Author Topic: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Completed!  (Read 191689 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, A Trio of Birthdays
« Reply #45 on: July 12, 2017, 12:03:11 PM »
I'm feeling torn about Abernathy's spouse prospects, so I'd like to air my thoughts (whether you're interested or not, lol!!!!).
Of course, redheaded Izumi is gorgeous but she's a vampire so she'll be around forever if she's not cured, ready to take on a later heir.
The blue redheaded Kiana is mortal so she's on a clock.

You mentioned that Abernathy has already passed his teen years. I'm so curious about how Kiana aged up. Of course, she too can become pollination fodder.
I wonder what you decide.

(I love having one of the immortals max Logic to mentor the Mental skill for future Whiz Kids...)

Great update! I'm thrilled how close Gaivan is to completing his career.
And oh oh oh, he's now two weeks and 3 days away from his elder birthday! Wow!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, A Trio of Birthdays
« Reply #46 on: July 14, 2017, 12:18:26 AM »
I think it's great that Abernathy got the nose. And is that a baby bump in the last picture, or has Gaivan merely been eating gourmet meals instead of fish tacos?
Yes!!  I'm hoping the nose sticks around for a long (no pun intended) time!
The weight gain question will soon be answered ;=)

I'm feeling torn about Abernathy's spouse prospects, so I'd like to air my thoughts (whether you're interested or not, lol!!!!).
Of course, redheaded Izumi is gorgeous but she's a vampire so she'll be around forever if she's not cured, ready to take on a later heir.
The blue redheaded Kiana is mortal so she's on a clock.

You mentioned that Abernathy has already passed his teen years. I'm so curious about how Kiana aged up. Of course, she too can become pollination fodder.
I wonder what you decide.

(I love having one of the immortals max Logic to mentor the Mental skill for future Whiz Kids...)

Great update! I'm thrilled how close Gaivan is to completing his career.
And oh oh oh, he's now two weeks and 3 days away from his elder birthday! Wow!
Haha, amusingly, I'm questioning the Izumi choice.  More on that later.
I actually picked Vincent out of a purely shallow appreciation for his looks.  It's simply a convenient coincidence that he has high logic and charisma.  I'm so not complaining about that!
Clarifying, Abernathy has reached, but not passed, his teen "years."

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Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, Hi Me!
« Reply #47 on: July 14, 2017, 12:19:22 AM »
Pippin:  And so, we rejoin the Took household where, well, this.

Rieko:  Awww, who's a sweet wittle awien baby?  Dat's wight!  You awe!  Pippin, can we keep it?
Pippin:  Sadly no.  We need the extra space in the house.
Rieko:  Why? 
Pippin:  Because I have plans!
Rieko:  I find that statement questionable.
Pippin:  I have vague ideas that may pan out well!
Rieko:  Okay.  I'm on board with that.
Pippin:  Sweet!  Now, poor and heartbroken Johnny should distract himself from being in love with an age-inappropriate gal by hitting the Romance Festival.
Johnny:  Are you serious...?
Pippin:  Less whining!  More festivaling!
Johnny:  That's not even a word.
Pippin:  It totally resembles a word!

Romance Guru:  'ello, mon ami!  You zeem to 'ave ze troublez, no?
Johnny:  No.  I mean, yes.
Romance Guru:  Tell ze Romance Guru, mon ami.
Johnny:  Well, I love someone, but we can't be together, and I kind of am still being used as a pollinator, so even if we could be together, I'd kind of be forced to be unfaithful.
Romance Guru:  Zometimez zere iz ze sairtain peace in zimply knowing what you want and that what you want wantz you back, no?
Johnny:  That...makes sense, actually.  Hey, you're old, right?
Romance:  I zuppoze zo.
Johnny:  I think I may have a job offer for you.
Pippin:  Oooo, you certainly do!!

Romance Guru:  'ello, my leelte bluebell!  I am Jaime.
Yuki:  Jaime?
Romance Guru Jaime:  Eet ees pronounced "HIE-mee."  Like you are, 'ow do you zay, greeting yourzelf.  "Hi, me."
Yuki:  Teehee, you're funny.  And handsome.
Romance Guru Jaime:  Oh 'eavens!  'ow you flatter me, you leetle angel!
Candy:  Seriously?  Sis, do you see how old this dude is?
Yuki:  If by "old" you mean "dreamy" then yes!
Candy:  Psh, I'm out of here.  I can't watch this train wreck.

Pippin:  But the rest of us are more than willing to watch!
Johnny:  This guy is bun-believable!
Pippin:  Truly he has bun-common charm.
Johnny:  And the ladies are pollinated by Johnny, Vinny, and Bunny!
Both:  Hahahahahahaha!
Romance Guru Jaime:  Ah, ze bad punz!  I believe ziz ritual of teazing eez a zignal zat I am accepted, no?
Johnny:  ...k...
Romance Guru:  Excellent!  Now, I must go greet anozer young beauty.  'and me zat towel.

