Author Topic: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Completed!  (Read 230830 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Song and Dance
« Reply #75 on: July 22, 2017, 04:33:42 PM »
Give the poor guy a new name if you can't remember?  ;) Chantons is a great name, I'm not biased towards it at all.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Song and Dance
« Reply #76 on: July 24, 2017, 09:32:14 PM »
A panicking father is absolutely necessary to successful childbirth.
Looking forward to seeing Navya and Johnny's offspring! And Chantons as a toddler, too. It'll be interesting to see if he keeps the nose.
With the dance machine trait, your nameless pollinator can take disco naps between sessions.
Yeah, Sims pregnancies do require a paternal freak-out  ;=)
I'm also excited to see if the nose continues to show up!

Awwww c'mon. Your romantic, music lovin' dance machine is cool! Check him out puckering up for the kill!
Tell us his name! It's not Pippin, is it?!

So, is Johnny/Summer's kid a future spouse/helper? Has Johnny left his pollinating ways behind?

Congratz, Abernathy, on nabbing those gold medals! And welcome to the Took household, Chantons!
A delightful update!
He has a name.  It's not Pippin.  It will appear briefly in the next update  ;=)  I just thought the no-name routine was a fun way to make him unique as a character.
Johnny does not pollinate anyone other than Navya now.  I'm trying to have as many unrelated spouse options as possible.  Given that I had 4 pollinators starting out, and have diversified some since then, we should be in good shape!

Give the poor guy a new name if you can't remember?  ;) Chantons is a great name, I'm not biased towards it at all.
Chant and Chantons.  Hadn't even thought of that!  Be biased.  It's perfectly fine.  I get biased in every story I read  ;=)

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Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, Of Love and Loss, Part One
« Reply #77 on: July 24, 2017, 11:58:32 PM »
Pippin:  When last we joined the Took household, we'd been introduced to young Chantons.

Pippin:  Aww, he's fussing.
Izumi:  It's okay.  He settles right down when I sing to him.
           Hush, little baby, don't say a word
           Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird

Pippin:  First off, this household is way too wealthy to be glorifying the ability to buy something as simple as a bird, and secondly, what sort of horrible present for a baby is a bird?  They're gross and carry diseases and they're terrifying!!
Izumi: know it's just a song, right?
Pippin:  ...I may have overreacted, yes.  Speaking of baby Chantons and things being done for him, Raj and Miko are making sure to provide another spouse or friend option for him.

Miko:  Alright!  You ready to try again, Raj?
Raj:  Just...let me...catch my...breath...a minute...
Pippin:  It's nice to see how devoted they are to their role supporting the dynasty.

Abernathy:  So, Marissa, my wife used to be a vampire and would drink her food, so I invented this synthetic food that's also liquid. 
Marissa:  Oh, that's so sweet of you!
Abernathy:  Thanks.  Would you like to try it?
Marissa:  Oh, sure.

Marissa:  (gulp gulp) Ooooo, that tastes fine, but it's making me...feel kind of...weird.  Did you test this out...?
Abernathy:  Doing that right now!

Abernathy:  So, looks like it needs a bit more work.  Thanks for your help, Marissa.
Marissa:  (snore)
Pippin:  And New Pollinator Guy continues his new pollinating ways.

New Pollinator Guy:  So, Summer, not that we aren't happy to see you, but Kiana and I were looking for some time alone, so...
Summer:  Okay, but seriously Kiana, can you believe that I've been alive this long, eaten all that cake, and still look this awesome?!?!?  Seriously!  Just look at this hot bod!  I mean, I'm beautiful, right?!?
Kiana:  ...I feel so uncomfortable right now...
Pippin:  And speaking of beautiful...

Pippin:  Gaivan took this photo of Izumi to go with Abernathy's painting on the upstairs wall.  Totally just showing this picture for that reason and not anything else.
Izumi:  Not because I'm a gorgeous redhead.
Pippin:  Psh.  Definitely not.  As if I go out of my way to show off beautiful redheads.
Izumi:  That's so convincing.
Pippin:  Thanks.  I think everybody bought it.  Anyway, Raj has been getting older, and he finally got that first warning from Grim, so I finally followed through on letting him go visit his family.
Rieko:  Because I reminded you to.
Pippin:  Well...yeah...

