Congrats GlazeyLady!
I see I was on the right track with my strategy, just missed a few things. Wish I had figured out the maxed Charisma skill/upload viral video. I had looked that up and, from what I found, I thought it unlocked only at Level 7 of the career and I never got that far. Me and Careers aren't friends. I'm also not big on the charisma skill, it's always been too grindy for me.
It's been a rough 7 days for me, and I've had a lot of health issues going on so my mind is kind of focused on that, but how I approached the game. I completed a couple of the easy aspirations (leader of the pack and friend of the world was the first two I was working on). I created a club and got the rally the troops and career boost as my first perks. Then I just got in a routine of having the club meet right before bed (sleep was one of the activities, among others) and my sim slept (until rally came up. Which I later found if you call a gathering, use rally the troops, end the gathering, and then start it again you can spam rally the troops. I felt that was a bit of a loophole, so I tried not to abuse it). I'd keep the gathering while my sim was at work and then when she came home, end the gathering so sims can go take care of needs while my sim did whatever was available for gaining followers. Once I got to level 6, I used vacation days and spent the last two days spamming that broadcast option that gives 8,000-10,000 each time. I feel I went about this the hard way.