I wish it would give you a replay option & automatically save a few steps back, from what you were doing. If you are brand new to the game, have never tried the save out, and you manage to do one of the very few fatal combinations, Death can be such a final wet blanket, to the experience of the game. You spend all this time creating the character, and you use your whims to buy a happy potion, after attending the Humor & Hyjinks festival. (For example)
Ok. I was having fun and...
I lost the game!
How do I LOSE at Sims?
I can see how that could be very discouraging to a new player. (& those not used to saving their games)
People should be warned, that your Sim is ERASED from existence, if they croak, without a backup. Also, you need more than one save, since the most recent one might not even have a record of your Sim ever existing.