Author Topic: How Many Life States in Your World?  (Read 68065 times)

Online Metropolis Man

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How Many Life States in Your World?
« on: October 31, 2017, 05:21:49 AM »
How Many Life States in Your World? (Dynasty Challenge)

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Are your Sims tired of the same boring neighbors? Do they want to live in a world filled with overly emotional ghosts, compassionate vampires, and well-mannered aliens? Of course, they do. In this challenge, you'll be playing a married couple who has volunteered to raise 45 children of different life states who will move into 45 different houses in your world.

Pack Requirements
For this challenge, you will need the Parenthood Game Pack and one or more of the following: the Vampire Game Pack, the Get to Work Expansion Pack, and the Romantic Garden Stuff Pack.

The following options should be chosen: Autonomy -- Full; Aging -- Normal; Choose Age Active Household Only; Fill Empty Houses -- unchecked.
In CAS create a YA married couple. They may be vampire, human, alien, mer-people, spellcasters, or any mix. Unlike other dynasties, they may be a same-sex couple. Once you've decided on the life states for your parents, they may not change.

Your world has to have a library, gym, museum, bar, nightclub, lounge, and park. You also need one empty lot for your heirs to move to where they can sell stuff from personal inventory to acquire the money to buy a house worth more than 20,000 simoleons, if necessary. You'll need 45 empty houses. You can bulldoze lots and build your own or download from the Gallery. Each house will need a full bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom.

Neighborhood Stories System settings are player's choice.

You may evict Sims and bulldoze houses at the beginning of your game, or wait and do that as needed.

General Rules
Only the ghosts of previous household members may be asked to move in.
Each parent has to complete a new aspiration before trying for baby, adopting, and/or wishing for a child at the Wishing Well. You may add as many as 6 children during the 24 hours after each completed pair of aspirations.
You are allowed only one wish for a child per completed pair of aspirations.
If the parents complete their aspirations when there is no room in the household for another child, they must wait to change aspirations until the next time they try for baby, adopt, or use the wishing well.
Players may change lot traits and challenges whenever the household moves. If they choose to change lot traits and challenges, they must use all of them before repeating.
Moving to avoid paying bills is considered an exploit and not allowed.
All household members must complete their aspirations before starting a new one.
Only Sims working on the Leader of the Pack aspiration may join or start a club. Only club perks that fulfill the aspiration are allowed.
Only the parents are allowed to own a retail store or restaurant.
Babies resulting from alien abductions must be kept.
Only infants may be adopted (i.e., no toddlers or children).
Teens must choose a unique aspiration. All aspirations available to you must be chosen. When you run out of aspirations, begin cycling through them again.
Each offspring that is moved out must be a different life state from the previous offspring.
You may add as many as two pets to the household, but keep in mind that they will take up 2 slots. Pets may only be moved out with a YA. Pets may be added any time.
Your parents may take the Potion of Youth or eat Ambrosia whenever they are within two days of becoming elders.

Age Requirements, Aging Up, and Moving Out
Babies may be aged up when they are good friends with both parents.
Toddlers are required to max potty training. They may be aged up when they've reached level 3 in all toddler skills.
Children are required to complete one childhood aspiration. They may be aged up when they've maxed 3 childhood skills.
Teens are required to buy 3 reward traits (potions don't count). They may be aged up when they have 3 character values (positive or negative) in range to become traits.

Young adults may be moved into a new house when they've received 3 promotions at work, have 3 good friends outside the family, and have maxed 3 skills. All skills must be maxed before your YAs can repeat. YAs may max more than 3 skills, and the extra skills do not need to be unique. Each YA moved out should be a different life state from the previous one, and have a different job and different group of good friends.

You may add items to a YA's personal inventory that can be sold to buy a more expensive house when moving out. If you do this, move the YA to an empty lot, sell off the personal inventory and then buy the house. You may marry a YA to a townie living in a house and move the YA in with the townie. The YA may be pregnant at the time of moving.

