Author Topic: The Sims 4 Parenthood Guides and Reference Links  (Read 4186 times)

Offline Carl

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The Sims 4 Parenthood Guides and Reference Links
« on: June 03, 2017, 03:23:55 PM »
The Sims 4 Parenthood Guides and Reference Links

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I'd used my free time to write on this pack this week, but never announced anything. For now the following are done, with more to do with each of the listed pages and with topics that belong on pages throughout the guide. I also hope to update some other things that need it, but it's based on free time and motivation to do so. Things have changed a lot for me as you can probably tell from my attendance here lately.

Parenthood Overview - What's in the Pack, needs updated to include the new aspiration and some miscellaneous things. The major features are there.

Parenting Feature
Character Values - The core feature of the pack. Sim children learn to be better people, or develop bad habits when things go uncorrected.
Parenting Skill - Adult Sims learn to better teach children morality and life skills. This guide covers leveling that and using it.

To Do's
Teen page (a sad ongoing joke that this needs done)
Children page edits
Toddler page edits
Aspiration/Role Model Reward Trait (Aura emanating from parent that boosts gains in character values by 50%)

We'll clean up this post later to make it more of a comprehensive list of guides and any resources that come in to existence here on the forum. For now I'll ask if the community thinks there are other topics that deserve full pages, or propose things that should be on pages. I believe the missing teens page is ever-more important now, and that edits to childhood/toddler life phases are due because of the way those age groups' play styles have changed. Likely need one good paragraph on each to explain how it interacts with this pack.

This pack was pretty wide, so there's lots of little things and I'd appreciate any proposals you might have. Thanks!

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Sims 4 Parenthood Guides
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2017, 03:45:15 PM »
Using the info in your Character Values guide, I realized that it might be possible to skip some traits in CAS and cheat in adult traits when you're creating a new Sim. For example, if you want a good Sim, you might be able to use something other than the "good" trait, but use this cheat instead: traits.equip_trait Compassionate. Instead of hot-headed, you could cheat in Argumentative. This would give you the potential of 8 traits for your new Sim, the 3 from CAS plus 5 cheated character traits.

I also began exploring opposite traits, and this is what I found:

The following combinations are possible:

neat and Bad Manners
snob and Bad Manners
slob and Good Manners
perfectionist and Irresponsible
ambitious and Irresponsible
materialistic and Irresponsible
hot-headed and Mediator
outgoing and Argumentative
good and Insensitive
mean and Compassionate
evil and Compassionate
self-assured and Uncontrolled
jealous and Emotional Control
insane and Emotional Control

However, you cannot make the following:

childish and Responsible
lazy and Responsible
goofball and Responsible

It's possible that you'll be able to bring up a child with one of these traits to be responsible, but you can't cheat the trait onto an adult.
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Offline Carl

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Re: The Sims 4 Parenthood Guides and Reference Links
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2017, 06:11:59 PM »
Heey, I'm kind of  a slob with good manners so this is realistic. And yeah, I was also thinking similarly that when you start with adult Sims you might want to toss in some of the parenting-related traits right at the beginning. They're not particularly OP and they do effect the autonomous behavior. Overall they're about personality, and I don't think it's very 'cheaty' to put them on a Sim you just created. Otherwise you'd have to start a family and make the Sim you really wanted by raising them from a child first :P

I'll make sure to mention this, somehow. I did a lot of edits today (getting the new DLC added to that page, the new aspiration, improvements to the gateway page). I feel on the ball right now but let's hope I don't lose balance lol. I really appreciate any other suggestions that people have.

Maybe a page about family activities, just depends how much depth there is to it. Someone shared that you can use them to give kids empathy experience, which is kind of hard to get otherwise.

