Author Topic: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty  (Read 6503 times)

Offline Deklitch

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The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« on: September 24, 2017, 07:04:45 AM »

My name is Skye, Skye Blue. I live in Sunset Valley with dad, mum and my best friend ever.

My dad is well known around town. He has been hunting ghosts for his entire time here. He even got an award for it. The award was given to him by the mayor. It was a key to the city. His name is True, True Blue.

Mum was almost married once, but then her betrothed drowned on what was to be their wedding day. Then she met dad, and she said that he reminded her of the man she was going to marry. She paints, she gardens, she fishes, she cooks, she sleeps.

My best friend ever didn't have a mum or a dad. My dad cloned him from his own DNA, so in a way, dad is his dad, but he isn't, not really. Dad tells me that I'm going to marry my dad's clone. His name is Two Blue, and like me he wants to be an illustrious author.

Dad got an international award for his scientific experiments, but he hasn't received many opportunities, he said, not from his science studies, not even from his logic studies, he thinks he might have to join the corporate machine and pick up opportunities this way. Me, I just want to paint and chat to my friends at school, oh and kiss Two. I just want to do it away from mum and dad.

Gen 1 - True Blue - IMMORTAL Sunday Week 7
LTW - Max Influence with all Social Groups (Done)
Skill - Science (Supermaxed)
Job - Ghost Hunter (Level 10)
Building - Fortunetelling Wagon (Fully Owned)
Property - Summer Hill Springs (Max Level)
LTRs - Fire Proof Homestead, No Bills Ever, Extraordinairator, (also Discount Diner, Nerd/Jock/Rebel Social Group Standing)
Black Ops - Spooky Props, A Farewell to Paper, Celebrity Body, Save the Herding, Best Food in Town, Business Model (also Seeking More Favourable Taxes)
Best Friends - Agnes Blue, Sky Blue, Iliana Langarak, Thornton Wolfe, Nancy Landgraab, Mitzi Horn
Portraits - YA, A, E

Gen 2 - Skye Blue
LTW - Illustrious Author
Skill - Writng (Level 5)
Job - SE Writer (Level 3)
Building - Coffeehouse (Fully Owned)
Property - Stoney Falls (Fully Upgraded)
LTRs - Care Free, Acclaimed Author, ?
Black Ops - Amateur Olympics, Free Game, ?, ?, ?, ?
Best Friends - True Blue, Two Blue, Puzzle Blue, ?, ?, ?
Portraits - T, C, Teen, YA, ?, ?

Offline Nindigo

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2017, 10:15:51 AM »
What a very cute beginning, @Deklitch . It reminds me of a sweet old danish song the title of which translates to 'I want to marry Daddy' ;D I'll be following - Godspeed!
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2017, 03:04:26 AM »
Oh thank you, @Nindigo .

While mum and Two slept, dad sat me down to have a talk with me. My special friend, Puzzle listened in as well, but dad couldn't see him, just me.
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No, not THE talk, a talk. Actually, had it been THE talk, I probably wouldn't be as scared as I do feel right now.

Dad tells me that he and I are going to live forever, while mum and Two and everyone else we know will go with Carlos Grim and die. We need to achieve a whole lot of tasks- in order to do so, but neither he nor I can cook, but instead need to eat the fruit and vegetables grown by mum (except for the life fruit), but we can't go and help in the garden nor can we fish. I just have to spend my time forever painting and writing. He even had to give up his job as a ghost hunter to complete his tasks. And he was pretty good as a ghost hunter ...
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He was a business man. He needed opportunities, and only picked up one between his supermaxed science skill, maxed logic skill and maxed ghost hunting career. As for me, I got opportunities from Primary School and even tried my hand as a kid at the Simlympics held in town (I came last - unsurprising as I was a kid, and was competing against adults).

