Author Topic: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Completed!  (Read 191665 times)

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Spousal Conundrum
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2017, 12:27:22 PM »
@PJHP1243 If you think the last one was good, you should check out the TS3 Graveyard!!! @PeregrineTook is a Master!! He is the most Awesim thing since sliced cheese!!

Love you, Pippin!!!!!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Spousal Conundrum
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2017, 02:00:59 PM »
Oh my goodness!  What a lovely way to return from vacation:  so many lovely, kind, and encouraging posts.  You guys are awesome aweSim!

What a great start to your Dynasty! How incredibly lucky to have such a great choice of random generated townies, mine all look the same. Your house is gorgeous and I do love the personality you have created for Galvan. I am going to have to agree with Oshizu.. I'm voting for Reiko!
I'm not certain, but I think that the City Living and Vampire expansions should get the credit for a lot of my attractive randomly generated Sims.
So glad you're enjoying the story and Gaivan specifically!  His personality just sort of oddly developed as I was playing and writing through the first few days of the dynasty.

Thank you for introducing the spousal prospects, Pippin!

As much as I love Miko's Neat trait, I still think that Rieko's the best option. Rieko's a Creative sim; Creative sims are so useful!

With Flirty-mood-inducing objects, an unflirty sim is just as susceptible to romance. Also, I love how Rieko contrasts herself with Candy and paints the Unflirty trait as a positive.

Team Rieko!
No shortage of love for Rieko!  I had fun doing the "spousal prospects" update.  Not saying that will continue to be a thing throughout the dynasty, but it's good to know I'll get wonderful feedback if I run into this conundrum again  ;=)

I'll go with Rieko, too. Creative Sims gain fun from painting, so that's a plus. With the unflirty trait, though, she's going to have negative reactions to Jeremy's pollinating if he does any flirty stuff in front of her.
Yes, Rieko will definitely need to be shielded from the pollinating.  Good call!
Poor Rieko will actually enjoy being a paint slave  ;=)

Team Rievan all the way!!! Or should that be Riegai? Hmm... WIP, although that last one makes me think of Reggae, which is pretty cool, so yeah :-) I suppose we could use Gaiko, but, without Googling, I'm not sure whether we would be swearing someone in another language O_O Plus, it kinda sounds like one of the DBZ characters (I think I've watched it once, so maybe?). And I'm totally with Oshizu in the thought that you need to protect the Homeless from the Culling Disease!

ETA (Thank you Google): Gaiko is Japanese for Diplomacy... Gaiv is going to need all the diplomacy he can get, to extricate himself from this love quadrangle he finds himself in (Poor Miko has no hope so let's throw her a bone lol)
Gaiko makes me think of Geico (even though they'd be pronounced differently).  Quite amusing.  I think I may keep that  ;=)
Very kind of you to give poor neglected Miko some attention.

*awkwardly slips in*
Um, hi. So I know I haven't been on the forum for a while, but I've been reading. Everything. I'm so sorry that you had to start over again, but this is just as good as your previous challenge, if not better! I vote Reiko. It's boring to see the same spouses in every story.

(Maybe you could pm me a picture of the hopefully Izumiclone baby grown up? If you still have that file?)
I could probably post an image of Izumiclone.  I might do that on the thread for the RDC before I have the mods graveyard it...if I remember...
Thanks for awkwardly slipping in  :=)

@PJHP1243 If you think the last one was good, you should check out the TS3 Graveyard!!! @PeregrineTook is a Master!! He is the most Awesim thing since sliced cheese!!

Love you, Pippin!!!!!
You so flatter me, Magpie!  Your comments do wonders for my chronically low self-esteem  ;=)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Spousal Conundrum
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2017, 04:56:09 PM »
Actually, the Japanese word gaiko and the insurance company Geico are pronounced identically, except the "o" in "gaiko" is a long vowel. :)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Surrogate and the Successor
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2017, 07:06:54 PM »
Pippin:  We return to the Took dynasty only to find that Jeremy's efforts with Alice didn't take.
Jeremy:  I can fix that!

Pippin:  Meantime, Gaivan invited Rieko over and moved her in.
Rieko:  Let's go in the massive flirty aura room and chat, Gaivan.
Gaivan:  I...that is...we could...
Rieko:  Just follow me.  It will be easier.