Sofia:  Oh my!
Romance Guru Jaime:  Ah, you 'ave caught me unawarez!  I 'ad no idea an angel waz falleeng from 'eaven!
Sofia:  Angel?  Oh my!
Romance Guru Jaime:  Your voice eez ze mozt melodic zing I 'ave ever 'eard!
Sofia:  ...oh my...
Pippin:  Well, she seems eloquent.  And the adventures of Romance Guru Jaime continue!

Romance Guru Jaime:  ...zo you zee, zere are many deeferent wayz een which you can be faithful, no?
Jessminder:  Oooo, I think yes!
Pippin:  Umm...Candy?  You're kind of...
Candy:  What?!?  Stupid big-nose didn't pick me and now my sister is pollinated by Father Time over here, so I'm stress eating!  Is that a problem for you?
Pippin:  No, dear.  You're still so beautiful.  Please don't hit me.
Candy:  Okay, but only because you noticed how beautiful I am.
Pippin:  And speaking of beautiful, Gaivan and Rieko shared a truly beautiful moment

Rieko:  Oh my gosh!!!  (aside) Pippin, am I freaking out correctly?
Pippin:  (also aside) Yes, all that practice we did really paid off!
Gaivan:  I...and OW...but it's...OW that...

Pippin:  Aww, a sweet little alien girl!
Gaivan:   Sorry...and that...because going...but still love...and good...miss you...
Rieko:  Oh, sweetie, that was beautiful.
Pippin:  Yeah, it was, actually.

Abernathy:  Yo, trophy wife!
Izumi:  Your stupid family all seem to hate me.
Abernathy:  Yeah they do! 
Candy:  I'm not his family, but I hate you too.
Pippin:  Well, Candy hates everyone, so...
Candy:  (glares)
Pippin:  But she's so beautiful!
Candy:  Better.
Pippin:  Seriously, though, everyone other than Romance Guru Jaime have at least a slight red relationship bar with Izumi.  In fact, even Abernathy has a slightly red relationship bar with Izumi.
Izumi:  Well, he does go out of his way to experiment on me, so...
Pippin:  Less whining!  More positive socializing!  You know, positive socializing, like he does with almost everyone else.

Tanvi:  Wow, these birds are just so angry!
Abernathy:  You aged up looking like some budget version of a community theatre production of The Wizard of Oz.
Tanvi:  (sadly) Oh.
Abernathy:  I like The Wizard of Oz.
Tanvi:  (excitedly) Really?
Abernathy:  Yes. The witch is outstanding!  Dorothy's just kind of whiney.
Tanvi:  (dejectedly) (sigh)

Raj:  So...are we all standing out here to avoid Izumi?
Vincent:  Yep.
Johnny:  Actually, I had a joke about weight gain in the routine I was practicing and I thought Candy was going to kill me, so I came out here.
Raj:  Smart.
Vincent:  Genius-level smart.
Pippin:  And speaking of genius-level smart...well, it doesn't really have anything to do with this, but Gaivan has finally gotten to level 10 of his career and has completed ALL OF HIS REQUIREMENTS!!!  He even has all of his friends and Clara Bjergsen as his unique BFF.  It was going to be Candy, but she's also a good friend of Abernathy since she's at the house all the time.  But anyway, excellent job, Gaivan!

Gaivan:  And that...because I...with this...posing like...and the...since hero!
Pippin:  Yes.  Something like that.
Rieko:  I'm so proud!!
Pippin:  We all are.  Meantime, Abernathy is already hard at work on his requirements and has been working on the Freelance Botanist and Grilled Cheese aspirations.

Abernathy:  Actually, I'm logging exactly how much stomach capacity a male teen Sim has.
Pippin: Okay, as long as you're using grilled cheese to do it!

Morgan:  Umm, Abernathy?  Not to be rude, but have you put on weight?
Abernathy:  Some.  Have you?
Morgan:  Well I'm pregnant, so...
Abernathy:  Cool.  So, have you heard the good news of the grilled cheese?
Pippin:  Oooookay.  So, how about we throw a house party?
Abernathy:  For what reason?
Pippin:  Because requirements.
Abernathy:  That actually makes sense in this context.

Pippin:  Look at Gaivan and Rieko being in the playful aura painting room to help fill that party requirement while also flirting to fill that requirement!
Rieko:  Gotta help out my fellas!
Pippin:  Again, please live forever, Rieko.
Rieko:  Well, how about I help make sure there's at least one good spouse in place before I depart?
Pippin:  Not ideal, but I'll take it.
Rieko:  And speaking of spouses and things not being ideal...

Abernathy:  You should really come inside.  See how it's sunny?  And you're a vampire?  Who's on fire?
Lilith:  I'm melting!!
Abernathy:  Huh, Wizard of Oz again.

