Author Topic: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Completed!  (Read 191679 times)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, New Friends and a New Took
« Reply #150 on: October 15, 2017, 12:17:32 PM »
I had something sufficiently witty and Pippin-esque to say... And now it has completely flown from my mind *facepalm

I have the feeling that toddler Aimee Behr is going to end up doing the Soulmate aspiration with Wade. Did you hear that sigh that she hadn't aged up yet? And the toddler hugs... It would be perfect for Wade to get his Serial Romantic done and then settle down with her...
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, New Friends and a New Took
« Reply #151 on: October 15, 2017, 07:19:58 PM »
Haha, at the end of this update, you mention that "we'll see Wade age up to teen and take over as the focus of this legacy," which made me giggle.
You could have fooled me, Pippin! I thought Wade and his socializing had already become the focus of this legacy.
I mean, Wade really, really gets around and he seems to be keeping tabs on all the prime pollination prospects!

I loved Wade and Miriam Foy together--you keep that little guy in line, Miriam!
Is Miriam truly Wade's new favorite or does he say that to all the girls?
Haha, Wade as a Serial Romantic---I'm really looking forward to his barrage of stale pick-up lines! :D

I'm so sorry to see Benny go! His golden eyes and feline looks were very appealing!

Woooo, Chantons is so close to finishing all of his dynasty requirements apart from his elder birthday!

P.S. Thanks for sharing when The Nose has appeared with Wade's predecessors.

Good news, Wade will age up by the end of the next update!
Yeah, Benny had really neat features.  I had been keeping tabs on him since he was a teen to bring him in as a pollinator  :=)
I tend to have lots of the gals throw themselves at the heir because who wouldn't want to live in the big, fancy dynasty house.  Therefore, I thought it would be fun to have a character who totally didn't want that and Miriam just looked the part.  Of course, the presence of her beautiful older sister helped to make that an even stronger least until I realized that Aimee is technically Wade's aunt since she's Otis' and so is Robyn  :=/

Something tells me that Wade is on track to get the Serial Romantic aspiration. I loved the back-and-forth with Miriam.
Thanks!  Miriam is super-fun to write!
And yes, serial romantic coming right up!  I figured the being-raised-by-pollinators aspect of his backstory coupled with Robyn's complete lack of desire to actually raise her child (because he's a child) made Wade a more interesting serial romantic character.  At least, I hope that's what happened...

Well, I'm in love with Miriam. I very much look forward to her friendship with Wade and her probable pollination. I'm sure she'll have many dry, witty things to say about it. :)

Ah, yes, and Spiffendale's Patented Magic Fishcake! From the people who brought you Poof! It's Grilled Cheese and Eduardo-In-a-Can! Spiffendale's Magic Fishcake! (TM) "We'll sue ya!" (We will not. We will just continue to giggle delightedly every time you reference our story.)

Nice work on the transformations! I can't wait to see the golden-eyed offspring! And I'm even more excited to see how Amelia Behr ages up!

I'll keep my fingers crossed that the nose lives on.

And thanks for getting "I Am the Best" stuck in my head! Of all the earworms Chantons has inflicted on me, that's my favorite so far. :)
It's unlikely Miriam would end up being chosen for pollination because Aimee exists.  That would why Miriam stressed that at best she was a pollinator target rather than her most likely scenario.  I also rather adore her, quite honestly.
I had intended to start having Abernathy using the transformation to get some more interesting hair and skin tones going on as soon as he added that to the SimRay, but I'd kind of forgotten about it.  Oops!
So glad that the Spiffendales are withdrawing the lawsuit (exits the CAS project in which a lawyer was being created).

Yes! Now we can get a new pollinator and pollinate Rachael!
Ahem. I mean, RIP Benny. And wow, that's a lot of spouse choices. And stuff.
What's Laurie's last name again? Just wondering which one is her child...
Yes, Rachel is amazing and does get pollinated even though that doesn't show up in the next update.  I actually also had a sassy back-and-forth between Rachel and Robyn, but I didn't have enough room to include it.
Laurie's last name is Fyre.  She is the daughter of Morgan and Victor Feng.  As soon as I saw how amazing she was, I asked if I could do spouse-stealing to begin a TGTD so I could couple Morgan and Victor again.  It's not a legal move  :=(

I had something sufficiently witty and Pippin-esque to say... And now it has completely flown from my mind *facepalm

I have the feeling that toddler Aimee Behr is going to end up doing the Soulmate aspiration with Wade. Did you hear that sigh that she hadn't aged up yet? And the toddler hugs... It would be perfect for Wade to get his Serial Romantic done and then settle down with her...
If I had a nickel for every time I forgot the clever and witty comments I was going to use in an update or a response to an update, I'd be as rich as the Tooks!
Shipping Wade and Aimee?  They are adorable.  I thought the "share the love" interaction was super adorable, but even more adorable since they had the twinsies thing going on.  I was delighted that she remained quite the cutie as she aged up which you're about to see :=)

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Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, Pushing the Limit
« Reply #152 on: October 15, 2017, 07:20:42 PM »
Pippin:  We return to the Took household to find Gaivan and Myla being absolutely adorable!

