I woke the next morning to find some people standing in my yard. They called themselves the "Windenburg Welcoming Party". The goofy looking guy is Gunther Munch, and the stuffy looking library lady is Maaike Haas.

I introduced myself and told them I had just got in last night. I asked them if the research on the soil here was true. Munch said it was as much the Carl given gospel. So I told them about my reading and studying up on the Dragon Fruit.

Then Maaike told me that I needed to go the festivals that are held in the city. She said that they have all the exotic fruits that don't normally grow here in the wild. Imagine the shock on my face to hear this.

Nick: Thanks for that info. I'll have to remember that and go check it out.

Are all the neighbors here in Windenburg as nice as you guys seem to be?
Maaike: Hmm, well there are some weirdo's that live are and also in the nearby towns of Willow Creek and Oasis Spring. Newcrest is a new town with restaurants and such.

Gunther: Oh and you see that one over there in the Red Dress? That's Bella Goth, watch out for her. She's married into the Goth family but Mortimer turns a blind eye to her flirting.
Maaike: Oh that family is a weird bunch.

Nick: Is that the same Goth's from Sunset Valley?
Maaike: That's the ones. Old money and even older creepy ways.

At that I said my goodbyes and sent them off on their way.

I was in much of a need of a good bush to relive myself.

I was very careful to make sure no one was around when I made my way out.

I hopped a cab to the park over in Willow Creek. I needed to collect the rest of the funds for my family armor. I needed to get it back. How hard can it be to get §200 more simoleons?

Yes, I look very smug right now. And I should be, I just sold my few collectibles and wired the §8200 over to that greedy Clark Peddler and told him I wanted my armor in my hands ASAP.

I hope this is it. My hands are hurting my right now.

Now I'm happily broke, but you know what? At least I know my families legacy will be intact and they will have something to be proud of in the end.

I was feeling a little hungry and so I stopped collecting and went to eat at one of the picnic tables. There I met Salim Banali from San Myshuno. The blonde is Summer Holiday, she lives here in Willow Creek with her other two roommates.

I introduced myself and told them my story and Summer told me to make sure I came by her part of town because there was wild fruits and vegetables growing there.

Then out of no where, this weird guy named Bob Pancakes. They said that when he and his wife first moved to town, it was rumored his was married to his daughter.

How can that be? That is just so wrong!!
Bob: It was mistake on the company Maxis that was hired to input all the towns info on the new data base.

I stood up and bagged myself and burger and headed off. It was time to head home before dark.

WHAT IN THE NAME OF CARL is this?? Boy that was fast. I guess he was more than happy to get his money then have this old thing. Well, I'm put you in storage for now.

Now to put that part of my life behind me and start to move forward.

These fresh picked strawberries are the best. Fruit is always best when it's fresh off the vine.

Well time to head back to the ole bench and get some sleep.

As I feel asleep and dreamed of my future here in Windenburg ..

The moon was slowly going down and the sun was coming up.