Pippin:  Lilith!!!  NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Johnny:  I can't believe she's gone!!
Daisy:  And she always kept my secret that I'm actually an alien. 
Abernathy:  Everybody already knows, Daisy.
Daisy:  What?
Johnny:  It's true.  You walk around in Twi'lek form all the time.
Daisy:  ...oh...

Abernathy:  So, Grim, have you heard the good news of grilled cheese?
Pippin:  Wow, when life hands you apples, you make limes.
Rieko:  Pretty sure that's not how that saying goes.
Abernathy:  No, Mom, it's simple alchemical transmutation.  I could show you some charts of how it would work...
Rieko:  That's okay, sweetie.  Seriously, though, are you sure you want to marry Izumi?  I mean, she's gorgeous, but we all kind of hate her.
Abernathy:  You do remember that you were the one who chose her, right?
Rieko:  Okay, how about I give you some more options?

Tanvi:  So, you don't really have to marry the trophy wife, right?
Abernathy:  Well, if I don't, the name "trophy wife" won't work as well.
Izumi:  Exactly!  And I haven't been putting up with all this nonsense from your family and your experiments only to be booted out now!
Kiana:  Well, I think that statement alone is grounds to throw on the kicking shoes.  Just sayin'.  I mean, come on, I'm blue.  How does that not make me the ideal choice?
Abernathy:  Probably because it's an obscure aesthetic detail.  Just sayin'.
Pippin:  Hmm, other options?

Elsa:  Hi, I'm Elsa.  You must be Pinocchio.
Abernathy:  Ah, a big nose joke.  Clever.
Elsa:  Oh, you speak sarcasm.  Fortunately for you, I'm fluent in that language.
Abernathy:  Indeed?
Elsa:  Yes.  I also used to have a job as an interpreter for bad mimes.
Rieko:  This one at a time nonsense is taking too long.

Pippin:  Potential spouse dance party?
Rieko:  I think yes!!  From left to right we have Izumi, Tanvi Foy, Kiana Cowan, Abernathy (who does not, in fact, have the option of marrying himself), Gretchen Ojo, Alyse Rosa, and Elsa McElroy.

Pippin:  Nice Mohawk, Alyse!  And you really look like an interesting mix of Jeremy and Jade.
Abernathy:  Hey, my wallet's missing...
Alyse:  Oh.  How odd.
Pippin:  Klepto?
Alyse:  ...what was that?  I'm sorry, I seem to have chosen not to hear you.

Pippin:  And yes, the purple-haired beauty is Gretchen Ojo.
Gretchen:  Good thing I favor my mom, right?
Pippin:  Actually, I think you look a lot like your dad...
Gretchen:  Hurtful, Pippin.  Hurtful.  Besides, Dad looks ridiculous in a little black dress!
Pippin:  And these two aren't options yet, but they're adorable!!

Pippin:  The Pancake twins (technically triplets, but the other one's a boy) are getting some time with daddy.
Johnny:  Hi, Macie!
Macie (no glasses):  I'm Macie!  You can tell because Chelsie's the ugly one!
Johnny:  You realize you're identical twins, right?
Chelsie (glasses):  I do, but then again, I'm the smart one.
Pippin:  See?  They'll be excellent when they age up.  Speaking of aging up...

Pippin:  Vincent is an elder!  And sadly Romance Guru Jaime has gotten his first notice from Grim.
Romance Guru Jaime:  It 'az zimply been an 'onor to 'ave been of zerveece.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Hi Me!
« Reply #48 on: July 14, 2017, 12:59:16 AM »
What a hilarious update!  Whenever Jaime spoke, I kept picturing Peter Sellers (in his Pink Panther role).

How odd about everyone disliking Izumi!!! Does she have that vampire power Aura of the Undead or something?
Oooh, so many prospects for Abernathy! Elsa is so charming!

Way to go, Gaivan! Great job on maxing all your requirements. I'm sorry you couldn't keep the baby!

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Hi Me!
« Reply #49 on: July 14, 2017, 08:17:37 AM »
Congratulations, Gaivan, and sorry about the alien baby.
Jaime's time with us has been too short, but you're probably getting tired of typing "z".
I think Abernathy should marry Gretchen Ojo because 1. pink hair and 2. she's named Gretchen.
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Hi Me!
« Reply #50 on: July 15, 2017, 12:11:46 PM »
What a hilarious update!  Whenever Jaime spoke, I kept picturing Peter Sellers (in his Pink Panther role).

How odd about everyone disliking Izumi!!! Does she have that vampire power Aura of the Undead or something?
Oooh, so many prospects for Abernathy! Elsa is so charming!

Way to go, Gaivan! Great job on maxing all your requirements. I'm sorry you couldn't keep the baby!
So, team Elsa is already forming?
I had so much fun writing Romance Guru Jaime!  Glad you enjoyed the poorly-enacted accent.
Not sure what the issue is for Izumi, but I find that unless I micromanage and dictate all of the interactions with her, something ends up going negatively and embarrassed moodlets also can happen.
Yeah, the alien baby would have been a glorious addition, but I need to keep focused on my plans and not jeopardize things just because alien babies are adorable.