Raj:  Why have I never even seen the door to my wife's apartment before?
Pippin:  Less whining, more sentimental interaction!!

Raj:  Hey, Gretch!  I'm afraid I've gotten my first warning from Grim, so I wanted to...(sigh) I just wanted to make sure you knew how much I love you kids even though I haven't been around that much.
Gretchen:  (tries not to start crying)

Raj:  Aww, what a handsome little fellow!  Grow up to be a great friend to little Chantons, okay?  Somebody's gotta take care of the Tooks once your daddy and Auntie Rieko aren't around to do it.

Gretchen:  (completely fails to hold the tears back)
Carl:  There there, sis.  Dad's not gone yet.
Gretchen:  (bawls like a baby)
Pippin:  Meantime, back at the dynasty house, New Pollinator Guy and Kiana finally got some time to themselves.

New Pollinator Guy:  Kiana, you are such a vision.  I hope we have daughters who are just as beautiful as you!
Kiana:  Oh, Vivaan!
Pippin:  Who's Vivaan?
New Pollinator Guy:  That's my name.  My actual name.  Not just some random title.
Pippin:  Whoa, don't get all worked up.  I mean, that's bad for your heart.

Kiana:  Whoa!!  That was amazing!  Both times!!
New Pollinator Guy:  I...don't good...

Rieko:  Oh my goodness!  What happened?!?
Kiana:  Well, we were...and then he...
Miko:  Death by overpollinating?

Grim:  Well, Miko, actually, it happens more than you might think.  Anyway, sooooooo Kiana, I guess you're single now, eh?
Kiana:  Dude!!!  Not the time!!!
Pippin:  Darned flirty aura room.
Grim:  Okay.  So....I'll call you tomorrow?
Kiana:  ...yeah, that would be fine.
Pippin:  We'll miss you, New Pollinator Guy.  Sorry for not noticing that negative moodlet, but if a pollinator has to pass away, that's how you do it with style.  And on the same day that New Pollinator Guy passes...

Pippin:  Woot!!  Happy birthday, Rieko!!  You didn't want a party?
Rieko:  I really don't want people to see me as an old and brittle woman.

Rieko:  OWW!!  My back!!
Pippin:  Hey, bad back or not, you're still the backbone this dynasty's built on.
Rieko:  Aww, thanks, Pippin.

Rieko:  Being healthy.  Want to see Chantons age up at least to child if not teen.
Pippin:  Fingers crossed so hard!   And speaking of Chantons aging up...

Pippin:  Awww, another little redhead!
Izumi:  Let's hope he gets my nose...and good looks.
Abernathy:  Hey, what's wrong with my nose?
Izumi:  It's a bit, pointy...which is like saying a whale is a bit large.
Abernathy:  Psh, it's dashing and sophisticated.
Izumi:  Just enjoy that I love you despite your nose.
Abernathy:  Not because of it?
Izumi:  No.  Definitely no.
Pippin:  That little toddler is going to be spoiled, not unlike someone else who lives in this household.

Rieko:  Oooooooooo yeah.  That's the spot.
Gaivan:  And I'm....cause you...and so happy that...because...and still....that you have...such beautiful...
Rieko:  Awww, thanks, baby.
Pippin:  That was probably really sweet.

Johnny:  So, when you grow up, you can be anything you want.  You could even be a famous comedian like good old Uncle Johnny.
Chantons:  (hums to himself)
Johnny:  You know, you could even be my son-in-law.  I mean, there are lots of options if you decide to go that way.
Chantons:  (hums another tune)
Johnny:  You're one of the better conversationalists in this house, really.  Most people would have already gone off to do some sort of skilling or points-grabbing or mood maintenance by now.
Izumi:  Alright, Johnny, thanks for filling up Chantons' social needs.  We need to go do some potty training now.

Johnny:  ...I feel so lonely now.  Think I need to call Navya over.
Pippin:  Darn right you do!  You two and Raj and Miko had the nerve to have sons instead of daughters!