Myla:  I'm so lucky!
Gaivan:  And I...because you were...and just lucky it was.
Myla:  Exactly!
Pippin:  And you can't tell from that picture, but Myla is pregnant with their third, and most likely final, child.
Myla:  Yep, we had our beautiful baby girl, Lacy, our handsome young man, Jakob, and now we'll have one to shift the gender balance.
Pippin:  Hey, that's how my parents did it.  Anyway, young Wade has a very special visitor.

Wade:  Amelia, Amelia, let down your hair, that I might climb the auburn stairs!
Amelia:  Teehee, Wade, you're such a doofus!
Wade:  That may be true, but it doesn't make my proclamation of you being a princess any less sincere!
Amelia:  Alright, Captain McDoofus, come up here and play chess.  We need to work on that mental aspirater thingy you mentioned.

Pippin:  She's so cute!  Anyway, she wasn't the only one who was helping Wade reach that mental aspirater thingy.
Myla:  Mental aspiration, Pippin?
Pippin:  Yes, that.

Jayden:  Oh my goodness!  Did you see that big distracting thing over there?
Wade:  What?  What thing?  Where?

Jayden:  (moves her pieces to put Wade into checkmate) It's over there.  Just look closer.
Wade:  Ummm, no...I don't see anything...?
Jayden:  Oh, I guess it left.  Anyway, checkmate.
Wade:  ...what...?
Pippin:  And he even got some help from the now young adult aged Lilianna Landgraab.

Wade:  Okay, queen to bishop 5.  Your move.
Lilianna:  Can I use the horsey guy?  He's my favorite.
Wade:  He's called a knight, and yes, you can use him.
Lilianna:  Wait, can I make the horsey the king?  And can he have his own little pony kingdom?  And can his queen be a unicorn?!?!? Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Wade:  And it's still your move...
Pippin:  And she wasn't the only adult hanging out around the Took house.  Masami the handywoman never left after Benny passed away.

Pippin:  Of course, this also meant she was just hanging out instead of giving birth.
Abernathy:  Sounds like she's volunteering to be my test subject!
Pippin:  I don't think she...

Abernathy:  Let's see what happens if I do this several times during your pregnancy.  I'm hoping the baby will be rainbow striped.  It's not a very scientific hypothesis, but my artist wife would love it!

Pippin:  Eventually, she was very pale and purple-eyed and it occurred to me...
Myla:  It occurred to whom?
Pippin:  ...Myla suggested we invite her to hang out and she left about three hours later and had the baby.
Myla:  If only she lived in a house we could go visit.  Ah well.  It means an age-appropriate friend for my next baby.
Pippin:  And speaking of Myla's beautiful babies...

Pippin:  OHMYGOSH!!  Gaivan, I'm not sure that's safe child care!
Gaivan:  But I...and when he was...because I didn't...and always making sure...
Myla:  It's okay, Pippin, I'm keeping an eye on him.
Pippin:  (takes deep, calming breaths) Okay.  Thanks, Myla.  By the way, I hope young Lacy keeps the red hair and gets Gaivan's nose with your looks.
Myla:  Well, fingers crossed, I guess.
Pippin:  And speaking of young children, we need a new pollinator to ensure we have more of them.
Gaivan:  Hey, it's...because Miko and...Clark was we could!

Pippin:  Oh, Clark Ojo.  He was Miko and Raj's...first or second child, I can't recall.  Anyway, what a nice way to continue their support role for our household.
Ghost of Miko:  And ensure that we marry into the dynasty line!!
Pippin:  Yes, that too.  No pressure, Clark.

Pippin:  Oh look, he never even made it into the house.  He literally died within 10 minutes of joining the household.
Grim:  Well, timing is everything.  Anyway, I hear Johnny's son Zechariah is getting pretty old.  Maybe he'd do?

Pippin:  Yes, he'll work out just fine.  Thanks, Grim.
Grim:  No worries.  Thanks for making my job easier by gathering lots of elder males here so I can enjoy your TV, chess tables, and hanging out with the Brain Trust when I visit.
Pippin:  You're welcome!  Hey look, Wade's out front socializing as his favorite person walks by.

Miriam:  Ugh, don't tell him I'm here.
Pippin:  No worries, I think he'll be suitably distracted by Aimee.

Pippin:  So, what's going on there, fashion icon?
Aimee:  I...the wardrobe...something went horribly wrong...
Gaivan:  You...that they...and like me...because talking!
Myla:  No, sweetie, she doesn't speak your language, she's simply confused at the moment.
Gaivan:  ( noise...sigh)
Pippin:  Thank goodness he's never worked at teaching Lacy to talk!

Chantons:  Teach your children well,
                 Their father's (Cleveland) did slowly go by,
                 And feed them on your dreams
                 The one they picks, the one you'll know by.

Pippin:  ...oh no...
Wade:  Woot!  This calls for a dance party!
Pippin:  ...umm, what does?
Wade:  Pretty much anything!
Pippin:  ...fair enough.  And so, Club Pair of Grins and several of Wade's young female friends head to the dance club.