Congratulations, Gaivan, and sorry about the alien baby.
Jaime's time with us has been too short, but you're probably getting tired of typing "z".
I think Abernathy should marry Gretchen Ojo because 1. pink hair and 2. she's named Gretchen.
Yeah, the advantage of moving in an elder pollinator is that they clear up a space for the next pollinator really quickly.
Gretchen!  As soon as I saw that was her name I was instantly thinking of your Gretchen and had to convince myself not to pick her just because of the name and to actually wait until she grew up to decide if she should be the choice.

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, He's a Real Boy!
« Reply #51 on: July 15, 2017, 12:12:19 PM »
Pippin:  As we rejoin the Took household, they have been invited to the Goth household where Alex is having a birthday.

Abernathy:  Shouldn't he have already aged up by now?
Rieko:  Never mind that, who's the blonde?
Pippin:  That would be Delaney Holiday, daughter of Jeremy and Summer.  Anyway, if this is a birthday party, Alex will need a cake.  Gaivan, could you take care of that?
Gaivan:  I...that if...and then.

Pippin:  And Bella Goth is really not happy about someone using her kitchen.
Vincent:  Don't worry, I got this.

Pippin:  That was rather a slick move other than the fact that her husband was in that room.
Vincent:  Eh, he'll get over it.

Rieko:  Happy birthday, Alex!
Delaney Holiday:  You guys are so sweet!  Poor Alex.  None of his family members even came down to see him blow out the candles.
Gaivan:  Well, Vincent...Bella and...
Rieko:  Yes, sweetie, that's really sad for poor Alexander, but we're here for him.
Alex:  That's awesome.  By the way, who are you people?
Pippin:  Oh yeah, I guess he had never met any of you other than Abernathy before this party.  Anyway, we continue progressing through Abernathy's teen years with lots of time given to skilling.

Abernathy:  Yo, trophy wife!
Izumi:  Hi!  Did you notice I got a makeover?
Abernathy:  Not really.
Izumi:  Do you think that means I've finally really been accepted by your family?
Abernathy:  I think it means our Watcher's shallow.
Pippin:  Hey, I just thought she might look even more beautiful if...dang it.  I'm just proving your point right now.
Izumi:  Well, I don't care why it happened, it just makes me feel special.
Abernathy:  That's nice.  By the way, checkmate.
Izumi:  (sigh)
Pippin:  And we move from this (questionably) romantic couple to another couple...who had experienced a birthday...

Johnny:'re a young adult?!?!?
Navya:  You bet I am, old timer!

Johnny:  I have loved you from the day I've met you and I've gotten Pippin to agree to only use me as a pollinator of you from now on.
Navya:  That is so sick and twisted.  I love it!
Johnny:  Pippin, can we have like, 7 children and skip the fertility massages so we have to try a lot?
Pippin:  I don't want to fill up her household and have no room for another generation of her excellent genes!
Navya:  Household?  You know I'm a homeless townie, right?
Pippin:  I don't have time for your sass!  Okay, how about 4 children?
Johnny:   5!
Pippin:  Deal.

Johnny:  I'm so happy!
Navya:  I hear it takes at least 15 tries before a Sim can be certain the try for baby has worked.
Johnny:  I'm so much happier!!
Pippin:  Yeah, they're cute.  But Navya is not the only Sim who aged from teen to young adult this week.

Abernathy:  So, I'm having my birthday party today and my mom wants me to invite all of my top spousal options.
Izumi:  So you're just inviting me?
Abernathy:  Actually, I'm inviting almost every girl in high school and wasn't going to invite you since you'll already be here as you're part of our family club.
Izumi:  Oh.  Well, as long as I get to be there.  I guess.
Pippin:  Psh, don't sweat it, Izumi!  You'll get to show off the minor change we made to your party attire!
Abernathy:  Out of curiosity, Pippin, how much time did you spend on her sleepwear?
Pippin:  I am an artist, sir.  Great art cannot be rushed!
Abernathy:  Shallow.

Abernathy:  Thanks for coming to my party, everyone.  I'm actually only thanking you because my mom's making me.
Elsa:  Well, you'll soon be a real boy, Pinocchio!
Betsy:  I can't believe I finally get some screen time and your dad covers my face with his club emblem.
Kiana:  I never got a birthday party.  Or a chance to meet my dad.  And I'm strangely no longer a redhead.  Excuse me.  I think I need to go water your garden.  With my tears.
Abernathy:   Thanks!

Vincent:  Sooooooo, how you ladies doin'?
Kiana:  Ugh, creepy old man alert.
Alyse:  Hmmm, tempted to slow dance with him.
Pippin:  So you can pick his pocket?
Alyse:  I am offended, sir.  And yes.