Pippin:  Oh.  I guess Raj and Miko have already addressed that issue.
Miko:  My bloodline is so going to marry into this family!!

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, Of Love and Loss, Part Two
« Reply #78 on: July 24, 2017, 11:59:04 PM »

Pippin:  Oh, look who's reached level 8 of his career already!
Abernathy:  Well, I had a little help.
Pippin:  You mean your supportive family and loving wife?

Abernathy:  Sure.  Let's go with that.
Pippin:  But Gaivan gets home from work to meet with less happy news.

Gaivan: and...'cause Grim was...that I...Raj my...grief!
Pippin:  Indeed.

Candy:  Hey, what's all the commotion out here?  I was trying to shower.
Pippin:  Totally the wrong time, Candy...not that there's ever a right time...
Miko:  No!  My ridiculous moron!  You can't leave me!!
Grim:  I' sorry...

Pippin:  Thank goodness little Chantons wasn't outside to see that.
Izumi:  Hush, Pippin, I'm singing him to sleep.
Pippin:  Looks to me like you're reading.
Izumi:  It's a songbook.  Those exist.
Pippin:  Fair enough.  And so, with the sad losses of New Pollinator Guy and Raj, Gaivan and Abernathy decided the household needed something to liven things up and take everyone's minds off the losses.

Abernathy:  Woot woot!  New pollinators!!
Pippin:  Wow.  So, your mindset is like when someone loses a dog and goes out a gets a puppy?
Abernathy:  Totally!  Everyone will be so distracted by all the ladies coming in and out that they'll be too busy to think about Raj and...whoever that other guy was.
Pippin:  That's really cold, but fairly logical, actually.
Abernathy:  Hey, cold and logical is kind of my thing.
Pippin:  And so, we add Marcus Flex, one of the original townies who now has a bubbling elder bar, and Otto Dyer, a randomly created gym trainer who also has a bubbling elder bar, to our household.

Johnny:  Alright, young padawan...
Marcus:  Young?
Johnny:  Fair point.  Alright, padawn, the goal is less to create as many children as possible and more to create daughters in as many households as possible.  Once a daughter shows up, just stop.
Marcus:  ...really?  Not how I thought this job worked.
Johnny:  See?  It's harder than it looks.  Now get to it!

Marcus:  Jade, my oldest and dearest friend, I've been crazy about you for as long as I've known you.
Jade:  What?  Really?
Marcus:  Yes.  However, I saw how happy you were with Jeremy, so I was simply happy that you were happy.  Now, as I'm nearing the end of my days, I had to let you know how I felt.
Jade:  Oh, Marcus, I've always been crazy about you too!
Johnny:  The Force is strong with this one.
Pippin:  Indeed.

Pippin:  Very indeed.  Wonder how Otis is doing?
Otis:  (flexes)
Belle:  (swoon)

Both:  (smooch)
Pippin:  Wow, he's really got a way with words.

Belle:  Oh my!  That's the best shift I've ever worked!  Come by anytime, Otis.
Otis:  You got it, babe.
Pippin:  Oh look, the next mixologist is just lovely.

Otis:  Babe, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
Sylvia:  Really?
Otis:  Well, at least the most beautiful woman in the room.  Top three, anyway.
Sylvia:  (giggles) Oh, you horrid tease!
Otis:  Have you, perchance, seen the inside of the coat closet?
Sylvia:  The coat closet?

Sylvia:  Oh my!
Pippin:  Wait, she's got a glowy flirty aura.  You mean she's that pretty and an alien?!?  Well done, Otis!
Johnny:  Also my padawn.  Just sayin'.
Pippin:  Don't hurt your arm patting your own back.
Johnny:  Good call.  I'm not as young as I used to be.
Pippin:  Funny you should mention that...

Johnny:  I'm going to look so awesome being so old but having such a hot young wife!!
Pippin:  Oh, Johnny, you're such a stereotype.

Johnny:  Ugh, this instantly became less cool.

Navya:  Oh.  I guess you're really old now, so I think we should split up.
Johnny: do?
Navya:  Nah, I'm just messing with you!  Come here!