Pippin:  She's so good for him.
Gaivan:'re very...that I...
Rieko:  One word at a time.  First, the subject.
Gaivan:  You.
Rieko:  Umm-hmm.  Now the verb.
Gaivan:  Are.
Rieko:  Excellent!  And now a predicate adjective, perhaps?
Gaivan:  Beautiful.
Rieko:  Aww, you're so sweet!

Rieko:  You're rather handsome yourself, Gaivan.
Gaivan:  I...we could...that maybe...for having...
Rieko:  (sigh) This is going to take a while, isn't it?
Pippin:  And if only things were going that well for Raj.
Miko:  Cloud-gazing with you is great, buddy, but I'm still so sad that Gaivan is with that other girl.  She's not even a townie!
Raj:  I know, but maybe...
Miko:  I mean, how low must his standards be, right?

Lilith:  You know, you could always make him jealous by being with some other guy.  After all, men tend to want what they can't have.
Miko:  Hey, that's brilliant!  Raj, could you do me a favor?
Pippin:  Lilith, I owe you!  One day, if you can avoid being culled, I will cure you and marry you into this dynasty!
Lilith:  Really?  You'll rob me of immortality and make me a footnote in your story?  How nice.
Pippin:  Oh.  I guess I hadn't thought of it that way...
Lilith:  I'm just messin' with you.  That sounds great.
Pippin:  I'm suddenly thinking I may regret that promise...
Lilith:  Hey look, they're in the sauna.  Wait, when did you get a sauna?

Pippin:  Oh.  I may have felt the need to buy an expansion.
Miko:  Excellent!  Windows all around so he can see us kissing and making out!
Raj:  Kissing and making out?
Pippin:  Bet it would be even more jealousy-inducing if he caught you two in his bed.  Just sayin'.
Miko:  Brilliant!  Come on, Raj!
Raj:  Oh, uh, yes ma'am!

Pippin:  Meantime...
Gaivan: and...we could...if maybe...
Rieko:  Say it in one word.
Gaivan:  Girlfriend?
Rieko:  YES!!!

Pippin:  Oh heavens they're so cute!
Jeremy:  Okay, Summer, say cheese.
Together:  Cheeeeeeese!

Pippin:  Also cute, but also perhaps a touch twisted.  You see, the pollinators are taking selfies with each of their partners.

Pippin:  And then making a decorative strip of selfies along the wall.  Realistically, it could help as a quick reference for genealogies later on, so maybe it's more research-oriented?  Let's check in on our happy couple, shall we?

Rieko:  Hey, cutie!  You're so handsome when you cook!  And at all other times!
Gaivan:  I...that you...and so flattered...'cause love too...
Pippin:  So, Rieko, just to give you a heads-up, crazy Geeta thinks Gaivan is her boyfriend, so you might have to watch out...
Rieko:  Oh, I can handle this.

Rieko:  Hello, Geeta!  Gaivan told me all about...
Geeta:  Who's Gaivan?
Rieko:  Purple-haired scrawny guy?
Geeta:  Oh!  My boyfriend!
Rieko:  Yes.  Anyway, he told me how you two are so happy together and want to be the founders of a wonderful and lasting dynasty.  I must say, you two are just the cutest couple!
Geeta:  Oh, you're precious!  Would you like a hard candy?
Rieko:  Oh, how kind of you!  Of course, Gaivan also told me how sad you two are that you won't be able to have any children of your own.  It's shocking that even though you're still so healthy and full of life that you're past the child-bearing years.  I almost cried from feeling so sad for you, but then I figured out how I can help!
Geeta:  Oh?
Rieko:  I could be your surrogate!  See, I'll bear the child and even help out as a nanny after your child arrives and then you and Gaivan can continue your dynasty line!
Geeta:  That's brilliant!  Would you mind telling him for me?  I have to paint and fish.
Rieko:  Oh, not a problem!

Pippin:  Pretty sure she's telling him.  He seems to be taking the news quite well.  I should probably leave them alone now.
Rieko:  You think?
Pippin:  Woo!  Go Team Gaiko!!  Let's check in on Raj and Miko.
Miko:  Raj, I'm pregnant.

