my friend, Pippin, he's my animal familiar.  I'm a witch, you know.
Pippin:  Not a witch.
Alyssa:  Totally a witch.
Pippin:  Well, you know a pet, or a familiar, is a lot of responsibility, right?
Alyssa:  Psh, I'm sure Minion knows how to clean out a cage.
Pippin:  Oooookay.  Anyway, at school the next day, Raven and Ciara both got school projects to work on.

Pippin:  Everyone helped out.  Even Alyssa.

Alyssa:  I could use my magic to do this whole thing for you.
Ciara:  Are you my fairy godmother??!?!?
Alyssa:  Nope.  I'm the wicked witch.  It's going to cost you your firstborn.  Or your dessert.  It's negotiable.
Ciara:  ...I don't know what negotiable means.
Alyssa:  I don't know why I'd actually want your firstborn.  We'll just make it the dessert thing.
Ciara:  Deal!
Pippin:  And we continue to see the benefit of using items like the journal...

Alyssa:  No Pippin!  It's my spellbook!
Pippin:  Ooookay.  And using the helpful advice from Oshizu, we start making usage of the doctor set that I'd purchased and then pretty much just forgotten I had.

Alyssa:  I see.  You've been cursed.  I can create a counter-curse, but it'll cost you your dessert for a month.
Pippin:  Maybe she has a future as a doctor?  Anyway, we have three lovely, glorious little ladies...

Pippin:  who make the greatest facial expressions, and who knows, maybe we'll add just one more bundle of joy to the household...?

Chantons:  Help
                 I need somebody
                 Not just anybody
                 You know I need someone

Offline MarianT

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Little Witch
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2017, 01:34:31 PM »
They're all so cute!

Playing an instrument with emotion also helps with emotional control. I love the flat cauldron. I'll have to steal borrow that for my witches in the Life State Dynasty.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Little Witch
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2017, 02:43:38 PM »
Crossing my fingers for you, Chantons! May you bring your little girls a sibling!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Took on Parenthood, The Little Witch
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2017, 11:08:00 AM »
They're all so cute!

Playing an instrument with emotion also helps with emotional control. I love the flat cauldron. I'll have to steal borrow that for my witches in the Life State Dynasty.
Hmm, I've had Ciara working on the violin but hadn't realized it was boosting emotional control.  Thanks for that.
Flat cauldrons for the win!

Crossing my fingers for you, Chantons! May you bring your little girls a sibling!
I think the Took males have been pollinated every time there's been an abduction, so why should Chantons be any different  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Took on Parenthood, The First Teen
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2017, 11:08:40 AM »

Pippin:  We rejoin the Took household where the girls are just adorable!

Pippin:  The witch, the princess, and the angel.  What a fun crew.
Alyssa:  Some of us are even wicked fun!
Pippin:  Fair enough.  Anyway, our day starts with the fairly average routines...

Pippin:  but this particular Saturday is a very special day.

Alyssa:  Why do we have to change into our formal wear?
Raven:  It's my birthday!  And look, Dad made me a picture and hung it on the bulletin board.
Ciara:  Can your birthday party be a ball?  That seems a more fitting place for a princess to go.
Raven:  Uuummm, sure.  Why not?

Pippin:  Chantons called to make the arrangements while showing off his baby bump.
Ciara:  Why is Daddy' tummy getting bigger.
Anabelle:  Well, sweetie, when an alien loves the person they're probing very much...
Ciara:  EEeeeeWwwwwwWWWW!!!
Pippin:  Party time!

Pippin:  Chantons invited the trio of teen girls he's met so that Raven would age up and have an immediate peer group.  None of them came.
Raven:  No worries, I've got my awesome and supportive family around me.
Anabelle:  Aww, sweetie, you're so great!

Ciara:  Oooooo, is the cake your fairy godmother?
Alyssa:  Has it cursed you to glow forever?
Pippin:  But neither of those things were the case.   Instead, it was merely an age up, and therefore, time for a makeover!

Pippin:  Yes, she did age up with the Izumi hair, and yes, I decided to let her keep it.  Anyway, I'd been intending to let Anabelle hit the gym since leftover cake has been a diet staple for the household and we'll let our new teen tag along so that be teen Raven's first big outing.
Raven:  But first, let me take a selfie.
Pippin:  No you did not.
Raven:  Teehee.

Raven:  So, this gym's a pretty neat-looking place.
Anabelle:  If you want to see something neat-looking, check out the hunk on the treadmiOOOFF!!

Raven:  Teehee, might want to keep your eye on your own treadmill, mom.
Anabelle:  I'll just stay down here for a minute until I finish gathering up my dignity.
Pippin:  And after a healthy workout, they head back home.

Ciara:  Alright, Mr. Narwhal, we've only got a couple more days until I age up.  It's time to start planning out my teen princess wardrobe.
Mr. Narwhal:  ...
Ciara:  Aww, thanks!  I think you'd look great in anything too!

Ciara:  So, Mom was reading us the book, "My Daddy Was Abducted and Now I'm Going to Be a Big Sister," and I have some questions.  Can it be a Cinderella type thing where she has to do all the housework from now on?
Chantons:  ...
Raven:  Oh, silly Cici, you know you don't want that.  I mean, Cinderella was the real princess.
Ciara:  Good call.  I changed my mind. 
Pippin:  Raven, you're so good at...well...everything.
Raven:  Thanks!  Time to make sure we actually have some healthy food options now.

Pippin:  And while that was happening, Anabelle found her twin.

Anabelle:  Wow, I'm so much better looking than you!
Summer:  ...excuse me?

Pippin:  Some takeaways from this time include strategy.  Raven already is in trait range for responsibility and does responsible things all the time.  Therefore, I always choose options for her that will drop responsibility to raise something else because she'll be back in responsible trait range within the hour.  Ciara has been the most balanced in terms of growing multiple areas and should easily be in trait range for at least three of them by the time the teen years end, so it looks like spreading out the skilling instead of choosing a focal area will pay off more in the long run.  I've also noticed that the parental encouragement seems to be what pushes the skills into trait range as that pop-up usually appears after encouraging.