Abernathy:  So, my mom says I have to thank you for coming.
Rieko:  Try to interact socially a little bit more like a human, dear.
Kiana:  You already thanked me.
Abernathy:  Oh.  Was that you?
Kiana:  I'm so sad.  So very, very sad.
Delaney:  Thanks so much for having me, Abernathy!  Your family is just so sweet!
Rieko:  There's just something I like about the blonde girl in purple.
Pippin:  Is it, perhaps, that she's a blonde girl in purple?
Rieko:  It just might be!
Abernathy:  Cake shot now?
Pippin:  Umm, about that...
Rieko:  You didn't take a cake shot?!?!?
Pippin:  Ummm...celebratory dance party?

Rieko: Woot woot!  Get it, Summer Holiday's ugly twin!
Johnny:  I hate you all.
Pippin:  Wait...Izumi!!  What are you doing?!?!?

Izumi:  Back off, little miss thing.  He's mine!
Elsa:  Uhhhhh...
Pippin:  It is not okay to eat the guests!
Izumi:  It is not okay to steal my man.

Izumi:  I'm the one who's here all the time to help rally the troops and to help Abernathy skill up his logic and I'm even trying to eat human food even though it makes me sick every single time!  She is not going to sneak in and steal him away.
Pippin:  And, disturbingly, it seems that she wasn't the only possessive one.

Macie:  Alright, Mohawk, let's get one thing straight:  Abernathy is my boyfriend!  You and your mean-spirited angst-girl self had better look elsewhere.
Alyse:  ...I'm actually frightened right now.  Has anyone ever told you you're terrifying?
Macie:   Chelsie tells me all the time.
Pippin:  And, sadly, Abernathy's party only hit silver.  Fortunately, Raj's birthday was the next day...

Pippin:  Alright, let's get ready for this party!  Johnny, can you turn down the weird light coming from your belly?
Johnny:  Ugh, I think I'm going to be ill.
Rieko:  You will wait until after the party, Johnny.  We're hitting gold on this one!
Johnny:  Yes ma'am.

Alyse:  Oh, I suppose you came to the party to try to win over the dynasty heir?
Gretchen:  You realize that the birthday boy is my Dad, right?
Alyse:  Oh, you're a pollinator kid like me.
Gretchen:  No, my parents are happily married and Dad's faithful.  He just has to live in the household since he's their ambrosia slave.
Alyse:  So you're not angling to marry Abernathy?
Gretchen:  Oh no, I totally am, but I can be here without looking as desperate as you.  Now give me back my wallet.

Betsy:  Guys!  I'm actually getting some face time!  Love me, forum!!
Pippin:  Umm, Tanvi, are you dressed in Lilith's party attire on purpose?
Tanvi:  Well, she was supposed to be a future dynasty spouse, so I just figured...
Elsa:  So, Alyse, can your Mohawk pick up radio frequencies?

Abernathy:  Thanks for the DNA sample, Kylie.
Kiana:  It's Kiana.
Abernathy:  Oh, thanks.  I'd hate to mislabel it.
Tanvi:  He's never gotten my name wrong.  Just sayin'.
Pippin:  Don't think he's ever called you by name.
Kiana:  Does he even know your name?
Tanvi:  ...probably.

Pippin:  Woot!  Totally got the cake shot!!
Raj:  Ow, my back!
Pippin:  You really look sophisticated.
Raj:  Thanks, but wouldn't it have been nice if my wife and any of my kids besides Gretchen had actually been invited?
Pippin:  Oh.  Good call.  I'll...maybe I could...
Rieko:  He'll let you go over and visit them on Abernathy's first day off after he starts his job.
Raj:  Really?  That would be great!
Pippin:  Live forever, Reiko.  Forever!
Rieko:  I'll last as long as I can, Pippin.
Pippin:  But someone didn't last that long in our household.

Romance Guru Jaime:  Adieu, mes amis!  Eet haz been ze great treat to be ah part ov zees dynazty!

Izumi:  (bawling like a baby) He was always so nice to me!  He never got mad when I'd vomit and mess up the toilets and wasn't irritated by my being a vampire.  He was such a great guy!
Abernathy:  I think I should probably be comforting you. 
Pippin:  Ummm, yeah!
Abernathy:  Don't really know how.  (pats her back)  There there.
Izumi:  (leans into him weeping)
Grim:  Oh.  I came when Gaivan wasn't here.  Is that not helpful anymore?  Is it about my boy Abe now?
Abernathy:  Yeah, but it's fine.  Can we chat after you're done?
Grim:  Sure!

Abernathy:  Alright, Grim and Fluffy, thanks for coming to this meeting of the Brain Trust.  My mom's really pushing for me to pick a spouse, so I'm going to need your input.
Grim:  Oooo, you took pictures!
FLuffy:  Mooooooo!
Pippin:  And we leave the household with Abernathy already at level 4 of his career (thanks to buying connections which will not be a unique reward), all of his whims already completed, the grilled cheese aspiration finished, the freelance botanist aspiration most of the way finished, and three skills over level 5.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, He's a Real Boy!
« Reply #52 on: July 15, 2017, 01:10:52 PM »
Go Abernathy! Wow, so recently a Young Adult and already forging ahead so quickly!
What impresses me the most, though, is that Abernathy managed to complete the Grilled Cheese aspiration without doubling his girth.