Geeta:  So tired.  No more fising.  No more painting.  Must sleep.
Raj:  Miko, I'm overjoyed!  I've always loved you!  I'm so happy we can be together!  That is, can we be together?  Sorry, I got caught up...
Miko:  Really?  You really want to be with me?  Weren't you just pollinating for the dynasty?
Raj:  Having children with you will give more spouse options or friend options to the dynasty household, but it was never about that.  (kneels) Miko, you are the only woman for me.  You're like the bananas in my split, like the crème in my brulee, like the icing on my cake.

Miko:  Oh my goodness, those were some weird analogies.
Raj:  Miko, will you be my living-out-of-the-dynasty-house wife?
Miko:  Oh, Raj, I'd love to!!

Pippin:  You fell for the big lug, huh?
Miko:  His persistence really made me feel important and loved.  Besides, look at us together.  Just imagine how cute our kids will be!  My line will be married into this dynasty household in no time!
Pippin:  What an odd silver lining.
Raj:  I love your odd silver lining!
Miko:  And I love our odd relationship!
Pippin:  And I'm...going to focus on someone else now.

Pippin:  Really, Jeremy?  Two redheads in the house and you go for the blonde? 
Jeremy:  Well, she was the only one home.  Besides, I'm getting along in years, and I think I may leave those beauties for my successor.
Pippin:  Successor?  You don't mean Raj, right?  I mean, he's a nice guy and a great cook, but I really think he's serious about Miko and he's absolutely terrible as a pollinator!!
Jeremy:  Nope.  I have someone else in mind.
Pippin:  Oh.  Good.

Raj:  You're sure this is the place?
Jeremy:  Yep!
Raj:  It's not quite the smooth bachelor pad I'd envisioned for your successor.
Jeremy:  Trust me!

Jeremy: that's basically the job, Johnny.  A little bit of gardening and a whole lot of planting seeds.
Raj:  By "planting seeds" he means...
Johnny:  Oh, I get it.  But can I still pursue my comedy career?
Pippin:  Hmm, feeding your joke star aspiration will net us even more potions of life.  I'm thinking yes!
Johnny:  I'm in!

Pippin:  Looks like Johnny won't be the only one joining our household.
Rieko:  I'm so happy!!  I must go see my sweetie.  Right now!

Rieko:  This rose is for you, my dear.
Gaivan:  It's so...but not as...because you're so...
Rieko:  Aww, that's sweet.  Anyway, I need to go have a quick chat with Geeta, and then I might be giving you something else.
Gaivan:  You...that I'm so...and for...spoiling me...
Rieko:  Indeed.

Rieko: everything is going exactly as planned, Geeta.  I'm having Gaivan's baby, so you'll soon be a mother.
Geeta:  Gaivan?
Rieko:  The scrawny purple haired guy.
Geeta:  Oh, my boyfriend!  Excellent!
Rieko:  Indeed.  It's just that...
Geeta:  What, dear?
Rieko:  I just feel so sad for you that the baby will be born out of wedlock.  I mean, even if you and Gaivan, the purple-haired scrawny guy, were to get married, I still wouldn't be married to him, so the baby would be born out of wedlock.  If only there were something we could do about that...
Geeta:  I've got it!  You must marry the scrawny purple-haired guy!
Rieko: Oh, Geeta, that's so very clever!
Pippin:  Rieko, are you an evil genius? 
Rieko:  No, just trying to make sure Geeta's happy.
Pippin:  I don't know whether to be thoroughly impressed or terrified by you.
Rieko:  Thanks!
Pippin:  And we bid farewell to the Took household...

Pippin:  and their new sauna room.

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Surrogate and the Successor
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2017, 11:05:11 PM »
Very nice work all around this update!
I found it hard to believe that Rieko has the unflirty trait--poor tongue-tied Gaivan didn't stand a chance!

And Raj! At last, he succeeds in winning Miko's heart!
Jeremy's been such a great find--so handsome yet an elder. Johnny Zest!
I must say I'm quite surprised that you didn't seek out a redheaded pollinator so that you could fill up your simworld with redheaded offspring.

I love Gaivan and Rieko together. Will Gaivan ever find his tongue?

Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Surrogate and the Successor
« Reply #20 on: July 06, 2017, 07:50:22 AM »
Oh! Em! Gee! I am so glad we went the Gaiko route!!! Diplomacy for the win!!!

Oh, and Mikaj is cute too, in a weirdly odd way lol

Reiko is so diabolically devious that I have no doubts Geeta will be giving the speech at the wedding even lol

Johnny makes some pretty good-looking kids, so nice score with that catch ;-D
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, The Surrogate and the Successor
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2017, 12:20:59 AM »
Very nice work all around this update!
I found it hard to believe that Rieko has the unflirty trait--poor tongue-tied Gaivan didn't stand a chance!

And Raj! At last, he succeeds in winning Miko's heart!
Jeremy's been such a great find--so handsome yet an elder. Johnny Zest!
I must say I'm quite surprised that you didn't seek out a redheaded pollinator so that you could fill up your simworld with redheaded offspring.

I love Gaivan and Rieko together. Will Gaivan ever find his tongue?
Yeah, Rieko kind of takes charge.  Someone needs to since Jeremy won't be around forever.
Hahaha, redhead pollinator.  Tempting idea, but I rather enjoy the idea of Johnny as a character.  He should prove to be fun as the story goes forward.

Oh! Em! Gee! I am so glad we went the Gaiko route!!! Diplomacy for the win!!!

Oh, and Mikaj is cute too, in a weirdly odd way lol

Reiko is so diabolically devious that I have no doubts Geeta will be giving the speech at the wedding even lol

Johnny makes some pretty good-looking kids, so nice score with that catch ;-D
I rather enjoy my oddly cute couples as well ;=)
I enjoyed writing the Rieko and Geeta interactions.  Glad you enjoyed them too.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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*This update had too much for a single update, so it will be delivered in two parts*

Pippin:  As we return to the Took household, Jeremy has received his first notice from the Grim Reaper.  As one would expect, this has really thrown him off his game.

Jeremy:  So making the most of the time I have left!

Pippin:  Never mind.  His game is very on.  Very very on.
Summer:  I'll say!!
Nancy:  Indeed!!
Pippin:  Gaivan, on the other hand, never had any game to start with.

Gaivan:  OW! wasn't...that's not...
Rieko:  Ooo, sweetie, are you okay?
Gaivan:  Trying to...thought it'd be...that show...showing off...
Rieko:  You don't have to show off for me, pumpkin, I already love you.
Gaivan:  I...and you...mild you...ow...
Pippin:  But Rieko did more than just distract Gaivan from his cooking...and everything else...

Rieko:  Gaivan Took, my scrawny purple-haired hunk, will you marry me?
Gaivan:  I...that we could...and so happy...
Rieko:  Single word answer, please.
Gaivan:  Yes!
Rieko:  Woot woot!!
Pippin: What a happy and glorious moment.  Oh, look, here's another glorious and rare moment.  Jeremy's doing some actual gardening.

Jeremy:  My legacy will live on in my many children and the prematurely named Jeremy Epstein Memorial Garden!
Pippin:  And look who else is helping out around the house!  Rieko seems to be fixing the toilet!

Rieko:  BLAGH!!  Not fixing the toilet.  BLARGH!!!
Pippin:  Oh...OH!!  That's right, morning sickness.  Hitting you pretty bad, huh?
Rieko:  Only all day every day.  BLAAAARGH!!!!
Pippin:  Umm, I'm not planning on the heir having siblings if that makes you feel better...?
Rieko:   BLARGH!!  So happy.  BLAAAARGH!!!
Pippin:  K.  Well, maybe we should get things prepped for the wedding.
Rieko:  Yeah, I should still fit in my dress.   BLARGH!!!  Johnny, bring me some wet towels.
Johnny:  I'm so not going in that bathroom.
Pippin:  And so, after Miko (who practically lives here now) brought poor Rieko some towels and helped her get cleaned up, the bride got into her gown.

Rieko:  I look like a princess!!!
Pippin:  Yes, sweetie, you certainly do!

Pippin: Wait, isn't it bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony?
Rieko:  Oh, definitely.  Feeling so unlucky right now.
Pippin:  Okay.  Sarcasm.  Seems like things are fine.