Angelica Fyres:  C'mon, sis, you've gotta get down!
Kassidy Fyres:  Or you could get out.  Just sayin'.
Pippin:  Ah, sisterly love.  And speaking of love...

Pippin:  Cierra Caliente turned out rather lovely!
Cierra:  Already got that BFF status, I'm lovely, Wade and I will be able to accomplish that soulmate aspiration in no time, Pippin.  Just a suggestion.
Pippin:  Hmmm, that could be true.  No promises though.  I kind of have a plan already.
Cierra:  The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, Pippin.
Pippin:  Hey, you're not even a bookworm!  Don't throw Steinbeck references at me!  Wait, is that...

Pippin:  Rieko!!
Gaivan:  You!  (smooches cheek)  It's so...and I didn't...because you haven't come...when we've been...
Rieko:  I know, sweetie.  Ghosts only get so much time out and about after they've been deceased for a while.  I'm keeping an eye on you and the kiddos, though. 
Gaivan:  You...and when I...because she...
Rieko:  I know.  It's fine.  Let's dance!!

Wade:  Lookin' good, Cierra!
Cierra:  Aww, thanks (thinking -That's right I'm looking good!)

Pippin:  And Zechariah is getting in some time with the Spencer-Kim/Kim-Lewis girls.
Zechariah:  Well, I had no idea ladies night was for models only.
Mariah:  Model?  Oh my, how flattering!
Sade:  Okay, buddy.  You're no Max.
Pippin:  Mariah Kim-Lewis.  Target acquired.
Mariah:  So, don't you live at that big, fancy Took house that's right next door?
Zechariah:  That's right, hot stuff.  Maybe you'd like to come visit and I could give you a personal tour?
Mariah:  Oooo, I'd love that!
Pippin:  And speaking of things that happen at the Took household,

Pippin:  Gaivan got in some quality time with Jakob.  Some much safer quality time.
Myla:  We've been practicing.
Pippin:  Thank you, Myla.
Ghost of Rieko:  Yes, thank you, Myla.  Wait.  Everybody should go fish!!

Pippin:  Why are they all fishing?  Last time I sent everyone fishing it was to avoid...oh.

Grim:  Alright!  Another excuse to visit!  Oh, and sorry for your loss.
Pippin:  Thanks, man.  You're such a pro. 
Grim:  Yeah, I do try to stay on top of things.  Speaking of, isn't something really significant about to happen?
Pippin:  ...
Grim:  A birthday?
Pippin:  ...ummm...uh...
Grim:  Wade's birthday?
Pippin:  OH!!!  Right!!
Grim:  (facepalm)
Pippin:  It's cake time!!

Pippin:  Awww, look at the cute little guy blowing out the candles.  And now, here he is as a teen.

Pippin:  Wait, what happened?
Myla:  Looks like you hit the screenshot limit for this update, Pippin.
Pippin:  Oh.  Well, I'm sure no one will mind.  Meantime, Chantons has hit level 10 of his career and has nothing left except for reaching the elder life stage.  Wade is set up to have some great success as he is finally transitioning into being able to start on his aspirations with a level 8 charisma score already in place and he has the incredibly friendly and beguiling awards to help him on his way.

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Pushing the Limit
« Reply #153 on: October 15, 2017, 08:14:57 PM »
Cruel, cruel. So we have to wait until the next update to find out whether Wade has the true Took nose. Sigh.
Another great update, and I'm so glad that Rieko isn't upset with Gaivan.
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Pushing the Limit
« Reply #154 on: October 17, 2017, 07:41:04 AM »
Cruel, cruel. So we have to wait until the next update to find out whether Wade has the true Took nose. Sigh.
Another great update, and I'm so glad that Rieko isn't upset with Gaivan.
Well, I'm not making you wait too long  ;=)
Rieko is a very kind and understanding dynasty overseer.

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, The First Day and the Third Wheels
« Reply #155 on: October 17, 2017, 07:49:43 AM »
Pippin:  When last we left the Took household, we'd "accidentally" run out of screenshot space and couldn't show Wade aged up to teen.

Pippin:  You're welcome.
Abernathy:  Oh, good heavens!  Look at his nose!  He's hideous!!
Pippin:  Excellent work on building his self-esteem there, grandpa.
Wade:  Well, guess my inadequate nose and I will grab a quick makeover.

Wade:  That's better!
Pippin:  I thought we'd agreed your theme color would be red and then I'd say something about how I'd thought you were going with pink and then you'd reply, with ample wit, that you were little at the time, so you had been going with light red!
Wade:  Well, purple has red for the symbolism of fiery passion, which fits my serial romantic aspiration, but also has blue which is symbolic of icy coldness which fits how heartless I'll be perceived to be.  See?  Symbolism!
Pippin:  ...oh...that was pretty deep.
Wade:  I'm a deep and complicated fellow.

Wade:  Hello, Cierra?  Guess who's a teen now?  What's that?  You'll be right over?  Great!
Pippin:  You're so slick.
Wade:  I know.

