None of these laptops, including the Samsung will run the game that well, even on low settings due to the processor are all under minimum specs. One of the Toshiba's has a dedicated video card, but it's not rated to run the game that well.
The laptops that you've mentioned are all school/work type of computers more made to play videos, music, browse the web, not so much for gaming as most of them lack a dedicated video card and adequate cooling the laptop needs to help prevent the laptop from overheating.
You'll want to look for a laptop with these specs:
Laptop Specs:
Processor : i5 or i7 HQ or MQ quad ~ 2.4 GHz
Video card : Nvidia GTX 960m or better
computer ram 8gb
hard drive space at least 500 gb
windows 64 bit
Theses types specs won't come on a budget laptop. You'll be more looking in the range of $800 or more.
Again, anything less may end up not having a dedicated video card, or adequate cooling the laptop needs. These are important to have if you're going to be running a processor and graphic heavy game.
Here's an example of what to look for:
Dell - Inspiron 15.6" Laptop = $799.99 i5-7300HQ ~ 2.5 Ghz
Video Card: NVIDIA GTX 1050 graphics 4GB
System Memory: 8 GB