Pippin:  Aww, a happy wedding with several of Jeremy's sweethearts and Miko present as guests.
Miko:  I look like a balloon...that swallowed a whale...
Raj:  You look gorgeous to me, my precious éclair!
Miko:  You're so weird.

Rieko:  ...and I will love you more than I love painting, music, and my hair.  And I will do all in my power to help you and our baby to achieve immortality.
Gaivan:  I...and that...
Jeremy:  Remember how we practiced.  Just talk about food.
Gaivan:  A recipe for marriage involves a half cup of adoration, 3 cloves of passion, a quart of patience, a spoonful of understanding, and 1/3 cup compromise.  Mix these ingredients well and then alternate between simmering and high heat to bring things to a rapid boil.  While the outside rises and becomes a solid casing of golden brown delight, the center stays warm and gooey.
Rieko:  Aww, sweetheart, that was beautiful!  Why can you only talk about food?
Gaivan:  I...that you...and self-esteem...because fearing...and childhood...
Pippin:  Let's just be glad he can speak at all.
Rieko:  Fair enough.
Pippin:  Cake time!!

Pippin:  Oh my gawsh!!!  They're so adorable!!  And as the party wound to a close, I was mildly surprised by having another task after the "have 3 Sims have a drink" action and had to rush people in to accomplish a binge-eating session to get 4 Sims to eat something even as the red time warning light was flashing.

Johnny:  Ugh, so tired.  Can't we go back to bed?
Pippin:  Less whining, more eating!!
Geeta:  When I was a girl, we'd eat uphill 5 miles through the snow.  Without shoes!
Pippin:  Gold medal party!  Made it!  And even though the day was such a happy and successful one, it led into another day that was much the opposite.

Geeta:  I see a bright light.  Hmm, kind of want to go to it.  Actually, kind of tired.  Wanna just lay down...
Pippin:  Geeta!  No!!!  We never even got a warning that her time was coming to a close!

Rieko:  Geeta?  Geeta, what's happening?  What's wrong?
Geeta:  Geeta's going into the light, deary.  You take care of my boyfriend for me.  And just between us girls, I kind of think he fancies you.  And one more thing...
Rieko:  Yes, Geeta?
Geeta:  Here's another hard candy.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Pippin:  And now for something completely different, randomly generated Sim fashion!

Pippin:  First up, our high fashion Twi'lek.  Her future's so bright, she's gotta wear shades!

Pippin:  And all of the interstellar band geeks will be rocking this look this year.  And those red hot pants make you visible from space!

Pippin:  And our real show stopper, for the girl who has everything, wear it all!
Rieko:  Wow, Pippin, that was really...something.  I'm not sure what, but definitely something.
Pippin:  True stuff.  Anyway, after the hectic work to make a big gold medal effort of the Gaiko wedding, Miko and Raj opted for a private wedding on the front porch.

Lilith:  I am such a great matchmaker.

Miko:  This ring symbolizes that I own you.  You got that?  No other woman can have you.
Raj:  Let's face it, honey, I don't think any other woman would have me.
Miko:  True, but only because they know I'd hunt them down and end them.
Raj:  You are truly the dressing to my salad.

Miko:  And you are my ridiculous moron.
Pippin:  Those two are really odd, but cute.  Oh, and you probably noticed Miko's no longer pregnant.  She gave birth to a precious baby girl named Gretchen.  And speaking of making babies...

Johnny:  Candy, you're so beautiful.
Candy:  True.  I'm glad someone notices I'm prettier than Rieko.
Johnny:  Oh, I never said...
Candy:  What?!?
Johnny:  I said...I never said that, but you know it's true.  Beautiful.  Sweet, beautiful Candy.
Candy:  That's better.
Pippin:  Indeed, Jeremy still has much to teach his young padawan.

Johnny:  ...okay, I get that house calls are a great idea, but why are you in a towel?
Jeremy:  Watch and learn, grasshopper.  Watch and learn.
Johnny:  Okay, but why's the founder here?
Pippin:  Gaivan just comes along to use the household's stove while they're busy with...other things.

Pippin:  Hey look, Miko's fixing the toilet...oh.  Wait.
Miko:  BLARGH!!!
Pippin:  Ummm, congrats on the good news, Raj and Miko.  Gretchen will be a great big sister.  Rieko, bring her wet towels.
Rieko:  I'm a little busy being in labor right now!

