Author Topic: Her Lasting Legacy- 20th December.. Final Chapters Up! Story is now complete  (Read 42405 times)

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 29 October Update
« Reply #90 on: November 15, 2017, 09:47:35 PM »
@Playalot - Thanks for popping in!! I'm glad you like it  ;D Am hoping to post another update today!

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 29 October Update
« Reply #91 on: November 15, 2017, 10:28:29 PM »
I'm very happy to hear that, KTK10! I'm eagerly waiting! :D

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 29 October Update
« Reply #92 on: November 20, 2017, 09:50:18 AM »
Hello Everyone! Well it was a little longer than expected to post.. we have had an absolute RAIN of sickness and accidents in our house over the last month.. I broke my ankle (texting and walking at the same time does not end well.. :() My husband then torn the tendon from his shoulder while playing ice Hockey.. my little girl then caught Bird Flu and managed to pass it on to the entire household.. and to top it off... my car wouldn't start! hahaha.. so.. am hoping for a much better December! hahaha

Anyway... enough of my woes.. here is some more from our little saga! 

“Father watched us, often from afar. I never took the time to understand what he was thinking, but whatever interaction he used to have with us both steadily changed overtime.. Instead of enjoying our moments by the fire, or playing chase by the fishing spot.. he would instead have Victoria and I compete.” Lilith stopped and looked into the distance for a while.. Dina was about to grab her when Lilith shuddered and then continued “It wasn’t until we had our teenage birthday’s that things became more. Shall I say.. obvious”

“Did he hurt you and Victoria Lilith?” Dina asked softly

“Oh my goodness no” She leaned into Dina and squeezed her arm in thanks “He was never physical.. I didn’t even realise that he was hurting us mentally until it was too late… You see.. Victoria grew into the most beautiful of women”

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“She was always happy and so enjoyed the outdoors, as was her nature” She continued

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“But soon she realised what Father and Mother had suspected for quite some time.. She was human"

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“He had one of each you see.. he was testing us the entire time to see if I was stronger and faster than she was. Seems innocent enough doesn’t it?” Lilith looked at Dina with a shrug

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“Victoria was devastated. The relationship that she had enjoyed with Caleb would most certainly sour now.. she was thinking of hiding it.. finding a way for me to bite her and have her transition before Father would notice… but she went outside just that once too often”

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“And she was right, he was sad, disappointed.. annoyed” Lilith smirked “He couldn’t even pretend to hide it for the sake of his daughter.. not even for a moment”

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“And that’s when Victoria decided that if he was going to dislike her anyway.. she may as well be the teenager he was always dreading”

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“What about you Lilith?” Dina asked “Where were you when this was happening”

“Where else could I have been my dear?.. I was inside of course.. always inside looking out..”

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“Of course, this was soon to change as Father started to school me on the ways of Vampire Lore. I hated it of course.. but for some reason, if he asked me to do something.. I had no choice but to obey”

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“I read day and night… he kept handing me potion after potion to drink to keep me awake and without thirst.. and kept telling me I didn’t mind and that I would enjoy it.. and because he told me to.. I did”

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“Do you mean he had you under some kind of thrall? That not only could he tell you what to do, but also how to feel?” Dina questioned

“Yes. That would be correct. My sister, however, had no such issues with him.. she could defy him and feel as she wished all the time”

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“No matter what Caleb tried to do to control her, he always failed”

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“My mother tried to intervene a number of times as she could see the destruction of Victoria and Caleb’s relationship before her very eyes. This saddened her greatly.. but then she would see me and the emotional prison I was under and it would anger her.. and so the love and respect that was between my parents started to slowly decay”

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“It was shortly after my parents began to argue that I just stopped reading my text book.. I didn’t know how it happened at the time, but the compulsion to learn and to do nothing else was suddenly lifted”

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“You see.. while arguing with Caleb.. she said that I should, of course, stop studying and have fun with my sister..  It was at that moment that my Mother’s signed her own death warrant.."