Pippin:  Oh my gosh she's pretty!
Wade:  Hush, Pippin, the soon-to-be-adults are talking.
Cierra:  Oh, Wade, you're so funny.  We're still besties, right?
Wade:  Of course!  Why don't you come into Casa Took?
Cierra:  Thanks.  Anyway, do you think...maybe...we might become more than just besties?
Wade:  How's this for an answer?

Cierra:  I...really liked that answer!
Wade:  How about going on a date to my house?
Cierra:  Umm, well, I suppose that wouldn't be too inconvenient. (flashes coy smile)
Wade:  Excellent, now come over here, my beauty!  (required to kiss his date and does so with flair)

Myla:  Hey kids!  Don't mind me.  Just cleaning up.
Wade:  Such a mood killer.
Myla:  Oh, so sorry that my cleaning is getting in the way of your serial...
Wade:  Ahem.
Myla:  I mean...cereal eating.  You just leave those bowls everywhere!
Pippin:  Smooth!  And a short while later, Wade has his gold medal date and sends Cierra home to finish her homework.

Cierra:  Kassidy?  What are you doing here?
Kassidy:  Well, it seems Wade and I have both aged up, so I thought I'd come over so we could study chemistry together.
Cierra:  Yeah, good luck with that. 
Kassidy:  Whatever.

Wade:  Why, Kassidy, I think I should take you to the closet immediately!
Kassidy:  Oooo, are you suggesting we get frisky, Wade?
Wade:  No.  You really need a makeover.
Kassidy:  ...oh.

Wade:  Lookin' good, Kass!  (flexes)
Kassidy:  (Laughs) You too, Wade.
Wade:  (moves closer) In fact, I never realized just how beautiful you truly are.

Kassidy:  Oh Wade.
Myla:  Yeah, she's okay.  I think Cierra was prettier.
Wade:  Not helping.
Pippin:  Myla, would you go make sure Gaivan isn't trying to juggle your children again?
Myla:  Oh, sure thing.
Wade:  Thanks, Pippin.  Anyway, where were we, Kass?  Oh, I remember...

Pippin:  Well, it's been another successful home date.
Wade:  I think it's about time to stretch my wings a bit.
Pippin:  And I know who that will be with.  Wade only knows one other female teen and met her as a child.  Keisha Cowan, she's a mean teen, though she'll be an equally mean young adult really soon.

Wade:  Yep.  Gotta love those older ladies.  So, wanna hit the Stargazer Lounge, Keisha?
Keisha:  That sounds like a nice change of pace.  We aren't going to play chess again, are we?
Wade:  Nope.  Maybe there are other things we could do for fun?
Keisha:  I like the sound of that.

Kiana:  You'd just better watch yourself with my little girl, young man!
Wade:  Oh.  You brought your mom.
Keisha:  (sigh) Not my idea.  Let's sit over here away from the bar where she can't see us as well and we'll be out of range of her hearing aids.
Wade:  Sounds good!

Keisha:  Well, you've grown up nicely, dynasty boy.
Wade:  Why, thank you.  And you no doubt realize I've had a bit of a crush on you since I was a child.
Keisha:  Oh heavens, and here I'd thought it was my chess skill that you were after.  (laughs)
Wade:  And now here we are, alone together.

Lana:  Well hey, kids!  Wade?  It's me, Lana.  Lana Lacey?  I'm that vampire who hangs around your house now and then.
Wade:  Oh.  Hi, Lana.  We were kind of...
Lana:  Did you know I've not been a pollinator target?  Thinking I must be a spouse option.  Yep!
Wade:  We kind of wanted to have some time al...
Lana:  So, which generation do you think I'm being saved for?  Is it you, maybe?  I must say, you're quite a handsome...
Keisha:  Alright, vamp lady.  Walk away now while your legs still work.
Lana:  I'm sorry, what?
Keisha:  I am about two seconds away from breaking your knee caps.
Lana:  I...
Keisha:  Bye bye!
Lana:  (walks away)
Wade:  Wow, that was impressive!  I beg you, please don't turn that wrath on me (laughs)

Keisha:  No no, beg properly.  On your knees.
Wade:  Oh, Keisha, you are a delight!  May I...well, I suppose there's no passion if I just ask, so...

Keisha:  Mmmm, yes you may!
Pippin:  He's doing so well!  And all three are his girlfriends, so a head start on that as well.  Oh, he needs to kiss 10 Sims and this is the only one that has counted so far.  I'll send you to multiple spots and jump back and forth between that and the Friend of the World aspiration since we'll be meeting new people.

Pippin:  Meeting lots of new people!
Wade:  Hey, Pippin, Alexandria Stoddard is rather lovely.
Pippin:  The blonde?  Yeah, she's cute.  I have things planned for you, though.  Now let's meet more people.
Wade:  Do my plans matter?
Pippin:  Nope!  I checked with Izumi and we decided I'm choosing for you.
Wade:  Whatever.
Pippin:  And as he gets in another kiss and meets more people in more places...