Pippin:  In labor?  Shouldn't you be headed to the hospital?
Rieko:  Psh, not until I'm OW finished with this OW relaxing soak!
Pippin:  ...whatever you say...
Rieko:  OW  okay.  Honey!!  It's OW  baby time!!!

Gaivan:  ...and I'm...that we should...into the...probably because....
Rieko:  Just take the calming breaths like we practiced.
Gaivan:  ...I...the baby...and it's...
Rieko:  Sweetie?
Gaivan:  (lamaze-style breathing)

Rieko:  See, sweetie?  I'll just lay down here and the nice doctor will help me through the delivery and then we'll have a sweet little nooboo to bring home.
Gaivan:  (Lamaze)

Gaivan:  (muttering and whimpering)
Rieko:  It's okay, honey, just keep breathing.
Dr. Eva:  May I give your husband an epidural?
Rieko:  Tempting, but no.  I think I can get him through this. 
Gaivan:  I...wedon'thave...andwhatifthe...inthewaythey...
Rieko:  Breathing, sweetie.  Just breathing.
Gaivan:  (Lamaze)

Dr. Eva:  Congratulations, Rieko!  It's a boy!  Oh, you too, Gaivan.
Rieko:  Aww, thanks, doc!  I should introduce you to my friend Johnny.  I think you two would really hit it off.
Pippin:  Rieko, you are a wonder.
Rieko:  Thanks!  Now it's snuggle time!

Rieko:  He is the most precious thing ever!
Pippin: What are you going to name him?
Rieko:  Something classic and sophisticated, I think.  Abernathy.  Yes.  Abernathy Took.
Pippin:  Welcome to the madness, Abernathy Took

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Welcome, Abernathy! And farewell, Geeta. Gaivan is off to a good start!
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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What a fascinating founder--he can only talk coherently about food! But never fear, Rieko has enough words for both of them. I'm loving Rieko!

Congrats on your dynasty's many firsts! First gold-medal party, first wedding, and first heir! And a second pollinator already!

Looking forward to learning more about Gaivan and Rieko--they're off and running to a lovely and highly entertaining start!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Welcome, Abernathy! And farewell, Geeta. Gaivan is off to a good start!
I'm so happy that things are going to well for Gaivan!  The success is directly connected to having made a few failed attempts at Sims 4 dynasties, reading through IDC's other have done (most noteably the Hollingsworth, Spiffendales, and Nishijimas), and doing lots of planning/prepping/ongoing support and maintenance with Oshizu.
I was shocked that Geeta keeled over with no warnings at all!  I had already scripted out interactions between her and her "son," but she never lived to meet young Abernathy  :=(

What a fascinating founder--he can only talk coherently about food! But never fear, Rieko has enough words for both of them. I'm loving Rieko!

Congrats on your dynasty's many firsts! First gold-medal party, first wedding, and first heir! And a second pollinator already!

Looking forward to learning more about Gaivan and Rieko--they're off and running to a lovely and highly entertaining start!
I thought having him speak coherently about food would be a nice twist.  In rereading the first update, I noticed that his comment about having time to practice the cooking skill by grilling fruit was the only complete sentence he made, so that just grew from there.
Gaivan has actually already done a gold medal date and dinner party (which also filled the silver medal dinner party requirement for the master chef aspiration), but I didn't really make a big narrative deal about that.
Amusingly, the further I get into the narrative, the more Gaivan seems to sink into the background and Rieko becomes more of a narrator.  Jaivan and Izumi went in a very similar direction in my RDC.  Funny how that worked out.

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took Immortal Dynasty, Johnny the Joker
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2017, 12:43:42 PM »
Pippin:  With the addition of baby Abernathy, the upstairs finally got a facelift.

Rieko:  Well, since it was never finished in the first place, I think it should be that it got a face, not a facelift.
Pippin:  ...fair enough.  Anyway, helpers/pollinators will provide baby care up here in the early going and we'll be using this area for immortals in later generations which will give us lovely built-in child care.
Rieko:  Okay, just remember not to have my sweetie pie teach them to talk.
Pippin:  Oooo, good point.  Oh, and look at what a good caretaker Uncle Raj is.