Mods, Cheats, Custom Content, and Manage Households
Custom Content items are fine and are to be used at your own risk. No mods or cheats are allowed with a few exceptions: lighting mods that change the look of the game are fine; Moveobjects is fine; some bugs may creep up that a mod could fix, but team permission is always necessary in these cases. Quitting a game without saving to avoid a disaster like a fire or sudden death is considered cheating; quitting without saving because you've experienced a bug is not.

ResetSim Firstname Lastname. You may only use this cheat in the event of a stuck Sim.
Moveobjects. You are allowed to use this cheat at your discretion.
Buydebug cheat (bb.showhiddenobjects) is banned.


The challenge automatically fails if:
  • Both parents die before the 45th child has become a member of the household.
  • Two Sims of the same life state are moved out consecutively.
  • A Sim fails to meet toddler, child, or teen requirements before aging up.
  • A YA Sim either moves out before fulfilling the requirements or becomes an adult before moving out.

When your 45th Sim is ready to move out of the house, take a screenshot of him or her with the parents. Your score is the number of bills that your household had to pay (low score is best here).

Dynasty Spreadsheet
To assist everyone in keeping track of their progress, LenaLJ has designed the official How Many Life States in Your World Dynasties Challenge Spreadsheet. Thank you, Lena!

The team is always here to answer your questions, and we hope you have fun with the How Many Life States are in Your World Dynasty Challenge. Good luck!
— Metro, MarianT, LenaLJ, sdhoey, and Trip

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2017, 05:22:01 AM »

November 3, 2017 -- Once you've decided on the life states for the parents, they may not change.
November 3, 2017 -- Players may change lot traits whenever the household moves.
November 12, 2017 -- Moving to avoid paying bills is considered an exploit and not allowed.
November 29, 2019 -- Added mer-people and spellcasters to list of eligible founders. Removed the do-it-yourself fairies and witches.
July 17, 2021 -- Removed "Sacred Candles" from Reward Traits on Spreadsheet.
July 21, 2021 -- Changed the rule for lot traits to include lot challenges.
September 18, 2021 --- Update Money Offer "You look Low On Funds" -- Must Decline Offer
April 1, 2022 -- For a new or existing dynasty, you are allowed to select your global Neighborhood Stories System (NSS) settings for both "My Households" and "Other Households" one time only, after which they must not be changed.  Changing NSS settings for individual households is not allowed.
July 9, 2022 -- Neighborhood Stories System settings are player's choice.

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2017, 06:39:06 AM »
A spreadsheet is being worked on to help us all keep a bit track ;)

Online oshizu

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2017, 11:41:27 AM »
Wow, this challenge is like the Baby Boomer Challenge on steriods! I love the idea of simulating the different lifestates, too!
Thank you, team, for another fascinating challenge. LenaLJ, what would all of us ever do without your game-saving spreadsheets?

Young adults may be moved into a new house when they've received 3 promotions at work, have 3 good friends outside the family, and have maxed 3 skills. All skills must be maxed before your YAs can repeat. YAs may max more than 3 skills, and the extra skills do not need to be unique.

This would mean that any skills required by the witch and fairy lifestates would be shared and fall under the category of "extra skills"?
Sorry for the obvious question....I'm a bit excited.

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2017, 12:04:59 PM »
@Metropolis Man would a mod that gives a whole range of skin tones be OK? I tend to play with some weird coloured sims since Rica introduced us all to the mod she used to get Artie as close to Artie as TS4 could be. This might actually be a good mod to include with regards to the witches and fairies.
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Offline MarianT

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2017, 12:11:04 PM »
Wow, this challenge is like the Baby Boomer Challenge on steriods! I love the idea of simulating the different lifestates, too!
Thank you, team, for another fascinating challenge. LenaLJ, what would all of us ever do without your game-saving spreadsheets?

Young adults may be moved into a new house when they've received 3 promotions at work, have 3 good friends outside the family, and have maxed 3 skills. All skills must be maxed before your YAs can repeat. YAs may max more than 3 skills, and the extra skills do not need to be unique.

