I've been perusing every resource I can find to figure out how to fix this but I am stumped.
So like many other people with this same problem, my sim is frozen while sounds and animation from ambient objects continue. I just finished making my vacation, and saved (smart right?). Well when I resume gameplay, and speed, he freezes. I tried replacing the saved game with the backup one that auto generates, but same situation. So here's a list of a few things I have tried:
resetsim - it reset him, but once game play resumed, same frozen thing
delete local town homes - thought it may be a memory thing, so lets free some up. No dice
used nrass to change household to a different family on vacation - once gameplay was resumed, same thing
Really, what I want to do is just get my sim back to his world from vacation, but can't figure out how without the convention phone call to return home. Is there a way using testcheatsenabled or nrass' latest version to force that while it's paused?