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“What on earth happened?” Dina asked horrified

“At first, nothing. I would go into the woods with my sister and we would be able to talk.. talk as freely as we used to.. I could only go if my Mother over ruled my Fathers demands and the freedom was intoxicating”

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“Victoria would often want to discuss the differences of Mother and Father, but I would always just want to enjoy my snippet of freedom”

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“I would always suggests running again, doing anything other than talk about Caleb.. because what she didn’t know is that everything she was talking to me about.. Caleb would demand I repeat to him.. it made some resentment sink in.. I am sorry to say” Lilith hung her head in forgotten shame

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“So I began to let her talk.. foolishly I thought that if everything was finally out in the open, I would actually begin to earn my freedom from Caleb”

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“I was hoping I would get to be a good sister and daughter and I would laugh freely and with my OWN purpose.. again.. but as you can see.. that did not happen.. and my sister and I really only had a few shorts weeks left to enjoy our lives as they were.. How was I to know that things could get worse?”

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 20 November Update
« Reply #93 on: December 05, 2017, 09:44:49 PM »
Hi Guys! I am definitely planning to another chapter up in the next few days.. we have been rushed with visitors and they have interrupted my Sim writing time! haha We have 7 more family visitors arriving tonight! Thank you so much for your patience  :)

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 20 November Update
« Reply #94 on: December 05, 2017, 10:19:45 PM »
Wow, that's a lot of visitors! Enjoy your time with the family!
I'm really hoping that Caleb doesn't end up the villain of this story. :(  *crosses fingers

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 20 November Update
« Reply #95 on: December 13, 2017, 04:06:46 AM »
“The fighting escalated” Lilith continued  “It was difficult for us all”

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“Victoria and Father would fight continuously, sometimes Mother would try to come between them.. she would just stand there with a smile hoping to alleviate some of the tension”

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“Mother tried to talk to Victoria, to make her try to understand that Caleb wasn’t trying to control her, only help her with understanding her duties as a woman and a daughter”

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“This, of course, was met with laughter from Victoria. She was naturally rebelling against our Father.. that’s what some teenagers do!”

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Lilith looked away from Dina for a moment, like she was far away

Dina cleared her throat

“So Caleb did what he thought would be the best outcome for all”

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“But somehow..” Lilith giggled “She was able to resist him! He couldn’t turn her”

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“This was Caleb’s first time of facing this type of defiance from any human.. let alone his daughter”

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“Mother and I spent many nights watching the starts and discussing ways on how to make our house more peaceful, on ways to bring these two back together again.. they were always so close! I may have resented their relationship when I was younger.. but I would have given anything to have it return to the way it was”

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“But this was not to be” Lilith recalled “He summoned me not 3 days later to the study”

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“At first I was happy to be called to his side, it had been some time since we have spoken”

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“ I had been left to study on my own, however, what he demanded of me was horrific”

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“I think Mother knew immediately when I interrupted them.. Victoria just greeted me with her beautiful smile”

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“But nothing could stop me.. I had to do it!” Lilith pleaded with Dina to understand

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“At first Victoria thought I was joking.. but then I could see the look in her eyes.. the terror… she was afraid.. OF… me…” Lilith swallowed a sob that was trying to escape

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“I have never been more ashamed or felt more helpless that I did at that moment.. after it had been done”

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Dina looked at Lilith in shock “You? You turned your sister into a Vampire?”

Lilith only responded with a nod of her head. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, Lilith turned to Dina to continue

“Mother was livid, she knew what Father had done. Not only to Victoria, but to me as well, so she took him deep into the forest”

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“They had the loudest and most destructive argument that I had ever heard”

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“At first he tried to calm her down, to give her reasons as to why he would manipulate both of his daughters so completely”

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“Mother finally broke down in tears, she could see in Caleb’s eyes that he had no idea that what he was doing was detrimental to all of us. She also knew that he would never stop.”

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 13 December Update
« Reply #96 on: December 13, 2017, 12:55:46 PM »
Lilith was looking at Dina with wide eyes and with a face that was begging her to understand.. she knew that her 30 minutes was almost up and there were still a few things left to say..

“I begged my Mother not to go into the woods with Father, it was a feeling I had.. a connection.. does that seem ridiculous?” Lilith questioned

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Dina just shook her head in response

“I didn’t know that as she was heading off for that argument with him.. it would be the last time I ever beheld her”

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“She begged and pleaded with him”

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“And he still could not comprehend why her anger was so intense and why she was defying him so openly.. he became angry..”

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“So Mother got angry.. it was like their hearts truly separated at that moment”

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“But she still would not give up. She loved us children so much she was willing to do and say anything to make him change the direction he was going”

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“But it was not meant to be.. it was like he was obsessed.. he needed to control, he needed to be loved and he needed to find out how far this power would take him”

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“She was devastated. Beyond hope for him and our family”

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“She then told him quietly that she was leaving him. She intended on taking her girls and moving away from him and his compulsions... he was furious! For a moment, my Mother thought that he was going to turn her himself!”