My birthday in which I became a teen is below. Two is off to school, so it was just me, mum and dad to celebrate ...
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And to eat cake.
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I like our house, and so I thought I'd show it to you. First of all, here is our 'museum'. Dad's part is the blue light, and mine is the pink light.
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Among the things we have to do is stand for portraits to be made of us as a toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult and elder. Except for dad, who doesn't speak of his time before moving to Sunset Valley. For him it is just young adult, adult and elder portraits. Two is learning painting so he can do my portrait/s after mum goes with Carlos, and I am learning painting so I can do them once Two goes with Carlos. Though I hope that's not for a long long time. Anyway, our 'museum' shall hold all our portraits and, I hope, things to remember Mum and Two by.

Our museum is upstairs, and downstairs is where Mum, Dad, Two, Puzzle and myself live. We have three bedrooms, a science room, a dining room, two bathrooms, a kitchen and an immortal room which is currently locked up.
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I leave you with a picture of dad being given his award for saving Sunset Valley from ghosts.
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Offline Nindigo

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2017, 05:05:26 AM »
Great update!

Always happy to see Aggie, my favorite female Sim. The challenge seems to go well so far and the house looks awesome. I'm looking forward to reading more about the cool Blues ;-)
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2017, 11:34:27 PM »
Our Watcher, Dek is feeling a bit blue and under the weather as he's posting this (and played since his last post), forum, so I told him not to worry, I'll make sure nothing bad happens, like no one joining the household who isn't my child, and there would be no more pregnancies for Agnes, that sort of thing. He believed me, shouldn't he know not to trust a Sim by now? Silly Dek.

As you know my great aunt Bertha gave me a special doll when I was born. I gave him a boy's name of Puzzle. How I loved Puzzle. I loved to sing to him and play with him ... as children we even shared secrets and had pillow fights.

But I was told he was just make believe and wasn't real. I wanted to show them! I was asked to bring stuff to the science lab to make him real.

Watcher Dek said "NO!"

So, I didn't. But Puzzle watched as Dad tutored me and he grew up when I grew up.
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Dad made all the potions he could on the chemistry lab. One of them was a potion that could supposedly make Puzzle real. I asked Watcher Dek if I could use the potion on Puzzle.

Watcher Dek said "NO!" again.

Then Watcher Dek got sick. And I took him soup to make him better. (Aren't I a nice Sim?) I also asked him if I could make Puzzle real.

Watcher Dek said, "do whatever, achoooooooooooooooo".

So I got the correct potion and gave it to Puzzle.
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Puzzle used the potion and became a real sim.
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Watcher Dek can't be too upset with me, can he? I mean, after all, Puzzle's hair is the best colour of all ... BLUE.
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"Skye Blue, why are there now 5 sims in the Blue household?"

Oh, that's Watcher Dek, he's got his voice back at least. Excuse me, I'll be back soon, I hope.

Offline Nindigo

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2017, 05:27:32 PM »
Pretty Puzzle 8) Get well soon, @Deklitch . Hope you are starting to feel better.

No more Aglings? *sniff* She makes such cute offspring. You know, if I were Skye, I'd marry both copydad and my doll. Because I have no morals when I play the Sims ;D Alas, you are bound by rules as it is a challenge...
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2017, 05:56:31 AM »
Hello, forum, Two Blue here. Dek took Skye's computer from her, so she asked me to write this update.

You have heard about me from my best friend, Skye Blue, but to refresh your memories ...
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I had no real father or mother, instead I'm told that I was cloned by Skye's father, Mr Blue. So that means my father was really the father of Skye, I think. Do things like that count? Or am I overthinking this?
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I grew up with Mr and Mrs Blue as well as with Skye.

Mr and Mrs Blue gave me birthday parties ...
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and Mr Blue tutored me to ensure I got an A in school (and also so he could become a Teacher Extraordinaire). But I was always given the chance to be creative and paint, which I loved to do.
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I may have been a clone, but I never felt that I was treated any worse than Skye was treated by her parents.

My teachers treated me just like any other sim at school, giving me homework and the like, and I reached the honor role, just like Skye.