Navya:  Whoo!  Now go take a nap, grandpa, and then we'll try for baby again...10 or 20 times.
Johnny:  So love you.  So very very love you.
Pippin:  And speaking of older men having children with younger women, Gaivan and Rieko went out to meet one of Victor's offspring.

Rieko:  She's definitely pretty, even when she's bored-looking.  How are her traits, honey?
Gaivan:  She's got...and genius....because
Pippin:  Good heavens!  She's like the second coming of Gemma Goth!
Rieko:  Did you seriously just drop a Spiffendale reference?
Pippin:  ...maybe...but seriously!  She's a pretty redhead with awesome traits and only a teen!
Rieko:  Nope.  No arranged marriage.  She can be an option, but we're letting Chantons pick his own bride.
Pippin:  ...but you promised to put a solid wife in place before you leave me!
Rieko:  Well, I'm not saying I like her, but Izumi's really come along as a spouse.
Pippin:  So, you're saying she's doing a good job?
Rieko:  Yes.
Pippin:  And that you're glad Abernathy picked her?
Rieko:  ...yes.  But if you tell her I will eat ambrosia and ruin this whole dynasty!
Pippin:  My lips are sealed.  However, there have definitely been some nice bonding moments between you two.

Rieko:  I made coffee.
Izumi:  Oh?
Rieko:  You could have some, if you want.
Izumi:  Thanks.
Pippin:  Awww, so sweet!  And who could forget this bonding moment?

Otis:  Oh, sorry ladies.
Rieko:  Umm...uhhh...
Izumi:  Hmmmm...

Otis:  I just heard the little guy whining, but it looks like you've got it under control.
Rieko:  Uh...ummm...uh...
Izumi:  Hmmm-mm-mmm...
Otis:  Well, okay then.  I guess I'll just get back to what I was doing.  (leaves)
Rieko:  Alright, we gush to each other about this for the next 15 minutes, then we never speak of it again.
Izumi:  Deal!

Otis:  Sorry about that, Elsa, just had to check in on little Chantons.
Elsa:  Oh, Otis, you'll make such a great father!
Pippin:  Yes, hopefully multiple times.  And to bring this update to a close...
Rieko:  Dance party!!!

Pippin:  And so, Abernathy is two promotions, the rewards (for which he already has the points), and the friends (who are in place, but need to survive that long) away from filling all of his requirements.  Woot woot!

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Of Love and Loss, Parts One & Two
« Reply #79 on: July 25, 2017, 04:01:01 AM »
Pippin, you are working your pollinators to the bone!
Poor whatz-his-name! No sooner do we learn his name then he's gone!
Due to their lengthy time spent as gym rats, however, Marcus Flex and Otis might get a few extra days over the ordinary sim.

I do agree that the redheaded daughter of Vincent is very lovely.
Rieko says that Chantons will be picking his own bride, and I'm very much looking forward to meeting the spouse candidates.

What's with Candy and Summer? Have they become card-carrying nudists?
Candy, seriously, pull yourself together. I cringe whenever you appear in a screenshot.  :'( 
Ask Abernathy to fix you up with a Slimify serum or something. Sadly, you have become an eyesore--it's not even funny.

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Of Love and Loss, Parts One & Two
« Reply #80 on: July 25, 2017, 08:32:03 AM »
I'm not sure Marcus Flex was a good choice. He's handsome and a wonderful Sim -- good with children and all that -- but he's still very much alive in my story and he should have died a long time ago.
Chantons is adorable, of course. And I enjoyed Rieko and Izumi's "bonding" moments.
Sorry about Raj and the other guy.
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Of Love and Loss, Parts One & Two
« Reply #81 on: July 25, 2017, 11:04:37 AM »
We find out his name only to lose him, poor New Pollinator Guy. Raj was gone too soon in my opinion! From here on out I support Chantons as the best Took ever. I'm looking forward to all the other options for Chantons future bride but that red head is a wonderful catch. While oshizu cringes when Candy appears I burst into a fit of giggles, keep me entertained Candy  ;D
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Of Love and Loss, Parts One & Two
« Reply #82 on: July 25, 2017, 11:48:11 AM »
I somewhat agree with @MarianT. Marcus definitely refused death in my dynasty for a while (he eventually gave in though)...but it's not terrible for aspiration points and his cute kiddos though. He had four kids with Yuki Behr and they all grew up hot. ;D
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Of Love and Loss, Parts One & Two
« Reply #83 on: July 27, 2017, 04:11:01 PM »
Pippin, you are working your pollinators to the bone!
Poor whatz-his-name! No sooner do we learn his name then he's gone!
Due to their lengthy time spent as gym rats, however, Marcus Flex and Otis might get a few extra days over the ordinary sim.