Raj:  You know, maybe I could actually go see my own children sometime?
Pippin:  Less whining!  More childcare!  And speaking of children...

Johnny:  I'm going to be a daddy for the first time!!
Pippin:  The first of many times.
Candy:  What was that, Pippin?
Pippin:  I mean...I hope you and Johnny have many, many children.  Because you're so beautiful.  So your children will be beautiful.  Because you are.  Please don't hit me.
Candy:  Okay, I won't since you noticed I'm beautiful.
Pippin:  And beautiful Candy's dear Johnny is definitely a popular fellow.

Jade:  Poor Candy, she's fallen for a pollinator.
Pippin:  But you...
Jeremy:  Not everyone can have the special connection we share, Jade.
Jade:  Oh, Jeremy, you're the best!
Pippin:  Hmm, I guess he is.  Johnny, take notes.

Johnny:  So, Liberty, are you from Tennessee?  'Cause you're the only ten I see.
Liberty:  Teehee, oh Johnny!
Pippin:  Hmm, note-taking seems to be working.
Jeremy:  The Force is strong with this one.
Pippin:  And we fast forward through Abernathy's baby years...

Pippin:  Awww, he's a redhead!  Wait.  You're blonde, and Gaivan is lavender-haired...
Rieko:  His hair will turn lavender when he's older, Pippin.  Toddlers can't have base game unnatural colors.
Pippin: do you know that?
Rieko:  Pay more attention to the forum, Pippin.
Pippin:  I...but did...
Rieko:  Hmm, seems like Gaivan's speech pattern is contagious.  Ah well, time to play with my little Abernathy!

Pippin:  Well, now that Abernathy has something slightly resembling independence and Gaivan has a few days off, let's knock out another party requirement!
Johnny:  Hey, Pippin, you know what comes before part B?  PartAY!
Pippin:  Ugh.

Gaivan:  I...and then the...'cause the claws...but she...and!
Liberty: idea what you're talking about.
Raj:  We usually just smile and nod if Rieko's not around to translate.
Liberty:  Sounds legit.

Rieko:  Izumi!  You're a lovely and randomly generated redhead vampire.  You're a beautiful woman who won't age.  I gave birth to a son.  I should learn about vampiric lore and find that cure.
Lilith:  Really? 
Rieko:  Oh, you'll get your turn, Lilith, but Izumi is definitely facing culling threat.
Lilith:  Yeah, that's fair.
Pippin:  Rieko, please live a very long life.
Rieko:  Woot!  Dance time!!

Pippin:  It took two tries, but we got our gold medal house party.  Adding that to the successful wedding party, date, and dinner party, we only need one more.  I'm thinking a birthday party.  However, we've got some time to fill before a birthday comes around.
Johnny:  You could fill that time by actually letting me perform like you promised when I moved in?  I have this great new bit I've been wanting to try out...
Pippin:  Alright, deal.  Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Solar Flare Lounge in beautiful Oasis Springs!  We have a great evening of comedy lined up for you, so without further ado, Johnny Zest!!

Johnny:  I know what you're thinking:  more like Jenny Zest, amirite?
Crowd:  (mild laughter)
Johnny:  I decided that women's clothing looked really comfy, so I tried some on, but I've gotta say, dressing like this is a real drag.  (buh dum tch)
Crowd:  (Laughter)
Johnny:  Seriously, it was so tough putting this on that I really got mad.  Guess you could say I was a real cross dresser.  (buh dum tch)
Crowd:  (More laughter)

Johnny:  I gotta tell you, running in a skirt is a huge challenge.  In fact, Rieko actually challenged me to see which of us could run here fastest without our skirts flying up.  I won, though, because I'm an excellent drag racer.  (buh dum tch)
Crowd:  (More laughter and attention for Rieko)
Johnny:  I'm glad no one's heckling tonight.  That would make me so mad I'd flip my wig.  Literally!  (buh dum tch)
Crowd:  (A little less laughing)

Johnny:  One final note, I have to give an apology to Candy Behr.  We argued quite a bit as she was helping me get ready by being my cosmetologist, but we'll make up.  (buh dum tch)
Crowd:  (Lots of laughter and people looking around in fear that Candy will hurt them)
Johnny:  You've been a great crowd, thank you, good night!
Crowd:  (Cheering)
Pippin:  Excellent work, Johnny!  You really are a funny guy.
Johnny:  Thanks, but do you think it was too many bad puns?
Pippin:  Oh, I don't think there's any such thing as too many bad puns.  Anyway, things are progressing nicely as Gaivan has gotten a promotion again.