Pippin:  we discover that questionable fashion choices seem to be genetic.
Miriam:  (sigh)  It's not bad enough that I'm the less attractive sister and essentially some strange, morbid fascination for a spoiled heir, but now I'm also the victim of unwatched Sim fashion sense.  I hate my life.
Pippin:  No no, you really make that look work.
Miriam:  (glares)
Pippin:  What?  I kept a straight face and everything!
Miriam:  Ugh.
Pippin:  And in the course of only his first day as a teen, Wade is halfway through the serial romantic aspiration (and simply waiting for more teen options) and is three fourths of the way through the friend of the world aspiration.  Now, let's head home for a Rally the Troops before you head off to school.
Wade:  Okay!

Robyn:  Who are you?
Wade:  Wade!  Oh, that's right, you didn't see me age up.
Robyn:   Wade who?
Fluffy:  Moo mOOoo MOO moo.
Robyn:  Oh?  He was that kid who kept eating my cake?
Fluffy:  MooMOO moo MoooOOOooo.
Robyn:  Oh.  Well, I guess you're less annoying now, Gabe.
Wade:  Thanks, mom!  And it's Wade, not Gabe.  Now let's rally those troops!
Robyn:  Okay, but then I'm taking my nap.

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The First Day and the Third Wheels
« Reply #156 on: October 17, 2017, 10:37:58 AM »
One could make the case that rejection by his mother is what turned Wade into a serial romantic. On the other hand, we know it's his Watcher.

R.I.P. the nose.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The First Day and the Third Wheels
« Reply #157 on: October 17, 2017, 12:13:19 PM »
Wow, poor Clark Ojo makes his appearance at last as a pollinator then never even makes it inside the front door!
Rest in peace Clark Ojo. You, too, Summer Holiday! (good thing she waited until Wade was almost a teen, eh Robyn?)

Yeah, it's annoying that those first two of three First Kisses count for the "Kiss 10 Sims" goal!
Did Wade call Cierra and Kassidy back or did he burn through new loves?

Awwww, poor Miriam in her one-piece swimsuit over slacks. Will she ever become one of Wade's conquests, I wonder.

Farewell to the Took nose. Robyn, I'm blaming you!  *shakes fist
Nice work, Wade!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The First Day and the Third Wheels
« Reply #158 on: October 19, 2017, 10:16:14 PM »
One could make the case that rejection by his mother is what turned Wade into a serial romantic. On the other hand, we know it's his Watcher.

R.I.P. the nose.
I'm certain it was Robyn's fault and not mine  ;=)
Yes, we gather together today to mourn the loss of the nose.  Hopefully it will come back somehow someway.

Wow, poor Clark Ojo makes his appearance at last as a pollinator then never even makes it inside the front door!
Rest in peace Clark Ojo. You, too, Summer Holiday! (good thing she waited until Wade was almost a teen, eh Robyn?)

Yeah, it's annoying that those first two of three First Kisses count for the "Kiss 10 Sims" goal!
Did Wade call Cierra and Kassidy back or did he burn through new loves?

Awwww, poor Miriam in her one-piece swimsuit over slacks. Will she ever become one of Wade's conquests, I wonder.

Farewell to the Took nose. Robyn, I'm blaming you!  *shakes fist
Nice work, Wade!
Eh, I was anticipating having to redo the first couple of kisses.  Wade's biggest issue is that there are only a few of the gals in town who are teens.  In fact, running the math, I determined he was going to come up one teen girl shy of being able to complete the aspiration.  Good thing I'm a creative problem solver  :=)
Miriam and Aimee and super unfortunate with uncontrolled Sim wardrobe issues.

Next up:  an update that it took (no pun intended) me way too many revisions to finalize.

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, It Doesn't Count
« Reply #159 on: October 19, 2017, 10:17:35 PM »
Pippin:  We rejoin the Tooks to find Wade working away at finishing that serial romantic aspiration.

Wade:  Hey, Amelia!
Amelia:  What's up, doofblossom?
Wade:  Umm, didn't you have a teen sister last time I was here?
Amelia:  Yeah, but she's a young adult now.  I have a teen brother?
Wade:  ...oh...guess I'll invite him over.

Wade:  So, just step into the closet really quick, okay?
Barrett:  Umm, alright...?

Barrett:  Oh my goodness!  I've never felt so attractive!  Thanks, Wade!
Pippin:  Oh my gosh, she's so cute!
Barrett:  Umm, still a guy...
Wade:  Well, this makes things a bit more tolerable.
Pippin:  Way to make a girl feel special!
Barrett:  Still a guy.
Wade:  Eh, still awkward.  Let me just...kiss your hands...

(registers kiss for aspiration)
Wade:  That counts?!?!?  We're done?!?  AWESOME!!!  (skips happily out of the room)
Barrett:  ...should I...should I call you later?
Pippin:  I think you should.

Angelica:  Don't worry, Wade, the attractive Fyres sister finally aged up!
Pippin:  Hmm, they're like the Pancake twins, only not as attractive.
Angelica:  HEY!
Wade:  Oh, don't mind him, Angelica...