Oh no! Jaime, you were with the Tooks so briefly! And your successor Johnny is going rogue and turning into a one-household pollinator...
R.I.P. Jaime. We look forward to seeing your offspring grow up.

I'm sad about Izumi missing out due to her vampire weakness. But heavy drama, Izumi! Your status with Abernathy seems very shaky these days.
Who else, besides Izumi, did not spring from the loins of a pollinator? Tanvi and Gretchen? Who does Abernathy have the highest friendship with?
Most importantly, who does Pippin favor?

Haha, two alien adbuction/pregnancies in one generation!? Will Johnny's kid stay to become a dynasty slave or will you recruit outside?
Great update!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, He's a Real Boy!
« Reply #53 on: July 15, 2017, 08:38:12 PM »
Go Abernathy! Wow, so recently a Young Adult and already forging ahead so quickly!
What impresses me the most, though, is that Abernathy managed to complete the Grilled Cheese aspiration without doubling his girth.

Oh no! Jaime, you were with the Tooks so briefly! And your successor Johnny is going rogue and turning into a one-household pollinator...
R.I.P. Jaime. We look forward to seeing your offspring grow up.

I'm sad about Izumi missing out due to her vampire weakness. But heavy drama, Izumi! Your status with Abernathy seems very shaky these days.
Who else, besides Izumi, did not spring from the loins of a pollinator? Tanvi and Gretchen? Who does Abernathy have the highest friendship with?
Most importantly, who does Pippin favor?

Haha, two alien adbuction/pregnancies in one generation!? Will Johnny's kid stay to become a dynasty slave or will you recruit outside?
Great update!
Johnny's kid won't be staying around.  Need the spaces in the house. 
Abernathy was also hitting the gym throughout his Grilled Cheese aspiration (which may have been slightly driven by the desire to have Rieko work out), so he used the treadmill to drop grilled cheese weight and then would pack more on.  His figure definitely fluctuates a bit throughout his teen years, but nothing like poor Candy.  She and Summer simply hang around the house all the time at club gatherings and they eat.  Even Izumi has put on some weight because of it, but being a vampire, she doesn't really keep the food down, so I think that's prevented some of the weight gain?  Maybe?
Funny you ask about the specifics of the options.  I've prepared an update about that...

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Brain Trust!
« Reply #54 on: July 15, 2017, 08:39:09 PM »
Pippin:  When last we left the Took household, the Brain Trust had been called into session.

Abernathy:  So, apparently I have to make an actual baby.
Grim:  You have to make a baby?
Abernathy:  Well, I could, because cloning, but apparently I need to do it the old fashioned way.
Fluffy:  Mooohoo?
Abernathy:  That's right, boy.  And the issue is that my mom is requiring me to actually pick who my partner in this endeavor will be.
Grim:  Wow, your life is so hard.
Abernathy:  Sarcasm?
Grim:  (sarcastically) Nooooooooooo.
Abernathy:  Oh.  Okay then.  Thanks, man.  So, options.

Abernathy:  Izumi.  She's gloomy, outgoing, and a goofball.  My Watcher informs me that she's absolutely gorgeous though everyone hates her.  Apparently that's a bad thing.
Fluffy:  MooOOOO!!!
Grim:  Yeah she is!  Haven't you been getting along well with her though since your Watcher's been micromanaging your interactions?
Abernathy:  Yeah.  He also says she might be more likeable once she's not a vampire, though that would certainly be less interesting.  Anyway, next.

Abernathy:  Kiana Cowan.  She's still a teen and is squeamish and creative.  She seems rather full of self-doubt and self-loathing.  Let's be honest, she'll be fun to mess with.  Of course, she's also blue and has interesting features, so our breeding could be a significant genetic experiment.
Grim:  Isn't she one of Jeremy's kids, so wouldn't that make a quarter of the town's population ineligible as spouses for future generations?
Fluffy:  Moo.  Moo moooo moo, mooMOO moo moOOO moo.
Abernathy:  True, Fluffy.  They will need good friends, so that still helps.  Next.

Abernathy:  Tanvi Foy.  She's already a young adult and a neat art lover.  She's not a pollination kid.  She was the child my mom made me spend time with, so I guess she's my oldest friend or whatever.
Grim:  Hmm, that one might be psychotically jealous, though.
Fluffy:  Moo moo MOOO moooooo.
Abernathy:  What's that Fluffy?  She's more cute than beautiful?  Okay.