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“If you know this Lilith, why didn’t you try and stop it??” Dina accused her

“I wasn’t there!!!” Lilith cried out

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“When I was talking to the Ancient One about your pregnancy, he showed me some of his visions” Lilith continued “he also passed on the visions he had of my Father and my Mother.”

*gulp* Dina looked at Lilith with tears in her eyes “You mean you witnessed your Mother’s death? You watched everything?”

Lilith couldn’t respond

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“Oh Lilith..” Dina reached out to her in sympathy

“Stop!” Lilith yelled “Don’t feel sorry for me! Please! You have no idea what I have done.. what I have to do..”

“What do you mean?” Dina asked, a little taken back by Lilith’s anger

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“Please, let me continue.. You will find out soon enough”

Dina just closed her eyes in agreement

After a short pause, Lilith continued “After Victoria was turned, she became a bolder version of her human self, she would sneak out to meet strange people at all times of night”

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“Father soon realised that his experiment of turning a human into a Vampire was not going to have the same result as having a child born as a Vampire.. without Mother’s influence, and with Victoria missing her so very much, she rebelled.. badly..”

“So he wasn’t able to compel her at all?” Dina asked

“Not at all.. what was even more inconvenient was she didn’t care how angry or upset he would become. She used to feel some regret towards her arguments with him.. but now.. she had no feelings whatsoever towards him. He would find her.. every.. time..”

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“And she would laugh at him! He would demand that she return home, and she would refuse”

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“They would argue.. a lot..”

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“He would threaten her with spells and his Vamperic strength”

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“And she would laugh.. and laugh.. and laugh..” Lilith stopped

“She left one night.. It was a last argument in front of a ridiculous person dressed as a bear..that’s when she left. She disappeared and I have been unable to speak about her since.. until now.”

“How do you know she is alive?” Dina asked

“Because I watched her run away through my Father’s eyes. I know he never laid a hand on her”

“So this brings your story almost to an end.. what is going to happen now Lilith? What are you going to do to me?” Dina stared at Lilith with a bravery that she didn’t know she had

“Caleb has been experimenting for a hundred years and has worked out that he must love his partner and she must love him.. which you both do”

Dina stared at Lilith.. waiting

“He also knows that the child must be born a Vampire, which your son is.  But no human that is blood related to the child can be near him.. You can not touch your son Dina.. EVER” Lilith whispered the last few words

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“Because me and my family are able to stop his control over my son.. “ Dina looked up from her clenched hands and stared directly into Lilith’s face “Did you kill my sister Lilith?”

“Yes” Lilith stared back with a stony glare

“Did you kill my Mother Lilith?” Dina asked between sobs


“Are you going to kill me too?”


Dina’s intake of breath was difficult. She could not believe that she might have only a few breaths left before she no longer could take breath again

“Give me your hand Dina..”

Dina looked at Lilith with fear and confusion

“I need your hand so I can show you the last visions I received from the Ancient One.. the ones that shows your child.. who he is and what he will become” Lilith held out her hand to Dina

“Thank you Lilith..” Dina was openly crying now “Thank you.. “

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Watcher's Note
Thank you all for being so patient with me.. and @oshizu  I know that Caleb is looking like the bad guy, and I'm sorry! I hope that it isn't too dark and I've now actually finished the entire thing. I have 2 more updates to go! Thanks again to everyone that has been reading.. I really hope that you are still enjoying it..!  ;D

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 13 December Update. 2 UPDATES IN ONE DAY!
« Reply #97 on: December 13, 2017, 07:51:30 PM »
Enjoying it very much! *bites nails* What's going to happen  :o
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 13 December Update. 2 UPDATES IN ONE DAY!
« Reply #98 on: December 13, 2017, 10:15:39 PM »
Thank you @Playalot! I'm so pleased that you are enjoying it.. will be posting again soon!  ;D

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 13 December Update. 2 UPDATES IN ONE DAY!
« Reply #99 on: December 15, 2017, 03:56:40 AM »
No, don't apologize for who you make your characters. It's your story and the characters within your story gradually lead you down their different paths.
I do wish that Dina emerges victorious out of this whole sorry mess.