Mr and Mrs Blue celebrated my successes in school and I had a good time at Prom. Skye was still in Primary School, so my Prom didn't feel right to me. So, I went alone. My classmates still made me Prom King. Fist Pump! My classmates love me, they really love me!
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But painting was my first second love, and I painted whenever I could alongside Mrs Blue and Skye, while Mr Blue continued to search the galaxy.

My first love? I grew up with her, we have slept alongside each other, firstly in baby swings and then in loft beds, and then finally in bunkbeds when her 'friend' Puzzle, became real.
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Skye is not only my best friend, but also my first love. I have nothing to worry about with Puzzle, do I? I mean, he may have blue hair.
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Me? I'm blue all over.
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Offline Nindigo

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2017, 05:20:54 PM »
No, of course not, Two-Blue. Puzzle has only already shared bed with Skye since she was an infant. I'm certain they are not at all intimately familiar with each other ::)
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2017, 06:29:57 PM »
@Nindigo good point.

I recently became an elder.
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I threw a party ...
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Which I funded through the sale of sunflower mini suns.
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We put in extra toilets and wash basins which became a popular place to think about science.
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Then the party began, and there was much dancing.
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We all gathered for my cake and spin ...
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And then I let them eat cake. Jack Bunch had an interesting way of carrying his piece of cake.
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Then we returned to dancing the night away!
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The next day I was exhausted, my age is finally catching up to me.
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But I then returned to painting ... I had just supermaxed painting skill, after all.
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My name is Agnes Blue, and that was a day in my life.

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2018, 01:57:26 PM »
I love the story so far. Can't wait to see more. :)
"You're waiting for a train. A train that'll take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you. But you can't know for sure. Yet it doesn't matter. Now, tell me why?" -Dom Cobb

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2018, 06:28:42 AM »
While the kids (Puzzle and Sky) were at school,
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Two was gardening,
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Agnes was trying to revive a death flower bush without success,
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True was at work in the business office trying to get opportunities, with as much success as Agnes,
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And the newest addition to the family, Too, was rocking back and forth in his swing.
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He was the result of an interaction between Agnes and True! No, not that type of interaction, though it did involve DNA being given by True to Agnes!
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Grumpy and Friendly Too was made in the science lab from True's DNA by Agnes.
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The Watcher was checking up on his charges, and realised that Col'n Grim was in town,
It was the business office, and True's colleagues (and best friends) were all elders, surely it wouldn't be one of them,
It was a business employee, but it wasn't Thornton, nor Iliana nor Nancy,
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It was Nick Alto who grunted at True and never spoke to him who went with Col'n,
He was pleased to go and dove into his gravestone without complaint,
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Col'n remained, reading 'Unicorns for Audrey'. After all, it was due back, and the fines for late returns were atrocious,
Read on dear Grim, and please don't take Aggie, nor Thornton, nor Iliana nor Nancy from Sunset Valley,
Well not until True is able to get his six opportunities, get painted, and turn immortal.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2018, 03:16:23 PM »
The big day was almost upon the Blues, and Agnes was in the kitchen, baking a cake.
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All the household, including Puzzle and Two were there to celebrate Sky finishing up school and getting older.
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And while Two and Sky's parents celebrated her birthday ....
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Puzzle laughed at his BFF for getting older ...
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Though the laughter may have been aimed at the hair and clothes she aged up into.
The cake was distributed and while Agnes, True, Sky and Two ate together ...
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Puzzle was banished to the table in the bedroom to eat his cake and was then sent to school.
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Sky changed her clothes and hair
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Posed for her museum portrait
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Before going and telling her best friend,  Two, how much she loved and respected him.
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She also asked him if he felt the same way, and if he'd marry her.
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His response of 'yes' left her so overjoyed, she jumped into his arms.
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Even though it was an intimate affair, the location of it being in their home, in the middle of the family's Art Studio (overlooked by the half finished painting of the birth of Venus), meant that they wanted to change into their formal wear.
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I do's and rings were exchanged and they were Mr and Mrs Blue
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They chose the bathroom for more kissing and more ...
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While Too was blissfully sleeping in his swing, unaware they were trying to make his future wife.
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In other news, True Blue was offered two opps in the one day - 1 work and 1 celebrity and both True and Watcher are happy ...
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Even if True s forced to wear that suit to work