I do agree that the redheaded daughter of Vincent is very lovely.
Rieko says that Chantons will be picking his own bride, and I'm very much looking forward to meeting the spouse candidates.

What's with Candy and Summer? Have they become card-carrying nudists?
Candy, seriously, pull yourself together. I cringe whenever you appear in a screenshot.  :'( 
Ask Abernathy to fix you up with a Slimify serum or something. Sadly, you have become an eyesore--it's not even funny.
Yeah, Laurie, daughter of Victor and Morgan, is lovely.  Who knew Victor plus Morgan would equal such perfection?  The looks, the traits...she's definitely on the short list of potential spouses.
I have no clue why Candy and Summer roam around in the buff so often!  They just come out of the shower and don't dress 50% of the time.  Of course, since they're the non-household members of the Pair of Grins club, they're at the house all the time.  That means lots of nudity and eating, apparently.
Honestly, I love having Candy as a character in this with the whole stress-eating and angry-woman-scorned thing.  Sorry she's lost her visual appeal for you  :=(

I'm not sure Marcus Flex was a good choice. He's handsome and a wonderful Sim -- good with children and all that -- but he's still very much alive in my story and he should have died a long time ago.
Chantons is adorable, of course. And I enjoyed Rieko and Izumi's "bonding" moments.
Sorry about Raj and the other guy.
Marcus is excellent and I'm trying to make sure I bring in a few more of the original townie males as elders to keep more of the original genes in the pool of potential spouses for future generations.
Glad you enjoyed the bonding time  :=)  It just seemed fitting since I brought two beefcakes into the house where we have Gaivan and Abernathy as very loved, but very non-buff, spouses.

We find out his name only to lose him, poor New Pollinator Guy. Raj was gone too soon in my opinion! From here on out I support Chantons as the best Took ever. I'm looking forward to all the other options for Chantons future bride but that red head is a wonderful catch. While oshizu cringes when Candy appears I burst into a fit of giggles, keep me entertained Candy  ;D
So glad you're enjoying Candy as much as I do  :=)
It's possible you're about to enjoy Chantons even more...or not...but possible anyway.

I somewhat agree with @MarianT. Marcus definitely refused death in my dynasty for a while (he eventually gave in though)...but it's not terrible for aspiration points and his cute kiddos though. He had four kids with Yuki Behr and they all grew up hot. ;D
I'm anxious to see how Marcus' kids turn out.  I think Johnny and Victor have been absolute tops for pollinators so far.  I mean, the Pancake twins, Laurie Fyres, the Yamaguchi twins (also Johnny's, but haven't shown up in an update yet), and Clinton Caliente (Victor's with Katrina who is a teen and would likely have been the spouse had Chantons been born female).

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, When Bad New Arrives, Part One
« Reply #84 on: July 27, 2017, 04:12:00 PM »
Pippin:  The Took household had received information that Marcus is notoriously long-lived.  Since he's such a great guy, this seems like awesome news, right, Marcus?

Pippin:  Marcus?

Pippin:  Poor Morgan.  She has to live with the knowledge that she was the last woman Marcus would ever pollinate.
Morgan:  Wait, what?  I thought he loved me...
Grim:  Oh, no worries, Morgan.  Pippin was using the Swedish term "povlinake" which means love, but sounds suspiciously like "pollinate."
Morgan:  Oh, thanks.  (sobs) My poor, beloved Marcus.  I've lost him just like I lost Victor.
Grim:  (glares at Pippin to avoid yet another need for fictional Swedish words)

Izumi:  Great work in there, Grim!  You are super-smooth!
Grim:  Eh, I've been working with Pippin for a while now, so I know how often he sticks his foot in his mouth.
Pippin:  Yeah, he...HEY!  Anyway, we're down one pollinator, but Otis is still going strong and is particularly making sure to give us some half-alien options.