Abernathy:  Elsa McElroy the perfectionist bro.
Grim:  Can a girl be a bro?
Fluffy:  Moo moo MOO!
Grim:  You're right.  I'm sorry.  Anyway, I think she's lovely.
Abernathy:  So I'm told.
Grim:  And randomly generated.
Fluffy:  Mooo moomooo MOO moo.
Abernathy:  Yes, and sassy.  Anyway,

Abernathy:  Gretchen Ojo is still a teen.  She's an active glutton, which I suppose should balance out well.
Grim:  Oh yeah, she's Raj's Miko's daughter.  Doesn't really conflict with any pollinator lines then, right?
Fluffy:  Moomoo MOOmoo moo?
Abernathy:  Yes, she is fairly ridiculous, but some people find that refreshing.  Next up...

Abernathy:  Alyse Rosa.  She's a mean kleptomaniac teen.  I can't decide if that's a good thing or not.
Grim:  Well, she could steal you lots of neat stuff.
Fluffy:  moomoo MOO mooMOO?
Abernathy:  True, she does make that Mohawk look work.  Next.

Abernathy:  Betsy Haas is a teen creative music lover.  Mom loves that.
Grim:  Isn't she the kid Jeremy had with Maaike?  I've heard Maaike's kids sometimes turn out a little...questionable, but she's pretty cute.
Fluffy:  Moomoo MOO moo?
Grim:  Yeah, I guess "pretty cute" is kind of redundant.
Abernathy:  Next!

Abernathy:  Delaney Holiday.  Mom is just smitten with this one.  She acts all sweet and kind around her, but is actually mean and evil.
Grim:  Hmmm, interesting.  Isn't she one of Jeremy's though?
Abernathy:  Yeah, but there's that whole friends requirement again.
Fluffy:  Moomoo Moo MOO moo?
Abernathy:  Yeah, I suppose Pippin could have fun with the evil version of Rieko playing on the blonde in purple thing.  Next.

Abernathy:  Eva Landgraab is a lazy and gloomy teen.  Another one of Jeremy's daughters.
Grim:  Okay, she is a prettier version of Eyeore from Winney the Pooh!  Why wasn't she at the parties or anything?
Abernathy:  We didn't run across her until we went to the gym afterwards.
Fluffy:  MooMOO moo MOOHOO HOO!
Abernathy:  Yes.  I suppose she probably going to be a rather shapely adult.  Anyway, who do we like?
Grim:  I go for the one with hair.
Abernathy:  Hair?
Grim:  And legs.
Fluffy:  moo moo MOO?
Abernathy:  So, was it this one?

Fluffy:  Moohoo MOO moomoo
Grim:  Right on!

Pippin:  So, now we know what the Brain Trust thinks.  What do you think?
(And for those of you who like "dark horse" options, there are the Pancake twins who will be teens any day now and no one has pollinated Zoe Patel yet if we decide to go with the older woman approach)

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Brain Trust!
« Reply #55 on: July 15, 2017, 09:54:10 PM »
I really, really like Izumi who already has that whole trophy wife thing going with Abernathy, but she would take a lot of effort. She needs to get cured of vampirism, after which her relationships with everyone should improve and she'll stop vomiting what she eats. Did you check what her vampire rank is? Grand Master?
It's hard to compare Izumi with the other prospects unless she's cured of vampirism first. As long as she remains a vampire, we don't really know what she's bringing to the table.
Anyway, Izumi is presently ineligible to marry Abernathy because she's a vampire, otherwise I would vote for her.

Since Izumi isn't an IDC-eligible spousal candidate, I'm casting my vote for Elsa. She's not only really pretty but her perfectionist trait will be good for completing either the Author or Painter aspirations. She could bring lots of wealth into the household apart from her excellent genes and her sass.
I'm not supporting any of the pollinators' daughters. Marrying a pollinator's daughter so early in the challenge would reduce the future pool of spousal options, imho.

Egads, what's happened to Candy!? She appears facing backward in that shot of Elsa, looking positively unappealing. Candy, get thee to a treadmill!

P.S. I love Fluffy! I think I'm ready to vote for whomever Fluffly likes the best!

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Brain Trust!
« Reply #56 on: July 16, 2017, 09:40:17 AM »
I'm surprised that gloomy and goofball aren't incompatible traits. Anyway, here's my take:
1.Avoid all of Jeremy's offspring. The fact that there are so many girls is good -- you can have your next pollinator get them all pregnant.
2. Since Izumi is a vampire, she's going to be a young adult forever until she's cured. So you can always bring her in as a spouse for some future heir if you want.

That leaves Gretchen, Elsa, and Tanvi. Go with whichever one you like best.
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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Brain Trust!
« Reply #57 on: July 16, 2017, 10:09:53 AM »
Honestly, any non-Jeremy girl works for Abernathy. Provided the Jems are not all pollinated by the same dude, the Jems' grandkids won't recognize each other as closely related. Example: Eva and Delaney's kids, Y and Z, will be cousins but if Y marries Gen 3, the future Gen 4 won't be closely related enough to Z (first cousin once removed) or their kids (second cousins) to consider them related. Therefore, you get more bang for your buck.

