Part 1: SiobhanChapter 4: Free Day!
Previously on "Keeping up with the Fryes":
Salvatore aged up into a free-spirited toddler and Siobhan was traumatized by passing out in the bathroom.
And now for more "Keeping up with the Fryes"! [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Following my rather...traumatic bathroom experience...I have decided to never attempt to potty train another child as long as I live. Thankfully Joaquin was more than willing to help me out!
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And it paid off! Tory was finally using the potty on his own! No more diapers!
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Tory's energetic nature ended up catching up to him one night after Sergio and I got home from work. Poor little guy just couldn't make it to bed.
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And sadly for us it was our little guy's birthday the next morning! My baby was growing up so fast, I wish he could stay a toddler and be in my arms forever.
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He was just as energetic and playful as a child, one of the first things he did after we celebrated his birthday was deciding to play foosball.
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He also liked making messes just as much as he did when he was a toddler. I really hope he grows out of it soon.
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After we celebrated Tory's birthday I decided to stop by my family's house to tell them how much he was growing up. I promised them all that I'd invite them over soon. My father seemed especially happy to hear about how we were all doing, though I wish he'd worn something else...
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I was also sure to see Morgan and thank her for sending Tory a birthday gift. She said that she wanted him to see her as the "cool aunt" and that she was more than happy to send him a gift. I showed her some pictures of him and she seemed a little choked up, she really seemed to care a lot about Tory.
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The day after Tory's birthday I decided I wanted to take my boys out for some fun. Unfortunately Joaquin didn't want to join because he had a bit of a cooking mishap that morning and had work in the evening, so he wanted to take the time to decompress. I helped Tory finish his homework in the morning and then off we went!
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Tory insisted on going to the park first, which I was more than happy to do. I hoped it would help him burn off some of his energy if Sergio and I wanted to do something quieter later.
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The next stop was the spa so Sergio and I could unwind after the stress of Joaquin's kitchen mishap. We started to get steamy until...
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"Mom? Dad? What are y- oh. Oh. Ewww!"
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Sergio suggested that we go out for a nice family dinner to celebrate Tory's birthday (and to make up for traumatizing our poor son).
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Tory seemed unhappy the rest of the afternoon and proceeded to make a mess when we arrived at Chez Llama.
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I told him I was disappointed in his behavior, and he apologized and told me that he would try to behave better in the restaurant.
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Thankfully the rest of the dinner with my boys went very well. Tory got a special place-mat he could draw on so that kept him occupied while Sergio and I talked. It was a very nice day and I really hope I get to have one like this again soon!
Yay first freeday! Except Joaquin set himself on fire so now I'm set back on my points...thanks Joaquin. Suppose that's what I get for letting a sim with 0 cooking ability try to make his own breakfast. But hopefully I should be able to make up lost points soon with promotions and skill-building. And I didn't show this but Tory made a friend named Elizabeth, so perhaps she'll make an appearance later! [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Tory's facial structure definitely seems to be more from Sergio but it seems like he has more of Siobhan's facial features. Either way he's a good-looking kid and I'm sure he'll be very handsome when he gets older.
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And of course, here are Sergio and Siobhan as children.