Pippin:  Of course, he's also enjoying going through the list of women Abernathy rejected.

Pippin:  Speaking of rejected women, Gaivan once rejected Candy (who is beautiful, please don't hit me) to marry Rieko.

Rieko:  Sweetie, I've gotten my first warning from Grim.
Gaivan:  I...but without...because can't...and not going...
Rieko:  Hush, now.  It's no time for such talk.  We'll just make sure we truly and thoroughly enjoy the time we have left.

Pippin:  Yes.  Yes they are.

Lizbeth:  I'm just going to aggressively probe your mind for a moment.  This will hurt.
Otis:  OWW!! OWOWOW!!
Pippin:  Way to woo that mean, unflirty alien!
Otis:  Can we just skip this one?
Pippin:  No, I have faith in you.  go get her!
Izumi:  Umm, don't we have more important, dynasty-related things to focus on right now, Pippin?
Pippin:  Do we?

Pippin:  Oh!  We do!
Izumi:  Aww, my little man's becoming...
Rieko:  A little bigger man?
Izumi:  ...yes...
Pippin:  Hmm, generational deja vu.  Interesting.

Izumi:  Aww, he's so cute just like his mama!
Chantons:  (singing) Oh, it's true-oo-oo
                               I wanna be just like you

Izumi:  And he has such great life ambitions!!  Okay, sweetie, time for your make-over!

Chantons:  (singing) I feel pretty
                               Oh, so pretty
                               I feel pretty and witty and bright!

Pippin:  That was beautiful.  Now off to complete aspirations!

Chantons:  (singing) Picture pages, picture pages
                              Time to get your picture pages
                              Time to get your crayons
                              And your pencils

Pippin:  Excellent.  Oh look, here comes Navya.  How are things?

Navya:  Well, unfortunately, I still haven't conceived, so I guess Johnny and I will have to try again.
Johnny:  I so so very love you!
Navya:  Easy, old man.  Don't wanna blow out your pace maker!

Abernathy:  So, Invention-Bot, things are really going well.  Two more promotions and I've pretty much finished everything.
Invention-Bot:  Want.  To.  Build.  Not.  Talk.
Abernathy:  Invention-Bot, you get me.  You really get me.
Pippin:  And it's possible that the Invention-Bot likes Abernathy more than his co-workers do.

Abernathy:  Don't worry, Alice, this serum was from a different batch than what I gave Cassie.
Alice:  Oh.  Okay then.  But why is she in her swimwear?
Abernathy:  (hides SimRay behind his back) Casual Friday?
Pippin:  Meantime, back at the house, Rieko and Izumi were getting in more bonding time based around one of their favorite things to watch.
Rieko:  So, Otis, you are doing a fabulous job with the pollinating, but we feel like you could up your game if we touch up your fashion a bit.
Otis:  Whatever do you mean?
Izumi:  Just look at this snapshot.

Otis:  Oh.  I see it now.
Rieko:  That's why we need to get you into the closet.

Izumi:  No, not like that.
Rieko:  Now, into the closet you go...

Rieko:  (whispers) This is gonna be so great!
Izumi:  (also whispers) Oh my goodness, yes!

Izumi:  Whoo!  Yummy!
Otis:  I'm sorry?
Rieko:  She meant the ladies will find you yummy now. 
Izumi:  Yes.  Yummy!
Otis:  Oh.
Rieko:  Now give us a nice, slow turn, so we can make sure this looks good from all angles.
Izumi:  Slower!!  Slower!!!

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, When Bad New Arrives, Part Two
« Reply #85 on: July 27, 2017, 04:13:04 PM »
Pippin:  Look who's level nine in the science career!