Wade:  you and I know how gorgeous you are.
Angelica:  Oh Wade, when we're together, it feels like you and I are the only ones in the whole universe.
Wade:  ...

Angelica:  Umm, Wade?  Hellooooo?!?!
Wade:  Oh, sorry.  I was lost in thought...about how you aged up even more lovely than I'd imagined.
Pippin:  Smooth!  Oh, Jayden Gupta aged up!  Go get her!

Wade:  Oh my heavens!
Jayden:  What?  Is something wrong?  I look silly in the dress, don't I?  Sorry, I was trying to look pretty...
Wade:  NO!  No, it's not that at all!  You''re beautiful!
Jayden:  (blushes)  You don't really mean that.  You're just trying to be polite.
Wade:  No, I do.

(aspiration registers kiss)
Pippin:  Woot!  Done here.
Wade:  That didn't count!
Jayden:  What...?

Jayden:  I...(contented sigh)
Wade:  That also didn't count!

Pippin:  Hey, isn't that Aimee Foy in the background?
Aimee:  Yeah, I'm a knight.  Shouldn't I be a princess?
Pippin:  Why are the Foy sisters stalking you?
Wade:  Sorry, can't talk. Jayden needs mouth to mouth.
Pippin:  But she isn't...oooooooohhh!
Jayden:  (more contented sighing)
Pippin:  Anyway, Lacy aged up and is adorable!!

Pippin:  No idea what Gaivan is whispering to her, but odds are decent that she also doesn't know.
Lacy:  Yeah, pretty sure he was saying something about fish with purple tacos and my mom, sooooooo...
Pippin:  Yeah, I get confused too.  Also, her younger brother Jakob aged up.

Jakob:  So, is my nose gonna end up that pointy?
Lacy:  I sure hope mine does!!
Jakob:  ...I hope I take after mom.
Pippin:  Meantime, Wade is working on athletics as one of his non-unique skills.

Vlad:  I thought you were a Took?
Wade:  I am, why?
Vlad:  Your nose is so...
Wade:  (sigh) I know.
Pippin:  Speaking of working out, he invites Amelia to the gym after she ages up.

Wade:  ...
Amelia:  What, doofball?
Wade:  You''re just so...that you grew...and you're...
Amelia:  Wow.  Has your great grandpa been giving you speaking lessons?
Wade:'re...can we are have kissing?
Amelia:  Whoa, slow your roll, Romeo!  What kind of Sim rushes into smooching nonsense?  That's crazy.
Pippin:  Yeah, and besides, I have plans for you already.  Stop acting like you've fallen for the blue-haired girl!  Now get a kiss so we can check that off the list.
Amelia:  Fine, you may kiss my hands.
Wade:  I you are hands goddess love!

Amelia:  Ooookay.  Let's shoot some hoops, doof.
Wade:  I'm she are call doof!
Pippin:  Snap out of it.  I.  Have.  PLANS.

Wade: Ha.  I mean.  HahahahHAHAHAHAHA!
Amelia:  Alright, Smarty McDoofkins, let's see you any better!

Amelia:  Show off.
Wade:  If you got it, flaunt it!
Pippin:  He learned to speak!
Amelia:  About time.
Pippin:  And back at the house...

Pippin:  Someone forgot to set the satellite dish to "prevent abductions."
Myla:  Isn't it your job to remember to have that done?
Pippin:  I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how innocent I am.
Wade:  I'm inviting her over.
Pippin:  Who?

Wade:  Dad, this is Amelia.  She's perfect and I'm crazy about her.
Amelia:  Well, he's definitely crazy.  Not sure if I'm actually involved in that.
Abernathy:  I like this one.
Wade:  Alright, c'mere you.

Amelia:  No.  You're doing this silly romantic cereal aspirater thing. 
Wade:  But I...
Amelia:  Nope.  Not going to be any part of that.
Wade:  I...the aspiration was...I just need to...
Amelia:  And I think my brother has a crush on you.
Wade:  But I...
Pippin:  You heard the lady, move on.  Besides...I.  Have.  A.  PLAN!
Chantons:  Does anybody really know what time it is
                 Does anybody really care
                 If so I can't imagine why
                 We've all got time enough to cry

Pippin:  Oh, it's cake time!

Pippin:  It's sweet how you're all here for him.
Gaivan:  And because...with that...and cake...
Pippin:  Yes, you did bake that cake...?
Myla:  No, he's super excited about Chantons joining them for the fish cake.
Pippin:  Ooooooooh!  Well, Chantons, you're an elder now.  What's the first ting you want to do?

Pippin:  Oh.  That makes sense.  Ummm, what are you doing Gaivan?

Gaivan:  That it...with our...because he can...
Pippin:  You know he doesn't need that right away, right?  I mean, he'll join you in about a week or so?  Next time you and Abernathy need it?
Myla:  Just let him enjoy his moment, Pippin.
Pippin:  Umm, okay.  Anyway, Chantons has everything in place and will just need to eat his fishcake on Monday to cement his place as an immortal.  Meantime, Wade is at level 8 of charisma, level 5 of video gaming, and level 5 in athletics.  He has under a week left of his teen years and is in good shape since I have a plan.
Wade:  But what about what I want?
Pippin:  I.  Have.  A.  PLAN!