This would mean that any skills required by the witch and fairy lifestates would be shared and full under the category of "extra skills"?
Sorry for the obvious question....I'm a bit excited.

It's a good question, and perhaps we should have explained in more detail.

Your first fairy will max gardening and mischief and one other skill. Your 2nd and subsequent fairies will have to max gardening, mischief, and 3 skills that haven't been maxed yet. When all of the skills have been maxed once, then the next fairy will be able to max gardening, mischief, and just one skill. Ditto for witches and herbalism and wellness.
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Online oshizu

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2017, 12:50:46 PM »
Thank you for the response. Does this mean that, once all the skills have been maxed once, your sample fairy's third skill (after gardening/mischief) needs to be "unique for that rotation of skills"? Or could it be any skill?

I like the way this challenge rewards persistent challengers by making the skill requirements easier after they've all been maxed once. :D

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2017, 01:01:47 PM »
And the way it ups the skill level (pun sort of intended) when you have your second and subsequent fairy/witch, is also a great learning curve for players. Even those of us who have been doing this since "birth" :-) I have 2 birthdays: my actual birth-date, and then the day Sims was created and my birth as a simmer! Sorry, bit of random there...
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline reggikko

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2017, 03:02:10 PM »
In regard to ghosts: are we allowed to "help" a Sim become a ghost and then invite them back into the household before moving them out as long as it is done before they age up to adult?

We could choose to cycle through only two or three life states as long as we alternate the move  out sequence, correct? What I mean is, we could do witch, vampire, alien (or any other combination) and just keep repeating those? In other words, there is no requirement to have all the life states represented.

For teen aspirations, they just need to be chosen, but not necessarily completed before beginning the cycle over again, right?

Online oshizu

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2017, 04:35:14 PM »
Does the nooboo's lifestate need to be set at birth, or not? (in which case a ghost nooboo could only be acquired from a wishing well...).

In connection with that, are the parents allowed to switch between vampire and not-vampire?

Offline reggikko

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2017, 04:52:52 PM »
Does the nooboo's lifestate need to be set at birth, or not? (in which case a ghost nooboo could only be acquired from a wishing well...).

In connection with that, are the parents allowed to switch between vampire and not-vampire?

Oh, I didn't know you could get a ghost baby from the wishing well. I have not played much with that game feature at all.

Offline MarianT

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2017, 05:10:48 PM »
In regard to ghosts: are we allowed to "help" a Sim become a ghost and then invite them back into the household before moving them out as long as it is done before they age up to adult?

We could choose to cycle through only two or three life states as long as we alternate the move  out sequence, correct? What I mean is, we could do witch, vampire, alien (or any other combination) and just keep repeating those? In other words, there is no requirement to have all the life states represented.

For teen aspirations, they just need to be chosen, but not necessarily completed before beginning the cycle over again, right?

First of all, to correct what oshizu said, you can only get a ghost child from the wishing well, not a baby, but that's fine. The youngest age provided by the wishing well is a child, which is why you can only wish once per "try for baby" time.

You can't "help" a household member become a ghost, but if it happens, you can certainly make them a member of the household. I've not done that myself, so don't know what the process is. If it involves asking one to move in, we'll change the rule.

You can cycle through 2 or more life states if you want. We decided not to require that every life state available to the player was necessary.

@oshizu, you don't have to decide upon the life state at birth. Teens can be turned into vampires, and ghosts can "happen."
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Offline MarianT

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2017, 01:47:52 PM »

I missed your question about teen aspirations. You're right -- they just need to be assigned and not completed. Also I changed "No Sim may be asked to move in" to "Only ghosts of previous household members may be asked to move in."
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline Verdine

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2017, 03:14:12 PM »
For the parents, can you use Ambrosia to help stop them from dying before the 45th child arrives?

Offline reggikko

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Re: How Many Life States in Your World?
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2017, 03:17:37 PM »
Do the parents follow the same rules in regard to aspirations as the teens or can both parents work on the same aspirations?