Why does Lilith feel the need to explain everything she's been doing? She's still guilty of killing Dina's family, though she blames Caleb for the whole thing.

Come on, Dina! Put on your fighting gloves and escape those vampires with your little baby boy!
Looking forward to the next update. :D

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 13 December Update. 2 UPDATES IN ONE DAY!
« Reply #100 on: December 17, 2017, 02:17:07 AM »
Thanks @oshizu - Lilith wanted Dina to know everything to help her understand that although Lilith was the one to kill her family, she had no choice as Caleb compelled her to do all of those things.. I think she was carrying the guilt of all these things even though it was completely out of her control and was hoping that Dina would understand before she.. well you know..  :(

Update will go up a bit later today (fingers crossed!) School holidays have begun and Festive Parties for the kids have also started.. wish me luck! haha

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 13 December Update. 2 UPDATES IN ONE DAY!
« Reply #101 on: December 18, 2017, 05:59:32 AM »
Hi Everyone, I have been trying to post an update and Carl has been helping me.. but it keeps telling me that the post is empty (no dialog) so am currently clearing and updating my laptop.. will hopefully get something up soon!

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 13 December Update. 2 UPDATES IN ONE DAY!
« Reply #102 on: December 18, 2017, 06:29:57 AM »
Lilith’s voice over…

“You will see the visions the same way as I did.. I’m not sure if this will hurt you or not, as I haven’t done this with a human before… get ready for the onslaught Dina…”

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He is beautiful isn't he Dina.. just a beautiful..beautiful boy

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Dina took a sharp breath seeing Caleb with her son. The mixture of joy and jealousy almost consuming her

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How does he get to be with him Lilith?? How come he is the one to love him and spend time with him and I don't?

I know Dina..

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You love him Lilith? You love him and take care of him?

I do

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Are you OK Dina?

Just keep going Lilith

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I’m losing the connection.. I don’t know how much more I can show you..

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“That’s it.. I’m sorry Dina.. that’s all I can show you.. my 30 mins is up” Lilith said sadly, speaking out loud for the first time

“So it’s time?” Dina asked with some control

“It is” Then Lilith stood up

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 18 December 2017 Update
« Reply #103 on: December 19, 2017, 10:06:10 PM »
Their little boy is adorable as both a toddler and a child. Really, one of the most beautiful "sons of Caleb" I've seen so far.

I'm sad that Caleb has so little faith in Dina--he never even gave her the benefit of the doubt. Dina is not his first wife!
I grieve that Dina cannot find some way out of her dilemma but, in this situation, either Dina or Lilith must die, I guess.
Or Lilith could have a last-minute change of heart and decide to spare Dina. How will she live with her guilt?
Seek Vlad's assistance to intervene? I initially thought Vlad was the villain and now I'm not sure what his part is in all of Caleb's planning.

Oh Dina! The fates have treated you so unkindly!   :'(  :'(   :'(   :'(

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Re: Her Lasting Legacy- 18 December 2017 Update
« Reply #104 on: December 19, 2017, 11:28:14 PM »

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“Is she dead?? Shouldn’t she be awake by now?”

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Oh no!

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“Are you sure you did it right?”

“Ladies! Stop yelling.. she’s going through the last moments of her life.. give her some time”

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What is happening to me?? I can hear people.. but see nothing but Lilith..

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“Dina.. !! Wake Up!!”

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“Are you sure you gave her the right potion?”

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Potion? Wait.. who is that talking?

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“Oh come on!! For the last time!! I was sitting right next to her wearing that Gawd awful Llama mask.. I watched her drink it!”

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“What’s.. what’s happening?? How am I alive?? What’s going on?” Dina croaked voice spoke out

“It’s OK, take a deep breath.. give your body some time to adjust.. Girls!! Get some water”

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“Here.. You have been laying still for a few months.. You need to sip only.. You will want to gulp, but please only sip”

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“Who are you?.. What or where am I?” Dina looked up into very familiar eyes

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“Well I’m Victoria of course! Didn’t Lilith tell you all about me?” Victoria looked at Dina with kind eyes  “We have some time to explain before we need to get going.. why don’t you stand up and have a look around… Oh!!” Victoria started giggling “Do you think you can stand?”

Dina looked down at her hands and feet and tried moving them.. then nodded at Victoria. With a little bit of help she finally stood up and looked around

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