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The First Day and the Third Wheels
« Reply #160 on: October 20, 2017, 05:58:34 AM »
Sorry, Jayden! Wade might have given you mouth-to-mouth, but don't take it seriously!
It only happened because he met you before Amelia aged up to a teen...

They're like the Pancake twins but less attractive. <--Loved this line, too!

Thank you for another great update! :D

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, It Doesn't Count
« Reply #161 on: October 21, 2017, 02:16:00 AM »
As Marian said R.I.P to the nose :-( But, if you want a silver lining, Wade's nose has the same shape as his dad, jut not the length/provenience...

Totally shipping Wadmelia like crazy so that better be your PLAN Pip *glares at Pippin but with adoration and respect, but, still glares*
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, It Doesn't Count
« Reply #162 on: October 23, 2017, 09:40:52 PM »
Sorry, Jayden! Wade might have given you mouth-to-mouth, but don't take it seriously!
It only happened because he met you before Amelia aged up to a teen...

They're like the Pancake twins but less attractive. <--Loved this line, too!

Thank you for another great update! :D
Jayden was lovely.  Actually, there were a bunch of very lovely options!  I think Wade had more excellent options than any previous heir.  Usually, it was only two really strong candidates each generation.  Wade had Amelia, Cierra, Jayden, Kelsi Pancakes, Eileen Goth, and several young adult options he hadn't gotten a chance to be romantic with yet.
Glad you enjoyed the update.

As Marian said R.I.P to the nose :-( But, if you want a silver lining, Wade's nose has the same shape as his dad, jut not the length/provenience...

Totally shipping Wadmelia like crazy so that better be your PLAN Pip *glares at Pippin but with adoration and respect, but, still glares*
Maybe the nose will make a comeback (I hope).
Wadmelia.  Yeah, they're adorable, but they were totally not my plan!  I had just started that whole toddlerhood shipping as a red herring.  Of course, then they ended up being adorable together as teens, so things got more complicated.  Actually, I'm about to post an update all about it  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, Lacing 'em Up
« Reply #163 on: October 23, 2017, 09:41:28 PM »
Pippin:  We return to a Took household where the Watcher has a plan!  Oh, hi, Myla.
Myla:  Hey, Pippin.  I've decided to take care of the whole issue between you and Wade.

Pippin:  Wait, you did what? 
Myla:  I called in the big guns.
Pippin:  Big guns?
Myla:  I believe you're being summoned?
Pippin:  Huh?  Oh, I am...

Lacy:  Alright, gents, listen up!  You're about to work through your problem, Lacy-style!
Wade:  I'm sorry, what?
Pippin:  Haha!  She yelled at you!
Lacy:  Pippin!
Pippin:  I'm sorry, ma'am.
Lacy:  That's better.  Now, fatso, hit the treadmill and tell me your side of this.

Wade:  Okay, so I...wait, fatso?
Lacy:  More telling, less whining!
Wade:  So, I thought this whole serial romantic thing looked good at first and thought it would be all fun and exciting, but then Amelia aged up and she was so perfect and we've always been super close and I'm her doofblossom and she's just the best and...
Lacy:  Alright, run-on sentence, that's enough.  Stalker...
Pippin:  Watcher, thank you.
Lacy:  Whatever, your turn!
Pippin:  Alright, first off, I've got to tell a good and entertaining story.  Secondly, I've got an heir going into the political career, and it made sense to marry into a big name family.

Pippin:  Third, Lilliana Langraab is lovely!
Wade:  Wait, the ditz?
Liliana:  Those are called weights, but you're not actually doing any waiting!
Pippin:  See?  She'd be hilarious to write!  Also, Wade was doing the whole serial romantic thing, so I was going to let him have a mistress.
Liliana:  Who's Miss Tress?
Pippin:  She's hilarious!
Lacy:  Okay, Wade, spend some time with the bubblehead and let's see if there's anything spark-like.

Liliana:  Having a ball!  It's a ball!  I have it!
Lacy:  Yeah, she's hilarious.
Wade:  Don't get me wrong, she's gorgeous and all, but she's just no Amelia.
Liliana:  A meal of ya!
Pippin:  Hilarious!  And look!  There's Miriam!

Pippin:  I thought she'd make a hilarious choice for the mistress since she's always so negative.
Miriam:  Oh gee, and here I thought pollinator fodder was my best case scenario.  I had no clue that I had the option of being a homewrecker.  Isn't this just such great news.
Pippin:  Sarcasm!  Hilarious!
Wade:  Umm, maybe something more serious, like the love I have for Amelia, is better than blatantly pushing for comedy?