Gaivan:  So...must tired...hooray...'cause sleep...promotion...
Pippin:  And as he hits his level 6 promotion, he enters the mixology branch of his career and everyone is highly impressed that his Watcher remembered to make sure he had the master mixologist aspiration active when it happened to complete that requirement.
Rieko:  So, did you hurt your arm patting yourself on the back so much?
Pippin:  Hey, I...yes.  A little.  Hey, why are you in a towel?

Rieko:  Sauna time followed by vampire lore.  Isn't that right, Abernathy?
Abernathy:  (begins examining the stiches of the bear with great interest)
Pippin:  Hmm, someone should probably teach little Abernathy to talk.  Raj?
Raj:  On it!  Come on, my little sous chef!

Raj:  ...and sometimes, you can garnish things with spearmint.  Can you say spearmint?
Abernathy:  E-spreara-ment
Pippin:  ...did he just say experiment?
Raj:  Haha, kids say the darnedest things!
Pippin:  Hmmm, that should be a TV show.  Anyway, when Johnny's not busy being a joke star, he's busy proving himself to be a worthy successor to Jeremy.

Johnny:  Ayaka, my mesmerizing mixologist, you intoxicate me.
Ayaka:  Oh, Johnny!

Johnny:  Dear Avani, I vanna kiss you.
Avani:  (is kissed)
Pippin:  Okay, he's super smooth.  Looks like we're really turning the corner with our pollinators.  I mean that literally.

Pippin:  See?  Corner.  totally turned it.
Johnny:  Well done, Pippin.  Everyone knows jokes are always funnier when you explain them.
Pippin:  I know, right?  But Johnny's mentor is definitely still alive and well.

Pippin:  Yes, doing so, so very well.

Pippin:  But he made sure to pass along more wisdom to his young protégé.

Jeremy:  You're doing well, my young padawan.
Johnny:  Thank you, master Jeremy.
Jeremy:  But one day, I'll become one with the Force and you must forge on without me since we aren't having any ghosts on the property to help protect the ambrosia.  You'll need to find a wingman.
Johnny:  Well, Raj is already...
Jeremy:  No.  I mean, don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy and you definitely look more attractive when you're compared to him, but he's so not a good pollinator.
Johnny:  Oh.  Okay then.  I'll have to think about this some more.
Jeremy:  And one more thing to bear in mind, Johnny...
Johnny:  Yes, master Jeremy?
Jeremy:  Try to find someone who lives alone so they'll bring in their full wealth to make the dynasty household even more ridiculously wealthy.
Pippin:  Jeremy, you are amazing!  Speaking of Jeremy being amazing, he and his protégé have successfully done the grafting to create death flowers and have gotten 6 death flowers planted in the prematurely named Jeremy Epstein Memorial Garden.

Pippin:  Indeed, not just any old Sim could accomplish the great things Jeremy and Johnny have done.

80's Hairband Guy:  (sigh)  When he says "any old Sim," he means me.
Pippin:'s true.  Anyway, we leave the Took household with Gaivan significantly advanced through his requirements and Abernathy only 4 days from childhood.

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Johnny the Joker
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2017, 01:21:30 PM »
I love Johnny's jokes. It looks to me like Abernathy is going to inherit Gaivan's nose.

And how is little Gretchen doing?
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Took Immortal Dynasty, Johnny the Joker
« Reply #29 on: July 08, 2017, 01:46:48 PM »
Gaivan is doing so well with his family, career, and parties! Great job on the death flower, Jeremy and Johnny!

And you're right, there can never be too many bad puns! Lol, when we first arrived at the Solar Lounge,  I thought you'd given Summer Holiday a makeover, but it was Johnny.

Wow, Jeremy's really hanging on to life! He's survived one update longer than Geeta so far!