Beyond that, I hope you can keep Kiana's blue going, that is a really pretty shade.

As for who should be Abernathy's spouse, I'm voting for Elsa too.

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Brain Trust!
« Reply #58 on: July 16, 2017, 11:19:31 AM »
As much as I agree with no Jeremy kiddos, I love Alyse. Jade's spawn hold a place in my heart. <3
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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Brain Trust!
« Reply #59 on: July 16, 2017, 11:32:41 AM »
Don't know if it will change anyone's votes, but to clarify, Izumi will be cured of vampirism before being moved in.  Rieko has had vampire lore maxed since Abernathy was a toddler.

I really, really like Izumi who already has that whole trophy wife thing going with Abernathy, but she would take a lot of effort. She needs to get cured of vampirism, after which her relationships with everyone should improve and she'll stop vomiting what she eats. Did you check what her vampire rank is? Grand Master?
It's hard to compare Izumi with the other prospects unless she's cured of vampirism first. As long as she remains a vampire, we don't really know what she's bringing to the table.
Anyway, Izumi is presently ineligible to marry Abernathy because she's a vampire, otherwise I would vote for her.

Since Izumi isn't an IDC-eligible spousal candidate, I'm casting my vote for Elsa. She's not only really pretty but her perfectionist trait will be good for completing either the Author or Painter aspirations. She could bring lots of wealth into the household apart from her excellent genes and her sass.
I'm not supporting any of the pollinators' daughters. Marrying a pollinator's daughter so early in the challenge would reduce the future pool of spousal options, imho.

Egads, what's happened to Candy!? She appears facing backward in that shot of Elsa, looking positively unappealing. Candy, get thee to a treadmill!

P.S. I love Fluffy! I think I'm ready to vote for whomever Fluffly likes the best!
Yes, Izumi is a grand master (grand mistress?) vampire.  I'm glad you've enjoyed all the trophy wife banter  ;=)  It's been really fun to write.
In terms of pollinator offspring, I had the 4 different pollinators (Jeremy, Johnny, Vincent, and Romance Guru Jaime specifically to avoid cutting off too many options for future heirs.
Yeah, Candy just hangs out at the house and eats.  Summer's put on a little weight as well, but Candy has put on quite a bit more.  She's just stress eating.
SO glad you enjoy Fluffy  :=)

I'm surprised that gloomy and goofball aren't incompatible traits. Anyway, here's my take:
1.Avoid all of Jeremy's offspring. The fact that there are so many girls is good -- you can have your next pollinator get them all pregnant.
2. Since Izumi is a vampire, she's going to be a young adult forever until she's cured. So you can always bring her in as a spouse for some future heir if you want.

That leaves Gretchen, Elsa, and Tanvi. Go with whichever one you like best.
I agree that gloomy and goofball should conflict, yet here she is.
If Izumi isn't Abernathy's spouse, I don't think she'll be a spouse option at all. 
In terms of the "whichever one you like best" logic, my biggest problem is that none of them are standing out quite that much.  Back in my RDC, blonde Izumi was the immediate and obvious choice.  With Gaivan, Rieko was the obvious choice (even though I'd planned on marrying him off to Candy).  For Abernathy, no one has stuck out quite that way.  Izumi had been the plan (much like Candy had been), but I'm not sure I'm still on board with the plan (though that shallow side of me still finds her gorgeous).

Honestly, any non-Jeremy girl works for Abernathy. Provided the Jems are not all pollinated by the same dude, the Jems' grandkids won't recognize each other as closely related. Example: Eva and Delaney's kids, Y and Z, will be cousins but if Y marries Gen 3, the future Gen 4 won't be closely related enough to Z (first cousin once removed) or their kids (second cousins) to consider them related. Therefore, you get more bang for your buck.

Beyond that, I hope you can keep Kiana's blue going, that is a really pretty shade.

As for who should be Abernathy's spouse, I'm voting for Elsa too.
Kiana and her blue skin tone will definitely be a pollinator target if she doesn't end up as the spouse.
Again, the multiple pollinators eases the tension on the threat of marrying pollinator kids.  As long as I can keep rotating pollinators through and only having them pollinate the kids from a single previous pollinator's line, I can avoid having too many spouse options related to each other.  The problem with this generation is that Johnny, Vincent, and Romance Guru Jaime didn't get started until later, so most of the age-eligible ladies from pollinated lineage are Jeremy's.

As much as I agree with no Jeremy kiddos, I love Alyse. Jade's spawn hold a place in my heart. <3
Aww, some love for Alyse!  Not gonna lie, I think a mean klepto makes for some really fun writing opportunities.  Again, I'm a little less hesitant on marrying into a pollinator line since I have three such lines going.

Thanks, everyone, for the feedback.  I'm actually avoiding playing for a while so I can figure out which direction I want Abernathy to go spouse-wise (and there's plenty of housework that needs my attention anyway).