Pippin:  Blasphemy!
Lacy:  Eh, the weird-nosed kid's got a point.
Pippin:  But if he picks Amelia, we have to wait a whole week into his young adulthood for her to age up and to get gen 5 brought in!
Lacy:  Oh gee, if only you had an adorable figure like the only natural-born female Took to focus on until then.  OH WAIT, you do.
Pippin:  Wow, you're so sassy!
Wade:  So...I can be with Amelia?
Pippin:  (sigh) Fine.
Liliana:  I can make a giraffe noise!  Wrabledootleptthhhh!
Lacy:  Good choice, everyone.  Now go get your girl, fatso.
Wade:  Okay...wait...fatso again?  And I need to finish this aspiration so I can just be with her.
Pippin:  But there are no teen girls available for those last two kisses.
Wade:  (sigh) I know...

Wade:  Ugh, gotta wash my mouth out with soap.

Wade:  YUCK!!  Maybe wash my mouth out with battery acid.
Pippin:  But you're done with that now!
Wade:  Now for the three dates...with Amelia!

Wade:  And I'm done with all of that aspiration stuff and you're the only girl for me and I love you and stuff!!
Amelia:  And you're still a doof.  A sweet doof, but still a doof.
Wade:  You have no idea what sacrifices I made just to be with you.
Pony-tail Langraab Boy:  So...guess I'm not getting another kiss?
Boxer Shorts Guy:  So...guess I should go put my clothes back on?
Amelia:  I think I could guess at these "sacrifices."

Pippin:  Yeah, they're adorable.
Lacy:  See?  This is why you should always let me be in charge.
Pippin:  Umm, I think you're pushing it now.
Lacy:  Yeah, but I can get away with it, 'cuz I'm cute.
Pippin:  It's true.

Wade:  I give you this ring as a symbol that I will always and only love you.
Amelia:  Correct.  Only me.

Amelia:  And if you stray at all I will ring your neck.
Wade:  (gulp) Understood!
Amelia:  And by the way, you kind of still have seven other girlfriends...well, six girlfriends and my brother.
Wade:  Understood.

Wade:  So...Cierra...this isn't going to be easy to say...but I think we...
Cierra:  You and Amelia are together.  I get it.  You two have always been perfect together.
Wade:  I...really?
Cierra:  Oh yeah.  I'm just glad you and I can still be friends.

Wade:  Cierra, that was awesome!  you're the best BFF EVER!
Cierra:  Yeah, it's true.
Pippin:  And she would have made an awesome spouse.  Wade, how do you feel about a primary and secondary spouse?
Wade:  No way, Pippin!  You know, I think I'm going to break up with all the rest of them at once since Cierra has shown me how easy and wonderful this is!
Pippin:  Worst idea ever.

Wade:  Hey, girlfriends!
Barrett:  Still a guy.
Wade:  So, you know how Amelia and I are awesome together, right?  So I'm breaking up with all of you.
Girlfriends:  (groans of derision and crying)

Eileen Goth:  Umm, I'm not even dating him.  Why am I here?
Pippin:  Because you're lovely and I wanted to show you off.
Eileen:  Fair enough.
Barrett:  Wade, why would you leave me?!?!?
Pippin:  Okay, I think we're finished here.  Let's head out for a dance party!

Lacy:  Yeah, so Pippin had gotten all ridiculous about stuff, so I had to straighten things out.
Grim:  Good work, Lacy!  You're awesome!
Lacy:  You get me, Grim.  You really get me.
Pippin:  And another pairing was getting in some quality time.

Abernathy:  Hey, test subject.
Izumi:  Hey, weirdo.
Abernathy:  Wanna do some research in the coat closet?
Izumi:  I thought you'd never ask!

Wade:  Amelia, you are the most wonderful woman in the world and I so totally don't deserve you...
Amelia:  That's true.
Wade:  but you already accepted the ring, so you're stuck.
Amelia:  Smooth, doofball!
Pippin:  And of course, everyone's favorite couple also got in some time.

Candy:  Oh, my dear Chantons, I'm afraid I'm nothing but a ghost of my former, glorious self.
Chantons:  More than a woman
                 More than a woman to me
                 More than a woman
                 More than a woman to me

Candy:  Oh, Chantons.  You're such a charmer.
Pippin:  And married.
Candy:  Hush, Pippin.
Pippin:  And after a successful dance party, we head back to the house.

Wade:  C'mere you!
Amelia:  Oh my!

Lacy:  Alright, impromptu Brain Trust meeting.  Things are going well.  We kind of got stuck with Robyn, but Amelia should help get us back on track.
Fluffy:  MooOO moo MOO MoOOOoo?
Abernathy:  Yes.  We really should move her in so we can control her final trait when she ages up.
Lacy:  Excellent!  Next order of business, I'm appointing myself princess and demanding a tribute of ice cream be paid for my magnificence.
Pippin:  Yep.  That seems about right.  Things are going well.  Good thing I've got a plan.

Pippin:  Okay, forget the plan.

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Lacing 'em Up
« Reply #164 on: October 23, 2017, 10:46:33 PM »
Yay, Amelia! Welcome to the family. Please tell me Lacy is on the short list for Gen 5 spouse because she is hysterical and knows how to get the job done. Congrats on completing Serial Romantic so early, Wade. You are well on your way.