Abernathy:  He meant me.
Pippin:  Yes, but enough about you.  Now that it's the weekend, let's make sure we do things that your mom wants to do in the time she has left.  So, Rieko, what would you like to do?
Rieko:  Have you met me?
All:  Dance party!!!

Rieko:  Lookin' good, Izumi!
Izumi:  Thanks, Rieko.
Pippin:  So nice to see you two getting along.
Both:  (glare)
Pippin:  Nevermind.

Rieko:  Whoo!  Get it, grandson!
Chantons:  I've got those moves like Jagger
                 I've got those moves like Jagger
                 I've got those mo-oo-oo-ooo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oooooves like Jagger!

Pippin:  Huhn, I guess it would be spelled like that when you sing it like that. 
Rieko:  Yes, you've got moves like Jagger and homework, young man.

Chantons:  Nobody knows
                 The trouble I've seen
                 Nobody knows
                 My sorrow

Pippin:  Oh look, Otis came along!

Otis:  Sylvia, my darling, you are a vision.
Sylvia:  Wow!  Your new outfit really shows off your body!
Otis:  ...yeah...
Pippin:  Hey look, Raj came!

Raj:  I came to celebrate how awesome Rieko is, amirite?
All:  YEAH!!!

Rieko:  (contented sigh) I love you guys.
Pippin:  Hey, the weekend's not over, let's enjoy more Rieko time by having our first-ever costume party!
Rieko:  That sounds great!  Who's going to host?
Pippin:  Johnny will so he can invite over his massive amount of attractive illegitimate offspring!
Johnny:  You know, using big words doesn't make it sound any better.
Pippin:  Less whining!  More Partying!

Abernathy:  Nice outfit, Macie.
Macie:  Yep, we match.  It's almost like we were soulmates and were meant to be and youshouldhavepickedmeinsteadofthatothergirl!!
Chelsie:  I'm so getting plastic surgery so no one ever mistakes me for miss 3 watt bulb over there.
Pippin:  3 watt bulb?
Chelsie:  Not too bright.
Pippin:  Oooooo burn!  Hey, who's that little guy?
Navya:  That guy is our daughter Nyla.
Pippin:  Oh, I...that is...I said...something in Swedish that meant daughter but wasn't.
Navya:  That only works when Grim does it.
Pippin:  I'm sorry.

Gaivan:  And the...pumpkins carving...the knife...and you...together with.
Rieko:  Me too, honey. 
Pippin:  ...what?
Rieko:   He's glad we get to spend some time alone rather than having to socialize with all the guests instead of each other.
Pippin:  Oh.  He said that, huh?
Rieko:  Pretty much.

Macie:  Seriously, though, we look like Ron and Hermione!  You know, it's not too late to divorce her and remarry.  You know, me?  Remarry me?
Abernathy:  I...think my calling...or something...?  Help?  Someone?
Rieko:  Everybody inside!  Dance party!
Abernahty:  Thanks, mom.
Rieko:  I got you!

Johnny:  Nice duck costume, Eva!
Eva:  I'm supposed to be a flying llama.
Johnny:  Oh.  Not so good then.

Pippin:  Thanks for wearing clothes this time, Candy.
Candy:  Well, I don't want to upstage Rieko.
Pippin:  You are too kind.  And beautiful.  Please don't hit me.

Abernathy:  I'm aware that your time is nearing its end and that's simply that natural pattern of life.
Rieko:  It's nice that you're keeping a calm and logical view on this.
Abernathy:  Oh no, I'm going to cry like a baby when you go, I'm just hiding behind this thin veneer of logic.
Rieko:  That might be the sweetest thing you've ever said to me, sweetie.  I love you too.

Pippin:  Anything else you want to do with your weekend, Rieko?
Rieko:  Let's introduce Chantons to a few more ladies.  I'm not choosing his spouse, but I want him to have options.
Pippin:  You got it!

Rieko:  Surey he'll be able to find some children his age at the park!

Candy:  RAWR!!
Pippin:  Okay, Candy's beautiful, but I don't think she'll be a spouse option as she's busily aging gracefully and beautifully.  Please don't hit me.
Rieko:  Let's make some house calls!