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2018, 04:31:18 PM »
With the lovely Sky turning young adult and becoming valedictorian, Aggie and True decided to go on a trip to China.
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Aggie hit the shops and bought books and martial arts equipment. She then read about the local fish and purchased the needed baits to catch the koi and dragon fish.
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She then put the lessons into practice.
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Meanwhile, True decided to enter the professional chess tournament. Thanks to Aggie's purchase of prepared traveller, they had six days in China.
He competed against locals
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as well as his lovely wife, Aggie
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but when his opponents became more interested in his celebrity status than in playing chess, he knew it was time to go home.
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Aggie had caught enough of each kind of Chinese fish to stock the home pond with them, and also had all of the Chinese fruit for growing, so they farewelled China and spent a night together watching the stars.
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When they arrived home, they got even closer.
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And headed home. Two Blue surprised Aggie with a portrait of herself and True with a store bought birthday cake. Aggie, Two and True gathered together to celebrate True's elder birthday.
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He also shared the news they were longing to hear - Sky was pregnant, and both Two and Sky were hoping for a girl. Sky was out getting the works at the local day spa and would then continue her writing.
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They were also told that Puzzle was preparing himself for the life of a chef, learning all he could about cooking in general.
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As well as reading cook books for recipes.
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He might be insane enough to wear his graduation robes to work, and he might be a professional slacker and be able to watch tv all day and not get yelled at, but he was neither insane nor slack enough not to turn up to work. His boss, Emma Hatch, might not like that.
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And Too? He was sitting in his swing going back and forth, waiting to become a toddler. You know what nooboos are like.
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Too's birthday was the same day as True and Aggie and Two are helping True celebrate before attending to Too and his needs.

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2018, 09:43:39 AM »
I love the names here, cant stop gigling even though i am at work.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Blues Family - an Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2018, 08:50:48 PM »
Thanks @LenaLJ

In Dynasty News - 1 immortal down, 7 to go. True Blue completed all requirements and qualified for ambrosia and death flower on Sunday week 7. Pictures coming

1st immortal stats
Gen 1 - True Blue (spouse Agnes Blue (Crumplebottom) - IMMORTAL Sunday Week 7
LTW - Max Influence with all Social Groups (Done)
Skill - Science (Supermaxed)
Job - Ghost Hunter (Level 10)
Building - Fortunetelling Wagon (Fully Owned)
Property - Summer Hill Springs (Max Level)
LTRs - Fire Proof Homestead, No Bills Ever, Extraordinairator, (also Discount Diner, Nerd/Jock/Rebel Social Group Standing)
Black Ops - Spooky Props, A Farewell to Paper, Celebrity Body, Save the Herding, Best Food in Town, Business Model (also Seeking More Favourable Taxes)
Best Friends - Agnes Blue, Sky Blue, Iliana Langarak, Thornton Wolfe, Nancy Landgraab, Mitzi Horn
Portraits - YA, A, E

Household is currently
Agnes Blue (Crumplebottom) - Gen 1 Spouse - Elder - Cooking/Painting/Gardening/Fishing
True Blue - Gen 1 - immortal - Science Skill/Ghost Hunter Career
Two Blue - Gen 2 spouse - young adult - Painting/Gardening/Fishing (True Blue clone)
Sky Blue - Gen 2 - young adult - writing skill/SE Author
Puzzle Blue - Gen 2 imaginary friend turned real - Cooking
Too Blue - Gen 3 spouse - toddler (True Blue clone)
Cyan Blue - Gen 3 - nooboo