Pippin:  Look, it's Eva, Esther, and Kristy Landgraab.  Hmm, those Landgraab ladies all have certain...assets. 
Rieko:  Smooth, Pippin.  Smooth.
Pippin:  ...well they do.
Rieko:  Next!  Let's go see Wren Behr.

Wren:  Oh, hey.  I don't get many visitors.  I usually just hang out in my room and game.  I'm a bit of a gamer nerd like my mom.
Chantons:  All the lonely people
                 Where do they all come from
                 All the lonely people
                 Where DO they all belong?

Wren:  Wow, that was really beautiful...and kind of depressing...
Rieko:  Well, that's enough for now.
Pippin:  Abernathy is one promotion (and the entire adult life stage) away from completing all of his requirements.  Oh, and we have access to the Llamaman suit since we hit a gold medal on that party...which filled no one's requirements, but was the first Costume Party I've done, so it was good practice.
Rieko is living on borrowed time, but Grim has been kind thus far.  103 days and going strong. 

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, When Bad News Arrives, Parts One & Two
« Reply #86 on: July 27, 2017, 04:36:53 PM »
Chantons is adorable. And what a great way to make use of all those song lyrics filling up your brain!
Sorry to see Marcus go so soon, but glad he's not sticking around forever.
I loved the look that Nyla was giving the camera. That's right, kid. No way is "guy" Swedish for "daughter."
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, When Bad News Arrives, Parts One & Two
« Reply #87 on: July 27, 2017, 04:51:49 PM »
Well, I guess if you ever feel like one of your sims is taking too long to die, just ask your forum friends to post that he'll take forever to die!
Rest in peace, Marcus! After Trip's remark about Marcus's kids with Yuki B. turning out hot, I want to see his children even more!

Lol, so Rieko and Izumi felt a burning desire to change Otis's swimwear? Lol.
Chantons always sings to express his thoughts, rather than talk? And what do you think? Will the Took schnozz live on? I hope so!

Good luck with your final promotion, Abernathy! How are you liking all of the Scientist's gizmos so far?

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, When Bad News Arrives, Parts One & Two
« Reply #88 on: July 28, 2017, 06:28:55 AM »
Oh, shame about Marcus. Chantons is always singing, I wonder if that is a clue to what he'd like to do as a career. I'm also appreciating the new look for Otis, those ladies are very sneaky. It's not time for Rieko to go, never!
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, When Bad News Arrives, Parts One & Two
« Reply #89 on: July 29, 2017, 12:25:05 PM »
Chantons is adorable. And what a great way to make use of all those song lyrics filling up your brain!
Sorry to see Marcus go so soon, but glad he's not sticking around forever.
I loved the look that Nyla was giving the camera. That's right, kid. No way is "guy" Swedish for "daughter."
Nyla's smirk was glorious!  Just some dumb luck in when I paused the game.
Glad you're enjoying Chantons.  He's a fun, yet challenging character to write  ;=)

Well, I guess if you ever feel like one of your sims is taking too long to die, just ask your forum friends to post that he'll take forever to die!
Rest in peace, Marcus! After Trip's remark about Marcus's kids with Yuki B. turning out hot, I want to see his children even more!

Lol, so Rieko and Izumi felt a burning desire to change Otis's swimwear? Lol.
Chantons always sings to express his thoughts, rather than talk? And what do you think? Will the Took schnozz live on? I hope so!

Good luck with your final promotion, Abernathy! How are you liking all of the Scientist's gizmos so far?
I'm hoping the nose will persist through the generations, but if Chantons ends up taking after his mom or grandma more, that's not exactly a bad thing  ;=)
I'm also excited to see how Marcus' kids turn out. 
The science stuff is fun, but I've been more focused on getting through the levels of the career rather than playing with the science toys.  I'll have plenty of time for that once Abernathy hits level 10.

Oh, shame about Marcus. Chantons is always singing, I wonder if that is a clue to what he'd like to do as a career. I'm also appreciating the new look for Otis, those ladies are very sneaky. It's not time for Rieko to go, never!
Yeah, Otis is just eye candy around the household. 
I agree that Rieko should live forever  :=(

